
By moc.loa@918CnevetS

Published on Feb 2, 2000



The TV is on with the sound on mute and I hear the sound of cars and trucks running by the outside of the building just close enough for me to hear the tires rubbing against the asphalt as they go by. I can't find much to do in this little town and the closest source of entertainment is a half hour away, not exactly what I wanted but it is after all just another evening out of town with nothing to do.

I work for a computer company that installs systems in businesses for general operations. This job takes me everywhere and usually for a few weeks at a time with the weekend at home with the family. It's hard, but the pay is good and I like what I do.

I have a normal life, Wife: children and bills to boot. My wife and I met fifteen years ago and hit it off. We feel in love, bought a home and started to build our lives together which included having a child. Our lives were thrown into a constant turmoil with an ex-wife and older daughter that always wanted more money than I had. A job that kept cutting my salary and people who just didn't seem to care enough but at the heart of it all I had my family and it was a good heart. Life went on through hills and valleys just like everyone else, and I tried to do the right thing whenever I could.

Then there is the fact that I am not what you call a normal guy in most people's eyes. I like to cross dress and dream of becoming what I am not, a woman. Every since I was 10 it was apparent to me that my mind did not fit my body and at every turn, every chance, I tried to explore the possibilities that my imagination would present to me in dreams. Dreams, the one place where anything is possible yet uncontrollable. We think that we can control our dreams but while we are there it plays us like life itself with blind corners and dark alleys that spark our inquisitive minds. It's so easy to find yourself lost in a dream feeling the moment and unsure of where it will take you next. So real at times, and so very different from real life that you aren't sure if it is real or an illusion. The following is a story that even I am not sure of. In all it's complexities, all it colors and sounds I am still not sure how it happened or if it happened but I will let you be the judge of that. It is, after all, my perception of events and emotions that sparked another reality, a reality that took me to a place that I only dared to go, a place where I met . . . . . .myself.

Lying in bed, next to my Wife: I couldn't help but study her body from top to bottom. Her wide hips, her large breasts and long hair. Oh how I wished for these things for me over the past many years. My hand reached out for her, touching her back. My hand rubbed up and down for several minutes until I got her attention.

Wife: "Aren't you tired?"

Me: "No, just thinking."

Wife: "About what?"

Me: "I don't know, just thinking about all sorts of things I guess."

Wife: "Like what? Do you want to talk or something?"

Me: "Well, not really sure honey. I've been getting these feelings again and I'm just trying to deal with them the best that I can."

Wife: "You mean the transsexual feelings? Is that it?"

Me: "Yes. . . . I guess so."

I explained my feelings to my wife on many occasions, and even though it threatened her femininity and status as my wife she did the best she could to deal with it. At times we would talk, and other times we would play little "pretend" games that I had breasts. This gave me a little excitement at the time but later I felt so guilty. It's so hard talking about your feelings on a subject that is, well, let's just say so "Off Color". I have to give her credit though she tried very hard.

Wife: "Talk to Me: please. You know if you get it off your chest you might just feel a little better if not for just a while."

I just looked away and said, "I know I it bothers you that I have these feelings about my sexuality like this but I can't help it. I don't feel right in this body and never have felt right. If there was a way to be a woman, a real woman, I would jump at the chance. If it wasn't for the thought of loosing you and my daughter I might even have SRS tomorrow."

It was quiet in our room. The silence filled the air and stabbed me like a hundred needles while I waited for her reply. Had I said too much this time? Was I too direct? What would you think if you were her?

She rolled over on her right side which left her facing me. Her eyes transfixed on the sheets as she spoke. . . . . "Honey, you know I would do anything for you but there was a way to give you what you wanted I would find it for you. Believe me when I say that I Love You. Do what you need to do and if that means leaving us then so be it."

"NO NO NO!", I shouted out. "That's not what I mean and you know that. I can't and won't leave you for any reason, just please try to understand and give me a little slack on this. I'll work it out."

Silence again. I could see her eyes close ever so slowly even though it was almost pitch black in the room. I felt my heart sink as the reality of what I said hit me like a lead pipe. "I sure blew it this time", I thought to myself. Then the emotion of the moment seemed to drain the life right out of me as things went black. Closing my eyes the conversation replayed in my mind. . .moment by moment. . . word by word. It was almost like a speeding train on a track that went in circles.

