Dream almost happend

By ten.nozirev@1semajhplar

Published on Nov 12, 2005



It started out like any other day. It was a long one filled with irate customers at the store who would settle for nothing less than a pound of flesh. I was finally able to escape to my apartment for what I thought would be a quiet evening leading to another night filled with bad dreams that would ensure I woke up tired again.

I had just turned off my computer after checking my e-mails and was lying in bed reading when there was a loud knock on the door. This was very unusual, not because it was after 11:00 a night, but because I am single with no life other than my jobs. Expecting the worst, the police or fire department evacuating the building again because of a fire, but I was not expecting who I found leaning against the doorframe. It was Ben. Ben was a good kid, except that he really wasn't a kid any more. I have been teaching him to play the piano for a number of years, and he is by far the best student I have ever had the pleasure of teaching. He was very studious, driven to the point of distraction, and at this point, very drunk. The drinking surprised me as much as his sudden appearance at my doorstep. I had thought that his only vice was his girlfriend, a girl by the name of Tammy who wasn't good enough for Ben. She was clingy and demanding...like most women I have ever known. I knew Ben didn't smoke and didn't even expect him to drink. He was that type of person. However, there he was, standing or rather leaning in front of me, barely able to stand at all. He had his back to me as I opened the door.

The movement of the door caught his attention and he turned to face me. In addition to the cargo shorts and t-shirt he always wore, this time he also had the look of a person having to admit they needed help after doing something stupid. "Mike, I need your help," he slurred. I saw immediately that he needed more than a little help. "I had an accident." Ben's pride and joy was his car, a Malibu that he had saved for years to purchase in cash.

My next emotion was concern. "You aren't hurt, are you? Were you driving? Did you wreck your car?" I inquired.

"No, nothing like that, at least not much. I was driving, but I didn't wreck the car. I threw up though," he answered. Well, that was quite obvious. It looked like most or all of it landed on him.

"Did you mess up the inside of your car with it?" I asked wondering how big of a mess would need to be cleaned up.

"No, I parked the car out there and got out before I did it." That would limit the amount of damage control. It would still take a strong stomach to clean it up.

"Come on in and let's get you cleaned up," I told him. He managed to stumble into the entry hall where I stopped him after shutting and locking the door. "First, we need to get you out of those close so I can wash them." I then started helping him remove his t-shirt. Ben has always been interesting in weights, at one time planning on working as a trainer in a gym or perhaps lift weights in competition. He was very well built for an eighteen year old. The only thing I though detracted from his good looks was the small beard he insisted on wearing. Once the shirt was carefully placed on the tile floor, I bent down to remove his tennis shoes. He had to lean against the wall to stay vertical when I started unfastening the button on his shorts. He didn't wear a belt. As I unzipped the shorts, I saw that he was wearing his gray briefs. Since he always wore his shirttail out, I had seen that he liked to wear both briefs and boxers. The boxers tended to be bright colors, such as yellow with the smiley faces on them, while the briefs were usually gray. Up until now, I had only been able to see the waistband of his underwear as he bent over, and even then it was only in the back. Now I was revealing the tight fitting briefs that showed off his package very nicely. I had only been able to dream about what he would look like, and what I saw put my dreams to shame. The bulge showed two nicely sized balls and a shaft that ran to his left, looking around 5" soft. Oh, what I would give to be able to see what was actually causing the bulge, but I knew that wouldn't be possible. His father was my boss, and any inappropriate action toward his son would not be a wise career move. His father also made derogatory remarks toward anything referring to anything but the straight lifestyle.

All of this made me wonder about myself all the more. I had been married for a number of years, but was forced into a divorce I didn't want because I was brought up to believe that you just didn't get divorced no matter what. I now believe that was a good thing, because I didn't get pleasure out of the marriage, especially in the area of sex. In the years since the separation, I found myself being more and more disgusted at the sight of a naked female while being attracted to and even lusting over guys. I had never had a sexual experience with a guy, other than the molestation from while I was a child, so I wasn't really sure I was gay. But seeing Ben in only his briefs and socks standing in front of me made me wish I could investigate those feelings to find out.

