Drew Love

By Kent Simmons

Published on Mar 9, 2001



"I can not believe this . . . " I thought, as the car rounded the corner and pulled into the parking lot of the condominium my grandparents called home. The front lawn was littered with old people, sitting, feeding birds, talking . . . it was like a re-run of "The Golden Girls" out here!

The car came to a stop and my parents and I got out, stretching our legs after the long trip. I stood looking at the big sign at the entrance to the lot - "Hidden Pines Retirement Vista" - as if the word vista made it seem more exciting and less of an old age home! I was being dumped here by my parents for two weeks while they went off to Paris. I was 17 and could easily take care of myself, but my parents had the habit of babying me and treating me as if I were 7, so they decided instead to take a two hour drive to "Hidden Pines" and let grandma and grandpa watch over me!

I got my bags out of the trunk and began lugging them up over the stairs to the top floor. I caught sight of an activities list: shuffle board in the games room, lawn bowling in the rear, daily floating lessons in the pool . . . it sounded like torture! Sadly, I slumped over my suitcase and continued to drag it to the top. Once I got inside nan and pop's apartment and unpacked my bags, mom and dad said their goodbyes and took off for the airport while I was left with the geezers! We watched a little "Matlock", ate a little Jell-o, and then they both went to bed early, promising more of the same tomorrow! I smiled politely and then slinked off to my room, where I climbed into bed and dreamed that the whole experience would soon be over.

I awoke at 7 to the sounds of my grandparents talking to someone. I got out of bed, pulled on a shirt, and trudged wearily out into the hall to investigate and the sight that awaited me brought a tingle to my body and a chill to my heart. My grandma was standing in the kitchen talking to the most gorgeous man I'd ever seen! He had short blonde hair and blue eyes, a chiseled jaw and broad, square shoulders. His huge, defined upperbody was clad in a tight, white T-shirt bearing the logo of the "vista" and he wore tight red shorts on his tree trunk legs! But the most beautiful aspect of him was his smile. He chatted with my nan, smiling away, flashing teeth the color of perfect snowflakes. I zipped back into the room, hoping he hadn't seen me gawking at him in my ratty boxer shorts and old yellowed T-shirt. I peeked around the corner to watch the conversation some more, and study this hot specimen, but he was gone. I ventured further out into the hall, and found my grandma making breakfast and humming to herself, alone. "Who was that?" I asked. "Who was who?" "That guy." "Oh Drew!" grandma exclaimed, turning around. "He's sort of a program administrator and grounds keeper around here. Nice guy!" I walked over to the window and sighed. Perhaps my visit would not be so bad after all!

I sighed a lot in the next few days, and today I sighed as I peered out my bedroom window down toward the pool where the handsome and sexy Drew was now clearing the water, scooping out garbage and other non-pool related objects which had fallen in. He wore his usual uniform (tight shirt and red shorts) and I smiled to myself as I watched his biceps pulsing in the restraining sleeves. He bent over to retrieve a bar wrapper and I oggled his firm ass, observing the outline of his briefs under his restrictive shorts. Time wore on and I could see sweat glistening on his noble forehead, until he eventually took the waist of his shirt in both hands and pulled the flimsy material up and over his head, tossing it into a pool chair. A gasp escaped my slightly parted lips as I viewed for the first time his Greek-like physique and the chiseled definition of his upper body. His broad chest and muscular pecs were accentuated by the flat male nipples which peaked them. His stomach was well-carved and cut to reveal a perfect six-pack and his shorts sat just below his hips, exposing the waist band of his briefs. I continued to watch him grunt and groan over the stenuous tasks he performed, beads of sweat forming on his perfect, tanned torso, until I saw him grab a cup from the pool deck, bend over, fill it with water, and pour it over his head.

Water ran in rivulets over his body, trickling over every crevice and definition, cascading onto his shorts, making them wet and clingy. My own shorts were tenting out about a mile and as I began to touch and rub my hardness, Drew glanced up in my direction, smiled, and waved!

I was speechless and mindless! I fell back out of the window onto my bed and lost myself, cumming in my boxers until I could take it no more! Then I lay exhausted for some time, before finally getting up and getting a shower, all the while dreaming of Drew . . . Drew . . . DREW!

