
By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Apr 10, 2013


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Dreams" is a multi-layered homoerotic novel about "straight" men. It is available for the Kindle on Amazon.

I'll publish on here the free sections that I am allowed to give away.

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

My Amazon author page is: http://amazon.com/author/richardpeters


Chapter 1 - He Looked So Young and Vulnerable

I fell in love with him the first time I saw him!

I was driving to work and he walked along on my side of the road. I only got chance for a glimpse, but that was enough for me to know that I would love to get to know him better.

He had dark curly hair, an incredibly white-skinned face and petite, cute features. He was wearing a calf-length, navy Crombie coat, with a smart white shirt and blue tie showing in the open neck of the coat.

He looked so young and vulnerable, this smart office worker. He was marching purposefully along. It was only a quick glimpse as I drove past, but the urge to stroke his beautiful face was irresistible.

I couldn't stop thinking about him all day and hoped I would see him again another morning.

Next day, I drove along at exactly the same time and there he was! Walking along toward me. He looked straight ahead, but in the slow moving traffic I got time to look at him a bit more thoroughly.

He looked to be around twenty, but his round, white face and dark curly hair which he had let grow a little long, made him look boyish. He was about 5'10" and looked to be on the slim side. The most striking thing about him was how smart he looked. In this day and age it was unusual to see someone in a smart coat, with crisp white shirt and smart black trousers.

My heart was pounding as I drove slowly by. In my rear-view mirror I saw his straight back and nice, square shoulders and was already looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow.

During the day I found myself thinking about him. I took myself off to the rest room and jerked off, imagining our naked bodies tumbled together in enthusiastic abandon.

Mary, my girlfriend and I were not getting on. Sex had stopped shortly after we had moved in together and we had both seemed to lose interest in each other. She was my first and only girlfriend and over the past few months I had found myself looking at and thinking about other men. But nothing like this infatuation with the pale, young man had ever happened to me before.

Now here I was aged twenty two, and jerking off into the toilet bowl, like a teenager, to images of another man's cock.

As a kid, my friend, Colin and I had peeked at each other when naked in the swimming pool changing room and I'd felt stirrings in my crotch when we'd played at wrestling. That sort of thing. But we'd never done anything together. One time, at the changing rooms, I'd got hard and I'd let Colin see it. I could see him glancing at it, but nothing had happened. Sometimes I'd wondered if he wanted to show me his and mess around a bit, but I'd been too scared to try anything on with him.

So here I was a gay virgin, trying to imagine sex with this chap who I'd only briefly seen a couple of times!

Other than brief and unsatisfactory sex with Mary, all my other sex had been solo. When I was a teenager, I'd tried to imagine my parents having sex, but found it hard to do. I used to lie in bed and try to imagine my Dad, lying on top of her naked body and penetrating her. I would get hard thinking of his naked body, but usually I couldn't picture my mother naked at all. Many nights I'd wank off into a flannel to pictures of my Dad's naked chest and his hard cock.

Of course, my Dad had never done anything or tried anything on with me, but I did love him and would sometimes imagine him getting into my bed and our naked bodies, touching.

Anyway, I thought I'd grown out of such adolescent fantasies and Mary had been the first girl to show an interest in me. We dated a few times and then we screwed. I enjoyed it and when we were both twenty we moved into a flat together. Sex was OK, or at least I thought it was and any feelings of attraction to males seemed to disappear.

Looking back, I can see that Mary never expressed any particular interest in sex. I always instigated it. She tended to just lie there and let me do it. I don't think she ever had an orgasm.

After a few months, sex stopped. We hadn't done it for at least a year and a half and I found my eyes straying toward young men my age and wondering what it would be like to do something with someone.

I dabbed the dribbles of sperm from the end of my shrinking cock and tidied myself up to return to the office. I had a plan for the next day.

Next morning, I set off from our flat a few minutes earlier than usual. Parked the car in a car park half a mile from work and set off on foot, with a beating heart, hoping he would be walking along the same route as the other days.

There he was! Striding out toward me, at his usual fast pace. The nearer he came, the more beautiful he looked! Yes, his lips were tiny and pink, his cheeks were slightly sunken. He looked pale and sad. I wanted to hold him and make him smile; I wanted to kiss his tender lips. He glanced at me as we passed and I realized I had been staring too closely. I hurried away from him! My head was pounding.