The silence broke. . . . .

"Honey?", a soft voice said in the dark.

Me: "Ya?"

"Open your eyes and look" . . . . . .

Open them I did and what I saw was not what I expected. It was not the wife I knew but something more like a poster girl from a very hot and wicked calendar. She was beautiful, much more beautiful than my wife had ever been. Lying in bed next to someone it hard to tell their height but I must guess that she was around 5'-8". Her hair was a dark blonde with gold streaks running it's length all the way down to her knees. Such beautiful hair full of waves and curls which left we transfixed on it's length as well as beauty. Body curves that wanted to be noticed! Oh my God, what curves I saw on her! Starting with her shoulders they were wide yet not too wide with soft edges connecting to long and slender arms. Those arms of hers reached down the length of her body connecting to long and slender hands which were tipped by inch long finger nails that we painted in three colored stripes of white, then green and then turquoise. The middle finger nail was accented with a diamond stud earring that shown even in the blackness of night. Such beautiful skin on her body that I wanted to caress it with my lips and tongue. My eyes flowed down her body to her ample, no HUGE breasts. They must have been "E" cup at least with nipples the size of your pinkies that sat atop 5" dark brown aureole. How much better than this could it have gotten? Wow, what a body, and there's still more to come.. . . . ..

Down I went to the next level of her beautiful body when the curves of her sides began to narrow into a perfect 23" waist then flared out to what must have been close to 42" hips. God I love a curvy woman and she so far was everything I had ever dreamt about. I couldn't look away, I had to look on to see her bare skin and next her pussy. No hair, no stubs, not even a trace of any hair at all, she was hairless from the neck down in an all natural state that I have never seen before. Reaching my hand out I touched her stomach hear her moan every so quietly and softly. My fingers ran down her body until it met the soft lips of her vagina and clitoris. She moaned again only louder. . . . I must have hit the spot. My fingers rubbed her vaginal lips back and forth until I penetrated between them and began to stroke her clitoris. My God she got hot real fast, and I mean real fast. Now I could see her shapely legs as they spread apart to make it easier for me to penetrate her with my fingers. One leg on the bed with a slight bend to the knee while the other hiked itself into a 90 degree angle to the first bending at the knee as well while her size 7 foot rested atop her right leg. It was quite a sight to see with my one hand working her pussy and seeing her breasts wiggle and sway as the motion of her hips and ass worked with my hand. Back and forth her body moved and my hand getting wet from the flow from her love center.

By this time I had just noticed that I had an erection to beat all erections!! I am not what you would say "Endowed" but at least I haven't let anyone down in my 43 years.

"Lay back and let me get on top." She said.

I moved over and laid back so she could mount me like a rider on a saddle. As she sat up her breasts swung back an forth. I couldn't help but grab them to help her keep her from hurting her self, and she thanked me. It was no effort at all for her as she swung her left leg over my torso and positioned her vaginal opening just above my aching penis. Reaching down with her right hand she opened her lips a came down ever so slowly onto the head of my love staff.

Me: "I can feel how wet you are!! My GOD, you are so hot too that I. . . . I....."

I couldn't speak, only feel what was happening to me. Down she came until my Dick was all the way into her body and all I saw were her almond shaped eyes and large breasts touching my chest. I've never seen such large breasts on a woman that were not fake in one way or another. These were absolutely beautiful and proud on their own. I love large nipples on a woman and these were the biggest and best that have ever seen in my life.

Me: "Oh My! You are so hot honey, come on, come for me."

"Not yet my love. I want to please you first. Do you like my body, my breasts?" She said with a coo in her voice.

Me: "Oh yes baby, just looking at your big breasts and nipples makes me want to come."

"Then suck on them and turn me one some more. . . . now. . . . .just suck on them."

She drew back her shoulders to help lift their large teats off my chest so I might have a better chance of latching onto one with my mouth and sucking for all it's worth. No sooner had she performed this maneuver I found my hands lifting one breast up and guiding the nipple into my mouth. Instant reflex of childhood took over and my tongue working with my lips created a vacuum inside my mouth that drew her oversized nipple right into me. It was now time for the second shock. . . . . .

"Suck harder," she called to me.

