Dreaming of Jaye

By moc.oohay@42dikziw

Published on Feb 4, 2000


It's been a long time since I last posted a chapter, but here it is chapter three of "dreaming-of-jaye". I would like to thank my boy friend and bidadwriter for being great sources of encouragement while i've been writing.

Now for the legal bit. If you do not wish to read about, or it is illegal in your locality to read about homosexual acts, I suggest that you find something else to read. I am not responsible for whatever offense you may take from the text that follows. Use some common sense, if you don't like it, then don't read it.

A reminder to all who read this story, it is a "what if" story. None of it has actually happened, though at times I've wished it had. Send your comments to wizkid24@yahoo.com.


"Hey, Fred!" my mom yelled from her room, "Phone!" I swear that

woman has a voice that can bend steel.

I grabbed the phone in the kitchen, "Hello?"

"Fred, has he called yet?" It was Tara.

"No, he's probably not even home yet. I take it you gave him the note."

"Yeah, I didn't see him read it, though. He noticed it was your

handwriting and just asked for your number."

"Did he say anything else? I mean, about me?"

"No, but he was really excited about something, maybe it was

because he got the note from you. I mean he was thinking you were

ignoring him."

"Huh? I thought he was avoiding me, that's why I haven't talked

with him all that much." I said, though my voice was saying, "Boy

do I feel dumb"

"You mean you haven't been ignoring him?"


"That explains why you've been acting so bummed out."

"Well duh! Here I've been thinking Jaye's been avoiding me, and now

I find out he thinks I want to avoid him."

I'm was pacing back and forth across the room, at this point in the conversation, I was excited about what could be taking place in the next few days.

"Tara, I'm in love with him, hasn't he said anything about how he

feels about me?"

"Jeezus, Fred, he just told me he liked guys last week, I don't

think he's ready to tell me of his latest crush or anything.

Besides, the look on his face whenever he sees you tells me

enough to know that his latest crush is definitely you."

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah, he gets this sort of wishful look on his face."

"Girl, you just made my night"

"So does that mean your going to wait until he calls?"

"Oh shit, that's right, he's probably home by now. I got so

caught up with you that I almost forgot about him calling."

"Okay, Fred, I'll let you go. Good luck, I think you two would

make a cute couple"

"Alright, see you at school tomorrow. Bye"

I hung up the phone and waited for Jaye's call. Wondering for the next hour if I had been on the phone when he tried to call.

"Did she say that we made a cute couple?" I thought to myself,

"Man, I still think she knows more than she's saying"

I was working on my homework, when the phone rang. "Hello," I answered

"Is Fred there?" The voice on the other end asked.


"You weren't expecting me to call you, were you?"

"Jaye? Oh my god, I didn't even recognize your voice"

"I see how you are. So what were you trying to say in that note

you gave me?" He said.

"Well, I thought that the note said it all. Didn't you read it?"

"Yeah, but I wanted to hear it from you"

I took a deep breath, to both steady myself and to keep myself from

falling apart, emotionally. "Jaye," I said with a shaky voice, "I

have realized something over the past few months."

"Uh huh." The anticipation is his voice was unmistakable.

"I'm really nervous about telling you, even after what we did in

DC. Remember what you asked me after that? Well, I figured out

that I don't like girls as much as I thought."


"I have had a huge crush on you for the last two years, but I

didn't know it was a crush until last summer. I really like you

alot, and I've been wanting to say something for the last few

weeks, but I've been afraid to, because it seemed like you've

been avoiding me lately. After talking to Tara today, I think I

finally have the balls to ask you something."

"So, are you gay or what?"

"I want to say the or what, but I'd be lying to you. I want to

ask you something before I lose my nerve. Will you go out with

me? I'll understand if you say 'no'.

"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if you were ever going to get

around to asking. Yes. I don't know if I'm gay, or bisexual, or

whatever, but I know I like you. I got kinda worried after we

quit hanging out together."

"Whew, I almost did lose my nerve..." I said, then it sunk in

what he just said, "You will? Thank you so much Jaye, I'm glad

you called me tonight, I don't know what I would have done if you


"If it weren't for Tara, I would have chickened out. So, dear,

why did we stop hanging out together? It seems like when you quit

band you hid yourself away."

"I did, part of it was because I didn't want to be the only guy

playing flute in marching band, and the other part was that I

couldn't handle having all these feelings for you and not be able

to tell you. I felt bad when I found out that you were bummed out

from my being scarce."

