Dream Come True: Man Love

By Logan

Published on Apr 9, 1999



Not knowing where to start, I guess the beginning is the best place. Being inexperienced in loving a man has never really bothered me since my imagination has allowed me to gain lots of experience. Two men expressing intimate affection for one another isn't accepted by those that surround me in work and life, so it's a secret life that I keep to myself. Besides the fun times I had with a buddy of mine when we were growing up--you know, like watching each other jack off from time to time--my life of loving men consisted of watching videos and surfing the Net. Then there comes a time when you realize others are keeping the same secret. That's where my story begins.

Dream Come True: Man Love

Because I'm considered a hunk, the ladies have always paid attention to me. Little did they know they can't satisfy the desires that I often have. Like straight guys, I also enjoy the company of men--hanging out, talking, doing normal guy things together. In my late 20's, I'm a beefy, solid kinda guy--broad shoulders and nice arms and pecs tapering to nice waist. Not a gym rat, just a normal jock. Black hair, mustache, and trimmed beard make me look a little older than I am. And let's face it--I'm a hairy guy with nice black fur on my chest, stomach, legs, and ass.

I knew what I liked and was fulfilled many times in my own fantasy world. Eventually, I realized that fantasy life was not going to satisfy me anymore. I needed more.

We all have those moments when you suddenly "notice" someone you've been around many times before when in the past, you had not given them a second thought. Ron and I have worked together in a financial planning firm the last three years or so. He has an interesting background--attained a degree in archaeology and finance, taught in a college setting for a few years, and now is at the next step in his life. He has taken many trips to South America, Africa, and Asia in search of artifacts of various interests and cultures. Needless to say, he's very interesting to talk to and always willing to stop a moment and say a nice word. Then it happened.

He has always been a touchy-feely kind of guy--always a pat on the shoulder, a jab in the side. It was during one of these times that I "noticed" him for the first time (not that he's not good-looking, because he is). Trust me, his wife is a very lucky lady, and they have made a couple of handsome children, too. Ron is a very rugged, beefy looking man in his mid 40's. Nice light brown hair, nice smile, beautiful steely blue eyes. He's looks as if he always has a tan because of the continued archaeological expeditions he leads. His voice is very subtle and subdued--not a word out of place. From his education and public speaking I suppose.

We met in the hallway at the office just to say hello. He went for the pat on the shoulder, I went for a soft poke at his abs. Normally, it's a very nonchalant kind of thing, but this time I continued to rub his abs with my bent index finger a little longer than normal. He looked up in my eyes and smiled like he always does, but it was different this time. It was almost if as he was saying, "I really like that; you don't have to stop."

Well, from that point on, I made every opportunity to be involved in Ron's work and personal life. It was the kind of relationship where if he said, "Jump!", I said, "How high?" Since we were already good buddies, it wasn't that difficult to form a deeper friendship. All of our times together, however, had rarely been just the two of us. We were always surrounded by people--his family, work associates, etc. One time I had mentioned that I wanted to go on his next archaeological expedition with him. It was just a comment in passing and thought he didn't notice. So I thought.

I was having dinner one night with his family, and out of the blue, Ron says, "Hey Logan, whaddya say about goin' on my next expedition to Central America with me and my tour group?" I couldn't believe it! We had grown closer as friends over the last few months, and the thought of spending time with him 24 hours a day was too much to bear. Since that "moment" in the hallway a few months ago, I had just resigned myself that I would not make a move on him -- just spending time with him was enough. His friendship was just too much to gamble on making the wrong move. After calmly (on the outside, anyway) contemplating my answer and the urging from Ron's wife who thought it was a wonderful idea, I said yes.

Finally, the day arrived to depart. Ron was especially focused on the trip--those steely blue eyes already in Central America.

I thought, "Great, this is going to be a fun trip. He won't even know I'm here."

Upon arriving in the country and traveling to the archaeological site, we set up for the week's activities. I was actually getting interested in the actual purpose of the trip: excavating ancient artifacts and not spending time with the object of my affection. As the first day came to a close, we traveled back into the city for the evening.

On the way back, Ron was already excited about his discoveries thus far and talked about them during the whole commute to the hotel. While checking in, I made a personal discovery that Ron had booked a room for him and me together.

"Okay," I thought, "things are suddenly looking better." Then came the touch I had grown accustomed to over the last few years. His hand was on my shoulder. My dick responded to his touch and the thought of spending a week with him in the same room, but I had to remember to keep "things" under control. As the bulge in my pants was dying down, everyone arrived at their rooms and called it a night.

I chose the first bed I came to and plopped my stuff and me on the bed and just laid there.

"God, you are so sexy," I thought. I let him take a shower first. As he was undressing, I had a front row seat to that hunky body. While I pretended to look through the yellow pages just to have something to do, he proceeded to strip down to nothing. As his boxers slid off that tight ass, my eyes and pants bulged. I wanted to tackle him right there at that moment. As he turned around, his furry chest came into view: I wanted to bury my face in it. And that beefy piece of meat I call his cock was nestled between those thick legs along with generous helping of balls to go with it. Not even hard, it was 5 inches long. My dreams were already coming true.

