Dream Til Its Real

By Grayson Vellar

Published on Feb 5, 1999


For those of you who requested drama I realize I may have gone to far but then again I am now cleaning that up and it has actually made the story more concrete. This story is made to tell you that all things are possible and Dreams can be real.

Authors notes: I have received a lot of E-mail in regards to this story please feel free to continue to respond I am still trying to get back to everyone and will continue to do so. Yes quite a few of you are right this story got a little over dramatic the last time but all that is changing and growing most of the character will be revolving in and out quite bit now.

I would like at this time to thank the one other person working on these stories. He has put a lot of effort into not tearing me apart for all my inopportune story changes and spelling nightmares. He is the best editor I have ever had. Thank you ever so much Bucky!


By Grayson S. Vellar

Edited By: Bucky

In our last scene:

Michael had been beaten badly in a situation of what appeared to be a hate crime. I had gone to rescue him after calling Tina my best friend to ask for help. She showed up but not without a little pressure from my pleas. I arrived to find Michael beaten up and several of his so called friends standing near by watching and hating all together. Tina rushed in saved what was left of the situation. I found out a little more of Michael's past as we found ourselves at the near by medical clinic. We all left together after a long day and returned to our apartment building. John and Scott stayed in Michael's While Michael and I returned to mine.

John and Scott held one another for the first time and gave their warnings of what might happen. They kissed for the first time and found that they would go no farther for fear of Scott's reactions. But due to his inability to sleep he watched over John and thought out his true feelings through the night.

Michael & I slept though the night not fearing because we finally made it, back to one another's arms. He awoke several times with nightmares but they soon would subside and he would fall back asleep. As I lay there watching him I told him again how much I love him and he would smile in his sleeping state of mind.


Part 3

Clearing the Air

Michael awoke to find me draped over his chest with a sudden urgency he began to cry weeping loudly as he lay holding his love. I began to awaken immediately as saw that he was crying fearing that I had hurt him in some way I reached up to his face to wipe away his tears. He let me do so as he stared into my eyes stopping his tears as I noticed I was not causing him physical pain from my laying on him. He let out a sigh as I sat up and hung over him kissing his swollen lips. I drew back moment latter to see him smile as all his heart was once again on fire and I could see the dark cloud drift away.

"Are you alright, My Love?" I asked in a whispered voice.

As he lay there silent I ran my hand across his chest caressing him skin. He made no sound as I again kissed him. With the force of a thousand men he flipped us over with me below him he was now in charge of the situation. I took pleasure in the thought of being ravages as he kissed me so deep I could feel him probing my mouth all the way to my throat. I was in heaven as I began to enter mix my tongue with his. He moved gently down my body reaching my nipples so gently as he kissed and tugged each one softly making me sigh with relief and pleasure.

His hands roamed further down to my boxers as he teased me by running just the tips of his fingers along the inside. As I began to throb he began to reach farther in taking hold of my cock with one hand while removing my boxers completely with the other. I began to feel his ever-present hardness rubbing against my leg as he moved up to kiss me once again. We inter-mingled in the moment for just a bit longer as I slowly turned him onto his back. He did not resist as I took hold of his cock with both hands grasping him through his briefs. His moan was sweet but I wanted to here it more I had to have him now or I was certain I would explode.

I worked my way down his body with my tongue bathing him along the way. The sweet smell and taste of his newly formed sweat poured into my senses. I tugged his briefs down with no hesitation as I devoured his cock with my mouth. Now sure he was nice and lubricated with my own saliva I began to work my way back up his body with him gently whispering.

"Oh don't stop please." He breathed heavily as I straddled him around his stomach.

"I'm not stopping I am just getting to what I want this morning." With this I reached behind lifting my self up as he watched me in silence. I felt the head ever so near as I teased and taunted his prick with my awaiting hole. I felt his head now beginning to enter me as I leaned back ever so slightly the pain was intense but it would go away soon as I was to be in pure ecstasy. He lurched his hips upwards as the intensity of the pressure rose on his cock. I was now impaled as I leaned back down as I sat there giving into the pleasure after only beginning to now relax and gain my bearings. I leaned forwards and kissed him as he moaned with pleasure. We rolled over amazingly enough without him falling out, as he was now on top and I was staring into the eyes of my first. He leaned into kissing me again as I now moaned as he slowly began to pump into me his massive cock. He picked up the pace as we continued to kiss as he raised himself up he threw his head back and began to moan as I was now doing the same.

