Dream on Eugene

By Steve Thomas

Published on Sep 25, 2023


This is a based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. But it is work of pure fiction. Come to think of it ... some of it might not be all that pure! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between males, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it -- please stop here. If not, -- ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Eugene Hathaway -- Yeah, that'd be me. I'm 35.

Aaron Williamson -- my partner. He's 55.

Larry -- my step dad.

Gerry -- my mom.

Myra -- Larry's sister.

Mrya's husband and Aarons brother.

Chapter 1

"What the F -- what happened here?" Said Aaron.

He walked in on me cleaning up a mess. And when I say mess ... most the furniture was turned upside down, and contents of drawers were on the floor. But Aaron was not concerned with all that.

"Gino ... your head ... it's bleeding! Sit down!"

"It's okay, I got it ... I got it!" I said. " ... ohhh!" Sitting was not an option, as I found myself sprawled over the contents of one of our bureau drawers. Aaron took three steps, not bothering to avoid stepping on strewn and broken lamp pieces.

"Gene! Gino! Don't - "

I was in the midst of trying to get back up. I needn't have bothered. My head was spinning way too much to try to get on my feet.

18 Years earlier:

"Omigosh, Mom!" I said. "You can't be serious! For my 17th birthday you're gonna drag me to meet Lame-O Larry's family??"

"Gene! Be quiet! Larry's not deaf, you know!"

"No, but he IS out loading the car. I can see him through the window."

The window I was referring to was too high for Mom to see out of. She's only 5'8" tall. I was 6'-4" -- and still growing.

"Still, you need to lighten up on Larry! I AM going to marry him and you ARE going to meet his sister ... TODAY! AND his sister's husband!"


"Aaron! That'll be enough of that kind of talk or any other, or you will be on restriction for life!"

"What?" Said Larry, walking in, with that silly vacant grin that was always plastered on his face. "Is everyone ready to go?"

I looked daggers at my mother and turned and stomped past her and Larry out to his car. I swear, I don't know what Mom sees in that idiot! Oh! Yes! I JUST figured it out! My uncle recently died. Mom really lived Uncle Evert. He was 45 when he died and she was pretty torn up about it.

I liked Uncle Evert too. He played with me when I was younger. I loved playing hide and seek, though he could never find me. I had to make noises to let him know where I was and when he would find me I'd jump out and act like he really did find me. He would giggle and laugh! That was when I was 6 or 7, and Uncle Evert was about 35.

But ... even though he was 35, his mind was about two or three years behind mine at that time -- like a 4 or 5-year-old. He was mentally retarded. He wasn't really expected to live as long as he did. He was never any problem to anyone. He was just simple and sweet.

That was Larry. Simple and sweet! Heavy on the simple! I'm sure that's what attracted Mom to him. At 35, he had never held a job longer than a year. (We didn't know that part at first!)

I even overheard mom say once to someone, "I know I'll get along just great with Larry. My brother was mentally retarded, you know!"

Everyone laughed ... including Lame-O Larry!

Once in the car, I put on my head phones and closed my eyes, so I didn't have see to listen to my mom and Larry's inane conversation.

Mercifully, I must have fallen to sleep. I awoke as the car bounced into the driveway and stopped. I was scrunched way down taking up most of the rear seat of Larry's little Toyota Tercel. As I raised up and looked out the window, I saw a guy standing in the yard, with his back to us, watering some flowers. He turned and stared at us querulously.

I saw him and froze! I was sure I had dreamed about him -- more than once. His eyes met mine and I looked down, and saw the dribble of saliva drip from my mouth to the floor of Larry's car. I shuddered that he might have seen that, but when I dared look back up he was walking to the front door and was met there by a red-headed woman. I supposed that was his wife ... Larry's sister.

My mom left my dad when I was 11. Did I hate her for that? NOT! He was a selfish son-of-a-bitch! He was caught stealing stuff from the Boy Scouts -- by my mom ... historical stuff that he later sold. He pretended to be a Boy Scout volunteer -- and he'd go to all my scout camps with me ... but he was never with me.

When I was 15, my father was imprisoned ... for sexually molesting a ten-year-old girl. I guess I am lucky he was not into little boys!

