Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Dec 24, 2002


Johnny and I spoke for a couple hours. No special topic or anything; we just spoke about whatever came to mind really. Talking to Johnny was far from boring no matter what we were talking about. He found a humorous side to anything and always managed to make me laugh. He sounded like the nicest guy a person could ever be friends with; I was glad he let me be one of them. Well actually, he wanted me to be more than just a friend, and I didn't mind that one bit.

Before I was ready to get off the computer and get moving to my tutoring lesson, Johnny reminded me about our first meeting. I told him there was no way I could have forgotten, and then we signed off. I was extremely excited about meeting him; I couldn't wait! As I got off my chair and began to walk out of my room, Nick walked in. Thankfully this time, I wasn't doing anything private.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked as he came in, searching for something.

"Okay, I guess, but I gotta go" I said as I reached for my school bag and headed out the door.

"Yo, where ya goin'?"

"Just out..." I replied.

"whatever," he muttered as I walked away. Just another example of when Nick pretends to care but really doesn't give a crap. Which is cool though, I hate explaining myself.

As I headed out of the house to Andy's, I tried not to be caught by my mother. Not that she wouldn't let me go out or anything, but then I may have to start answering those questions she's dying to get out of me. Where? Why? How? (You get the idea). Before passing the kitchen, I peeked through noticing my mother peeling potato's. This was my chance to tiptoe my way out. I slowly and gently made my way across the room trying not to make a sound. I had just a couple more steps before I was home-free when the stupid phone decided to ring. My mother turned around to check the caller Id and in the process, noticed me trying to sneak away. She gave me a suspicious look as I stood there with a little smile.

"You don't go anywhere young man," she warned as she looked at the caller id. "Oh...it's your father. Pick it up"

"Just let it ring mom"

"Ricky, I know you don't like him. None of us do, but if you don't pick it up now, he'll keep calling until we get fed up and decided to change our number"

"I don't see what's wrong with doing it even now," I replied as I went to grab the receiver. "Hello?"

"Jimmy my boy! How ya doin'?" He answered enthusiastically.

"Dad...no sorry, Tom. Who's Jimmy?" I asked sounded a little annoyed.

"Don't be fuckin stupid Jimmy! You're my son. I helped give birth to you dammit!" He said with a fire in his voice. He sounded really pissed, but I knew why. It was obvious right when I answered the phone.

"Tom, you're drunk. If you ever wanna talk to any of your sons, which none of them are named Jimmy might I add, you'll smarten up old man and learn how to be a father," I said as calmly as I could and then closed the phone.

My mother looked at me for a second, then went pack to peeling her potatoes. You'd think she'd be curious about what he said, but it was a common ritual at our house. Tom would call, let the booze talk crap, then get the phone closed on him. He'd do this about once a month; usually when his girlfriend, a plane attendant, was out of town and he was at home with nothing better to do but drink.

My parents got divorced 2 years ago near Christmas time (I know, what a Christmas huh?). Well, it was probably the best Christmas present anyone at my house could have gotten. My father hadn't always been an alcoholic. I remember him when I was 10 and always being encouraging in all that his sons did. Nick and I really loved him then; he seemed like the best father anyone could ever ask for. However, that perspective changed when we reached 11 years old. That was when he first had gotten himself drunk and decided to beat on us.

See, my father never went overboard with the alcohol, but when he had met this woman at his work, (who was a heavy alcoholic and coke addict), he started drinking more heavily. He would pretend to going out bowling or go to a friend's house for poker night, but really would be meeting up with this chick to get high. I, 'nor anybody else in my family, knew about this woman until after my parent's divorce when the woman, who didn't know she had broken up a family, came to apologize. Although messing up her life with bad habits, she was a nice woman. She told us how they had met and stuff like that (well, she told my mother. When my mother felt we were old enough to handle the truth, she passed the info on to us). Having booze and smoking a few joints doesn't seem like a major deal right? Well, maybe it wasn't, but fucking her sure was. And that's what they were doing. Actually, when the woman came to apologize, she was already a few months pregnant. I've never seen the child yet, but my sympathy's go out to him or her. Oh, and the girlfriend he has now isn't the same woman by the way. Yep...that's my father for you.

