Dream Called Reality

By RiCkY

Published on Oct 29, 2002


Here's the second part of my lil story.....hope ya like it :)

That night, I had trouble sleeping. So many questions just overcrowded my mind and I just couldn't control them enough to sleep. I was just so nervous about the new guy who moved in. And why shouldn't I be? He could be the cutest guy I've ever seen in my 14 years of life. But, then again, he may be one of those who should be wearing a paper bag over his head. I looked over at my clock....still 4:46am. I tossed and turned, but it did no good. I just gave up! I grabbed my pants and a T-shirt and slowly walked out of the bedroom as quietly as possible....

"yawn..and where are you goin'? My brother asked in a suspicious tone. He was half asleep with one eye open waiting for my answer. I just looked at him and told him to mind his own business. But that wasn't gonna end it. He liked getting his nose into other people's business. But when you try getting into his...he speaks a foreign language! "It's not even fucken 5 am, go to bed!"

"I can't sleep...What's your excuse for being up?" I asked

"You woke me up as you were getting dressed dumbass!" He gave me an angry, annoyed look not really expecting an answer. Well...maybe an apology, but I wasn't gonna give him one.

"Oh....yeah....oops" I almost totally forgot about all the noise I made trying to find my pants. Thankfully, he was too tired to keep up the conversation. He slowly lowered his head and fell asleep again. I sighed softly and left the room. I walked down to the kitchen, grabbed something to eat, and walked out of the house. It was still pretty dark outside and obviously, being 5 in the morning and being that its on my 'abandoned' street, no one was to be seen around. I started walking, not really caring where I was going, when I started hearing voices. I didn't recognize them at first, but as I walked close, I realized one end of the conversation was coming from my best friend, Kial. He's a cool guy..about 5'6 or 5'7 with dark brown hair with blonde streaks and these ocean blue eyes that can catch anyone's attention.God, just looking into them would bring you to cloud 9! I really liked the guy.... but just as a friend! Besides, he was already :( . He was talking to Derek, his one and only. HA! love can be so pathetic sometimes. Don't get me wrong, love sounds like a cool concept, but what exactly is love? There's no such thing to me. But if you ask others, they'll just say I feel that way because I've never had a boyfriend. Those bastards (haha)! I wonder what the hell they were doing at this time in the park. I guess they couldn't sleep either, aww well. I was about to casually walk by then 'pretending' to just notice them when I decided that I'm not much of a casual person. So, I slowly crept up from behind where they were sitting on the park bench, and jumped out at them!

"Holy Shit!..." They were all tryin' to catch their breaths as I just stood there giggling my ass off. It's a good lookin' ass if I may say so myself. "What the fuck man!..You tryin to kill us or somethin'!" They both just stared at me with vicious eyes and started zipping up their pants as I slowly stopped my immature giggles.

"I'm sorry...Did I interrupt somethin?It was just so tempting" If you haven't guess it by now, I'm pretty immature. I find the humour in everything and anything and as much as I hate to agree with a lot of people, it could be pretty annoying at times. But that's just me I guess :). "So, what you guys doin' out here so early in the mornin', loverboys?" I asked smilin' at them already knowing the answer.

"Well, it was the only time of the day where we thought we didn't have to worry about YOU bothering us....but you always find a way don't ya Ricky" Kial answered back with a slight grin. He wasn't being mean, just tellin' it the way it is. Sure, I can be pretty annoying at times. But hey, when your a single guy, what much else can ya do but bother the already taken dudes?

"Well, now that you ruined the mood for us, Ricky, I'm gonna go home and get a couple hours of sleep before school. Bye baby..and you too Ricky" With that Derek kissed Kial and waved back at me. Kial just smiled at his possession as he walked away swaying that perfect ass of his.

"I'm sorry.....really.. I had..eh..no idea.." I apologized as sympathetically as possible. I'm not much of a lier and I could tell he could see right through me.

"Really, don't worry about it" He assured me and we walked home together. We didn't say very much and I tried not to talk about what he and Derek were doing.....that much. But it's just way to tempting you know. I loved hearing about how great Derek is with his blowjob techniques and how great it feels on Kial's throbbing 6 and a half inch cock. Yes I know, I gotta get laid (haha). When we got to our homes, we split up and waved goodbye.

8 o'clock came pretty fast and I had to get ready for school. I packed my homework..well..my UN-finished homework and started off to school. I never bothered waiting for Nick to get up. His girlfriend's father comes and picks him up...talk about lucky. As I walked, I noticed someone walking behind me. I looked behind but it wasn't anyone I recognized. I wanted to slow down and maybe get him to say hi or somethin', but something inside me made me just walk faster. God, I tell you, if I was any shyer with people I didn't know, I'd be a mute. Surprisingly, the other guy behind me also sped up. And then I heard a voice call out something. I couldn't really make out what he was saying, but I didn't make much of an attempt to try. But whoever that was behind me didn't give up too easily.

