Dream come true

By Revolving Temporary

Published on Oct 5, 1990



I tried posting this earlier but it never showed up. Might be a little challenging for some folks but hey, this newsgroup isn't for the timid!

Well, here it is, for what its worth. As yet untitled...

I'm walking down the stairs of the Junior College. Those 7-10 classes after work are really draining but its stimulating to keep up with school. Not to mention the stimulus of being around all the baby-faced boys one sees there, fresh out of high school, barely shaving, and eager to learn!;-) My car is parked down by the pool and I'm hoping to catch a glimpse of some smooth, streamlined swimmers slinking about in speedos. I've often considered "accidentally" wandering into the locker room in hopes of catching someone taking off their bathing suit or even getting naughty in the shower.

I pass by (nothing to see today) and tread down the asphalt path towards my car. Ahead of me is a tall, thin youth in shorts, a bright, orange surfer's shirt (tough yet somehow effeminate, these recent styles!) and a black baseball cap. He's almost six feet but his face looks about fourteen.

As I got closer, I saw he had golden blond hair under that cap, and smooth skinned, muscular-but-thin legs with just a trace of golden down near his shins. His chest was flat with a little cleft in the middle like a little boy's. I felt heat stirring in my belly as blood rushed to my groin. Adrenalin pumped into my veins as I approached him, feeling slightly giddy with excitement.

"Could I bum a cigarette off you?"

"Sure", he said, and pulled out an extra Marlboro Light. I hate lights.

"Do you need a light?" His voice was husky, he sounded almost as nervous as me.

"Yeah" He held up his lighter to the cig poised between my dry lips. I felt a thrill when his hands touched mine. They were warm and soft and he left them there just a few seconds longer than necessary.

We chatted a little about school, I wracking my brains thinking of just the right things to say. Small talk seemed so ridiculous considering what I really wanted to say to him.

"Your car down here?" I asked, veering close to him as we walked down the endless path, trying to accidentally bump into him - just to touch him.

"No, I hafta take the bus home."


"Where do you live, I could give you a ride if you want."

Trying desperately to sound casual.

"Really?! That'd be really cool!. I live over by Mission High School. I mean, if its on your way."

It wasn't. It wasn't even close.

"Sure, no problem. Its right on my way."

In the car, he sits closer to me than necessary. I put my right hand down on the seat near him, his brushes against mine, and stays there. I look at him and smile nervously, so does he. We attempt a little more small talk but its just not happening.

Suddenly, he puts him hand right on top of mine and squeezes it gently. My god you're brave! I think. I look at him, he smiles shyly, questioning. Neither of us are pulling back so its pretty clear at this point that we've past the danger zone. My breath is so short I'm practically panting. I can't believe this is happening. My dick is already completely hard, pounding against my jeans, begging to be let out. He shifts a little closer, and I place my hand on his leg.

"I've never done this before...with a guy" he whispers.

"Me neither" I lie. Well it seemed like the truth. I'd never never felt like this, never picked someone up like this - a total stranger! - never wanted someone this bad.

"Do you want to come over to my house? No one's home." Oh god, I hope that wasn't too forward...I hope he doesn't...


Oh sweet lord, thankyou, oh, he said O.K.!!!

Words cannot describe how grateful I was to my mother for being out of town that night! Nor to the school I attended for scheduling my one class on Friday night - getting out at exactly the same time as ...

"I just realized I don't know your name!"

"I'm Nathan."

"Steven." I shook his hand with mock decorum as we got out of the car and walked into my dark, empty mansion (or at least it seemed like one that night!).

"Wow! That's a cool piano!" he says, seeing my beautiful, oak grand. His voice is quivering with nervousness...or excitement...perhaps they're the same thing.

"Thanks" I say, gently herding him towards the stairs.

"Do you know how to play it?"


"Can I hear you play something?" Oh jesus, he's not chickening out now is he? Besides, I don't think I'm capable of playing anything at this point.

"Maybe later, huh Nathan? I'm kinda tense." God that sounded dumb - I hope he doesn't think I'm an old fuddy duddy or that I'm not in the mood...for any kind of playing.

"That's okay, is there anything I can do to help you relax?" What a line, Nathan! My dear boy, you are brave!

"Sure, come into the kitchen. Do you want a beer or anything?"

"Uh..I'm only 19..."

"Oh, that's alright." Whew that was close, he's just barely legal! And I don't mean for drinking!

We each opened a beer and went over to the couch. He sits down right next to me and we both sit there, practically hyperventilating, wondering what to do next.

