Dream Weaver

By LaneyMcLeod Smith

Published on Jul 8, 2003


Disclaimer: I do not know, or CLAIM to know either Jessica Alba OR any of the women from Coyote Ugly. I do not know these women, nor do I pertain to knowing their sexual persuasions. This story is an entire work of fiction and is not meant to defame either woman in any way. This is a fantasy, no more or less.

Author's Note: This story is the property of the author. It can be downloaded for personal reading pleasure or sending to a friend, but if you wish to re-post it at your own site, please contact the author at {{ violetcoyote@kittymail.com }} for permission. This story contains strong adult themes and you should read no further if you find that kind of thing offensive.

Coyote Sexy......

I am in the middle of a dream. A beautiful dream, which involves me and Kate Winslet getting it on, when I am brutally slapped awake by my housemate, Mandy. I snort viciously at her, and then open one eye. The clock reads 4:15am. I lash out with one arm and close my eyes.

"Phone for you...." Mandy says.

"Tell em to get lost..." I answer, closing my eye again.

She pauses next to my bed and then I hear her start moving away, "ok, sure, I'll tell Jessica to call back some other time..."

I sit bolt upright. "Jessica? MY Jessica?"

"Do you know any other Jessica?" Mandy asks.

I jump out of bed and tear down the hallway, completely naked. Eagerly I grab the phone. "Hey! Jess?"

"Finally, Laney! It's 6pm here!" Jessica teases.

"Yeah, well..." I give her a half answer. Down the hallway, I see Mandy flopping back into her half of our king sized bed. "What's up then?"

"Ah, yes, down to the nitty gritty." Jessica says. "I want you and Mandy to get packed. Right away. Then get to your local airport. A private plane will be waiting for you there."

"A plane? What for? Where are we going?" I ask. "I don't have a passport..."

"All that will be sorted out when you get here. I got you and Mandy some work on my latest movie... And I want you here..."

"Here in America?" I ask, stupidly.

"Yes, here in America..." Jessica replies, patiently.

"But Jess..." I start.

"It's work, it's paid, and you will LOVE it.... Laney, I know you." Jessica answers, before giggling.

"So there's girls on set then?" I ask.

"Other than me?" she says, sounding jokingly hurt. She laughs. "Yes, Laney there are girls. Not just any girls either."

"You're not working on a porno with Jenna Jameson are you?" I ask, suddenly becoming suspicious.

Jessica bursts into hysterical laughter. "No, silly. Just... think.... bars... water and dancing. Now get packed and get here woman!" She says.

"Wait Jess-"

"I'll talk to you when you both get here! Later!" She hangs up.

I stand, holding the phone, dumbfounded. America... Bars... Water... and Dancing? I can't think. Until it clicks. Hysterically, I scream at the top of my voice, before racing down the hallway naked. I tear into the bedroom and bang open the closet, throwing clothes out over the room.

"What you doin?" Mandy asks.

"Get up! We gotta get packed!"


"We gotta go, so get up!" Hastily, I shove her and she rolls out of bed onto the floor. "Get packed. We're going!"


"Pack! Come on, come on, come ON!" I shout. "We haven't got all day to catch a private jet to Coyote central!"

Mandy stares at me. "You're crazy."

But I'm not. We're going to America to work on Coyote Ugly Part 2: Sweet Dreams.


"Laney! Mandy!" Jessica hugs us both and I kiss her neck, marvelling at her sexy smell. She nods at a man behind her, who hands us small handbags. I take mine and look inside.

"What's this?" Mandy asks, suspiciously.

"Passports, ma'am." The man says, before turning slightly. "Would you like to follow me please?"

Jessica grins, and takes my left hand, while holding Mandy's right. "Lead the way, Adam..." Jessica says.

I giggle and Mandy blinks at me, as we walk out of the airport.

"Oh, what about our stuff?" I ask, jarred.

"The boys will take care of it!" Jessica says. She nods behind us at three young men, who are hauling our luggage after us. "We're going to go directly to the set, I've called the girls in for a costume check..."

"What exactly are we doing here?" Mandy asks.

Jessica looks at me, "You didn't tell her?"

I shake my head and Jessica grins. "Well, Mandy... I got offered a role in a new movie. A movie that's not so much new, for the other stars, as it is for me. Now... I got you and Laney jobs in the costume and wardrobe department. You guys get to be the ones touching and probing and pulling at costumes, while the women are in them." Jessica says.

Mandy tilts her head slightly. "Go on...."

