
By Trey Edwards

Published on Jan 21, 2001



  • Guys feel free to e-mail me and let me know what you thought of the story. Hey, I am single and 18, so if you're under 23 and not really into the hardcore shit, then drop me a hit and I might just be interested.




It's the greatest feeling in the world to be in college. I am free. I can finally be myself, almost a brand new identity. All my friends at school call me Trey. That's a new one to me, but I wanted it that way. I was always Terry in school, and it made me feel young, as if I were underage, so no clubbing for me. That summer before freshman year I knew things were going to change. So I guess I should tell you a little about myself.

I'm pretty tall, like 6'3" and mad skinny. I really like my guys that way too, and it looks good on me. I never workout or anything, so it's nothing spectacular. I was always focused on school and I played volleyball the last two years of high school, but that was pretty much it in the way of sports. I refuse to go tanning so I'm not exactly bronzed in any way. But I have really strong features, like a well crafted model, you know, like bright green eyes and fairly short, dark brown hair.

I'm an art major so I tend to be liberal and take a broader perspective on life. At least that's what I accredit that to. And by now just about everyone knows about me and the fact I'm gay so I feel completely comfortable here. The thing is, I'm not flaming at all, I mean I can dig guys like that, but you probably wouldn't guess from seeing me. I don't sound too flaming, and believe me I know what it sounds like. I guess I just like boys, that's all. I don't mean to offend anyone by that, I just am not interested in following stereotypes. And one other thing; I'm not the sexual type. This story is not about my previous fucks, cause there aren't any. That's right, I'm a virgin, and that's not going to change for a while. I'm a lite guy, so it's all hardcore kissing sessions for me, and I've gotten damn good at it. That's all I need for now, but who knows, someone special might come along and change that...

So here I am at school and believe me I'm incredibly available at the time. I made the stupid mistake of watching a certain television show of the utmost gay genre and it made me even more lonely. It was time for a decision, it was time to go out on the market. I mean, I wasn't really trying before, but now it was full steam ahead. Let's just say that I 'accessorized' a little just enough to remove that feeling of gay ambiguity. That's right boys, Trey's here and he's certainly available. It was a modest transition though, nothing too flaming. The hook was out but no bites... well that changed soon enough.

My god what have I found. He was adorable, and gay, I think. Well I was determined to find out. It was the first day of Graphic Design class. Attendance had determined that his name was Eric, which later I found out was spelled as Erick, which for some reason was even hotter to me. He was absolutely adorable (oh, did I say that already, hmmm, one track mind I guess). Nah, that's not my thing. I have never obsessed over a guy, and I hope I never will. Life's too short, man. Still, there was this dreamdate at the desk opposite myself, and I must say I caught myself in staring spells for a little while.

He was simply beautiful, and absolutely lover material. 'Lover' is definitely a term that works in this situation, he's definitely someone who can drive one wild all night but never lose that bittersweet charm in his broad smile. Ok, let me describe and then you the reader can commence drooling. Mmm, so he's like 6'1" or so and not as skinny as I am, but that's certainly fine with me, because he makes it up by being in shape. He's cut, I must say. Not busting at the seems, but aesthetically delicious. He's a little darker than I am, but I like that, at least on other people. As for dick size, I won't go there, cause frankly I don't care. I'm pretty damn big, probably cause I'm tall, but he can be whatever and it wouldn't change the way I feel about him.

So I meant what I said. Believe me when I say that I always make the first move, and I love doing that cause the guys never suspect it. I really don't appear gay. Now, I definitely have gaydar, but I catch everyone off guard. It took me a little while, but I figured out my approach. I mean, I certainly thought he was gay, but there really isn't a guarantee until you talk to them. The class was pretty free-range so a few days later I grew a set of balls and went over to him. I have a rule, and I am always myself, and I won't really change for anyone. Besides, it's easier that way.

There he was, in a tight little sweater and carpenter jeans. His hair is dark and so are his small eyes. I absolutely love his eyes. They don't open all the way, almost to look like he's mellow all the time. It's probably from pot but I didn't care one way or the other. He looked damn good. So I started talking to him.

"That's amazing," I instigated, "you really have a lot of talent."

"Thanks. This is what I love to do. I just want to set myself aside and feel like I know this place," he replies in reference to the landscape he was workng on. My god I loved his voice. No particular reason I guess, just very clear and deep, like his eyes.