Next day, same routine. Same approach toward each other. I tried not to stare too much this time. He gave a little nod toward me, I nodded back! And we were past each other. In the rest room at work, I stroked my cock, imagining the cool pink lips, taking my length inside his mouth.

The days went by; our nods progressed on to little smiles and quick "mornings" to each other. In the rest room we were now daily and intimate lovers.

One day it was cloudy and cold. He wasn't there at our usual passing place. It was raining slightly. I pulled my collar up and hurried on. The rain got worse I dived under a shop awning, dusted the drops of rain off my coat and there he was! Pale and dry and smart. He stood there watching me trying to recover from the shower.

"Spoilt itself." he said.

His voice was quiet and kind, not high, not low, just medium, but oh so melodic!

"The weather, it's spoilt itself" he said

"Yeah." I replied, feeling self-conscious as I dripped onto the concrete.

"Weather said showers." He added holding up a rolled up umbrella. "If it doesn't stop soon, I'll have to press on to work with this to keep me dry."

His perfectly cut, curly hair, without a wisp out of place, was very dark brown, almost black. His umbrella would preserve its perfection. He was smiling at me. My lover was smiling at me!

He said, "Look, I've seen you go into Brown & Co just down the road. I can go back that way, sharing my umbrella with you, if you like. It will only take a few minutes, then I can carry on back to my office." His voice was lovely, he was kind. I knew he would be kind!

"Oh, no I couldn't, I couldn't put you to that trouble." I said, but I was shaking, to realize that he'd watched me. He'd watched me after we'd passed each other, watched me go into the building where I worked! My lover knew something about me!

"We'll see if it clears up in the next few minutes," he said.

I prayed it would carry on raining, prayed he would offer to share his umbrella again, prayed we would huddle under it together. His breath would be fresh and pure, with just a hint of toothpaste and morning coffee on it. I would breathe in his smell!

The shower started to ease off, the offer would not be repeated! "Where do you work?" I blurted out, desperate to stay under the awning with my heart's desire.

"Finch, Stewart and Rathbone. Just around the corner." He smiled a little shyly. He seemed a private young man, embarrassed to talk about himself.

"We're doing a deal with them!" I said, eagerly.

"Yes, I know, I'm organizing it." He smiled that lovely shy smile again.

"Stephen?" I gasped.


I eagerly offered my hand to his. "Ian, I'm Ian, we've exchanged letters." I knew him! I knew my fantasy lover! I said, "What a coincidence Stephen."

His hand gently wrapped itself around mine. I tingled all over at his soft touch. He smiled shyly and looked into my eyes. "Er, Stevie, er my friends call me Stevie."

The name suited him, soft and cute like him, with just a hint of friendly manliness. His handshake was soft and warm, not crunching like some men's are, just perfect, just like he himself was!

"Stevie." I echoed, still holding his hand, never wanting to let it go. I squeezed it a little tighter, in warm friendliness. My thumb slightly stroked the back of his hand, it was smooth and hairless. He slightly reciprocated my squeeze. I looked at his face, it was truly beautiful! Slightly, but not overly, masculine. Clean shaven, with a smooth pale shadow under his skin over his top lip. Little, gentle wisps of sideburns from below his natural hairline extended for less than an inch. Otherwise his cheeks and chin were clean with no hint of beard growth. But it was his skin! So pale, almost white and flecked with little flushes of red. His cheekbones showed above his slightly sunken cheeks, his jawbone was firm and begged for a finger to stroke along its length.

Overall, despite his angular features, his face was more rounded than normal and his nose was straight and small. His eyes were round, dark brown and friendly, with long dark lashes. His marble, boyish features made you want to kiss him and gently caress him.

Our hands were still clasped together, but reasons to do so were running out. Soon I would have to let my fantasy lover go. I was still thrilling to his touch. His eyes were looking into mine. There was a friendly recognition that a fellow soul had been found. We were friends; this was clear from his look. Not a gay, get your clothes off and screw look, but a recognition of finding a pal.

I let his hand go. He smiled.

"Let's meet for lunch and go through the details." Stevie said. "See if we can iron out the contracts."

"Yeah, sure. Can't make this lunch time, promised my girlfriend we'd go shopping." I blushed. "Er, this evening?" I asked.

"Mmm, can't I'm afraid. My wife and I are going to the Cinema. Maybe another lunch time?"

"I'll cancel the shopping. It will be OK. I'll meet you at your office, say 12.30?" I quickly replied.

