Dream Boy

By Darron, Darron The Witch, The Witch

Published on Sep 5, 2005











"...Three is a magic number, yes it is, it's a magic number.

SOMEWHERE IN the ancient mystic trinity you get

three as a magic number; THE PAST and the present and

the future; faith and hope and charity; the

Heart and the brain and the body give you three as a magic

number. It takes three legs to

Make a tripod or to make a table-

Stand, it takes three wheels to make a vehicle called a tricycle.

EVERY triangle has three corners

Every triangle has three sides, no more no less, you don't have to guess when it's three you can see

it's a magic number,

a MAN and a woman had a

Little baby, yes they did, they had three in the family, that's a magic number, three, six,

nine, twelve,

Fifteen, eighteen, twenty-one, twenty-four, twenty-seven-

thirty, three, six, nine, twelve, fifteen, eighteen, twenty-

one, twenty-four, twenty- seven, thirty...

Dream Boy by Danny The Witch

"Come to me children, and follow my way into the world of darkness and magic. With all my power I'll show you the way to all your dreams, hopes and illusions."

-Magic Melody (DHT)

"...The Love.... The Dream.... The Love... The Dream.... The Love... The Dream...

...Open Your Eyes And See... Yea, Yea, Yea... A place where nobody dared to go, the love that we came to know, they call it Xanadu. And now open your eyes and see, what we have made is real we are in Xanadu... ...The dream that came through a million years,

That lived through all the tears, it came to Xanadu..."

-Xanadu (Olivia Newton John)


On the ride home, I kept turning on and off my psychic eye-- man, was this a trip-- I was seeing and hearing all kinds of things. It was a trip. Not all of it good either; like for example, this one intersection they've installed one of these new koo-koo signals for people who are blind-- you know the ones-- they go koo-koo-koo- koo-koo-koo when the sign turns to walk so blind people know that it's time to cross the street. Anyways, somebody must've pushed the walk button 'cause the thing starts going koo-koo, you know, like it does, and at that moment I had popped open my third eye and I heard what it was saying backwards: "Don't look-don't look-don't look-don't look--," man that was a trip! I wasn't scared though because I already went through that-- I got a little mad though thinking that some kid may hear that message subliminally and die right there in that intersection. It made me want to come back in the middle of the night and take a baseball bat to those little koo- koo horns, and I was actually planning on doing just that-- but then thought the better of it-- I really didn't want any one in authority to have any suspicion that I have these powers-- 'maybe they know about us, and maybe they don't,' I thought to myself, 'but-- if THEY DO know us about us, I don't want them knowin' about me!' I thought. However, I DID put it in my mind that somehow, someway very soon those little koo-koo horns are going to bite the dust, even if I have to pay someone to do it.

"Evil fucking bastards," I said out loud. I realized just then that I was starting to develop the same attitude as Tommy, which I had thought until now, was a bit intense. They really are trying to kill people.

I was riding along after that, trying to figure a way I could do an end to the NEW AND IMPROVED intersection without getting caught and without taking an unreasonable risk, when I realized I hadn't turned my eye off.

I passed a sign for Disneyland, that read: Experience The Magic Kingdom, Christmas Fireworks Spectacular-- and backwards it read: See You At Disneyland, Dreams Come True. That kind of startled me, 'Dreams come true,' I thought to myself, 'Wow! If dreams come true, I got some really way out there dreams, dreams that have live-action and cartoon characters at the same time-- damn, and I dream in Technicolor too!!"

I turned my eye off, or actually split my eye, as I was already thinking of it now. And that sign for Disneyland really distracted me from my angry thoughts about the evil koo-koo.

On the rest of the ride home I kept thinking about Disneyland-- Wow, how I would love to go to Disneyland with my third eye-- damn!! For some reason, I just had this intuition that-- there'd be a lot of mind-blowing stuff to see with my psychic eye-- I don't know why, maybe not-- but for some reason, intuitively, I imagined all kinds of subliminals going on at the magic kingdom-- and all positive-- not this evil shit I kept seeing and hearing all over the place, like the koo-koo.

I wondered to myself if Walt Disney had been one of us, but, wouldn't he have regressed to being a kid?? And, I heard that he died-- like from lung cancer or something-- so how could he have been one of us?-- And yet I couldn't escape this intuitive thought that said 'yes he was' to me over and over.

Now that I thought about it-- I realized I really didn't know that much about Walt Disney. Here was a guy, who basically turned his mind inside out and shared it with children for all time-- and children love him, including me-- the closest thing to a hero, I think I ever had. Walt Disney, I mean what kid doesn't love Disney-- Disney movies, Disney stories, Disney anything-- Disneyland is like a kids dream come true-- no adult could ever think to make something so perfect and so spectacular.

Now my mind was wondering to anything that I actually DID KNOW about the man who invented animatronics; bringing animation to the real world-- I mean there's just something about the idea of combining animation with reality that seems, well-- magical. And it seems to me, if anyone has watched ANY Disney movies at all-- the main theme is ALWAYS magic. So, I figured, he believed in magic.

My mind recalled an episode in the seventh grade, during chapel, which we had to go to three times a week-- and listen to some sermon that usually went way over our heads, like the Pastor was talking to a bunch of grown-ups, like he didn't know he had a chapel full of kids-- and a captured audience at that. Anyways, his name was Pastor Egg-- I can still remember because that's such a funny name-- Have you ever noticed that more people have funny names than you'd ever think? As if God was playing a joke on them or something-- Pastor Egg (give me a break), one time during chapel did something really cool-- well, we all thought it was cool, AT FIRST. What he did is he had brought in a film, and film-projector into the chapel (which seemed kind of sacrilegious right there), BUT-- it gets better. He turns off all the lights in the chapel except for the lights on the alter, which for some stupid reason have to always remain burning during services, as though God would send a lightning bolt and burn up a hundred and seventy five children just because the A.C. accidentally blew out a stupid candle; that it would piss God off THAT bad if one of those dumb candles blew out-- which we all had to take turns lighting, all of us boys-- never the girls, and we had to put on this stupid gown which went all the way to the dang floor, and once while walking up the steps to the alter, I tripped on the stupid gown and everybody laughed-- I hated being an alter boy after that-- I mean crap-- I'm a boy, I'm not used to knowing how to walk with a friggin gown on!! Don't they know that? It's dangerous!