Even before Mom left Dad, I fantasized that other guys were my dad. Every teacher ... male teacher ... was my dad in my head. A couple of them were very nice to me and seemed to recognize my need.

I was good anything sports related. I had this one coach that was super nice to me -- and I even wonder now if he liked me more than he let on. But he never did try anything if that was the case. I had a major crush on Coach Rivers, though I didn't see it that way at the time.

The dad I dreamed about ... my dream dad was like a combination of Coach Rivers and George Clooney.

I was jarred out of my reverie when Larry opened the door. "Eugene, we're here!"

I looked at Larry like, "Obviously we're here, bonehead!" and climbed out of the car.

Okay, I was pretty harsh with Larry, but I was only 17. And Larry was competing for my mom's attention!

As I got out of the car, another man materialized from the house. He looked somewhat like the first guy I had assumed was Larry's sister's husband -- only maybe younger.

Larry's sister and the 2nd guy walked out to meet us. As they got closer, he looked less and less like George Clooney. The other guy had turned his back and started watering the garden again.

Mom was excitedly and nervously introducing me to these people that I had never seen and she only had met them once before. When I say excitedly and nervously, I mean that Mom gets giggly when she's nervous. That was how she was.

"This is my son, Eugene. Gene, this is --- blah blah blah - " I wasn't really listening, because about that time, the other guy had turned off the water and was walking to us. The closer he got, the more he looked exactly like my dream dad! I caught myself this time and closed my mouth before anything could escape it -- just in time for Larry's sister to say,

" - and this is my brother-in-law, Aaron. Aaron this is Gerry, Larry's fiancée and this is her son, Eugene."

Aaron shook hands with my mom and then turned to me. He looked me from head to toe and smiled broadly, then offered his hand to me. I stood there, dumbfounded for a second then my hand shot up so fast it nearly hit him in the crotch! He flinched a little and laughed and then took my hand in both his. "Nice to meetcha, was it Gene?"

"Eu -- Eu -- Eugene, Sir." I stammered.

"Call me that once more and I may have to get you like you just tried to get me! Only I won't miss!" He grinned and added, "I'm Aaron, You you you-gene!"

"Gene -- GINO! Don't go back to sleep! The paramedics will be here in a few minutes!"

I guess I was back in the present. "Ohhh -- why the paramedics!?" I exclaimed and tried to get up again.

"No, Sweetheart! Don't move. You've lost too much blood already! I'm trying to keep pressure on this wound. Hold still. Gene? GINO! No! Not again!"

My head was starting to hurt a lot. I could hear that the paramedics arrived and they were questioning Aaron. All I wanted to do was escape back into my head and the lovely memory I was having ...

I hadn't even heard what Larry's sister's and her husband's names were, but I listened enough after we went into the house to figure out it was Myra and Byron. I almost laughed out loud as it hit me: Gerry and Larry and Myra and Byron. I found out later that Aaron and Byron had two younger brothers named, Cameron and Destron. It had to be pointed out to me ... by my sweetheart -- that they were A, B, C, and D. And that they were all named after their dad, Ron Williamson! Go figure!

After sitting about 45 minutes listen to the boring adult talk, I got up and asked where the bathroom was. Byron pointed out a door next to the back door, exiting the kitchen.

I went and used the toilet, and when I was finished, I mindlessly squeezed it out more than usual as I dreamed about the guy sitting by himself in one of the chairs in the living room ... looking as bored as I felt.

When I had washed my hands I could not go back in there with the obvious tent in my pants. I stood for about 3 minutes willing it to go down, but I could not get Aaron's face out of my head ... nor the tent out of my pants!

I opened the bathroom door and listened for a moment, then made my escape out the back door. I looked back once more before the door was completely closed and looked directly into his eyes.

I closed the door and saw it. The apartment that mom and I lived in didn't have room or even trees big enough to support a hammock. I walked to it and climbed into it. I fell asleep imagining my dream dad ... now given life in this older man, Aaron.

It never occurred to me that it might be odd to get wood from seeing a guy. I was used to it. It happened all the time, since I was about 12. I guess it happened before then too, but when I was 12, in the space of about three months, it grew to it's present length of 8 inches. It used to be very skinny, but it seemed to take on girth as I did.

