Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Aug 2, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

WOW! This is a long one... sigh. And I thought it was the last one. Ah... sorry for the delay... it's 'cause i lost track of time.

Drawn In - Chapter 6 ==================== by Akashi

"Mmmmmm..." I stretched my arms out and rolled on my side. When I opened my eyes the first thing I noticed was Chip's angelic face. He looked so peaceful. Then I remembered that this was the day I would let my parents know about my new little brother. With that thought I heard a light knocking on my door.

"Honey, are you sleeping? Can I come in?" A soft, warm, familiar voice asked through the door.

Mum? Are my parents home already? What's the time? I must have overslept since I was exhausted.

"Baby.....?" Mum persisted.

"Yeah... you can come in..." I murmured in a lazy voice, stretching my arms out again and yawning, as my mother came in the room.

"Oh... you have company?" She asked in a soft whisper, pointing her eyes at Chip.

"You could say that... I'll tell you all about it, just let me wake up first." I whispered back.

"Ok, baby. I'll be in the living room with your dad, unpacking." She whispered going back out the door.

"Ok. I'll be there in a few minutes." I whispered as she went out and closed the door behind her. Honestly, I don't know where my sister gets her loud nature from.

I climbed out of bed, being careful not to wake Chip, but as I got dressed he opened his beautiful blue eyes and pinned them on me, wondering what I was doing.

"My parents are here. I'm going to tell them everything about you and me. You can join us if you want to. It doesn't really matter, since they'll meet you sooner or later." I winked at Chip, suggesting he's going to live here from now on. Chip just answered with a lazy smile that got stuck on his face for a longer time.

"No... I'll be there in a couple..." Chip said with a low lazy voice, with his eyes closed.

"Ok." I said as I went out of the room and closed the door behind me. I went to the bathroom first, for the morning routine and after that I went in the living room, where my parents where unpacking their bags.

"Hey guys." I greeted them.

"Good morning, kiddo." My dad replied, still unpacking.

"Oh, hey, honey. That was fast." My mum added, continuing the unpacking as well.

"Your mum told me there's a kid in your bedroom. Is he your boyfriend?" My dad asked without the slightest concern, continuing to unpack.

"No. He's my new little brother." I answered with a proud smile on my face. "He'll be living with me from now on and I'm going to adopt him as my brother as soon as I have your consent."

"Oh, that's nice, baby. I'm happy for you." My mum felt my happiness, so she just accepted Chip with a smile.

"So you picked up another stray, huh?" My dad joked, referring to my habit of picking up stray animals and finding them homes, except my cat, Leeloo, who I kept. "Is he an orphan?" Dad asked in a more serious tone.

"Ahm... not really... his parents are alcoholics and he's 17, so soon he'll be 18 and he can legally leave his parents..."

"Whom I'm sure don't even wonder where I am, let alone miss me." Chip interrupted me, walking in the room. "And I'm going to turn 18 in May."

"Ahh.. good... your here. Mum, dad, this is Chip, my new little brother." I said grabbing Chip's hand and pulling him near me. "Chip, this is Rose, my mother and George, my father."

"Well, that's a bit formal, don't ya think? Since we'll be your step-parents, please call us mum and dad. Pleased to meet you Chip." Dad said, stepping over to Chip and fuzzing up his hair.

"Yes, please do." Mum said with a smile also coming over to us and giving Chip a welcoming embrace.

Chip was thrilled by my parents warm welcoming, he was smiling with teary eyes. "Thank you so much. I've never felt so in place anywhere, up until now. I feel like I belong here already." Chip said in a shaky voice, rubbing his eyes.

"We couldn't ask for a cuter step-son." Mum smiled at Chip.

"Or son... since Aka isn't all that cute." Dad looked at me with an evil grin.

"And I wonder who from I "inherited" my uncute side from." I looked at dad with a raised eye-brow and we all started laughing.

"Need help with unpacking?" I asked after we stopped laughing.

"No. You don't know where goes what, anyway." Mom dismissed us, so we went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. We both had cereals for breakfast.

"You've got really cool parents. And they look so young too. How old are they?" Chip asked me taking a bite out of his cereals.