"Ooohhhhhhh, God this is so good I am not going to last much longer--" I managed to hear coming form him as I replied.

"This is the best. I don't want it to end." He leaned in and kissed me again as he drove into me as far as he could go. I could feel him swelling up inside me as load after load shot off inside me sending me over the brink as I did the same between us I tightened around his cock as my ass muscles clinched up with each new shot of cum. He breathed heavily into my ear as he lay on top of me now spent and ready to sleep once again. I wrapped my arms around him and began to whisper in this ear.

"Michael I love you. This is how I always wanted my first time to be." He looked up at me quickly and shot me a look of amazement to this day I can not explain.

"Grayson, your first time? Oh my god I had no idea I should have asked you first." Michael said as he kissed me on my forehead and ruffled his hand though my sweat drenched hair.

"Michael I started it. I realized last night that you were the one for me to do this with. If we are to be together as we say forever, then we need to open ourselves up to new things and trust one another. Right?" I asked as he looked deep into my eyes and smiled at me through swollen lips. It almost looked like he was pouting. But trying to smile at the same time.

"Right and next time you have me to contend with." He said as He again kissed me with passion and vigor I had never felt before this moment.

He looked at me through passionate eyes as I watched him delicately lower himself onto me a pull his now softened cock from my well-lubricated hole. As he stared up at me even still I looked back into his soul seeing him working on some thought that would not go away. I gently caressed his back as I rubbed my fingertips up and down his spin. He said nothing as I watched him drift off to sleep again laying on top of me still. His shallow breathing returned, as I knew I had to get out of this bed and shower before our natural glue stuck us together. I gently began to roll him over as he awoke to my movements.

"Where are you going?" He asked as I gently hugged him hoping he would fall back to sleep.

"I have to take a shower Michael. I need to take a shower." I said, as he lay there motionless staring at me again.

"Can I join you?" He asked.

"Silly question, of course you can." I answered.

As we slipped out of the bed and headed for the bathroom I noticed him stiff and sore from the previous days events. He noticed my concerns as he quickly took charge of his steps and made it a point to tuff himself up and walked tall and suddenly secure in himself again. I was silently laughing to my self as I watched him trip slightly over the bath mat as he entered the small bathroom. He turned the water on and tested the temperature before I jumped into it. He was surprised as I reached out to him helping him step inside. I was just a single stall shower but that would only mean we would be close as I washed him from head to toe.

Just down the hall Scott awoke to find he and John wrapped around each other lying side by side. John riffled his fingers through Scott's hair as they both looked deep into the other's eyes and kissed.

"Good morning Scott." John said as he began to unravel his legs from Scott's.

"Good morning John." Scott said as He still held him with his arms.

They looked at one another for just a moment longer and began to kiss and feel their way around gently and slowly. Scott felt a sudden urge as he began to lower his hand to John's stomach. John eager to please does the same matching every finger swirl and exploring touch all the way down. Scott could feel his cock rising to full-size as he lowered his hands closer to the waistband of John Boxers. John let out a sigh as Scott brushed his hand gently across his swollen member. Scott stopped for a moment to take in the fact that John had not moved his hands from his stomach. Still he moved on as he reached in the front opening of the boxers and held onto John's cock and stroked it gently.

"Are you sure about this?" John asked.

"No, but I like what I am feeling I will tell you when we stop ok. Let's just play it by ear for now." With that John began to move his hands again.

As John lowered his hands down he found the waistband of Scott's boxer-briefs and tugged them down just past his ass as he reached around and caressed his cheeks Scott tensed up slightly. John moved away from them slowly and began to move to the front of Scott. His hands pulled his boxer-briefs down farther along the way, until their cocks were actually touching as he began to stroke Scott. In time they stroked both knowing they were not far from climaxing at any second. John was first to cum as Scott felt his healthy sized seed flow out and onto his own member. John continued to stroke Scott for an eternity until he began to moan fiercely. John muffled his anthem by kissing him deeply feeling his song in his throat.

"Oh yes that it you are hitting it right there!" Scott shouted as John released his lips.