Several days passed, and I couldn't sleep, could hardly eat, and consumed all my time with carefully watching and thinking of the gorgeous hunk who graced my presence just a few days before. That's why when my grandparents invited me to join them at a Bingo Competition, I declined, deciding instead to get some much needed sleep. I lay restless on the couch for hours until I finally drifted off to Dreamland, where my head was flooded with images of the day Drew and I would finaly come together. The dream was so realistic I could smell his cologne, feel his touch, hear him calling my name . . . Kent . . . Kent . . .you must be . . . "Hello? You must be Kent!" I awoke from my dream, startled to see the object of my affection standing over me, shaking my arm and calling my name. My jaw dropped and I screamed! Drew just laughed. "Sorry to scare you. No one answered the door!" "The . . . the door was locked" I stanmmered. "Yeah." he explained. "I have a key to the apartments, you know. In case anything happens to the old folks . . . not that anything would happen to your grandparents but . . ." "I understand." I assured him, gaining composure. "Well, I just came to drop off these bus tickets for the field trip tomorrow. I only brought two . . . I didn't think you'd want to see a cheese factory?" "Not exactly my idea of fun-filled day" I laughed. We both laughed. "So what are you gonna do all day instead?" Drew asked. "Sleep some more?" I smiled. "Maybe . . . what else is there to do?" "I can see how this place might seem boring to someone your age" Drew agreed. "I got it! How about you hang out with me tomorrow? I have to do a few things around here first, and then we can hang out at my place. What do you say?" What do I say? I say YES! THIS IS MY DREAM COME TRUE! But in order to seem a little less excited, I simply smiled, nodded, and said "Sure." "Well, my apartment is on the basement floor next to the steam room at the end of the hall. . . room 12 . . . meet me there around 7 am tomorrow and we can get started!" I agreed to be there, and then watched Drew's tight little ass shimmy out the door, as I sank back into the pillow, fantasizing about the results of my adventures tomorrow!

I stood outside the door to room 12 in my jeans and T-shirt, waiting for there to be some answer. It was quarter after seven and I'd been waiting outside the door for almost twenty minutes. Finally, Drew came to the door. He had on a housecoat, tied loosely at the waist and hanging open to reveal the valley between his pecs, teasing me with the vision of something more.

"Oh sorry, dude. I almost forgot about today! Thanks for waking me. Come on in!"

He left the door opened and walked into the apartment. I followed behind him and looked around the place. Kinda shabby and run down, only one room that doubled as kitchen/living room/bedroom, but the bed was gorgeous. A big four poster with curtains on all sides, like a bed out of a fairy tale.

Drew saw me staring and smiled. "It doesn't really fit in with the rest of the furniture, huh?" he laughed. "It was my grandmothers. She started this place!"

I nodded as he went into his room to change, conveniently leaving the door open just a crack. I heard the robe fall to the floor softly and as I peaked through the crack, trying to catch a glimpse, I saw his naked hip zip by from one side of the room to the other.

A naked hip? That one glance was enough to satisfy me for the rest of my stay here!

Drew finally emerged in his work uniform and we proceeded to the pool.

"I've got a class here with some ladies before they all head off on the tour. Then we can do some intensive cleaing. Sound fun?"

I smiled and laughed. The truth was, I didn't care if it was fun, as long as it was time with Drew.

We arrived at the pool and saw that it was filled with chubby, gray-haired women in floral bathing suits, pink caps, and nose plugs, some with orange floaty things!

"All right girls!" Drew called. "Let's get started!"

Drew pulled off his shirt, and then dropped his shorts, kicking them to the side. He stood alongside the pool in a blue Speedo, looking perfect and beautiful as usual. Soon his body disappeared under the water and I sat mesmorized as I watched him splash about, float,and instruct the ladies for about half an hour.

When he had finished, he climbed from the pool, water escaping from his form and running back into the pool.

"Time to hit the showers!" he smiled, heading toward the locker room.

I had no excuse to get a shower, having not entered the pool, so I merely waited outside while Drew cleansed himself. As much as I wanted to watch, the shower room was a big open space and secret viewing would be impossible. I waited patiently until Drew imerged, wrapped in a short, white towel. He applied some deodorant, and then pulled on his shirt. He was about to drop his towel, but then saw me watching.

"Turn around, man!" he laughed. So I did, grudgingly, but I heard his towel drop and his bag open.

