Dreaming of You

By Tyler Slader

Published on Oct 5, 2014



My name is Tyler Slader. I'm a gay U.S. college student with a big cock and a passion for romance. All of my stories are based on my own experiences. If you like what you read, check out my other stories on my Amazon page: amazon.com/author/tylerslader

I open my eyes to the sound of birds chirping. It's just my alarm – I roll over onto my side and hit the snooze button. My morning wood is straining against my boxers and the pressure feels so good. I close my eyes, turn onto my stomach, and imagine I'm lying on top of Chase. I slide my boxers off and start pushing my cock up and down against the sheets, moaning softly into my pillow. My thoughts are still hazy and I can picture Chase's sparkling eyes, his perfect lips, whispering in my ear to fuck him harder. I move my hips up and down, faster and faster, and all of a sudden I'm cumming on my bed. I collapse, exhausted.

I guess now it's time to get up.

It's been almost a week since Chase came over to my house. We've both been busy with homework and tests so I haven't really gotten to talk to him much. We've been texting but it's all superficial. I guess he doesn't want his girlfriend to get suspicious. Still, I can't get him off my mind. I'll be sitting in class, trying to pay attention to the lesson... "and remember class, when you take the limit you have to consider both the positive and negative approaches..." and my thoughts will skip back to that magical night, and next thing I know I'm trying to hide my erection in my tight jeans.

I almost got caught the other day. My dick was bulging across my leg and my teacher called me up to do a problem on the board. I knew if I stood up it'd be obvious to the entire class that I was hard. I nervously said I didn't know how to do the problem while reaching under my desk, into my jeans, and rearranging. My teacher still made me go to the board, but I managed to tuck my cock into my waistband and I don't think anyone noticed.

Obviously, my hormones are raging. I passed him in the hall today as I was heading toward the bus and he playfully smacked my butt. Just that was enough to get me rock hard for the entire ride home. When I got home I went straight to my room and jacked off thinking about it. Then I settled down to do homework and plan how to get him back in my bed.

The weekend is coming up, and maybe I can just invite him over again. I'll pick a longer movie, we can order some pizza, and we'll see what happens. I don't want to move too fast but I'll even say he can spend the night if he wants. That would be amazing.

"Okay class, that's all we have time to cover today, see you all next week."

I run to catch Chase before he leaves the classroom. I'm pretty anxious that he'll be busy or not want to come over.

"Hey Chase, it's been too long! How are you?"

"Hey Justin! I've been doing alright. Sorry I've been so busy all week. You'd think we'd get a break now that college apps are in but I guess not. How've you been?"

"Same as you - busy all day, every day. But now that it's the weekend we can finally relax a bit. Want to come over tomorrow or Sunday? I have this great new movie and no one to watch it with."

"Oh, man, I'm so sorry..."

My heart falls into my stomach.

"My parents are going out of town this weekend for vacation and I have to dog-sit. I can't really leave the house. But hey, if you want to come over, we'll have the whole place to ourselves!"

My heart starts beating a mile a minute. This is even better than what I had hoped for. "Uhm, yeah, uhh, I'd love to come over to your place. Just tell me when!"

"How about Saturday night? We can stay up late watching movies!"

"Sounds perfect. Text me your address and I'll come over right after dinner."

"Awesome, can't wait!" Chase hefts his backpack onto his shoulder. "I have to run to catch the bus but I look forward to seeing you!"

I hurry out after him, a huge smile plastered on my face. This is going to be a weekend to remember.

As I throw a change of clothes in my backpack in preparation for Chase's, I think about every major interaction we've had this year. A few months ago I tried to start a conversation with him at lunch but he totally ignored me, choosing to talk to his girlfriend instead. Once I ran into him in the hall before classes started and he talked pleasantly enough, but as soon as his lacrosse friend John walked by he broke off almost midsentence and started walking with John. Another time we were the first ones to class and I tried to start a conversation.

"He, what's up? That's a cool t-shirt. I love The Killers too."

"Oh, hey, yeah. Thanks."

"So...I heard you guys won your lacrosse game last week! Congrats!"

"Mhm thanks it was great."

And then he turned away and started texting. Does he not want people to see us talking? Is he just as confused and nervous as I am about all this? I really wish I could figure out what he feels toward me. I don't want to ask uncomfortable questions and ruin what we have. Maybe this weekend will make things clearer. At least I can hope... I zip up my bag and sit on the edge of my bed, running potential conversation topics through my mind.

