Dream Boy

By Darron, Darron The Witch, The Witch

Published on Nov 13, 2005


"A spaceman came traveling on his ship from afar, twas light years of time since his mission did start, and over a village he halted his craft and it hung in the sky like a star,

Just like a star. He followed a light and came down to a shed where a mother and child were lying there on a bed, a bright light of silver shown 'round his head and he had the face of an angel

And they were afraid. Then the stranger spoke, he said do not fear I come from a planet a long way from here and I bring a message for mankind to hear, suddenly the sweetest music

filled the air. And it went, Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah

Peace, and good will to all men and love for a child. Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah... This lovely music went trembling through the ground and many were awakened on hearing that sound and travelers on the road, the village they found by the light of that ship in the sky,

that shone all around. And just before dawn at the paling of the sky the stranger returned and said now I must fly when two thousand years of your time has gone by this song will begin once again,

to a baby's cry. And it went Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah, Nah nah nah nah nah nah Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah Peace good will to all men, and love for the child. Oh the whole world is waiting, waiting to hear the song again... Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah...

-A Spaceman Came Traveling (Author Unknown)

Dream Boy by Danny The Witch

Part III The Awakening

"...The closer you get to the meaning, the more you realize that your dreaming..."

-Heaven & Hell (Ozzy Ozborne)

"...I awoke with a yawn at the first light of dawn, and I saw him and through his disguise,

...They said there'd be snow at Christmas, they said there'd be peace on earth,

Hallelujah, Noel, be it heaven or hell, the Christmas we get we deserve..."

-Father Christmas (Emerson, Lake & Palmer)

"...Down on your knees, hear the angel's voices,

Oh night, divine, oh holy night, the night that Christ was born..."

-Holy Night (Christmas Carol)

-Chapter Eleven-

It was a dark and stormy night. The air was sultry. You could smell ozone in the atmosphere. The first lightning flash took us all by surprise. It lit up the night. I counted to myself, 'One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand' and then the thunder-- crackling across the sky as if the sky above us were tearing apart.


"Wow!!" Tommy said.

"Damn!! That was close," Sean said.

"A little over half a mile," I said.

"How'd you know that?" Sean asked.

"It's easy," I said. "When the lightning flashes you start counting, like I just did-- I counted to three, that's three seconds for the thunder to hit-- Sound travels at a fifth of a mile per second; three seconds makes 3/5ths of a mile, which is a little more than half a mile."

"That's cool," Sean said.

Tommy looked up at the street light, "They're all knocked out," Tommy said.

"Yea-- Their light sensitive, " Sean said, "the street light's-- it was a bright flash."

"Do you think it's gona rain?" I asked.

"We could turn back?" Tommy said.

"No-- I got to show you guy's this," I said.

Earlier, after I got to their house, and everyone made all their introductions, I told Sean and Tommy's parents that I needed to go to my house and get a change of clothes and stuff-- I guess my dad just wasn't himself and didn't even think to stop by the house first. Their parent's wouldn't let me go myself, so Tommy and Sean came along for moral support.

"So, what is it that you want to show us?" Tommy asked curious.

"Yea?" Said Sean.

"You'll see," I said. Just then another lightning flash. This time we all saw the bolt, criss-cross through the sky, and then head towards the earth.

"That one hit ground!" Sean yelled.

"Yea, " Tommy yelled.

I counted out loud, "One one thousand- CRASH!!

We all dropped to the sidewalk-- the thunder was so loud, holding our ears with the palms of our hands.

When we stood back up, we all noticed that the power was going out all over the area-- first one side of the street, then the other, and then further up the road, and so on. After a few moments-- everything was dark.

"Spooky," said Sean.

"Damn dude, if our parents had any idea a thunder storm was coming this way, they never would've let us walk all the way to your house," Tommy said, "Come on-- let's hurry or our folks will be worried."

We all walked speedily at that point. Suddenly, I heard more thunder, coming from a ways a way.

