Dreaming of Jaye

By moc.oohay@42dikziw

Published on Oct 18, 1999


The following story is fictitious in the fact that the sex didn't happen. Actually, just about everything after the sex scene never happened, either. If reading about sex between two guys offends you, then I would suggest looking for something else to read. If it is unlawful to read these kind of stories, this is certainly not the place to be.

That being said, my intent is to make this an ongoing story, only if I get enough positive feedback. If you like it, let me know by email, or whatever messenger you have. My email: wizkid24@yahoo.com

Summer vacation started two weeks ago. I was a bit groggy waking up so early, but this was something to wake up early for. I had to finish packing for my trip to D.C. It's a six hour ride there, so I figured I could sleep on the way. Well, really I didn't figure that out until we got about thirty miles inside Pennsylvania. I saw nothing but fog.

Finally, we made it. Oooh, nice, we're staying at a Holiday Inn. Guess that 200 odd dollar price tag was put to good use. We dumped off our stuff in our rooms, on the fourteenth floor. That's when the sleeping arrangements, finally became clear to me. Four teenage guys with just two double beds... can you say sexual insecurity? If any of us had hang-ups about our sexual orientation, it would show this weekend. We didn't hash out any arrangements right then, we didn't have enough time, the lead chaperone wanted us back on the bus so we could grab some food and go sightseeing.

We went around town for what seemed like days, boredom was already setting in for me. The guys put me in charge of the room key. First decision down, what's next? Oh yeah, who sleeps where? Bryce and Jaye in one bed, Kenny and I in the other. "Damn," I thought to myself,"I wanted to share with Jaye." We decided to unwind with a little channel surfing, landing on MTV. I went over to dig through my bag and pulled out my cigarettes.

"You brought cigarettes, Fred,?" Jaye asked

"Well yeah, we ain't at school you know"

Then Bryce chimed in, "But, didn't you get busted for having them

in Ms. Nelson's class?"


"Did you ever go to the office to get them back?" Jaye asked

"What do you think I am? An idiot?", I shot back

"Well, just smoke by the window, and keep it open, we don't want

to get busted too!" Kenny ordered

I could deal with that, I went to the window and fired one up. The whole time, I felt like I was a circus side show. With the peer pressure getting to me, I finished it quick. We watched TV for a while more. Before we knew it one am rolled around, so we decided to get to sleep.

That morning, I woke up early and had a smoke while every one was a sleep. I sat there by the window watching Jaye sleep. He must have sensed I was watching, because he woke up soon after I started. Oh those eyes, the most beautiful blue-green I have ever seen. He gave me a big smile as he stretched. I picked that opportunity to take a shower. I wasn't out yet, and I didn't want my actions to become obvious. By the time I had gotten out of the shower, Bryce was awake and getting ready for a shower. Jaye and I kept trying to wake Kenny up. When he finally woke, we all just about shoved him into the bathroom. It was getting late, I knew I had to be the last one out the door because, I was the "key guy". Which meant that I had to make sure that everyone had everything they needed. Needless to say, Kenny and I held up everyone. The whole class! When we got on, we were greeted by a round of applause. I haven't enjoyed mornings since then.

More sightseeing, We got to the Aerospace museum, formed little groups, then went on our merry way. I chose to stay with people I knew from band and chorus, Jaye and Tara, and a couple of others. Back then, as I do now, I considered Jaye and Tara my best friends. I felt more at ease around them. I think I spent more time looking at Jaye than I did looking at the exhibits. I enjoyed myself, nonetheless. I grabbed a couple of souvenirs; I just had to get some freeze-dried ice cream. After a couple of hours there, we got back on the bus to head for the usual presidential memorials and the Vietnam Veterans memorial wall. I, and some others, chose to stay on the bus for that, since it was optional. My reason was to catch up on a daydream or two.

Thunk! "Oww," I thought, as my head hit the window. Kenny bumped me over so he could sit down. Everyone was crowding on to the bus. My jacket was in my lap, so no one saw my hard-on, phew. That daydream of mine was something else; Jaye and I, snuggled up on a blanket in the woods behind my house. It had been a year, by then, that I realized that I had a crush on him. Everyone was on the bus, and we were on our way back to the hotel for one last night.

