Dream Girl

By Phil Stevens

Published on May 20, 1999


This is slightly changed version of my first ever story, Dream Girl.

Nothing of any substance has changed, but the grammar has been significantly tidied up from the original version, plus a few plot points cleared up. Nothing huge, you probably won't even notice it, but I felt that I had to clear it up before releasing the next part.

Also, the entire writing style had been altered to reflect the way I continued to write part two. Part two should be available.

Dream Girl ==========

By Phil Stevens

Chapter One ===========

Michael Curtis relaxed as the plane continued its climb. It was a point when he could sit back and reflect on his life to date. He was thirty-two years old. Until that point, his life had been eventful to say the least, but nothing compared to what was about to happen.

Three years previous, he was involved in a car crash. His wife, who he very much loved, was killed instantly and he was seriously injured.

At the time, the doctors didn't think he would live and even if he did he would be severely brain damaged. Michael had been in a coma for two weeks, then suddenly during the night, he woke from his coma and even got out of the hospital bed trying to find out where he was. He nearly scared one of the nurses to death when he walked out of his room.

The doctors couldn't believe it. Not only had he regained consciousness, but he also appeared to have most, if not all, of his brainpower intact. They gave him every type of scan and were still astounded. It turned out that the blood flow to parts of his brain had been cut off, but blood flow had increased to other parts to compensate. It was miraculous.

That was only the beginning. He became deeply depressed. Although the accident that caused it all wasn't his fault, he had been driving and he kept feeling guilt over the fact that his wife had died and he had survived. Part of him wished that he could have died with her.

All the trouble started a few months later. Michael noticed that objects were starting to move around the house, right in front of his eyes. At first, he thought he was going crazy. It was either that or a ghost, and he didn't believe in ghosts, although he did briefly consider the possibly that it was his wife's ghost. After a few more weeks, he began to realize that the objects were moving when he wanted them to move, when he willed them to move. Somehow he had become telekinetic.

That absolutely terrified him. He wondered what was going to happen. Would this power eventually kill him? He felt so alone and afraid. He wanted to tell someone, but he felt that he would be treated like a complete freak.

His telekinetic powers seemed to settle down after about a year. He never told anyone about them. Michael practiced and refined his powers but he found they were very intermittent and that he could never rely on them.

At the best of times, he could create about a quarter of a ton of force in one go; but, at other times, he could only lift a cup, then other times his powers would disappear completely. Sometimes the dry patches could last for days. During these periods, Michael often thought his powers had gone forever.

However, he soon discovered was that he was at a complete loss to know what to do with his new powers. They were amazing, but he couldn't work out what to do. He felt like it was a gift, but he simply didn't know how to use it best. He lacked direction.

Then, he started playing Robin Hood. It all started when his friends dragged him into a casino in New York. Although he didn't try anything there, he instantly realized the potential for financial gain. After that, he began to visit the casinos in the Las Vegas area. He soon discovered that playing Roulette and Craps became much easier when you have telekinetic powers. It didn't take him long to perfect the technique that could guarantee him success.

After a while, he started to go the more dubious casinos used for drug money laundering, and most of the money he won went to help those on drugs, hence the Robin Hood connection.

But all the time, he had to be very careful to not get caught. If any of the owners knew or even suspected what Michael was doing, they would kill him, or worse, attempt to somehow extract his power and use it for their own gains. Just like everything else in life, he realized that his powers had as much potential for harm as they did for good uses. In fact, he was afraid that his powers had more harmful uses than helpful ones, so he did absolutely everything to maintain his secret.

On the other hand, his powers made him a very formidable opponent, but Michael was quick to realize that he was only one person. He concluded that the best defense was for no one to ever find out about his special gift. As a result, he never told anyone about his new powers, not even his closest friends.

A few months ago, for the first time since he gained his powers, he was actually able to do some real good with them. Michael was bored in Vegas so he decided to visit California before returning to his native New Jersey. At the end of his short vacation he was on his way to LAX when there was a car accident in front of him. There was a collision and a car had fallen off the ledge at the side of the road. It was about thirty feet down. The car was leaking fuel.

Everyone stopped, including some friends of the people in the car, but no one really knew what to do. Their friends were just standing there in silence. It was one time when Michael really needed his powers. He had often been scared that they would desert him at a time like that, but far from it.

He was able to jump the thirty feet down to the car and he made it look genuine. He was then able to punch out the windshield. He later told everyone he was a black belt. Then he dragged the occupants out of the car. They were a family. A woman, who looked very good for being over forty, and her son and daughter, both in their twenties.

It was very dramatic. The daughter, Tina, was in the back and was the last person he dragged out. Michael picked her up and jumped clear of the car just as it exploded. It was like something from Hollywood.

Afterwards, their friends and family were all over Michael. He was publicly hailed as a hero, which he didn't like. In fact, he felt uncomfortable about it. But he was just glad that no one had a video camera, otherwise they might have noticed just how easily he was able to pick up these people as if they weighed twenty pounds.

Later, it was difficult for him because it brought back memories of his own accident. He had been able to get over the death of his wife prior to that point, but now, it all came flooding back to him.

All that happened a few months ago. The family and friends had invited Michael to visit them for a few days, and that is exactly where he was heading.

Michael was particularly interested in Tina, the daughter. She was twenty-five and Michael thought she looked great. The two had been in constant contact and Michael had grown to really like her. "Who knows what might happen?" he thought to himself as the plane completed its climb and leveled off.

Tina sat on the couch in the room. There were five other people in the room.

"Well, Mary," Tina said.

"Unfortunately, I can't find much out," Mary replied, "He's thirty-two and he used to be an architect. He had an accident about three years ago, which stopped him from working, but since then he's made a full recovery. He's in good financial shape. No other health problems. I'm having trouble finding out what he's been doing ever since his accident, but there's no indication of any problems. Sorry."

"There must be something we can do for him. I mean, he saved our lives," Tina stated.

"Maybe there is, but I can't find out anything here. Perhaps we can simply give him some body enhancements, a few muscles, more youthful appearance, something like that. He won't be allowed to know how it happened though, so we can make it happen over a period of time."

"I don't know," replied Tina. "I joked about that when I spoke to him last time. I asked him what parts of his appearance he didn't like and what would he most like to change. He said he was perfectly happy with his body."

"Well then, we'll just have to see. If he doesn't want anything, we can't give it to him."

"You're right. In the end, he's got to want any gift we give him. But even if I can't find a way to thank him, there's something I want from him... his child."

Everyone looked shocked at first. Tina's mother, Sarah, spoke, "Are you sure? I mean, you know you're only allowed to bear a maximum of two children."

"I'm sure. I've been thinking about this for quite a while. But I'm twenty-five. I want my own baby. I have for some time. And I want it to be his," Tina responded.

"You know he can't be allowed to know he's the father," Sarah stated.

"I know," Tina replied, "That's the problem. I want to stay in contact with him. I want us to stay friends. But if we sleep together and I have a baby in nine months time, he'll work out he's the father. That means I'll either have to make him forget about making love to me, or do it as someone else."

Tina stared straight ahead before continuing, "I'd like to make love to him as Tina. I really do like him. But maybe it's best that I do it as someone else. I don't know. Be happy for me, Mom, you're going to be a grandmother."

"Well, if that's what you really want," Sarah answered, The thought of being a grandmother brought mixed emotions to her, but most of them were positive.

"Yeah. It is," Tina said before brightening up the mood, "Well, we'd better get going if we're going to pick him up from the airport."

Michael dried himself after his shower, then relaxed on the bed in his hotel room. He had gotten up very early and had spent the morning hang gliding. Ever since gaining his powers, he realized he could basically use them to fly. Nothing much, more like floating, but the feeling was incredible. However, it did present a couple of problems.

First, the sight of a person floating in the air attracts just a little bit of attention. The second problem was what would happen if his powers deserted him when he was three hundred feet up in the air.

The solution to both of these problems was to take up hang gliding. He could fly through the air without all the problems and effort associated with hang gliding and, if his powers did take a break, then he would just glide back to the ground.

He had been in San Diego for three days. It was proving to be an interesting diversion. Tina and Sarah met him at the airport, took him to his hotel and, after he had settled in, they took him back to their house to meet the rest of the family, including Tina's grandparents and various other family members. Tina's and Andrew's father had died years before in some sort of accident.

He had also met Mary, who was a close friend of the family. He remembered her from the car accident. She had been in a separate car and had seen his rescue efforts. She looked to be around thirty-five, but acted older. She seemed to have an air of authority around her.

He also got a chance to get to know Andrew a bit better. Andrew was Tina's slightly younger brother who Michael had also rescued from the car. For obvious reasons, Andrew was very keen to meet and talk to Michael, if only to thank him personally for saving his life and that of his family.

Andrew was twenty-three, six foot two inches tall, with a very well proportioned muscle-bound body and very good looking. Michael knew his own looks were average and although no average looking guy would ever admit it, he was slightly jealous of Andrew, but he didn't let it show. Andrew had the sort of body that melted women's hearts.

After getting to know Andrew for a few days though, Michael actually quite liked him. Andrew knew he had a good body, but he did not have the arrogant "I own the world" attitude that almost always seemed to go along with it. He could have any woman he wanted, but from what Michael saw; Andrew had nothing but the utmost respect for women. The two even went to a bar, shot some pool and generally had a good time.

They were both keen pool players. Michael often used his telekinetic powers to completely humiliate pool hustlers who generally had an attitude problem and thought they were invincible. It was one of the few times when he actually used his powers for personal advantage. It felt like a release of tension for him. However, he didn't use them on that occasion, deciding to play fair with Andrew. He won anyway, which was kind of ironic, although he suspected Andrew held back a little, allowing him to win.

Andrew did ask a couple of awkward questions, like how Michael had been able to lift him out of the car so easily. Andrew had been half-conscious at the time, so he might have remembered that Michael had lifted him instead of dragging him, or perhaps Mary had told him. Michael brushed it aside, saying that it's amazing what happens when adrenaline takes over. Andrew accepted that explanation. In the end, it really didn't matter to Andrew.

Their mother, Sarah, was very pleasant. She was nearly fifty, but didn't look a day over thirty-five and had a good figure to match. Although, by looks alone, Michael and Sarah seemed better matched, Sarah made absolutely no attempt at any kind of pass toward Michael, leaving the way completely free for Tina.

However, Michael was getting very mixed signals from Tina. Although he had considered the possibility that he might end up sleeping with Tina before he left and even fantasized about it, now that he was there, it seemed different. He couldn't put his finger on it, but something was wrong. He saw the looks from the rest of her family, and it was as though everyone was expecting it to happen.

Tina was younger than he was, but only by seven years, which was not all that much, and he had now gotten over the death of his wife. He had even had sex with other women in the past year, but it had just been that -- sex. This would be different. If he did sleep with Tina, it would be something more.

But he felt uncomfortable about the general idea that Tina would only want to sleep with him because he saved her life. In the end, would Tina have been the least bit interested in him otherwise? He felt as if he was being paid back.

The previous night, Michael had taken Tina out to dinner. She looked very attractive. But, one minute she would almost suggest that they go back to her house and make love, then the next minute she would back off. When he dropped her off at her house, it turned out that the rest of the family were not there and would not be back until tomorrow evening. Just as he suspected. It was as if everyone were expecting it to happen... but it didn't.

He was due to go and see her after lunch. Perhaps he would have a talk with her.