"Is it somewhere you know, somewhere familiar? You must have a lot of inspiration. This scene is gorgeous." I wanted to imbue a lot of emotion, almost make him want to read between the lines.

"I have no idea. I hope it is though, and I want to be there, you know?" He was waiting for me to say something more it seems. I continued speaking softly, but not seductively.

"I can imagine." I paused, not really expecting a response though.

"Can I see what you're working on?" Oh yes, we have reached a common point here. I was very excited, as I am with my work. I say I must incline...

He got up slowly and came over to my bench. I was not about to play eager beaver, I followed behind, silently. I was really anticipating what he had to say however.

"...that's fantastic. Do you know this place?" Erick waited for my response.

"Not really. That's going to be my place someday, I hope," I was creating a scape of an apartment I would someday like to inhabit, "Somewhere I can find solace in a busy city and keep doing what I love the most."

"Your sketches?" he was pretty sure of his inquizition.

"Yeah, I put my heart into these," I confirmed. He noticed a few of my watercolour sketches set aside on the table, seperated from the sketchpad. Erick browsed through them. I knew I had pictures of guys in there, and I simply didn't say anything. I just grinned a little, but he hadn't noticed. On top of the small pile were some sketches of marionettes and a few smaller landscapes. And then there were those 'incriminating' stills. This was going to be interesting, no doubt.

It was really nice actually, I mean he genuinely enjoyed the appearnce of my talent, and that made me greatful. You know I don't always think with my cock. Course, one can only be so hasty in a definitive moment such as this. So Erick was shuffling through a few of the stills when finally...

"Um, who is this?" He asked in a sincere, honest voice. I think I was prepared for this one. It was almost as if I should have just responded with complete honesty and he would take it with a grain of salt. How ethical, so that's what I decided to do.

"That's um, well it's a good friend of mine. His name is Eliot, and um, we've drawn and painted each other before," ok, so I was choking up a little. I'm still pretty new at this you know, "Um, it was for a course at a community college last year." Maybe I should have continued, but I didn't want to seem diminutive. And I was telling the truth, I had drawn Eliot several times, and he had drawn me.

Fortunately, Erick wasn't stumbling to find a grasp of what I had told him. It was only a short moment after, and then...

"Um, was he your lover?" He questioned so humbly. I was shocked, frankly, and I adored him for using the word lover. It's so exotic, so Renaissance. Nice, very nice. Of course I rebutted.

"Oh, no not Eliot. I didn't have feelings for Eliot. Um, and I haven't had any lovers. I just met him at the school." I justified. Hey, it's the truth.

"Oh," Erick was so cute. He was hesitating. "Ok." I certainly wasn't satisfied with that. This was my chance to explore his intense mind, and read him like a book, full speed ahead.

"Ok? So you've never drawn a nude man before I take it," I asked quietly, but I thought it would be intense enough to keep him talking. Oh there was so much more to be found in this beautiful boy holding my substantial emotions in his crafty hands.

"I, no, I mean I would but, um I haven't," choked Erick. Shit, I really didn't want to frighten the poor kid. Calm down, I thought, his was ready to tell me anything.

"Look, I didn't mean to catch you off guard, but those sketches are just as meaningful to me as any of my stills. Anyway, what do you think?" I asked softly.

"Oh they're really great, Trey." He reassured.

"You called me Trey." I was just as startled as I could only imagine he was. I thought I really shouldn't have said that one...

"I, yeah I saw you the first day of class talking to someone, um, and she called you Trey. You're Trey, right?" Poor Erick was getting confused.

"...Well yeah, I just, well my friends at the dorm call me Trey, and I didn't know you knew that..." So I was rambling, "Oh but yeah, call me Trey." I reestablished my own identity. It would probably help if we were ever going to hook up.

"Ok," he grinned. Shit! He grinned. His warm smile made me melt. "So, um, were you uncomfortable, you know, naked in front of a guy?" He asked. God that was a great question to respond to. It was time to clear the air.

"Not at all. Eliot was great. He had a wonderful body. I really enjoyed working with him," I responded with certainty, I didn't want to flaunt any feelings just yet.

"I've wanted to draw nudes too," he added, "I'm not that advanced, and I think I would feel awkward in a drawing parlor in front of a naked man."