"Yeah... they're very understanding and open-minded. They are both 43." I answered Chip, but he kept asking question all morning, during breakfast and afterwards. I answered all of them, of course. He was so curious about his new step-parents. And who wouldn't be?

"So you turn 18 in May?" I asked Chip from the floor, where I was sketching.

"Yep. On the 13th." He answered from the PC, where he was surfing the net.

"That's 4 days before sister's birthday."

"Oh? I didn't know that. Oh... that's right... when's your birthday?"

"On the 29th of April."

"Wow... that's pretty close. Let's see... today's the 17th... so there are 12 days until your birthday. I'm gonna get you something really special."

"I already have you as my brother, what more could I want?"

"Hmmm... how about Danny in a huge cake? He could strip for you."

"I don't like cakes, but the idea is pretty good." I smirked at Chip.

"Ahh... that's right you don't like sweets."


The day went on with small talk, where we got to know each other better. We also cooked dinner for OUR parents, which they loved. After dinner as we washed the dishes, my dad kept on asking annoying, silly questions.

"So... are you sure he's not your boyfriend? He is so cute, I don't think I can trust you to keep your claws off of him." Dad was already being overprotective.

"Well... he is a boy that is my friend... but..." I was interrupted by the doorbell, so I left Chip to finish up the dishes and went to answer the door.

"Oh, hey babe!" I said as I opened the door. It was Danny. I leaned over, planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Hey." Danny answered with a smile, but his smile faded and his eyes widened, as he looked over my shoulder. I turned to see what shocked him. Mum was coming out from the living room and heading towards the kitchen.

"Oh. Let me introduce you to my family." I told Danny as I grabbed his hand and started dragging him towards the kitchen.

"No... that's ok..." Danny tried pulling back but we were already in the kitchen.

"THIS is my "boyfriend"." I looked at dad, who was sitting at the table, drinking his coffee. Mum was pouring herself a cup and Chip just finished with the dishes.

"Hey, Danny." Chip greeted him.

"H-hey." Danny greeted him with a forced smile. He obviously didn't want to meet my parents.

"Well then, hello Danny. Come. Sit." Mum invited Danny in with a smile, but Danny didn't move.

"Yes, yes. Sit. We'd be happy to meet our son's boyfriend... one of our sons'." Dad added, smiling at Chip.

"Ah... no thanks... I prefer to stand." Danny said, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Let's get a few things straight." I wanted to explain.

"Well... you're pretty gay, so you're not one of those things." Dad joked again.

"Ahh... thanks for the remark, dad. Anyway. First, Danny is not my boyfriend, he is my lover. Second, Chip is my brother, and my parents are now his step-parents. And last, Chip has a lover too, his name is Alex. Both Danny and Alex are in the same rock group, but Danny is also my colleague in college." I cleared everything up... well, at least I hoped I have. Chip blushed a little, and Danny sighed. My parents just listened from their seats, drinking their coffee.

"Oh, well that's nice, that both of you have lovers." Mom said with a soft voice, smiling. "It's a shame to waste your youth. Love is a wonderful thing." She continued looking at my father. He looked back at her with a warm smile and burning eyes with the same passion he had for her when they first met.

"So, you're all gay?" Dad asked once he snapped out from the lengthy gaze at mum.

"More silly comments, dad?"

"Well... Danny is bi... right?" Chip added.

"No. Danny is mine ONLY. There's no bi in that." I smirked at Danny.

"Look who's being possessive now." Danny smirked back at me, after he finally loosened up.

"Well... it's your fault. You started it and now some of it rubbed off on me."

"'Rubbed'? That's a nice selection of words." Dad said and everyone started laughing again, except me.

"What a lovely Sunday afternoon. There's nothing more I love than spending it with my crazy family. I love you guys!" I said. "But now I must leave. Com'on Danny." I grabbed Danny's hand again and lead him to my room.

Once in my room, I closed the door, grabbed him around his neck and devoured his mouth. He didn't resist me, he put his hands around my waist and replied to my attack in the same way. We broke the kiss off with a breath for air.

