Dream Til Its Real

By Grayson Vellar

Published on Nov 28, 1998


Ok all, this is a erotic story of a M/M relations if you have no desire for such things then Do Not Read This! If you are under 18 or live in a state where you are not allowed to view this these kinds of materials Do Not Read This!

If you are wanting a Erotic male fantasy story this one is it. Try it and let me know what you think and I will try to get back to everyone This is my first attempt so bear with it and enjoy. Bye for now.

DREAM TILL IT'S REAL By Grayson S. Vellar

You'd think being in college and having all of your classes and studying wouldn't get in the way, if you really tried you could make time for that extra something to do in the afternoon. You could find time at the end of the day, let's say when you are sleeping is a good time. Well, that is just what I did. I dreamed until he was really doing what I wanted.

Of course with my house it was different, I lied because of religious beliefs to myself and to everyone who ever trusted me and loved me for twenty-one years then it was time. I had had a few experiences with glances and intrigue with other guys nothing really big but the idea had been set in stone from day one of realization. I had wanted more free time so I could finally place other adventures in my life. So, I left home for a college style apartment (poor and unkempt). But, that was my place not my parents.

The unfortunate thing is it didn't happen I met no one new. I had spent my first year hiding in books and not letting anyone know who I was. The people who I did talk to all thought I was a guy from a book club or something. I had spent so much time ignoring them, all I had was myself. So, rather than fight the nature of things I went to my old habits and hid in a book. But to my surprise my urges would not give up. I would have dreams of guys I had seen on campus and wished in the back of my mind that is had been real. Thus leaving me only to find myself wishing of it more and more. My mind was like a game that targets points on a sex act, with a guy I didn't know. His eyes so blue I could die to have them look at me, his body so taught I would chew on him for hours. The dream made my life to complicated I would sit in class and dream and now My own grades had dropped from A's to B's and high C's.

Then it happened I met him: His name was Michael and I about died when I saw him in the flesh. His eyes are as I dreamed like pools of Caribbean water so blue that you could take a dive and be lost in happiness forever. Their sparkle enough to hold my attention for hours. His whole build based not on a lot of muscle but just enough to show his size of 6'4" to be a wall of pure lust. His just so short curly Brown hair with a little Blonde alternate length on top was all I wanted to run my finger through. Those dimples just off the corners of his mouth made his smile last a thousand nights in my soul. The Butt of a Saint, a set of perfect buns of steel. Just then I noticed the increasing pressure in my groin so highly explosive I tried my damnedest not to shy away.

I was taken aback as he asked me if I would help him with a Programming Assignment, I was staring at him intently when he approached me. You see he is a swimmer and I am a Computer geek so to speak. I was at a loss for words I couldn't get may thoughts straight. I had to say something thought. I took a deep breath I quickly pieced the event together and ...

"Yes! I'll help you." I almost yelled at him, as I pulled and tugged at the bottom edge of my shirt to make it longer. I reached over to his arm realizing I had yelled at him abruptly. Trying to soothe him I only made things worse.

"Calm down. Ok your hurting my arm could you ease up a little." He grinned as he realized I was caught off guard. He also began to look down at my crotch I thought to myself. As I was drawn in again to him only this time I resisted, this was not a dream I had to think straight here or loss my chance for seduction.

"I've seen your working on your computer and I know it is weird cus we haven't actually met but I have to get help or I'm going to fail. By the Way my name is Michael." He finished after I let go of his arm.

"Actually I know who you are, I'm Grayson. I'm sorry about you arm; I was shocked when you talked to me no else ever does I am just to busy most times for words." I grinned and paused as I got caught in the tide of his eyes again. He sighed and began to walk away I realized I had just told him no.

"Well when would you like to start working on that stuff." I sighed the words. Thinking of just the time with him in the back of my mind.

"How bout tonight at 7:00 Kingston hall room 208" Michael said noticing a tent growing in his own sweats but pulling his long shirt to cover it.