"I understand. I thought so too," I leveled. "You know if you want, you could draw me. I wouldn't mind." Oooh, laying that one on thick.

"Trey, I..." he spoke so personally. "Ok, yeah, I'd really like that."

"Yeah?" I grinned a little. I was so entirely pleased he didn't freak on my offer.

"Um, when?" he asked me. Well someone is interested. Now I felt really good.

"Here," I proceeded to write out my dorm address on scrap paper with my phone number. He made me so excited. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing really," he was so scoring points. "You mean tonight's ok?"

"Sure, my roommate has work at six. How's seven?" I was damned if didn't get affirmative on this boy. Smooth...

"Yeah ok," he replied as if I had lifted a burden off his chest. "I'll see you then."

So I suppose it was time to go anyway since the rest of the class had left about twenty minutes ago. Talk about breathing room. God I liked that boy. Everything was working out so right. 7:00 could not come soon enough. I never mentioned a word to my roommate, even though he knows all about me. So it was time for some preparations, and I don't mean dozens of candles and trance music. I'm talking about full exposure to the waxing moon that was outside beaming in pale white light accompanied by the most soulful blues music I could get my hands on.

He was so interested. I'm talking about his prompt arrival. It was only like 2 minutes after seven. This kid was good. I was so ready to pose for this stud, so I was wearing a white muscle shirt and really loose-fitting dark blue jeans hoisted up with a black leather belt. Well, I'm not really in shape like I had mentioned before, but I certainly wasn't a pile of shit either. And it's not like I was being examened, the room was kind of dark, but there was certainly enough light to draw by.

Anyway there he was at my door, in this tight little V-neck and loose black jeans. He looked so good. I would have much rather drawn him, but hey, that might happen soon enough, so I was thinking. Everything was so awesome, right at that moment, then flawed. A friend of mine was walking down the hall at that very moment. He knew all about me already, and I guess he thought it was his public duty to make a declaration right then and there.

"Jeez Trey, another boy? You sure have been busy in there," he cackled. Very nice. I mean, he was just giving me a hard time cause he knows my little dilemma and all. The thing is, Erick definitely knew about me now, and I didn't want him to panic on me and take off. Yeah, I felt pretty great after that one. I didn't even gratify his big mouth, I just turned to Erick, trying to read his eyes.

"Trey, you're gay aren't you?" He asked me. He really wanted a response to this one. I was a little exasperated, but I replied honestly. I was only justifying this beautiful guy now, and it's not like I had an audience anymore.

"Yeah I am Erick. I didn't know if I should tell you or if you already suspected," I acknowledged, "but yeah, I like guys. That doesn't bother you does it?"

He smiled "Nope," and then the smile got even bigger as he slowly tried to find assurance in his words in the floor, and then in my eyes. "I'm drawing you, remember."

Oh what a good answer. I was capsized. Leave it to me to not waste any time.

"And I've liked you since I first saw you in class," I continued.

"Really?" he asked. Right, like I need to justify that. Here goes.

"Yeah," I replied. What a character flaw. I took a deep breath and waited for, well pretty much anything at all.

"I was hoping you would say that," he replaced his big smile with a sly grin, "You know I really like you too."

I wasn't going to say anything else. I'm forward and he was ready for something wonderful. Two steps and I was right in front of him. I put my arms around his waist and shifted him slightly towards me. Erick put his arms on my shoulders and slid the door closed with his foot.

"You look fantastic Erick," I incited. My life is not a soap opera, we didn't just start banging on my bed. I play all the cards in my hand.

"I want to kiss you so much," he replied.

I didn't even give him the chance. I moved him forward once more and kissed him so deeply. I could taste his sweet tongue in my mouth as his hands ran steadily down my back. I pulled away from him just for a moment, and placed my hands his shoulders. He looked into my eyes and slowly advanced again. He led with his warm tongue into my mouth and I placed my hand on the back of his head.

His hands were so strong and he tucked them into the rear pockets of my jeans. I felt so great at the moment I had wished I could lock time and just spend it there with Erick. I put my foot behind his and slowly we settled onto the bed. Our lips never even seperated as I moved about on top of him. I was so relaxed I could have just drifted away.