It was then my mouth tasted something not right, a sweetness and something that I couldn't describe but I knew what it was. . . . .milk. This gorgeous body was not only built like no full figured woman that I had ever seen, not only did she have the most beautiful hair which went all the way to the bed and two feet away in all directions but she was lactating as well!!! This was a dream come true for me. I have always loved the thought of making love to a lactating woman, to drink that which few men every have the pleasure but all babies enjoy after they are born. The taste was wonderful. It filled and coated my mouth until it was allowed to travel down inside me. I could not believe it was happening so I took in more again this time holding onto the feeling and taste that satisfied a special part of me. Oh how I wish I could be her. and experience what she is feeling.

"Do you like it honey? Is it good?" her sexy voice asked. . .

At first I couldn't answer her with a mouth full of milk. . . .

Me: "Oh yes baby I love it, thank you," I said as my mouth search for her nipple so I might get more of what I wanted.

"Then take all you want dear. My pussy is hot and my juices are flowing just for you. Do you want to more?" Again with the sexy voice.

What? Do I look or sound stupid?

Me: "Oh yes baby I do want more, please, give me more" I was almost begging to her.

She bent over me and again I could only see her almond shaped green eyes staring at me, " Then take what I have for you and . . . . .and. . . . .become. . . . "

Become? Become what? This is where it really got weird. The milk tasted so good that I couldn't stop drinking it. Then I noticed a funny feeling on my chest. Even though I had one breast in my mouth the breast lying on my chest felt warmer than it did a few minutes ago. I looked down with one eye and found myself stopping for a moment to focus my eyes. I reached over to the other breast where it met my chest and found all my chest hair gone. Just flat GONE!!!

"Don't stop," she said to me.

Me: "My chest hair is gone. . .look at me"

I must have sounded like I was dying or something close to it. I felt around my torso and found my skin was silky smooth without a trace of any blemish or hair. This was so strange that I couldn't think of anything else at the moment but the fact that my hair was gone. Stretch her back both her breasts were not lifted off my chest so I could see the change that took place. It was true, I had not hair where I was very hairy before.

She ran her soft hands over my chest saying, "Ooh baby, it's so smooth and soft that I really like it. Let me cuddle with you and maybe we can have some more fun."

Me: "Ok honey, if you like it so do you."

I really did like it. I've never liked my hairy chest and shaving it was always a real hassle because I broke out in a rash every time. I figured the only way I would ever be without hair is to have electrolysis all over my body. Not a good reality check mind you, but a fantasy never the less.

Those giant breasts and nipples of hers were rubbing against me in a way I never was able to feel before. The milk was leaking from both nipples onto my bare chest acting like a lubricant as they swung back and forth. This was just another way to bring me to orgasm without even thinking about my Dick, which was still sliding in and out of her very wet pussy. Back and forth they moved. I didn't even have to help in any way, it was wonderful.

"You're not drinking, come one, take the other breast and drink. I'm so full of milk honey and you have to relieve me or I'll just bust!"

There was a certain tone in that request, but who am I to say otherwise. So I drank. . . .

It was a few minutes later between sucking, pumping and just basic fucking that I noticed something in my face. At first I thought it was her hair but when I looked up I saw this beautiful woman with her arms up to her head and holding her hair off her body with her hands. What could it be now? Instinct took over and my right hand moved whatever it was off my face. It was at this time I got my third shock. . . . .hair. . . lots of hair around my face. I stopped pumping and flipped her over on her back then men on top. My Penis never left her pussy during this move, and I watched her breasts slap her chest as her body came to a hard stop on the bed.

It flowed over my shoulders like rain falling on the branches of a tree. It's hard to describe the feeling of thick black hair cascading down your body when you have never had it past your ears. Black and beautiful this was, without a snag or split end. My hair was normally brown and short but now it was black and it fell to the covers of the bed and then some.

Me: "Gasp"

"It's beautiful honey, almost as long as mine," she said.

Me: "This is not happening to me. I can't believe this, why. . . .now look at me! What's going on with my hair? First I lost my chest hair. . . . . ."