John quickly kissed him again as he felt Scott swell in his own hand he grasped his balls with his free hand and directed Scott to shoot all over his stomach. The continued to kiss until they heard a knocking at the door, Keys could be heard slipping into the lock as Scott tensed up. John rolled out of the bed quickly and stepped up the door.

"Who is it?" John asked.

"Maintenance, I have a order here to fix a shower door." A muffled familiar male voice said from the other side of the door.

Scott jumped out of the bed and made his way to the bathroom only to find the door fine and in one piece. He walked back out to find John standing in the one-room apartment with Tom. John still completely naked as well as Scott gave Tom all the answers he needed. Tom awkwardly sat down in a chair and breathed a sigh of embarrassment himself as Scott froze in shock. John walked over to Scott placing his hand under Scott chin and kissed him to awaken him from his state of confusion.

"Scott it is going to be all right we need to get in the shower he will wait out here." Jon said as he drug Scott by his arm back into the bathroom.

As they stepped inside their shower together Scott began to relax and let go once again as John washed him delicately. They were to shower dress and meet Michael, Grayson, and Tom for breakfast; John thought as he continued to work his magic. Scott sighed and began to return the favor by exploring John 's skin and washing him at the same time. Both now hard and willing but with no way to hide their passionate cries as Tom sat quietly just outside their world of emotion.

Michael and Grayson had dressed and began to walk down the hall when Tina arrived on the floor to greet them. She was in deep thought as she reached them and was saying nothing to them. Michael reached out to her and in their embrace she stood silent and fearful. Grayson reached out to her rubbing her back as she held to Michael. A sudden slamming of a door down the hallway made all three jump as they heard Tom's voice carrying down the hallway.

"Ok you guys break it up. We have breakfast to get too." Grayson looked at Tom quizzically as Michael began to speak.

"Gray, I almost forgot last night we agreed everyone left standing would be going out for breakfast this morning. Tom thought it would be a great way to clear the air." Michael said as he looked for Gray's reaction.

"Okay..." Grayson said as he knew it was going to be an interesting event.

Tina let go of Michael and turned to face the oncoming crowd of men. She felt out of place and out of her element. Grayson took note of the situation quickly and made a move to comfort her. Her eyes half closed as he turned her to face him. His eyes wide awake as she laughed suddenly.

"You two have been at it haven't you?" She laughed again.

"Us, why would you say a thing like that?" Grayson said in his best coy voice. Tina slapped him in his arm still laughing.

"There is to be no hitting today got that. You all have to start getting along. Scott we are all going to go in your car since it is the largest." Tom said as they all headed for the elevator.

We all climbed into the elevator in silence as Michael stole a glance or two at both John and Scott. He was surprised at the after glow but none the less was pleased. He hated to loss a friend but he also did not like being used as a punching bag. His hate was soon to fade as he saw Scott look over to him as he sighed and looked away.

The drive to the Cafe was uneventful as they arrived in record time. No one to seat them as they entered Tina grabbed Menu's and directed them all to the back booths as she walked up front to fetch someone to take an order. I could see she was uncomfortable as she sat down at the table with Tom sitting by her side.

I was amazed to see Scott take a seat at the end of the table with Jon right next to him on our side of the long row. They each sitting quietly reading the menu as the rest of stared off in silence.

"Ok all what will it be?" A young waitress said as she approached us. Her eyes went straight to Tina who suddenly became very aware she was being searched with eyes. Tina shifted in her seat sliding closer to Tom, who did not seem to notice.

We each order some special and continued in silence waiting for the waitress to leave. Tina sat back upright and began to look as if she was going to speak as Tom spoke up.

"That waitress has a thing for you Tina. I have half a mind to set it up if you don't." He said with a sly grin on his face. Tina Blushed for the first time in my presence just then as the waitress came back over to the table.

"I wanted to ask you something in private?" She said as she eyed Tina.

Tina stood up looked at me as I mouthed: 'Go For It.' She smiled at my approval and left to the area that appeared to be deserted in the restaurant. We all set quietly as Tom spoke again.

