Dream or Nightmare

By N. Ammons

Published on Apr 9, 2010



This is a story about love between males. It contains descriptions of sex between members of the same family, I.E. Incest. If this material is not legal in your place of residence, please _EXIT this site, or _DELETE this file at once. nifty.org and the authors of these stories are not responsible for any trouble that you may be in. This material contains strong language, descriptions of sex, and is not for persons under the age of eighteen.

Is This A Dream Or A Nightmare??

Chapter 1...Just the Beginning

Hi my name is Jayden, and I am currently 17 years old. To understand the current situation I'm gonna have to take you all back years and years ago. As long as I can remember it has always been me and my dad. My mom left when I was only 7 months old to "pursue her dream" as dad says. The story goes that my dad was an up and coming new actor in LA when he met my mom, an aspiring young writer. He was only 24 and she was barely 22, but sparks flew instantly and they were an item before dad's agent could talk him out of it. After only 6 months of passionate "dating" they were engaged and married less than a month after that. It seems that out of nowhere my dad's career took off after that, and mom began writing a novel. To skip all the silly insignificant details, sometime later (about a year or so) my mom became pregnant with me, and about that same time her novel was published with outstanding results and quickly became a best seller. And here's where the issues came into play. Dad's agent had him up for one role after the other which took him away from his pregnant wife a lot. Mom's publisher was much the same trying to get her involved in some type of storyline series to follow up and continue with the novel she'd written. By the time I was born they were barely speaking and before I was 3 months old they were talking divorce. Soon after it was final, dad says, mom "took off" to New York to have her career as an author and left me with the nanny and a long letter to him and one to me that I was not to have until I was 16.

Now lets skip ahead to my 10th birthday. Dad and his girlfriend are planning a party for me and I'm searching the house for my gifts. I come upon a box in the back of my dad's closet that is old and dusty and covered in gray tape. Ok, I'm a kid and we're all nosey so of course I tear into it. There in front of me were old letters signed "Cecilla" and the dates on them were over 11 years old, and then there was one with my name on it that had never been opened. "Jay Jay what are you up to in there?", oh no it was Rosa my dad's girlfriend!! She saw what I had done and immediately sent me to my room "I'll talk to your father about this when he gets home from the set". She was always such a snotty bitch. When dad came home I listened at the bedroom door while she explained what she'd found me doing and then began to question him on the contents of the box. I nearly dropped when I heard him say that they were old letters from my mother that she'd written him before and just after they'd married. "Well what about this one addressed to Jayden??" in her typical bitchy tone. "She left that on my dresser the day she left us with a note that asked that I save it for him and give it to him on his 16th birthday, unless he became too inquisitive before then, and I was to judge that for myself on what I thought he could handle", dad almost seemed serious which I never saw unless the role he was playing called for it. That night dad came into my room, "Hey Champ we need to have one of our man to mans ok?" This is when he would tell me the story of he and my mom and how she left some time ago. Do you have anything you wanna say of ask me lil man?" "No daddy I'm ok I guess", but I knew I wasn't in fact I had so many questions. He could see it in my eyes, I guess, and got up and left the room for a minute. When he returned he had the box that I'd torn open and handed it to me. He took the letter with my name on it and put it in his jacket pocket, but let the others " you can have these son, and read any of them you like, but I can't let you have this other one...not just yet" I would spend the next few days reading the letters and learning just how much she loved him back then. In the bottom of the box I found a photo of a beautiful brunette woman holding a small baby in her arms. I figured out that it was her, my mother, and the baby must have been me. Dad walked into my room just as I was looking at the photo. When he realized what I'd found he immediately said,"Jay give me that I forgot it was in there!!" I refused, "NO its her isn't it?....This is my mommy" I will never forget the look on his face for just a brief moment when he said, "Yes son it is..." and then he snatched the photo from me and walked away. I cried for hours and swore I'd get it back... A couple of days later I did when I picked the lock on his desk drawer and found it. Looking at the photo became a habit for me when I was alone in my room at night. Her face became a wonderful dream for me every night.

The next 3 years would be very difficult, dad gone a lot...Rosa and I fighting constantly, and then finally her breaking up with dad over the phone while he was on location in TX and leaving before he came home. After that dad decided that it would be a good idea for me to go to a "boarding school" in Denver. It was an all boys school that had turned out some of the most successful businessmen, politicians, and lawyers in the country. What really sucked was having to become accustomed to the cold weather. The only winters I'd ever seen were the ski trips we'd taken to Aspen so it took me a while. I had 2 roommates Sterling, who's father was a partner in a major law firm in Philadelphia...and Cooper, who's father was a congressman in DC. We all got along great, but Cooper and I were closer for the most part. Sterling left and spent his weekends with his grandparents in Denver so he could see his "girlfriend" that he never stopped talking about, leaving Cooper and I alone for 2 days.

