Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Aug 12, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

The end? Do things really have ends?

Drawn In - Epilogue =================== by Akashi


The following months we literally had the time of our lives. Not just Danny and me, but Alex and Chip also. We hung out a lot together. Alex and Danny introduced us to their parents as they said they would. Both their parents had a "whatever" attitude, but once they Danny's dad "caught" me alone he told me: "I can't believe my son ended up with someone like you..." That startled me for a moment, but he went on: "I didn't think he'd deserve such a person. He's always so annoying and jealous."

"Yeah... that makes him even cuter." I told him with a coy smile.

Days, weeks, even months passed. We did a lot of things together (No more "groupies" though. Seems that Alex wanted to focus only on Chip and Danny wanted me to focus only on him...). One of the many things I liked doing together was celebrating birthdays together. Danny was born on the 1st of July and Alex on the 24th of June, which made him 6 days older than Danny. They knew each other since they were babies (sometimes it might seem like they are still babies, but certain things show that they are truly young adults), they pretty much acted like brothers and so did I with Chip.

On the 10th of June we were all invited to one of my older cousin's wedding. I have a LOT of cousins, and from all of them he was my favorite one. The wedding turned out to be a fun event, not boring as I thought it would be. I hate weddings. And it's not because I can't get married to Danny, but because I think they're useless. I don't favor tradition, or culture. If you truly love someone you don't need a piece of paper to prove it. And all the ceremony was just a waste of money.

Anyway, the wedding went something like this: Bride and groom in front of the altar. Preacher asks for objections and just as he wanted to go on, the groom said he was in love with the bride's brother and that he couldn't marry her, because it'd be unfair. But... now comes the good part... instead of the bride freaking out, which her parents were doing... she just stood there, without giving a damn. Why? Well... we soon found out. The groom's older brother, also best man of honor, stepped up and confessed his love to the bride, asking her to marry HIM, not right away of course. She accepted with joy, saying she loved him also and they ran off, but before exiting the church she threw the bouqout of bridal flowers, and Danny caught it by accident. I started laughing my ass off along with Chip and Alex.

We were all standing in the back of the church. We were helping people to their seets and after we were done we decided to stand instead of sitting down (since we planned on sneaking away to a club or somewhere, if it got too boring). Anyway, we saw the bride's brother sneak out of the church. The groom was stretching his neck to look for him, but didn't see him. So I ran to my cous and told him that the one he was looking for just exited the church. Only they know what was going on between them.

AND WHAT THE HECK? Is my gay-dar broken? Why didn't I notice my cous was gay? Maybe 'cause we pretty much grew up together, so it never occurred to me to think about his sexual preferences. My cous ran after the bride's brother and only later did I find out about the whole thing, which was a complicated story, but it ended well. They ended up living together and being happy. I'm starting to think life is good for everyone and that not only fairy-tales have happy endings, but real life too.

After we all went back to the hotel we were staying in, since the "wedding" took place in a different city, we all went to our rooms. I was staying with Danny and Chip with Alex. My parents couldn't make it since they had to work, so did my sis. They'll be jealous when they find out what they missed. I started laughing at that thought. Danny started laughing too at the recent events, but then suddenly got serious and pulled out the bridal bouqout from behind him and handed it to me with a proud grin. I was overwhelmed, it was better than a wedding. I jumped him and he fell on the bed. We made love all night long. In the morning right after sunrise, I ran out to buy something, without Danny. When I got back he was awake, asking me where I've been and telling me he missed me, kissing me all over my face. I took his hand and slid an elastic, silver bracelet over his wrist with my (real) name on it.

In August all four of us went to a lake near by. We had loads of fun, since it was a very quiet lake, surrounded by forests and mountains. We could have screamed from the top of our lungs (which we did), but still no one would hear us. I felt the freedom capture me, that's why I always look forward to going to that lake. I used to go with my parents and sis since I was 3 years-old, but this year was the best I ever had, being with my loved one and my new brother and his loved one, who became one of my very good friends. It is said that if you have friends at the end of your time, then you truly lived a happy life. I know this is true, even though I'm not on my dieing bed.

Fall came. My second favorite season. Chip finished his school-finishing exams and he aced them. He got in the same college I was in, and he wanted to be in. He made me so proud I almost hugged him to death. We threw an all night long party. We had lots of friends over. It came in shock, or at least surprise, to some of them when they saw me or Chip kiss our partners. The rest of our friends were like: "Oh what... you didn't know?" Which just cracked me up.

