Dreams of Love

By Kyla Townend

Published on Dec 3, 2002


Here it is, Chapter 3. Sorry about the delay everyone, school caught up to me. :)

Well, enjoy! And remember to send me any feedback you may have.

Chapter 3 -- Just 1 Kiss

I ran home only to find that Robbie, Jason, and Mark were already waiting for me. I cursed as I walked by, only to receive whistles at what I was wearing. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Come on guys, let's go," I suggested as I walked into the apartment, the three boys following close behind.

Once we got up to my house, I let the guys into my room, where they started unhooking my stereo and "readying it" for transport to Mark's house--where the "grad party" would be. I, on the other hand, started pulling clothes out of my closet, including a blue thong out of my drawer.

Jason saw the thong and said, "Who are you dressing up, or down for tonight?"

My face must have turned 4 shades darker red than it had been. I gave him the finger. There was no way I was going to admit that I was wearing the thong in the hopes that, some way, Catherine would see it. I was starting to get worried about the sudden rush of emotions I was feeling.

I made my way into the washroom. I wiped the thought out of my mind as I wiped my face with a wet cloth--removing most of the makeup I had been wearing. I quickly reconsidered my decision. I grabbed my makeup bag and started reapplying thicker mascara, new eyeliner, some light eye shadow, and a light, almost gloss-like lipstick.

Although it may have seemed like I was dressing up by all the makeup I was putting on, I changed my clothes. I put on a pair of stonewashed low-riding hip-huggers, hoping someone would get a glimpse of my new thong. I also changed my bra to a light blue, almost transparent, lacy one that looked somewhat like the thong. I reconsidered again, but decided to keep the bra. I pulled on a tight, white tank top, and made my way back to my room.

The guys were ready to go. After discarding the clothes I had changed out of into my laundry basket, I grabbed a sweater to put over (so I didn't look like that much of a slut). As I was closing my drawer, I felt someone pinch my ass. I turned and gave the guys a look that was as cold as ice, but then changed it into a look of intrigue and stated, "Come on boys, we've got a long night ahead of us."

We left my house and started our journey. It was only a five to ten minute walk from my house to Mark's. We made it there, set up the stereo in his basement, and wasted time watching TV and listening to music.

At about 8pm, the four of us made our way to the school to meet Jesse who had collected money from all of the grads who wanted anything for the night (anything being liquor specifically). We seated ourselves at the hill above the schoolyard and waited as Mark rollerbladed to the front of the school to meet him. After about 10 minutes, Mark reappeared to our relief.

We made our way to the store as quickly as we could--the liquor store would be closing at 9pm. We went right past the whole mall, even the liquor store, until we reached the tanning salon.

We made our way up the stairs to the second level to meet Daniel. Daniel was Hispanic, about 5'7, and pretty built for a 15-year-old. He was at the tanning salon visiting his sister, Sarah. Sarah and her boyfriend would be the ones getting our liquor.

I greeted Daniel with a hug, as I usually do. I gave him the cash--almost $150--and told him exactly what we needed. He wrote it on a piece of paper and made his way to the back office to see his sister. Mark, Robbie, Jason and I waited patiently in the waiting room.

Sarah, accompanied by two large males, walked up to us and read the sheet in her hand, "24 Orange Vex, 24 Raspberry, 24 Lemon, and 12 Smirnoff Ice--is that right?"

I nodded compliantly as I gave her the once-over. She had a pretty nice body, nicely accented by her tanned skin. She had tight curves, maybe a B-cup, pushing a C, with an ass almost irresistible to grab.

"Ok, you guys wait here, we'll be back in about 10 minutes, alright?" she smiled.

I nodded once more, "Thanks so much for doing this for us,"

She smiled back once more, and at that, they left--and we waited.

About fifteen minutes later, the three kind souls returned with three large cardboard boxes--unsealed--that contained our individual packages of liquor. It was highly obvious that they contained liquor, which created a problem for the four of us who had to transport them since we were all underage to drink.

We thanked them once more, and tried to divide the carrying responsibilities as evenly as possible. Luckily, me being the only girl, I was left to only carry the 12-pack of Smirnoff. Daniel carried four 6-packs, Jason, and Robbie each carried three 6-packs, whereas Mark, on his rollerblades, supported two 6-packs.