Thank God he wasn't shy. He unpacked his luggage and hung up his clothes just walking around naked, and it was almost like he knew I was enjoying it. He was saying how glad he was that I came along on the trip, etc. Of course, I thought the same thing . When he went to take a shower, he left the door open. At this point, I was stroking my cock through my denim shorts and thinking how I wanted his cock in my mouth. To get my mind off things, I was unpacking my stuff and taking my clothes off when Ron said, "Hey Logan, do you mind helping me in here for a sec?" "What kind of help did he want?," I thought, but, "Who cares?" I reminded myself. I still had my briefs on and decided to keep them on to keep my cock calm (like that was going to help).

I went in the bathroom and instantly saw him through the clear shower doors. He was soaped up all over except for his back. "Would you mind scrubbing my back for me? Terri always does that for me," he said. I obliged and lathered up and washed his back. I did get a glimpse of his beautiful cock--it was obvious he was enjoying the free back massage because it was growing right before my very eyes.

"You have a great build, Logan," he said with that low, soft, sexy voice. I said, "Thanks. You do, too ... for an old guy." I gave him that teasing look, he looked back and smiled, and we both laughed. He just kept looking at me with those eyes. I winked at him, and since it felt kind of awkward at that moment, I left the room.

After his shower, I had mine, and then we called it a night. We were laying in our beds in the dark when Ron said, "I'm really glad to have you as a friend, Logan. It's hard for me to really get close to people--especially other guys, but you're special, and I feel very lucky to have you as a friend."

"Thanks," I said, "You mean a lot to me, too. You're like the big brother I've never had." Then I thought, "Idiot, that was the wrong thing to say."

Evidently it wasn't the wrong thing to say because I heard Ron get up from his bed in the dark and come over and sit on the edge of my bed. We didn't say anything; I simply felt his hand on the side of my face touching me. I raised up my hand and caressed his extended arm to show I liked what he was doing. Then, for a second, I felt nothing in the darkness until his lips met mine. It startled me, but he just gently laughed and moaned under his breath.

I grabbed the back of his head and pushed his lips deeper into mine. Oh, it was so good to feel our mouths exploring each other! He suddenly got up and opened the curtains to let the light inside the room from the street. "I want to see you," he said. I immediately took off the bed covers and waited for him to come back. The silhouette of his body next to the window was breath-taking. As he came closer, he 9" cock was in full view...

First thing, he pulls my briefs off to expose my hard wet cock. Then he comes down on top of me--our bodies and cocks grinding together. The feeling of him on top of me was indescribable. A trail of kisses goes down my neck and chest to my hard nipples. Every suck he makes on my nipple causes me to thrust myself up to him. He proceeds down my chest and abs very slow and deliberate. My 7" cock is swollen and begging for some attention. He straddles my left leg allowing his cock to be driven into my leg, and at the same time, he kisses the bottom of my cock. Sparks go through my body.

"Logan, you make me so hard. I've wanted you for so long, and I couldn't take it anymore."

"Me too, Ron. You can have me any way you want me."

I throw my head back as he places his mouth around my cock and goes down on it. His hand moves to hold my balls then on down to my ass hole for some attention. My mind is going a thousand miles an hour -- he's driving me crazy. Both of us moaning and breathing hard wanting more from each other. Right at the point that I'm about to cum, he stops and turns himself around where his cock is above my face. I literally devour his meat. It's mine, and I'm not letting go. He moans loudly in pleasure as he begins to fuck my mouth.

He begins to suck me again. We come close to spurting all over each other when he turns back around lays on top of me.

"God, you taste good," I said. Our tongues are intertwining learning every part of each other. I suddenly feel the urge to have him inside me.

"Ron, please fuck me, please." Even though it has happened only in my dreams, I know I wanted him inside me.

"I want you, too. I want to put my hot wet cock up your ass and pound you good," Ron said.

He spits in his hand to grease up his cock. I raise my hip and surround him with my legs. He wets his finger to loosen me up. I am so hot for him, I can't wait any longer. He realizes that I'm ready and slowly pushes that big man cock up my ass.

I thought I was going to pass out. He feels so good inside me. "Fuck me hard," I say. I tighten my legs around him to thrust deeper in me. He starts moaning really loud and starts to thrust back and forth. I'm holding on to my cock and start jacking it off at the same time. His thrusts get faster and harder; he leans down and sucks on my nipple. At that point, I'm ready to shoot my load no matter what. I jack off as hard as I can and shoot load after load all over him and me. Ron stops thrusting for a second, takes out his cock, and gets some of cum and puts it on his cock. He rams it back in my ass and continues to plug me hard. I grab his ass to push him deep into me. He does three final long thrusts and shoots his load in me: warm, wet, and full.

He lays on top of me, we roll over on our sides, and hold each other for the rest of the night.

Part II to be continued...

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