Tina was feeling bad with herself that same morning. Her feelings were all messed up. Last night, she so badly wanted to make love to Michael, but she was so afraid.

She was afraid what would happen because she feared she might be starting to fall in love with Michael, and, if she did the final act with him, she might find that she did not have it within herself to make him forget about the experience.

She finally knew how Juliet felt about her Romeo. Juliet loved her Romeo, but her family background did not allow it.

Tina realized that it might be a few centuries later, but the feelings are all too similar. She knew that she could not be allowed to fall in love with Michael because he was a "normal."

Such Romeo and Juliet comparisons were common in their group. In the past, some had even been taken to the full and brutal conclusion as per the play. Up until now, Tina had been perfectly happy with loving relationships inside their group. However, she had never felt like that way about any "normal" before. She was now finding out just what all the others were complaining about.

Tina decided that she could no longer make love with Michael as herself. She had to do it as someone else. At least that way there would still be some separation between them. It would just be a matter of sex, producing a child, without the love emotion to get in the way.

There was another bonus. If she had sex with Michael as someone else, she wouldn't have to make Michael forget about it. All she had to do was implant the memory that an unknown girl had seduced him. She could leave him with the memory of the actual sex and she would make sure that he thoroughly enjoyed it.

That settled it. Tina decided she would use a spell that would turn herself into his ideal sexual fantasy. She would become his dream girl. She went to retrieve her spell book before she realized that it was not in the house. It was at Mary's. She had left it there when going over some spells with her a few days before.

"Fuck," she thought, bringing her hands up to her head in disgust at herself, "After all this, how can I forget that?" she thought to herself. She had taken the book to Mary's to go over that exact spell she was planning to use. Although most of their group had used that particular spell frequently, it would be the first time she would be casting it, because up until then, she had never attempted to magically seduce anyone outside her group.

She thought about borrowing Andrew's or her mother's, but that wasn't a good idea. It wasn't so bad for simple spells, but was extremely inadvisable for such a complex spell.

She struggled to recall the spell from memory, but she couldn't remember it exactly. It was a derivative from the main Transformation spell. She could recall that one from memory. She casts that one because she casts it on herself fairly regularly, but casting the full version of spell on "normals" was strictly banned under her group's rules.

She pondered what she should do. If she did want to get pregnant, today was her last chance. The Fertility spell that she had cast on herself to guarantee conception would expire after today. It was today or not at all. She didn't have much choice. She would have to adapt the main Transformation spell from memory.

"It's not as if I will actually be transforming Michael," she thought. The Transformation spell turns a person into their ideal physical form. All she had to do was cast it on Michael, obtain his ideal sex fantasy and then return the spell to her own body for the actual transformation.

After all, no one would know, Tina concluded. The rest of the family would be away until the evening. She set to work on the adaptations she would have to make. Crafting spells is a bit like baking a cake. She would remove some ingredients and add others to change the end result.

Tina answered the door.

"Hi Michael. Come in," she said smiling and getting generally excited over what was about to happen.

Michael smiled and walked in. As soon as Tina had opened the door, he couldn't help noticing the clothes Tina was wearing. They were very loose clothes; nothing like the tight dress she had been wearing the previous night. Even the memory of it got him a little excited.

Tina was deliberately wearing loose clothes because she didn't know what Michael's sex fantasy would be like. She had no idea how much she would grow and didn't want to burst out of any clothes. Tina had even taken off her bra. She guessed that her breasts would grow at least a little, but she didn't know if Michael's fantasy was someone with tits the size of basketballs.

Michael had just taken off his jacket. Tina took it from him and hung it up. She led Michael into the study and they engaged in brief idle chatter. If she was going to do it, it would have to be quickly. Tina would have to make Michael forget about coming round today and she didn't want to have to remove too much.

She concentrated on the spell and began casting it in her mind. She felt the magic build inside her. She didn't move or speak at all.

"Are you alright?" Michael asked, seeing the distant look on Tina's face.

Tina completed the spell. Michael froze. Tina felt the magic move from her and touch Michael's mind. It would now seek out his ideal sexual fantasy and return to her and transform her into it. She was already getting very excited, even without the boosts she had added as part of the spell.

She wondered what Michael's fantasy was. Earlier, she had considered whether she should make herself his ideal all-round woman, or just his pure sex fantasy. She had toyed with it for a while before deciding on the pure sex fantasy.

This was to try and make Michael accept it afterwards. Tina wanted Michael to realize that it was a one-time thing. She didn't want him to start looking for a girl who didn't actually exist, which might happen if Tina became his ideal all round woman, but not so likely with his all out sexual fantasy.

All she had to hope for was that his fantasy was a woman and he was not gay. Although she didn't mind turning into a man, she could hardly get pregnant like that, so she would have to stop it if that happened. But she would have to stop it quickly. Turning into a man would cause her powers to diminish very quickly indeed, and she would still need some of her powers to adjust his memory.

Tina waited patiently, also unable to move. That was part of the adaptations she had made to the spell. The magic would have to return to her exact position. After about twenty seconds she realized something wasn't quite right. The magic wasn't returning. She could sense it swirling around in Michael's mind searching out his fantasy, but it wasn't returning. "What's going on?" she thought. Fear started to set in.

Tina then felt the second part of the spell engage, the part that was going to transform her, but the magic had not returned. She couldn't be transformed if the magic was not inside her body.

Tina sensed the magic move from Michael's mind as it started to move throughout his entire body. Tina's fear suddenly turned to blind panic. It was going wrong, horribly wrong. She tried to stop it, but she no longer had any control over it. The magic was outside her body. She could do nothing but watch, horrified.

Then it started. In an instant, his dark hair suddenly turned blonde and it started to grow out. His brown eyes turned blue. The very slight stubble on his face disappeared almost instantly.

Tina immediately realized what was happening. The Transformation part of the spell was unselective. It would transform whichever body it touched. The mere fact that the search of his mind had taken longer than expected was irrelevant to the magic. She searched her mind for any spell, anything that would stop it, but there was nothing she could do.

The transformation was happening quickly. By now, Michael's new blonde hair was now past his shoulders. He was growing breasts at a very quick rate and they were already filling out his shirt. His face was becoming feminine. Tina glanced down and, although she couldn't see his legs, they appeared to be longer, and he didn't seem to lose any height at all. She definitely noticed that his hips had widened.

Looking up again, Tina saw that his breasts were now very tight around his shirt. If they grew much more than that they would burst the shirt. His hair was now halfway down to his waist. The hair was a light golden shade and appeared slightly wavy and very thick.

There had to be something she could do. "How did this happen?" she thought. "How could this happen? What I am going to tell him?"

She heard a snap. Tina saw that Michael's shirt had given way under the strain of his new breasts. Tina could see that they were very large. She then noticed that the changes appeared to be slowing down. His hair was now waist length. She looked at his hands. She saw that his fingernails were now very long. One of the rings on his finger simply fell off as his fingers grew increasingly slender.

The transformation had taken about thirty seconds, but to Tina it seemed to be an eternity. She finally sensed the magic begin to dissipate in his body. Tina guessed that Michael probably wouldn't have been aware of what happened and, if he did, it would be very fuzzy, so she would have to act quickly. He might not be able to handle what had happened to him. She recalled a spell for knocking a person unconscious, the Stun spell. Hopefully, she could turn him back while asleep and he would never know any of it happened.

As soon as the transformation spell released Michael, she cast her Stun spell. She felt the magic shoot to Michael's head. In an instant, she released it wasn't working again. "Shit," she thought, "Why did I do that? If one spell didn't work, what's to say another one won't get screwed up." Instead of remaining in Michael's head, then magic shot back to Tina with a vengeance.

Both fell to the ground unconscious.

Chapter Two ===========

Michael came partially to his senses. He was slumped on the floor and his head was spinning. "What the hell happened?" he thought. One moment he was talking to Tina and then WHACK, he was on the floor. He wondered if someone had hit him. He pushed himself to his feet and stumbled forward. He did not turn around, so he did not see Tina lying behind him.

His head was still spinning and his senses had not yet returned to normal, but something felt odd. He felt different. He stumbled into the hallway. His shoes seemed oddly loose fitting, as if he had put on larger shoes. He also felt a weight on his chest and a tightness in his shirt. There was also something light on his head.

He looked down at his chest as his eyes came into focus and his jaw dropped at what he saw. One of the buttons on his shirt had burst. The reason nearly sent him into shock. He could see two large female breasts. He was completely astonished. He started to move his hands up to feel them, when he noticed his hands were completely different as well. He saw a mirror beside him and he stumbled in front of it and looked into it.

He saw a stunningly beautiful woman staring back at him. He was actually about to ask who she was, until he realized that it was his own reflection. Out of fear, he instinctively took a couple of steps backwards. Because his feet were smaller in his shoes, he stumbled and lost his balance and fell backwards. He tried to cushion his fall by using his telekinetic powers, but they had deserted him.

He fell backward, knocking a vase off a small table, and landed on his back. From that position, his new breasts became all the more prominent as far as his view was concerned.

He cried out, "HELP. Tina... Andrew... Anyone... HELP." He was even more shocked to hear a female voice coming out of his mouth. He reached up and clutched his throat as if it would make a difference and somehow cure everything.

When there was no response to his cry for help, he climbed to his feet. He knew that he had to find someone and get some help. He scrambled out of the front door, instinctively closing it behind him.

"Shit," he thought as soon as he heard the door lock behind him. "Now I can't get back inside." With his telekinetic powers he could have easily opened the lock, but since they were gone for the time being, he could be stuck out here.

He half-ran down the driveway and along the path. He was looking for somebody, anybody, who could help him. It was in the afternoon and he felt the power of the sun on his new soft face. Michael started to feel a dizziness sweep though him again. He didn't know how far he had gone, but he saw a couple coming out of their house and getting into their car. They both saw him instantly. He struggled to call out to them, but the dizziness finally got the better of him. He collapsed on the sidewalk and fell unconscious once again.

Andrew and Sarah arrived back at the house. They saw that Michael's rental car was in the driveway and exchanged knowing smiles. Sarah opened the door with her key and called out.

She was a little surprised when there was no response. It was in the afternoon after all. Then they both noticed that one of the vases had been knocked off its table.

The smiles turned to concern. They all began checking the rooms one by one.

"In here," Andrew called out. Sarah ran into the study. Andrew was crouched over Tina who was lying on the floor. Sarah feared the worst when she saw her daughter lying there.

"It's okay. She's alive," Andrew reassured. "Did you find Michael?"

Sarah shook their head. Sarah's concern for her daughter quickly started to turn to anger. "That bastard. When I get hold of him... I'll... I'll..." Sarah said, struggling to find words to describe the retribution she was already planning.

"Wait a minute. Let's find out what happened. Call Mary," Andrew said trying to calm down the situation, although he, too, was planning an equal punishment for Michael. But any magical punishment on a "normal" would have to be authorized by Mary.

Sarah picked up the telephone and dialed Mary's number. When she got her answering machine, she dialed her mobile number. When Mary answered, Sarah identified herself, then said, "Tina's been hurt. That fucking bastard Michael did it." Sarah paused. "Okay. See you in a minute." Sarah replaced the receiver.

"She's in the area. She's coming round. Is she gonna be all right?" Sarah said, fighting back the tears. The sight of her daughter lying on the floor was getting to be too much for her.

"She'll be fine, Mom," Andrew re-assured his mother. "But I think she's been hit by a Stun spell. I should be able to bring her out of it in about fifteen minutes."