"Ok, you can look now" he said, and I turned back around, seeing Drew in his underwear. He had his back to me and I could vaguely see the outline of his taut ass. Pulling on his shorts, he spun to face me.

"Now we clean the sauna. You ready?"

I had been ready all my life, so I nodded and followed Drew, first to the maintenance room to get some sponges, then to the steam room next to his apartment. The room was divided into two areas. The main room was a change room with rows of lockers. On the left was a door leading to the sauna. On the right was another door leading to the hot tub. We entered on the left.

For almost two hours we scrubbed and polished till the sauna sparkled and shined. Drew did most of the work since I spent the majority of my time watching him on all fours getting covered in creamy, white . . soap.

"How do we know if it's clean?" I asked him when we were finished.

"We test it out!" he said, smiling, holding up the keys. "The old folks are gone. I think we deserve some relaxation!"

Drew went and locked the main door, then turned the steam on. We stood for a while in the change area.

"Um . . . not to be a party pooper . . . but what are we gonna wear?"

"Usually you go in these things naked,"


"but we can do it in underwear, I suppose!"


As the sauna room filled with steam, Drew and I pulled off our clothes, hanging them in a locker, I was wearing a pair of white athletic boxers, and Drew was wearing his classic tightie-whities. When he opened the door, steam flowed out, circling his nearly nude body like a fine mist.

We both entered and sat down on the bench. It was pretty hot, and it wasn't long before my body was covered in sweat! I tried to concentrate on not getting hard in these boxers, since it would make things really obvious, but Drew looked so hot, sprawled off on the bench, legs wide open, body gleaming with perspiration. His shorts were soaked with sweat and the outline of his cock was slightly visible. Even soft it filled the pouch of his underwear, forming a fairly huge bulge.

"These things are so relaxing!" I casually mentioned, hoping it might account in Drew's mind for my obvious semi-hardon.

"Wait till you see the jacuzzi!" he smiled, sliding toward me through the steam. He got up off the bench and walked toward the door. I studied his tight buns in his mist-soaked briefs.

"Are you coming?" he asked, glancing back over his shoulder at me, opening the door.

'I will be tonight, fantasizing about THIS' I thought, getting up and following him.

We went into the hot tub room and Drew turned on the jets, heating the water to perfection. We chatted while the water got hotter, and my half-hard dick would not go down. Just the fact that I was standing here with this god in his underwear, about to enter a hot tub with him, was enough to make me orgasm! Finally, the water was warm enough and we both climbed in, moving to opposite corners of the tub.

We lay in the warm, bubbling water for hours, soaking up the heat and relaxing our tired muscles. The tub was quite small and leg room was hard to find. I spent the majority of the time watching Drew reclining, his eyes closed, his muscular pecs bobbing just above the surface of the water. After a while, my dick began to grow, and my white briefs were becoming a tad restrictive. I shifted my legs to get a bit more comfortable and in the process, my foot brushed against Drew's crotch, and my toe felt something hard and stiff.

Drew immediatey opened his eys and looked at me with shock. I tried to explain myself, how it had just been a mistake, but before I could, Drew began to laugh.

"It's ok!" he smiled. "There's not much room in here. It could have happened to anyone."

I sighed a sigh of relief and closed my own eyes, thanking God that Drew was so understanding. I lay back agaist the side of the tub and opened my legs, being sure to avoid any area of Drew's body.

It must have been but a few short minutes later when I felt something against my inner thigh. Drew's toe.

I stayed perfectly still so as not to offend Drew by accusing him of the same mistake I had made, but after a few minutes, his toe hadn't moved away. In fact, it had slipped a little further up my leg and was now dangerously close to a very sensitive area. Not that I was complaining! In fact, Drew probably wasn't even aware he was caressing my thigh, and I wasn't about to correct him!

When his toe finally came to the edge of my boxers, it continued to move upwards along the wet material, until it came to the place where my thighs met. Here it stopped briefly, pulling away. I figured Drew had discovered his mistake and sprang back in shock, but within seconds, the toe had returned, this time on my balls.

I opened my eyes.

There was Drew.

Staring straight at me.

Smiling, seductively.

My heart leapt into my throat as Drew began massaging my balls with his toes, rubbing and caressing them through the material of my boxers. He continued to smile, and when he stopped kneading my sac with his toes, slid foreword, and replaced his toes with his fingers on my thighs, I melted.

