Dreaming Dirty

By Erik Bennett

Published on Mar 29, 2011


I turned around, my eyes itchy and dry. The afternoon had worn me out, the hot sun, my best friend mock-drowning me every few minutes. My eyes roamed across the room, landing on his sleeping figure. The afternoon light fell onto his bare skin; he had stripped out of his wet shorts and slumped onto the bed. He managed to get high, smoking a big joint with me; he lasted exactly 15 minutes before he passed out, nearly naked on my bed. His tight black briefs, still slightly damp clung to his body, highlighting his tight, hard muscled legs. His abs were relaxed but still visible. He had almost no body fat, and his lean muscles showed clearly, hard and shaped, beneath his tan skin.

I felt my pulse quicken as I stepped closer to the bed and lay my hand on his calf, the nearest part of his body I could reach. My heart rate doubled as my skin made contact with his lightly hairy legs. A spark of heat and electricity travelled through my body, racing out to my extremities as I slowly spread my fingers out over the flesh and made my grip firmer.

His breathing was still even as I slowly moved my hand up the back of his leg, my fingers lightly stroking behind his knee as I let my hand travel further. The tight skin, the hard muscles, his body was hot to the touch, electrifying.

As my hand travelled further up the back of his leg, the hard muscles of his thighs under my grasp, I reach out and touched his arm. First I trace along the veins of his forearm, my fingers spreading out as I wrap my hand around and slowly start to stroke upwards, reaching his bicep. By now his breathing has quickened slightly, but he is still deeply asleep. Gently I kneel on the bed, allowing my legs within touching distance of his splayed out majesty.

My hand on his leg traces its way over his legs, my touch sure and steady, and my heart beating like a bass drum. I bring it round to the front, and trace my way around his crotch, never going near the heavily packed pouch in the centre. Instead my fingers work their way over to his abs, splaying out over his tight stomach. I lean down, and bring my face close to his arm, near where my other hand is exploring. I am over the top of his bicep and the smell of his flaming hot skin is irresistible,

I lean down and kiss his muscled arm. I gasp as my lips makes contact with his skin, the muscle below twitched as though an electrical shock had pulsed through, I paused for a moment and glanced up towards his face, fearing that his eyes would be open and that a gaze full of hate would glare down at me. Instead he seemed peacefully asleep. By now I had straddled his torso, his groin inches from my own. I leaned in towards his arm, my lips lightly touching his skin, each touch heating me to the point where a sweat broke out across my brow. My nose lightly brushed the dark patch of hair that curled under his arm. The smell was intoxicating, full of the sweat of the day, but underlying that were a myriad of scents that attacked my nose, my tongue darted out and tasted him before I lifted my head away from his arm for a moment and slowly kissed my way towards his chest, my heart pounding, but my lust growing with every tiny taste. My lips make contact with his already hard nipple. My tongue reaches out and traces around the dark circle. Goosebumps erupt across his flesh, the trail seeming to flow over my own body. Above me I hear a small breath, almost a gasp as my teeth graze over his bumpy flesh, slowly my teeth close over and I suck gently. I feel his arm reach up and caress my shoulders gently.

His warm touch sends vibrations through my body and I nearly turn to jelly, my arms struggling to hold my weight above him. Lost in my desire, my lust for this body beneath me, I forget that his hand is on me, disregarding the consequences, instead I allow it to push me gently, and his strong grip gentle in its authority takes control.

I let my mouth follow the ridges of his muscled stomach, my teeth nipping at small exposed bits of flesh. I feel a shiver of delight travel through his body, his muscles tensing at my touch. My hand once again has made its way onto his leg, the fingers splayed, but gripping tight, just around the hem of his tight briefs. Before he can get my searching mouth past his navel I push up, slipping under his hand and allowing it to slide down my back, as I lean upwards, allowing my body to drape over his. I can feel his heat before any part of me touches him. I lean down and gasp as i allow my weight to settle onto his strong body, his muscles firm and tensed below me as his arms encircled me, pulling me in closer to him as my mouth makes contact with his neck, the veins standing out in sharp relief to his tensed skin, covered in goose-bumps as I leave a mark on his neck, my teeth hungry for more. His arms have made their way down my back, circling my waste and sliding under the band of my pants. I Arch into him as my lips make contact with his. I can feel his massive throbbing member pushing into my stomach, my own hard cock, pressing into his blazing flesh, the thin layer of denim seeming to disintegrate at the heat of his skin.

His strong tongue pushes past my lips and plunges into my mouth. He has a very, very long tongue, and i shivered and moaned with pleasure, as his tongued found places in my mouth that i wasn't aware existed. His hands had pushed deeper into my pants, the long questing finger sneaking further into the back of my underwear. I could feel his strong hands squeezing my ass, pushing me into him as his hips thrust his hard bone into me.

Glancing down I could see his briefs straining as his cock begged for release, a large patch showing the leaked pre-cum. breaking our kiss I moved swiftly down, my teeth stopping every few moments to nip at his flexed and tense stomach muscles. The long pole stretched up and around to the left of his briefs, the head seeming to throb and push at the elastic band that was holding its pulsing mass at bay.

I ran my hand over the flesh along the top of his briefs and then over the elastic covered head and down the cotton clad erection. I heard the gasp and moaned as his hand grasped around the back of my neck, his thumb circling down and across my throat. His hot touch and strong grip drove me to my knees and it was all that i could do not to turn into a quivering mass of cum. Without hesitation i plunged my mouth onto the pole of pulsing heat below me, my lips wrapping around the thick cotton covered shaft. He moaned deeply and his grip tightened.

Next: Chapter 2

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