Ding dong

I'm standing in front of Chase's door. He lives in a pretty nice house – three stories, two-car garage, and quite a bit of land. His house is removed from the road and surrounded by trees, so there's a good level of privacy. All the better given what I hope is about to happen.

It's a little chilly out, and I'm dressed for the weather: a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, a tight-fitting t-shirt, and a light jacket. He still hasn't answered and I'm starting to get cold so I decide to knock. As I reach toward the door it suddenly opens, and there's Chase standing with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Sorry, buddy! I was in the shower when I heard the doorbell. I jumped out and rushed down, I hope you weren't waiting long! Come on in!"

I can barely formulate a response. All I can focus on is the water dripping from his hair onto his muscled shoulders, streaming over his pecs and abs, and finally soaking into the loosely wrapped towel so dangerously close to revealing something private.

I laugh nervously. "Better tighten up that towel or I'll see something you may not want me to!"

He grins slyly in return. "But Justin, that's the whole reason I invited you over here."

Before I can say something clever he turns around and heads up the stairs. About halfway up he turns around and asks "are you coming?" I rush to catch up. I break even with him at the top of the stairs and follow him to his room.

"Feel free to sit on the couch or my bed. Just give me another minute to dry off and I'll be right back out."

He heads into the bathroom and leaves me to explore his room. He has a similar setup to mine, with a bed on one side and a large TV mounted on the wall opposite. He also has a two-person love-seat next to his bed. I'm torn on where to sit because his actions so far tonight have been pretty sexual, but I don't know if he actually just wants to hang out and watch a movie. I decide to sit on the couch and wait for him to return.

A few minutes later he emerges from the bathroom. His hair is dry and tousled and he's wearing a pair of boxers and a white t-shirt. He walks over and sits down next to me on the couch, a beautiful bulge appearing in his boxers. My cock, already aroused, immediately hardens. It's all I can do to restrain myself from reaching over and grabbing his.

Chase smiles at me and leans back. "So, what do you want to do? I have movies, or we can play video games, or we can even wrestle. I didn't get to go to the gym today so I'd love the chance to work out."

I'm sure he can take me one-handed, but I can't say no to wrestling with such a handsome guy. Even if I lose, I win. "I'm up for wrestling if you want to. I'm sure you'll beat me but maybe I'll learn something."

He jumps up with a big grin. "Awesome! Let's do this right. Take your shirt and jeans off just so they don't get sweaty."

God, he's inscrutable. This could all be legitimately masculine interest in wrestling properly. Or it could be five minutes from really intense sex. I guess there's only one way to find out. I pull my shirt over my head and slip my jeans off. All I'm wearing now is a pair of purple American Eagle boxer briefs and the outline of my cock is clearly visible.

He raises an eyebrow. "Wow, Justin, you definitely have some colorful underwear. Now let's get started. Come over here where there's more floor space."

I walk over and before I can decide what to do he's moving toward me. He grabs my left arm and spins me around. In the same motion he steps close to me, wraps his other arm around my body, and locks my legs in place with his. I can feel the warmth of his skin on my skin, the raw power in his hands as he holds me. I struggle halfheartedly but I can't move my legs, torso, or arms; he's got me.

"Wow, that was impressive. Clearly I have a lot to learn!"

He releases me and I turn around to face him. I try not to break eye contact but I can't help it – my eyes involuntarily glance downward at his boxers. I'm very excited to see that he's starting to get hard. He catches me looking and gives a naughty grin. "Is that what you want, Justin? Just be patient...and I'll give it to you."

He moves toward me again but this time I'm a little more prepared. I don't want to give in too easily; he has to work for it. I back away from his approach a few steps, then suddenly reverse and run toward him. He's not expecting it and I manage to grab his forearm with my hand. I try the same trick he pulled on me but he's too strong. Suddenly he has me in his grip and he's holding tight. I drop to my knees, breaking his hold, and tackle him around the waist. He stumbles back and falls to the floor with me still holding him, and we grapple, rolling over and over until I make a mistake. He flips me onto my stomach and straddles me, holding my arms behind my back. We're both breathing very heavily and I can feel his rock hard dick pressing into my lower back. He starts laughing, deep and loud.

"Looks like I bested you. Now what do I get as a reward?"