"Now, you might know the other girls, I can't really remember their names very well... the blonde one, Izabella something or other... she's real sweet. Cute too, I think you would like her."

"Blonde actress named Izabella?" Mandy asks.

Jessica nods, "Oh, and I never forget Maria... she's great. Tough, but great... Oh, and Barbara...No, Bridget... is it Bridget? I can never remember..."

Mandy's jaw drops. "Bridget Moynahan?" she stammers, in shock.

Jessica snaps her fingers, "Yeah! That's her!"

Mandy stares at me, "Coyotes..."

"I said that back at home, when you were still not believing me that we were going to be going to Coyote Central..."

"I didn't think you meant this..." Mandy says, bluntly.

"Well, next time, have a little faith!" I say.

Jessica nods out her window. "Hey, we're there..."

The limo pulls up and I practically leap out of it, excited at the prospect of what might happen. Mandy climbs out, still awestruck and for the first time, we walk into the 'Coyote' bar. There are a few men milling around, painting the set, hauling in a jukebox and adjusting the bar, when we enter.

Jessica shoves me through the door and I look around, my eyes feeling like they are ready to pop out. Standing in front of me is Bridget Moynahan. I stop, staring at her. Completely unselfconsciously, she holds out her hand and grasps mine.

"Hi, I'm Bridget, are you the wardrobe girl?"

I nod, stupidly, then turn and stare at Jessica.

"Where's Izabella?" Jessica asks, jumping up to sit on the bar.

"She's running late." Bridget answers. "She'll be here any minute though." Bridget looks at me again and I stand myself upright to not like a star struck slob. "You ready to do that wardrobe thing now?" Bridget asks me. I nod, still unable to speak, and Bridget walks over to a door. "Through here..." she says. I follow her, shakily, as Jessica and Mandy cheer me on.

"Ok.... this is it..." Bridget says. She's very matter-of-fact, but still sexy. She points to her rack of outfits and I grab the nearest one and hold it out. Bridget scrutinises it, and dumps it on a chair. I stand, unsure of what to do. Bridget just shakes her head, then grabs her shirt and pulls it off. I jerk backwards.

"Oh holy Jesus!" I swear.

Bridget jerks her head at me, "What is it?" she asks.

"I wasn't expecting you to do that in front of me..." I answer.

"We're both girls..." Bridget says. "Surely you've seen a pair of breasts in your life..."

I nod and she shrugs, it's a 'so then what's the problem shrug'. I swallow, and then watch her as she wriggles into her blue shirt. She stops suddenly, looking at me.

"I'm kinda stuck..." she says, embarrassed.

I jump to attention and grasp the shirt, pulling it down over her stomach, releasing her arms. She bites her lip and I look her in the face. "What's the problem? Not comfortable?" She wiggles, trying to reach her back, and I walk behind her, pulling the shirt down and removing the creases. She stops wiggling, looking at herself in the mirror. "It looks..." she pauses in the middle of her sentence.

"Looks dead sexy!" I blurt.

Bridget looks at me sharply. "Excuse me?" she asks.

"Oh, well, all I meant was, you look really hot... You know, kinda like ya expect a Coyote girl to look... I mean, oh jeez, don't slap me." I turn away thinking to myself "you idiot, she's gunna walk out!"

Bridget sniffs at my explanation and pulls the shirt off. "Right," she says, then shakes her head at me.

I walk over to the clothing rack and grab a pair of pants. "What about these then?" I ask.

Bridget shrugs and pulls off her own pair of pants. I goggle, and try not to watch, but she doesn't seem to have noticed, so I watch anyway. I feel like my heart is going to pop right out of my chest it's beating so damn hard. Finally Bridget wiggles herself into the tight leather pants I handed her. I try to control myself, and look at her in a business like fashion. She wiggles and tries to pull the pants lower on her body.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Kinda feels like the costume makers made me an outfit on my old measurements. Its going right up my behind!" she says.

I grin and walk over to her. "Right, well, stand still, and let me have a look." I tell her.

I kneel beside her and without warning, stick my hand between her legs, up around her behind and take hold of her pants. I hold my other hand against her flat tummy, and tug lightly on the back of her pants, letting my arm rub against her sweetly scented and leather clad cunt. She gasps in surprise at my antics and jerks herself away, but I grab a hold of her middle.

"I know what I'm doing, alright?" I tell her. "I have to have my arm here to feel the measure of give in your pants!"