"That's weird, " I said, "Didn't see any lightning that time."

"That's 'cause it's not thunder, " Sean said pointing towards the west, low to the horizon."

"Fighters," Tommy said.

We all watched dumbfounded as two f-4's came screeching past at a low level and flying slow, the noise was deafening.

"Phantoms," I said.

"What the hell?" Sean said.

While we were all looking up, there was another lightning flash.

"Did you see that?" Sean asked.

"Yea," Tommy said.

"See what?" I asked, and then-- KABOOM.

"Keep looking," Sean said pointing upwards towards the clouds directly overhead.

I watched, my eyes fixed to that spot in the sky-- We were all silent. I could hear the Phantom's circling back 'round again.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Shut up-- Keep watching," Tommy said.

After another minute, there was another flash-- this flash let up the entire clouds from the inside--

"Did you see it?" Sean asked excited.

"Yea, " I said. What I saw, I did not expect, not in the middle of a surprise thunder storm, in the middle of a power-outage, no light, no street-light's; darkness.

"Yea but do you know what it is?" Tommy asked me.

"Yea-- It's one of those fucking ships!" I yelled. I saw the silhouette of a medium sized space-craft-- dark-- oblong in shape, suspended in mid air-- big!!

Just then the f-4's came screaming by again, and behind them, about a half mile came two more screaming Phantoms.

"Come on," I said, "Let's go." Suddenly wanting to get the hell out of here.

"Wait," Sean said.

"No Sean-- Let's go now!!" Yelled Tommy.

We all ran, the rest of the way to my house.

When we got to my house, Sean and Tommy followed me into my back yard. I got to the garage and I dialed the combination to the Masterlock, and then lifted up the garage door.

Once we all got inside, I took out the pendant from inside of my pocket, "Look, " I said showing the pentagram to them both.

"Your one of us now," Sean said.

Tommy reached for the pendant and slipped it around my neck, fastening it behind my neck.

"I've got to call my folks," Tommy said, "They'll be worried."

I pointed to the door that led inside the house, "Phone's inside- - use the kitchen phone, on the wall," I said and Tommy went inside the house.

I lead Sean inside the darkroom and turned on the eerie red light.

The torn up film and the projector were both gone-- apparently my dad had cleaned up all the mess.

"So, what did you want to show us?"

"Come on," I said and Sean followed me into the house. We passed by Tommy who was on the phone his part of the conversation was:

'We're fine-- Yes the power is on here.'

'Yes, I'm sure.'

'I don't know.'


We waited for Tommy to get off the phone.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"We need mercury," Tommy said.

Sean looked at Tommy with wide eyes. I hunched my shoulders.

"Do you have a thermometer?" Tommy asked me.

"Um, yea in the bathroom," I said.

"No-no a big one, like the kind you hang on the wall," he said.

"Oh, there's one in the garage on the wall over my dad's work bench," I said.

"Be right back," Tommy said and walked out towards the garage again.

I hunched my shoulder's again and motioned Sean to follow me into my bedroom. When we got inside, I opened my closet. I threw all my tennis-shoes and high-tops out of the way, and pulled up the piece of carpet underneath. Then I removed the board that laid loose under the carpet that revealed a hole in the floor board. I reached past the water pipe that ran directly under the whole and fished around in the dark, I had to reach down pretty far, and then squeeze my finger's to the left where I'd stuck it-- hidden out of view in case someone stuck a flash light and looked down here.

"Where are you?" I said out loud. Suddenly my finger's felt it, "Ah ha-- there you are!" I grabbed the plastic bag and lifted it out of the hiding spot passed the water pipe again.

Sean leaned down to see what I had. I untied the plastic bag. Just then Tommy came in holding the Beaches Thermometer.

"Is this it?" he asked, "This is what you wanted us to see?"

"Yea," I said. I opened the bag and pulled out the 8mm film and held it up for them to see.

"That's the film!?" Tommy asked amazed.