"Yeah, I was. I understand though. Just one thing, don't hide

from me anymore, please? I don't want to feel like I lost my best


"Oh, I didn't know you felt that way. God, I feel bad now."

"Don't feel bad, we're past that now." Jay went silent for a


"Fred!" My mom broke the silence with her screech, "time to get

off the phone and get to bed, morning comes early you know!"

"So can I come visit some time?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, of course. Hey, mom wants me to get off the phone, so I

gotta go. Can we talk about this at school before class starts?"

"Well, we both have to stay after school tomorrow, so I'll see

you after you get out of rehearsal, and I get out of practice."

"Okay, see you then, cutie. Bye"


I hung up the phone and floated back to my bedroom. I was ready for bed but not sleep, It took me another two hours to fall asleep. I kept thinking of Jaye, and dreaming of him as I slept. My dreams all revolved around Jaye and I as a couple.

The most memorable one played in my head like a silent movie, Soft indistinguishable music playing through my mind, while I walked through the woods by my place, meeting up with Jaye in a little lean-to. We made passionate love, softly caressing each other. The sensations were almost magical, every little touch sent tingling bolts of electricity throughout our bodies. The gurgle of the creek nearby was relaxing, making everything more pleasurable.

The buzzing of my alarm awakened me from my blissful slumber. I hit the snooze button in hopes of continuing my dream. There we were again kissing deeply, our tongues probing each others mouths. Our hands were exploring each other's naked bodies. Jaye's hand made it's way to my now hard cock, gripping it gently. He gave a subtle squeeze which seemed to make me even harder. Then, he rolled me onto my back; he looked deep into my eyes, as if probing my soul with those playful green eyes of his. He straddled my legs, leaning forward, landing gentle kisses along my neck. He kissed his way down my chest to my belly button, stopping there to circle his tongue around it.

BEEP BEEP BEEP! My alarm went off again. "Fuck it," I thought, "I may as well get out of bed and ready for school." My mom was almost ready to leave when I saw her.

"Hey, Ma. Jaye might be coming here tonight after school."

"Don't you have rehearsal tonight?"

"Yeah, he has to stay after, too, for swim practice."

"Well, if it's okay with his folks, then I guess it's okay."

"He won't be here if it ain't. He needs a signed note to get the

bus pass to get here"

"It's Friday, so if he wants to and can, he can stay tonight. I

probably won't feel like going back out to take him home."

"Thanks, Ma. I'll let him know when I get to school."

"Time's a wastin' I'm gonna be late if I don't get moving."

"See you tonight."

"Have a good day at school, behave yourself. I don't want to get

any calls at work."

"Yes, Ma."

She got in her car and left. I spent the next hour working on the last of my homework that was worth doing. I hated homework, no amount of threats to my grades was going to get me to do anymore than I had to do to pass. The bus ride to school seemed to take forever that morning. When I got into the building, I headed for Jaye's homeroom, to see if he got in yet. I met him at his locker, apparently he got there just before I did.

"You coming tonight?" I asked him

"Maybe. If I time it right." He said with a grin.

"Oh really now?" I was brimming with excitement. "Anyway, my mom

says she doesn't know if she wants to go out to take you home


Jaye looked crushed, then said "Oh no, you mean..."

"Wait! She said that if it's okay, you can spend the night."

He just about started jumping up and down. "Are you serious?

because my mom said that I could, before I left this morning."

He pointed at me and, in a mock accusing tone, said, "Are you

sure they haven't been talking to each other?"

"Heh, they must be psychic."

"This is great," he said, "now I don't have to ask if I can stay,

I just can."

"So what did you give for a reason to come to my place?" I asked.

"I just told her I wanted to go to hang out with you. Why, what

did you tell your mom?"

"I just told her I wanted you to come visit, the overnight thing

was her idea. Do you think she knows about us?

"I'm not worried, I've got you. Does it matter?"

"Not really, she is really supportive of me, and she has enough

faith in me to let me make my own decisions. She like that, if

she thinks I'm making a mistake she'll tell me, but she won't

stop me from making it."

"Jeez, you sound like your talking about my mother," he said.

"Uh oh, it's almost time for homeroom, I'll see you in class


We went to our homerooms, dealt with morning announcements. Then next few classes before I saw Jaye again went by in a blur. We had English class together, and were given a creative writing assignment. The teacher said we could work together in groups if we wanted. Our little trio of Tara, Jaye, and myself got together. We didn't get much of the assignment done, but we got to do alot of catching up on the latest chapter of Jaye's and my romantic life.

"So, are you two speaking to each other now?" Tara started

"Better than that," Jaye said.