She looks at me a little distrustfully as I wiggle my arm against her pussy, but she doesn't say anything. I tug at the pants some more, and they give a little, but I keep my arm firmly pressed against her crutch. Bridget wiggles again, and I give her a light glance. She has her eyes closed, and her mouth slightly open. I smile, wiggling my arm some more.

"Oh gees..." She whispers and I look at her. "What are you doin to me?" she says almost to herself.

"You ok up there Bridge?" I ask her, and she looks down at me.

"You're doing that... on purpose" she breathes at me.

"Doin what?" I ask innocently, wiggling my arm.

"What you just did!" she says.

"Oh, you mean THIS?" I ask, leaning my arm tight against her crutch and wiggling against her.

"Yes that!!! Stop it!" She says.

I stop leaning my arm against her, and she lets out a tiny sigh. I get back to work, without teasing her pussy, and she gives a groan of disappointment.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Now what? You're gunna get beat up is now what!" she says, wrinkling her brow.

"Beat up why?" I ask, unperturbed. I run my hand over her arse, straightening out some wrinkles in the pants.

"Because... because...." she starts.

"Because I stopped?" I ask.

"NO!" she half yells. "Its not... I'm not... That isn't it at all... its just that..."

I hold up a hand. "Stop. Look, what I do and what your reaction is, doesn't mean anything. It means you're having fun, I'm having fun, and that's it. Right? Now what do you want, do ya wanna be frustrated or do you wanna have fun?"

"They'll find out!"

"They will not." I snort, derisively, and Bridget looks at me.

"You'll tell." She says.

"Who the heck would I tell? Bridget, right now, my best friend Mandy is more than likely in the next room, doing the exact same thing to Izabella! So, lighten up!" I say.

"She wouldn't!" Bridget says.

"Yeah, well, what are you gunna do, barge in and ASK them?" I laugh, and then relax my face into an innocent expression. "I'm not gunna hurt you... or anything like that. So don't WORRY so much Bridget!"

She looks down at me, tensely and I look right back at her. Without telling her, I slide my arm back against her crotch, until my hand is resting against her. Slowly I knead her pussy through her tight pants, and her face relaxes as she closes her eyes.

"It feels so nice..." she murmurs.

"Yeah, well, you should feel it from here!" I mutter, watching my hands as I knead her cunt through the leather. I can smell her scent coming through the pants, and my stomach jerks at the smell. I want her now!

Bridget is swaying as she stands, her eyes closed, her legs parted. Gently, I lean one hand up and caress her breast, and she tilts her head back, wobbling precariously.

"Bridget... I want you to sit down on the couch there..."

Calmly, and ultra-serenely, Bridget does as asked, and I unzip her tight pants. She seems unperturbed, and she watches me as I do so. I slide the pants down as far as I can, and the sweet aroma of her pussy juices wafts from the leather. I take a deep breath, savouring the smell, before tucking my hand back under the material and feeling her naked flesh under my fingers. She jerks suddenly, but doesn't say anything.

With my other hand, I remove the tight red leather from her legs, and drop it nearby, pushing myself up onto the couch beside her. I work my hand lightly, kneading her pussy with my hand, and caressing her clitoris under my fingers. I watch her face and she closes her eyes, sliding farther down onto the couch. I lean close to her, brushing my lips against her mouth, and she instantly returns the kiss, lustful and hungry. Our tongues melt together as one, and I slide my arm around her, pulling her close. I lay myself back onto the couch, pulling her on top of me, as I constantly knead her wet cunt with my right hand. Her lips are quick on mine, her tongue forceful in my mouth.

Our kisses are setting me on fire, and I am feeling the need for release, but I want her to cum before me, I don't care if I cum or not, I want to make her cum. I want to taste her juices. I continue to manoeuvre my hands, not sure whether or not to take the next step of moving my fingers inside of her, but she takes the decision from me, and grasping my hand, slides my fingers inside of her. One at first, then two. I slide my fingers inside of her throbbing pussy, feeling my own pulsating with want. Her hand slide up over my breast, and she grips it in her hand as she kisses me hard. I pull away from the kiss for a moment, and she lets out a deep breath, throwing her head back.

I want her to scream, to make a sound, but she won't. I know she won't.

"How do you feel?" I ask her.

"Mmmmmm." she doesn't make much of a sound, but I know its a sound of pleasure. "Good..."

"I want to taste you...." I whisper to her, "I want to go down on you...."

She nods her head... "Yes..." and returns to kissing me.