Drew began to caress my inner thigh, and I quivered with delight and shock! I had no intention of making any move toward Drew, considering I had assumed he was straight, but now here he was, making a move on ME!

His fingers trailed lightly up my leg toward my crotch and I knew that once he found my loosely covered hardon I would blow my load all over him. I think Drew knew this too, because he stopped just inches away from my wet balls and pulled his hands away to touch my cheek. He let his palm rest against my blushing face for a few moments before gently stroking my chin and neck, moving slowly to my chest. When his hands had found my young pecs, he leaned forward and our lips met in an explosion of sparks and magic! For what seemed like forever, Drew stroked my chest and face, our mouthes melding together into one mouth, our tongues exploring areas I hadn't even known existed! My whole body broke into goosebumps and I shivered under Drew's gentle touch. Finally, he pulled away and smiled at me again with that perfect smile, melting me even further.

"I knew when I first saw you that I had to have you!" Drew confessed, blushing slightly. "I watched you sleeping there and I wanted so badly to kiss you like we just did. But I had to be sure!"

"I know exactly what you mean!" I agreed. "I felt the same way!"

We kissed again, this time much longer and much more passionately. Drew's hands found there way to my stomach and then to the waistband of my boxer's. I groaned into his warm mouth as his fingers pulled back the white elastic and slipped inside the loose pouch, finding their way to my abdomen, lightly covered in hair. Slipping lower, moving past my rigid pole, his hands found my balls and he began to cup them each seperately.

"I can't wait to get these guys into my mouth" he whispered into my ear, softly, and I nearly lost it! Drew squeezed and massaged my nuts and I moaned in pure delight. Then, all of sudden, he quickly pulled away one hand and grabbed the shaft of my hard dick firmly. To my delight, he began pumping the rod up and down while cupping my balls, rhythmically. I could feel my climax creeping closer and closer. The look of my face must have clued Drew in that I was about to go, so he stopped and sat back.

"You want something to play with?" he asked me.

I nodded . . . slowly . . .

Drew stood up before me in al his glory and I was immediately face to face with his stiffy, enclosed in his wet briefs. The thing was massive!! It could hardly fit in his tight white undies and it seemed to be saying "Free me! Free me!"

Could I ignore it? No!

I ran my fingers over Drew's beautiful stomach and then around to his tight butt, firm and taut. Gradually, I eased my way to the front and began caressing the long, solid staff through his underwear. It was at least 10 inches long and I just had to see it "in the flesh" so I pulled Drew's briefs down to his knees and was confronted with "The Beast." The tip was cut, revealing a huge mushroom-shaped head. His cock was thick and seemed to go on forever. AS I sat, silently admiring this fabulous hunk of meat, Drew arched his hips, and his dick smacked me in the cheek.

This started a little game, with Drew trying to smack my cheeks and me trying to catch the mammoth hard-on in my mouth. Finally, Drew's cock-head brushed my lip, and with one flick of my tongue I snatched it and drew it in.

Just having the humongous thing inside my mouth was like being in heaven! Drew began writhing in pleasure as I sucked his dick, flicking my tongue over the sensitive tip, brushing it against my teeth. He let out a few whimpers and grunts which spurred me on even further. Soon, I had shoved the whole thing deep into my throat and when I knew Drew could take no more, I let it slip out and dangle in front of my face.

Drew leaned in and whispered into my ear: "Let's take this somewhere more comfortable" and with that he climbed out of the tub, exposing his entire god-like form to my gaping eyes. Grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around the area I had come to love and watched as I exited the pool as well. When I moved toward him to grab my own towel, he stopped me, pulling me up against him. I could feel his hardness pressed against my abdomen as he said "I bet you'll find more interesting things to do around here now, huh?" And with that, he kissed me and lead me out into the locker room and then out into the hallway.

I was shocked to be naked in the hallway, wrapped only in Drew's arms, but I didn't care. I stood quivering as Drew unlocked his apartment door and showed me inside.

Once again I was greeted by the messiness of Drew's shabby apartment. However, this time I was too lost in the pure ecstasy I was feeling to care. My eyes focused on the beautiful bed in the room's center. Drew approached it slowly, turned, and then sat down on it, motioning for me to follow.

I strutted toward the seated god, my half-hard cock swinging from left to right. Drew followed its slow, rhythmic swing back and forth, back and forth, until I was so close to him that I could feel his warm breath on the tip of my dick.