By the time I was 17, I was pretty buff -- for a tall teen boy who didn't really work out except to play every sport they offered at school. And I never thought of myself as gay. I could see that all the other jocks were just as curious as I was in the school showers! And I was rather proud that they seemed to, like as not, be looking at me ... or I should say ... mine!

I figured all guys boned up like this to someone that they admired. It also never occurred to me that I never reacted in that way to anyone without a penis!

"Mr. Williamson, I'm afraid that we'll need to take your -- erm -- friend -- to the hospital. He's lost too much blood. Just keep talking to him, and you can ride with him in the back of the ambulance. Try to not let him lose consciousness again."

I looked lovingly up into my sweetheart's eyes. How many times had I made love to him, looking into those dreamy brown eyes. He kept talking to me. I kept looking as I felt the ambulance moving. Somewhere in the back of my head, something told me not to close my eyes ... as that would worry my sweetheart. I tried to smile.

"Gene, Baby," My mom said, "We're about to eat. I'm so sorry that I've ruined your birthday. I promise I'll make it up to you! Come on in, Baby. I think you'll like the dinner."

"S'okay Mom." I said. She helped me climb out of the hammock and I followed her into the house.

"They really like you, Baby. Especially Byron's brother -- um -- I think his name is -- um - "

"Aaron" I said, automatically.

"Yes that's -- it -- I think I only heard it once, but -- ha-ha so did you. I must be getting senile at 37!"

"I had a reason to remember, Mom."

"Oh. Huh? Um -- why? Do you know someone else named Aaron?"

"Well I do, yes. But that's not why. Remember I told you that I have had dreams of a guy who I wished was my dad?"

"Yes. What a shame that your - "

"Yeah-yeah -- my real dad is a jerk! By the way, he emailed me again from prison."

"Gene, maybe you should - "

"NO! I will NOT answer his emails! He's no longer my dad. I'm even ashamed that he's my sperm donor! I'm so afraid I will somehow start acting like him ... because of some gene that is triggered at a certain age. Wasn't he okay when you married him, Mom?"

"I thought he was."

"Anyway, this guy, Aaron, he looks like my dad in my recurring dream!" I said. "Um -- what did you say?"


"You said that he really likes me?"

"Well, Yes, I mean - "

Larry opened the door as we walked up the steps. "I guess you found the birthday boy!" Said Larry. (Couldn't Mom see the similarity in that vacant grin and her brother?)

"Next time you can send me!" Said Aaron. "I knew where he was."

I felt a little electric shiver go through me and ground itself out in my groin. I tried to will it not to develop into anything more, but as happens to 17-year-olds, it had a mind of its own. I looked at the table and there were name tags on the places. I spied mine and almost ran and sat! My mom gave me the look and I carefully got up, remembering my manners ... DAMNED manners ... and I half stooped to try hide what was too quickly pushing out the front of my pants again.

As soon as Byron seated his wife, everyone else sat and I almost collapsed into my chair. My long legs were scrunched up under the table. I looked and Aaron was sitting directly across from me. He smiled and I felt another surge in my groin. I nervously stretched out one leg and obviously grazed Aaron's leg. He smiled again, querulously, and I said, "Sorry."he front of my pants again. uickly e tags on the places. I spied mine and almost ran and sat! My mom h=gave me th

"It's okay You-you-you-Gene." He smiled even broader.

"Eu -- Eu -- Eugene? Gene? GINO!" Said Aaron. "His eyes are open but he doesn't seem to hear me!" said my very scared sweetheart. I heard but couldn't answer.

"He's gone into shock. They'll take him first in the emergency room." Said the paramedic I could not see.

The ambulance stopped and the back door flew open and I was jarred as the collapsible gurney's legs locked down to position. "Aaron!" I cried out.

"I'm here, Babe! Just hold on a little longer!"

It's getting longer! I closed my eyes momentarily and looked down to get his smile out of my head. My dick was passing full potential. I knew the feeling. Full potential was what I LIKED when in the showers in the locker room. Every guy wanted it to show well there. Full potential wasn't at full mast, but rather just filled enough with blood that it did you proud in the showers. I surreptitiously stuffed it under my leg to keep it low -- even though my lap was safely under the table.