"Yea," I said.

"But I thought-" Sean started

"-It was a trick," I interrupted, "I switched the films-- one of my dad's porno's. everything else was a distraction-- I peed and threw up all over the film and tore it to pieces and then broke the projector hoping to cover my tracks--"

"But, how'd you know the police wouldn't look at a frame and know what you did?"

"I didn't. It was a hunch."

"I don't understand," Sean said.

"Well, I've watched Starsky & Hutch a lot as well as Streets of San Francisco, and on those shows the police never just hand out evidence," I said.

"Yea-- you're right," Tommy said, "Usually they make a person come down to the evidence room."

"Right," I said, "But, it was my hunch that in this case, they didn't have to do that because-"

"They made a copy," Sean said.

"Yup," I said.

"That's genius," Tommy said.

"But still, how'd you know?" Sean asked.

"Know what?"

"-Know that when the police came back to collect the film they wouldn't look at it closely."

"The police never came here," I explained, "My dad cleaned up the mess and threw the film away without ever looking at it."

"How'd you know that?" Sean asked.

"Because, when I talked to the detective in the hospital, all he knew was that I destroyed the film-- he didn't know any details."

"Genius," Tommy said.

"Only problem is, is we need the projector now," I said.

"Don't worry about that," Sean said, my dad has a film viewer at home."

"Let's go," Tommy said. He had managed to separate the glass tube of mercury from the holder it was in-- he handed it to me.

"What's this for?" I asked.

"It's holy water," Tommy said, "Don't put it in your pocket, hold it your hand."

"I don't understand," I said.

"It's protection," Sean said.

"Protection from what?"

"Don't worry about it-- as long as you got it, you won't have to worry about it," Tommy said, "Now come on-- let's go."

We all left the house through the garage again. And started the trek back to my friends' house. The storm seemed to have passed by, because there was no more lightning.

"That was weird hu??" I asked.

"What-- the ship?" Tommy asked.

"Yea," I said.

"Yea-- It was weird." Tommy said. I observed Tommy and Sean exchange looks at one another again.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothin'," Tommy said.

I looked at Sean questioningly.

"It was probably just a fluke," he said.

"I told you about that abduction dream I had," I said.

"Yea-- It's probably just a co-incidence-- " Tommy said. They both seemed reluctant to say any more.

"You ever seen anything like that before?" I asked them.

"Yea once," Tommy said.

Sean nodded affirmative, "Yea, once before," and looked nervously at the glass tube of mercury I was holding in my hand. So did Tommy. I glanced down at it myself.

"You want to know a secret?" I asked.

"Yea sure," they said.

"For a minute there-- I thought that ship was going to abduct me. I was pretty scared."

Tommy responded with a nervous chuckle. Sean didn't say anything.

"You watch too many alien shows," Tommy said, and then we all laughed.

I looked back down at the mercury in my hand, "So, what's this for then?"

"Well-- Look at it like this, it's kind of a Talisman--"

After several moments of silence I decided to change the subject, "So, any ideas how I could be in a film and not know it?"

"Maybe," Tommy said.


"I'd rather wait until I had a chance to see it," he said.

"Me too," Sean said.

"But--" I prodded.

"Well, okay, " Tommy said.

"There is a black magic system, our folks told us about that-" Sean started.

"That would," Tommy continued and looked at me questioningly, "That would allow an adult to be able to possess a child."

"You think that could have happened?" I asked.

"Can't be sure until we see the film, " Tommy said.

Sean said, "It's unlikely because, supposedly the child has to be consensual - You said you saw what may have been a magical mark on the other boy's palm?"

"Yes, a triangle," I said.

"But, did you see any kind of magical marking on your body?" Sean asked.

"No," I said.

"Well, than that's probably not it then-- I mean it could explain why you don't remember but--" Sean said

"But--" Tommy continued, "You would probably remember if you participated in any kind of magical ceremony that would have opened yourself up to this type of possession."