I slide myself out from under her, and move to the floor at the end of the couch. Slowly, I slide her legs apart to allow me as much access as I can get. I watch my hand, as I insert my fingers slowly in and out of her, before I slide them out completely. I lower my head, eager to take her juices into my mouth when the door bangs open. Bridget's eyes jerk open, and I whirl quickly.

Mandy and Izabella are kissing furiously, leaning against the door. Izabella has her pink skirt hiked up around her waist, and one leg up over Mandy's. Mandy's hand is working a mile a minute on Izabella's pink snatch. Bridget looks at me, then at Izabella, she is about to speak when Mandy and Izabella accidentally lean against the light switch and the room is plunged into darkness.

In the blackness of the room, I quickly place my mouth over Bridget's wet pussy, sliding my tongue inside of her. She jerks at the sudden movement, but in a moment, she is silent, the only sound from her is her breathing.

"Laney?" I hear next to my ear.

"I nearly shriek, "What?" I ask. "I'm kinda busy here!"

"I can't see!"

"Then turn the light back on, and let me alone!" I mutter. "I'm up to mouth in Bridget right now!"

Izabella giggles. "That doesn't sound nice."

"Yeah, well, given my chance I'd be up to my mouth in you as well, if ya will let me!"

"Sure I'll let you!" Izabella giggles, "I let Jessica!"

Mandy chokes. "When!!!"

"Will you lot buzz off? I'm trying to get on with it!" I growl through my teeth.

"How is she Bridget, she any good then?" Mandy asks her, and I lash out, feeling my hand collide with someone's leg.

"Ouch!" Izabella jerks.

"Sorry! Will you PLEASE? Get! Out!" I feel like screaming.

"ON our way out then!" Mandy says, and I hear the door slam shut.

"That was so embarrassing!" Bridget mutters.

"Who cares?" I mutter. "Now am I allowed to do this or not?" I ask.

I can feel her wavering. She doesn't want to go through with it. "Well..."

"Oh for pities sake Bridget!" I wail. "Please! Five minutes! Please?"

She leans back against the couch, and I let out a shaky breath. How the hell does a person get a girl to cum in 5 minutes! Youch! Eagerly I put my lips against her pussy, and slide my tongue straight in, lapping deeply at her juices. She makes a tiny sound, but I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing. I slide one hand under her arse, kneading her arse as I slide my tongue over her pussy. She is making noises now. I get the feeling that she wants to go.

I quickly go back to my hand technique of before, and she settles back down, silently, wiggling her arse in content. She likes it, and I grin into the darkness. Within a few moments, she is sighing, and I can sense her leaning back her head.

"Are you OK, Bridget?" I ask.

"Yes..." she says into the darkness, her voice hoarse. "Oh god, yes!" She says.

"Is this ok then?" I ask.

"Oh, harder... do it harder!" she says.

Eager to please, I thrust my two fingers harder inside of her, and her juices slip down my wrist. I lean down and lick them as they come out and she lets out a vicious, rabid sounding moan, startling me. She leans down her arm, and takes a hold of my wrist, directing my hand, and I follow her lead, pushing her hand away. She is wiggling her arse, grinding her hand down onto me, and I lap at her juices some more, smelling the magnificent aroma that is her sex.

"Oh Jesus!" she mutters, griding her arse down some more. "Yeah!" she groans.

"Fuck she's loud isn't she?" I hear Izabella mutter, and I jerk.

Bridget is too excited to hear, but I look around the darkened room.

"I told you to be quiet Izabella!" Mandy says.

I poke my foot out in the darkness, and feel it collide with someone.

"Ooops." Izabella whispers.

"Get OUT!" I mutter furiously.

"No!" says Mandy. A moment later, I feel her hand against my crutch, and I jerk.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Getting into the spirit of things!" she says, jerking at my pants. I let her do it, still confused at what's going on. Beautiful Bridget is completely oblivious, and I try to see her in the dark, but I can't. I can feel Mandy's hand against my pussy, and I wiggle comfortably, closing my eyes.

"Now just get on with it then, and make her cum!" Mandy says.

I nod into the darkness, then jerk as I feel a tongue against my pussy. Its Mandy, I can sense it, and I spread my legs wider for her, before leaning down to lap at some more of Bridget's juices. Izabella is beside me, and I smile, at her sweet smell.

"Go up there and do something for Bridget..." I whisper to her, and she moves away from me.