"You hungry little beast." Danny smiled at me. He started licking my neck as he slid his hands under my shirt and up my back. Even if I didn't see him for only a couple of hours I missed his touch like crazy. He sure knew where my weak points were by now, that's why his hands searched every line of my back. I couldn't stand anyone touching my back, since I would get aroused instantly.

I let out a soft moan as Danny covered my back with his touch and my neck with kisses. I pushed his hair upward from the back of his neck, pulling him in closer, tilting my head back. But our fun was interrupted by Chip, when he came in, so we broke it off.

"Already at each other, I see?" Chip teased us, smiling, but Danny and I just stood there smirking at each other.

"Well... we definitely can't do this here." I told Danny.

"That must be a disappointment for Danny... he must have wanted it since he came all the way here." Chip said with an evil grin.

"Why you little demon! I don't get it why everyone thinks you're an angel!" Danny looked at Chip. "That's not why I came here. I wanted to invite you guys to one of our concerts. It's on tonight. So?"

I looked at Chip and he looked back at me with a smile. "Count us in." I said.


Night came and we went to the concert, after which, Danny and Alex introduced Chip and me to their friends as their lovers. Some were shocked, others already knew and most didn't even care. Chip and I were a bit surprised, but happy that our lovers came out to their friends.

"Next... our families." The guys smiled at us as we came out of the club.

"Are you serious?" Chip asked, but Alex only nodded.

"And why not? Aka already told his... ahm... I mean your parents about us."

"He did? What do you mean THEIR parents?" Alex asked.

Danny told him everything he knew, I added a couple more things and so did Chip.

"So where to now?" Danny asked.

"You ain't getting none tonight." I said.

"Whaaaat?!" Danny looked at me with disbelief.

"Neither are you." I told Alex, who was kissing Chip, and I pulled Chip away from him. Alex got pissed.

"HEY! Give'em back! He's mine! What's with the stuck-up attitude?! We came out and this is how you repay us?!" Alex nagged at me.

"He has school tomorrow, so he has to get up early. And we have college from 10 AM." I said as I looked at Danny. His disbelief turned into anger, he then looked at Alex, and Alex at him. They were contemplating something with just looking at each other again. Then they both smiled and turned to us. I looked at Chip and Chip returned my look, which was a bit of fear, thinking: 'What are they up to again?". Before we knew it they grabbed us and shoved us in Danny's car. It was a black 2002 mustang GT. (( Sorry I forgot to mention this before. )) They got in the car as well and Danny started the engine. In just a few minutes we were in front of Danny's house. Alex got out and opened the back door of the car, where Chip was sitting.

"Com'on babe. I'll make sure you get to school in the morning." Alex said with a smirk, taking Chip's hand and pulling him out of the car. I wanted to reach after Chip, but Alex shut the door in my face. I opened it and got out of the car. Danny got out too and locked it.

"I feel so kidnapped." I said as Danny walked over to my side.

"We can sleep when we're dead." Danny smiled at me, took my hand and started walking, but stopped once he saw I wasn't moving. I was looking at the ground, the ground I was frozen to. "Oh... not that nightmare again... com'on... I'll show you how alive I am." He said with a smile, took my other hand too and lead me to the front door, as I followed him, leaning my head on his neck.

Danny unlocked the front door and let us all in. Alex already took Chip to the living room, where Chip sat down on the sofa. Alex knelt down between Chip's legs and started kissing him on the lips, pushing his shirt up and then kissing his torso.

Danny was locking the door, as I was watching Chip and Alex. Once he was done, he slid his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, kissing my neck. He slid his left hand under my shirt and unzipped my pants with the other. He put his right hand on my dick, over my boxers and started rubbing me gently, while dragging his lips along my neck, leaving a warm trail with his breath. I let out a low moan and shut my eyes. No matter how good it felt, I couldn't bare be the one who was responsible for Chip skipping school.

"Wait. This is not a good idea." I told Danny and jumped out of his arms. He just looked at me with devious eyes, biting his lower lip, looking at me with a gaze that was undressing me and searching my whole body. He had such a focused desire I could barely focus on what I wanted to say. In fact, I forgot, so I just stood there with my lips parted, panting, although he wasn't touching me with his hands, but with his look. Danny could clearly see I was panting, he could see it in the way my chest was moving, so he just smirked at me and came closer, putting up his index finger, indicating 'one'.