"Besides that," Sean said, "You said you recognized nuances and stuff of yourself and your friend-- if the two of you were possessed, all of your nuances would be different."

"Okay, then what else could it be?" I asked.

"You really want to know?" Tommy said.

"Yea," I said.

"I think THEY are fucking with you--" Tommy said pointing up towards the sky in a kind of whisper, "-fucking with your head."

"I don't understand-- you think-- you think I was really abducted by aliens?"

Sean and Tommy didn't answer.

Why would the Eons do that? I thought they were my protectors?? You both said they protect-"

"THEY aren't they Eons--" Tommy said.

"Then who are they?" I asked.

Tommy didn't say anything. I looked at Sean. Reluctantly Sean said, "They're called The Greys."

"Come on, Let's stop talking about this, let's just hurry back se we can all see the film." Tommy commanded.

"But wait," I said rather sternly, "Come on, I've been honest with you guys-- stop holding out on me!"

Tommy and Sean looked at each other.

"Are you saying that the Greys are they bad guys? 'Cause I told you about that dream I had where they've been helping me-"

"Okay, here's the story..."

And this is what they told me:

Basically they told me that there are two forces at work in the world that could be said are extra-terrestrial in nature although that's not exactly true. The Eons, which have been here like forever, and The Grey's.

The Eons are highly advanced both intellectually and spiritually and they are totally benign and only want to help us to achieve higher levels of truth and spirituality. They basically act within the will of the one who loves us.

The Grey's however can be either benign or evil and basically act according to their own will-- they can befriend us and even help us but usually at best they develop a relationship with us that is based on mutual needs , in other words, a mutually beneficial relationship with themselves usually benefiting more than us. Typically, they help us along as they need to and when we're no longer of any interest to them, they can turn rather cruel. Although The Grey's act according to their own purposes, because they utilize deception they primarily act within the will of the one who wants to destroy us.

Now, the Eons are basically in conflict with the Greys, in fact they are at a state of war with each other and have been for a very long time. The Eons could probably kick the asses of the Grey's any time they want but, they have entered into a type of agreement with the Grey's-

I suddenly asked, "Is this why my red lights didn't try to protect me if I really got abducted?"

"Yes, " Tommy said, "They have agreed not to enter into any kind of direct battle with the Grey's."

"Why?" I asked, "If they can kick their ass-"

"Because, " Sean said, "It's complicated-- Mankind would suffer."


Tommy continued:

"Basically mankind as a whole needs the Greys because remember when I was explaining earlier to you that someone has been controlling the eco-system of the planet to prevent entropy from breaking down nature on earth into a chaotic system?"


"Well-- The Grey's are the one's who have been doing that-- so they're kind of a necessary evil-- If it wasn't for the Grey's the earth's eco-system would have broken down and become chaotic millennia ago-- in fact, it happened one other time."

"The great flood?" I asked.

"Yup," Sean said.

"Anyways, The Eons don't have anything to do with that-- they are primarily spiritual-- they don't have bodies, the human race is dependent on the Grey's to continue to keep the nature of earth balanced-- if they were to suddenly decide to say 'fuck it, we're out of here-' and leave, the earth would die.

And it was further explained:

In order to prevent that from happening because the Eons care about us, they entered into an agreement with the Grey's not to directly interfere with their 'experiments'

However, the Eons usually take interest in those that the Grey's have taken interest in-- and the Grey's definitely took interest in you first-- the Eon's came along to balance out their deception.

I said, "Are they interested in you too?" I asked.

"Yes, They were-- They're interest in us was basically you." Tommy and Sean told me.

"What's their interest in me?"

"You can manifest," Tommy said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'll explain more later, we're almost home-- but, you can alter reality-- they don't know how you do that-- they want to find out."

"Oh," I said as if I understood but I really didn't.

When we got inside the house we said hello to my best friends' parents and then rushed off as soon as we could into the garage where the film viewer was.