A moment later, the sounds of furious kissing is heard, and I feel Izabella's leg brush against me as she leans onto Bridget. The smell of Izabella's sweet pussy mixed with the smell of Bridget is drying me to the brink, and I lean forward, lapping at Izabella's snatch with delight. She squirms and for a moment, pulls away, before relaxing onto my tongue. Bridget is moaning deliriously, and I slide my tongue inside of her as I probe at Bridget's pulsating love nest.

Izabella is moving her pussy onto my mouth, pressuring me to slide my tongue inside, and I am about to slide a finger of my left hand into her, when the room suddenly becomes awash with darkness.

I jerk my head around at the same time as Izabella and Bridget. I hear myself say "Oh fuck!"

It's Maria Bello.

"Ladies!" she says, watching us with amusement. "What's going on in here?"

Bridget is looking more and more mortified. Izabella giggles, and Mandy waves with one arm and keeps on going. I jerk over her and she sits up grudgingly, looking at Izabella and Bridget in confusion before looking at Maria.

"Is this a private party or can anyone attend?" Maria jokes.

"Oh fuck!" I say again.

"Well, it LOOKS like that's what is going on!" Maria says. She is grinning broadly and I feel like I could just disappear into the ground.

"Maria!" Izabella says, trying to sound normal. But who can sound normal when they are laying on top of another woman with no pants on and a third woman between their legs.

"Bella." Maria says. She walks farther into the room, surveying us all critically. "Looks like fun."

"Oh it is" Izabella says, sounding like she's going mad and crazy. "It's good."

Maria nods as though she gets it, and then looks at me. "Who are you?"

I can't say anything other than "Oh fuck!"

Maria nods at that, then narrows her eyes and leans down next to me, I am ready to pass out, she is scrutinizing me so closely. Then she kisses me, sharp and hard, with her tongue probing against mine. I look at her in surprise. She doesn't blink, but tastes the flavour of my mouth, looking thoughtful.

"So whose is that then? Izabella's?" she asks, and Izabella jerks her skirt down. I nod, feverishly and Maria grins. "Great. Where can I sit?"

I stare at her in complete shock, my mouth wide open as Jessica enters the room. She surveys each of us, one at a time, before her eyes fall upon Mandy and I. She stares at me, her face expressionless.

"Jessica!" I finally say.

"So she CAN say something other than Oh fuck!" Maria cries in delight.

Mandy suddenly starts laughing, maniacally, and Jessica joins in. The two of them are laughing insanely, and I stare around, confused, watching Maria as she takes her pants off.

"I think I'm gunna be sick!" I mutter quickly.

Mandy stops laughing and looks at me. Jessica pouts, then grins.

"Hey, don't worry Lanes!' she says to me. "Keep going, you look like you're enjoying yourself!"

"Well, I..." I begin, but she holds up a hand.

"Keep doin what you're doin. God knows Bridget could use a bit... See you guys later!" She grins at us and leaves the room, closing the door.

"Oh fuck!" I say once more.

Maria looks at me, then grins. "Come here..." She hauls me up onto my feet, and then helps Mandy up. "I have an idea..." she says. "All right, Bridget, stay where you are... Izabella, next to Bridget!"

Maria sounds so commanding, and sexy, we all do what she tells us to do!

Izabella sits gracefully next to Bridget, who is looking more confused than anything else. Maria points to me. "You... down there!" she points between Bridget's graceful legs. I immediately go where she tells me. "You!" she says to Mandy. "Down there!" she points between Izabella's legs. Mandy grins and does as she's told.

"And me..." Maria says, sitting between both Mandy and I. She smacks her hand between my legs and does the same to Mandy. I jump, staring at her. She slowly begins to knead at both of us, while looking from me to Mandy and back again.

"Get on with it then!" Maria says, grinning.

Confused, I slide my fingers back inside of Bridget who is looking abysmally wrecked and ruined. I hear footsteps outside the door, and the room is plunged into darkness once more. It becomes easier to do what I am doing in the dark, unable to see the expression on Maria Bello's beautiful face as she slides her fingers into my pussy.

Next to me, I can hear Mandy guzzling happily into Izabella's cunt, and I can hear Izabella sighing lustfully. Bridget is groaning in ecstasy as I slide my fingers in and out of her. She grinds herself down on me, and I lap at her juices some more. As I pull my mouth away from Bridget's wet snatch, Maria pulls me close to her, kissing my mouth, taking in Bridget's taste.