Larry said, "This is a special day for Eugene. He is 17 today!"

"And for that reason," said Myra, "We have a special dinner planned. Gerry has told us all your favorites, Eugene.

And they did. There ware hamburgers with cheese and mushrooms inside, and all the trimmings and also stir-fried vegetables. I really liked them done that way -- just barely cooked. Mr. Evans, our nutrition teacher told us that would be the healthiest and we should learn to like them ... so I did. I really liked Mr. Evans too! They also had other things I liked.

When the dinner was over, they sang happy birthday and brought out a red-velvet cake ... that only my mom could have made. It's my favorite too. As everyone was singing to me, Aaron was also singing, with a rich baritone voice, and smiling all the while. I couldn't resist looking at him. Finally I just told myself, screw it, and let it fill all the way to hard-wood status! I'm only 17 once, right?

By the time the cake was eaten, "it" went down to a respectable stature. Larry and Mom and I made our way back to the car and I reluctantly left my dream dad there.


"Mr. Williamson, you really need to get some rest yourself." Said the nurse.

"I'm okay, I'm okay!" said Aaron.

"Mr. Williamson - "

"Please call me Aaron."

"Aaron then ... your friend is - "

"Not just my friend! Gino is my everything. He's my reason for living. Don't you people get it? He's my partner!"

"The point is, his vital signs are ... are -- just that. Vital. He's only 35-years-old and his body is more like a 25-year-old. He just has sustained a huge shock to his system. It may take a day or two to recuperate. There's no reason for you to make yourself sick. He wouldn't want that, would he? I can tell you are very tired. All the coffee you have been pouring down yourself can't be any good for you."

Aaron grew silent for a moment.

"That ones a hard egg to crack huh?"

I looked and there was a brightness next to me that I didn't see before that moment. "Huh?" I said.

"Was that your boyfriend?" Said the bright figure next to me.

"Aaron? Oh, yes! You could say that. We've been together 16 years. Was? He IS my boyfriend!"

"Eugene, I've been sent to bring you home." Said the bright personage.

"Huh? Home? What? Where did you come from?"


It seemed as natural to me as if I were sitting on a rock looking down at the crashing surf near where I grew up, to be floating in the air as I was, watching as my sweetheart showed his love to me by keeping an otherwise impossible vigil -- keeping watch on the still form that I had slipped out of. It was his love for me that was keeping him going. It was his love for me that was keeping me there!

"Home? What're you talking about? I live -- um -- wait a minute!" I exclaimed. For the first time since I had slipped out of my body, I doubted what I was hearing. "Are you the Angel of death?" I said, suddenly worried. But only somewhat. I didn't want to leave my sweetheart like this, but somehow it didn't seem matter as much as I thought it should.

"Oh, no." The bright personage chuckled. "I'm no angel."

"What?" I said. You're not the devil then?!!"

"Haha. He's not allowed here. I'm your great-great-grandfather, Jeremiah."

"Oh!" I said. "That's weird."

"Why? They always send family to get those who pass on to show them the way and to let them know that it's okay."

"Well, it's just that ... why didn't my grandfather come? Or my great-grandfather? Never mind, It doesn't matter. I'm not going."

"It DOES matter, Eugene. Your grandfather, Stefan and your great-grandfather Eugene were not ready to come."

"Not ready? What the H - "

"Don't say it, Eugene! That's how we get where we go, here ... by saying or thinking it!"

"Well, what the -- I mean -- what do you mean they are not ready?"

"They are both in that place -- the one you almost transported us both to -- working some things out." Realizing I had no idea what he was talking about, Great-Great-Grandfather Jeremiah continued. "I'm afraid that I was the start of all this. I was weak and let my weakness mess up my son's life."

"What did you - "

"It doesn't matter. But when I did that, I set in motion a domino effect that even affected you. Your father was abused by his father and he by his, etc. It is a natural cause and effect of the evil we do. Some think that God curses a family, but it is not God ... but rather someone like me ... and my sons and their sons. It usually takes about 7 generations to work its way out of a family. You are the fifth generation since I -- since I -- did what I did. But you have taken steps to cleanse your line. You can thank your mother for much of that. Your father - "

"Don't even mention him!" I said bitterly. "He - "

"You see, Eugene, that is part of my punishment. I have done what I need to, to get out of that everlasting place of pain and burning."