Anyways, Pastor Egg, starts up this film, and it turns out to be a Disney film-- man, all the kids had to be thinking the same thing right then as me right like, how in the hell did we all get so lucky to get a Pastor that could be this friggin' cool-- to show us a Disney film during chapel.

Actually, it was clips from various Disney movies, starting off with a clip from Phantasia, where Mickey Mouse is the sorcerers apprentice; and then clips from other movies also-- Snow white And The Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, and other ones too, I forget all of them. Then he turns the film off and he starts his lecture about how all of these films expressed occultic symbology-- whatever that meant. He was talking over our heads again, and I could tell none of us really understood what the hell he was talking about.

Then eventually he starts talking about Walt Disney. He goes on to say that Disney was a secret Freemason, which I had never heard of before, and made it out to be like some kind of a devil-worshiping Satanic cult or something or other. He said that Disney was a pervert and smoked himself to death and got what he deserved and was right now burning in hell.

Man, let me tell you, what happened next has got to be the best day I ever had in school so far-- It was a like a revolt. It was incredible. I could hardly imagine such a thing happening. He almost started like a kid-riot. Pastor Egg couldn't go on with his sermon because he was ACTUALLY getting booed by the kids. I mean these kids were really upset-- there were even a bunch of younger kids that were actually crying. I mean the whole experience was like great and horrible at the same time. The adults couldn't get order back in the chapel, it was like a real-life scene from Rebel Without A Cause or something, and eventually quit trying and just sent everybody back to their respective classes.

It was incredible. I heard one older kid yell at the pastor, "Mozart was a Freemason, you- you - stupid Pastor"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry-- man, but I was definitely impressed. I realized then something I hadn't known before, something I never would have believed if I didn't witness it for myself-- You CAN NOT tell kids that Walt Disney was evil. They will go ape-shit on your ass- I don't care WHO you are-- if you're the pope or the president. It was fantastic.

I remember also, that that Pastor actually got fired-- which was no big loss-- everybody hated him anyways-- he was always talking about the devil and we were all going to go to hell, because we couldn't control our damn selves, and our impulses and our urges and we didn't know at the time what the hell he was ever talking about-- only that he was scary and intense and probably didn't like children which seemed like the stupidest thing in the world because WHY would he be a kid pastor then?? It didn't make any sense-we were all glad to see him go, but how all that went down was the most interesting part.

I remember, once we all got back to class-- everything went back to normal and nobody even brought up the Disney-slandering event, but the next morning, I still remember that was when THE FIRST parent showed up to the school, mad as a drunk farmer just got pissed on by a skunk; I mean shit this guy was crazy mad-- walked right into my first period spelling class, yelling and screaming, 'WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE-- IS SOMEBODY GOING TO PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON AT THIS SCHOOL!!!"

We all stared at him in shock-- I'd never seen an adult act out like this before, we were all like frozen-- Oh crap-- it was scary but funny at the same time-- to see an adult cut loose like that on a teacher-- our poor teacher, Mrs. Deer (Damn, there's another funny name-- its BEYOND co-incidence, I'm telling you!) We all loved her, she was so nice, and never once ever raised her voice. Man, this kid's dad, I found out later was the dad of a new kid that just transferred into our school like one week earlier. Anyways, this kid's dad is just GOING OFF. She gets the boy's father to go outside, and she closes the door, and you can hear this guy yelling from inside the classroom.

Some of what I can remember is:

"What kind of fucking ass-hole would try to traumatize fucking kids like that for."

"Where is He?"

"Go ahead and CALL the police"

"I don't give a shit lady-- I'm not leaving until SOMEBODY comes out here and EXPLAINS what the hell is going on here!"

A bunch of kids, including me, got out of our seats and went and knelt down under the large window trying to see what was going on. The principal had come out, and now all three of them were talking, the man apparently talking a lot calmer now after the threat to call the police. A couple of minutes later the teacher comes back into class-- and she's visibly shaken, I mean she's literally trembling. This was a SITUATION we all could see that.

Finally, the guy and the principal apparently went inside the office to talk, and everything seemed to calm down-- THAT WAS until the next irate parent showed up.

Oh My god-- it was like, amazing to me-- this is what I learned-- No one can talk shit on Walt Disney to a bunch of kids and get away with it. No less than five parents showed up to the school-- all dads-- all mad, maybe not as EXPRESSIVE as the first dad, but all steaming-- it was incredible-- all over the Disney guy-- who I have to admit-- He was my hero, but, I had no idea, how revered he was. He was like an Icon-- no doubt about it - A modern day fucking Icon-- It blew my mind.

So, I wasn't sure, but I think that day in the chapel, I learned two things I didn't know before, And I wasn't sure it was true, but that Disney was a Freemason, and so what Mozart. And still to this day, I didn't know what that has to do with the price of corn- dog's in Chili, but now that Tommy mentioned the Freemasons again, as well as that riddle I was working on earlier this morning-- that's now three times the Freemasons have popped up in just one day.

"Make a mental note," I said to myself, "Find out more about The Freemasons."

By the time I got home it was a little past eight thirty. I walked right in the back door, and my dad was standing right in front of me, in the kitchen, as soon as I came in. As soon as he looked at me this quizzical expression came about all over his face. Oh crap-- I had completely forget in all my musings on the ride home, that I was looking quite a bit younger although I hadn't yet seen myself in the mirror-- I was going to do that when I got to Tommy and Sean's house but got kind of distracted after we got there.

My dad was silent for a bit and then said finally, "Did you do something to your hair?"

"No," I said.

"Humm, You look different somehow, but I can't quite place it," my dad said, "Are you sure you didn't do something to your hair?"

"No, " I said, "And hi to you too."