I feel like I am ready to cum soon, and I jerk under Maria's expert touch, Mandy is groaning heavily while licking the lovely Izabella's wet hole, and I am soon overcome in the smell, the sounds and the taste of Bridget as I lean down and immerse myself in licking her wet love box. She presses her hands to the back of my head, pushing my mouth against her. I lap hungrily, wanting her to cum and cum and cum.

She starts to shake under my touch, and I feel a small squirt come from her pussy. She jerks again, and I feel the irresistible taste enter my mouth again. I slide my tongue deep inside of her, and she jerks again, releasing more fluids from inside of her.

"Oh holy shit!" Bridget moans, "holy fucking shit!"

"That's it..." Maria whispers seductively, and I feel her turn around next to me. I can hear the sound of Maria leaning in and kissing Bridget in the darkness, kissing Bridget as she fingers me. My body is quivering beyond belief; this is making me more aroused than anything else has ever done. "That's it Bridget, cum." Maria whispers. "Scream down the fucking house is you have to..." her voice is seductive, and slutty and rapturous, and I let out a cry as her fingers slide deep inside of me.

"Oh fuck!" I scream, and Maria slips another finger inside of me.

Bridget convulses against me, a scream ripping from her throat. Beside me, Mandy grunts, and I hear Izabella whimper furiously. Bridget's entire body is shaking, and I lick the last of her juices into my mouth, letting her lay back, exhausted. Maria slides down onto the floor, and turns me around to kiss her deeply, she pushes me back down onto the floor, burying her face into my own pussy, and shoving hers directly over my mouth.

I feel like I'm going to pass out, this is un-fucking-believable. I am 69-ing with Maria Bello. Eagerly I lap at her, and draw her juices inside of my mouth, feeling myself want to cum under her touch. She is not whispering seductively to me, but next to me, I can't hear Izabella and Mandy anymore, I am curious where they are.

I moan loud and long as Maria laps my pussy, and she jerks as I lap at hers. I begin to copy her, doing to her what she's doing to me, until her body is squirming above me. She suddenly stands up and removes herself from me; I am beginning to get somewhat confused, when I feel someone else moving herself onto me. I take a curious lap at the pussy above me.

"Izabella?" I whisper, and she rubs her cunt against my mouth in confirmation. I begin to lick at her, still highly confused, and wanting to be touched, I need to cum.

I am yet tired however, as I was woken early, and did not sleep on the plane on the way. The darkness is making me sleepy, sleepy, but the sweet smell of Izabella is making me want to stay awake more than anything else. I close my eyes for a moment, but a sudden ripping pleasure wave rips over me. I jerk upright, looking around, but I can't see in the dark.

"Oh what the fuck was that?" I gasp into the darkness, and I can hear someone beside me. Bridget suddenly grips my face in her hands, and kisses me furiously, masterfully. I am overcome by everything, and unsure of what's going on next.

"Yeah, oh Jesus, Mandy, keep doin that, oh yeah, do it..." Izabella is whispering in the darkness, her voice raw with lust. Again I feel the rip of pleasure sweep through me, and I jerk my body again.

I can't think what it would be, I don't know, but it feels so good.

Bridget's tongue melts into mine, and we kiss furiously, our spit mingling as one, our lips mashed against each other's, our bodies tight in an embrace. I can feel her breasts against my chest, and I reach for one, masterfully kneading it under my hand. Bridget's hand is against my stomach, one hand against my face and neck; the other is sliding down, and down. Again I feel the pleasurable rip run through me, and Bridget gently bites my lip in excitement. She is sliding herself inside of me, not just her fingers, but also most of her hand; it hurts like hell, only the pleasure over-rides it.

She does it again, and I jerk my head back, with a scream. She shuts me up by pushing her lips over mine once more, kissing me furiously. I am about to cum, and I'm gunna cum so hard, my brain might just bow out my ears. Wave after wave of pleasure consumes me, and I jerk against bridges body. She seems calm about it, and finally, my jerking subsides, leaving me with an empty, hollow, sleepy feeling. Bridget pulls me against her, kissing me hard, and I lean against her, letting her lean back against me. We both seem sated beyond anything else, and now all there is to do is listening to the sounds in the room.

I flick on a lamp and glance around the room, leaning back against beautiful Bridget, who kisses my neck, tiredly.

On the floor, Izabella is being carefully brutalised by Maria and Mandy. The polish goddess is lying on the carpet, with Maria above her mouth getting eaten. Between Izabella's white legs is Mandy, probing and munching and licking for hell. Izabella is squirming deliciously, and I grin lightly, kissing Bridges neck.