"12.30 it is." Stevie smiled and offered his hand again to seal the date.

I savoured taking it again into mine. The touch was just as delicious as before.

The rain had stopped; we parted.

I hurried on toward my office. He was married! Looked too young. Ah well he would be a friend. In the long run that was probably better. My first sex with a man would probably be awful and brief. It was better to have a permanent friend than a quick fling. I stopped to look over my shoulder. Stevie had stopped too and was looking at me! I waved nonchalantly, rushed into the building, headed straight for the men's room and jerked off.

Mary sounded resigned when I cancelled shopping. Don't know why she wanted me to go with her when she bought a new bra anyway. What was the point of me doing that? She wouldn't let me see her in it or anything. She wouldn't let me explore how to undo it, before making passionate love to me!

It was hard to concentrate on my work and eventually twelve o'clock arrived. I grabbed the Finch, Stewart and Rathbone file and headed out of the building after sprucing up my hair in the rest room. I walked to my parked car and drove it to Stevie's building.

Stevie welcomed me into his office, smiled, and offered his lovely hand again. I caressed it, well shook it in a business-like way, actually. I wanted to kiss him, but instead said, "Italian or Oriental?"

He liked Oriental, was there anything about him that wasn't perfect?

We left his office. He just needed the toilet. Me too! We stood side by side at the stalls. No partition, if only I were brave enough to glance over at it, but I didn't dare. We both stared straight ahead at the wall, while our piss splashed into the bowls. Stevie asked if she was OK about cancelling the shopping, while he shook himself, disposing of the last few drips. Looking straight ahead, I could see the movement of his hand as he stretched and shook his cock. His fingers were holding that which I most longed to see.

I replied yeah it was fine about the shopping, while I shook mine dry.

We both glanced down to see if we had finished dripping. I dared a quick glance over, but his fingers had already put it inside his trousers, out of sight of my nervous glance. I popped my growing prick away.

We washed our hands and we stood side by side under the hand blowers. He checked his hair in the mirror. I checked mine, but looked at his reflection. He was perfect.

What were he and his wife going to see tonight? Some art-house movie or something. I wished I were alone in the dark cinema, next to him, my thigh touching his. Side by side in the mirror I could see that my frame was broader than his and just an inch or so taller.

Without his Crombie coat, just in his suit, I could see he was slim, but not skinny. His open jacket revealed a crisp white shirt that hugged a tapering waist. His trousers did not give anything away about the package inside. The package that had just been flapping about beside me, if only I'd dared to look.

No, Stevie could be a good friend. I knew that. I was wise not to blow it by coming on to him like some frustrated homo in the lavatory. Perhaps tonight I could get a screw out of Mary and could imagine my friend screwing his wife after the movie. That would satisfy my lust.

We got in my car. He didn't drive yet, just lived a mile away from his office. He was doing his training with the firm, after taking a year out after school. He'd travelled to the USA and bummed around, before meeting his wife at a party when he returned. They'd been married nine months now. His legs stretched out languidly beside me. How I wished I could stroke one, while I changed gear. I said I'd teach him to drive if he liked. He said he'd like that very much.

Lunch went well. We quickly concluded the details of the contracts and then enjoyed a couple of drinks in the lounge area of one of my favourite hotels. His legs stretched out beside me, as we sat side by side on the plush sofa. I caught little glimpses of his crotch. Nothing remarkable. I didn't care, my fantasy lover could have a little four-incher and I would still love him.

More than anything, what really mattered was that we were becoming good friends. Stevie liked me and I liked him. We had a lot in common, we both liked movies, especially the less "popular" ones. We both liked ambient music, Eno, that sort of thing and Stevie had a passion for Irish folk music. Through all the conversation, he displayed a very charming vulnerability, which I suppose chimed in with my own slight shyness.

There was an unspoken pact between us that we had "found" each other. Would Mary and I like to come to the movie tonight with them? Sure, I'll check with her, but yeah, we'd love to.

We shook hands again in my car, as I dropped him off at his office. He asked why did I not park the car at my office? I wanted to tell him that it was because I'd wanted to walk past him and get to know him, but I just said that I liked the exercise.

"Good job you do, otherwise, we wouldn't have met and our deal may never have been sorted." Stevie said.

"Yeah, and we, you know wouldn't have become er, pals." I said.


"I'll ring you about tonight, when I've spoken to Mary" I said.

"Yeah thanks for the lunch." Stevie said.