After removing his shirt and pants with plans of washing them so they would be clean when he arrived at home, it became obvious that just washing the clothes would not be enough. His skin wet from being next to the soaked clothes. Because of my feelings toward him, he was one of the two primary objects of my lusts, I was reluctant to take the next step, but finally had to admit that it would be necessary to clean him up in the shower.

Over the years I have known Ben, I have seen him in shorts and shirtless a number of times while working out with weights, rebuilding the brick wall forming the drive in front of his house, and remodeling his dad's store. That was a real treat in and of itself. However, during that same amount of time, the most skin he had ever seen of me was my head, neck, and arms. If I was to clean him in the shower, I would have to accompany him since it was obvious he would not be able to stand alone, much less actually clean himself in the process. I would have to strip and get into the shower with him. That was not an easy decision. Even while married, I hated being naked. I've always hated my body. Well, maybe he would be too drunk to notice.

I took him into the bathroom, holding my breath because he was smelling quite ripe, especially when you added the fact that he smelled like a brewery. While holding him in place, I turned the water on knowing that the temperature would be correct once the hot water reached the tap. Then came the part I had only dreamed of. He was still standing, so I let him lean with his back to the wall while I bent down in front of him and removed his socks. I reached my hands up to his waist, my fingers touching the waistband of his briefs, then allowed my fingers to pull the waistband down slightly showing the start of his treasure trail that I knew would be visible in a few moments. Even though I was yearning to see what would soon be there in front of my eyes, I still hesitated both in anticipation and in fear of what would be construed as inappropriate behavior. At least we were both considered adults. I slowly started pulling the briefs down until my deepest desires were fulfilled. There in front of me was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen surrounded by short brown hair. Ben was very good looking, but I now knew that all of his body practically radiated his beauty. I couldn't help but to be jealous of Tammy. She had what I longed for, and wasn't even appreciative of what she had. But then, she wasn't there helping Ben. I was. It would be my responsibility to clean Ben and lay him in my bed to sleep off what he had consumed earlier that evening. I had to break my eyes away for the 5" dick that was handing in front of the two large, hairless balls and move to the next task. Since the water was ready by that time, I sat Ben down on the commode while I quickly stripped. He didn't notice. In fact, it appeared that he was about to pass out, so I had to move quickly. I stood him up and helped him to step into the tub and underneath the water. I allowed the water to hit his body so I could start using the soap. It was hard to run the soap over those muscles in his chest and over the six-pack he had bu e in the moment. I managed to clean his chest, then I moved my hands down to his stomach, then further down. I needed to go on to his legs, but there was a section of his body between his stomach and his legs that I could not make myself avoid. I had dreamed of feeling him, and this would be my only chance. I let my hands move on down into his pubes where I worked in the soap, then on down to the dick that I would be willing to suck to discover what that experience would be like. There were only two people I would be willing to try this with, and I now had one of those dicks in my hand. I couldn't help but to stroke it some while making sure it was clean, then I moved on down to wash his balls before he could start an erection for fear that it might cause him to realize what I was doing. After washing his legs, I turned the water off and helped Ben out of the tub.

I now needed to dry both of us, but my primary concern was for Ben. I rubbed the towel over his body making sure there was no water remaining on any of his skin, then took him into my only bedroom so he could start to sleep off his mistake in judgment. I pulled the covers back and sat him on the edge of the bed, then lifted his legs onto the mattress allowing him to lie down. Now it was time for a key decision. Ben's briefs were as clean as they were before his "accident," so he could still wear them. While I would have loved to have him in my bed, preferably with me beside him, wearing either nothing or a pair of borrowed underwear, I knew that had the potential to raise problems the next morning. As shy as Ben normally was, just sleeping in his briefs would raise enough questions. Reluctantly I started to put his briefs back on those long legs. It occurred to me that the possibility of my ever seeing him like this again would probably be close to my winning the next lottery, so I hesitated before covering up what I longed for. I was trying to memorize what he looked like, laying there totally exposed and open to my scrutiny when I remembered that I had a digital camera that hadn't been used in over a year. If I were to take a picture or two, then I could enjoy looking at him as a reminder during future jerkoff sessions. After making sure he would not roll off the bed while I was gone, I went into the living room and found the camera. When I returned to the bedroom, he had not moved. He was still laying there on his back with his dick and balls laying in wait for what was to come. I started with a picture of his entire body so I would know for sure that this was not a dream, that he was actually here and I was seeing all he had to offer. I moved closer to the bed, being careful to ensure that any future flashes would not hit his eyes causing him to awaken. I took several pictures catching his dick and balls from every direction, even moving his dick a couple of times to improve the shot. What wo