I decided to move out, so I bought a 2 bed roomed apartment and dragged Chip with me. Danny and Alex were thrilled that they could come by any time and be with us in private. As a matter of fact, they got so cozy with the idea, they practically moved in. Well... they were more than welcome anyway, but once they moved in permanently, there were often "awkward" encounters, like seeing each other going at our partner. For example, one time I was out with Danny and when we came back Alex was all over Chip on the couch. Or when Alex was out with some friends, and Chip just came back from shopping, he saw Danny and me all over the kitchen table. I guess, we did catch the taste of doing it on the table in the morning.

All Chip said was: "Not on the table, guys! We eat there!".

"That's what we're doing. Eating cum." Danny replied with a nonchalant attitude, smirking at Chip.

Chip got an upset look and went to his room, so we continued our "breakfast". After that, before every meal, Chip would wipe off the table twice. We made him paranoid, even though we'd always clean up after doing something on the table.

Danny and Alex started losing interest in their band. They said it didn't express them anymore, but they kept playing, saying that practice is good. Both Alex and Danny got more serious about college. They both passed all their exams, in autumn on second try, since the first time they didn't study at all. To my surprise, Alex was in law-school. He wanted to become a lawyer. He got so pumped up he said he'd be a "gay rights advocate" and that he would change the world, or at least the country. Chip and I both chuckled, hearing that, but he snapped at us: "What!?! I'm serious! You'll see!"

"That's not why I'm laughing... but your enthusiasm... you... who wanted to hide forever behind some girl. Lucky, you started using your brains!" I said.

"Yes. I'm really lucky." Alex said hugging Chip with a huge smile.

I really love the fall. All the "fire"-colors surrounding me made me feel autumn's warmth. Until one cold night.


We all had so much fun all summer long. Fall would have turned out a dream as well if only we didn't have to wake up to a nightmare. Alex called Aka and me to tell us the club they were supposed to play in burned down. As all this nightmare came through the speaker I could see Aka's throat clogging up. He was hyperventilating.

"Danny...?" Aka managed to ask one word, putting his hand to his mouth.

"Danny was inside, but I don't know... I just don't know! There's too much of a commotion... and smoke..." Alex said with a shaky voice.

"Well be right there." Aka said, catching his strength and holding back his fears, replacing them with hopes. I could see it in his eyes. He hung up on Alex and almost ran out the door with me behind him. Aka got a motorcycle not long ago. Before buying the apartment. He said he dislikes cars, but loves bikes. He gave me a helmet, put on one and as soon as we both got on the bike, he drove off like crazy. I wonder how he got his license?

When we got to the burned-down club, Alex was sitting on the side of the road. Once we got to him all he kept repeating: "...can't find Danny...". I sat down near him and embraced him, Aka ran off looking around.

Later when we finally went home, I found out Aka questioned some policemen and firemen, but they didn't find Danny. Aka was very weird that night. He was like a stone. Numb and cold, although he handled everything calmly at the club. He was beginning to scare me.

The following two days passed like eternity in purgatory. We finally found out that about 2 people went missing that night. Danny and club-owner, who the police suspected to have faked his death, since no bodies were found, but no one was sure since the place burned down real bad.

Aka was silent the following weeks. All he did was eat and work on the computer. Before Danny's disappearance Aka would work almost every night on the PC, but bow he works almost non-stop. Both Alex and me tried to bring Aka back to the living.

"We all miss Danny, but we must move on sooner or later. Better sooner than later. I'm sure that Danny would want you to be happy. You should go out with us." I tried convincing Aka, but he replied as he always did: "No... I have work."

I only hoped that he would snap out of it soon or he'd turn into a zombie, when one day, nearing September's end, I found a note from Aka:

"I'm going on an indefinite trip. Don't wait for me. Don't worry about the bills, they are all settled. Good luck on your first day of college. Sorry I can't be there to see you, Chip. And Alex... take care of Chip and all the best wishes to you becoming a lawyer. Be happy. -Farkas."

That's the first time he used his own real name... Danny used to call him that all the time. I hope he knows what he's doing... but both Alex and me knew he would probably go somewhere and end his own life. We couldn't stop him, partly because we didn't know where he went off to, and partly because those where his wishes.

"Life without Danny is no life at all." He once told me on the balcony, as he was spaced out watching the sunset. He seemed like he didn't notice anything happening in the real world, but I didn't even make a sound and he knew I was behind him.