"Yeah, Jaye's mom said he could spend the night, and my mom

asked me if I wanted him to spend the night."

"That's great, does your girlfriend know about, you know, you

and Jaye?"

"No way, I need some sort of cover. Who else would I get to help

me hide?" I asked.

"Well, so long as you pay more attention to Jaye than her, you'll

be fine," Tara said.

"Right, we're a couple now, I know we have to hide it from

everybody, but you won't be hiding from me anymore," Jaye said.

"Hey, I don't think my reputation really matters at this

point. The two of us have enough friends that are jocks that

we'll be well protected."

"True, but I haven't gone so far as to beat up one of the guys on

the wrestling team like you did, Fred," Jaye said.

"Didn't you hear what Scott did to get Fred to finally fight

back?" Tara asked Jaye.

"What did he do, call him a pansy or something?"

"No, he was busy insulting me, then dragged your name into it. So

I threw him over one of the tables."

"Damn," was all Jaye could say.

"See, I told you he liked you," Tara said.

"I knew it, you did know more than you were letting on." I folded

my arms and stared at Tara.

"Yeah, but I wanted you to find out for yourself. You see..." She

was cut off by Jaye.

"I've wanted to go out with you since Tara and I had a little

talk that night in DC. She's helped me alot. If it wasn't for

her, I wouldn't have had the guts to call you the other night."

"Dude, if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have written that note

she gave to you," I said. "Then after thinking all this time you

were avoiding me, I find out that you thought I was doing the

same, and really we just wanted to be closer to each other..."

"Fred, we get the idea," Tara said, "Now you two don't have to

worry about it. Tell ya what, we aren't getting anything done

with this assignment, right now, so I'll work on mine by myself,

and you and Jaye can work together at your place. Deal?"

"Deal." Jaye and I said.

A few more more classes went by, then lunchtime with Tara. I practically inhaled my food, I was in a rush for the day to go faster. We spent our time talking about how I was feeling about this new turn of events, what we were going to do at my place, and so on. The classes later that I had with Jaye, all we could do was giggle. The day finished off with Jaye and I deciding where to meet before we got on the bus, then it was off to our final duty of the school day.

The trip home, was a quiet one on the bus, we really could talk much until we got to my place. I had to watch my little brother until my mom got home an hour later. We had dinner then Jaye and I disappeared to my bedroom. We sat on my bed in silence, just gazing at each other. We were two giddy boys in love, and not sure what to do next.

Jaye put his hand on my thigh and started to rub it. I turned to him and kissed him on the cheek. He smiled at me, then I wrapped my arm around him, pulled him close, and kissed him on the lips. We french kissed for a few minutes then, pulling back, Jaye said, "Why don't we just lay here and snuggle for a while?"

"I like that idea," I said, laying down and pulling him close to


"Turn on the stereo or something, just in case she comes back to

check on us."

"She won't, but I do want some sort of music going."

"Put it on WVBR, that's what I listen to at home."

"Sounds good to me."

I walked over to the stereo and tuned in the station he wanted. Friday nights meant it was new wave night. We went back to snuggling and kissing. Jaye was the first to move further by putting his hand up my shirt to caress my back, then he slid my shirt up and off. He licked and kissed my neck while he rubbed my now bulging crotch. I pulled him on top of me, grinding our bodies together. I pulled at his shirt, stripping him of it. I nibbled on his adam's apple, making him let out a gasp of extacy. I reached down between us and undid the button of his pants, feeling my way inside in search of my new prize. I rolled him onto his back and tongued my way, slowly, from his neck to each of his nipples, then down to his neatly trimmed bush. I tugged the waistband of his pants and boxer shorts down to his knees. I bent down and gave his balls a tongue bath individually, gently sucking and rolling them around inside my warm moist mouth. I licked my way up to the tip of his shaft, circling my way around the head. With a quick breath, I impaled my face down the entire length. Lifting myself back up to the tip, I bobbed up and down in random strokes, rubbing my tongue along the back of his cock. His breathing was becoming more and more rapid, as I continued to suck. I lifted myself off from him, and flashed an evil grin his way.

"Why'd you stop?" he asked. "I was going to cum any minute."

"I had something else in mind to get you off." I replied.