The trio of girls on the floor are all panting and squirming, and finally, Maria grasps the edge of the couch, her body jerking. I can see small squirts of her womanly cum, splashing down outside of Izabella's mouth. Izabella is not as eager to eat the cum as I always am, but she licks it down bravely.

Maria lowers herself to the floor, watching Mandy in anticipation of something.

Mandy glances up, getting the message of what's going on, and she wriggles her way up next to Izabella. She is now using her fingers and only her fingers on Izabella's naked love haven, and Bridget and I watch in curiosity. Mandy licks at Maria's juices that are still left on Izabella's face, before kissing her deeply. Izabella squirms now, her body moving rhythmically to Mandy's workings down below. Her face is clenched tight, she doesn't want to scream. Mandy doesn't kiss her anymore, watching her face, as we all are now.

Maria climbs up beside Bridget and I on the couch, leaning against my other side. We are all now blissfully tired, sated and sleepy, yet still filled with a heady passion that overcomes everything else. We all, but for Mandy and Izabella. Izabella is squirming, uncontrollably bucking her butt back and forth as Mandy seductively touches her insides again and again. Finally, she lets out a moan, which dies out. Mandy probes her harder, and Izabella clenches her facial muscles tight, trying to keep her voice in check.

Mandy looks up at me, and I clamber slowly off the couch, crawling around to where she is sitting. I lean down, kissing Izabella hard on the mouth, while Mandy slides graciously and gratefully back down to Izabella's thrusting pussy. Eagerly, she lowers her mouth, as her hand keeps working. I can sense Bridget watching us, and I wish instead that I was kissing HER instead of Izabella, but I'm trying to help Mandy.

I look up as I see Maria standing up, but I know where she is going, she too is going to help Mandy. Maria lowers herself underneath of Mandy's wet vagina, lapping at it eagerly, while Mandy does the same to Izabella. Izabella's body is shaking hard, and I wrap my arms around her, holding her firmly. She is still holding back her feelings. I pull her body tight against my own, and kiss her deeply, and hard, jerking back away from her. She takes in a deep heady breath, and I can't take what she's doing anymore, I slide my hand around her breast, kneading it under my fingers. She is gasping now, furiously gasping.

Bridget is now standing as well, moving down next to Mandy. I can see her taking Mandy's hands, directing her, until Mandy is moving her hand in such a way that is making Izabella jerk her breaths inwards now. Bridget now moves up behind me, reaching her arm around and massaging my clitoris with her hand. I part my legs to allow her access, and within moments, I am shivering, sweating lightly, wanting her to make me cum once more.

I look down to see Mandy now, Mandy who is using one hand on Bridget and one hand on Izabella. She is concentrating furiously, but her entire body is also quivering with suppressed sexual energy. Izabella jerks hard against me, and tries to kiss me, trying in vain to stop the scream.

"Let it out Bella..." Bridget says. "Scream all you want to scream, baby, there's nobody here to hear you. Come on..." her voice is sensual and sexy, its making me so horny, I feel like I'm ready to cum already.

"I can't! I can't!" Izabella whispers heavily.

"Scream Izabella, you sexy little bitch! Let me hear you... let us all hear you! Come on..." Budgets voice is a growl in my ear and I moan heavily, as the combination of her voice, her hand and Izabella all intermingle inside of me. Bridget leans beyond me and kisses Izabella furiously on the mouth. "Scream damn you!" she says huskily.

Izabella lets out a whimper as she thrusts against me.

"Mandy! Fuck harder... Don't let her down..." Bridget commands.

Mandy is sweating heavily now, her energy and concentration being entirely spent upon making Izabella cum. She lowers her face to Izabella's crotch, licking Izabella's clitoris lightly, then harder.

A deep heavy moan escapes from Izabella's lips, and I knead her breast ever more tighter, making her moan even louder. Bridget and I look at each other, and Bridget kisses me hard. We are both breathing heavily now, moaning together as one being. Our bodies pressed together.

I can hear Izabella now, she is becoming more and more excited, and she melts her body against mine, her body quivering heavily. I slide one hand around her, and slip one finger into her arse. She bucks excitedly, and I do it again. Her breath is now coming in short gasps and she opens her mouth. I slip the entirety of my finger into her beautiful arse now, wiggling it inside of her as Mandy uses her hand to fuck Izabella's cunt. Izabella can barely breathe now, and we are all wiggling together, our breathing heavy, excited.