"Don't say that. I'm sure you'll find happiness later." I said hugging him.

"The sunset will always remind me of Danny...." He said with a cold expression. "Chip... I miss him! I miss him terribly!" He yelled bursting into tears, clinging onto me. "I want to hear him say my name again... I thought I could do without him for a while... but I can't!" I don't know what he really meant by that, but I just held him, stroking his hair, until the sun went down. I felt a bit guilty, because I thought he looked good crying. It's just that I never saw him cry before and he had such a beautiful face, so vulnerable and... hurt.

"Gazing at the sunset again?" Alex asked me walking over to my side.

"Yeah.... it reminds me of Aka..." I said with a coy smile.

"Hmm... well he was 'scarlet'..." Alex said watching the sunset with me, when we heard a knock on the door. We didn't move, but the knocking persisted.

"CIA! Anyone home?"

"Riiight..." I said walking slowly towards the door. I looked through the visor and saw two middle aged men, dressed in suits. Are they for real? There is no CIA in Romania. Oh that's right... it's Halloween... but... not many people do this in Romania. I opened up.

"Yes? How may I help you?" I asked with a monotone voice, completely lacking interest.

"Are you Farkas Marton?" The taller guy asked. "I am agent Dologhny and this is my partner, agent Hale. We are with the CIA."

"Partner? Heheheh..." Alex laughed from over my shoulder.

"Aren't you guys too old to trick or treat?" I asked rubbing the back of my head.

"We aren't joking." Agent Hale said, walking inside, without permission and looking around, then fixing his eyes on Alex. "We came all the way from the states, conducting our investigation." He said looking Alex up and down. "Are you Farkas Marton?"

Although October was ending, it was lukewarm outside, so Alex and I wasn't wearing much, only shorts, since it was hot inside (especially since we came in from the balcony... which I was using to cool off... since we just made love).

"Who? Aka?" Alex said crashing on the sofa. "Please sit." He acted all 'adulty'.

The taller gentleman sat down but the other one kept looking around, once finished looking at Alex, he started analyzing me, then went looking around the apartment.

"That name has been linked to Mr. Marton as well. You see... he was working on some AI projects and he used some top secret 'references', which we want to know how he got a hold of. We've been tracking Wolf for quite a while now, but we got a hold of his real identity from an anonymous contact." Agent Dologhny explained.

"Wolf?" I asked sitting down near Alex, who had his arms spread along the sofa, so he technically had his arm around me. Agent Dologhny sat across the coffee table, on the couch.

"That was his handle name."

"Just because he's good with computers that doesn't make him a hacker." Alex started speaking like an attorney, I chuckled. "And what proof do you have that he actually stole information from you or where ever? Maybe he invented them himself."

"We had many talented people work on that project and you're telling me he could INVENT something like that all by himself in a couple of months???" Dologhny persisted, while his 'partner' finished checking out the kitchen, bathroom, Aka's x-bedroom and wanted to go in Alex's and my bedroom.

"Don't go in there." I told agent Hale, but he just raised an eyebrow at me.

"We have all the certification we need." Agent Dologhny said, pulling out a file folder. "I can show you."

"No. That's fine. We don't have anything to hide, but it might not be pleasant for your 'partner' to go in there." I said, accentuating the word 'partner'. Both agents looked funny at me, then they looked at each other. Agent Hale proceeded with going in our bedroom.

The reason why I didn't want him going in there, was because after Alex made love to me, we didn't clean up, we left everything as it was. Although Alex started using lubed condoms, it was still messy, since I didn't use anything. Plus, you could smell the heat left over from out sweaty bodies... and of course the cum.

Agent Hale came out of the room with a frowning look on his face. "There's no one else in the apartment."

"So then... who's who? Which one of you is Farkas?" Agent Dologhny looked at us with suspicion.

"Neither of us." I sighed. "I am Chip T... Marton... I recently became Aka's... Farkas's brother." I said pronouncing Farkas correctly (also correcting agent Dologhny's pronunciation), since we got used to calling Aka that, once Danny repeated it over and over again. But after his disappearance Aka told us to stop calling him Farkas, because it hurt too much, so we went back to calling him Aka. "He adopted me.... and this is Alex Lazar, my lover." It felt good saying that aloud once again, but this time it felt better, since it seemed to make both agents a bit nervous. Alex leaned over to me and kissed my cheek, showing me a proud smirk and showing the agents that it was true. Agent Hale frowned again, probably realizing what happened in the room he was just in.