"Just one quickie." Danny whispered in my face, putting his forehead to mine and biting his lips again. I guess a quickie won't hurt, so I let in. I grabbed his neck and pulled him into a hungry kiss, ransacking his tongue with mine. Danny responded right away to my plunder. He lifted my shirt and pulled it over my head as we were walking over to the empty sofa in the living room. When we passed the other sofa that Chip and Alex were on, I noticed Chip was lying on his back, shirtless, with his pants unzipped and Alex still kneeling between his legs. Alex was shirtless too, sucking and licking Chip's arousal, with his left hand over Chip's belly and his right hand pressing down on Chip's knee, as to keep Chip pinned down. But Chip wasn't resisting, he was panting and moaning, and almost drooling.

"Nghnnn..." Chip let out such cute little moans from the back of his throat, while clenching his teeth together. Although he would soon turn 18 and be an adult, he still looked and sounded like a kid, like an angel.

My distraction didn't last long, since Danny pulled my pants off, turned me and lay me over the sofa, onto my stomach. He started pulling his shirt off & over his head, as I turned to look at him and his sexy torso, his thin waist and wide shoulders, his young presence kneeling over me. Once he took his shirt off, he gave me a slightly upset look as I waited for him to take his pants off, but he stopped undressing.

"Turn over." Danny ordered me.

"No. I want to see you undress." I said with a grin and hungry eyes. "Strip for me." I said and then heard a loud moan coming from Chip. I turned my head to look at Chip and Alex. Chip just came, so Alex stood up and dropped his pants. He then pulled off Chip's pants as well. Alex lifted Chip's legs and placed them on the sofa, climbing over him, caressing his side and kissing him. Chip kissed him back without restraint, put his hand on Alex's shoulder and dragged it up and down his arm, while putting his legs around Alex.

Danny fiercely turned my face to him, having that upset look on his face again. I just smiled at him and said: "What?". He put on an annoyed face and said: "Well, no more stripping for you." Crap! Fine... bring on the quickie.

Since Danny was kneeling over me, I sat up and unzipped him, as I kissed him. I pulled his pants off which almost slid off, since they were baggy jeans. Danny pushed me off him, to my back, he kicked off his jeans, pinned my hands down and shoved his tongue down my throat, sucking the life out of me. Once he stopped draining the life out of me, I breathed for air. Danny almost chocked me, but he let me go just in time and leaned over me to grab something. After I caught my breath I noticed he grabbed some sort of lube from the end table. It looked more like a box of face cream. The second thing I noticed was that it was already open.

"Turn around, babe." Danny told me, but his voice was camouflaged by the moaning of Chip.

"Mmnnn.. Alex..." Chip moaned, holding tightly onto Alex with both his arms and legs crossed over Alex's back. I could make out that Alex had his right hand on Chip's thigh and I could see his left hand on Chip's waist. Alex was looking at Chip's face, while making love to him, they were looking in each other's eyes, while doing it in the missionary position.

The next thing I noticed was Danny turning me onto my stomach, pinning my hands together, over my head with only one of his hands. I could feel his other hand rubbing my hole with the lube.

"I don't like that you are distracted." Danny said and pushed his hard dick into me. It wasn't like before, when he would slide it into me, this time it hurt, so I clenched my teeth together and moaned in pain.

"Annngh.. watch it!" I yelled at Danny.

"Sorry... but I couldn't hold back from your sexy ass." Danny said and continued pushing and pulling in and out of me. He slid his free hand under my hip, pulled my butt into him and bit the middle of my neck.

"Nghnnn... Danny... don't be so aggressive." I said as bent my right knee and put my lower leg over his.