"Then he MUST have attacked her. She tried to cast a Stun spell to defend herself, but he hit her before she finished it and she got the full force of it," Sarah was now absolutely convinced that Michael was responsible.

It only seemed a few minutes later that Mary came through the door. She called out.

"In here," Andrew replied.

Mary briskly walked into the study to see Tina lying on the floor with Andrew and Sarah crouched over her.

"What happened?" Mary asked.

"We don't know," Andrew replied.

"Yes we do. HE did this. Michael. If he's... touched her in any way, I'll make sure he's never able to do it again. In fact, I'll do it to him!" Sarah's motherly love for her daughter was blinding her to all other possibilities. She should have known better, but anger had completely taken over.

"Well, we need to find out. I'm going to cast a Vision spell," Mary said.

As Mary was preparing her spell, Andrew noticed a ring on the floor. He picked it up. It appeared to be one of Michael's rings. He also noticed a strand of hair. It was blonde and very long, much longer than Sarah's, who was the only blonde in the house. Andrew wondered what the hell had happened here and who was responsible. Hopefully, they would soon find out.

Mary completed her spell and an image of Tina and Michael appeared in front of them. They were talking.

"So it was him. I'm not sure I can watch this," said Sarah, not wanting to see her daughter being beat up.

Just as Sarah thought that she had seen enough and was about to leave the room, both of the images froze in place. All three then watched horrified as they saw Michael being transformed. They then saw both fall to the floor.

"Oh my God," said Sarah completely astonished. Her jaw was wide open.

Mary "fast-forwarded" the vision until there was some movement; which was only a few minutes later. They then observed Michael struggle to his feet and stumble out of the room. Andrew stayed with his sister while Mary and Sarah followed the image of Michael.

They saw the sheer terror in Michael's face at his realization of what had happened. As they saw the image of Michael about to go out of the door, Mary stopped the spell. They couldn't go any further because other people would see the effects of the spell.

"I'll take a look and see if I can find anything out. Ring round the hospitals," Mary said. She left the house.

Sarah ran straight to the phone to do her task. Immediately she began to feel a little guilty. Five minutes earlier she would have happily strung Michael up by his balls. Now she realized he was not the attacker, but the victim. She also realized that if they could not find him, her wish of Michael never being able to rape someone could very easily come true.

"Hello Miss," came the voice. "Miss, can you hear me? Can you tell me your name?"

Michael struggled to open his eyes. He blinked them open slowly and looked up. He could see that he was lying down in a bed. Some people were standing over him. A man on his right, who appeared to be a doctor, and two women on his left, who appeared to be another doctor and a nurse. "That must mean I'm in hospital," he guessed.

"Welcome back. We were beginning to wonder what to do with you. I'm Doctor Hughes. Can you tell me your name?" the male doctor asked.

Michael almost spoke his own name out of instinct, but stopped himself. The doctor had referred to him as "Miss." He thought back. Then he remembered. He recalled looking at himself in the mirror and seeing a woman staring back at him. If the doctor called him "Miss" then they must think he's a woman. If he answered "Michael" they would ship him straight to the nearest mental home.

But, on the other hand, what if he was imagining it all or hallucinating. Then if he answered with a female name and he was still a man, the same thing would happen.

"Can you tell me your name?" the doctor asked again.

He needed to make a decision and quickly. An answer came to him.

"Mickey... Mickey Curtis," he replied with surprise at the sound of his own apparent female voice. The name Mickey covered both eventualities. Mickey could be short for Michael, Michaela, Michelle, etc. "What happened? Where am I?" asked Michael, thinking that asking a question might deflect further questioning.

"Well, I was hoping you could help me with that. You're a bit of a mystery. You were brought in several hours ago and well... we couldn't find anything wrong with you. You collapsed in a street and you were wearing the wrong size clothes. At first, we thought it was drugs, but we couldn't find any needle marks. We took some blood anyway. I just got the results and they came up negative. We couldn't find any other injuries. What's the last thing you remember?"

"I-I'm not sure. I just remember walking down the street and the next thing I know, I'm here," Michael said. Actually, he did remember more, but he could hardly tell the doctor that. He just wanted the doctor to leave him alone.

His senses finally returned to him in full. He could now feel the weight of his new breasts on his chest. It was one of the strangest feelings he had ever felt.

"How long have I been here?" asked Michael, trying his best to hide the distress in his new feminine voice.

"You've been in here for about over two hours, but add on the ambulance time and you've been unconscious for nearly three hours," the doctor replied.

"Doctor Hughes," a woman's voice called. The doctor turned round; "I've got a phone call here I think you will want to take."

The doctor nodded and turned back to face Michael again and said, "I'll be right back. Get a little rest. Press the buzzer if you need anything." The two doctors left the room first. The nurse did a few duties and then left the room as well.

Michael was then left lying on the hospital bed to consider what had happened to him.

"Hello, this is Doctor Hughes."

"Hello, this is Sarah Adams. I understand you might have a friend of mine there. Young woman, tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes, err... well endowed"

"Yes, I was just talking to her. Can you tell me her name?" asked the doctor. He was not completely convinced that his patient was telling the truth when she had spoken her name.

It was not unusual for people to give false names for a variety of reasons. These included insurance fraud, wanted criminal, etc. But he suspected that this young girl was suffering from mild amnesia and had made up a name on the spot rather than admit to the doctor that she couldn't even remember her own name.

Sarah immediately found herself in the position that Michael had been a few minutes earlier. She didn't know how to answer. In the end, she decided to answer with the female version of Michael and hope for the best.

"Michelle... Michelle Curtis," she replied, crossing her fingers.

"Yes. That's the name she gave me," Doctor Hughes replied, making the assumption that Mickey meant Michelle.

Sarah breathed a sign of relief, "Oh, good. Is she alright? What has she said?" Sarah inwardly cringed at the way she had phrased the last part of that question. Although she wanted to make sure Michael was unharmed, she also wanted to know if he had told anyone what had happened. The doctor didn't seem to pick up on it, though.

"She seems fine. She only woke up a few minutes ago. Up until then, we really couldn't find anything wrong with her. We'd like to run some more tests to find out. Do you know if she has insurance?" the doctor asked. That was one part of healthcare that he did not like. Although they would still treat the woman anyway, if she had the proper insurance, she would get the treatment much quicker and without any of the usual problems.

Sarah was about to say, "Don't worry about that, we'll cover it," but stopped herself. She knew why the doctor had asked that question so she just answered, "I couldn't say." Sarah didn't want Michael to undergo any more tests at all and that might be one way of making the doctor at least pause for thought.

The doctor asked a few more questions about Michael and explained that "she" appeared to have troubled remembering what had happened to her. Sarah said that a friend of theirs would go to the hospital straight away. Then the doctor said something troubling. He stated that Michelle had a "strange" body. Sarah couldn't work out what he was trying to say but she didn't want to try and put extra significance on the point.

Mary burst back into the room at that instant. "He's been taken to a hospital, but..."

Sarah silenced Mary with a hand motion. Sarah hoped the doctor had not heard Mary say the word "he." Sarah scribbled down the name of the hospital on a piece of paper and showed it to Mary. Just then, the doctor was called away and had to go. Sarah put down the phone and turned to Mary.

"Okay, according to the doctor, a Doctor Hughes, she's fine. I mean he's fine," Sarah said, stumbling over the words. "He gave the name Michelle Curtis. The doctor said that 'she' had trouble remembering what had happened, but we can't be sure of that. He might remember everything, he just can't tell the doctor that."

"Right. I'm going there straight away. Call round the group and tell them what happened. Put everyone on standby. Call Richard first. Tell him to meet me at the hospital and that it's an emergency. I might need him if things don't turn out right."

"What are you going to tell him? Michael, that is," Sarah asked.

"I don't know. Hopefully turning him back should be fairly simple, but we're going to need his basic co-operation and we need to get him out of that hospital without causing too much of a disturbance. When Tina wakes up, see if you can find out anything useful. Anything at all."

"Err... Mary?" Sarah said hesitantly, calling her back.

"Yes?" Mary replied.

"There's something else. Just before he had to go, the doctor said something about 'her' having a strange body. He didn't go into specifics, but you don't think that he could be a... she-male?"

Mary stopped for a minute. They couldn't tell from the vision what change, if any, were applied to Michael's genitals, which caused her to pause and ask a few more questions.

"Is Tina like that? Does she... prefer she-males?" Mary asked. She thought she knew Tina fairly well, but clearly after what had just happened, she didn't know her well enough.

"I thought she only liked full men. But you know she wanted to get pregnant by Michael. She certainly couldn't get pregnant if she had turned Michael into a full woman, so maybe she did turn him into a she-male."

"Great. That's all we need," Mary said in frustration. "At least if he's been turned into a full woman, he won't get so much attention at the hospital." Mary paused again before asking a question that they had all been wondering. "But why did she do it? She didn't even ask him. She just did it to him without his permission. Not that she should have revealed her magic to him anyway."

"I know. None of it makes sense," Sarah stated.

"Well, whatever happens, I'll call," Mary said.

Mary left the room. Sarah went back into the study and briefly explained things to Andrew who was continuing to tend to Tina. Sarah thought that it was strange that Michael had been the first to emerge from the Stun spell. Had it not been for Andrew's intervention, Tina would have been knocked out for several more hours. But then, there were a lot of things that were strange, like why did Tina apparently transform Michael into such a beautiful woman? Hopefully, Tina would have some answers.

Michael continued to lie in the hospital bed. A thousand thoughts had been racing through his mind. His memory had now returned in full. He remembered talking to Tina. He then remembered being frozen in place and then somehow being transformed while Tina watched. He got the feeling that Tina was responsible, but he had no idea how or why she did it, but he had to find out.

He tried to lift his head up, but something was pulling his head back down. He reached up to his head and realized he was lying on top of his long hair. He remembered the image he had briefly seen in front of the mirror. That person had long blonde hair. He reached back and twisted his body slightly, which caused the large breasts to jiggle on his chest as he pulled the hair out from under him.

As he smoothed his hair out, he realized just how long and thick it was. It easily reached down to his waist... his now thinner and feminine waist. He still couldn't believe it was his own hair. He thought it had to be a wig, so he pulled and tugged at it, trying to pull the wig off his head. Of course, it didn't come off.

Eventually, he realized that his hair wasn't coming off, so he just left it draping down beside the bed. He attempted to ignore it as he sought to explain how he could possibly be a woman now. At that instant, a sudden thought occurred to him. Without thinking, both his hands moved quickly down to his crotch and he grasped the area. He gave a soft cry when his hand found nothing there. He continued to clutch the area, hoping to find his penis hidden away somewhere. That was the final straw. He wasn't even a man where it mattered anymore. He was now a full woman.

He flopped back onto the hospital bed and his tits bounced and jiggled on his chest as he did so. He felt his emotions build up. For some strange reason he wanted to cry. He fought these feelings as strongly as he could. He needed to try to think clearly about what was going on. He eventually calmed down, relaxed, and then continued to lay there and ponder over the various possibilities of what had happened.

Possibility number one was that he still was a man and that he was somehow imagining it all. If so, he thought that it was one hell of a hallucination. He could feel the weight of his new breasts and, every time he moved, they would ever so slightly move in a different direction. He spread his legs slightly and he still couldn't feel anything between them. He put his hand back down there again and he still felt nothing. Also, the doctor had referred to him as a woman. Surely he couldn't be imagining all that.