Then it happens. A loud scream of pleasured excitement escapes Izabella's lips. She moans underneath of it, her body jerking with the pleasure of her ecstasy.

"Oh yeah, fucking YEAH!" I hear Mandy say, as Izabella screams. Maria is working her body hard against Mandy now, and Mandy leans herself against Izabella's body, lapping gently at what juices are left. I can feel her hair against my stomach, and I touch her face lightly, and she slides up next to us, kissing Izabella hard on the mouth. Maria doesn't notice and follows her, completely immersed in what she's doing.

Mandy is beginning to shudder weakly against Izabella's body now, and I lean my hand over her, pulling all 4 of us into a dirty lesbian sex sandwich. Izabella's breasts press against Mandy's, and I hear a gasp escape Mandy's lips. She kneads Izabella's breast in her hand, while kissing her furiously.

I'm about to cum again, and I moan heavily, sensing the excitement around me. The room smells of sex, cunt juices, sweat, women and leather, and I'm more aroused than I've ever been in my life. I kiss Bridget hard again, and the two of melt together as one, cumming furiously against each other's bodies. I feel some of Bridget's womanly cum trickle against my leg, and I lean my hand down to touch it, before licking it from my fingers.

Bridget licks her own juices from my fingers as well, before smiling at me, sated.

I lower myself to her sweet cunt to lap the leftover juices, before she does the same to me. Together, we lean against the side of the couch, our heads close together.

On the floor, Mandy and Izabella are clinched together, tightly; Izabella is staring dreamily at the roof, while Mandy cums silently next to her.

Maria finally flops onto the floor, exhausted and sweaty. She moves up next to us, and Bridget kisses the womanly cum from her face. Maria grins lightly, leaning against me.

Mandy closes her eyes, her arms around the dreamy Izabella. And the last I notice of them is that they are asleep. ------------

5 Months Later

"Well, heres my number, call me at any time!" I say to Bridget at the airport.

"I will. For ANYTHING!" Bridget says.

I kiss her on the mouth, firm and sweet, and she returns the kiss, our lips melting together, as our tongues mesh in a jumble. She tastes like the strawberries and cream that she had for desert this evening.

"I'll miss you!" I tell her.

"I'll miss you right back!" she responds.

"I'll miss your kisses..." I tell her.

"Then take another one," she says. "To remember me by."

Again, we kiss, and I feel such pain in my heart that I want to die. I don't want to leave her.

We stop the kiss, tears in our eyes. I kiss hers away, and try not to look at her as the plane pulls into range outside the window. Beside us, Mandy and Izabella are cuddling each other, hysterical tears streaming down their cheeks.

"You can come and see me!" Mandy says to her, encouragingly.

"I can! I will!" Izabella wails, and they squeeze each other tightly.

"Just make sure Bridget comes along with ya, huh Bella?" I say encouragingly.

Izabella hugs me, and Mandy hugs Bridget, but I have no troubles letting Izabella go. We weren't as close to each other as I was with Bridget. She was more Mandy's girl.

The call for out flight comes over the loudspeakers, and Mandy lest out a fresh stream of tears. "I don't want to go!" she wails.

"I don't wanna go either!" I tell her, "But home is home, this isn't it!"

Izabella is sobbing hysterically against Bridget as I drag Mandy away to catch the plane. Finally, Mandy is inside the door. I look back at Bridget, feeling more emotion inside of me than I ever have before. Quickly, I run back to her, kissing her passionately, openly, wanton and desperate.

She pushes me away. "Just go, Laney! Please!" There are tears in her eyes, and I nod slowly, before turning my back on them and walking back to where I left Mandy.

I find my place on the plane, and sit next to Mandy who is sobbing uncontrollably in her seat. I lean close to her and kiss her hard on the mouth.

"Stop ya crying woman..." I say. "You still got me!"

She wails, and I wipe the tears off of her face.

"You want em to throw you off the plane at fifty-thousand feet?" I joke, and Mandy glowers at me.

"Let me be miserable!" she wails.

"No!" I tell her.

"Please, I wanna cry!" she says.

I shrug helplessly. "Ok then, I'll just spend the trip snogging with that guy over there than, shall I?"

I move to walk away, but Mandy grabs the back of my pants and hauls me back to my seat. "No you won't!" she says.

"Then shut-up and kiss me, woman!" I tell her.

She smiles and presses her lips against mine, as the plane starts down the runway. On the way to home.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=--=- --- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- How did you find this story? Weird? Well, it was weird writing it! If you want to send me any feedback, send it to:


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