"Bye the way," my dad said, "Your hair's gettin' kind of long-- your startin' to look like a girl."

"Oh," I said.

"We got a new T.V.-- you want to see it?" he asked.

"Sure," I said.

We walked into the living room, and there was my mom and the new television. A pretty nice console-- really huge-- Of course I'm talking about the projection T.V.

"Geeze dad, that must've cost a fortune," I said.

"Well-- it was worth the investment, since we all watch T.V.- - well, we all USED to watch T.V. anyways, maybe I thought you'd watch more now that we got a better T.V."

"Dereck, turn around," My mother said.

I turned around, and my mom had that same curious look on her face.

"That t-shirt's way too big for you," she said.

"I think it looks good on him," my dad said, "I must have bought it for him. You know Janet, a kid has got think about style, or he get's picked on."

"No-no- It's not that, you look different somehow," my mom said.

"It's his hair," my dad said, "He did something to his hair-- I told him it makes him look more feminine."

"You told me it makes me look like a girl," I said.

"It does NOT make him look more feminine," my mom said, "all the boy's are wearing their hair longer now-- what was that you were saying about style John?"

"Well-- If that's what ALL THE BOYS are doing now is looking like girls-- fine-- far be it for me to criticize," my dad said.

"What did you do to your hair anyways?" My mom asked.

"Nothing-- I didn't do nothing to it."

"You didn't do ANYTHING," my dad said.

"That's right-- I didn't do anything to my hair."

"Well you HAD to of done SOMETHING," my dad said, "obviously, you look different-- I THINK you made yourself look more feminine," my dad said.

"I don't think he looks feminine at all," my mom said, "I THINK he looks younger."

'Oh crap!' I thought to myself-- Woman's intuition-- they're always better at noticing stuff than most guys.

"Umm, I'm really tired, and I'm not feeling well can I go to bed?" I asked.

"Come here," she said motioning me over to her. She put her hand on my forehead, "You don't have a fever," she said.

"Sore throat," I said which was true my throat was kind of sore.

My mom put her hands around my throat kind of feeling around the glands and stuff, always thinking she's some kind of a doctor or something-- which I put up with because she actually did complete nursing school- like a million years ago.

"You're glands don't feel swollen," she said, and then turning to my dad she said, "John grab me the pen-light from the utility drawer."

"Ahh geesh mom, it's just a sore throat-- no big," I said.

"This'll just take a second," she said, "I want to see if there's any swelling-- you could be catching strep-throat, you know its been going around at your school."

"Its not strep-throat-- its just a sore-throat," I said-- "probably will be gone by morning."

"Well, let me just check then-- or do you want me to take you to the pediatrician?"

"Okay, okay," I said, because I really did not like the pediatrician.

My dad walked over with one of the pen-lights that he uses for his job as an electrician, turned it on and handed to my mom.

"Okay, you know the drill," she said.

I opened my mouth and went "Ahhhhhh," like they always tell me in the doctor's office, just before they make me strip to my underwear-- Why do they always make me do that? It's like I want to tell them-- I have a sore throat-- there's nothing wrong with my private parts. One of the reasons why I don't like going to the pediatrician-- It seems like I always end up having to show the doctor my private parts no matter what the hell we went there for. It's like this:

My mom: Hi doctor, my son says he has a headache.

Doctor: Okay, I'll check him out. Ok, Dereck, strip down to your underwear.

Me: (Strips down to his underwear)

Doctor: Okay, let's have a look. (Checks my pulse, respiration, blood pressure, my heart, my throat, my lungs, my reflexes, everything on my damn body EXCEPT my head) Okay, everything seems to be normal, now drop your underwear...

"I don't see any swelling but, this is damn peculiar," my mom said.

"What, What is it?" I tried to say with just vowel sounds which came out more like, "Wha Wha I I ?"

"If I didn't know any better, " my mom said with a little bit of awe and confusion in her voice, "I'd say your tonsils grew back."

"Honey--," My dad said, "You have to be mistaken, maybe its a swollen gland.

"John-- I know tonsils from a swollen gland-- Come here and take a look at this," she said to my dad.

She handed my dad the pen-light. I then opened my mouth again while he shone the light in there.

"Say Ah," my dad said.


"This IS the damndest thing-- It DOES look like tonsils!" he said.

"That's it, you're going to the doctor in the morning," my mom said.

"Mom-- " I started to speak, but hesitated for a few seconds to come up with something.

"Yes?" My mom said, and then said when I didn't immediately respond, "Look honey, I know you don't like the doctor's because they check you down there-- BUT, -"

"No- It's not that mom," I interrupted, "It's just that-- It's not a big deal-- kids grow their tonsils back all the time."

"Where did you hear that?" My mom asked.

"Everyone knows it-- I read it in a book, from the library-- if that happens they recommend that you don't have them removed again until you're an adult-- 'cause they'll probably just grow back again."

"Are you fibbing-- Just 'cause you don't want to go to the doctor?" My mom asked.

"No, It's for reals. You want me to check the book out again and show you," I bluffed.

"And this was a real medical book--" My mom asked.

"Yes-- It was called Our Bodies Ourselves-- A book for teen- agers." I said.

"I don't know, " my mom said, "What do you think John?"

"I don't even know if the insurance will cover removing them twice-- I say leave them in, he can have them removed when he get's older."

Thanks dad, I thought to myself.

"Well okay, but if you get an infection, we're going to the doctor," she said.

I nodded.

"If your throat is still sore tomorrow-- you're going to the pediatrician,"

"It won't be," I said.

My mom nodded, "You better get to bed honey, you might be coming down with something anyways, I'm telling you strep throat is going around"

"Night Dad, Night Mom," I said practically running out of the living room and down the hall. Damn that was close-- If it hadn't've been for my clever distraction, she just might've seen that I was really younger--my mom almost figured it out.

I got inside my room and started putting my pajamas on, but before I got the pants half way up I already realized they were a bit big for me. I took them off-- I didn't want my parents seeing any of my clothes too big on me. I kept my shirt on and turned out the light and jumped into bed.