"Ok, I was planning on eating around then if we could actually grab something to eat too I would be set for the night." Gray grinned and set his gaze on Michael. "Hey, isn't Kingston a Music Center building? I could have sworn--" He was already leaving.

"Actually it is I will be practicing till you get there." Michael turned around with a spin and answered. He stopped and watched Grayson's every move.

"Ok, 7:00 it is then I will be there." Grayson turned to walk away hoping he had not said or done anything to throw this guy, he was my dream and nothing else up until now.

"See you there." Michael said as he watched Grayson walk away. 'Nice ass.' He thought as he watched him all the way into the information center.

It was 5:00 now and I was done for the day so I have plenty of time to relax and get ready for my date. I mean teaching. My thoughts plucked my heart like a violin as I thought not only of sex but also of Love, Tenderness, and a lot of Lust. But I carried on in the outside world as if nothing was going on in my mind all that saw me saw a smile on my face. Which I have to admit was probably not something anyone on campus was used to seeing. So, I went to my apartment and made myself ready for him and the evening. Silk Boxers was what I chose but then again I had to go back to the dresser several times because I couldn't just wear silk boxers it would be way to forwards.

I laughed at myself as I was thinking a million different thing's at once. Then I looked at the clock in terror. It was 6:30 and I wasn't dressed and the hall was about 25 minutes from me. I quickly ran around the room got dressed and ran for the door. Away I was not trying to be late but never remembering to close my shirt as I ran for it. Ten minutes to go and I would be there. Only ten minutes till I would see my Dream angel. I made it to the building, and made my way up to the door. No one was around I heard a piano as I opened the door it was the sweetest music I had ever heard before. Until it stopped and I looked at him and he spoke it was his voice that now made the music I so choose to hear.

"Hello, you made it. I was just finishing up. Want to hear something before we go?" he said with an uneven enthusiasm that I was enjoying hearing.

"Sure we have all the time you need." I answered

Immediately I heard the keys playing a sweet slow somber piece that built ever so slightly to show his talents and emotions as he played effortlessly. I almost cried as I was taken away to another world where I had dreamed him once again, I had to pull myself to reality as that first tear fell. He had his back to me I quickly whipped the tear away and pulled myself together. I was inundated with the musk of his scent as I moved closer to watch as well as listen. He smiled as I leaned against the Piano. I noticed I had my shirt completely open and quickly started to button it he grinned at me so wickedly I was confused.

"You are now worried about your shirt when you came all the way over here with it open I suppose." He began to chuckle at me a little. "Well, Let's get going I have ton's of work ahead of me," he said as he stood and edged his way towards me.

Again confused he could have very well exited his seat from the other end. I couldn't put the picture together at the time but now it is clear. And to make it worse he brushed his hand across my exposed stomach as he passed taunting me into a grin and sigh.

"I knew I was right." he sighed himself as he moved past me.

"Right about what?" I asked.

"You're a gorgeous guy from down the hall interested in me. I am totally surprised and had no idea I was worth it to you." He said and shocked the hell out of me.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said as I tried my best to ignore him. Only giving myself away as I grinned from ear to ear.

I had my back to him as he approached me. He wrapped his arms around me and said nothing as he kissed the back of my neck. I sighed even louder this time. He continued until I pulled away and turned around to face him he had tears in his eyes. I whipped them away with my shirtsleeve and; leaned into his lips. We met like fire and ice steam felt as if it could be coming from our heat. I wrapped my arms around him and held on for fear of loosing him as his tears continued to flow. As our tongues met so did our soul our eyes opened to one another as we gently pulled away and looked deep into each other's souls. His tears had stopped but his eyes had not. He was making me cry now as I could feel him caressing me with his eyes.

"I have thought about this a long time," I said as I whipped away his remaining tears and cupped his face in my hands. He was still holding me as I kissed him once again.

"I was thinking I would never be as happy as I am right at this moment," he said and let me go. "We need to get out of here though, another student will be here momentarily.

I helped him pick up his things and we exited the room together with the other student a short Asian boy entering upon our exit. "By the way, I don't even have computer classes this semester," he said as we walked along.