Possibility number two was that he is a woman and always has been a woman. It's his memory of being a man that's wrong. If that was true, then it meant that everything he remembered was a complete illusion. His whole life as he knows it is incorrect. He remembered his telekinetic powers and he tried to use them but nothing happened. That didn't prove anything though, because it could be just a dry period.

The final possibility was that he was a man earlier today and somehow, by some means, he was transformed into a beautiful woman. That seemed to be the most far-fetched of the three options, but it was the only option which meant his sanity was still intact, at least for now.

A few years ago, Michael would have gone for options one or two without hesitation because he didn't believe in anything remotely mystical. But since he gained he telekinetic powers, he found it much harder to automatically dismiss any possibility out of hand. But Michael thought that creating a force by using his mind was one thing. It was even half-plausible, but to transform a person, possibly every cell and organ in their body... even he found that difficult to believe.

But even if he had been turned into a woman, the burning question was why. Assuming Tina did do it to him, then why, for what purpose? In the brief few seconds that he looked in the mirror, he had seen a very beautiful woman. Why turn him into this? A brief image on being turned into a harem sex slave flashed through his mind. He couldn't help but shudder at that thought.

Michael realized that he had to get out of here. He couldn't face any more awkward questions from the doctor. Giving his name was bad enough. When they asked for more details, he didn't know how to answer.

"Tina. Tina, wake up," Sarah called.

Tina slowly opened her eyes. What had happened to her? She was lying on the floor in the study. Her brother and mother were standing over her. She thought back. She immediately remembered transforming Michael into a woman.

"Michael. Where's Michael?" she said, scrambling to her feet.

"Easy. Easy. Calm down now," Sarah reassured her. They helped her up and into a chair.

"No. It's Michael. I... I... " Tina started.

"We know. When we found you on the floor, we cast a Vision spell. We saw what happened," Sarah said.

"Where is he?" asked Tina, looking around, hoping to see Michael back in his male form, or in any form, for that matter.

Sarah took a deep breath before explaining. "He wasn't knocked out for as long as you. He ran outside, probably to get some help and he collapsed. He's been taken to a hospital. Mary's gone there to get him back right now. Everything will be okay."

"We need to get to him now, Mom. He's been transformed," Tina said, appearing to get more anxious. Should she tell them everything?

"We know he's been transformed. Listen, I don't why you did it, but right now it doesn't matter. As soon as we get to him, we can turn him back."

"NO. I... I... used the... Transformation spell," Tina stated.

"We know, dear," Sarah reassured her again.

"NO. I used the FULL Transformation spell," Tine re-stated.

"YOU DID WHAT? WHY?" Sarah's eyes widened in shock.

"I didn't want to transform him. I was transforming myself, but it got messed up. He got transformed instead. Mom, listen to me. I tried to stop it, but I couldn't." Tina was now speaking at a very fast pace. "You have to understand. I just couldn't stop it from happening." Tina started crying.

Andrew interjected, "If Tina used the full Transformation spell, then that means... if we don't turn him back before... then... Tina, why did you use the full version? You know you can never use that on normals."

Tina was still crying. "I didn't have my books here. I wanted to turn myself into his ideal partner. Since I was the one being transformed, not him, I used the full version of the spell. Oh my God, if we don't turn him back in time, he's going to be stuck like that, isn't he?" she said as she looked up at her mother, who in turn just looked at Andrew. She was hoping they would say she was wrong, but they just looked blank.

"Oh God. What have I done?" Tina said as she buried her head in her hands.

Sarah was going over what her daughter had just told her. The situation was getting more serious.

Then Tina remembered about the additions she had included as part of her spell, "Oh, Mom. There's something else..."

Mary walked up to the reception with Richard, a male colleague. She had made the journey in record time.

"Hello, my name's Mary Williams. I'm looking for Dr. Hughes regarding Michelle Curtis, who was brought in a few hours ago."

Dr. Hughes was already standing right beside her looking over some results.

"I'm Doctor Hughes. You're the friend of Sarah Adams, right?"

"Yes. She couldn't get down here. Is Michelle all right?" Mary replied.

"Yes. I was just about to go back and see her. Follow me," he said as they started walking. "As I said to Ms Adams, Michelle seems physically fine. We couldn't find anything wrong with her, but I'm a little concerned about her mental state. What's your relationship to her?"

"Oh, no direct relationship," Mary replied, "Michelle is staying with Sarah for a few weeks. I'm a friend of the family."

"Do you know how she came to be found in the middle of the street wearing the wrong size clothes?" asked the doctor.

"The wrong size clothes?" asked Mary, feigning ignorance.

"Yes. It was very strange. She was basically wearing men's clothes, even down to the boxer shorts and shoes that she wore, and those shoes were too big for her. Also, she was wearing a man's style watch that didn't fit properly around her wrist. She had a man's style ring on her finger, which again didn't seem to fit. And her shirt was far too small for her breasts. One of the buttons had come off. She even appeared to be wearing a male fragrance. It was almost as if she was a guy," the doctor finished. The doctor's last sentence was of a joking nature, but Mary and Richard were not the least bit amused.

"If only you knew," was Mary's thought. The doctor was very curious, she concluded. She would have to arrange for his memory to be altered before the day was over. They had the power to alter someone's memory, but only their short-term memory. As soon as a person went to sleep, their brain would move the day's events into long-term memories, which couldn't easily be touched by their magic. It could still be done, but the results became very unreliable. They wouldn't make the doctor forget about the girl, just cause his brain to treat the memories of "Michelle" far less significantly. He would remember "her" as just one of many patients with no extra significance.

"So there's physically no problem with her, then?" Mary asked. She wanted to find out if Michael still had a cock. She couldn't just ask the question straight out, but she hoped she could tell from the doctor's responses.

"Oh, yes. In fact, if anything, she's perfect," he replied.

"Perfect?" Mary repeated.

"Yes. That's what was so strange about her," the doctor replied, pausing, "She has no spots, no birth marks, no tan lines, no cellulite. Her hair is like silk. This girl has the most perfect body I've ever seen. Even models don't have a body that good."

Dr. Hughes was feeling slightly embarrassed. During his examination of "Michelle," he found himself getting sexually aroused. He was a very professional doctor and had seen many naked women before, but there was something different about this girl. He had found it difficult to stop himself from fondling her breasts when he examined them. At the time, one of the two nurses in the room had given him a look of complete disgust.

Mary noted the doctor's description of Michael. She assumed he was not a she-male, but she still couldn't be sure. She also noted the doctor's description of Michael having a perfect body. It was consistent with transformations intended for short-term use, usually for sexual purposes.

Whenever they transform themselves or others for extended periods, they make sure the new body contains nature's imperfections to avoid the very attention Michael was receiving from the doctor. So if Michael's body is so perfect, it would mean that Tina only intended the transformation to be for a short period of time. But it still didn't explain why Tina did it to Michael. Mary still couldn't work out why did Tina turned him into a woman.

They finally stopped at a door. "Anyway, she's in here."

The doctor opened the door. The hospital bed lay empty.

"Damn. Where is she?" the doctor said. He called over to some of the nurses; "I'll be right back."

Mary and Richard exchanged glances. It was not going to be as simple as they first thought. Mary's mobile phone rang. She answered it. Richard saw Mary's face turn white and she finished her call.

"What's wrong?" Richard asked.

"Tina's recovered. This is worse than we thought. Ring round everyone. Get them at the meeting place ASAP. Tell them it's an emergency."

Chapter Three =============

Michael got into his hotel room. Although the hotel used a card swipe system, it carried a key lock as backup. His telekinetic powers had returned slightly; not by much, but just enough to open the lock on the door.

After he closed and locked the door behind him, he just walked over to the bed and collapsed on it, remaining there for several minutes, trying to compose his thoughts once more. The journey from the hospital to the hotel had proved difficult for him.

First of all, getting dressed was not easy. One of the buttons on his shirt had come off and it was obvious how tight it was. But the biggest problem was his shoes; they were simply far too big for his new slender feet. Being inventive, he decided to stuff a sock down each shoe to make them smaller. It worked partially, at least enough to walk.

As soon as he walked out of the hospital, he noticed that everyone seemed to be staring at him. He realized quickly that it must be because he was now a very good-looking young woman. Clearly he couldn't be imagining that he was a woman because, if he were hallucinating, then these people would not have stared so intently. They would have seen a man dressed in men's clothes.

Instead, everyone, men and women, but especially the men, seemed to be staring at his chest, which indicated that they saw exactly what he saw... a pair of fantastic boobs in a very tight shirt, which had given under the strain.

As he was leaving the hospital, he did see Mary go in another entrance with a man whom he had not seen before. He thought about going after her, but he was instantly suspicious. "What was Mary doing here?" he thought. "Were they looking for me?" He decided against meeting them until he had more information.

As he started walking, he became aware very quickly just what it was like to have large breasts. Every step, every movement, seemed to send them bouncing and jiggling in all different directions, which caused a lot of attention. He tried to speed up his walking a little, but that just caused his boobs to bounce even more, which started to hurt. Added to the fact that his shoes were very uncomfortable, he was drawing far too much attention to himself.

He also had trouble controlling his hair. The wind had picked up a bit and his waist length hair seemed to be blowing everywhere. Eventually, he decided to take a cab. He only had ten bucks in his pocket. He hoped that would be enough. His wallet, credit card and everything else had been in his jacket, which was still at Tina's. He was lucky that he had put the ten bucks in his pants by mistake.

He walked up to a waiting cab. As soon as he was close enough he saw the driver's eyes drift down to his chest before returning to meet his own eyes.

Michael told him the name of his hotel and asked the driver roughly how much. The driver said it was a fair distance and it would cost just over ten dollars. Michael told him he only had ten dollars on him. The driver smiled, glanced down at his boobs again and said that would be enough. During the trip, he saw that the cab driver kept looking in the mirror at him. It was a look of pure lust in the driver's eyes which Michael did not like one bit.

When he eventually arrived at the hotel, it was only too soon.

Michael finally decided that he had better find out just how far these changes in his body had gone. There was a full-length mirror in his room. He nervously approached it and looked straight into it.

He just stood there for a minute. It was still difficult to believe that the reflection staring back was really him. There wasn't a trace of his former self. He hadn't simply been turned into a woman; he had been turned into a different person as well. There wasn't a single feature on his face that resembled the way he was. Even his eyes were a different color. They were now a piercing blue.

The woman staring back at him looked more of a girl than a woman. She seemed no older than twenty. He found it odd that he was still the same height as before. He had been an average five foot ten. He was still roughly the same height now, maybe just a fraction smaller, but he was still tall for a woman. He guessed that maybe whatever caused him to be female could not adjust his height.

His attention was drawn to his new chest. First, he looked at the reflection in the mirror, then looked down at them first hand. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, then discarded it. Cautiously, he moved his hands up to his new bust. He cupped them, feeling their weight. He had never felt breasts as large or as heavy as these.

He then squeezed them slightly. He even pulled at them as if they were false breasts and they could be pulled off. He wasn't an expert on breasts, but they were perfectly round and they seemed incredibly firm. They seemed to sit very high on his chest. Michael could see that they weren't obscenely overlarge, but they were big and well above average size. He wasn't an expert on breast sizes, but he guessed they must be at least DD cup size, maybe even more.

He squeezed the nipples slightly. Although they felt pretty much the same as before, the sensation he received was much more intense. His attention was then drawn to the void between his legs. He felt a very strange feeling down there. He unbuttoned his pants and let them drop. He slowly pulled off his boxer shorts.