I almost fell right asleep. I was actually very comfortable. My feet weren't pushing off the end of the bed like they usually did. I laid there on my back and didn't quite fall asleep but entered into this kind of twilight sleep state. It felt very nice. There was this really nice buzz in my head that felt good. This was not new to me- - I had experienced this hypnogogic state before-- I liked it, but it had been awhile-- I wasn't sure how long it had been.

I had my eyes closed, and all kinds of images were forming. It was really cool. All I'd have to do is just think about something-- anything, and an image would form in my mind almost instantly.

I also started hearing music. The most beautiful music. Now, I know what you're probably thinking, harps and violins and flutes and stuff like that right?? Wrong. This was different-- It wasn't rock and roll because it had no beat-- BUT, it sounded just like electric guitars-- like hundreds of them, all in perfect harmony-- the combined resonations all intersected into a single sound--the most beautiful sound I think I had ever heard. It wasn't loud-- it was soft and the resonation was in perfect frequency with the vibration in my head. The music seemed to drift from one note to another, kind of like a gentle fade, rather than an abrupt change from one note to the next. At one point the music got so loud it actually startled me that I was hearing this all in my head and it shook me out of my trance.

I opened my eyes momentarily, realizing I was still awake. I then closed my eyes again, and allowed myself to fall back towards sleep, and be quick to catch that certain level and hold it there-- just before you fall asleep.

I got it-- I started hearing the auditories (I called them), this time no music-- voices. I would hear that a lot. Hardly ever anyone talking to me-- just bits and parts of conversations-- really mundane stuff; just a word or two, maybe three-- all different voices-- men, women, children. Nobody I recognize. Like I said saying real mundane stuff, like 'How was work?' or 'The coffee's cold,' stuff like that-- and I never heard the other end of the conversation-- just a couple-three words and then I'd hear another voice.

This fascinated me-- one time I tried to tape record myself repeating out loud what I would hear to look for any kind of a pattern, but every time I spoke out loud-- I'd break the trance. I would try to remember everything I heard till the morning and write it down, but I could never remember.

I was also fascinated by this phenomenon because, I don't know-- this is going to sound weird-- but, like I told you earlier, I'm a bit of an audiophile, and I have experimented with doing my own recordings and stuff like that. I know about background noise and THD and all that stuff, and well, like I said-- this is going to sound weird but I'm a good listener, and in-between each of the voices there was perfect silence, but just a fraction of a second before I would hear a voice, I would hear back-ground noise come in-- just as though it were a recording being played back. The noise was low, but compared to perfect silence-- it was certainly there-- than after the voice, I'd hear that back-ground noise and then it would cut completely out and go back to ambient silence again.

I had gotten to wondering if these were actual sound memories - stuff I'd heard-- parts of conversations at a restaurant or wherever, and in this hypnotic state my mind was going through and playing back some of those sound-files.

Although I have to say, that didn't feel right-- no-- I didn't know where these voices were coming from but they were human voices and they were all just regular sounding people-- just people I didn't know. Ah, maybe my imagination. If this phenomenon WAS my imagination, then I wished I could notate that hundred guitar music I heard-- I would make a fortune.

That was the last thought I remember having-- I guess I just quietly slipped down the rabbit hole without even knowing it.

Somebody spoke and I went into a dream...


And now a quick word from our sponsor:

Let's all go the lobby!

Let's all go to the lobby! Let's all go the lobby and get ourselves a drink!

And get ourselves a drink!

And get ourselves a drink! Let's all go the lobby and get ourselves a drink!

And now, back to the presentation:

In my dream I was with my mom and dad in the car; a '72 Mercury Station Wagon, with fake side-wood paneling and the whole nine yards-- very suburban. I guess we were on a camping trip because we were stopped at one of those rest stops along the highway-- it was late at night and completely deserted-- we were the only ones there. My mom had gone into the rest-room to go pee, and my dad had snuck off over by a large oak tree to have a secret smoke.

I was sitting in the car alone. My dad had left the key's in the car and being bored I turned the key to accessory and turned the radio on. They had it tuned to some hick station because that was the only thing that would come in. The station was a little off- tuned so I adjusted the knob and brought it in clear enough-- they were playing the song The Devil Went Down To Georgia. We could have BEEN in Georgia for all I knew.

I kept waiting and waiting for my parents to come back and it seemed like they were completely gone. I was getting a little scared. I got out of the car, and did a stretch, you know, like reaching your arms high up in the air and leaning your head way back. I was doing that and looking strait up into the night sky-- there were stars everywhere-- so many and so bright I thought the sky could fall at any second weighted down by all those stars.

Then I got to star-gazing, and that's when I spotted this one particular star that was moving. I watched in awe, and realized after several moments that it was actually descending-- it was getting bigger. At first I was getting excited.

"Hey Dad," I yelled looking over towards the old oak tree, but I didn't see any sign of my dad.

"Mom, dad," I called out-- "Where are you guys?"


I looked back up and the star was quite big now and quickly getting bigger. This was amazing. I was totally in awe. I stood there and stared for several more moments, feeling totally lucky to get to witness this-- wishing my parents could see it too though. But suddenly, I got a cold chill. The star appeared to be coming strait down to where I was standing. All at once, my mood changed. I didn't like this. I was getting scared.

"Oh, no, not again," I said out loud, not really understanding why I said that.

I jumped inside the car and locked the door. I honked the horn really long. Still no sign of my mom and dad. I was leaning over the dashboard looking up into the sky and staring at the now extremely large light coming directly down towards the car.

I honked the horn again. Nothing. No parents.

"I've got to get out of here," I said out loud.

I grabbed the ignition key, and tried to start the car-- nothing, not even a click-click sound.

I grabbed the door handle and opened the door and jumped out of the car running for the restroom. I looked up and their was a large spaceship hovering over the rest-area parking lot. It had all kinds of blinking lights on it and it was spinning around and around in a counter-clockwise motion. I froze in fear. I saw this light come down from the ship, in like a beam, like a spot light, and next thing I know I feel myself lifting up into the night air. I try to fight it but there's nothing I can do. Higher and higher I go, towards the ship which is up about a thousand feet.