I turn my head as much as possible and look at him above me. "Fair is fair. You can have whatever you want. No need to be gentle."

I think he likes the sound of that. He keeps my arms pinned with one hand and uses his other to pull my underwear down. When he gets them all the way off I see him throw them to the other side of the room. Now I'm totally naked, my own hard dick sandwiched between me and the carpet. He rises up off of me and it sounds like he's taking off his boxers. I wish I could turn over and look at him. The anticipation is killing me. I struggle, trying to escape from his grasp and turn over, but he holds tight.

"Don't squirm, Justin. Be patient and it'll be worth your while. We're going to enjoy this."

He straddles me again, but this time I feel the warmth of his cock against my crack. He slowly, gently moves his hips, and just the sensation of his cock rubbing against me makes me leak precum onto his carpet. I hear him moan in pleasure.

"God, Chase, I want you inside me. Please, get deep inside me."

He responds by spreading my cheeks and rubbing the head of his cock against my hole. There's a lot of precum and he starts to slide in. He's big and I gasp, but he stops when just the head is inside.

"Do you want this, Justin? Do you want me to put my cock all the way inside you? Can you handle it?"

My words spill out in a jumble. "Yes, yes, I want it, please, give it to me now."

He acquiesces and suddenly I feel myself filled with his long, thick cock. I shudder from the wonderful sensation that spreads through me and raise my hips to push myself even further onto him. He has me skewered, all seven inches of him inside me.

Chase holds my arms at my sides and tells me to spread my legs. Then he starts pumping in and out of me, each time pulling almost all the way out before sinking back in. I can't help myself and start moaning loudly with every thrust. That turns him on more and he starts moving faster and faster. He keeps thrusting, and eventually I hear his breath get ragged and his arms start to shake as he pumps. "Oh God Justin, I'm getting close, I'm going to cum inside you."

I feel a warmth spread inside me, and after a couple more slow pumps he collapses on top of me, his tight abs pressed against my back. I love the feeling of him inside me so I just lie there, smiling, my hard cock still pressed into the carpet. After a few seconds he lifts himself off of me a little, but keeps his cock in me.

"Time for you to cum."

He reaches underneath me and wraps his hand around my cock. I lift my hips a little off the floor and he starts jacking me off, first slowly, then faster, still keeping his cock deep inside me. The sensations build up and before I know it my cock is pulsing. "Fuck, yes, I'm going to cum!"

I explode all over his hand and the carpet. I hear him gently moan as the cum shoots out of my cock. I sink back into the now wet carpet and try to slow my breathing. Chase finally pulls out of me and stands up.

"Well, that was certainly some good exercise. Maybe I'll have to start doing this instead of going to the gym."

Chase walks into the bathroom and comes out a minute later with athletic shorts on and a couple of hand towels. He throws one to me and we both clean off. I don't know if he expects me to stay or leave, so I just ask him. "Now what do we do?"

"Unfortunately my parents are coming back in the morning and want to run a bunch of errands with me... Maybe we could watch one movie and then say goodnight?"

Shoot, I was hoping he'd ask me to spend the night. But at least he's not kicking me out, so there's something more here than just sexual interest! I nod yes, and after grabbing a pair of sweatpants from my bag I walk over to his couch and fall down onto it. I rest my head on his shoulder as he fiddles with the remote. He surfs through the channels, and all of a sudden I'm very sleepy. My eyelids droop, the sounds of the TV blur, and everything fades to black.

"Hey man, wake up!"

I open my eyes to a beautiful sight, shirtless Chase leaning over me and grinning.

"You fell asleep on me and I couldn't bear to wake you. I just watched a couple of episodes of TV and let you rest. You're adorable when you sleep! But now it's almost midnight and I figured you'd want to be home before it gets too late."

My sleep-addled brain tries to process everything he said. I mumble "mmm, thanks" and shake my head, trying to wake up. I blink a few times and everything comes back into focus. Now he's collecting my clothes from around the room and bringing them to me.

"Thanks, Chase. I had an amazing time with you tonight. We should definitely do it again."

He cracks his cute smile. "I totally agree, handsome."

I pack up and he walks me to the front door. As I step outside he waves goodbye and then the door is shut and I'm left with my vibrant memories. I can't wait until next time.

If you like what you just read, check out my other stories on my Amazon page: amazon.com/author/tylerslader

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