"Want me to massage your back?" he asks, timid, sweet, concerned - oh dear, I think I could fall hard for this boy.


He puts his long, skinny fingers on my shoulders, massaging so gently I can barely feel it. I lean back into him, felling his warm breath against my neck, his thighs pressing gently against my waist.

"Why don't you take off your shirt?" he whispers in my ear. I've never cum in my pants before, but the feeling of his breath whispering in my ear just about does it!

"Ok" His hands caress my back, and he sits up, sliding them down around my front, feeling the patch of soft fur on my chest.

"You're hairy" he says playfully.

"Do you like that?"

"Yeah!" I sigh relief, my physical insecurities thrown to the four winds. I turn around and carress both his thighs while he continues to stroke my chest. I lean towards him until we're practically hugging.

"Kiss me" I breathe. This was a risk, a lot of boys with a man for the first time don't like to try this. But Nathan is all mine tonight, he melts into me and kisses me full on the lips. I can tell he's inexperienced, but he dives into it with total abandon, like a sky-diver. His sweet, wet lips covering my mouth, we breathe into each other. I want to swallow him whole, I want to eat him alive. I put my arms lovingly around him and feel him firm, skinny back. I put my hands under his shirt and feel that tight, smooth skin. My fingers wander down to the elastic band of his shorts and slide down into his underwear. He inhales sharply and continues to kiss me deeply.

"Let's go upstairs" I whisper into his ear. Taking his hand, we walk upstairs

like two breathless children, exploring a magical castle.

"Is this your room?"


"Cool paintings" he says looking around. I can see a long bulge protruding from his shorts. I move towards him.

"Thanks" We kiss some more. "Do you like me?" he asks in that shy, sweet voice that makes me melt like butter.

"Yeah!, a lot!"

"D'you want me to take off my clothes?" even now, I can't believe my ears - to hear these words coming from such a beautiful boy...

"No...let me."


I kneel down in front of him and put my hands up his shirt on his heaving belly. I feel his belly button, and the barely detectable line of down below it. My hands wander up to his nipples, on his perfectly flat chest, pulling up the shirt half-way with them. I kiss his stomach gently, darting the tip of my tongue into his belly button, moving up towards his chest. He lifts up his arms and I pull off his shirt, sliding my hands across his torso. I kneel again in front of this young Apollo and wrap my hands around his waist exploring the limits of his shorts. My hands slip down to the proud, perky little bulge and pet it gently. Again he inhales sharply, almost like he's surprised. I look at him and he's staring down intently, almost amazed at what's going on. Then he realizes I'm looking at him and smiles.

"That feels good."

"You are a big boy, aren't you?" and he giggles a little.

Now I feel for his zipper and pull it down slowly. Its hard to get it over the tip of his cock and I can feel the edge of the head as I pull it down. My hands make love to the entire length of his legs as I pull down those shorts. And there he stands, golden, perfect body practically glowing with young, male sexuality, in nothing but thin white jockeys.

"My turn" he says.

Nathan took his time getting me down to my underwear, and inserted his fingers into the little hole for peeing, halfway between my swelling balls and the last layer of white cotton. (Does anyone actually use this feature, rather than just pulling the underwear down and pulling it out from the top? My mind wanders to strange topics at moments like this!)

"Jeez!, You gotta big one!"

"Uh huh!" tee hee.

"Can I see it?" He's almost playing like he's a little boy now, reliving those exciting first homoerotic experiments.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours" I play along.

We go over to my bed and sit on it my fluffy down comforter, leaning against the wall. Nathan pulls down his underwear half way letting his skinny, white cock pop out. I do the same. He reaches over to touch me, sending a thrill of pleasure through me - a tiny drop of pre-cum is already oozing out the tip. I reach over and caress his long, hard pole, massaging the little notch just under his head, sliding down and tickling his tight, almost hairless balls with the tips of my fingers.

Nathan leans over and tugs at my underware, so I get up half-way so he can get them all the way off. I lie back down and he kneels over me, playing with my dick. I pull down his underwear and pull him closer, putting my hands around his backside, taking his smooth, naked cheeks in both hands. I pull him down on top of me and we hold each other, kissing, our dicks pressed firmly together. He flexes his thighs and pumps against me a little, sliding our cocks against each other's bellies.