He looked back at the mirror. He was now standing completely naked in front of the mirror. He noticed that his pubic hair was now blonde as well, which told him that he was now a natural blonde. He hadn't really had a chance to look over his body in the hospital. Getting dressed had been the first priority.

He noticed that his legs were long, slender, and very feminine. They were hairless and silky smooth. He noticed how much wider his hips were now.

He tried to visualize what he looked like now. The name Barbie immediately popped in his head. He didn't really look a lot like Barbie, though. "Barbie doesn't look as sexy as this," he thought. But he looked a lot more like Barbie now than he did four hours ago.

Michael turned to his side to get a profile look. From that position he could see just how stunning his figure was. He could also see just how far his hair went down his back. It just touched his buttocks.

His attention was now drawn to his hair. For a start, there was just so much of it. To say it was a mane of hair would be an understatement. There was no fringe. It was all the same length and ran all the way down his back. Michael had never had his hair longer than two inches. Now it was at least three feet long.

There must be at least a dozen different distinct shades of blonde, some more striking than others. Michael's was about as striking as it could possibly get. Its bright color, with just a hint of gold just stood out as it shinned brilliantly in the light. There were no streaks of color in his hair, just one brilliant mass.

He turned to look straight in the mirror again. His body was just so sexy. He couldn't think how he could possibly be even sexier. The harem sex girl image flashed through his mind again. Whenever he looked at that girl, his first thought was how could he find a way to have sex with her.

The subject of sex drew his attention once again to the blonde patch between his legs. He looked down, but it was difficult to get a good view of it, partly because of his large breasts, so he looked at the mirror again. He could see the hair was perfectly trimmed into a small triangle.

He moved his hand cautiously down. He rested his new feminine fingers on his new feminine crotch. He applied a little pressure and stroked the area ever so gently and closed his eyes. That caused him to feel very strange sensations all over his body that he had never felt before. These feelings were so alien to him. Without realizing it, his other hand had found his breasts and had started to lightly caress his nipples, causing them to get very erect.

After a few minutes, he slid his middle finger down his slit and slightly parted the lips. That action sent a wave of pleasure throughout his entire body. He could feel a heat emanating from his pussy. His breathing had altered. He opened his eyes again and he looked in the mirror and watched himself slide a finger into his now hot pussy.

He watched the girl in the mirror. What he saw should have caused him disgust or at least some concern, but it only served to turn him on even more. He watched the girl in the mirror start to finger herself.

He felt somehow detached by it all. He was watching a girl jerk herself off and he was getting thoroughly aroused. It was as if he were watching a porno movie. Part of his brain didn't seem to realize that the girl he was watching was really him and that the pleasure he was feeling was the pleasure "she" was feeling.

The feeling of penetration down there was so completely alien to Michael and yet it felt so good. He quickly found his clitoris. He gently stroked it. The pleasure he experienced finally broke any inhibitions he might have had. He inserted another finger in his vagina and began to thrust in and out.

By now, his mind was no longer in control of the situation; his body was firmly in command. He just wasn't aware of it. He just went along with it all. He was now playing vigorously with his nipples, which was causing him immense pleasure. He heard the woman in the mirror groan in a very feminine way.

He now fully realized what he was doing. He was masturbating as a female. But it was far too late. He no longer had any direct control over what he was doing. His new clitoris was in control. But even if his mind had been in control, he doubted that he could have stopped. In the end, he now wanted to do it. He wanted to masturbate. He wanted to come. There was no stopping now.

His hand was still playing with his nipples. They were so erect now. He could feel something build inside him. It was so strange and yet he knew what was happening. It was the build to an orgasm. He could feel it coming closer. He wanted it. He needed it.

He threw his head back as the orgasm hit. His whole body tensed and shuddered. His new vaginal muscles clamped down on his fingers, increasing the pleasure further. He heard himself make a groaning sound, a sound that he recognized as one that a woman makes when she comes. A wave of pleasure crashed throughout his whole body, a type of pleasure that he had never felt before.

Finally, his legs went weak and gave way. He fell to his knees as the pleasure continued. But his hands refused to stop. They continued to work his nipples and his cunt, determined to milk every last bit of pleasure they could.

Slowly, he felt the pleasure die away. It did not feel the same as it did when he jerked off as a man. The pleasure died away much slower and it was replaced by a warmth. His body was still tingling. When it was all over, he finally removed his hand from his vagina. His hand was glistening. It was coated in pussy juice, his pussy juice. He brought his hand up to his face and licked his finger. He had tasted pussy juice before, but of course it had always been someone else's, never his own.

Michael climbed back to his feet and looked in the mirror. He just stood there again and it occurred to him exactly what he had just done to himself.

He couldn't believe it. He should have been worrying about getting his body back, not having a jerk off. What if doing that had just made it impossible to be turned back? Could he even be turned back anyway? Was that pleasure the only pleasure he could feel from now on? A part of his mind said, "so what if it is... all the better." That part of him was also encouraging him to do it all over again, to put his hand back in his cunt.

He stood there in a trance for a few more minutes. He then felt a slight pressure inside him. While it didn't feel the same, he somehow knew that he had to pee. It took his mind off what he had just done. He walked, still naked, into the bathroom. Before he went to the toilet, he walked to the sink, turned on the water and ran his hands under the tap to wash the juices off them. He shook them once before walking to the toilet.

Michael stood in front of the toilet and instinctively reached down for his penis. Of course, it wasn't there, so he was then forced to turn around, put down the seat, and sit on the toilet. His hair fell in front of his face as looked down. He pushed it back behind him. Michael didn't know what to expect, but he felt a strange sensation as his bladder was relieved.

It was a point when the full realization of what had happened struck Michael. The emotions that he had been trying to hold inside finally broke. He felt tears welling in his eyes. He tried to fight them back, but to no avail. He didn't have a full-blown cry, but he did sob for a few minutes.

Eventually, he regained control of his emotions and dried his eyes with the palms of his hands. He was about to rise when he realized he needed to wipe himself. That nearly started him crying again. He reached over for a piece of paper and carefully wiped himself. His hair fell in front of his face once again.

Finally, anger took over Michael. He'd had enough of that damn hair. On his trip from the hospital, he wanted to pull it out several times. Now he was going to sort it out once and for all. He just needed something to cut it with. A flash of inspiration crossed him as he remembered that he might have something in his small travel bag that would do the trick. The bag was on the sink next to him.

He got up, opened the small bag, and tipped the contents into the sink. Amongst the items he often used -- toothbrush, toothpaste, razor -- he found something that had been in there from when he bought it, but which he had never used; a small pair of scissors. They were pretty small, not much use for anything; they were probably designed for cutting nails. Well, after his hair, his nails would be the next to go, he decided.

He grabbed his hair in one hand and picked up the scissors in the other. He was about to cut the mass of hair off when a sudden thought struck him. That hair had grown out of him. Where did all the mass come from? He paused, frozen for a few seconds. Clearly it had to come from somewhere, he concluded. His rational mind started to work. What would happen if he cut it off? Would that prevent him from being turned back? Would he have to wait until it grew back to waist length again?

Suddenly he started to feel a little unsure. He badly wanted to cut his hair, but he thought about the cost. If he did cut it, he could be stuck like that. It wasn't worth it, he decided. But he had to something with it or he would end up ripping it out.

He knew he had to find some way of tying it back. He went back into the main room and looked for something, anything, that he could use to tie his hair back. He opened his suitcase. He needed something like a ribbon.

Once again, his inventive nature came to the rescue. He rushed into the bathroom. He rushed a bit too fast because his boobs bounced a little too much, forcing him to slow down a little. He picked up the scissors, returned to the main room, and picked out a white T-shirt. He then cut a strip of material out. That would serve as his ribbon.

He returned to the full-length mirror. He took the band in one hand and grabbed his hair with the other. He tried to tie the ribbon around his hair. It wasn't as easy as it looked, because his hair was behind him. The first time his hair fell away.

Undaunted, he tried a second time, but this time twisting his body to get a better look in the mirror. Unfortunately, he had not accounted for his new balance. He slipped over and fell to the floor. As he was lying on the floor, he wanted to scream out of frustration. He just sat there for a moment, taking deep breaths.

Eventually, he picked himself up and tried for a third time using the knowledge gained from his previous failed attempts and, after some fiddling, it worked. He managed to tie his hair back.

Michael looked at himself in the mirror, pleased with his work. For the first time since his change, he even managed a brief smile. The only problem was that even a smile looked so completely different on his female form. He glanced down at the melons on his chest. Now that he had sorted out his hair, it was "their" turn.

He remembered that he had often seen women tie a shirt under their boobs. He had seen his wife do it. He always thought it looked kind of sexy. The last thing he wanted to do was look even sexier, but perhaps he could try something like that to keep his boobs under control.

He opened his suitcase again. It took him a few minutes to work out exactly how to do it, but he quickly decided that perhaps it wasn't such a good idea for two reasons. The first reason was that it did not seem to provide a great deal of support, he obviously was not doing it right. But the second, more important reason was that when he looked in the mirror and saw how sexy it made him look, he thought he might as well write "Come and fuck me" on his forehead.

He never did understand why women wore bras. He thought he understood, but at that point, he now realized that he had no idea. He also knew that if he could not get rid of these boobs somehow, it would only be a matter of time before he would end up wearing one himself. That mere thought sent a shiver down his spine.

Michael decided that he was simply going to have to wear a plain shirt. He tried a looser shirt. Even so, it was tight around his chest. He decided to wear a jacket over it, so his boobs didn't look quite so obvious.

He decided to wear a pair of jeans instead of his pants. He put his boxer shorts back on, briefly looking over his new genitals once again. He tucked his mane of hair into the back of his jacket and glanced into the mirror. Even with the changes he had applied, he still looked sexy.

Michael walked over to the door. He glanced back to look around. For an instant he felt the desire to rip off his clothes, jump on the bed, and jerk off all over again. He instantly realized where his thoughts were going, so he shook his head as if to clear his mind. He opened the door and left the room, not realizing as he did so, that his nipples had just become quite hard.

The room was crammed full of people, both men and women. They were all talking, mostly explaining to each other what they thought had happened. Mary squeezed into the room. Everyone fell silent. She then appeared to concentrate and a shimmering image of Michael appeared beside her.

"Okay, listen up everyone. At just after three p.m. today, this man, Michael Curtis, was transformed into this woman." The image of Michael shimmered into that of his new female form in the same clothes.

"Now, we still don't exactly why this happened. Tina was trying to turn herself into Michael's ideal sexual fantasy. Unfortunately, she ended up turning him into his own fantasy."

She then paused for a few seconds. "As if this isn't bad enough, Tina used the full version of the Transformation spell." There were a few murmurs around the room. Mary raised a hand to quiet them down.

"Now, since parts of the spell got screwed up, we don't know what other parts have been included. We have to assume the worst and that, approximately six hours after the transformation, he will become a witch just like the rest of us. That means he will be immune to almost all of our spells and we won't be able to turn him back, possibly forever.

"Now, if he is turned into a witch, it's gonna create a whole load of problems. You all know how strict our rules are regarding outsiders. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now, we have to find him before this becomes permanent, and we have under three hours to do it.

"He disappeared from the hospital about forty five minutes ago. He gave the name Michelle at the hospital. So, outside this room, remember to refer to him as Michelle and in the female sense.

"We are assuming that he knows roughly what has happened to him, but we can't be sure. For all we know SHE might have a total memory loss and may not be aware that SHE really is, I mean was, a man.