"Pleasure, catch you later, cheers pal." I drove off toward my office. Stevie's shy, friendly smile filled my singing heart.

Mary said she wanted to go, I arranged to pick them up from their flat at seven.

The evening went well. Stevie's wife, Tina was lovely. Very pretty with a nice figure. Her breasts were large, unlike Mary's whose were small. Mary had a boyish figure, but Tina was a beautiful woman. How I envied Stevie having sex with her! How I envied Tina having sex with Stevie!

The only disappointment was the seating in the cinema. Mary and Tina had hit it off straight away and they worked it so they sat together, with Stevie and me on either side. So I was a long way from being able to snuggle my thigh against Stevie's. But as we sat there, watching the French lovers making love in a very French way on the screen. I decided tonight to try to have sex with Mary and imagine I was with Stevie and Tina.

Afterwards we went to a pub. I didn't drink because I was driving. But the other three got quite merry. Stevie became pleasingly more uninhibited after a couple of drinks. His shy little smiles gave way to a more relaxed demeanour. The girls went off to the ladies and Stevie and I decided to go for a quick slash before getting another round in.

The loos were typical English pub, with just a glazed wall to piss against. No partitions. Stevie was woozy and either wasn't aware or was so relaxed he didn't care, but he proudly pointed Percy at the porcelain without any attempt at modesty. Probably he didn't notice me look. But I took a peek while pretending to be looking down at my own.

It was lovely! A white shaft, quite thick and a circumcised knob, with piss whooshing out of it. The head was pale and not engorged, but fairly big. Circumcised guys always looked to have bigger cock-heads to me. And at the base of the head the colour changed to a pale purple.

He carelessly swished his pee up and down the wall, holding his shaft with his right hand enabling me, on the left, to get a good view, as he lifted it up and down.

I hardly had any pee and my cock was swelling in my left hand. I kept my right hand away, hoping he would take a peek at mine. But Stevie just swayed and looked at the wall while he played at washing it.

Eventually his piss slowed down.

"Better out than in!" I joked while he started to flap his soft cock in the air to shake the drips off. It kept spurting little extra flushes of pee, making him have to start the shaking all over again.

"Yeah." He answered, while I started shaking my half erect cock pretending to let loose non-existing dribbles of piss. While all the time my cock was extending from half-erect to full.

Stevie was now tugging hard on his flaccid cock the way some men do, to force out any remaining piss. He looked down to see if he had stopped and glanced over at my growing penis.

"Mary's going to have a good time tonight!" He leered into my eyes, nodding down at me.

"Guess so." I laughed. "It's that movie!"

"Know what you mean, pal!" Stevie noisily pulled up the zip on his trousers. I packed my eager equipment away and zipped up too.

One more drink, some more laughs and then I drove them to their flat. Mary sat in the back with Tina and Stevie sat up front next to me. The two girls were laughing while we two men stayed silent. I think we both knew what the other was thinking, anticipating having a good shag tonight. Stevie smiled at me when Tina said something about a limo that passed us being "really big". Mary laughed bawdily at the double meaning. Stevie and I exchanged glances and a little knowing smile.

I was enjoying this ladishness that I was sharing with my new friend and I was rock hard thinking about him fucking his lovely wife.

We all got out at their place and I helped the slightly swaying couple up the steps to the door of their flat.

Mary kissed Tina on the cheek. Stevie and I shook hands knowingly.

"Have a good one!" Stevie said and patted me on the shoulder.

"You too!" I leered back and held his shoulder and held onto his hand just a little too long.

Back at our place. I asked Mary to model her new bra for me. She told me not to be silly. But she did lie back co-operatively, while I mounted her. She lay unmoving while I fucked her thin boyish body. In my mind, Stevie was pounding in and out of his eager, curvy wife, who was moaning repeatedly. I plunged into Mary while imagining Stevie's marble coloured arse. Now I was underneath Stevie and his slim, tight body with lovely muscles was moving up and down on top of me. "Yes, yes! Stevie was screaming while our hard cocks writhed against each other.

"Yes, yes!" I moaned while my hot spunk shot inside Mary, who lay still, waiting for it to be over.

Next day I drove later than usual to work, I was shy about walking and meeting Stevie. I phoned Stevie at his office to organize the documents. "Thanks, for last night, Stevie, we really enjoyed it."

"We did too, pal." Stevie said. "Hope the night ended well for you!" He said knowingly.