Here's where things get alittle weird. At the age of 14 I suddenly realized that I have developed a "crush" on my best friend...who is a guy. I caught myself on several occasions admiring his thick legs when we played soccer and watching as he'd change for bed at night and put on his pj shorts that where alittle snug on him and hugged his ass and package just right. One faithful Saturday night, after I'd watched my nightly show of him going to bed, I was awakened in the early morning hours by Cooper shaking me and telling me that I was making too much noise for him to sleep. I was having a pretty hot dream of he and I rolling around in a huge bed with silk sheets both of us naked and passionately kissing.

"Was I saying anything Coop?" I asked trying to play dumb.

He just stood next to my bed staring at me until I asked "Coop man what is it?"

"Jay you were moaning really weirdly and saying my name over and over again."

I was horrified...I mean how could I possibly explain this without letting my secret out. Before I could say a word he put his finger on my lips and just said "Shhhh...you don't have to say it, I already know."

His soft words were like screams to my ears. "You know what, Cooper?" I asked frantically.

"Jayden, I've seen the way you look at me in gym class when we're on the field, and I've also seen you watching me get undressed at night." I felt dizzy and sick all at the same time.


"Shhh" again with the finger on my lips. Without another word said, he pulled the blanket off me enough to climb in with me and looked dead into my eyes.

"Jay why do you think I only change with the lights on when Sterling is gone?" "I know you're watching me, and I like it...A LOT"

With that said he leaned into me and gave me a soft but passionate kiss that took my breath away. It took me a few minutes to process what was happening, and then I began to kiss him back and allow my hands to touch his smooth muscular body. He did the same as I without ever breaking the kiss we were both enjoying so much. We both moaned softly as our hands explored each others chest and stomachs. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and reached for his package. He flinched slightly when I 1st brushed up against his crotch, but seconds later he was moving to meet my hand. When I got my fingers to his dick I was amazed that it was even bigger and thicker than it looked in his shorts. I started off softly and increased the pressure more and more as we proceeded, paying no attention to my own rock hard prick dying to get out of my briefs. Finally Coop broke the kiss and stood up from the bed removing his shorts and standing there in all his glory for me to admire. His hard cock staring at me standing proudly with the thick head barely a foot away from my face. He was a vision standing in the full moon light. In a soft sexy voice he looked down at me and said

"This hasn't been just your fantasy Jay" and with that he pulled the blankets back and pulled down my briefs allowing my dick to bounce free.

He laughed as he looked at it and said,

"Its as perfect as I'd imagined it"

I couldn't even speak I just looked at him and immediately took his dick in my mouth. He moaned out loud loving every minute of my sucking his dick all the way down to his balls and the soft blonde hair that surrounded his treasure. His hand griped my cock gently and stroked me fiercely as I sucked more and more intensely. He pulled my off when it seemed like he couldn't hold out any longer. Without a word he walked over to his nightstand and pulled open a drawer and brought out a bottle of lotion I'd seen him rubbing his legs down with after showering. He walked over to me and smiled and put the lotion in his hand and once again gripped my dick covering it form head to base. Before I could ask what he wanted me to do, he climbed onto me straddling me and placed the head of my dick on his hot sexy tight rosebud. I looked up into his eyes so soft and light blue, and he softly whispered,

"I want you inside me when you cum."

His words were like music and I simply nodded and he did the rest, pushing back into me and allowing his beautiful hole to be penetrated by my own 8" dick. He stopped a few times allowing himself the chance to adjust to me, but after only a few seconds he sat back and we were connected. I was ready to shoot my load as soon as he said the words "take me I'm yours". He started to move his hips back and forth fucking himself on my dick and I moved to match him pushing in as deep as possible each time. His eyes were locked on mine and never broke. After only moments, and threw his head back and I felt his hole tighten and then start pulsing as he shot his thick hot load onto my stomach and chest. Shot after shot came out, yet he continued to ride me. I felt my own orgasm building up in my balls and before I could even say it I was shooting my load into his hot waiting ass. He rode even harder when he felt me shooting and begged "give it all to me Jay...make me yours."

The next few minutes was a lot of heavy breathing and sweating whipping. Then he looked down at me and said, "don't take it out please, just leave it there."

"Ok Coop, whatever you want baby, but how are we gonna sleep like this?"

He smiled and said "leave that to me" and in moments had turned around a couple of motions and before I knew what he was up to he maneuvered himself to a point that he'd laid himself on top of me withhis back to me so that my dick remained inside him but we could lay with my arms around him. In minutes we were alseep, and my dreams were filled with the images of our encounter.

I awoke the next morning to the feeling of Coop's ass muscles pulsing on my morning hardon. He'd awoke a few minutes before and was fucking himself on my "stiffy" as he liked to call it. This became our normal weekend behavior from then on. No sooner than Sterling would leave for his grandparent's for the weekend, Coop and I were naked in our room fucking like the horny school boys we were.

Well that does it for the 1st chapter, but there will be much more to come and its gonna get a lot more interesting...

Next: Chapter 2

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