Whenever my father did call, although it was a ritual thing, my mother would always be sad. You'd think she'd be over it by now and move on. Like, it's been 2 years! But she really loved the man. They had met in grade school and were always great friends. So, at this time, I didn't have to worry about being shoved questions about where I was going. I gave my mother a little kiss on the cheek and walked out of the house.

I knocked on Andy's door and after the first knock the door opened. Andy's mother, or so I figured she was at the time, stood at the door with a greeting smile.

"Hi there," she said.

She looked very friendly and young. 'Probably had Andy early or something' I thought to myself. The scent of cookies invaded my nose as the door opened and the radio could be heard at a moderate volume. It sounded like rock music from where I was standing, which was pretty cool for a mother to be listening to. My mother's more into opera music; not exactly the hippest kind of music out there.

"Hi ma'am. Is Andy home?" I asked politely.

"He's in the backyard right now shootin' some hoops. You can go from the side fence," she replied.

Now I knew this was a cool mom! Not many mothers I know call basketball 'shootin' hoops'. I think I may like this one. But don't get me wrong; I love my mother very much and I wouldn't trade her for the world. That doesn't mean I wouldn't like her to be a little different though.

"Thank you" I replied.

"No problem hun. Here, take a cookie."

She put a plate of freshly made cookies in my face and allowed me to pick one. I grabbed the biggest one I found and made my way to the backyard. I took a bite out of the warm cookie and spit it out just as fast as it went it. She may be cool mother, but she sure as hell can't bake. I threw the cookie away and opened the side of the fence. The sight I was about to see next was unbelievable. There Andy stood, bare-chested with a pair of jeans and a baseball cap on. He looked so smooth, so hot, so perfect.

"You're balls are showin!" I yelled as he was about to shoot the ball. It caused him to lose his concentration and the ball went way over the net and over in the neighbours backyard.

He couldn't help but laugh which caused me to laugh myself.

"You wish they were showin' dude"

"You know it," I replied with a giggle.

"So you ready for your first tutoring lesson?"

"I think so sir"

He let out a little giggle himself and told me to follow him inside the house. The cookie scent was still there and the radio was still playing rock music, Red Hot Chilli Peppers to be exact. Andy's mother saw us enter the house and offered me another cookie.

"Oh..no thank you ma'am," I replied "They were delicious though"

"Well, glad you liked them hun. See Andy, you're friend knows good food when he tastes it"

"Okay mom.. we're going upstairs to do some homework," Andy said to her.

"Sure honey," she replied.

Andy grabbed his school bag from his front door and guided me upstairs to his bedroom. His room looked the same way I saw it yesterday.

"You actually liked her cookies?" He asked surprised.

"You kidding? Practically the whole cookie is sitting in your garbage can outside"

He laughed a bit and opened the history book. He read important facts for me in the book and tested me on what he read. I guess he just wanted to know whether or not I was paying much attention to him at all. Well, I assure you, I was paying A LOT of attention to him but not exactly listening to him. It was so hard to concentrate! He's so damn good looking and I knew he was gay. I had other things going through my mind then worrying about what happened during World War I, geez.

"You're not listening are you?" he asked suspiciously

"Heheh...how'd you know?"

"Well, you got 2 out of the 20 questions right. I just took a wild guess."

"I'm trying. It's just I can'..."

I tried to finish my sentence, but Andy wouldn't let me. He leaned forward and planted a kiss on my lips. It was a sweet, short little kiss. He moved back a little and waited for a reaction from me. I just stared into his eyes and smiled. He got the idea that I liked it and he leaned forward again. This time though, he pushed his tongue into my mouth. I've never kissed anyone like that before, so I was kind of worried whether or not I was doing it right. I tried to just go with the flow and not think too much. It actually worked and I was enjoying it big time!