Tommy loaded up the viewer machine, and then asked, "Ready?"

"Wait," Sean said, "We need popcorn."

"Shut the fuck up Sean!" I said.

We all laughed. We needed that.

Then Tommy started the machine.

On came the screen:

Love Boys - Color Climax

And then there I am again writing a note in big block letters. The note reads:

"Nothing in this

World is what

It appears to be"

"Wait a sec-" I yelled. "Stop it."

"What?" Tommy said as he stopped the editor.

"That's not what it said before-- before it said: 'Somewhere in the past every man finds himself'. This is fucking weird!"

"Just start again," Sean said.

Tommy started it and I continued to watch:

The whole first part of the film is exactly the same as I remembered it. There I am in the park in the forest with my friend Scott. We decide to show each other our dicks. Scott pulled his pants down, and just after he starts touching my dick he then notices something that attracts his attention to his left. He's pointing towards the camera. I look too.

I hadn't noticed this part before-- perhaps it was there but I didn't notice it like now. Scott walks over towards the camera. You can clearly see the triangle on his palm now. He's directly in front of the camera now when he gets this goofy confused look on his face, and then suddenly a smile.

"Wait!! Stop it again!" I said.

Tommy stopped the film.

"Okay go back-- "

Tommy rewound.

"Does this thing have freeze frame?" I asked.

"No, but I can slow-mo it," Tommy said.

Tommy started the film in super slow motion. What I saw amazed me. Scott gets real close to the camera, and then that sudden weird look comes over him. Suddenly, Scott's face loses all expression. Then in the next frame you see a light shoot out from the direction of the camera directly into Scott's eyes. A moment later Scott's face becomes re-animated, and then that smile emerges on his face.

"Totally fucking weird-- What is that all about?" I asked.

Sean and Tommy didn't say anything.

Tommy cranked up the motor speed and got the film back up to 18fps.

Everything in the film from this point on is different than the first time I watched it.

It went like this:

Scott then turns back towards me and walks back to where I am standing. And then Scott starts wrestling with me.

Scott's characteristics and nuances are remarkably changed. He has become sophisticated in his actions, and experienced.

Scott suggests we strip down to our underwear, and I oblige. Then we start wrestling again. Scott keeps trying to pull down the back of my underwear, and playing along I do the same with him. Before too long we both have our underwear off and we are naked.

We stop wrestling. Scott keeps momentarily playing with his boner and I do the same since he has established this to be okay.

Scott suggests we try oral sex, and although you can't hear any sound you can tell by the gestures this is what he is suggesting. He indicates that he will go first.

I watch as Scott approaches my lap, and start sucking on my boner. I really get into it. I grab the back of his head and try to force his mouth all the way down my erection. Scott finally breaks free of my hold and looks momentarily perturbed but then insists that it's my turn.

Scott lays down on his back as I lean down on my knees and started sucking his dick. He grabs the back of my head also and holds my head still as he humps my mouth. I suck Scott's dick for a minute or so and then I break free of Scott's grasp.

We are now both incredibly hard. Scott suggests that we butt-fuck. I can see Scott mouth the words 'butt-fuck' He nods and points to his own chest indicating that he goes first.

Scott reaches into a pocket in his pile of clothes and pulls out a tube of lube. I get on my hands and knees on the grass doggy- style, while Scott lubes up my hole with his finger. While Scott is lubing up my hole that is when you can clearly see the image of a pentagram on his upper left hand.

Scott gets into position behind me, and fucks me in the butt. I seem to enjoy it. After a few minutes Scott gets off of me and it's now my turn-- I think Scott is going to chicken out but he doesn't. He lays down on the grass on his back while I grab the tube of lube. Scott lifts his legs up into the air as I use a finger to lubricate his hole. I then climb into position sticking my cock up into him.

Again Scott's behavior seems like an adult in a kid's body-- very sophisticated. He starts to moan and groan. He motions for me to lean in closer to his face and when I do, he wraps his arms around my head and we French kiss while I continue to fuck him. After a couple of minutes I stop, and we continue kissing-- and then the film ends.