"Sure did!" I said. "You too, pal?"

"Yep" he replied. We both laughed.

I organized a get together at our place for Saturday. I'd get a Chinese meal delivery for everyone. Apparently Mary and Tina had organized a knicker-buying trip with each other. At least now I wouldn't have to drag myself around on those awful shopping expeditions any more. I went to the men's room and wanked off thinking about Stevie's cock.

That afternoon Stevie rang again. Mary and Tina were going to one of those cheeky Anne Summers parties tonight. Did I want to hang-out with him?

Better still why don't I give him a driving lesson? Great!

Stevie did OK. We went out to some lonely country lanes. He did all right. I patted him on the blue, denim covered knee, to say well done. He looked pleased. I wanted so badly to kiss his smiling mouth. We were parked up at the end of some lonely lane. Nobody would see us if we had a snog. Oh if only he wanted to!

I passed him a can of beer. I had one as well. Just one and I'd be OK to drive. I put an Ambient tape into the cassette player. I pushed my driver seat back and we both stretched out.

"Your Mary is very good looking." Stevie said.

"Mmm, your Tina is gorgeous! You're a lucky man!" I said, thinking really that she was a lucky girl!

We swigged our beer. I looked across at him. In his tight white T-shirt and blue denims, he looked fantastic! I glanced at his crotch, still no sign of any interesting mounds. I tried to imagine the floppy cock with its lovely head tucked away inside there.

The sky was getting dark, the ambient noises filled the car.

The air was filled with unexpressed thoughts. "Maybe, one time, you know, we could do a swap." Stevie grinned mischievously at me.

"You randy little sod!" I joked. He laughed.

"Just a thought!" he drank the beer.

"I thought you were such a nice, quiet boy!" I joked.

"A beer or two and I feel really randy, then I feel like shagging anything!"

Feeling secure in our honest friendship, I said, "I've never, you know, never been with anyone else, only Mary."

Staring ahead at the darkening sky, Stevie said. "Me neither."

"Not even in your travels around the States?"

"Nar, had an incident. It was pretty awful, but don't want to talk 'bout it."

I looked at him, he was staring into the distance, looking like a frightened boy. I wanted to hug him better. I sipped my beer.

There was a long silence, he drank his beer and I handed him a second one. I wondered if he would actually shag "anything" after two beers!

After long silences, his talk turned frisky again. I liked the sexual banter. I'd never had this with another guy before. My cock lazed, gloriously half stiff in the atmosphere of randy conversation. Obviously my lust for him was hidden, but the talk about our women gave me a surrogate stimulation. And the images of my beautiful friend shagging either his wife or my Mary were very arousing.

"Ever seen any of the stuff they sell at those Anne Summers parties?" Stevie asked.

"No." I said. While he gulped some beer. I watched his Adam's apple as he swallowed. Even after a day, his beard was not very obvious. Just a bit on that lovely jawbone and above his lip.

"Wow, some of it is so hot, pal!" Stevie said. You know, tiny bras and crotch-less knickers. That sort of thing. Maybe Mary will come back with some surprises for you." He leered at me and poked me in the ribs.

"I don't think so." I muttered.

"Things not so good between you?" he gently asked.

"No. She's not, you know, not particularly interested."

"You need it spicing up. Get a look at the catalogue. Get her something sexy, or get yourself some sexy pants. Women love guys in that sexy stuff they sell. Really turns them on. We had a party at our place a few months ago. I was banished from the room, but the randy laughs I could hear, I tell you I was scared to go in there, they would have stripped me on the spot, I swear!" Stevie drank the beer dry.

I handed him a third. I shuffled my backside to hide my hard-on.

"Do they do dildos? Maybe something like that would get Mary going." I said.

"Oh yeah! You should see the catalogue, some really rude ones and massive!" Stevie enthused. I couldn't think about dildos, all I could think about was Stevie's man-cock and what it looked like when erect. Still no evidence of any activity from his crotch.

Stevie carried on in answer to my naughty laugh, "We got one. Wow, did it turn us on. I used it, you know, to get her going. She loved it, writhing about and everything! Then she took it out and put it down between her legs and, you know, when I, er, got inside her, it slipped between my legs."

"Wow!" I said, trying to picture the scene.

"We both came, you know, with this thing vibrating between our legs and it throbbing against my balls. I tell you pal, it was a massive, massive turn-on!" Stevie slumped back lost in his reverie.