"So you all look, um, energized this morning," He said with the grin on his face again. It was one of those faces you would want to tear off someone's face after a while. This was going to be a long breakfast I thought as I reached under the table and grabbed hold of Michael's hand. He was staring at Scott again as I squeezed his hand and he looked back to me. "I hope I look this good after a sexual encounter or two?"

Tom was asking for it but was saved by Tina's return to the table.

"Well?" Tom asked in unison with me.

She glanced back and forth between the two of us and stopped on Tom.

"You were right!" She gleefully cheered. "She saw me at this club I go to every now and then." Tina said, looking directly at me.

"I have to say this much for her. She has good taste. Of course I also would happen to be biased for my best friend." I grinned. "You know what else guy's?" I looked around the table. "This it the first time I have seen Tina do the shy and timid thing." I laughed out loud as the other joined in.

"I am glad to see she has that side to her." Scott said as he looked directly at me this time. Michael stiffened up in his seat. I looked back to him and smiled as the others again went silent. Tom shifted around in his seat as he leaned into the table hard.

"I think first I should say something then I think again I should not it is not my business. Well I am here fighting with myself as all of you are and I am the one least directly involved. You guys have to come to an agreement that last night was a--" Tina jumped in.

"I was a bystander who got caught in what appears to be the wake of something huge! I only wanted to help. I guess if I hadn't well there is no telling if you guys would even be sitting here." She finished as Tom put his arm around her.

The waitress quickly returned holding a coffeepot in one hand and a tray of cup in the other. She looked surprised at first to see Tina and Tom but relinquished the thought as she saw a rainbow pin stuck to the lapel of his coat. She smiled and I could swear she almost breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Tina helped her set the cups down and pass them out as I began to giggle in my seat.

"What's so funny Gray?" Tina spouted off.

"Nothing, I have just never pictured you as the helpful girlfriend type." I busted up in laughter, as did everyone but the waitress.

"Ok. Ok, this is Marcie she is a friend to be of mine." Tina said as Marcie grinned quickly and said the cutest thing.

"I like her being the helpful girlfriend type. It makes me like her more." She stuck her tongue out at me a scurried away making me laugh even harder as Michael and Scott did the same.

"It is so nice to actually see you two laugh together for once." John stated as he looked down our side of the table to Scott and Michael.

" I agree but, it is too bad you two had to come to blows to understand one another." Tom said, as Michael leaned back in the bench throwing his head back thinking of the words to say.

"I realize my timing was bad. I also realize none of you will ever understand what I am going through right now." I squeezed his hand again. "No Grayson you don't even know as of yet. I hope none of you have to sit at the same table with a guy who beat you because of your love for someone." Scott began to stand as Tina placed her hand on his shoulder and pushed him down in his seat. John was struck dumb as he just sat there holding his eyes fixed on Scott. " I hope that all of you never have to have your world completely torn apart by confusion and hatred..."

"Michael if I have to tell you this then you must not be thinking of anyone other than yourself right now. I was the one who came! It was me, not some stranger off the street who came to save you. It was me who put his neck on the line and stood up for you. What? You think you are the only one who was scarred and felt alone. I wasn't even sure if I was going to get out alive but I went to help you anyhow. Tina didn't even believe me I had to convince her to come. I had to beg. I did it all for us and I was scarred the whole time I was doing it. Your right we now sit at a table with the one who did all of it. Your right it hurts, but it hurts more to think you are taking it all alone and not letting anyone help. I--"

"This has gone far enough!" Tom stood over all of us at the table.

"Everyone here has to agree that it was a very strange and bad situation and that it was not only Scott's fault but Michael's as well." I suddenly found it hard to keep my own two cents out of this again.

"I may be wrong here but Scott aren't you the one who beat the hell out of him for being himself? Didn't he come to you so he could stop living a lie? Didn't he trust you to be a understanding friend?" I felt Michael's hand on my shoulder as I sat there wanting to jump out of my seat and be the hapless offender." Tom stood completely up from his seat.

"Well, now isn't this quaint. You think it is his entire fault because he did the beating. Michael you lead him on didn't you?" Tom said pointing his index finger at Michael as I looked to Michael for an answer. I had to jump to his defense again it was the only thing I felt I could do.