And then, darkness...

I didn't know where I was. Everything was totally pitch black-- as dark as an Oregon cavern. I couldn't see anything. I was sitting though. I felt around, and I was in some kind of a buggy, I know because I could feel the cold steel of a roll-bar in front of me I opened up my psychic eye-- and still nothing-- total darkness. I couldn't even see my own hand right in front of my own face.

And then suddenly I heard a voice in my head. It sounded neither male nor female and I also couldn't put an age on it. It had no accent what-so-ever.

"We would like to commune with you," the voice said.

I spoke inside my own mind, "How do I know I can trust you?" I asked.

Another voice spoke, "We won't hurt you."

I was wondering where my red lights were since I was feeling a bit scared. I thought they were supposed to be protecting me.

"You are not in any danger," the other voice spoke and they continued to alternate back and forth like that.

"Yea, but how do I know you're telling me the truth?" I asked.

"Don't be afraid," the voice said and suddenly the lights came on. I was on a ride at Disneyland. I knew which one it was too. It was the ride in Tomorrowland sponsored by The Monsanto Company-- I always called it The Monsanto ride-- anyways, it was really called Trip Through Inner Space.

I remember once, this ride scared the begeezes out of me so friggin' bad it actually traumatized me, and it was like over four years before I ever got on it again. Now it was one of my favorite rides. I had been about six years old at the time, and in the ride, it supposedly shrinks you down way way small but from your perspective everything's getting way way bigger and bigger.

We were in the part near the end of the ride just before you get shrunk down to smaller than an atom. Snowflakes were projected on the walls and ceiling around us, the size of boulders. Of course at that young age I was completely buying the whole illusion-- I really believed I was that small. It was fascinating, and I wasn't scared, that is until the ride suddenly stopped and all the power went out. The snowflakes disappeared and I found myself in utter total unbelievable darkness. I was just a wee bit afraid of the dark at that age and I held together for about a sum total of five whole minutes and then I felt something cut loose in my emotions and this baby FREKED OUT!!!!!

My parents new it was coming. They tried to keep me calm, but they could feel me trembling in my seat. I really was good for FIVE minutes-- which at that age when your really scared is being pretty damn good.

I screamed, and started a whole train-reaction of little kids freaking out all around me. It was like a dog barking in the city-- after a few minutes every dog in the neighborhood is barking up a storm.

I'll tell you this though, no one else was screaming. I was the only one. Other kids were crying but I was the only one doing the full on ear-piercing screaming. I thought if they didn't turn the lights back on soon, I might not walk out of this ride with any of my senses left.

I wanted to jump out of the car but I thought I was really really tiny, and it was also dark underneath of us. I was convinced we were floating in like mid-air over an ocean of utter blackness. An eternal fall awaited me if I jumped out of the car.

Finally my parents got me to stop screaming. After a few minutes they FINALLY got the ride going again, but by then I was a total space-cadet. My parents told me that I walked around for the next hour just bug-eyed and starring off into nothing. I wouldn't talk. I snapped out of it after about an hour though. My dad joked about it and told me that the teen-agers who run the ride do that on purpose just to scare little kids. He didn't make me laugh.

So here I was on The Monsanto ride again, and the lights just came on. Well images projected on the walls around me. Not giant snowflakes though. They were scenes from my life.

In the first scene, I'm nine years old, and at the start of it, I was watching these images on the wall, but suddenly I found myself transported through space and time, and next thing I know, I'm standing not to far away from myself, looking at myself when I was a nine year old boy-- I mean it was like I was really there. I was aware of two entities standing next to me but I couldn't SEE them.

On this particular day when I was nine years old, I was playing by myself during the summertime in the grounds of my elementary school. I was making a secret wish. A wish I never told anyone about ever.

What the secret wish was, was I was wishing for a friend. And a few minutes later, against incredible odds another boy my own age happened along that was EXACTLY what I imagined in my fantasy, he was even dressed exactly how I imagined him. He acted and talked and looked exactly how I had been fantasizing. A really really cool kid. A PJK, is what I used to call them-- a really really cool looking boy; the kind that never talked to me. I wanted a PJK as my very own friend. Anyways, AND, HE ASKED ME to be his friend.

I watched the whole thing happen again in front of my own eyes.

I turned to my unseen hosts and said, "Are you guy's telling me-- YOU did that??"

I saw an invisible head nod an invisible nod.

Then suddenly we move through space and time again. Now I'm a little older. I was ten, and me and my unseen hosts were across the street from my school. On the other side of the street is me, being chased by a bully that had at that particular time been terrorizing me for nearly three weeks. I was running down the street and I needed to get away desperately. I made another secret wish.

I made eye contact with their invisible eyes.

The wish was that I could leap over this fence that I was running alongside. And I did exactly that. I had meant to climb it, but it really seemed that I jumped up, and in one incredible movement just twirled myself right over the fence, which was about six feet high. In about two very incredible seconds, one in which I seemed to suspend in midair as my body swung over the top of the fence. I landed on ground on the other side of the fence. The bully didn't even try to follow me, knowing that if I ran now, I'd be too far away for him to catch up to me by the time he got himself over the fence. He starred at me in wide wonder from the other side of the fence and just walked away.

The younger me had walked over to the drinking fountain then, and made another secret wish- that this kid would disappear. I remember, I never saw him again after that. Somebody told me when school started again that he had moved away.

I raised my eye-brows, "You guys did that too!!"

Affirmative they said without saying a word.

They took me through several other scenes in my life, and showed me some things I can talk about and some other things that they said was a secret just between us. They told me that they have been communicating with me since I was very little. They were studying humans, and in particular they were interested in human imagination; fantasy and the like, and considered themselves to be kind of like wish-fulfillers; 'manifestation' they called it-- for certain people. Apparently, they help certain people whom they choose to 'manifest' their secret wishes and desires for them. I asked them why they chose me, and that's one of the things I promised to keep a secret.