"Holy crap!! The whole film is different-- than the first time I watched it!!"

Tommy and Sean looked at each other and then Tommy spoke, "We were wrong-- this is definitely possession only it's your friend Scott who's getting possessed."

"But-- whose possessing him?" I asked.

"It's obvious isn't it?" Sean said, "The viewer."

"Who?" I asked.

"Who ever watched the film last and did it." Tommy said.

"You mean?" I started.

"Yea-- someone else has watched the film since the last time you saw it-- at a certain moment when Scott is starring into the camera you can jump in and take possession of him."

"I've never heard of such a thing," I said astonished.

"Well, we have," Said Sean.

"It's why that experience is a black-out for you, after a certain point because it keeps changing-- The experience manifests differently each time it happens, before that point where Scott approaches the camera, the experience always remains the same and that's the only part you can remember-- everything after that is a black-out because in a sense, it's still in the present and can still change."

"I have to confess I don't exactly understand, you saying it's a kind of time travel?"

"Yes & no, it's called manifestation. Scott was open to possession and you had the power of manifestation, which is the power to change the present by changing the past."

"I have that power?" I asked astonished.

"You didn't know that?"

"The Grey's told me in that dream that they were manifesting for me."

"They lied-- You're the one that has been manifesting."

I changed the subject, "What does that saying at the start mean?" I asked: 'Nothing in this world is what it appears to be'

"Don't know-- we'll have to ask my dad," Tommy said.

"He'll know," Sean said, "Our dad knows everything."

"Hey," I said, "I don't really understand all this manifestation stuff-- you say I have this power- How do you know?"

"Because," Tommy said, "You've manifested everything."

"I don't understand," I said.

Sean chirped in, "There are many powers that the Eons can give you through knowledge in order to combat the Grey's-- There is one power that even the Grey's don't understand and has been coveted by them and kings since the fall of the magical ancient of days and the new age of Kingdoms. This is the power of manifestation. Jesus is quoted as saying, 'Did ye not know that ye were gods?'-- It's god-like power to change reality-- In the olden days they called it the power of the Wiccan-- which was translated witch. The word Wicca actually means 'to bend' literally to bend reality-- The Eons gave you the knowledge directly into your sub- conscious no doubt, and sub-consciously you've been doing it ever since."

"I have?"

"Yes," Dereck said, "Yes you have and the Grey's know it and that's their interest in you."

"How does it work?"

"It mostly works while you dream-- It's like you send a thought back in time and then as it unravels back to the present it changes reality as it goes along."

"Well, how come I can't remember doing this?"

"You can, " Sean said, "If we hypnotize you, but consciously you don't."

"Oh, "I said.

Just then Tommy and Sean's dad walked into the garage, "Tomorrow's Christmas Dereck-- we have a big surprise for you."

"Cool," I said.

"Dad?" Sean asked.


"What does this phrase mean: 'Nothing in this world is what it appears to be'

A surprised look for just a moment on their dad's face and then a look of understanding; he said, "It's the dogmatic expression of a basic truth that you know already," he said.

"I do?" Sean asked.

"Yes, It is the basic supposition of every true mystical, cabbalist, Gnostic, and occult belief system on the planet since the beginning of time. The logic works like this: that any meaningful truth of a spiritual nature in the world is hidden-- We must seek it to find it-- It's wear we get words like Kabahlah and Occult in the first place-- Occult means 'hidden' and Kabahlah means 'secret'. There is only one pre-supposition; why is it hidden, the supposition is, which is ancient, that the truth is hidden behind an illusion; the world is a satanic illusion and nothing is what it appears to be--"

"Holy crap," I said.

Sean and Tommy's dad laughed but then his look took on a greater seriousness. He said, "Dereck-- I hear the truth that comes out of you in reverse. You're involved in something-- I think it would help, if I shared something with you. I'll be right back."