Wait, it wasn't only my chest hair but my entire body hair was gone right down to the pubic bush that anchored my cock and balls. My legs were glossy in appearance without any hair and smooth to the touch. My Dick was still inside this full figured woman under me but both our pelvic areas were soft and smooth to the touch. Rubbing against each other was just one more reason to have an orgasm. The feeling was without comparison to any that I have know. The only way I could possibly relate to this was if two women were making love by rubbing their pussies together.

"Let me touch your hair my love," such a pleading coo I have never heard.

Me: "Do you like it?"

She just looked at the full head of hair that I had grown with those green eyes of hers, "Oh yes, making love to someone with such beautiful hair, and such soft skin is such a turn on for me. Here, suck on my breasts, make love to me now."

It was all I could do to keep from going crazy. I bent over and latched onto her other breast and began to suck for all it's worth. She stroked my hair with her hands while thrusting her hips up and down in rhythmic proportion to our every movement. The taste of her milk filled me again with a warm cozy satisfaction that is impossible to describe. We continued to make love with each other for over an hour without any interruptions stopping here and there to slow down and enjoy the moment. We would lay in each other's arms running our hands up and down the other's body, drinking in the feelings of delight and reverence. This was truly a night to remember for both of us and I for one was not going to let it end any time soon.

At one point I was sitting with my back towards her and she was right behind me with a brush in her hand. Yes, she was combing my hair with the brush in soft & long strokes. It was almost erotic in many ways too easy to feel yet to hard to explain. Let me just say that I have never felt anything quite like that as the brush fell through the strands of hair from the tip of my head to the bottom of my bottom. From time to time those dainty hands of hers would reach around and caress my chest giving a soothing effect to my soul. Then another change, my nipples started to tingle. It was a strange feeling as they twitched, tingled and had almost a burning feeling in them. The only way to make them feel better was for one of us to pinch or rub them, but even after a while that didn't help much as they itched so much that I had to scratch them as if they were insect bites. Thank God it didn't last long but in the next moment the nipple began to protrude out a little, then a little more, then a little more until they looked like the classic eraser heads of pencils. Shocked again!! I had so much going on that I didn't know which way to turn. Looking down the aureole had grown as well to what could have been 2 inches, and of course I couldn't keep my hands off them so I reached up and touched them only to find my own hands had shrunk and thinned out as to appear to be beautiful female hands. I didn't stop now, even with this new surprise so I reached up and felt my nipples. Right then I felt a power like no other as a shot of electricity rounded each aureole in a spiracle pattern away from the center and outwards to the rest of my body. This was truly a remarkable experience for me since I never had sensitive nipples before.

Me: "Gasp! I can't believe the feeling with my nipples. Does it feel like this for you too, or is it just me?" I could hardly restrain myself as I kept rubbing myself on the chest not caring if my Penis was still attached or not.

"Of course it does silly. Why do you think I want you to suck me so much? It feels so good to be touched and sucked, so come one let me help you see what I mean."

I turned around and her eyes met mine. It was funny but I noticed that she and I were about the same height as we sat up. In fact, I sat like she did, with my legs folded under my butt. Both of us with long hair, hers was that dark blonde and mine jet black but both lengths past our butts and full of body and shine. My feelings and emotions seemed to be changing and I noticed it the most when we were facing each other at that very moment. A feeling of softness flowed through me as we sat across from each other on that bed. We just sat there, staring at each other without moving a toe or finger. Then she slid over to me bending her head down to my chest until she stopped at my left nipple. A wet feeling slipped across my nipple as her tongue licked ever so sweetly. The feeling was of course indescribable, I mean since I was male I had not basis for comparison. She moaned in a low tone the entire time. I could feel her moans running through my chest and almost into my back while she continued to nip and suck my into ecstasy. Then I started to moan! I couldn't help myself. It was crazy, because I have never moaned before in my entire life but there I was enjoying every nick and lick.

She flung her hair back over her left shoulder and looked up into my eyes and said, "Would you like to feel more?"

Me: "Oh yes my dear, please give me more." I was almost begging.

"Suck on my breasts and taste me then, come on, I want it and I want you."

You don't have to ask me twice. I bent right down and took a breast in my mouth and started to suck for all It's worth. Then came the stream of warm fluid into my mouth and that great feeling that came with it. It was after around ten minutes or so that I felt something weighting me over and my back starting to tighten up so I let loose and sat up. She immediately bent over and latched onto one of my nipples, and to tell you the truth that really hit the spot. My woman started to suck harder and longer with each passing moment and it began to really turn me on. Again I started to moan along with her because of the power of the feelings running through me. Then. . . . . . . . .

