
By RichardPetersBooks

Published on May 8, 2013


Chapter 4 - Young Men Playing Volleyball

We never went to bed together again. I was careful all that week, when he drank, to keep it all pal-like and straight. I bolstered his ego saying he'd find another woman, someone who would love him. I wished to myself that I were female, that I could have my friend as a true lover and satisfy him. I think we both knew that if that were the case our friendship would also have been a sexual one.

I moved out to my mother's place and carried on teaching him to drive. He found a nice girlfriend and talked enthusiastically to me about the fantastic sex, especially when he'd had a drink. He seemed to enjoy telling me. I enjoyed listening, it gave me some good jerk-off pictures!

After I moved in with my mother it was awful. She had this boyfriend, Pete, who was a slob! Why she preferred him to my lovely Dad, I just didn't understand. Dad was elegant and handsome, Pete was uncouth and pig-ugly. He wore a grubby vest all the time with his rolls of hairy fat hanging out of it. When they screwed they made so much noise, you couldn't escape from it anywhere in the house! It was disgusting. She never saw my Dad or had anything to do with him after their separation. I suppose I should have gone to live with him, but I confess I need someone to look after me. Do my washing and cooking, I'm terrible about that sort of thing!

But I spent a lot of time round at my Dad's place. We'd watch TV and hang out together. He would nag me about finding another girlfriend. I couldn't tell him about my interest in men and the episodes with Stevie. So I pretended I was having trouble getting over Mary.

I would nag him about how he should get married again. He'd say he was "past that sort of thing". Which was a load of nonsense, he wasn't old and much more good-looking than most men his age. I loved my Dad and wanted him to be happy again, Mother had hurt him badly.

Seeing more of him these days, I found him wandering back into my jerk-off sessions, like he had done when I was a teenager. Sometimes after a driving lesson with Stevie, I would go back to Mother's house and, alone in my room, to the sound of Pete's and Mother's grunts I would wank to images of myself and Stevie being in bed with Dad.

I did wonder a little about Dad. He showed more than the usual fatherly interest in seeing that his son got a girlfriend, while he seemed to show no interest in a sex life for himself. The idea was practically unthinkable of course! He'd fathered me, been married, although he sometimes hinted that sex with Mother had been very limited.

She would describe him to me as "useless" while she hugged and pawed at the repulsive Pete. Pete would grin at me. I hated it!

One night round at Dad's place we were watching some American programme about lifeguards on a beach. They mostly seemed to be young and female with large bosoms. I suppose they helped them float! Slumped side by side on the sofa, Dad was nagging me, as usual, about finding a girl like that and how I could bring her round to his place if I wanted, there were two spare bedrooms, more privacy than at Mother's. I joked that I would stand no chance once she saw Dad and that he only wanted me to supply him with female company!

The banter stopped when the scene cut to some young men playing volleyball on the beach. I was checking out their bodies. Most had shorts on, but two really cute guys were wearing Speedos. I was trying to catch a look at the front of their trunks, but the scene kept changing too quickly. Obviously, one guy was going to nearly drown and one of the Amazon life-girls would rescue him. Maybe it would be one of the guys in the skimpy trunks, maybe he d need the kiss of life, maybe they'd show him in close-up!

The guys ran off to the waves while two stayed behind chasing each other for the discarded ball. One fell on it; the other fell on top of him. They momentarily wrestled for possession of the ball. How I wished I could wrestle them for some more precious balls, hidden away in their baggy shorts

The homosexual, fantasy images quickly shifted to the waves which were rather too big for the boys. The rescue by the sex-goddess was imminent!

I adjusted my backside on the sofa to try to give my hardening penis some room and realized that during the romping-youths scene, Dad had stopped nagging away about getting me to find a girl. He'd been as glued to the TV as I had been. Surely not! Not Dad! Then I remembered how perhaps he showed a little too much interest in young male pop stars, when they were on the box, than is usual for a man like him! I glanced at his crotch beside me. Was that a lump?

Maybe he liked them young? That would explain his lonely monk-like existence

I could identify with that. It was the fact that Stevie had looked so youthful that had attracted me to him. I wanted to tell Dad that I understood. That he should explore his sexuality, that I had recently romped with another man for the first time. Instead I asked him if he would make us a cup of coffee.

Dad didn't mind getting up to do it, he didn't seem to want to watch the swim-suited beauty as she ran along the beach to rescue the lad in trouble. The young men in their swim suits weren't on the screen anymore.

After coffee I left for Mother's place and the loathsome Pete. Somehow I would have to figure out a way to help my Dad. He was so kind and sweet. He deserved some happiness.

The lad touched my shoulder as I slumped against the wall. I was winded from the bag that had thumped into my guts. Some oafish school kids, out late, but still in uniform, had rushed round the corner. They just missed me, but one who had a school bag had swung it into my stomach. They laughed and raced away as if this was the funniest thing that had ever happened to them. Their croaky, adolescent voices were laughing and swearing. Another of the oafs had come round the corner after them and saw me slump backwards.