I roll him over onto his back and worship his body with my hands, carressing him all over, kissing him. I kiss his neck, biting gently (which makes him giggle) and I move

down to his nipples, sucking them, tickling them with my tongue. His turgid rod brushes gently across my chest as I move down to his tummy. He moans softly and I kiss a little trail, down past his belly button, along his hip, to his thighs, moving in, licking his inner thigh up towards my ultimate goal. I spread his legs and lick along the crevice where his leg meets his pubic area, and then down to the wrinkly section of skin between his balls and his asshole, working slowly up, sliding my tongue onto his scrotum. He's really moaning now, so am I, and I lick up the length of his dick, tracing the rim of his throbbing, hot, head with my tongue, I wrap my lips aroung that head and take him all into my mouth. He's practically yelling now, and I can tell he's never been sucked off before. I am so happy to be his first. He holds my head in his hands and pushes me down, thrusting deeper into me, I gag a little but relax my throat and actually start to enjoy being fucked in the mouth by this hard, young penis. I get the feeling from his motions and his voice that he's about to come, so I pull out. "Oh, let me do it in your mouth!"

"I will" I say gently, sitting up to kiss him "But a little later...the longer you make it last, the better it feels...take a deep breath"

He breathes, his breath shuddering in excitement.

"Do you wanna take a shower?" I ask him.

"Yeah....thanks, Steven"

"My pleasure , Nathan!"


"Yeah! I really like making you feel good!'

"I can do it to you next...if you want."

"I'd really like that, but you don't have to, if you don't want to."

"I do."

I get the shower going pretty hot, and we stand, making out, in the bathroom with the door closed. Something about being shut inside the bathroom with the water running, providing a blanket of sound to cut off the rest of the world always soothes me.. and turns me on.

We climb into the tub, massaging the water into each other's bodies. I shampoo his hair, working up a thick lather and rub the suds all over his chest and cock. I make my hands into a tube and fuck his cock with my fingers all slippery from the soap. But not too long cause a little cum starts to spurt out so I stop.

Nathan kneels down in front of me and starts to shampoo my pubic hair, and slides slippery suds all over my dick. He turns me towards the water and washed it off, then shuts off the water. I reach outside for a big, fluffy towel, and Nathan takes it from me towelling me off all over, but concentrating particularly on my painfully hard cock. He kneels down again, still dripping wet, and licks the tip of my dick, sending needles of pleasure/pain through me. He takes me into his mouth, gagging almost immediately.

"Relax your throat muscles, I say, caressing his shoulders, "go slow" He eases into it and eventually takes almost all of me, holding my balls in his wet hand. He pumps his mouth up and down on me and I feel the hot cum surging up in my vein, I try to hold it back as long as possible, and slow down, holding his head to control it more. Finally I pull my aching penis out of his wet, hungry mouth "I'm about to cum"

"Its ok, you can do it inside me."

"You sure?"

In response he grabs my waist and thrusts me deep inside him. I start squirting my load into his throat, I can feel huge streams and gobs of it pumping out like a fire hose, convulsing with intense spasms of pleasure, I'm moaning and panting while Nathan's spit mixed with my semen pours out of his mouth. He sucks me a little longer until I'm all the way through and I pull out and kneel in front of him. We kiss and I can taste my own cum in his mouth, we start to french, and I suck on his salty, wet tongue.

"Your turn." I say and go down on him. His dick was barely in my mouth two seconds before he started spurting into me, squealing with delight, pumping hard and fast. Then collapsing, exhausted, in my arms with a satisfied sigh.

Afterwards, we held eachother for a long time, panting in each other's arms, hugging our hot, damp bodies together, not even kissing but just holding, silently thanking eachother, wondering how we'll feel tomorrow, will we ever do this again?

I turn on the water, a little cool this time and we clean off the sticky spit and sweat.

As we're drying off I say, "Do you want to sleep here?"

In a way this is an even more important moment than any that preceded it. How does he feel? Does he want to stay with me? Maybe even be lovers for a little while? For a long while? Or is he embarrassed and disgusted, suddenly...I've seen it happen, does he just want to forget he tried this and avoid even seeing me from now on? Will he feel disgusted yet still come back to me just to get off, wishing I was someone else? Or will he fall in love with me? Will I fall in love with him....


And we climb, naked and dry, into bed and touch our damp hair, and press our slowly wilting cocks together, and he turns around on his side and I put my arm around his waist, curling up against him, my dick starting to painfully get hard again against the crack of his soft, smooth butt.

"Good night, sweet prince." I whisper.



"Can we take another shower in the morning?"

And we sleep.

The end. I think its trash, personally, but trash does have a certain appeal. I'm working on something with a little more literary redeeming value (hopefully) and will keep you posted (so to speak) .

Hope you liked.

PS since there are some of us on this group, lets see some contributions, folks! I showed you mine...;-)

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