Roman, the owner of the salon, directed us towards the back exit. It spat us out in an alley that lead down to a forested area by a creek. All living in the premises, we knew the police did a regular sweep of this area, so we ran, as fast as we could, while still making sure the liquor was alright, to a spot we had designated in the forest.

We made it no problem.

Once we were in the bushes for about 10-15 minutes, we started hearing voices along the pathway that ran alongside the creek. Although the pathway was on the opposite side of the creek of us, if we made too much noise, we could easily be heard.

We sat completely still for close to 5 minutes, and then realized the voices were not leaving--they were stationary on the bridge that ran across the creek, and almost right next to where we were.

Mark and Jason had to run back to the school and then to Mark's house to finish setting up. We realized that waiting any longer would just be foolish, so they slyly made their way out and back through the alleyway, making as little noise as possible.

Robbie, Daniel and I were left alone with the $150 worth of liquor (not to mention the fact that Daniel had almost $300 worth of weed down his boxers), with no idea what was going on. We remained stagnant for another half-hour or so, and then decided to take our chances.

I snuck out of the bush to the alleyway where a bunch of milk-crates were sitting. I grabbed three and brought them back to the spot. We placed the packages into the crates, and placed the cardboard boxes over them in order to cover up what was in the crates.

We exited the bushes only to see a police cruiser at the end of the alleyway. "Fuck," muttered Robbie.

"Shh." I snapped as I slid in behind a large truck and started making my way down to the other end of the alley. The two boys followed. I could feel shots of pain moving up and down my arms--this load was significantly heavier than the original one.

To my relief, a group of guys with familiar faces started running down the alley towards us to our aid. The guys were more than happy to relieve me of my carrying responsibilities. My arms felt like they had new extensions as Jesse lifted the crate with ease from them.

Making sure to overly-complain about my arms, I hopped onto Mark's back (he was no longer on his rollerblades).

"I thought your arms were hurting, not your legs," He poked. I playfully hit his shoulder.

"Please," I whimpered into his ear.

He sighed then gave me a piggyback-ride the rest of the way back to his house. (Hehehe, it's good being a girl)

Once we got back, graduates were starting to arrive, as were we, only to be disappointed. Mark's grandparents were supposed to have left for the night--but much to our surprise, and dismay, they hadn't. Mark's dad intercepted us before we entered the house and told us the news. We were near devastation. Nonetheless, we started moving the liquor from the crates into backpacks.

Once we were done, we decided to just grab the packs and start walking. We decided to head back to the creek area where there was an opening--it would be a good enough spot since it was well concealed. So we started our walk. (Being 14-15-16-17, it was a rarity to have a friend who actually drove, so we walked everywhere)

I was walking beside Catherine who was now dressed down into normal clothes: a pair of jeans, a black baby-tee, and a jacket. Suddenly I felt someone grip me from behind by my hips, and I turned to see (and meet) for the first time, Damien.

Damien was about an inch taller than me, dark-skinned, slender shaped--didn't seem like he held much muscle, but enough to fill the right spots. Already it seemed he had taken a liking to me, and he was quite the "touchy-feely" type. I shrugged him off.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?" I retorted as I turned to face him.

"I'm yours," he replied as he scrolled his hands up and down my sides. Of course many people were witnessing this display since we had just halted in the middle of a walking crowd.

I grabbed his hands and twisted his wrists, and made a motion of my leg towards his crotch. "Now, I've got you in a very compromising position, so what are you going to do?"

Catherine was enjoying this. It actually was quite funny to see the look of surprise and horror on Damien's face. Catherine chuckled a bit. I loved her laugh.

"A'ight, I see how it is," Damien stated as he backed off.

Catherine and I walked on, both laughing about what had just happened.

We reached the spot. It was perfect. The creek and forested area covered us from the alley where the police patrolled, but there were several "escape-routes" from the spot we were in (just in case the police did decide to break up our little celebration).

It was a downhill slope towards the actual creek, and it created somewhat of a bowl-- optimal to sit in/on. So we sat, and commenced our drinking.

After about an hour, Cat and me decided that we were really hungry, and so, knowing that Damien was my pawn, I decided to ask him for some money.

"Damien," I said in my sweetest voice as I approached him. His eyes lit up at my tone. "Do you want to give me and Cat some money to get food?"

As I said this, I walked right up to him and hugged him loosely around the neck, pressing my forehead against his, looking straight in his eyes. "Please," I pleaded, pursing my lips to create somewhat of a pathetic look (hey, I was quite drunk at this point).