"Fuck off!" I said when he touched my shoulder. I was all set to punch his lights out. "Piss off with your friends!"

"They're not my friends, they are idiots. Are you OK?" he said in a soft lilting voice.

"Yeah!" I gasped.

"No you're not! There's a cafe over the road. I'll take you there and you can buy me a coffee!" He said. I was too dazed to recognize his cheek. But a sit down and a coffee seemed like a good idea.

He helped me get upright and led the way across the road. He ordered two coffees and said, "He's paying" to the woman. I fumbled for some change while he found a quiet table over in the corner.

I slumped into the chair, he sat opposite and smiled at me.

No, they weren't his friends. He hated them and they hated him. They all stayed late at school for some extra soccer. He liked soccer, but was useless at it. Every time he swung at the ball he missed it and they all called him a "fairy". I asked why, in that case, did he stay late to play?

"Well I get to see them in the showers afterwards." He said matter-of-factly

I practically choked on my coffee. "No wonder they call you a fairy!" I said

"Well, who cares! Mr Jones the games teacher is always in the changing room after late sessions, watching the boys and making sure they don't get out of hand. They are idiots but some of them are nice looking!"

I sat open-mouthed at the youth's words.

"Sometimes, Mr Jones keeps me behind after they've gone, for extra tuition, if you know what I mean?" He said, making the meaning perfectly clear and raising his eyes to heaven to emphasize the innuendo.

I sipped my coffee and looked at him. He was maybe seventeen and quite well-built for a lad that age. His hair was brown and he had grey eyes. His shoulders were square which was emphasized by the smart navy blazer. He was slim, but muscular, he didn't have that overgrown skinniness that some kids had. He was blatantly homosexual in his talk, but not so in his mannerisms. I was thinking illegal thoughts.

I felt his foot touch my shoe. I moved it away. The foot followed me. Then the shoe moved up my leg and he rubbed his calf against my calf.

"Stop it!" I whispered.

"I just want to make you better." He said and pressed his leg hard against mine. "You look like a nice man. Maybe we could go to your house and you could give me some extra tuition!" he smiled at me. His mouth was very kissable. His face was smooth, he didn't even shave yet!

"Stop it!" I said and moved my leg out of reach away from him. "I'm old enough, old enough to be .."

"To be my older brother." He cheekily ended my sentence. "Anyway, you're not that old, twenty-one?"

"Twenty-two actually" I whispered, trying to work out how to get away from this tart of a boy.

"Well, that's not much older than me. But maybe you can teach me a thing or two!"

"Look, apart from anything else, it's illegal, so just stop it!" I hissed, afraid that the two or three people in the cafe would hear us.

"No it's not!" and in triumph he produced a document from his inside pocket. He cast it across the table to me.

I looked at it. It was his birth certificate (well, I presume it was his). It showed he was two weeks past eighteen. This kid carried his birth certificate around with him to prove he was old enough to have sex with men! Incredible!

"I'm going to university in the autumn and I'll be screwing with guys your age all the time! Take me to your house and I'll kiss your stomach better!" He looked expectant at me.

Well, it was legal, he was pretty. His leg had found mine again. My cock was trying to burst out of my trousers. I just said, "OK".

We quickly got up and left. This was extremely reckless. It was possibly legal if his birth certificate was genuine, but I didn't know him and he was a dreadful flirt. I thought to myself that this was potentially dangerous, but yet the recklessness somehow made it even more exciting. And he was very pretty.

As he walked out of the cafe in front of me, I watched his bum half hidden by the blazer. His shoulders were broad for a young lad, my stomach was fluttering with excitement and delicious nerves.

This was a very foolish thing, taking this schoolboy to my place for sex. It was by far the most reckless thing I had ever done! It was one thing to be with Stevie and slowly work to a situation where we were just helping each other out sexually. But here I'd let myself be picked up by a tart of a schoolboy who I didn't know and now here I was driving him back to my mother s house!

But despite everything, despite any danger, there was no way I could stop myself! My heart was fluttering at the prospect of feeling his young flesh. I was so nervous that my voice was scarcely able to tell him to stop it when his hand stroked my knee and worked up my thigh.

"Spoil sport!" He said, pretending to be hurt. At least he did let go. I didn't dare make eye contact with the man in the car that was waiting next to us at the traffic lights. Maybe he'd seen the boy feeling my leg! Even now, the police could be on my trail. I checked the rear-view mirror looking for a blue flashing light.

My mind was numbed by the overwhelming sexual desire, but I forced myself to try to think of an explanation if we got stopped. Yes, I was a friend of the family, just driving him home after his late finish at school. I couldn't think past that idea, couldn't think what I would say if they asked me where he lived.