We got in the room, I wanted pizza and knew right where my wallet was. I reached in to the dresser drawer, "What!" I thought," Guys, have you seen my wallet?"

"No," the three said in near unison.

"Well, I guess I'll have to call the front desk, gotta find out

if one of the maids decided to give herself a tip."

So I called down there, the maid brought it down, thinking it was left behind. Duh! Our room was marked as a stay-over, stupid maid. At least she left the twenty in there. I dragged Jaye with me, I hated elevators, but I felt calm with him in there with me. We were all chatty on the way down to the front desk. I stopped at the pay phone to let my mom know I was having fun, and that DC looked much better than she described. Jaye just stood there, patiently, then pointed to my watch.

"Ma, I'll tell you more when I get back tomorrow night," I said.

"Okay, kiddo. G'bye, I love you."

"I love you too, ma," I answered quietly.

Jaye got this big ole grin on his face. "Don't worry, my mom still

does that to me too," he said with a chuckle in his voice.

"Come on, lets get back to the room before they think we got

lost," I said, motioning toward the elevators.

On the way back up in the elevator, I couldn't help but just stare at him, out of the corner of my eye. Every few moments, our eyes would meet, and I would just grin and giggle. I felt so at ease around him, but I couldn't save myself from my nervous giggles.

"What's so funny?" he asked. He was a little bent after about the

third time I giggled at him.

"Nothing!" there was a hint of guilt in my voice, "Man this

elevator is slow." A quick change of subject helped my conscience,

as fate had it the doors opened as soon as I finished my sentence.

As I was unlocking the door, there was a moment of fantasy that flashed through my head. I just sighed with a pouty look on my face. I knew there were two others that were in the room, so the fantasy would not come true. We went in, Kenny and Bryce were watching MTV.

Bryce spoke first, "Did the maid take the money?"

"No, it's the same as when I left it. Why she searched through

the dresser is beyond me."

I just planted myself down on the bed and watched TV. We were all just shooting the shit for a while, when somehow the subject turned to sex. We were all in our teens, so it's not like it was a difficult task. Something just possessed me to say that I was a prostitute. Oh, I was asked about why I didn't have a girlfriend. I had made a few remarks that basically became a way of coming out to them, but made it seem like I only did it for pay. "Oh gawd, why was I doing this?" I asked myself. I told a pretty good story, about my favorite customer; who, in actuality, was my boyfriend of the time. Then it finally happened, I should have known it was going to, Jaye offered me twenty bucks for a blow job.

"Where? I don't want to do that in front of these two."

"No," Jaye said, "in the bathroom." A big grin must have shot

across my face, because Jaye's beautiful green eyes just


"Well," I said, all businesslike, "aren't you worried these two

will say something?" I shot an icy glare at both of them.

"We won't say anything. Will we, Kenny," Bryce said while

cracking his knuckles. I was starting to learn the benefits of

having jocks for friends. Kenny just shook his head in response.

Hemming and hawing a bit, trying to figure out what I was

getting myself into, I said, "Sure. How 'bout now?"

Jaye just about ran me over getting to the bathroom. Me I just walked in there, like I had done this all the time. Then something occurred to me, I knew he didn't bring much money with him, as he handed me the twenty, he had this look.

"That's the last of your money isn't it?"

"Yeah," he said.

"I can't do it," I said sheepishly, "I can't bring myself to

take the last of your money" He started to reach for the

door. "Jaye, I didn't say I wasn't going to give you a blow

job. I just meant that I was not going to take your money"

"Fred?" he whispered, "are you gay?"

"I'm bi." I didn't want to admit to myself, yet, that I'm gay.

"That's okay, I know people that are gay, I have no problems

with it."

"Jaye, are you?"