Then, I found myself back in the buggy, exiting the Monsanto ride. The buggy came to a stop and on either side of me was an extra-terrestrial. They were both short, about four and a half feet tall, maybe a little smaller even. They had very large heads, and giant eyes. The one on my left released the roll-bar for me, and then put a long finger over his lips as if to make a hush sign.

"Now remember, " he said inside my mind, "Don't tell anyone about the things you promised to keep secret."

"Okay," I said.

And then he added, "Not even God."

I woke up in a start-- trying to sit up immediately, but realizing I was already sitting up; my eyes wide shut, thinking to myself, 'Not even God!?' -- For some reason that really startled me, 'How can you keep a secret from God?' I wondered to myself, 'And why would anyone want to?'

When I opened my eyes I realized I was not in my own bed, in fact, I wasn't on a bed at all- I was sitting on a couch. I looked around, and noticed I was not in my own room-- I was not in my own house.

I looked down and realized I was not wearing the same clothes I had been either-- I was now shirtless-- whereas before I had my over-sized shirt on, and now also I was wearing a pair of plaid pants. I also didn't think that my body looked right.

I got up off of the couch and walked over to a console television set that was on the other side of the room, apparently I being in the living room of who-ever's house this was. When I got over to the TV, I turned it off so I could see my reflection in the tube. I was definitely not myself. I was a boy of about sixteen or seventeen I would say; long, dark sandy blond hair, about six foot in height. I then turned around and headed back over to the couch but before I got there, there seemed to be a jump in the continuity of time; finding myself more or less at the beginning of my trek towards the television which was turned back on again. When I got to the TV (for the second time), I decided to just leave it on. It looked like a late night movie was just beginning. Words came on the screen like at the beginning of a movie. I then turned around AGAIN and headed back towards the couch (which was also a very gaudy plaid). When I got there I sat down and propped my feet up on the coffee table directly in front of me. I thought I was alone in the house, and I might just fall back asleep and wake up in my right body in my right house.

I watched the television screen in front of me, words came on the screen: it said: 'Majestic 12 Films Presents -Possessed By Lust.' What is this, some kind of a porno? On the local broadcast 7? I don't think so-- 'Well MAYBE, I HAD heard that sometimes those guys at the TV studio, real late at night, get drunk and watch porno's and sometimes get the broadcast tape mixed up with the damn-tape their watching in another video machine, that's off-line. Actually, I've heard of that happening before, like, quite a few times even. The next day at school I'd hear all about it-- and I'd be kicking myself thinking, 'You mean If I'd just snuck out of bed at 3:00 in the morning and quietly flipped on the TV to channel 9 I could've watched an honest to God porno?!'

Then the screen went black, and up came a test pattern with an Indian. 'Oh well,' I thought to myself and I slouched way back on the couch preparing to sleep.

Like I said, I thought I was alone, but a moment later a young boy came walking into the living room from my left dressed only in a pair of white briefs. He appeared to be a solid ten years in age; a white boy, like myself. He had very long, shaggy light blond hair which fell completely over his eyes. He was holding a yellow plastic cup in both hands like a very young child being overly careful not to spill it, which he handed me, and then sat down on the couch next to me on my left.

I looked in the cup and it was water. I was a bit parched I realized, although I didn't understand why. It seemed to be quite warm in the house. I took a few gulps of the water and then set the cup down on a lamp-stand on my right. I then leaned back on the couch wondering what to make of this interesting situation. 'Was I having a dream?' I thought to myself. But, it seemed much more real than most dreams are.

Suddenly, the boy scooted over so that no he was sitting directly next to me now, now occupying the space that had been in- between us, his leg was now touching my own. He was looking up at me with this puppy-dog look of admiration or even, it seemed to be mixed with infatuation. I looked at him for only a moment and then fixed my attention towards the television again, noticing that the Indian had gone away-- 'Maybe they were having technical difficulties,' I thought, 'And maybe the movie's back on now' which I could not hear since there was no sound.

I stared at the tube in amazement as I focused and realized I was seeing the two of US-- me, whoever I was and this kid sitting next to me-- except the view was from a forward angle like someone was standing right there in front of us, filming us-- but no one was there. It was like watching one of those TV sets they have in the liquor stores now, where you're on video when you walk in the place-- You're standing there staring at yourself seeing yourself on TV-- it was like weird- magical. I remember me and my friends we're always pissing off those liquor store guy's 'cause we'd be waving our hands in front of the TV camera and stuff. Only those monitors were all in black and white, and this was in color. My eyes were wide. I was awestruck. It was like there was a TV camera somewhere right in front of us-- but where?? It would have to be like right where the TV is!! I was waiting for Allen Funt to shout out from off screen, 'Hey-- You're on Candid Camera!!'

I kept looking forward, mesmerized, watching what appeared to be a movie, which was like us on LIVE TV or something-- 'This HAS GOT to be a dream,' I thought to myself. And although my gaze was fixed forward, awestruck by the television, the boy took no notice of it what-so-ever, like it was completely my imagination. This kid would not stop staring at ME, he never once looked towards the television-- Me on the other hand couldn't force my eyes away from it! The boy was now resting his head on my shoulder looking up at me with big wide eyes that yelled in silence 'please please pay attention to me.' I glanced at him again just for a moment then turned forward again. Still neither one of us said a word to each other. I was getting something in my head though-- a name-- I think it was Phil or Phillip or something like that, I wasn't sure.

The boy's put his hand on my left leg, starring at me the whole time. I didn't know what to do-- Was the boy intentionally trying to seduce me? Well, if he was it was working, I was starting to get a boner. Neither one of us said a word. Was this a dream? Was this my imagination? I definitely was picking up the intuition that this boy was-- what can I say?? Interested in me. And then, as if to confirm my suspicions, the boy slowly started moving his hand up my leg closer and closer to my crotch. I continued to stare at the TV, totally hypnotized, and acting totally passive and eventually his hand made its way to my lap, right on my boner. I passively shook my head no several times, but without any emotion behind it.

