Dreaming Dirty

By Erik Bennett

Published on Apr 19, 2011


My hand travelled further up the back of his leg, my fingers splayed out to feel as much of his body as I could, the hard muscles of his thighs twitching slightly under my grasp. I reached out and touched his arm, first allowing my fingers to trace along the veins of his forearm, spreading out as I wrapped my hand around and slowly started to stroke upwards before reaching his bicep. By now his breathing had quickened slightly, but his eyes were closed and he was still deeply asleep. Gently I knelt on the bed, allowing my legs within touching distance of his splayed out majesty.

My hand on his thigh traced its way over his leg, my touch sure and steady, my heart beating like a bass drum. Slowly I slid my hand to the front, to trace my way around his crotch, never going near the heavily packed pouch in the centre. Instead my fingers made their way over to his abs, splaying out over his tight stomach. I leaned down, and bring my face close to his arm, near where my other hand is exploring. I am over the top of his bicep and the smell of his flaming hot skin is irresistible.

I leaned down and kissed his muscled arm. I gasped as my lips made contact with his skin, the muscle below twitched as though an electrical shock had pulsed through, I paused for a moment and glanced up towards his face, fearing that his eyes would be open and that a gaze full of hate would glare down at me. Instead he seemed peacefully asleep.

By now I had straddled his torso, his groin inches from my own. I leaned in towards his arm, my lips lightly touching his skin, each touch heating me to the point where a sweat broke out across my brow. My nose lightly brushed the dark patch of hair that curled under his arm. The smell was intoxicating, full of the sweat of the day, but underlying that were a myriad of scents that attacked my nose, driving my tongue out to taste him, I felt the rough, thick hair of his pits touch my tongue, assaulting them with tastes and sensation I had not believed possible, soon my nose was buried beneath his arm, my tongue tasting every bit of skin it could reach. I lifted my head away from his arm for a moment, taking a deep breath and allowing the lust to take over once again, driving me with slow kisses towards his chest.

My heart was pounding, but my lust grew stronger with every tiny taste, until I was driven to get my latest fix. The heat of his skin seemed to scorch my tongue and lips as I kissed my way to his already hard nipple. I paused for only a moment to admire the hard, dark, round piece of flesh that seemed to be offering itself to me. My tongue reached out and traced around the dark circle. The moment my tongue made contact with the rough little nub goosebumps erupted across his flesh, the trail seeming to flow straight from him and over my own body.

My heart stopped beating as a small intake of breath above me broke the silence like a gunshot, in my surprise at the sound I close my mouth, my teeth grazing against the highly sensitive nipple. He took in a hard sharp breath, his stomach tensing below me, his arm reached up and I felt his big hands touch my skin, the heat seemed to sear across my back and I sucked harder. Slowly his hand stroked along my back, moving in small circles, coming ever higher.

His warm touch sent vibrations through my body and I felt myself close to collapse as my muscles turned to jelly, my arms struggling to hold my weight above him. Lost in my desire, the lust for this body beneath me vying for ultimate control I forgot words of the past, simply living in the moment, I allow his hand to push me gently, his strong grip gentle in its authority takes control.

I worked my way down, my mouth following the ridges of his stomach, the muscles now tense and writhing to my ministrations, my teeth nipping at small of flesh.

I could feel the shivers of delight running through his body, the strong muscles tensing and relaxing beneath my lips and my hands.

My hand was once again on his leg, my fingers slipping under the hem of his tight briefs, now dry from the sun and the heat radiating around the room. My fingers are tight, no longer searching but waiting. Before he drove my searching mouth further, I ran my tongue around his navel, feeling his muscles tense and tighten beneath me. Feeling his grip relax for a second I ducked out of his grip, allowing his hand to slide down my exposed back.

I leaned forward, my body arching over his, an inch of sizzling air separating our bodies for the moment. My lips continued their exploration along his neck, the hard muscles, the exposed veins all falling prey to my mouth before our lips made contact. As our lips touched I allowed my body to settle on his flaming tight skin. His long, strong arms encircled my back, one of his hands reaching down to cup my ass.

I Arched into him as our kiss deepened. His massive throbbing member pushed through the fabric of his briefs into my stomach, my own hard cock, pressing into his blazing flesh, the thin fabric of my costume seeming to disintegrate at the heat of his skin.

His strong tongue pushed past my lips, plunging into my mouth, as our kiss deepened He has a very, very long tongue, and I shivered and moaned with pleasure, as his tongued found places in my mouth that I did not know existed. His hands, after squeezing and kneading my ass moved higher before questing beneath the band of my shorts, under my own briefs. I could feel the hot skin of his strong bare hands making contact with my flesh, He squeezed harder, pushing my groin down and into him as his hips thrust his hard bone into me.

Breaking our kiss I glanced down and I could see his briefs straining as his cock begged for release, a large patch showing the leaking pre-cum. It begged for attention and I allowed myself to look away from it to glance up at him. His eyes were closed, his head thrown back as his breathing deepened.

"Do it!" his voice was harsh but low, and had I not been watching his lips I would not have heard the order. I leaned in again and allowed my lips, teeth and tongue to resume their exploration, his chest was covered in tiny kisses and I stopped long enough to make him groan loudly as my mouth enveloped his straining nipples. I reveled in the movement of his stomach muscles as I nipped and bit my way down the centre of his torso.