He paused as if to think, "Alright...but what are you gonna do for me?" He gave me a devilish grin, as he looked me up and down slowly. It took all my drunken numbness to stop me from slapping him right then.

"What do you want?" I asked, as I raised an eyebrow, just to please him.

He broke the hug, "Catherine, come here!" I was completely puzzled.

She scampered over, a completely innocent look on her face, "What's up?" I wanted her right then and there.

Damien looked at Catherine, and then at me. He did this several times before he spoke, and I was starting to get an idea of what he wanted.

"You're both, really sexy girls, you know that?" He licked his lips. "You two want money from ME?" We nodded. "You gotta earn it,"

A smile crept over his face and soon stretched from cheek to cheek.

"So...what do you want then?" Catherine asked curiously.

He turned to me, "I want you, and her--" he said, pointing at Catherine. I knew it. "To kiss."

Catherine looked completely shocked at this request. I was somewhat flattered by the fact that I was right, and also that if Catherine agreed, I would soon be lip-locked with her-- something I had only dreamed of.

Catherine looked at me, nervousness in her eyes. It seemed like she was looking to see what my reaction was (which I thought would completely give me away). I gave a firm look, almost signaling her to accept the request, but not making myself too obvious.

Her eyes lit up, and she seemed almost relieved--remember, we were both drunk.

"Ok," she spoke, after a long, strange stretch of silence. "We'll do it."

A shot of nervousness and joy shot through my body, and it only thickened when I saw the look of shock and a childish smile of excitement creep over Damien. He looked at me as if to verify what he had just heard.

"Yeah, we'll do it--no big deal." I confirmed.

His voice almost cracked as he said, "I wanna see some tongue too, it's gotta be worth my money."

"Is there any other way?" I joked. Catherine just smiled. Damn that smile.

"Ok, here's the deal," Catherine intervened. "5 bucks for 30 seconds, alright?"

Damien simply nodded his head frantically in amazement.

Catherine and me turned to face each other, both of us looking deeply into the other's eyes. I could see the nervousness, and slight excitement she was trying to hide. I could read her like a book.

I made the first advance, she responding by moving inwards. Our lips touched gently, softly, sweetly--I wanted to hold on to this moment for the rest of my life. The kiss then started to get more heated as I slid my tongue between her lips, openly, for Damien to see. Her tongue touched up against mine, and we both soon became completely engulfed in the passion of the moment.

I soon felt Catherine's hands on my hips, pulling me inwards, pulling me deeper into the kiss. I replied by placing my hands on her shoulders, working them down her sides, eventually reaching the small of her back, toying with the idea of grabbing her ass, but instead I rested them on her hips.

The kiss went on forever, and I suddenly became very aware that we had far surpassed the 30-second mark. I started to pull out a bit, and it seemed almost as if Catherine was disappointed that I did so. She seemed to yearn for more.

The kiss lightened, and soon tongues were no longer involved, it was just light pecking-- the closing of a beautiful blend of emotions, and saliva.

We let go of each other and backed away, I opened my eyes and immediately met hers, looking for a sign of what she was thinking. She seemed quite pleased at what had just taken place. This wildly excited me. Then I realized that Damien was still standing at our side.

I turned my head to see him, standing wide-eyed, jaw dropped to its full extent. I was almost close to tears from my level of laughter at the sight. Catherine chimed in with her laughter; she was pleased with his reaction too.

"I think that deserves ten dollars," I broke through the laughter.

"Yeah, definitely." Catherine agreed with a smile.

Still completely shocked, Damien did not speak, but simply reached into his wallet and pulled out a ten-dollar bill. I took it from his hands.

"Thank you sweetie," I whispered in his ear and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Let us know if we can do anything else for you." Catherine chuckled and kissed him on the opposite cheek.

At that point, we just walked off, leaving Damien in his stupor. We laughed the whole way to the Hasty Market convenience store (that was at the plaza) about what had just happened, and agreed that if we got hungry later, we would definitely have to do a repeat- performance.

After the kiss, I was completely open and ready to go much further. I wanted something more. The kiss had been my first intimate moment since I had broke up with my boyfriend a month earlier. I wanted more.But more than anything, I wanted a repeat performance--with an encore. --

That's it, Chapter 3. Hope you're all still with me. :)

Remember to send any feedback to sexy_kyla@hotmail.com

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