After a moment, I suppose for him to build his courage, the boy started to rub my erection through the thin material of these pants that I was wearing, that were not exactly sweats, but something light for sleeping in, not exactly pajamas either. I guess I wasn't wearing any underwear underneath because I could feel the boy's hand as if he were touching my cock directly. I shook my head several more times in a no gesture which again lacked any seriousness. I glanced at him again-- he had this expression on his face of total infatuation, a pleading, hopeful, 'don't make me stop' look. The boy completely ignored my head nodding gesture, which at this point didn't surprise me. He seemed perfectly willing to have me just sit there, and offer no resistance. This was really strange-- If I didn't know any better, I almost felt like this boy was molesting me-- me the older one-- he seemed to be acting sexually in a way best described as amazingly precocious-- If I didn't know any better, I would suspect that he wasn't really a child, but an adult in a child's body. He was making me feel, anyways, like I was really the younger one here; an exact reversal of roles.

The boy then reached for the zipper on my pants to unzip them, which he did. I shook my head no again, but the expression was becoming much weaker-- much less pronounced, as if I was saying, no, no, no, I'm supposed to say no, but don't stop. And then he unzipped me, the entire time I am shaking my head no, but my heart was saying yes yes yes.

And then he spread apart the lapels on my pants, unsnapping my pants in the process, and pulled my cock out. It was semi-erect, and he held it in his hand. He was now no longer staring at me, but kind of slouched in a very casual way, resting on his right side, over my stomach, as if touching my dick was his only intention. I was now looking down and watching him masturbate me. His gaze was fixed on his own hand now playfully stroking my cock, but every few moments he kept flicking his eye-balls up to make eye-contact with me.

I knew what he was up to, he was reading me, looking for any objection. When his body leaned forward a bit; his head moving towards my dick, I attempted one last time to shake my head saying no, but now my expression completely betrayed me-- the expression seemed to say now, 'whatever--' you know how you do sometimes when you see somebody do something stupid or silly, you shake your head like saying 'Whatever'.

He moved his face a few inches away from my dick. He flicked his eyes up at me, making eye contact with me once more. All I could do was keep shaking my damn head that way-- no, no, kid--- Your first time should be with someone your own age. 'But,' I thought to myself, 'What the hell? This was a dream right?' Only thing was is, for some reason, this really didn't FEEL like a dream.

And then he put it in his mouth. As soon as he touched his warm lips to that part of my flesh, my dick started inflating to full hardness. Looking at him, going down on me, all I could see was hair-- His face lost in a jungle. It reminded me of that one character in Peanuts-- the boy with so much hair you never ever saw his face. I half expected to see a wooden stick sticking out of the back of his neck indicating that he was wearing a mop, all messed up like you often see kids this age; just grab your head and shake all the hair up, and your ready to go out, that's the style. It didn't look bad though-- I have to say this boy was adorable as hell.

Looking at the anatomy of who-ever I was, I was quite mature-- I had a bunch of pubic hair-- like a full grown adult. My cock was fat, and big, about seven and half inches, I'd say. The boy was still holding onto it with one hand, gripping it in a fist, and sucking on it with his head turned at an angle as if he were working on a tripple-dipple ice-cream cone, trying to lick and suck all of it before it melted on a warm summer day at the beach.

The boy managed to pull his briefs off of himself with his other hand, and was now lying back on his side again, using one hand to manipulate himself as he sucked me-- never taking his lips off my cock-- I still had my arms crossed as if to tell him-- 'You really shouldn't be doing this-- I'm rather disappointed with your actions you know. Maybe I should just have a talk with your parents when they get home.'

I was now staring at his own anatomy, which he was tugging and pulling at with the two finger method. He managed to get himself quite hard, and was stroking it fast as he sucked on me slowly. He had no pubes at all, and his dick, at full hardness was about three inches. He was circumcised, and he had this fat little head on it, all swelled up like a small balloon, where his thumb and forefinger kind of hooked tightly in a circle right there at the base of the head, kind of using the knob on his dick as a catch to prevent his fingers from flying off the end of his dick, making kind of an OAK sign with his thumb and forefinger and three out-stretched fingers as he jerked himself.

I leaned back and closed my eyes, wondering if that was tempting the dream to dissipate. With my eyes closed, feeling the boy's tongue, against my cock, I began to get this intuition that this boy was a kid I was babysitting. That I was the boy down the street or something, and somewhere along the line this blond beauty began to develop hero worship towards me and then full blown infatuation-- I was picking up vibes that this boy had fantasized this event at least a dozen times and now was just acting out the fantasy, as though it were a screen-play he had practiced over and over, fully rehearsed for opening night. I was not about to do anything now to interfere.

And then suddenly the warmth of his oral cavity was gone. I opened my eyes, just in time to see the kid running naked off out of the living room. I sat there for several moments wondering if this was real-- I was pretty sure this was a dream-- and yet I couldn't shake the feeling that this was really happening.

A moment latter he came back-- holding in his hand an economy sized jar of Vaseline. He knelt down on the carpet next to the couch and opened the jar, dipping two fingers inside of the jelly, and they applying it to my cock.