"Richard's checking Michael's hotel room at the moment. What I need you to do is get out on the streets and find him. Ask people discreetly. People are bound to have seen him. Just take one look at HER. A girl with long blonde hair, large breasts, wearing no bra, and with a shirt ripped open is going to attract a lot of attention." Mary paused. "I'm just hoping it's the right kind of attention. He might not be aware of just how good looking he really is.

"That raises another problem. Tina wanted to ensure that Michael would have sex with her in her new body. To do this, she made a couple of... enhancements to her new body. Firstly, she gave her new body a high hormone level to try and make sure she enjoyed it. That shouldn't be much of a problem at the moment, but secondly, she made sure her new body would secrete pheromones that would make her absolutely irresistible to any man. Michael would find it impossible to say no.

"Now, if you look at his new body, it's pretty hard for any guy to say no anyway. But it's a hot day out there, which will make her sweat a lot. That will only increase the effect of the pheromones to the point where any man, or even woman, who gets close to HER is going to feel an overwhelming desire to fuck HER."

That seemed the right time for a slightly longer pause.

"The only good point, if there is one, is that these enhancements were not completely permanent. They were not part of the main transformation, just bits added by Tina. The levels will reduce in time, but we have no idea whether they will take hours or days to drop. Tina didn't plan on being in this body any longer than a hour at most.

"Although we must find him, all this must be done discreetly. This MUST remain inside our group. The other groups can't be allowed to know about this, especially the Hawks and the Ravens. You all know what the Ravens would do to him if they find him.

"Here's a little background information. Michael was thirty-two years old. As I'm sure you're all aware, he saved Mary, Andrew, and Tina a few months back. He's a black belt at Karate. Now, he probably won't be as effective as a female. He will be weaker and his balance will be off, but don't underestimate him because of that. I don't expect him to be dangerous toward us, but then he might well blame us, or Tina, for what happened to him.

"As to his mental state, he's probably terrified. As I'm sure you're all aware, something like this is a bit frightening, even when you know what is happening, but for him..."

"One more thing. Tina tried to stun him after she realized the transformation wasn't working, but the Stun spell didn't work properly either. It stunned them both and it stunned Tina for longer.

"Clearly, this person has some limited form of resistance to magic, both as a male and as a female. Not enough resistance to stop the spell, otherwise he wouldn't have been transformed or stunned, but enough resistance to mess them up. It's rare, but we've seen it before. What I am saying is that you should exercise extreme caution in casting any spells against him. You could find that they bounce back at you. I'm going back to Sarah's to see if I can learn anything more from Tina. Any questions?"

"If he has some resistance to magic, then how do we know we can turn him back anyway, even if we make it before the deadline?" asked one man.

"We don't," Mary replied bluntly. "It's possible he's already stuck like that. But we have still got to try."

There were no more questions. Mary wrapped up the meeting and everyone filed out of the room, exchanging brief comments. They all knew what had to be done. Somehow, they had to find Michael and bring him back to Tina so she could reverse what she had done.

Richard entered Michael's hotel room with a female colleague. The hotel manager had let them in using a pass card. Richard was a detective sergeant in the San Diego Police. As soon as they found out that Michael had gone missing from the hospital, he phoned his station Captain. He made out that he was a friend of Sarah's family and that Michelle was a friend of Sarah's staying in California for a few weeks.

Richard played on the fact that "Michelle" was young, innocent, and very good looking and possibly suffering amnesia. He also mentioned that "Michelle" came from a small town in New Jersey and "she" might not be fully aware of the dangers of walking around in San Diego all alone. Because of that, any attack on her would certainly cause bad publicity, and his Captain would do everything he could to try to avoid it.

As soon as they entered the room, it was obvious Michael had been there. Clothes were all over the room. They checked thoroughly to make sure he wasn't hiding anywhere. As soon as Richard was sure, he called Mary.

"Mary, it's Richard. We're at the hotel room. He's been here, that's for sure. It looks like we missed him, though. I'm going to cast a Vision spell to see what happened. I'll get back to you."

Richard had already prepared that spell and in less than a minute, an image of "Michelle" appeared, entering the door.

They watched everything he did. They watched him examining himself, then masturbating himself to orgasm in front of the mirror. They watched him crying on the toilet, then his attempts to control his hair. Richard had to suppress a giggle at Michael's failed attempts to control his boobs.

Finally, they watched him leave the room. Richard noted the time when Michael left the room and realized it was only minutes before they had arrived.

"Fuck," he thought. By now Michael would be long gone. He cursed himself for not checking the end of the vision first.

Chapter Four ============

Michael had been wandering aimlessly since leaving his hotel room. He was still wondering what to do. He knew he had to leave the hotel room, because it would only be a matter of time before Mary came looking for him there. He still wanted more information. He had to get back to Tina and find out just what she had done to him. But where was she? Could she still be in the house? Had she been knocked out as well? Since Mary turned up at the hospital, they must have found her.

He thought he should go to Tina's. Since he had no more money, he would have to walk. He knew roughly the right direction, but he also knew that it would take at least an hour and a half to walk that distance. He considered trying to phone them, but somehow he wanted to go to the house on his terms. He wanted to have an edge and he didn't want to warn them. He set about walking. It would give him a chance to sort out his thoughts as well.

Although it was late afternoon, it was still a very hot day. He wasn't used to the power of the Californian sun, but with his new, softer skin, the sun seemed to contain even more power. He simply had to unzip his jacket to cool down.

He continued walking. He was trying to relax and attempting to forget what had happened, which he quickly realized, was impossible. Every time one of his feet hit the ground, the vibrations would travel up his body and cause his large breasts to bounce and jiggle slightly. He simply couldn't put it out of his mind. The weight of them seemed to be pulling him forward. His entire balance was off, "How the hell did women live with these things?" he kept thinking to himself. The walking also caused his nipples to rub against his shirt, making them very erect again.

His mind drifted back to what he had done in his hotel room. He had masturbated in front of the mirror and had gotten very turned on by watching himself do it. He was having trouble reconciling with himself exactly what he had done. Part of him said it was a pretty natural thing to do, given his current body, but another part was disgusted at himself. All his efforts should be concentrated in getting his old body back, not jerking off.

He also tried to resolve exactly how it felt. Because it was completely unplanned, he found it difficult to fully grasp the feeling and he felt annoyed with himself at that. To his knowledge, no guy has ever known what it really feels like when a woman climaxes. They can guess and they can imagine, but they never really know. Half an hour ago, he found out, but he was so preoccupied with enjoying himself that he forgot to savor the moment and remember it. He might never get another chance to find out.

Because he had actually enjoyed it so much, that only served to make him even more confused. An hour ago, his desire to become male again was absolute, but now, although his desire to become male was still very strong indeed, there was a part of him that wished he could spend just a little more time in this body, exploring these new feelings.

That was what really scared him the most. It wasn't Tina or whoever had done this to him, but his own feelings that scared him. It was like a door which had been pushed open a crack, and he wasn't sure if he could keep it closed or stop it from opening further. He didn't want to open Pandora's Box because he was afraid of what he would find. A voice inside his head told him that "a little more time" could easily end up as "the rest of his life" if he was not careful.

There was one other thing that scared him. He thought back to when he was thrusting his fingers in and out of his cunt and he was approaching his orgasm. If, at that moment, Tina would have burst in the room and said, "If you go any further, you'll be stuck like that for the rest of your life," then... well... he wasn't sure if he would have actually stopped, because, at that moment, he wanted to come. It didn't matter what the cost would have been; he just needed to come.

He walked for another ten or fifteen minutes with his mind still drifting. As he looked up, he realized that he was did not like the neighborhood he was walking through. He knew he was going in the right direction, but that neighborhood was definitely not the best route. He was attracting far too much attention. It seemed as if everyone was staring at him.

Up ahead, Michael could see a group of young men hanging around, and he could see that they had definitely spotted him. Although he couldn't hear what they were saying to one another, he simply knew what they were talking about. Michael seriously considered crossing the street or turning around, but he guessed that doing that could easily make matters worse. He decided to keep walking at a steady pace and attempt to ignore everyone.

There were two men in a car, and another three standing around. Every one of them was staring intently at Michael. He could almost feel their eyes burning into him. To make matters worse, he knew exactly what these men were thinking because, yesterday, he would have been thinking the same thing. He might not have stared so much, but, like them, he would have also have been thinking of the best way to get into that girl's panties.

Just as he thought he was going to get past them, one of the men stepped out in front of Michael, blocking his path.

"Well, look at what we have here," he said.

Michael tried to sidestep to get around the man, but he simply matched Michael's move, blocking him again. Michael noticed that the man looked down at his tits and his stare lingered there for a few seconds before returning to meet Michael's eyes, much like the taxi driver had done earlier. Michael now regretted unzipping his jacket.

"Let me through," said Michael defiantly. He realized again, just how silly he sounded with his much higher pitched voice.

"Say please," said the man. His friends move in to surround Michael.

Suddenly, Michael felt incredibly vulnerable. He had never even considered that possibility. As a man, these people probably would not have even noticed him, and if they did they would not have cared, but now, here he was, surrounded by a gang of men.

"Please," said Michael as firmly as he could, although the tone of his voice was not nearly as firm as it would have been had he been male.

"What's the password?" asked the man.

Michael anxiety was quickly increasing. Had his telekinetic powers been working, he would have simply knocked the man down with a single punch. If you take down the leader, all of the others will just melt away. But that was not an option. He thought about attacking the leader anyway, but he knew he was no match for one of these guys, let alone three of them.

He was rattled and all of the guys knew it. He was at their mercy. It was just a question of how far they were going to take it. One of the men behind Michael reached around and fondled one of his tits.

"Don't touch me," Michael shouted as he tried to push the man away.

Richard and his colleague were back at Sarah's house. Sarah was still comforting Tina. They were all a bit concerned and annoyed. Concerned at what had happened, but annoyed that Tina had broken their rules and used the full Transformation spell on an outsider.

Richard continued to explain to everyone exactly what they saw Michael do in his hotel room. He described exactly what Michael had done, including his examination, his masturbation, his crying on the toilet, and his attempts to control his hair and tits. Mary made a mental note to remind everyone that Michael's hair was now tied back.

Richard had brought his police radio with him. He heard his call number. It was his station.

"We have a possible lead on your missing girl. There's a 67 in progress. The girl matches your description." The address followed. Richard looked shocked.

"Can you repeat? Did you say a code 67?" Richard asked back.

"Affirmative. Sorry."

"I'm on my way there now," he said.

"What's a code 67?" Tina asked. Her tears still had not dried.

"It's... nothing," Richard replied, totally unconvincingly.

"WHAT IS IT?" Tina demanded.

Richard swallowed hard. Mary, Andrew and Sarah also looked on intently. "Rape in progress," Richard whispered.

Michael lay on the ground curled up. He didn't want to move at all. He felt so... violated. He had been constantly crying since the attack. Crying was something he hardly ever did as a man.

Michael decided that the feeling of being raped was something no man can ever truly experience. He had never been so frightened and vulnerable in all his life. He never wanted to feel that way again.

He hadn't actually been raped, but it had come pretty close; so close it probably didn't make much difference. The men had continued to annoy him for a few more minutes. After he had pushed the man away for trying to fondle his tits, he thought they would leave him alone. But then something changed. The look of interest in their eyes turned to sheer lust. The same look of lust that he saw in the taxi driver's eyes.