"You mean H - "

"DON'T say it!" he reminded me again. "Yes, that place. Even though I'm away from it there will be more suffering because of me and for me until all of my evil has run its course. When your great grandfather, and grandfather are clean like me even then I will have to wait for your own father to serve his time there. And then you."

"What? Grandfather Jeremiah? What have I done?" I exclaimed. "I've tried to be good to everyone. Oh!" I said, suddenly feeling defeat. "It's that! I always wondered. I convinced myself that it wasn't that. What could I do?"

Great Great Grandfather Jeremiah understood what I was referring to. "Oh -- that? Oh no, my child! It's not your homosexuality! Not at all."

Even to hear him say it shamed me! He knew that too. "You must cleanse yourself of this too, my son. You had no control over being this way. It is just how you are."

"You mean God made me this way?"

"No, of course he didn't. Some just are!"

"So, if that's not it -- why do I have to go to H -- um -- that place?"

"Oh -- most people spend SOME time there. But your biggest stumbling block is your own father."

"That bast -- um -- him? I have to go to ... you know where ... because of him?" I said, again feeling hate build up in me like a black plague.

"You must find a way to ... deal with him. If you can do that, it will be much easier now than later. I cannot say more. Oh dear, I've probably already said too much ... no wait, If I did say too much you just wouldn't get it."

"Grandfather, I have no idea what you're talking about!"

"See what I mean? But we're wasting time ... ha-ha -- as if there was any time here!" he said. "I must take you home."

"I'm not going without my sweetheart!"

"You don't mean that. You wouldn't have him killed right here and now would you?"

"NO!" I screamed. "Grandfather Jeremiah -- I am NOT going!"

"It's much better at home."

"I'll risk that. Wait! If it's much better now than it will be much better later too. No thanks ... I'll wait ... I'll stay with my sweetheart!"

"He has a point." Said Grandfather Jeremiah to someone I could not see. "Yes, you know I cannot argue against logic. Yes, I told him that. Sigh! Okay. I'll tell him." Grandfather Jeremiah looked as if he was looking through me. "My child, you have justly argued your point and though I don't advise it ... you're free to make this choice ... this time."

As soon as he was gone, I heard, "If you won't leave his side, would you mind if I joined you?" Said the nurse.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" echoed in my head.

It was two weeks after my 17th birthday and we returned to Larry's sister's house. This time no one had to threaten me to get me to go. Mom was the only other one that knew why.

But I was supremely disappointed that Aaron was not home this time. I stayed with the adults as long as I felt I needed to and as soon as I perceived an escape, I again hit the toilet and then the hammock.

I was almost asleep when I heard a car come up the driveway. It was dark, so when Aaron got out of his car, he could not see me in the hammock. I could see everyone inside the house, as the lights were on, but I know they could not see me. Aaron walked in and shook hands with mom and dad. After a moment, they pointed out to where I was.

I watched in rapt attention as my dream dad spun on his heel and with a great smile he said something to them, walked purposely to the door and came out, closing the door silently. He couldn't tell I was watching him, but he stopped a minute and breathed deeply. He adjusted something in his pants and then slowly walked to where I was spying on him in the hammock.

"Hi." He said.

"Hi" I said.

"Nice night to lie and look at the stars."


"Mind if I join you?" He said.

"YES YES YES!" I wanted to say. But I kept that to myself. I wanted nothing more than for him to stay and talk to me awhile. I was almost vibrating with both excitement - that he wanted to talk and fear - that I had no idea what we should talk about.

What he did next put me over the top. He wasn't talking about staying to talk! Just as I was going to get out of the hammock ... He climbed into the hammock WITH me!

Notes: This may seem familiar so some. That's because it is. I decided to take my actual experience and add to it, as maybe it "could have been" under different circumstances. Let me know if you like it so far ... Thanks and ... Love, Steve

Next: Chapter 2

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