"That's right lie to me to get me into your arms." I laughed and he suddenly went for it again. He put his arm around me as we walked across campus to our own apartment building. I hesitated as we entered my place. Of course no one was there, but the shape I left it in was an enormous mess. He chuckled as he saw the clothes lying about. "This was all for you; I'll have you know I tried on several different outfits and am not even wearing the one I had settled on."

"I appreciate the thought. I liked how you snuck in and had your shirt all open showing me your beautiful body," he said as he reached over and touched my still uncovered chest.

"Well you must be mistaken it is you with the body to die for." I grinned as he blushed, a wild red, I placed my hands on his chest. He blushed even more at my forwardness.

"Besides, you won't be wearing clothes for long if I have anything to say about it." He leaned in and kissed me while pulling my shirt off again. I let him do it and he was mine now for the taking, as I pulled the bottom edge of his shirt up and he raised his arms to allow me to remove it. Throwing the shirt on the floor I ran my finger against his tight nipples. He shuddered and sighed at my touch.

I looked down to see him tenting along side of mine I was not alone in this world anymore and my dreams had now begun to be real. He slipped his hand under my chin pulling my gaze up to his. I stared deep into his eyes with no hesitation, I was no longer dreaming of these things they were real.

"What was the looking away for you haven't suddenly changed your mind about me have you?" He asked tenderly while stroking the underside of my chin with his soft hands.

"No, I was just checking to make sure this wasn't a dream."

"How so, may I ask? All you were doing was looking down." Suddenly he grinned realizing what he said. "Yes it is real. And so is this." He said as he leaned in again and our lips met. I opened my mouth as he began to probe my lips. I had never been kissed by a man before and I was in total ecstasy as we pulled each others clothes and I began to probe him back with my tongue. He moaned as I began to grind on his leg.

"Slow down..." he sighed, as we continued to kiss.

I stopped grinding his crotch and pulled away only to see him with a shocked look of sudden hurt feelings. "I'm not used to this but I think we should at least make our way to the bed," I exclaimed, as I reached for his hand a grin pointedly returned to his face.

"Get comfortable, we should take it slow or we will have to keep trying until we get it right." I grinned and bent to take my shoes off he was sitting next to me the whole time. As I finished he stood up as if to be ready to leave made a few steps away from the bed and slipped right out of his shoes.

"Now who is going to undress whom first." He quickly made his way to my jeans only to be stopped by my sudden dive at his legs I grabbed his sweats with waistband in hand and pulled down.

"No fair! You have jeans on," he said, as he stood before me completely naked except for his socks. I was in total awe as I began to memorize his body from head to toe. I regained conscious thought about 2 minutes latter when he fake coughed at me.

"Ok well sit down on the bed. I want to do something for you now. " I walked across the room and found the remote to the stereo. I turned the music on and slightly up so as anyone walking by would not hear us. As I danced before him he reached forwards to grab me only to no avail as I was enjoying teasing him. I actually stepped to close the next pass and he managed to get my pants down in seconds flat. I was totally shocked as he held me firmly to him I had the sudden electric rushing through my body as flesh touched flesh.

"Ok that ends the inhibitions stage of this evening." He said as he reached down and removed the silk boxers. " Were these perhaps for me? I'm shocked. " We both laughed as I blushed getting caught.

"I have been dreaming about this for a long time. Mostly since I saw you but since I was I a kid I had dream a night and lately they have all been you," I admitted as I kissed him and eased us onto the bed again.

He trailed his hand along my chest paying close attention to my nipples as I moaned in ecstasy. I returned the favor with both hands heading down his chest to find their prizes. His reaction was as intended. Moans of pleasure came from his throat as I continue to probe with my tongue. My hands moved to his stomach as I began to feel excitement flood my soul both of us had the same idea at the same time. We reached each other's cocks at the same moment and began to slowly explore untouched by man territory. He is slightly thicker than I am and about a half inch shorter but to an 8 inch man myself he was perfect at 7 and a half.

