Dream or Nightmare

By N. Ammons

Published on Apr 25, 2010


Note from the Author: Many thanks to all of you that have emailed me your requests for the next chapter of this story. When I began writing this it was only for my own amusement, but as it has developed the characters have become almost real to me. I hope you all continue to enjoy as it unfolds and I appreciate any feedback you give and am open to any suggestions as well.


This is a story about love between males. It contains descriptions of sex Between high school age boys and members of the same family, I.E. Incest. If this material is not legal in your place of residence, please _EXIT this site, or _DELETE this file at once. nifty.org and the authors of these stories are not responsible for any trouble that you may be in. This material contains strong language, descriptions of sex, and is not for persons under the age of eighteen.

Is this a dream or a nightmare?? Chapter 2--- The winds of change

Well 4 months had passed since Coop and I had our 1st night together, and we'd only feel more in love as the time passed. We found it harder and harder to control ourselves on a daily basis, and found every opportunity to sneak into a closet, or behind the grounds keeper's tool shed to make out and quick blowjobs. I must admit we had even skipped a class or two and hid in that very tool shed and I'd fucked Coop's tight ass within an inch of his life. He was turning into quite the "power bottom" I believe is the expression. The weekends were the best, Sterling would leave for his "breeder weekends" w/ his girl, and I would breed Coop all weekend long.

Winter break arrived before we knew it and it was time for everyone to prepare to go home for the holidays with their family. Dad had already called and left word that a car would be picking me up and taking me to the airport where the jet would be waiting to bring me home. Coop had gotten a similar message only that he would be leaving the day before I would. We both talked about how much we were looking forward to going home, since neither of us had seen our families or own rooms in sometime, but we also dreaded the almost month apart. That night sex was amazing, as always, and repetitive, as always, but this time Coop wanted me to cum in him as much as possible so that he could hold onto it for as long as he could. Of course I was happy to give him all my man juice and then some and he took it like a champ. I pounded his tight ass like a drum for hours until we both collapsed from exhaustion. The next morning we awoke in each other's arms smelling of sweat and sex. With Sterling already gone, we showered together and Coop milked my cock dry from my morning wood. When the headmaster knocked on the door to inform him that the car had arrived to take him to the airport we stole one last kiss and grope before Coop walked out of the room. I watched the car pull away and couldn't help but to tear up at the site of my love leaving me, if even for a short time.

The day and night went by relatively quickly and soon I was in my own car headed to the airport, and while I missed Coop so much it hurt, I was excited to see dad. When I arrived in LA at the private air field, Dad was standing beside his limo with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey there Champ!!!" , he yelled as he ran across the field to meet me and gave me a huge bear hug that lifted me off the ground.

Dad was always a muscular guy and he seemed to have gotten bigger since I'd seen him last. We embraced for a few moments until we noticed some reporters taking pictures so we ran to the limo and left. The ride home was great, dad and I talked about school, including Coop and Sterling and how cool I thought they were and how well the 3 of us got along. Dad was glad to hear that I'd made such good friends and was doing well. Dad filled me in on his latest role as a roman legionarie which accounted for his increased size and longer hair. He would be expected to walk around w/o a shirt on (dad's favorite kind of part) and so he'd been working out A LOT.

When we arrived at the estate, I was greeted by my grandparents...the oil tycoon and his socialite wife. My grandmother immediately commented on how much I resembled my dad when he was my age, and "paps" told me I was turning into a future CEO right before his eyes. Walking into my room was like getting acquainted with an old friend. I stool in the middle of the room for a few moments just looking around and realizing that everything was just as I'd left it. Pictures in the same place, clothes still in the closet, and the same CD in the stereo system that I'd forgotten to take with me. I was startled out of my "trance" by someone clearing their throat at the door.

"Would the young master like for me to unpack his things??"

It was Liza the maid/nanny that had taken care of me most of my life since dad was gone so much. I threw my bags aside and hugged her just I assumed one would hug their mother. We talked for a few minutes while she unpacked my things and criticized how poorly I'd packed. When she left the room, I quickly reached into my pocket and pulled out the piece of paper Coop had slide into my hand before he left with his private number on it. I closed and locked the door and ran to the phone. My fingers had a mind of their own as they dialed the number. As soon as I head Coop's voice I nearly came in my pants. We both said our "I love you's and I miss you's" before telling each other about the return home. Half way thru the conversation I heard a familiar breathing from Coop...He was jerking off.

"Baby what are you doing?"I asked already knowing the answer.

"Stroking my cock and thinking or yours being in my mouth" his voice was so soft and sexy.

I pulled out my own prick which by this point was straining to get out of my briefs and started working it.

"Jay, go to your computer and turn on your messenger"...he said in a very sultry voice.

I did as he'd asked and no sooner than I'd logged in, there was my baby naked showing off for me. I turned my own cam on and began taking my clothes off. We both put on head sets that would allow our hands to be free. As I jerked off Coop did the same and fingered himself begging me to fuck him. Soon we were both moaning and he grabbed the cam and put it right up to his tight hole as he started to blow his load. Watching the pulsing action made me nut in no time. After we'd both cleaned up, we finished our conversation with more "I love you's" and agreed to talk later that night before bed.

The next few weeks were great, spending time with dad and my grandparents, shopping like crazy for gifts, and several jerk off sessions a day with Coop over the cam. I missed him so much, but I knew I couldn't let on what was going on to my family.