I smiled and arched my hips toward him. Drew opened his lips slightly and I felt a pant of excitement escape his tempting mouth. When the head of my penis finally came within tongue's length of Drew, I waited until he was about to take it into his waiting mouth, then I slipped it away from him. I moved it forward again, and once again withdrew it just before Drew could snatch it. Finally, I thrust my pelvis and Drew's hot, sticky tongue found the crown of my cock and sucked it past his teeth and down his throat.

I screamed, and that is no exaggeration. The sound that escaped my lips as Drew first took my rod into his mouth will forever be imprinted on my memory. After the scream, I quieted down somewhat, and concentrated on holding my cum. I listened to the slurping noises of Drew devouring my man-meat and the occasional sigh that parted my tight squeezed lips. I tired so hard to keep from reaching an orgasm, but after a half-hour of Drew blowing me, I couldn't help it anymore! I begged Drew to stop, but he continued right up until the moment I was about to climax! Then he lay back on the bed and watched as my dick pulsed above him.

I closed my eyes and waited for the pleasure to subside and when I opened them, Drew was resting comfortably on the bed, legs spread wide, his eyes luring me toward him. I kneeled on the bed and crawled slowly up between his legs until we were face to face. Drew wrapped his massive arms around my back and then pulled me down onto him, enveloping my mouth in passionate kisses. He pressed his stony pole against me and then, in one swift movement, we rolled over so that he was on top of me. Sitting up, his ass upon my pillar of solidness, he looked down upon me and ran his hands over my upper body, gently and smoothly.

"I wanna fuck your tight little ass, Kent, my boy!" Drew uttered harshly, and then he grabbed my thighs and flipped me gruffly onto my stomach. My cock was forced down into the bed as Drew re-positioned himself on the backs of my legs and started softly kissing my lower back muscles.

"Bite the pillow if you have to, Kent, cause there's only one way I do this . . . and that's HARD!"

With that, I felt Drew's long, thick staff ram inside my virgin hole and I squealed in both pain and delight. "It's ok," Drew whispered tenderly into my ear. "I'll be gentle."

Slowly, he slid his man meat back and forth inside my body . . . in and out . . . in and out . . . and with each prolonged, sensitive stroke I moaned softly into the pillow. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore. I arched my back and screamed, "Faster!"

Drew removed his cock from me, and in one quick motion he was in me again. After that, the events became ablur. I know that Drew started humping my ass, driving his huge dick into me over and over again. I panted and groaned, sweat forming on my tensed muscles and running down my back to the spot where Drew and I were united as one. At last, after what seemed like an eternity of pure bliss, Drew removed his pole and cum flew up onto my shoulders and back.

He lay on top of me for awhile and I felt his manliness softening against my back, his juices sticking to his chest and my upper back. After a short rest, I rolled over so that i was now on top of him and then pulled away, my hands resting on either side of his head. I moved doiwn his body, till I found remnants of his jizz on one pec. Seductively, I licked it off and then moved down his body. I paid no attention to his now once again throbbing penis, but rather went straight to his puckered hole, red and waiting. I whipped my tongue quickly out of my mouth, flicking it over the rim of his ass. It tightened, and then relaxed again, making me smile and repeat the action with the same results. He was ready for me!

I sat up and lifted Drew's muscular calves over my head, resting them on my shoulders. Positioning myself just right, I looked at him and slyly said, "Now it's your turn!" With that, I forced my pulsating dick inside his crack, driving it deeper and deeper into his Cave of Rapture. I shoved it in and out, in and out, and when Drew began begging me to cum, I slowed down and refused to end the deed. At last, when I knew he';d soon bust, I pulled my throbbing tool out of him and blew my load all over his chest and even up onto his face. Globs of my semen landed on his cheeks and chin, and even a small drop attached itself to his nose. With slow, tender, passion, I moved up to his mouth, licked my own cum off his face and then kissed him, full and hard, on the lips

We lay quietly in his grandmother's bed for hours until we were finally able to move. We made love four times after that, and when I returned back to my grandparent's apartment, they were already asleep (even though it was only 7 PM.) I lay in my tiny cot for hours just thinking about my experiences that day, and all the fun things Drew and I would do in the weeks remaining in my trip. Maybe the "Hidden Pines Retirement Vista" would become a regular vacation spot! Only time would tell . . .

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