"What? Oh, that! Are you sure?" He gave a nervous look as he


"I wanna feel you inside me"

I pulled his clothes the rest of the way off, stopping to admire his naked swimmer's body. It was so soft and smooth, I couldn't stop myself from feeling a sense of pride at having such a beautiful man in my bed. After pulling off the rest of my clothes, I reached for my bottle of lube tucked away between my bed and the wall. I smeared some on my hole then on his steel hard cock. I straddled him again, and sat on his dick, slowly sliding it all the way inside of me. At first it hurt, but the pain quickly gave way to passion and pleasure. Jaye's eyes were wide in amazement. Jaye then put my legs on his shoulders and leaned me back to where I was now on my back and he was on his knees, then he bent down and started to suck me off while he pumped my ass. I'll never forget that sensation, for I came almost the instant he wrapped his lips around my dick. The spasms from my orgasm sent him over the edge, he let out a loud moan that echoed through the room. Wave after wave of pleasure consumed me with each twitch of his cock. As his rush of pleasure subsided, he collapsed on top of me, kissing me deeply, probing my mouth, letting me taste myself.

"Wow," I said, trying to catch my breath, "that was awesome."

"Yeah. It sure was."

Jaye pulled out of me, I made him struggle a little because I didn't want to let go. He helped me up and I led him to my bathroom, where we cleaned each other off. I looked in the mirror at the two of us and smiled.

"Why are you smiling? Damn, you're practically glowing, Fred."

"Oh nothing, just remembering something Tara said to me."

"Well, what did she say? Must've been something good."

I looked at him directly and said, "Yep, she said we made a cute

couple. You know what? She's right." Then I gave him a little

peck on the lips.

Jaye put his arms around me and hugged me tight. "So does this

mean you'll keep me?" he said with a grin.

"Of course, unless you've got a twin I don't know about. In that

case, I'll keep you both." I said.

We went back to my bed where we lied down and snuggled close together, keeping each other warm. We fell asleep with me wrapped up in his arms. I awoke to the sound of my bedroom door opening.

"What time does he have to be home, Fred," my mother asked.

I went to sit up but realized just in time that I was stark

naked. "Huh? I don't know." Then I nudged Jaye, "Dear, what time

do you have to be home?" Oh no I just called him 'dear' in front

of my mom.

"Before dark," he said. Then the look of shock spread his face

when he noticed my mom at my door.

"Okay then, now you two get dressed while I take your brother to

his grandmother's. The three of us can talk while I make

breakfast for you."

She closed the door, then left with my little brother in tow. Both of us were nervous about what she had to say. I hadn't thought about coming out to her yet, and here I get caught with my new boyfriend in bed with me.

"Is she mad?" Jaye asked.

"No, she looked more like she was ready to burst out laughing"

"Your mom's weird."

"It runs in the family, trust me. She is really understanding, at

the worst, we're going to get a lecture on why we should have

told her before she walked in on us."

"You're serious?" he asked.

We got out of bed and started to get dressed.

"Yeah. Hurry up, she only went down the road, it a five minute


"Okay, I'm coming."

My mom pulled into the driveway as we were walking out of the bedroom. We sneaked in a quick kiss before she came in. She made our breakfast and sat us down at the table.

"Why didn't you guys tell me you were a couple? I wouldn't have

walked into the room if I had known."

"Ma, I hadn't even told you that I was gay, much less tell you

that Jaye was my boyfriend."

"I kinda figured you were, you didn't seem to interested in


Jaye looked ready to cry, I guess he didn't believe what he was hearing.

My mom looked at him and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going to say

anything to your folks unless you ask me to."

"Thank you, ma...ma'am," he sobbed.

"That's okay, you can call me 'ma' if you want. I'll treat you no

different from any of my kids."

"Ma," I pleaded, "I'm his first boyfriend, go easy on him."

"Alright, I'll just have to remember to knock first when he is


"You mean you're not mad?" I said in disbelief.

"Hell no. You haven't done anything wrong, I just wish you could

have told me before I found out like this. You're my kid I'm not

going to love you any less because you're gay."

"So Jaye, can come back if he wants to, I mean, he doesn't have

to go home right now if I want him to stay?"

"He can be here with you anytime he wants, so long as he clears

it with his folks," she reassured me.

"That's a relief," I said. "What do you think, Jaye?"

"Your mom is cool, dude. She's weird, but cool."

We finished breakfast and Jaye and I headed back to my room.

"I'm glad we don't have to hide it now, at least not in front of

her," Jaye said.

"Yeah, I'm glad that's over with."



"I love you."

"I love you too"

We got undressed and back under the blankets, curled up with each other, and went back to sleep.


Now that Jaye and Fred are a couple, how will they decide to tell Jaye's mother? Does Fred know how obvious he is? Those are for the next few chapters.

email me at wizkid24@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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