"Tom sit down! You weren't there! I was and I can tell you he was nasty cruel and hate filled as he tried to come after em too. But, I stood my ground and held out! I was the once who went not you! Michael may have been the initial victim but this has marred us all and Scott must at some point take responsibilities for his actions." I sat there now calmly folding my napkin into a little square as Michael reached over and placed his hand on mine on the table. Scott let out an audible sigh as Tom shot him a wicked glare of hate.

John stood up from his seat and began to speak.

"Scott? This morning I did things with you I have dreamed about for so long" He paused as his tears began to fill up his eyes. "I hope it was as real for you as it is for me. But--" Scott stepped in.

"John please sit down. Yes it was real and as I told you I want to take it slow I am so unsure of how or what I feel. Michael is the only guy I have ever had true feelings for. I care about you but I don't know if that is enough as of yet. In time I would like to find out. We are just starting guy give me some time." John began to sob as Scott leaned over and took hold of him ion his arms. Marcie walked up to see what all the screaming was about.

"Look you guys if you can no teat in peace I am going to have to take Tina away and separate all of you." She said as she grinned hoping to lighten the tension.

"Marcie actually you can settle this by answering some questions and no one will interrupt us. Have you got a few minutes?" Tina said as she pulled out the remaining chair on her end of the table.

"Sure, anything to keep the screaming down." Marcie said as she sat down and threw her pad and pen on the table.

"Okay, do you believe in love?" Tina asked I grimaced at Tina as she glared back at me. She was playing the same game I did to Scott the previous night.

"Well, yes I do but if it is love at first sight no." Scott grinned at his end of the table.

"Ok, then what do you think about lust?" Tina continued.

"I think it is the worst of all emotions. It makes us do crazy things. We are only human but there are so many other emotions you have to consider when looking to be with another person." I suddenly realized where Tina was going but knew she would never reach her goal because Michael and I had had a past together. Scott looked as if he was winning down at his end of the table as he began to speak.

"See guys Michael loves me he has been with me for a long time Gray you are just sex. I will always have his heart." Just then Marcie stepped in.

"Actually Scott. They have every right to be together. You see people also fall out of love with one another. But, here we are you think they are just in lust right?" Marcie had turned the tables quickly I was impressed.

"Right." Scott answered.

"Well, then Michael what makes you love Grayson so much?" Tina sat back in her chair and turned over the rains to Marcie as John slid away from Scott.

Michael sat in silence as I remained calm and held my breath hoping he actually had a reason. He shifted in his seat grabbed his chin for a second then reached over and took my hand on top of the table for all to see.

"Marcie none of you know. He is everything I have made myself for. He has a light in his eye that never changes. He is the doorway to my world and he has all the gifts in him I only wish I had. There is no competition for things. We work together as a team he make me feel good make me think makes me want to be a better person. He is everything I hold beautiful and everything I hold close in my heart. I wake up and think of him I eat and think he should be eating and wish he were with me. I work out and think he would love to see em look this way. I do my best when I think of him. I am happiest when I am with him." I could see a stunned look on Tom's face as Michael finished and kissed our hands as he raised them to his face.

"Scott you can not fight so many things in one man that point to Gray. You have to understand they love each other I can see it in their eyes. I can feel it in their voices." Tina stepped in.

"Michael as Gray's best friend I can say you have made me very happy to hear that but I want Gray to answer the same question." She looked at me as I suddenly felt as if I was blushing. Scott giggled as he thought he could when after all.

"Michael on that day that we met for the first time almost 2 years ago. I fell for you there were no questions about it. But, we were young and you would have nothing to do with me because of your own unhappiness in your physical appearance at the time. I chased after you anyhow and you became very dear to my heart. I would never take back those days. Of course now, I do know you made your life better because I did those things. But you are the same man I fell in love with all that time ago. I would still give of myself to you even if I had nothing left to give. In times of need I have always thought back to those nights of long conversations and hoped that one-day you would come back to me. I have dreamed of this for many months. Tina is the one I have invested my secret hopes of your return to. Of course she thought I was crazy at the time. Talking about Thomas O'More all the time not knowing you were on your way. I would give my everything, just to be with you because I love you. Nothing will change that and no one will ever come between us because of that I will always fight for you. I will always make you a part of my life no one can touch. You are my past my present my future. I love you Tomas Michael O'More." Tina grinned jumped up and ran to us in an instant.