His lips left mine briefly for the first time in several minutes, and he looked at me, as if waiting for me to say something. I stared deeply into his eyes for a moment. He smiled that amazing smile of his again.

"Have you ever been with a boy before, Erick?" I asked.

"No," he whispered. "But I really wanted to."

One more sweet kiss, and then "I like you a lot."

His smile was so great, and he laughed softly. There was no verbal response, he just moved forward and starting kissing my neck. It was so slow and passionate, I could feel him breathing deeply and his body heat tapering off. I moved my hands over his stomach and worked a light massage on him. I could feel his hardness tucked away in his jeans, and I'm sure he could feel mine. Our bodies were hitched, and it felt so good to be lying there in his arms.

I faced him once more and kissed him hard. My tongue darted into his mouth and I could feel him breathing. I could not break away. His sweet lips kept me there, and I just closed my eyes and kept going. He was a great kisser, and I never wanted to leave his embrace. He had wrapped his arms around my back and rested his hands at the base of my spine. I slipped underneath his shirt and stroked up his sides as he jostled underneath as if I were tickling him softly.

There we were, two almost complete strangers sharing the most passionate kiss I have ever felt. I pushed upward from the bed for a moment, looking downward at him. He opened his eyes again, puzzled. I maintained a soft voice.

"Do you still want to draw me?" I asked him.

"All I want is you Trey. Would you stay with me?" He requested.

I simply placed my hands to the sides of his face and gave him the sweetest kiss to his waiting lips. He laughed softly in his breath and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't let go.

That night he stayed here with me. I remember falling asleep with him in my arms right at my side. The next morning I woke up early, before it was even bright outside. He was sitting there at my desk, and when he saw me wake, he laughed.

"Erick, I," I laughed too a little to follow suit "what are you laughing about?"

"I just, I was just finishing, that's all." He responded.

I think I knew what he meant by that. So I got up and stretched, then I walked over to him. There was very little light in the room. He was sitting under the illumination of my desk lamp, though that stupid thing couldn't light a closet. I was still in the clothes I had worn the night before, and it returned to me like a gust of warm wind how fantastic the carpet felt on my bare feet. I was lost for a moment, and the dorm was so peaceful, mostly due to the fact that nobody was up yet.

I put my arm around his shoulders and leaned forward. Erick was finishing some last shading details. His eyes never left the drawing. I remember exhaling quickly as I smiled, one so that he knew that was my reaction. I never said anything to him, but I leaned over and kissed him softly on the forehead. He closed his eyes for a moment and smiled. Then he looked up at me, looking for a emotion towards his work.

"You're very talented baby. I love it," I replied. He blushed a little and blotted his lips once. Again he closed his eyes and kissed me deeply. I placed my arm on the side of his face and returned the favour. He had drawn me while I was sleeping with subtle abstractions. Here I had slightly longer hair and a facial expression that implied I was completely fulfilled. Maybe I was. Erick was amazing, more perfect than anyone I could have ever imagined getting together with. The best part was, I think he felt the same way.

"But I guess you didn't get what you asked for," I continued.

He lowered his brow slightly, "What do you mean, Trey?" he forwarded.

"I never let you draw me nude," I replied.

"I know that," he grinned sheepishly, "You shared something that means a lot more to me than your body."

I melted. That was the hottest thing I had heard in a long time. His lips were my territory now. I smiled broadly and kissed him so intensely. While I was kneeling beside him I rested my head on his shoulder and started thinking.

"Just think," I said, "Graphics class has only just started."

He smiled, "I'd like to see you more than just in Graphics. What do you think?"

I looked him in the eyes and gave him a warm smile, "Of course."

Erick kissed me gently on the surface of my lips, then harder with a deep breath. He got up and put his shoes on. I was standing there at my desk and he turned to me from the door, "Can I see you again tonight?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," I replied. Erick turned around and closed the door quietly.

My roommate Jeff was supposedly sleeping on the other side of the room. But then he turned and looked at me.

"That was hot," he teased, "you two are so cute. See, I told you a great guy would come along."

"I know," I said, "One certainly did come along."

Jeff hadn't been there last night, and he shows a genuine interest and my interests in guys. He continued, "So are you going to tell me about this dreamdate or what?"

His statement brought the biggest smile to my face. There was so much to talk about. And soon enough there would be more to Erick and I.

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