They had dragged him into an alleyway. He tried to fight, but it was completely hopeless. Then two of the guys held him down, while the third one groped and fondled him. He sat on top of him, then ripped his shirt open to expose his breasts. His eyes widened when he saw them.

Michael then remembered that the man began to fondle his breasts. He tried struggling, but it was no use. These men were simply too strong for him. He tried calling out, but one of the men beside him held a knife to his throat.

He felt so scared, so terrified. The worst part of it was that they were actually taking their time. They seemed to be laughing and enjoying it all. It wasn't the sex they were after. It was the power. The mere fact that they could have this "girl" whether she liked it or not.

He tried to use his telekinetic powers but they still hadn't returned to full force. They were still at a diminished level, not capable of lifting anything heavier than a golf ball.

It was one of Michael's nightmares, that someday, when he really needed them, his telekinetic powers would desert him. Admittedly, he never imagined it would be to stop himself from being raped, but he needed them now more than ever.

The man on top had then pulled Michael's jeans down and looked surprised when he saw Michael's boxers. His face became stern. He pulled out his own knife.

"This bitch had better be a real bitch. If not, she soon will be," he had said. For the first time since his transformation, Michael was actually relieved that his transformation had been complete. The man ripped off his boxer shorts and smiled when he saw Michael's blonde pussy. He threw the knife away and then started to unbuckle his belt. "This bitch just needs a good fucking to loosen her up," he had said.

Michael closed his eyes. Sometimes, he had been able to retrieve his telekinetic powers by concentrating extremely hard. If there was ever a time they were needed, it was now. He used every ounce of mental strength. He felt a hand on his crotch. He tried to block it out. He felt something build inside him.

The man holding the knife was on his left, sitting on Michael's left arm. Michael reached inside himself and lifted the arm up, taking the man up with him. The man lost his balance and fell backwards.

The other men were stunned at the apparent show of strength. Before either of them could do anything, Michael struck the man on his right with his left fist. He hit him in the shoulder. Given his weaker strength, he would not have expected to do much, but, with the extra boost from his powers, the man was sent flying. He also heard a crack of bone.

He then repeated the process with the man who was sitting on his legs but with his right hand. He hit him square in the head, sending him flying backwards as well.

Michael then jumped up and pulled his jeans up. As he did, someone grabbed him from behind. It was the man who had held the knife to his throat. He had forgotten about him. Luckily for Michael, he must have dropped the knife, but he had him in a headlock. Michael used his elbow to hit him in the stomach. Again, it would not have normally done much damage, but with his extra power, he temporarily winded him.

The man released him. Michael turned around and kicked him in the groin. With the extra force, Michael kicked him so hard, that the guy's feet actually lifted off the ground. He squealed and collapsed on the ground. Michael forced a brief smile when he recalled that. He knew for a fact how much that would have hurt.

There were some other onlookers. They had been watching the rape, clearly enjoying what they saw. They now all looked shocked. Michael was pissed by now and didn't care how many of them there were. He took one step towards them, expecting a fight, but they all scattered. He had never seen a gang of men run so quickly.

He had zipped up his jacket and ran down the various alleyways, until he discovered a quiet corner in which to curl up into and cry. He wondered that if this is what life will be like from now on. He moved slightly. Both his arms hurt like hell where the men had been sitting on them, and his boobs hurt from all the running.

In the space of an hour he had experienced the highs and lows of what it was like to be a woman. Any minor thoughts that he did have about wanting to experience his new body were now gone. He hated his body now. He wanted his old body back. He knew that he had to find Tina and make her turn him back.

Back at Sarah's house, Tina was in a complete state of hysteria. As soon as she found out about the rape, she started screaming. She had been crying ever since. Sarah really felt for her daughter. Sarah knew that Tina was beginning to fall for Michael. After all, Michael had saved their lives and it was just possible that Tina's actions might kill Michael. If that happened, Sarah knew that Tina would be grief stricken. She might never get over it.

Sarah was also feeling guilty again. Earlier, when she thought that Michael had possibly raped her daughter, Sarah was seriously considering putting Michael through that experience herself. She had wished he could know what it felt like. She realized that right now he was probably finding out first hand. Had her magic somehow caused it? Her rational mind told her that it simply wasn't possible, that the effects of magic are almost always localized, but some part of her couldn't shake the fact that she had somehow caused this.

The phone rang at Sarah's house.

"Hello," Sarah answered.

"Sarah, it's Richard. I'm at the rape scene."

"Richard. Is Michael there? Is he... okay?" Tina immediately stopped crying. She listened intently.

"I can't say. We can't find her, but I think so," said Richard remembering to refer to Michael in the female sense in public. "She ran off before we got here. The guys that attacked her... she... well... she damn well kicked their asses. One has a broken collarbone. Another's got a concussion, and the third has been kicked in the balls so hard, he'll be a soprano for weeks."

"So she wasn't raped, then?" Sarah turned to Tina and gave a reassuring smile. Tina's face lit up for the first time.

"Well, I don't know, but I don't think so. The people aren't talking that much. There were about fifteen people watching, but no one saw a damn thing.

"I think those pheromones had something to do with this," Richard continued, talking in a quieter tone so he was not heard. "I've talked to a few people. These guys were no angels, they were part of a gang, but they were not the rapist type. They're as much a victim here as Michael is."

"No rapist is a victim. They should still be punished," Sarah said, a little angry at Richard's tone.

"Well, I think they already have. They've been beat up and humiliated by their attacker. I think that's a far better punishment than any prison sentence. They won't try that again in a hurry." Richard paused. "You should have seen what she did to these guys. I would have trouble taking down these guys. That must be one hell of a black belt she has. So much for her not being as effective as a female."

"You were not there when he rescued us. According to Mary, he punched out the windshield on our car."

"Well, this is getting out of hand. My Captain's already giving me heat over how this 'innocent little girl' was able to do all this. I asked if he'd have preferred her to be raped and that shut him up for now, but questions are starting to be asked. I don't want to tell you what the rest of their gang are talking about doing to her. One thing's for sure. If she wasn't pissed before, she certainly is now. Have you heard anything?"

"No. But it isn't long now before it will become permanent. I don't what we'll do then."

Chapter Five ============

Still at Sarah's house, time was running out and they knew it. It had been a while since the attempted rape and, despite intensive searching, no one had seen a trace of "Michelle." Even Mary, who had been calm and collected, was starting to pace up and down the room.

"You know. It may have been better if she had actually been raped," Mary said.

"WHAT?" Andrew said, shocked, expressing the thoughts of everyone else.

"Well, look at it this way. Even if he had been raped and beaten up, at least we could have taken Tina to the hospital. She could have delayed his transformation into a witch. We could have then healed him, turned him back and maybe even made him forget about today. It's just that fighting those rapists off... might... condemn him to be a woman."

Mary's words seemed cruel, but everyone soon realized that she was correct. It might have worked out better had he been raped. Mary walked over to one of the women in the room.

"Even if we're too late, is there ANY way we can turn him back afterwards?" Mary asked her.

The woman thought for a few minutes, "Well, there are always ways to go back, even after a new witch's magical protection kicks in, but you know how hard it will be. Besides, if it does become permanent, you know the trouble we're gonna have from the other groups. He's a normal. The rules state that no normal can be allowed access to magic, period"

Mary nodded in agreement. Although it was technically possible that Michael could become male again even after the spell became permanent, Mary knew that Michael's best chance of returning to manhood lay in the next hour.

Suddenly, the telephone rang, interrupting Mary's thoughts. Everyone had been instructed not to ring on that line. Sarah walked over and picked up the receiver.

"Hello," Sarah said.

"Hello. This is the operator. I have a collect call from a Mickey Curtis to a Miss Adams. Do you accept the call?"

"YES!" Sarah put her hand on the mouthpiece, spun around and shouted, "It's him!"

"Put it on the speaker," Mary said.

As soon as Sarah pressed the speaker button, everyone in the room heard a tentative female voice say, "Hello." Everyone in the room was silent and motionless.

"Michael. This is Mary. Michael, is that you?" Mary asked.

"Well, I'm not sure who I am anymore. I was Michael this morning, but now..." Michael said. The tone of his voice was a mixture of anger and fright.

"It's okay. We know what happened. How do you feel?" Mary asked.

"How do I feel?" Michael yelled, "So far today, I've been turned into a girl, dumped in a hospital, and then nearly fucking gang raped," Michael shouted. "I feel fine. Why the fuck shouldn't I?" Michael finished, his sarcasm increasing with each word.

He continued without pausing. "I mean, have you seen me? Do you know what I look like? I look like fucking Barbie. What was Tina thinking? What did she want? A life-size fucking Barbie doll?"

Those words hurt, just as Michael had intended. Tina burst into tears again. Michael could hear Tina crying in the background and, while he did feel a little sorry for her, he felt a lot sorrier for himself, and that continued to fuel his anger.

"Michael, you know that isn't true," Mary replied.

"Do I?" Michael replied quickly. "All I know is that this morning, I was a guy. Now I'm a fucking girl. Why? Why did you do this to me?"

"It wasn't supposed to happen," Mary called out. "Tina was trying to transform herself, not you. It was an accident."

"AN ACCIDENT!" Michael yelled again, this time in shock. "An accident is when you drop a hammer on your foot. An accident is when you slip on a stone and break your arm. What sort of accident is this? I-I was nearly... raped. Do you have any idea what that feels like? What did I do to you to deserve this?" Mary could hear that Michael was almost at the point of crying.

Mary truly didn't know what it felt like to be raped. She could sympathize, but in the end, nothing like that had ever happened to her. Mary paused. The softly-softly approach wasn't working. She could hear that Michael was simply too angry to listen to her pleas. She'd have to be a bit firmer and hope he would listen to sheer reasoning.

"Okay, I know you're angry and upset. I can understand that. You've got every right to be. But I don't have the time to be nice to you right now, so listen and listen good."

Tina jumped up to protest, but Mary silenced her with a stare. She continued.

"What's happened to you is temporary... at the moment, but pretty soon, it's going to become permanent. And by that, I mean completely permanent. If we don't get to you within the next hour or so you will be stuck like that for the rest of your life. See those big tits on your chest. Well, if you don't get back to us, they'll be on your chest forever. And feel that space between your legs. You'll never feel a cock there again, unless... you get back to us."

Mary was about to say, "you'll never feel a cock there again, unless it's someone else's fucking you," but stopped herself just in time. That was going too far, especially after what had happened to him. She wanted to scare Michael into action, not scare him senseless. Also, although there would still be some way back even after the spell became permanent in an hour, Mary told Michael it would be completely permanent to increase his motivation.

Mary continued, "Listen, do you think we would do anything to hurt you? You saved the lives of some of the people I care most about. I'd do anything to help you. And what about Tina? Do you think she would do this to you deliberately? You saved her life. She'd NEVER do this to you unless it was an accident."

There was a pause, which Mary found encouraging. At least Michael was thinking carefully about what she had said.

"So I can still be turned back then?" Michael said, the tone of his voice a bit softer.

"Yes. At the moment. In about an hour though, the spell will become permanent. We need to get you back here to Tina so she can remove it before then." Mary was relieved at Michael's calmer attitude.

"And then what? What happens?" Michael asked.