"And how old are you guys?" Agent Dologhny said with a worried look on his face.

"We're both adults, if that's what you're wondering. I'm 18 and he's 21. And how old are you? Since we're all getting to know each other better." I said with a sarcastic tone.

"We just want to know where Farkas Marton is." Agent Hale said walking over to us.

"He's dead." Alex said and I sighed.

"What?! Stop kidding around with us, you brats!" Agent Dologhny snapped at us. "We're not in the Halloween spirit!" He yelled at us, but I just looked through him, spacing out. I really missed my brother. Alex noticed and hugged me.

"If you're the CIA how come you don't know? We still miss Aka and Danny. You are not making it easier for us. If that's all, you can leave." Alex said caressing my hair.

"Danny?" Agent Hale asked, putting his hand on agent Dologhny's shoulder, pushing him back down to his seat, as if he were telling him to calm down.

"Danny was Aka's lover. When he died Aka zoned out. All he did was eat and work on the computer. Near September's end we found a note, left by him. He then disappeared. He couldn't stand living without Danny, so he probably killed himself." Alex explained, still holding me.

"And how did Danny die?" Agent Hale asked us and Alex's grip became stronger.

"He had a show in a run-down-club, which burned down. No bodies were found." I said, putting my arms around Alex, caressing his naked back.

"Could you guys please stop that?" Agent Dologhny frowned at us.

"They are in grief. Give them a break. If you can not handle it, wait for me outside." Agent Hale said with a sympathetic tone.... I suspected he was gay since the moment he entered the apartment, but now it's more and more obvious. "You wouldn't object if it was a guy and a girl."

"We're back at that again?" Agent Dologhny said rubbing his forehead. "I told you, I don't care if anyone is gay. I just don't want to see all the touching. Can we talk about this another time? Or better yet never?"

Seems like the agents have some unresolved issues. That made both Alex and me chuckle. We broke up the hug, but still held hands.

"Back to what we came here for." Agent Dologhny said clearing his throat. "I see we have a problem. Wolf now disappeared, supposedly dead, but I highly doubt it. With the small fortune he made off that AI project, he could buy a small island and 'disapear' there."

"That's absurd! Aka wouldn't leave me no matter how much money he had! And he did nothing wrong! I saw him develop the AI. He didn't steal anything. He worked on it with many other people, making it open-source." I snapped at him.

"You saw him develop it?" Agent Hale asked with a devious look in his eyes.

"Ah... Chip... if I were you I wouldn't tell them too much." Alex warned me.

"Well, I guess our work is done here." Agent Hale said. "Sorry to take from your time."

"What? We're done?!" Agent Dologhny asked, jumping up.

"Yes. We can rapport that there is at least one witness to the fact that Wolf developed the AI without any stolen resources. Sorry for disturbing and... condolences." Agent Hale said in a soft voice, walking his partner, almost shoving him towards the door.

"Aka did seem to have a lot of money." Alex said once the agents left.

"Yeah... that must have been from the AI, he pot a lot of work in it. Did you ever wonder why he didn't kill himself earlier? He obviously didn't need any time to think."

"Maybe 'cause he needed to finish the AI in order to get the money and 'settle' the bills, so you would never have to worry about them?"

"Yes, but... how come Danny died like in Aka's nightmare? And then Aka died too? No bodies found? What if Aka set this whole thing up? To make sure he gets rid of any agents that might want to bring him down. What if both Aka and Danny are on some small island right now?"

"Do you really think Aka could tear away from his computer?"

"I think he'd give up anything to be free somewhere with Danny. I know I would... to be with you." I said straddling Alex and kissing him softly.

"Mmmnnn... Well, wherever they are you can be sure that it's heaven." Alex said with a soft smile, finally putting both our hearts at rest.


[6 years later]

I do not believe in happy endings, because there are no endings. Only happy lives. Like the one I'm having with Alex. I finished college and started my own software company, also using Aka's AI, which is now widely available for the entire world. It was first considered a dangerous AI, since it had 'imagination', but that paranoia faded with time, once people understood it. Alex became a successful lawyer and he did change the country. Now people don't have to hide any of their preferences any more. The world is growing in the right directions. Stronger and smarter. Once people understand they don't fear anymore.

Visit my site: http://nhjm.net/~onetouch

Say hi! Write me! E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

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