As we got more into it, he signaled me to shut the door and lock it. I got up and locked the door, while he pushed all our books away. I walked back towards Andy and sat in front of him. Both of us knew we wanted to do it, but neither of us knew how to start. We were just looking at each other and biting our lips gently, hoping the other person would be able to start.

"nothing's happening," Andy whispered

"I'm noticing," I said with a slight smile. "Oh....what the hell," he said as he reached for me.

He slowly grabbed my shirt and lifted it over my head. His shirt was already off so his smooth chest was already fully revealed to me. He leaned forward again and placed his lips onto mine. We kissed for awhile until he decided to move away from my lips and gently push me onto my back. As I lay there, he made his way down my body, softly kissing me. When he had made his way down to my jeans, he unbuttoned them and pulled down the zipper slowly, while still kissing around my belly button. He then grabbed hold of my jeans and pulled them off, showing off my white Tommy boxers. He placed his hand over my crotch area and rubbed it gently. Almost instantly, my cock rose to action and a bulge was visible. Andy turned to me and flashed me an excited smile.

"Do you know what you're doin?" I asked curiously

"Umm.. I think so. I'm tryin' to imitate a porno scene. Don't ruin my concentration," he replied smiling.

I giggled a bit and let him go back to pleasuring me. He pulled down my boxers and unleashed my rod. He wrapped it around his hand for a while and started to pump me slowly. I started moaning softly and desperately waited before he would place my eager tool in his mouth. I didn't have to wait long though before he licked his lips and engulfed my dick. It felt unbelievable! The way he maneuvered it in his mouth brought me to cloud nine. I moaned a little more now, loving every minute of this attention. For someone who's never given head before, Andy was amazing. He kept a stable momentum for the most part, but as he started to realize I was getting close, he sped up. My legs began to get weak and my moaning became heavy. I warned him I was about to shoot so he'd move away, but he wouldn't. He just kept at it until I couldn't take it anymore. I shot load after load of hot cum into his mouth and he took it all.

As I rested a couple minutes to catch my breath, Andy sat there kissing my body. I still couldn't believe this was happening. When he had first moved in, I wondered like crazy whether or not he was gay. To think, I could have had him earlier, but I guess things happen for a reason. I'm just glad he's gay and that's all that matters.

When it was his turn to receive what I had, he got off the floor and stood up. I unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. He was wearing black briefs that outlined his bulge perfectly. I took out his cock and placed it in my mouth. I tried my best to do exactly what he did to me. I really wanted to make him experience what he allowed me to. I felt I succeeded when he warned me he was about to shoot. His moans started to get wilder, and he seemed to barely be able to stand up. With one last moan, he squirted his juices in my mouth as I tried to, like him, to take it all. Thankfully, I managed to do the same and felt good about it.

He collapse on the bed and tried to catch his breath. I smiled at him and went to lie down next to him.

"How was it?" he asked, breathing heavily. "Andy, it was so good the neighbors are in need of a cigarette."

We both laughed at that and kissed each other again. I checked the clock he had in his room. I figured it was time I should be going and got myself dressed. Andy did the same and helped me pack my school stuff back in my bag. He walked me to the door as I said bye to his mother.

"You gonna call me later?" he asked.

"If you want me to," I replied with a shrug.

"You better," Andy warned with a faint smile.

I waved him a goodbye and walked out of the house. As I walked back home, I started thinking about my feelings. For the first time, I think I was in love, and it felt really good. I probably don't know what love is, since I'm young and never really been in love, or believed in it for that matter. But when I think about Andy, I'd get a strange feeling in my stomach. My heart would begin to pound harder, and my hands would begin to sweat. Whatever that emotion was that I was feeling, it was nice and I didn't want to lose it.

Next: Chapter 7

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