Dreaming of Ramgards

By ozzalone65

Published on Nov 20, 2024


This is a story based off an older series I have written 'With the Ramgards'. It's from those furry tales I like so. These hybrid humanoids, half man hand ram. And this is a tale of man with beast. So if you do not like this. Kindly move on. Otherwise I hope you enjoy it..

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Dreaming of Ramgards'(6)

... There I lay in the relative safety of my cart. Trying to sleep after a long rough day. There in shock by what I was seeing in front of me. One of the ramgards that I had come across after my wheel broke on the cart was now in there with me. And this beast (Dandr was his name) wanted me to give him service (sexually) for repayment of his and his friends aide earlier I was at a loss at his forward actions. Fully expecting this as payment. But as I looked at the beautiful creature. Looked at his stunning muscular frame. Those arms, that chest and shoulders. Then seeing his huge member below in his hands holding it there for me to see. That and those immense seed filled balls he possessed. My head was a cascade of thoughts. He was bold for his demand. But he was also right in his words he had said. There was indeed desire in me for him and his friends. Their awesome bodies were of those most treasured dreams. And I knew in my heart, such desires needed to be fulfilled.

"Oh my God" was all I could say

But all this and my eyes could only stare at his weapon, at his sack. Feeling my.loins as the fire in them grew. Yes, I wanted him, his body. That was indeed a fact. And by the looks of his growing penis, he wanted me too. I licked my mouth and took a hard swallow. Taking down the gobs of saliva that he collected in my mouth. Then I reached for his huge shaft. Trying to wrap my fingers around it. Eyes filled with awe over it as I finally held it. It was Soo warm too. And again I replayed my phrase

"Oh my God!" I said louder "It's Soo big" "Yes. It is" he said to me "At least by your norm"

He smiled at the fact that I was somewhat trying to give him what he wanted

"No go on and suck it" he said again

Again I licked at my lips as I leaned forward and opened my mouth. Dandr pushed his hips at me and his cock went into my mouth. My, yes it was big. Quickly filling up my mouth with the head and several inches. I felt my tongue pull back to try and allow his member to go in better. And he thrust back in after a quick pull back.

"Yess" he then said to me "Opened that mouth. Open it and take me" "Take this rod"

I tried to take it. Tried to take as much of his huge penis that my mouth could allow. But it was truly bigger than any man. This long pale staff that curved slightly to one side. The wide bulbous head that in itself filled up my mouth so taking more shaft was difficult. But how I tried. I had to pull back off the half of his cock I had almost taken. Holding his shaft base in hand. My fingers barely touching as I wrapped them around it. So I sucked and licked at the head and just a few if his large inches. Slurping at the tip hungrily as my hands (both now) slid up and down his long shaft. My eyes closed in the desire that was filling up my head and body. I had not wanted a cock such as I had at that moment. My slobbers growing louder as I sucked on his huge rod.

"Yes, oh yes" he moaned out "You are good human. So very good" "Keep.. ughn no, no, stopp!"

He must have been getting close to eruption as he begged me to stop. He needed me to stop before he did explode.

"You must stop!" He almost shouted.

I did and then he grabbed me. He grabbed at my trousers and yanked at them. He obviously wanted more than just the oral service I had provided. Dandr pulled down my trousers and then pushed me down to the cushioned floor of the cart. He spat on his thick fingers and brought them to my backside. I had little time to even think as he moved so quickly in his actions. And then he shoved two meaty fingers into my anus. I gasped at the sudden assault. Feeling Dandrs fingers as they dug into my bowels. Whimpering at the awesome sensations at my hole. Wanting only more of it.

"Yes" I cooed "Oh heavens yess!" "Do that. Keeping dong that!"

Dandr did continued to thrust his big long fingers in and out of my bowels for several.minutes. I was beyond begging for the creature to really give me the sex of it. Wanting he m to find my deepest part and give me the ultimate pleasures. That was when he pulled out his big fingers. Then Dandr grabbed hold of his big hard penis. Stroking himself a few times.

"No I will take this" he said as he rubbed his cock against my hole. "I will have this and you will belong to the ramgards"

And then he shoved his huge penis into my body. A hard shive and steady hand aimed at my anus and he was in. My eyes rolled up into my skull as both pleasure and pain took hold of me. His big wide cock head had pried me opened for his big long rid. Then he slid down into my depths. 3 inches 4 inches and more. Getting about half of his huge rod inside me to start off. I moaned and cried out in a yelp. Having never felt such a bug thing in me.

"Ughn. Oh God, oh God, oh God!" I croaked out "So big. God it's Soo big"

Dandr just held himself in me. Held his big dick part way into me as he let my hole acclimate to his thick penis. Allowing it to hold it, letting my hole loosen as his dick spread it out. My head felt as it may burst from the pressure in my anus. Trying to breath normal was not happening as I was both holding his cock and trying to stave off the pain from his insertion. My head down against the bedding. Just laying in it, trying to breath. But only able to let out short pants. Dandr soon began to move again as he felt my hold slowly loosen around. His shaft. He softly groaned as he felt the heat of me, of my anus around his rod. Slowly started to slide down and then back to give me the penis that he knew I wanted. The long tube pulling and stretching at my hole as I moved through it.

"Awe yess" Dandr moaned "Such a great womb. Warm, so warm"

He then jabbed me with a hard thrust. His cock head slammed into my prostate and my body reacted. I lunged forward as pain struck from his assault in my deepest touch point....

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To be continued

Next: Chapter 7

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