The long pole stretched up and around to the left of his briefs, the head seeming to throb and push at the elastic band near his hip, the only thing now holding the pulsing mass at bay.

I paused in my oral work to breath and admire the throbbing mass that begged for release. He was bigger than I had dreamed, the long lump seeming to stretch impossibly long and thick.

I brought my fingers down, following the trail my mouth had used moments before. I circled the top of his underwear, my finger brushing lightly against the straining head. Moving lower, but avoiding the pulsing member I stroked my way around the massive bulge, my hands gently teasing along the hems of the fabric.

I heard the gasp and moaned as his hand grasped around the back of my neck, his thumb circling down and across my throat.

His hot touch and strong grip drove me to my knees and it was all that I could do not to turn into a quivering mass of cum. I hesitated for a moment before bringing my hand up once again, allowing a single finger to stroke along the very edge of the large mass. I watched as his cock twitched and the dark patch near the top doubled in size.

I lifted my hand and brought a finger down an inch from where the shaft ended and the head began, allowing only my nail to trace its way down the searing shaft of meat. The twitching intensified and the large patch was now oozing clear liquid, his moans soft but desperate.

My hands left him for a moment as they moved up to his stomach once again. His grip around my neck tightened slightly before he felt my fingers tickling along the prominent lines of his hips that buried themselves beneath the straining fabric. Down they traced before I hooked my fingers under the elastic and slowly, ever so slowly began to pull them down.

He moaned again and his grip was no longer firm, but I could still feel his scorching hand around my neck. Flesh revealed itself with painful slowness as I pulled the briefs further down. A neatly trimmed bush of pubic hair appeared, but the head was still trapped by the elastic and it took one hard pull before it popped free. Without pausing I pulled them down all the way to his ankles where he quickly kicked them off, leaving him completely naked on my bed.

I knelt between his legs, their warmth and firmness tight around my own. Before leaning down I gazed at him. His dark hair was pushed back, his mouth slightly open, his eyes closed tightly as he lay back, his long neck exposed. He was breathing, not hard, but harder than was required.

His chest and hard, dark nipples rose and fell, his stomach tight, every muscle visible to my questing eyes. I drank in his body before I allowed my eyes to trail down his stomach to my prize.

It lay against his stomach, stretching just past his navel, twitching slightly as a heavy stream of pre-cum flowed from the large, swollen head. He was easily ten inches, though probably closer to nine. His shaft throbbed as I looked down, following the lines of veins that fed the monster beneath me. His big heavy balls were already tight in their, hairless, wrinkled sack.

Leaning down I was assaulted by the scent of raw sex that seemed to ooze from the pulsing penis, the heat of his body was almost too much to bear as my mouth came closer to the swollen glans.

My tongue darted out and I could not stop myself from closing the distance, allowing it to make contact. He gasped and moaned and his grip around my neck reasserted itself as I tasted his cock. I licked down the long shaft and watched as yet more pre-cum leaked from the head. Licking my way back up I swirled my tongue over the head and lapped up some of the liquid pouring out. His grip was tight now, his breath shallow as slowly I touched his bare member with my hand, my fingers closing around the thick shaft. I could not close my hand over the massively thick cock in my grasp, so I pulled it up, away from his stomach before running my tongue over the head and dipping into the wide slit at its peak. He wriggled slightly, his breath coming in short gasps.

My tongue seemed to be encouraging the leaking, but the taste on my tongue was exquisite and irresistible, I licked once more, the tip of my tongue delving deep into the slit before I closed my lips over the blazing head. I felt his cock thicken slightly and lengthen even more as I started to suck him dry. His pre-cum was now literally pouring from his cock, filling my mouth with the sweet taste. I started to swallow and felt the long shaft fill my mouth as the head made its way to my throat. He was huge, and already my jaw felt stretched but it was too delicious to stop.

I had more than half of his long, thick penis in my mouth and I was still swallowing. I felt the pole start to stretch my throat as he pushed himself in further. The taste was impossible to let go, the heat and texture of this pulsing hard tool buried in my face was driving me crazy, I was sucking hard and he was moaning and writhing in pleasure.

I reached down and trailed a finger along the tight, heavy sack, feeling it tighten even more at my contact. I gently held it in my hand before circling the pouch and closing my fingers around where his cock met his balls. He moaned even louder and lay back. I could feel how close he was, his cock far larger and harder now than it had been on its release, he really did hit a full ten inches, and by the looks of his excitement, he wasn't done growing

I pulled off of his cock, just as I hit the last inch before swallowing the entire meaty mass. I knew he would not hold out if I swallowed the whole thing, I could feel his balls pulling and churning as I held them back, denying him that sweet release.

Still kneeling between his legs, the hard muscles of his calves around my own torso, I leaned up and made my way up his toned body, his massive head still leaking all over his stomach. I could feel the heat of it before it touched me as I leaned in to kiss him once again.

The feel of his hot tool on my own skin was breathtaking. Without breaking the kiss I reached down and took hold of the tie holding my pants up. It was loose within seconds and soon I too was naked.

My own hard cock brushed his stomach and then his cock made contact and I moaned into his mouth at feeling.

-- "There can be no courage without fear" Christopher Poalini

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