"...um.. Helloooo?" He said running to catch up to me. I froze, scared to death and turned to face him.

"...hi..." I said. I was shivering at that point and I slowly looked at who I was greeting. Oh my god! Who is this guy? He's got to be the cutest person I've ever seen in my life!. He had these beautiful green eyes and equally beautiful blonde hair. He must be about 5'5". He had the body of a god! Not too skinny, but not big either. He was just perfect!

"Umm..did you put on contacts?" He asked. I gave him a strange, confused look. What the hell is this dude talking about. He doesn't even know me!

"..excuse me?" I asked. He looked very confused himself so I tried to say something else. "..my names Ricky, what's yours?

"Well..my names Andy" He still had that very confused look on his face as he studied me very carefully. He slowly extended his hand to shake mine. I looked at the hand for a couple seconds, then extended my hand to meet his, smiling and trying hard not to look too nervous. But God knew I was ready to piss my pants any minute now. I mean, he was adorable! Even straight guys would be nervous around this stud! Ok, maybe not, but I'm just trying to make myself feel better.

"So, where you walking to? School?" He asked

"Yeh...GreenView High" I answered. "How about you?"

"No way!..I'm going there too. It's my first day and I'm a bit on the freaked side" He said a little nervously. "I just moved in a few days ago and I don't know many people around here. hahaha.. You're actually the only person I've actually spoken to since I moved in"

"Oh...well..it's a pretty cool neighbourhood I guess. Pretty friendly. Don't worry, by the end of the day you'll feel as though you've lived here your whole life." I managed to say un-nervously and patted him on the shoulder. "So where did you move from" I asked.

"Detroit actually. It wasn't that bad of a place, but my father found a better job here in Canada so we were forced to come." He sounded so disappointed. He was forcing a smile, but I could tell he wanted to break down and cry or yell at the top of his lungs.

As we walked a bit, I think I started to realize who this dude was. So I asked him something just to be sure. "Hold on a sec..what street did you move into?" I asked curiously.

"Oh..um..65 Bernard Street" My eyes widened and I suddenly realized who this godly image was.

"Well what do ya know? We're neighbours! I live right across the street from you" I said smiling happily. He must have thought I was pretty weird to sound excited just because he lives across from me. But he seemed happy himself and covered his face in the cutest smile my eyes have ever laid eyes on. No wait..I mean the cutest smile I've ever laid eyes on. Eyes don't have eyes...oh god, I'm scaring myself!. Cool it Ricky.. You're gonna give yourself away. Just act cool and find something else to say. That's it man..just spit anything out. Anything at all... "So...um..nice weather eh?" Nice weather!? Ricky, when I said anything, I didn't mean anything stupid!

"Yeah..weathers fine" He gave me a look that I'd take back to the grave with me. It made me feel so stupid....so weird....so pathetic, I just wanted to cross the street and start walking on that sidewalk. "OHHH!..so you must be Nick's twin brother. I knew something was strange when you didn't seem to recognize me." Suddenly a lot of things started to come together and make some sence. Phew! As we came closer and closer to the school, I began to feel much more comfortable with him. I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask him about, but I figured it could wait. One real embarrassing moment for one day is more than enough thank you. But there was one question I was just dying to ask. I fought with myself to hold back and wait until tonight when he comes over, but he'll probably spend most of the time with my brother. So I decided to once again, spit it out and hope for the best..."Umm..so..you got a gir..." Before I can finish, I could feel a twitching in my nose. Oh no! Not now..you can't be serious. "A-A-A-CHEW!" And if that wasn't enough, I was facing him and forgot to cover my mouth! Ohh the pain! I seriously just wanted to crawl up and die now. Thankfully, he didn't make a big deal about it. He just took out a kleenex and 'dried' off his newly washed face. He could see how embarrassed I felt right then and there and started to giggle.

"Don't worry about it man...not the first time I've got the previlage of being sneezed at" Right then and there I realized how his smile could brighten up any situation. He wasn't like the other people I knew. In a lot of ways, he was different...a good different!. "So, what were you asking?...oh, and here's a kleenex incase you can't finish" He handed me the kleenex with a little giggle.

"Oh... I was just wondering if you had a girlfriend. No biggie" I made it! Phew! I smiled and then put the kleenex is my pocket.

He stopped for a second. It seemed as though he was thinking of how to answer me. Finally, his mouth began to open and the truth was soon to be revealed...."Shit! I left some homework at home! I gotta go back and get it! I'll see ya later" Then he ran back home. I called back and offered to go with him, but he didn't reply. So I just continued to school by myself. Was he trying to get out of the question? I thought about it for awhile, but then figured he couldn't possibly be gay. I gotta stop dreaming to much and face reality...there aren't that many of us 'abnormal' people around..sigh. I entered the front door of the school and prepared myself for more boring lectures, nagging, and loads of homework. Oh the joys of school!

Hope you enjoyed it! Plz feel free to email me with comments or critisisms! I'd love to know what you guys think

Next: Chapter 3

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