We pulled away from the lights. The boy's hand returned to stroking the inside of my thigh. This time I didn't stop him. His hand moved up to my crotch. He was lewdly stroking the length of my penis inside my trouser leg. My boxers were soaked and wrapped up around my balls somewhere.

Thankfully we got home. Mother and Pete would be out drinking somewhere. Hopefully me and the kid could get the sex over with quickly and be out of there before they came back.

I turned the key in the door, I let him in and up the stairs. We were in my room. There were muffled noises from the other room.

"Who's that?" He asked while his hands pushed my jacket off my shoulders.

"My mother and her boyfriend." I sighed. Trying to get his blazer off, but having difficulty because his hands were all over me, stoking my chest through my shirt, feeling for the belt on my trousers.

"Your mother!" he exclaimed. Astounded at the idea of anyone's mother having sex!

He had my trousers round my ankles. I had his blazer off. He paused and we both looked down while I undid the fastener on his school trousers. Down they fell. He pushed my boxers down over my backside and they fell to my feet. I got two fingers under the waistband of his white, schoolboy Y-fronts and pulled them down over his hips. Our cocks were pointing straight out at each other. The lad whose height was just an inch shorter than me, reached his lips for mine. We hurled our mouths together in a reckless snog. His mouth was warm and soft, his tongue explored my mouth. He smelt clean from the shower and his flesh was firm.

Somehow we ripped each other's shirts off and snogged again. I pulled his arse toward me, my cock delighted in the feel of the young hard penis clamped against it.

The boy fell to his knees and sucked my penis right into his mouth. It felt fantastic! Nobody had sucked me before. I wanted it to last forever. I stroked his bronzed young shoulders. They were strong for a boy. His arms where slightly muscular and they were wrapped around my hips, while his hands stroked and explored my bum cheeks.

His back was arched forward and it was bronze too. Now his head was rocking backwards and forwards while his mouth wanked me. I think he would happily have sucked me off there and then, but I wanted to explore the school kid some more. I reluctantly pulled his mouth off my penis. It pointed out toward his face, he'd pushed my foreskin back and the cool air was delicious on the wet head.

I lifted him by the arms and snogged him again. I could taste my own cock in his saliva.

My hands fell to his backside. His orbs were smooth and very round. He sensed my interest in them and pulling away he fell face down on my bed. He raised his backside and presented himself to me. I knelt on the edge of the bed and put a hand onto each cheek. They were bronzed like the rest of him. The young tart sunbathed in the nude!

He reached to the floor and fiddled with his blazer, before producing a condom and a tube. God, he travelled prepared!

I ripped open the packet, not having had much practice with them. Mary didn t like them. Anyway, I managed to get it on my full length without losing too much hardness. I went back to massaging his backside. His finger had some lubrication from the tube on it and I watched as he inserted the finger

easily and smoothly into his hole.

My mother and Pete were going at it noisily now and the boy kept bursting into laughter at the sounds, while I told him to shut up. I rubbed his golden backside with my hands and let my cock flop against the curved buttocks.

I thought I was more or less ready, so inexpertly, I aimed my penis for the crack in his arse. It met some resistance and went a little soft. I stroked his back and bum cheeks again. The kid was lovely, my passion rose again and like a battering ram I pressed it again into his gap. Somehow I couldn't find the hole and I was worrying that it would be too narrow for me anyway. My mother was moaning and that was putting me off too.

The boy flopped onto the bed and rolled onto his back. "I'll show you" he whispered. He flung his legs into the air and rested his ankles in my shoulders. I watched his shiny, lubricated finger find his arse-hole and squirm inside.

His bronzed, slightly hairy legs swept down in front of me. His hard penis lay on his tanned stomach; his balls looked bigger than mine. His pubic hair was brown and curly; his stomach was flat and young. His chest was cute with pink nipples. He looked gorgeous! My cock was very hard and straining at the condom.

I found where his finger was. He pulled it out and held my rock-hard, rubber-sheathed penis in his fingers. He played with it against his hole. Rubbing the end backwards and forwards over it. I felt his hole, I pushed and he pulled on the base of it. His knees were folded over my shoulders now and I slipped inside the tight hole.

It was much tighter than Mary's and it gripped me so tight, I thought my knob-end was going to drop off! It felt like it was only the condom holding my knob on my penis! But this schoolboy knew what to do! He worked his legs down, while keeping me inside him.

With his legs spread wide and me plunged between them, this was a position I was more used to. But the sight in front of me was lovelier than anything Mary had showed to me! He was young and tanned and male! His beautiful cock lay relaxed on his belly, nestled in a wonderful bed of pubic hair. His stomach and chest were absolutely delightful. The desire rose inside me and with almost no motion I shot my load into the condom. I roared with lust while the boy watched. I was a man fucking this lovely schoolboy. I roared and snarled again, before collapsing onto him. My rapidly shrinking cock shot out of his lubricated hole like a pea being fired out of a pea-shooter!

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

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