Christmas and New Year's came and went and soon I was packing my things, or should I say Liza was packing my things, to return to school. That night as I waited for Coop to call me, I felt that something somewhere wasn't right it was a feeling I couldn't shake. Finally the phone rang, it was Coop but he was different his voice was weird.

"Jay baby you're not gonna believe this!!!"

"What is it Coop??"...I asked wondering what could be bothering him on the night before we'd see each other again the next afternoon.

"It's Sterling...He's not coming back to school. His folks caught he and his girlfriend fucking in his room during their big holiday party."

"No kidding, shit man that sucks, but why are they taking him out of school for that?" I asked totally confused.

"Her parents made her take a pregnancy test and it came back positive..."

My mind was filled with racing thoughts all night...Sterling...Wait a minute!!! With him gone, Coop and I would have the room to ourselves, at least until they found us another roommate and who knows how long that could take.

The next morning as the car was being packed, I said my goodbyes to my dad and grandparents. Paps slipped some money into my shirt pocket and gave me his "our little secret" wink. Grandmother hugged me tightly and urged me to eat more. Liza stood at the bottom of the stairs awaiting her turn to tell me goodbye. With tears in her eyes she hugged me close and whispered in my ear...

"I left you a present in your small bag to open when you get back to school."

The trip to the airport was pretty routine, with dad calling every few minutes asking if I was there yet and was I ok. Once on the plane I managed to talk my way into a drink that I really needed to calm my nerves at the thought of seeing my Coop again, knowing that he'd left a few hours ago and would be there by the time I was had me jumpy and excited, not to mention rock hard. It finally got to me so much that I slipped into the bathroom and started jerking my dick. It felt so good working my dick and getting filthy images of Coop in my mind that I blew a huge load all over the mirror before I knew it. I cleaned up quickly and headed back to sit down once I'd heard the pilot say we'd be descending shortly.

The ride back to the campus seemed to take forever, but finally I could see the roof tops of the various halls and the huge iron gates of the school. I looked up at the window knowing that my Coop was probably looking out right now seeing my arrival. I raced up the stairs with my bags knocking into paintings and walls until I burst through the door to see him standing there. He turned and with the sexiest smile I'd ever seen he fell into my arms as I closed the door. We kissed passionately for a bit before I felt his hand pulling at my dick through my pants. I looked down and he'd already dropped his own pants and w/ no jocks on was naked from the waist down and was already playing with his own sweet tight hole. I threw him into the nearest bed and pulled his pants free from his ankles and with his legs lifted high I jumped into his ass face first. His beautiful fuck hole quivered as I licked and ate like a starved man. My dick straining to get out wanting to feel his tight teenage "man pussy" again. He'd finally reached the point he couldn't hold back from and began to beg

"Please baby, please put it inside me...fuck me now it's been so long since I felt that massive cock of yours in my tight ass."

Needing not to be asked twice I stood up, dropped my pants pulled down my briefs, lubbed us both and slid in. Coop winched only for a second before bottoming out all the way to my smooth balls. He immediately arched his back so that I could go all the way in and moved his hips to be fucked. This was his unspoken signal to me to go full speed ahead. I began to pound like there was no tomorrow and he loved every second of my cocks punishment. He shot his 1st load and refused to stop we kept going until I couldn't wait any longer to unload my load into his hot waiting pussy. As I began pulsing he moaning out again and I looked down to see him shot yet another load of his delicious cum. I scooped up some into my finger and licked it off like candy. Once the orgasms had subsided, Coop pulled me down on top of him and we kissed softly like 2 lovers would. We spent the night cradled in each other's arms smelling of sex and sweat...it was heaven.

The next morning we were like to gushy sappy school boys should be in love, we bathed each other kissed in the shower of our suite, with Sterling gone we had no fear of someone walking in to catch us. As we opened the door to head down for breakfast, we found an envelope with both our names on it. The letter inside explained that we were to report to the headmasters office immediately following breakfast. We both went into a confused panic mode. "Do you think he knows??"...Coop asked seemed more frantic than I was. I just shrugged my shoulders brushed Coop's sexy brown hair from his forehead and we headed downstairs.

All during the meal we played "footsie" under the table, and Coop even reach over and squeezed my cock a few times, knowing full well I'd not been wearing underwear recently just for him. After breakfast we went to the office, and were taken into one of the conference rooms and told the HM would be in shortly. Before either of us had time to say anything or even get to panic the HM came in. He explained that Sterling would not be returning, due to "family problems" which would be leaving us short one suitemate. He then proceeded to explain that we would be getting a new guy in our suite in 2 weeks. He was from a "good family" in Manhattan, and was actually nearly 2 years younger than us but due to academic gifts had skipped his 5th grade year in grammar school putting him in the same grade as the 2 or us.

Later, back in our room, Coop and I both seemed disappointed that our "alone time" was to be cute shorter than we'd hopped, but we agreed to make the most of the time we had before the new guy gets here.

"Jay baby, my ass is lonely and misses your cock...Come fuck me again and make it last all night again...I wanna sleep with it inside me all night"

"Baby you know its yours anytime you want it, now get naked and show me that pretty pussy of yours."

Well that's it for Chapter 2...I know this one seems alittle out of place and drawn out...but trust me its leading up to all the twists and turns that are on the way. Please keep sending me your feedback...they help out a lot.

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