He was dead to the world, not snoring, but breathing so that it was obvious that he was sound asleep. I had come this far, I had to see one other thing. I went over to the side of the bed and gently reached down to caress his dick, stroking it gently it until it started to harden. As I watched and stroked, it became straighter and longer. When it reached its maximum length, it measured just over 7". It was absolutely beautiful. I wanted to see what it felt like to take it into my mouth, but was not brave enough, fearing that the sensations would be enough to cause him to awaken. However, I did decide that I had to have some pictures of it hard too. After I finished shooting it, it was time to pull his briefs up and let him get some sleep. As they were almost in place, I couldn't resist any more, so I bent over and kissed the head of his cut dick. It was a little difficult to place his dick in the briefs. I didn't think about it not easily fitting when it was hard while I was causing it to grow.

I took the camera back into the living room and placed it back into temporary storage. I would transfer the pictures to my computer once I was alone and would not be interrupted. It was then that I realized that his clothes were still lying in my entranceway. After picking them up, and keeping them at arms length, I took them to my laundry area and started the wash cycle, wishing that I could cause them to shrink some so he would show off more while he was wearing them, but I knew that, even if they did manage to shrink, he would then stop wearing them. He was so shy at times that it just made him more loveable. When the dryer finally stopped, I laid the pants and shirt out so they would not wrinkle during what little was left of the night and went to bed. It was hard lying there beside him and not being able to do anything, although I'm sure my hand did manage to "accidentally" touch him once or twice.

The next morning I was the first to get up. Since it was a Saturday, I let him sleep in. Thinking, or rather hoping, that the aroma would cause him to stir, I started preparing eggs and toast for our breakfast. Unfortunately, the smell was not enough, so I went into the bedroom, bent over, and placed a kiss gently on his soft lips. Oh, how I wanted for him to feel toward me what I was feeling toward him at that moment. Glad that the kiss had not awakened him, I shook his shoulder enough that he started gaining consciousness. He looked up at me, the quickly looked around. It was obvious that he didn't know where he was or why. "Where am I?" he asked in his husky morning voice.

"You came to my apartment last night asking for my help," I replied. "You weren't in very good shape either. What do you remember?" I asked.

"Not much. What do you mean 'not in good shape'?"

"Apparently you had a bit too much to drink. You could barely stand up. In fact, you were leaning against my door when I opened it. You told me, as if I couldn't tell, that you had been sick and soiled your clothes." He seemed to accept that information without too much trouble. "I felt sorry for you, so I let you in," I kidded.

"Oh," he responded.

"I have breakfast ready whenever you can get yourself up and going again."

"Okay." He started to pull the sheet back when he realized that all he had on was his briefs. "Where are my clothes?" he asked.

"I didn't think you would want to wear them much longer after being sick in them, so I washed them for you. They are lying on top of the washer."

"Okay, thanks." It was clear that his brain hadn't fully taken control yet. After I returned to the kitchen, he got out of bed and dressed. As he entered the kitchen, he said, "I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you last night. I appreciate your help, though."

"It was no trouble. I'm glad you felt you could come to me when you needed help. I haven't checked your car, but you said last night that you were sick after you got out, so it should be okay this morning."

"Thanks." After eating some of the breakfast, he said he needed to go home. I suspected that he would be answering a lot of questions once he arrived there. As he reached the door, ready to leave, he looked back at me. "Thanks again for helping. I've never had that much to drink. If fact, that's really the first time I drank like that."

"I think you passed your limit a bit," I said smiling at him and looking into those brown eyes. He looked up and our eyes met, really for the first time. While I would have liked for him to suddenly have a revelation that would lead to us getting together, he actually turned his head as if embarrassed and left.

I would have loved for more to have happened between us. Maybe someday a miracle will occur and dream will become real life, but now was not that time. At least I had the pictures to constantly remind me of that night. The night that my dreams almost completely came true.



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