The next thing he climbs up onto me, straddling me, facing me while he squatted over my lap. I watched in amazement as, I felt him fist my cock, guiding it to the appropriate spot, and gently sat down on it, using his body weight to force penetration. His face, which I could now see being that he flicked his hair out of the way showed no hesitation or indecision, nor was he straining-- He got about an inch of it in and then stopped, starring at me with over- sized puppy dog-eyes, the expression on his young face still the same as from the start-- happy infatuation. He really was quite adorable. He had that look, with the long shaggy hair and all, which was a throw-back to the early to mid seventies, back when we all used to look that way, all of us kids. Some kids don't look good with long hair, for others it seems to fit them naturally-- even making them more attractive-- Whether or not they had long hair, it didn't really matter-- we were all trying to look like movie-stars, they way we dressed, they way we talked, acted, and the hair had a lot to do with it-- but like I said, most of us couldn't play it off-- the look wasn't right-- but for some boys it was PERFECT, -- not only were they symbolic of that time period; the way they wore their hair, the way they dressed, their looks everything-- but it just came out perfect-- just like they were movie-stars on their way to the movie-studio. For some reason we all thought of ourselves as movie-stars back then-- It was just part of that era. Anyways, for most of us though, the styles weren't successful and often looked really dumb on us, but like I said except for certain boy's-- well- it was just perfect-- we even had this expression, amongst my friends, when we were referring to another boy that was that way-- perfect- - we would even say to them, 'perfect job' you know-- 'cause their clothes, their hair, it was all perfect-- they were movie stars!! We called them PJK's, which stood for 'Perfect Job, Kid!' because that's what we'd say to them. This boy was DEFINTELY a PJK, I was even tempted to say out loud, 'Perfect job, kid!!' but decided not to disturb the silence that was working so well.

We were locked into eye-to-eye contact as he let gravity ease my cock another inch up into him. Then he stopped for a moment, and then sat down an inch lower, stopped, then an inch lower, stopped, until about half my cock was penetrating him. Then he started fucking himself, as he lowered his body the rest of the way-- his ass getting closer and closer to my abdomen as he moved up and down on it.

We were still in eye contact as he was fucking himself on my- or whoever I was' cock. This little smile came over his face, just for a moment, and then vanished, as though it were a ghost, at the same moment using one hand to flick hair out of his face. Up and down up and down he was going now, working his way up to full in-out penetration. I started meeting his down humps by raising my pelvis.

God, his hole was tight, but I wasn't fooled, this boy was experienced one way or another; either he'd been fucked before, or else he had a nice collection of Dildo's hidden under his bed, for secret nocturnal use.

After a few minutes of fucking in this position, he suddenly got up, my cocking exiting his rectum with a large popping sound. He held eye contact-- his expression did not change-- not the trace of a smile-- just that puppy-dog-love look.

Then the boy stood up, and turned around so that now his back was facing me, and his profile had that 'That-Girl' look which again I found particularly attractive on certain boy's-- I think also because it reminded me of when long hair on young boy's was really really in. In fact, not only did this kid look like a throw back to the early seventies, but he looked like he was on a movie-set!

The boy then climbed up on top of me backwards, and squatted back down on my dick, using gravity again to slide all the way down. He laid down on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around his chest. He then started trying to fuck himself, but his position was a little more awkward. After a few moments in this position the boy motioned for me to bring my legs down from up off the coffee table where they had been resting, which I did, placing them flat on the floor. I was amazed what I saw him do next, in order to get better leverage. He actually lifted his legs up until he managed to get his feet up on top of my calves. And then, he could lift himself up and set himself back down with full penetration which is exactly what he did, I holding onto his ass with both hands, to keep his balance. It was phenomenal!!

The kid was fucking himself pretty good-- I was totally passive-- the only thing I was doing was raising my hips to meet his own thrusts, and using my hands to push and pull on him in synchronicity. The boy allowed me to fuck him like this, using both my hips and the hands on his ass, to build up a nice tempo.

The kid began making moaning and groaning sounds. He kept stretching his neck backwards to look up and kind of backwards to make eye contact with me as I fucked him-- man, this kid was hot!! He was now masturbating himself I fucked him.

I started feeling an orgasm coming and continued to fuck him this way for another minute or so, while he kept looking up back at me, eye to eye, with that, 'Oh God-- thank you' look on his face. I had, once again, this terrible feeling that I was actually the one who had been successfully seduced-- I don't know why.

When my approaching orgasm seemed unavoidable, I pushed hard on the kid's ass, literally lifting up off of my cock. The boy continued to rest on top of me on his back, as I jacked myself with one hand reaching in between his legs which he still had spread wide apart; his feet flat on top of each calf. I jack and jacked, and suddenly irrupted, the lava flowing all over the kids testicles, literally submersing them.

In the post-orgasmic rest, just before I actually closed my eyes, I took another glance at the TV screen, and it was back on the test pattern with the Indian and the full feather head-dress-- I then closed my eyes and immediately I felt a movement-a feeling of vertigo which lasted for a minute or two which was actually quite uncomfortable-- like the first time I smoked a joint with a friend, as soon as the high hit me, I shut my eyes tight, until the vertigo passed as I was doing now-- as soon as it passed and I opened my eyes again, I was laying on my own bed, in the darkness of my own room, lit only by the light of a full moon, seeping through the curtains of my bedroom window.

As I glanced in that direction and as I looked up was just in time to catch two brightly lit Eons flying out of that same window.

"Hey do you know about the USA. Do you know about the government. Can you tell me about the constitution? Hey learn about the USA. In 1787 I'm told our founding fathers did agree to write a list of principals for keepin' people free, the USA was just starting out a brand new country And so our people spelled it out the things that we should be And they put those principals down on paper and called it the constitution And its been helping us run our country ever since then The first part of the constitution is called the preamble and tells what those founding fathers set out to do.

WE THE people in order TO FORM A more perfect union establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and OUR posterity do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

In 1787 I'm told our founding fathers all sat down and wrote down a list of principals that's known the world around. The USA was just starting out, a brand new country. And so our people spelled it out they wanted a land of liberty.

-Preamble To The Constitution (School-House Rock)

"Come take my hand, you should know me, I've always been in your mind.

You know I will be kind, I'll be guiding you.

Believe your dream has to start now there's no other road to take,

You won't make a mistake, I'll be guiding you. You have to believe we are magic, nothing can stand in our way. You have to believe we are magic, don't let your aim ever stray.

And if all your hopes survive, destiny will arise,

And bring all your dreams to life, for you..."

-Magic (Olivia Newton John)

"Picture yourself on a train at the station, marmalade portals, and looking glass ties,

Suddenly someone appears at the turnstile; the girl with kaleidoscope eyes...

...Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and your gone..."

-Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Beatles)

Next: Chapter 6

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