"Then you can go. Once we have turned you back, you can just walk out of the door if you want to and we will never bother you again," Mary said to Michael, but internally she knew it would be awkward. Their group had a general rule that "normals" cannot be aware of their existence. Mary wasn't sure if they could adjust his memory because of his resistance to magic. Of course, Michael could no longer be considered a "normal." Still, it would not be just as simple as letting him go, but that was one problem that would have to wait until later. The first priority was getting him his old body back.

"Where are you?" Mary asked.

"I don't know," Michael replied.

"Come on, Michael. Let us help you."

"No. I really don't know. I've no idea where I am. I'm in a call box somewhere."

That wasn't true. Michael had a rough idea, but didn't want to let that out just yet.

"Well, give me some clues. Any landmarks, street names, anything to help us find you. How far away are you from the point where you were nearly raped?" Mary asked.

"I-I just ran and ran. I don't know. I can try and find out," Michael said, still not wanting to give away his position.

"Okay, but be very careful. The rest of that gang are really pissed about you. You might have pulled some karate moves on them once, but next time, they'll... well... you know..."

Mary didn't need to finish. Everyone knew what would happen if the gang caught up with Michael.

"Then why don't I go to the police?" asked Michael.

"NO," Mary called back, "The police know about the rape. If they find you, they'll treat you like a rape victim. They'll examine you for hours, by which time you will be stuck in that body forever."

Suspicion crept into Michael's mind. He simply didn't trust Mary anymore. "Or are you just afraid that I'll tell the police what really happened?"

"And what exactly will you tell them?" she replied. "That you used to be a guy and were turned into a woman? Do you think that anyone will believe you? This isn't about preserving our secret. We're not worried about that, because even when you're back in your own body, no one will ever believe you."

Deep down, Michael knew that Mary was right. No one would ever believe him. He wondered what he should do. Everything Mary said seemed to make sense. It did appear to be an accident. Up until then, he had found nothing to fear from their family and he didn't want to spend the rest of his life as a woman. He realized he had no choice but to go back to Tina and allow her to try to turn him back into his old self. But he knew he would watch his back very closely.

"I think I can find my way back to the point where I was nearly... raped. Can you meet me there?" Michael said.

"No. I've got to stay here with Tina? She's got to be the one that casts the spell and it's going to take a little preparation. It's only a few minutes drive, so I'll arrange for some people to meet you. They will be in a light blue Ford and the man's name is Richard. And Michael, be careful."

Michael paused for a few seconds before answering. "Okay." The phone was dead soon afterwards.

Mary quickly dialed another number on Sarah's phone and waited for an answer.

"Hello, Richard? It's Mary. Listen, we've spoken to Michael. He's alright, but we need to get him back here quickly. Go back to the place where 'Michelle' was raped. He will meet you there. Bring him back here as soon as you get him. Okay?" She hung up the phone. As she turned to look around the room, she could see expressions of partial relief, especially on Tina's face. But she knew it wasn't over just yet, although hopefully it wouldn't be too much longer.

Michael was hiding in one of the alleyways. He had been able to find his way back fairly easily. He wasn't sure why he had phoned Sarah's house. It was probably because he was getting increasingly desperate. After what had happened, he knew he couldn't try walking any further, so he found a secluded call box and phoned collect. Even in that short call, he started to receive some unwanted attention, so he had quickly run back into the alleyway in which he was now hiding.

He had been there for few minutes when he saw what looked like a light blue Ford park at the point where the rape had taken place not more than a few hours ago. There were two people, a man and a woman, in the car, just as Mary had described. The woman was driving. The man got out of the car and stood beside it, looking around.

Michael looked around. It was now almost dark. He looked around for other possible gang members. Although he felt fairly confident he could handle anyone, he didn't want to display his power, least of all to these people.

The moment he stepped out from the alleyway, virtually everyone for several hundred feet noticed him, which was disconcerting for him. He was used to being able to blend into the background. In his previous form, it was no problem, but when you're a big-breasted babe with long blonde hair; it's not so easy. The quicker he got out of this body, the better.

Richard noticed Michael as soon as he stepped out of the alleyway and, judging by the pointing, staring and whispering, most of the people on the street had noticed him as well. That was hardly surprising. He was stunning and would have been noticed even if it wasn't for the all the talk about what "she" had done a few hours earlier.

Richard opened the rear door to the car as Michael got closer. Michael looked at Richard with a bit of hesitation.

"Come on. I'm Richard. We don't have the time," said Richard, looking around nervously. He noticed that some of the gang members were starting to approach the car. Although he was a police officer and he felt confident, he didn't want a confrontation here because they simply didn't have the time.

Michael also noticed the group of men and carefully climbed into the back seat while at the same time keeping a watchful eye on both Richard and the car driver.

"Move over," called Richard. He wanted to get into the back as well. Michael moved over. Richard slammed the door shut.

"Go," said Richard. The driver wasted no time in speeding away.

Mary, Andrew, and some other group members were waiting anxiously. Tina and Sarah were preparing to cast a spell which would delay Michael's transformation into a witch.

Mary was wondering if they should have taken Tina to meet Michael instead. It would have made it more difficult because Tina needed some space and peace to prepare her spell, which couldn't easily be done in the middle of a strange street, but it may have cut a few minutes off. Mary was about to call Richard again when the phone rang. Mary put it straight onto speaker.

"Mary, it's Richard. It's okay. We've got him. We're on our way back right now."

The whole room burst into cheers. Everyone was instantly jubilant. Mary silenced them quickly.

"Is he alright?" asked Mary.

"He seems physically fine. It's going to take us about five minutes to get back. We're still cutting this a bit fine. Can you make sure Tina is ready to cast the spell as soon as we get there?"

"Yes, sure. Come straight through to the study when you get back. We'll be ready for you. Explain to Michael that all we're doing now is removing the permanency part of it all, will you? Oh, and try to keep him calm. You know what might happen if he feels threatened."

"Okay, see you later."

Richard ended the call and then turned to Michael.

"Okay, as soon as we get back, all we're going to do is remove the part of the spell that makes it permanent."

"I thought you were going to change me back straight away," Michael replied, getting angry again.

"We are, but it can't be done immediately. It takes a few hours to prepare and to... visualize your old form. Before we can do that, we need to make sure that the current change isn't completely permanent."

Although that was partially true, the main reason for a delay would be to work out why the first spell had gone so horribly wrong. They did not want to screw up the re-transformation. Richard knew that Michael's transformation into a woman was permanent from the very beginning. But under normal circumstances, they would simply cast another spell to transform him again.

The real problem would be if Michael became a witch. If that happened, he would become immune to their spells and they would not be able to transform him ever again. He would probably be stuck in that sexpot body for life.

The delay wasn't what Michael expected. He wanted to walk into the house and then walk out a few minutes later with his old body. He didn't want to be stuck in that house for any longer than was necessary.

"Listen," Richard said, seeing Michael's concern, "I know you want to turn back, but it will only be a slight delay. Besides, when we turn you back, it doesn't have to be exactly the same. We can make some... improvements, if you want. It's the least we can do."

Richard thought the emotional bribery of a few extra inches in certain places might make it easier. He did not know that Tina had already discounted that idea.

"No. I just want my old body back. No changes, no 'improvements,' thank you. That's the least you can do," Michael retorted with increasing bitterness.

Richard remained silent. He remembered Mary's warning about keeping Michael calm. Richard knew that if Michael felt seriously threatened, it could easily bring forward the time when the spell would become permanent. Then Michael remembered what Richard said about the timing being close.

"How long till this... change becomes permanent, then?" asked Michael.

"We don't know for sure. It should become permanent around six hours after the transformation, which is just under half an hour from now. The spell Tina is preparing should delay it for a day or so to give us time to transform you back. But the timing isn't exact. Tell me, have you felt this tingling sensation all over your body in the past hour?"

"No," Michael replied. "Why?"

"Well, if it does happen, let me know about it immediately. Interrupt me if you have to," Richard said, not answering Michael's question. "How long till we get there?" he asked the driver to change the subject.

"Only a few more minutes," the driver replied.

The car screeched to a halt outside the house.

Michael and Richard got out of their respective doors. They walked briskly up the driveway. Michael saw Andrew open the door. Michael motioned for Richard to go first. He wanted as many people in front of him as possible to keep an eye on the situation.

They walked straight into the study. Tina, Mary, and Sarah were standing in the middle of the room together. They were looking at an old book. Another man and a woman stood waiting around. Richard and Andrew followed Michael into the room. He was clearly outnumbered here and, given their apparent powers, probably outclassed as well. Michael certainly hoped things didn't get ugly. If it did, surprise at his powers would be his best weapon, but surprise is a weapon you can use only once, so it must be used very carefully.

Everyone looked at Michael when he entered the room. He hated that feeling.

Tina, who had clearly been crying, just meekly said, "Hi."

"Okay, we don't have time for pleasantries. Tina, off you go," Mary butted in, wanting to move things along.

"Right. This spell will take about a minute to cast. Stay still while I do it," Tina said nervously. She looked down at the book again and appeared to start to concentrate.

Michael looked around. Boy did he feel insecure. He really didn't want any more of those spell things cast on him. He just wanted to get out, as he felt so enclosed. At that point, a very strange sensation swept over Michael's body. He lifted his hand to stop the proceedings.

"Wait," Michael said. He turned to Richard, "You said to let you know if I felt this tingling all over my body."

"Yes," Richard replied as his eyes widened.

"Well, it just did, just now," Michael said.

Michael saw Tina fall to the floor, crying and screaming. Mary and Sarah ran to comfort her.

"What? What's happened?" Michael said, wanting to know why the proceedings had stopped.

Richard walked up to Michael and put a hand on his shoulder, looked him in the eyes, and said softly, "I'm sorry. It's too late."

At those words, Michael felt as if he had been hit by a truck.

"TOO LATE? What do you mean, too late?" He knew exactly what it meant but was attempting to deny it to himself.

"I'm sorry," Richard repeated. "We can't turn you back."

Michael felt his knees go weak. He started to sway. As he started to fall, both Richard and Andrew caught him and helped him to a chair where he just sat, staring at the wall.

The only sound in the room was that of Tina crying. It seemed to Michael as if everyone was just standing around what seemed like hours. Finally, Mary moved over and spoke to Michael.

"Michael. Look I know how hard this is for you."

"Do you?" Michael interrupted. "How could you? How could you even begin to understand?"

Mary looked around at everyone, then looked back at Michael, "You'd be surprised," she said with a faint smile.

Mary went over to Richard and whispered something in his ear. He left the room and returned a few minutes later.

"Michael. It's okay. It's not as bad as it seems. We can help you through this," Mary said, trying to comfort Michael.

"This can't be happening. It's a bad dream. I'm going to wake up in the morning and everything will be back as normal," Michael said in a monotone voice, a female monotone voice.

Michael felt a pain in his arm. He looked down to see that Richard had just injected him with something.

"What have you done?" shouted Michael as he leaped to his feet, his state of trance broken.

"You need to sleep. We can talk in the morning," Mary said.

Michael pushed past Richard and tried to run out of the front door, but it was already closed. As Michael was fumbling with the lock, he started feeling weak. Whatever they had injected him with was fast acting.

He summoned his telekinetic powers to try to break down the door, but he found that he was already beginning to lose consciousness. Michael knew it was no use. Even if he could escape, he knew he wouldn't get far.

Michael closed his eyes as he felt himself being picked up and carried back into the study and placed into a chair. All he could hear was the muffled sound of Tina still crying. As he began to fully lose consciousness, he briefly wondered what his life would contain from now on.

Phil Stevens Phil_stevens@bigfoot.com

Next: Chapter 2

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