In a high pitch tone I "Yelped!"

Not just any high pitch, but a tone that would brake glass! I didn't really care though, I just wanted to feel more and enjoy what she was doing for me. So I "Yelped" again, and in the same high pitch. One noise after another became increasingly high and smooth, almost like the notes of a flute. Then it happened when I started to moan again I found my voice was female in pitch and tone without any trace of my deep male voice from a few minutes ago. Confused? Of course I was confused! What would you think if it was you who had all these things happen to them? There were changes going on that I could not explain, my hair, my "lack of" hair, my nipples and now my voice. So without hesitation I stopped.

Me: "What is going on? I mean, look at me (speaking in the voice of a sex crazed woman), what is with all these changes? I mean, I'm really not complaining but there has to be an explanation. How about it, do you have any idea what is going on?" I must have sounded angry, but I wasn't.

"Yes I do my dear, but let me ask you this, do you like what is happening to you?" she bit her lower lip and curled the end of her mouth with that question.

Me: "Well, yes, but I'm just confused with what is happening. Where will this take me, or take us?" I asked with the small hope of not hearing the truth.

"It will stop when you want it to stop. This is for you, for what you have always wanted and more. The gift I give you is in the fluid of birth. . . my breast milk. The more you drink the more you will change until you are a woman in all respects. Also you will have more to offer to men that any other woman on the planet but that is something that you have to discover for yourself IF you continue on your current path." A pause, a sigh and a look from her eyes to mine.

Me: "What if I want to stop and go back?" a question from my face was relayed to her.

"To go back you must go forward, and that is the best answer I can give you. Although right now your blood is running hot. Can't you feel it? The need to change, to grow and become what you want to be?" she said.

Me: "Well, yes, I want more."

Just then she reached under a breast and held it up to me and said, "Then drink and know what I know."

If there was will power in me it was gone right then. All I could do was bend over and start sucking from one of her breasts. More and more of the warm fluid ran down my throat until I began to feel that heaviness again on my chest and in my back. So I sat up and looked down just in time to see a set of lips wrap themselves around a large nipple atop a small breast.

Me: "Oh @#^$#$!!!" In my new feminine voice I said "I have breasts! I have breasts! Look at me, I mean, breasts!!!"

Unlatching her grip she sat back up and reached up with both hands cupping my A cup mounds and said, "Yum yum, yes they are breasts and beautiful ones they are. Oh but wait, look now. . "

Looking down I saw my chest expanding as her hands were trying to hold onto them. First they were an A cup, then B, then C, then. . . .a D! At least I think they are a D, sure are big. My goodness to look down and see breast grown under your very nose and watch them expand in her long and beautiful hands was just extraordinary to say the least. The feeling of them being held sent wave after wave of pleasure through me until I couldn't stand it no more and found myself reaching for her breasts as well. We just sat there for a while kneading each other's juggs and watched and listened as the other person moaned in ecstasy over and over again. I was taken by surprise all the way around, after all it isn't every day that a man grows breast.

Now there I was, Long black hair down past my rear, no body hair to speak of, D cup breasts and beautiful hands with. . . . oh no. . . .long nails as well. When did they grow? I pulled my hands off her breasts to examine them, and also I didn't want to hurt her. Then I noticed my face was so much softer and lean to the eye that it was without mistake an Angel here on Earth. Even my lips were full and pouting as well as my blue eyes now accented with a wide Oriental style look. Never before have I seen eyes like these on a woman but if I did see them as a man there would be no place to go but into them. My voice, my nails, my GOD! I had to stand up for a minute and take stock. So I got up and walked over to the mirror. Sure wasn't me anymore as I stood there looking at that reflection. Guess I missed a few things, for one my height was definitely much shorter. I was 6'-4" and now I was around 5'-7", just below this incredible woman who was changing me a little at a time. This bounty of hair was almost too much for me to take and I bet taking care of it was going to be a real bitch. As I took stock there were a course the other changes like smaller feel and a slimmer waist. Then again the one thing that had not changed was my penis and balls, yep, they were still there and working quite well. I walked over to the bed. . .