He left the room and we all looked at each other curious.

I said, "So, we really are witches?"

"Silly rabbit, " Tommy said, "Tricks are for kids."

Sean and Tommy's dad came back into the garage-- He momentarily looked at the film editor-- and then at me-- and then said, "To understand that, you must understand this--" He handed me a book, in black leather. Sean and Tommy looked at each other questioningly. "Welcome to thirty three degrees."

I looked at the cover, it had a symbol of a white pentagram superimposed over a black inverse pentagram. Underneath it read 'The Satanic Lie.'

"Come on Sean, Tommy, let's go watch TV., and let Dereck read the book. The Peanuts Christmas special is on"

A moment later I was alone, with a secret book.

I laid down on one of the bean-bags in the corner of the garage, and opened it up to page one. It read:

The Satanic Lie.

Nothing in this world is what it appears to be.

The world is an illusion and has been since the dawn of the age of kings.

The illusion is as convincing as the truth.

The truth is that Ye are Gods.

The lie is that you have no power; that all truth and power is invested in kingdoms.

The truth is that what ever ye believe becomes true.

The kingdom's of the world have created and maintain an illusion for the masses that is called The Satanic Illusion. The illusion is darkness in all spiritual matters.

They tell us that we are born and live and then we die and there is nothing we can do about that.

They tell us that we get sick, and suffer disease, and become old, and die in wars and in accidents and are the victims of crime and in all matter of death do we die.

The truth is that nothing can harm us that we do not believe in.

Ye are Gods. Whatever ye believe is reality and whatever ye do not believe can not harm you.

The power of God is within you, and only to Him are ye accountable; to no man will you be held accountable.

We bow down to no man.

There is only one law-- Harm no one. Ye are sovereign, ye are powerful, and ye are gods.

As it was before the illusion in the days of old, the days of magic, the days of Enoch, before the dawn of the Satanic age; the age of kingdoms, the age of darkness upon this world; which lasts 10,000 years.

Whatever ye believe in your heart weather it be good or weather it be evil will be.

As it is above, so it is below

As it is in heaven, so it is on Earth.

As it is within, so it is without.

Let no man fool you--

The greatest of lies, is the great lie; which is great for it is believed by many or most, the more that believe it the more convincing it becomes.

And here is the key to faith, for faith will manifest that which is believed in the heart into the world. The heart will believe what it hears from it's own voice; the tongue- spoken out loud. The more the tongue speaks, the more it is believed by the heart, and the more it is manifested in dreams. So beware, those that have eyes to see and ears to hear- watch very carefully what you say for the power of life and death; of heaven and hell, lies in the tongue. Remember always, that ye are gods and in His image you create with the spoken word.

I closed the book, and suddenly I became very sleepy. As I started to fall asleep I whispered to myself, "I am a god."

And then I awoke from the strangest dream I ever had in my life...

Do you believe in magic in a young girl's heart

How the music can free you whenever it starts And it's magic if the music is groovy

It makes you feel happy like an old time movie I'll tell you about the magic that will free your soul

But its like tryin' to tell a stranger about a rock 'n' roll If you believe in magic don't bother to choose ,

If its junk band music or rhythm & blues just go and listen It'll start with a smile it won't wipe off your face no matter how hard you try

Your feet start tappin' and you won't seem to find how you got there It just blows your mind

It's magic If you believe in magic come along with me will dance until morning

'till its just you and me And maybe, if the music is right I'll meet you tomorrow late at night

You'll go dancin' baby then you'll see How the magic's in the music and the music's in me

Do you believe in magic... yea Believe in the magic of a young girl's soul Believe in the magic of rock 'n' roll Believe in the magic that can set you free Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm talkin' about magic Do you believe like I believe? Do you believe like I believe? Do you believe in magic? Do you believe in magic?

  • Do You Believe In Magic? (The Lovin' Spoonfill)

Next: Chapter 8

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