"I don't know"

I kneeled down, in front of him, caressing his thighs. Which gave him an instant boner. I gently pushed him back against the sink. While unbuttoning his pants, I asked him if he still wanted to go through with it. He nodded. I unzipped his fly, wrapped my thumbs around the waist band of his pants and briefs, and pulled them ever so slowly to the floor. I licked the underside of his shaft, sending shivers through him from head to toe. I gently sucked on the inside of his thigh, I swear that only made him harder. Then, I lapped at his nutsack, swirling my tongue around each of his balls. I wanted to make sure he knew I was doing this special for him. I dragged my tongue up between his balls. Going slowly up and along his rigid pulsing cock. He must have been in extasy, for he was now on his tip-toes, and clutching the sink counter. When I made it to the head of his dick, I opened my mouth wide and let the head just rest on the tip of my tongue. I took a breath, and sank to the base of his cock, as if taking it in one gulp. I rubbed my nose in his pubes, letting the head glide against the back of my throat. I pulled slowly back to where my lips were just behind the head, swirling and flicking my tongue wildly around the head. I started bobbing up and down on his shaft, pressing my tongue against his cock to increase the friction. His breathing grew heavier, and I felt his cockhead expand in my mouth like it was going to explode. I pulled back a little, and jerked him off to orgasm, filling my mouth with the sweetest tasting teenage cum I had ever tasted. Swirling his cum around the head, sucking out every last bit of cream I could get, then I swallowed it all in an obvious gulp. I then pulled myself off, and pulled his pants and briefs back up. To give one last bit of pleasure - to myself, of course - I gently kissed his thighs as I made my way up.

"Wow!" he sputtered, "That was awesome."

"Shh," I said as I stood up, "They're right outside the door"

"How do you know?"

I just tapped my ear and smiled wide. Then I did something I thought I would never do. I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "I think I'm in love with you." His face lit right up. Jaye was positively glowing. I leaned in again, licked his ear, and whispered, "We'll talk later, right now, let's just get out of here." I turned toward the door and whipped it open. You should have seen those two just about jump out of their skins.

"Guys," I said to them, "you really need to learn how to sneak

up more quietly."

"How'd you hear us?" Bryce asked.

"Yeah, we were being quiet." was all Kenny could say.

I shook my head, and chuckled, "I told you my ears were


We all sat on the beds again, well, I sat on the floor leaning against the bed. I flipped on the TV and zoned out, until the phone rang. It was Tara asking for Jaye. He got all giddy talking to her. "Oh, shit!" I thought, "I hope those two weren't dating." He told her that he wanted to talk to her about something, but couldn't over the phone with us there in the room. He left to go talk to her, leaving the rest of us in the room. My mind kicked into overdrive, I think I was worried about Jaye telling Tara, then Tara telling the planet. The real torture was just beginning for me, I ended up getting the third degree from Kenny and Bryce. After about the fourth or fifth time the pelted me with a 'what was he like' question, I got miffed.

"Jeez, guys, it was business. Not like I was taking notes! Damn!"

It didn't help that I was glowing like Three-Mile Island, but, it kept them quiet. About ten minutes later, Jaye came back. Tara was with him, first she gave me a quick glare, then a big smile. I guess he told her something about what happened in the bathroom. "Oh, well," I thought, "guess I won't be in the closet for long." She simply said, "We'll talk later" and she flashed me a smile again.

"Well, folks I'm going to sleep," I announced to the room.

"Sure you don't want to trade spots, Fred?" Bryce joked.

"No thanks," I said with a 'just you wait' look on my face.

"Stay on your own side tonight," said Kenny.

"Like you have enough to pay me." Oh I burned him good on that


Jaye just winked at me, before I drifted off to sleep. I had some fantastic dreams that night, it was a shame we had to go home in the morning. In the morning, we packed up, and piled on to the bus. On the way home, I sat with Bryce, and Jaye sat with Tara behind us. We got all the way to Binghamton by the time I woke up from my travel nap, turned around and asked Jaye for his address. Tara must have known what was up, because she was grinning from ear to ear. The rest of the way home was a blur, I was just too focused on what might happen, good and bad, once school started again in the fall.

Comments good, bad, or indifferent can be sent to my email addy at the top.

Next: Chapter 2

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