We stopped the kissing, as both of us looked down at one another prizes in our hands. Neither said a word, as I was the first to move slowly. I moved kissing down his body reaching my goal as I started to inspect his member with my tongue wrapping around the head first. I then slid my hand under is balls and began to message them as his breathing began to quicken above me. As my tongue made it way down the shaft following the veins I tasted his pre cum I began to lightly tug at his balls. I moved my way back to the head, I took him into my mouth he began to jerk about as if to be squirming away. I knew what was coming but continued on in my endeavors.

"Slow down, I'm gonna Cum," he breathlessly said.

My pace quickened, I wanted it so bad, had to have it and he could not stop me from reaching my goal he was moaning so load even the music could not drown out the noise. I plunged farther down on his shaft as he slid into my throat. I continued on and on for a bout another minute. As I slid him into my throat for a final time his cum hit my throat with thundering vigor. I couldn't resist I pulled him out of my throat and into my mouth. The taste so pure the pleasure all mine I continued to lick and suck as he shot for what seemed like an eternity. Some of it escaped as I could not swallow anymore.

"Ohhhhhh! Oh my god, stop! It is great but stop. I am so ticklish right now stop..." he said as I pulled off and slid up his body.

"That was wonderful." I said as I leaned into him and kissed him soundly he could taste his own cum as he began to lick my mouth clean.

"Your turn," he said as I held him tight.

"Nope, you wait I want to look into those eyes for a minute," I said and grinned waiting to see how long he would hold out. One, two, three, ... he was gone as quick as he could get down my body.

His mouth engulfed me as he slip me completely into his mouth. The instant pleasure was over whelming as he fondled my balls and messaged the length of flesh from my scrotum to my love hole. Quickly he wet his finger down and began to slid his finger in I was taken aback. His finger hurt slightly but no real pain compared to the pleasure it was to have him attending to my cock at the same time. I was lost in a world of ecstasy. He had me so close to the edge of explosion the whole time. But, to my dismay he was going to win this fight for maneuvers. He slipped a second finger into me as he deep throated my cock and I lost it instantly. The explosion hit his mouth like a kick to his head. I felt like I was going to blow the back of his head off. My ass felt so good and erotic as he continued to finger fuck me until I subsided. He moved off my cock and removed his fingers as my breathing returned to normal.

"I love you so much. I have wanted that to happen for so long," I said with tears in my eyes.

He bent in and kissed me generously. I returned the favor.

"I have loved you since the first day we met."

I sighed then suddenly came to the realization that today was the first day. What did he mean?

"Um, Michael we only met today." I grinned hoping he was telling me the truth.

"Nope we met two summers ago at Woodbridge Estates where you father runs the games each year. We hung out together and you were my only friend at the club that year," he said confusing me even more.

"What the only kid I knew that year was Thomas O'More he was great guy but slightly shorter than you and fat as a day is long. Sweet but he is not you." I said and kissed him again.

"My full name, if you must know, is Thomas Michael O'More. I am the boy who fell in love with you Grayson Scot Vellar that summer and have been working off the shell of my childhood for this very life to be spent with you." He said as a tear came to his cheek and I slowly realized what he was saying.

"Oh, Michael you did it for me. That summer you said you had no need for such things you told me so. I tried to call you after I left there but you were no where to be found. I was so lost without our long talks. I missed you terribly." I realized it was only making my love cry even more and stopped to kiss him once again.

"I have to tell you something you told me everything about yourself then and I had to find a way to be with you so I made my life to you. I wasn't going to stay in that town and work for your father for the rest of my life I needed to get out of there and you were my beacon in the night. I just had to. I loved you since before you left. But, I knew you would never have me that way. I was ashamed and had to be with you. So for the past 20 months I made my way to you. I lost the weight grew a little and other things happened. I became a new person but still the same inside just for you. I Love you, Grayson."

"I Love you too, Michael." Tears fell as I watched him sleeping that night. I had finally found a Love so true I had no idea it existed.

(To be continued) If you like this let me know at Gkolschowsky@geocities.com

Next: Chapter 2

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