I lay back lost in the picture of his lovemaking.

"If you want, I'll ask Tina." Stevie said, the atmosphere heavy with sexual thoughts. Before I could reply, he said, "She really likes you, said so last night. She, you know pretended I was you and she really got off on that. She, you know, came before I did, then I emptied into her while she imagined it was you."

He shifted his backside in the passenger seat and I'm sure his denims looked tighter around his crotch. "Wow!" was all I could say in reply.

"Women, who can figure them out, eh?" Stevie said. We both silently sipped our beer.

"Ian," Stevie said after a long pause. "I haven't been entirely truthful with you."

I looked at the pale, handsome face wondering what he was going to say.

"It's OK, you can tell me whatever you like, we are buddies and you can trust me, you know." I said.

"I know." Stevie said. "It's not er, not true what I said about Tina and me. Fact is things haven't been going well with us since we got married. You know the sex and stuff like that."

"What no vibrator?" I gently teased him.

"Oh yeah, that was OK, that turned her on, but mostly, you know, I don't, er, seem to satisfy her or something. I think mine is maybe not big enough or something. The dildo really sparked it up. I think she preferred that in her to me. I think she uses it when I'm not there, you know, to bring herself off." Stevie shuffled uncomfortably.

"She's mad then!" I replied. "Guy like you is one in a million, she's mad if she doesn't appreciate you."

"Probably not her fault. It's probably me. Not experienced enough or something." Stevie sighed.

I wanted to rub my hand through his hair, wanted to hold him tight and stroke his face. That gentle soft face that was so lovely. Wanted to kiss him and tell him how handsome he was. All I said was, "Most women would think you were a good catch, she's mad!"

"Maybe. I just thought a swap might spice things up. You know. I saw yours at the pub. Looks like a big one, I think Tina would like it."

My cock was straining inside my trousers and now I was not trying to hide it. It was trapped by my trousers, down my left leg and I hoped the cute Stevie was seeing it and admiring it. I felt desperately sorry for my friend, but nevertheless I was trying to work out how I could turn this to my advantage, maybe go to see them together. Maybe have a three-way.

"There's no way I'd do anything like that to you, pal." I said. "I'd never exclude you from your wife. If I did anything with Tina, you'd have to be there too. Sort of share her."

Stevie laughed, embarrassed at the words. The spell was breaking.

"Anyway, I'm no stud, myself you know. I can't even turn Mary on, let alone any other woman."

Stevie finished his third beer, there was only a modest lump in his denims. I don't think he'd got turned on particularly. He said, "Maybe we'll both strike lucky tonight and they will have bought things that liven it up for both of us!" Stevie smiled his shy little smile, his dimples in his lovely cheeks made him look boyish. I was sure he would be happily screwing his wife very shortly.

"Come on, pal let's get you back to that pretty wife of yours" I said. I pulled my seat forward and turned the ignition and switched the lights on. It was now dark outside. Stevie shuffled upright in his seat.

I turned the car back down the lane. My dream of a snog or even full sex in this lonely spot had faded. He was my friend and that was what really mattered.

"Ignore what I said back there." Stevie said. "A bit too much to drink, sorry."

"That's OK, pal" I said.

I dropped him off, silently hoping he would soon be bouncing around happily on top of his beautiful wife.

Back home Mary was already in bed. I asked her if she had bought anything interesting for us. She told me not to be stupid and rolled over to go to sleep. I went to the bathroom and took care of myself.

Stevie was curled up against me, his head rested on my chest. I stroked his dark curly hair, his cock twitched against mine. I rolled over on top of his lovely body. We sighed together and ejaculated together. My spunk hit the toilet bowl.

I went to bed and turned away from the sleeping Mary. When would I ever get sexual fulfilment?

The weekend came, the meal was a success. The drink flowed and I remembered Stevie's words about drink making him randy. We all got very mellow. Stevie looked particularly beautiful tonight. I got turned on at thoughts of him screwing my Mary. Maybe I could get it together for us both to have sex with Mary.

I lay slumped on the sofa, next to my friend. The girls were in the kitchen. Stevie had a naughty grin on his face. He was contemplating a swap! There was no doubt about it; he was very randy after some booze!

The girls came in and dropped their bombshell. Mary said, "Guys, Tina and I are going to have some fun together. Please leave us alone, we'll see you in the morning." With that they went into our bedroom together and shut the door. Stevie and I were left open-mouthed!

Next: Chapter 2

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