Dream Lance

By Raven

Published on Jun 25, 2000


This story is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply anything on the sexualities of the musical group of NSYNC.

Hi everyone. I hope you enjoy this story. If you do, please email me and tell me your thoughts at Blazing_Eagle@yahoo.com Also, be sure to take a look at my first attempt at these stories, also in this directory, called "Spending Time With Brian". Hope to hear from you soon.

Dream Lance

Chapter 1

His hands rubbed up and down my back as he pulled me into a passionate kiss, his tongue exploring every inch of my mouth. I closed my eyes and slipped in and out of consciousness. He pulled away slowly, allowing me to finally see who he was. I started to look up to see who had kissed me, almost afraid at what I might see, and....

I woke up from my dream, sweating profusely at the intensity of it. My mind wandered as I remembered the passion involved in my dream. I sighed heavily, not having gotten a look at my kisser.

"It was just a dream. Why is it always just a dream?" I asked myself over and over as I got up to get showered for work. I walked through my bedroom to my closet, pulled out my work clothes and a robe, slipped the robe on and headed for the bathroom. My mind kept looking back at my dream, trying to determine who it was. I turned the water on and removed my robe. I stepped into the shower and turned the faucet to the shower function. I pulled back as the hot water first hit my skin, then stepped back in as I got used to the heat.

I showered and got dressed, then headed out the door for work. My boss had been pressuring me to get the pages done for our clients so I had to do them today, no more daydreams. When I got there, my mind slipped to work mode and I began my designs for the web pages.

----- Later that night -----

I finally finished up my work and my back was severely sore. I went to the gym to use the sauna and hopefully schedule an appointment for a massage. It was late and there were very few cars in the gyms parking lot. I was glad I didn't have work in the morning because I needed the break. I went inside, scheduled my appointment and headed for the sauna. It only took me a couple minutes to get ready to go in, so I was in my towel and headed to the room in no time. As I approached the door, I heard some music from inside. I started to wonder who'd be silly enough to bring an electronic device in a moisture filled room like a sauna. I walked in, not really caring since it wasn't my radio.

"Hey, what are you doing in here?" came a somewhat familiar voice but I wasn't really paying much attention.

"It's a 24 hour gym. I'm allowed in." I said quite matter-of-factly as I closed the sauna door and sat down on one of the benches. The person there with me stopped talking, much to my relief. I started listening to the music when I realized that it wasn't the radio, but an NSYNC tape. I wondered what guy besides me listened to their music so I looked up to see who was with me. It was Lance Bass, the bass singer to NSYNC. His head was turned so he didn't see me look at him as he was focusing on his lyrics. I almost died right there.

'What is he doing in Missouri?' I thought to myself before realizing how stupid a question it was. He was born here and was probably visiting his family before going back on tour. I tried my hardest to stay calm, which thankfully worked. I turned away, realizing that I was staring.

"So how's the singing coming along, Lance?" I asked.

"Fine. I'm having some trouble... wait a minute." He said as he remembered where he was and that the others were gone. He looked up at me with a funny look on his face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked, generally dumbfounded.

"You're in a towel, not a costume. How could I have missed it?"

"I didn't know you listened to our music."

"You do have more than teenage girls for fans you know. I've liked your music since your first album. You do well with the bass. I guess you decided this was better than being an astronaught, huh?"

"Yeah. How much exactly do you know about me?"

"Enough. I have seen so many bio pages on you and the rest that I have it firmly implanted in my memory. NSYNC and Backstreet Boys."

"Gee, you don't get out much do you?" He asked with a smile. I grinned.

"I get out more than you think, but I look at web pages for ideas and inspiration. There are so many involving you guys that I look at and get good ideas from that I just read the information on you guys and that's that." I looked at him again and realized that he stopped his music and was propped up on one elbow, looking at me while he spoke. I turned so I could watch him. "Please don't let my being here stop you from your work."

"No it's ok. I was pretty beat for the night anyway. I like to come in here to relax after rehearsals and interviews. I just needed to get that note right for the concert tomorrow. Got to make the fans happy, you know." He flashed me another smile and looked at me with those deep green eyes. I almost melted, and it wasn't from the heat of the sauna.

"So who are you, anyway?" He asked, genuinely interested.

"My name is Chris. I design web pages for a living. It's a lot less strenuous than your job, I'm sure of that much. How many girls swarm you per day, on average?" I asked with a smirk on my face. He shook his head and chuckled lightly, sensuously.

"Too many to count. We have to hire new bodyguards every few weeks cause the old ones get too severely mobbed. It's ok, and kind of flattering, to be mobbed by a bunch of teenage girls, but none of them are after me for me. Not that I mind. I have yet to find a girl that suits me." He said with a somewhat distant look, as if he knew why.

"Well you will the right one for you, just give it time." I felt like a father or counselor of some sort as I gave him my advice.

"Maybe, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. Do you come here often?"

"About two or three times a week. I will be here tomorrow cause I have a massage appointment. Sitting at a computer all day tends to hurt my back."

"Do you want a massage? I'm pretty good at it. I used to give my sister massages when she would have a fight with someone. It helped relax her."

"Would you be ok with that? I'm not your sister you know."

He laughed and looked at me. "I know your not, but I don't care. It will help me focus on my music some. I get the best ideas when I'm working and full of energy."

"Ok, if you're sure you won't mind." He patted the spot in front of his bench as he sat up. I went over and sat in front of him, my back facing him. He started off gently massaging my shoulders but with increasing intensity. I moaned happily at the attention my back was getting. He was right; he was pretty good at it.

About an hour later, he stopped. I couldn't move, he had loosened up my muscles so well.

"Better?" he asked with concern.

"Much better. You work miracles. Not even the massage therapists her can do that good a job." He smiled, obviously proud of himself and with reason. I stood up slowly, letting my muscles get used to being used again.

"Where are you running off to?" he asked, somewhat hurt at the thought that I was leaving apparently.

"I'm going to go cancel my appointment for tomorrow and get changed. It's been a good two hours since I got here and am pretty hot and somewhat nauseas. I need some fresh air."

"I just realized how long it'd been. I have to get ready too." He stood up, and nearly fell down again.

"You stood up to fast, didn't you?"

"Yeah. Man that's irritating." He said as he rubbed his temples. I walked over to him and pulled his hands away from his head.

"Don't do that, it just makes it worse." I grabbed his hand and tapped his wrist gently a few times. He looked up at me, obviously better.

"Thanks. How did you do that?" he asked curiously.

"That's my little specialty. You're good at massages and I am good at pressure points." I got up to go change and he followed me. We talked a while longer as we both rinsed off and got changed. Man I couldn't believe how hot he looked. I couldn't help but look at him while we were rinsing off. He had a nice, muscular body but still rather slender, a nice six-pack and an adorable belly button. He walked me out to my car and said his good bye.

As I was pulling out he ran up to my car. I opened the window and he dropped in a tiny piece of paper. I picked it up and looked read it.

"Glad to have met you. You seem to be pretty cool. Call me tomorrow. Maybe we can get together and have coffee before the concert.


(786) 555-9208

I smiled and put the paper in my pocket, then drove home to get some sleep. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day indeed.

Next: Chapter 2

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