"Is this really you, Thomas? The boy from the lake? The boy that made him talk so much and tell me everything for the past year? My god it is you!" She hugged Michael as he grinned and cried with tears of joy. Tina let got and I kissed our hands copying his salute to us.

"Tom what's wrong buddy?" Michael asked as he looked at Tom who had a stunned look on his face.

"Thomas? Wow, that is so sweet! So, this is not lust it is a past relationship reunited after a long paused due to so technical difficulties?" Tom was grinning from ear to ear as he leaned back in his chair looking as if he was in euphoria.

"Ok, my work is done I have to get to work now." Marcie tried to stand as John leaned in and whispered in her ear. "John would like to make a statement but wanted me to announce that you two are right for one another first. I guess that makes me the authority here." She laughed.

"Ok Scott, this is specifically related to you. I want that." He pointed at us as he began to talk again. "That is what I want to feel. I know we are just beginning and maybe we will never get to that point but you have to agree at some point it is worth the chance. For love, lust or insanity it is worth a shot. If you would like to I would love to find out if we have that in us. I am here still by your side but you obviously still have feelings for Michael. I still want that. I stick my neck out for you now. You can pick up the axe or you can help me up from the block it is your choice." He said as he grabbed Scott's hand and kissed it.

"John we have only know each other for a short time but I am glad just to hear you say that to me even after I make a fool of myself so many times in a two day stretch of time. I would love to give it a try with you." Scott said taking their hands to his lips. John beamed with light in his eyes.

Jus then our food arrived on the arm of the busboy. He was tall dark and handsome. Look it's someone for Tom, I thought as he set the tray down on a nearby table. Marcie quickly stood from her seat and began to help. As, Tina tried to join in Marcie placed her hand on her shoulder telling her not to move. Javier the busboy quickly retreated ass he continued to look back in our direction with Marcie taking not of the situation as I pointed to Tom. He grinned at me not knowing what I was up to. He then leaned over to me and whispered to Michael and me.

"I think you're up to something aren't you?"

"Not me but if you don't look out the Busboy will be up on something soon." I quipped back at him as he blushed and went to eating his meal.

"Not me but if you don't look out the Busboy will be up on something soon." I quipped back at him as he blushed and went to eating his meal.

"Tina what do you think? How bout we work a little magic for Ole Tom here?" Tina grinned as Michael put his hand on my crotch to distract me

"Well, now that everything is taken care of." Marice said as she walked up.

"What's taken care of?" Tom asked.

"Oh, Javier and I are on break and will be joining you." Marcie said as she sat down. Tom blushed as Javier walked up and palced his hand on Tom's shoulder.

"So where should I sit....On your lap perhaps." He said through his thick hyspanic accent.Tom blushed and pulled Javier into his lap.

"Is this what you wanted?" Tom asked as he put his arms around Javier.

"God cut it out you two this is gettign kinda out of control." Marcie yelled down to them. Tom and Javier laughed as they knew it was a game they were playing and had to see how far the other one would push it.

"OK guys, we have practice." Michael said point for himself to Scott with his left thumb. John and Scot both stood as Michael very uneasily stood with myhelp. I could not imagine how he was going to make it through Rugby practice with such sore muscles an so many bruises, but I was not going to argue.

"I will catch up with you guys later ok." Tina said as she leaned in to whisper to Tina.

"Yeah, later." Tom said as he motioned for Javier to sit in my chair.

Ok, I thought these are our friends and now here they are all over new people like fly's to fly paper. But then agian it must look the same from their point of view while looking at us. we all headed out after our glancing back and joking several times about the turn of event the day had brought us. Scott looked over at Michael several times I just gave him more dirty looks and side glances as Michael pretended not to notice. He headed into the parking lot ot find a Police car and two Policmen standing out side of Scotts truck with one of the doors open searching it. Scott quickly looked as if he was going to go into a fit then calamed down immediatly as the cops looked right at him.

"Are you Scott Vanderhall?" The older of the two asked reading the name off his pad.

"Yes I am." Scott answered as he was visibly shaking.

"I need for you to come with me." Scott followed him and was placed into the back of the squad car. None of knew what to do as more Police units showed up on scene.

(To be continued)

E-mail all comments and questions to Gkolschowsky@geocities.com

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