Me: "So, what's next?"

"What do you want?" she asked in a curious tone.

Me: "Not sure right not, it is after all a lot to take in. How about we wing it for now." I suggested.

She looked at me with some hesitation and said, "All right, you can call the shots. . .for now."

All I could think of was mounting her like a wild horse and going for broke. I pushed her back on the bed and watched as her hair fell around her face on the pillow and her breasts bounced up and down slapping her rib cage as she stopped moving. With my right hand I pulled back my hair so it was over my right shoulder bending over to lick and kiss her erect nipples. I then reached over taking her hand in mine rubbing and feeling it with my own soft feminine hand. As I looked up our eyes met and for the first time we didn't need to speak.

We kissed ever so light at first working our way into a passion that would burn down the largest city. I swung my left leg between hers only to find both her legs spread wide and open for me. No invitation was needed so the next move was me between those long and curvy legs. There it was, my Penis still at attention and wanting to be satisfied so I reached down with one hand and spread her vaginal lips apart and in he went. Now talk about strange, maybe this is how a Shemale feels when making love. After all a shemale has breasts and a cock so the analogy is the same in my mind.

We made love for several hours before I finally came, and it was unbelievable in that we sucked on each other's breasts as our soft bodies rubbed in unison. This was turning out to be a fantasy beyond my wildest dreams. I just wish I could express my feelings with the right words for you.

We were just laying in each other's arms for a while when she looked up at me. . . .

"How do you feel?", she inquired.

Me: "Unbelievable, just unbelievable. It's hard to describe but I almost feel like a real woman as best I can understand what that is."

"How about a little treat then?"

Me: "OK, a treat?"

"Drink again and you will see", she sat up bending over just enough for one of her breasts to touch my lips.

I reacted by reaching out with my tongue and grabbing hold of the nipple and drawing it in. Then it started to flow. Oh, that wonderful taste and feeling as it poured into my mouth and down inside me. Just after I started to drink I felt a heaviness in my butt and hips. When I looked down I say my rear expanding out turning into a perfect tear-drop shape. Then my hips started to expand as well until they stopped at around 42 inches and at the same time my waist contracted to 24 inches. I was stunned by the curves and flowing of my body. Then it finally happened, my Penis started to shrink and shrink fast. First my balls retracted into my body and split apart inside moving to opposite sides to form the ovaries and tubes. Then the head of my penis shrank down to the size of my little finger and the rest of the skin pulled back like an old fashioned telescope into my body. Since there was no hair I had a clean shot of the change from moment to moment. My thighs got a little thicker as well filling up the void left from my penis. After just a couple of minutes I needed to sit so I sat next to my lady on the bed. She reached over and ran her hand down my leg to my crotch where the changes were still taking place.

"This is going to be good. Wait until you have a pussy like mine, it will be a new experience for you my dear." She was smiling big time.

Me: I was starting to get horney again but wasn't sure how to handle it in my present state of being.

A RUSH through me. . . . I felt a waves of heat in my crotch like nothing I have every felt before.

"Almost there," she said.

It was happening now, I could feel my vagina forming and her fingers trying work their way into me. My first instinct was to spread my legs as wide as possible so I laid back and beside her and did just that. My breaths became short and brief with a he-he sound in my now very female voice. She was working my change to her benefit and could do little but go along for the ride. Her fingers kept rubbing until my clitoris had formed completely and my vaginal walls had been created. Moving a hand down there I felt my vaginal lips and her hand rubbing me back and forth as she worked her fingers into my growing wet vagina. Oh God this is too much. Then it happened, first the warmth built up and then a feeling of pressure in the pit of my stomach that was strong and erotic. It built up fast and in a very short time I exploded with all the fury of a full female orgasm.

Me: "WOW, I want to do that again. Please, make love to me and show me what it's like to be a. . . . "

"Woman?" she said.

Me: "Yes, if that's what I am now."

She held her fingers to my face and said, "Taste and smell this. Does that remind you of a woman? It should because it's from you and you just came all over my hand. You are as much a woman as I am which means you can experience what I do as well as feel what I feel. However, I must warn you that you have much to learn about your abilities in this body and must learn to take things real slow or you will suffer the consequences."

"What does that mean?" I thought.

To be continued: Chapter II, Training wheels

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