"Your skin feels.. ahh.. so good against mine." Danny whispered in my ear, then kissing my neck. He was right. It did feel good. His torso rubbing against my back, his legs against mine and especially his hips. His pressing warmth was suffocating my body, claiming it, enclosing it, our bodies craving for each other. Even for a quickie it was a thrilling sensation. We panted and moaned for minutes to come. Feeling the warmth of his breath against my neck and hearing his voice only drove me closer to my climax. A mere few seconds passed when I breathed in and then let out a loud moan, followed by Danny's. We both came almost at the same time. Danny rolled off me, to his side, as we both tried catching our breaths. I turned to him and started rubbing my lips against his neck. Danny tilted his head back and so I 'put' love bite on the side of his neck. I moved up to his lips and kissed him, caressing his face. He kissed me back and just before he broke the kiss, I bit his lip.

"What was that for?!!" Danny pulled back, putting his hand to his lower lip. "I'm bleeding, damn it!" He said licking his lower lip.

"You better hope I won't walk funny tomorrow! You were rough when you pushed into me!" I scolded Danny.


"Ahh.. Alex... more..." I moaned craving for every bit of Alex. His touch and his every move was driving shivers up my spine, and to finish it off, his hazel graze was sparkling with desire, like a black diamond. He looked into my eyes as I looked into his, with my arms and legs enclosing him, pulling him closer. I was enjoying every moment of doing it with Alex, when I heard a loud moan coming from Aka and then Danny. Still, that didn't press me to jump to my climax, I wanted to enjoy the sensations Alex was giving me a little longer, so I didn't brake the eye-contact with him and kept enjoying every slow movement of ours.

"What was that for?!! I'm bleeding, damn it!" Danny and Aka started arguing, but it didn't matter any more, I could feel my muscles tightening and Alex grabbing onto me tighter. Aka and Danny couldn't ruin our mood anymore, since we were at our climax. Alex clenched his teeth together and came together with me as I let out a solemn moan.

"Are you wearing a condom, Alex?" I asked him once he pulled out.

"Yeahhh..." Alex answered, exhaling. "So is Danny. We decided to keep things 'fast and clean' this time." He said and winked at me.

"Well I still need to shower. Will you take us home now?"

"Shuddup!" Danny yelled at Aka, as they continued to argue.

"I don't think so." Alex said looking at Danny and Aka, who were standing naked in front of the sofa, arguing.

"Well then... com'on... lets go take a shower together." I told Alex, getting up.

"Ok." Alex said as he took my hand and lead me away. We first went to the kitchen where he disposed of the condom and then he lead me upstairs to the bathroom. We both got into the shower and Alex started the water. I started washing myself off and Alex did the same, but he smirked at me as his eyes followed every single movement I made with my hands. Next thing I knew he was pressing his arousal against me as he grabbed me around the waist and gave me a lengthy kiss.

"Aka's not here to take you away from me now." Alex grinned at me and kissed me again. "Now we're all alone and I can enjoy every bit of you." He said kissing my neck and sliding his hand on my dick, rubbing it slowly. "I want to hear you moan my name again and again."

"Mmmm... Alex..." I answered his request with utmost pleasure, taking his hard dick into my hand and rubbing it the same way he did mine. "Can you do me from behind this time?" I asked him and his eyes widened with surprise and desire.

"Mmmnn... Anything you want, babe." Alex let out a soft moan and let me go so I could turn around, and then put his arms around me, taking my erection in his right hand, gently rubbing it again.

"Haaah... Alex... stop teasing... ahhnn... put it in..." I begged panting and moaning.

"Ahh... yes..." He replied and slid his thin but long, hard dick in me. It felt like his dick was made for my body, I 'swallowed' him right up, standing on my tiptoes, pushing my butt into his hips, engulfing him.

"Aahhh.. Alex.." I moaned his name over and over again as he moved in and out of me, while rubbing my dick with his right hand and holding my hip with the left. I leaned against the wall, pressing my palms against it. Alex slowly rocked his hips, while kissing my neck and making small circular motion with his hips now and then. We took our time with exploring every movement and every sensation.

"Mmmm.. like that.. ahhh.. fuck me like that..." I moaned under my heavy breath.

"Nghnnn.. say it again..." Alex said stopping, teasing me.

"Please... fuck me Alex!" I begged him and he let out a low laughter from the back of his throat. He slowly pushed in me again and then pulled out almost entirely, teasing me, but he stopped rubbing my dick.

"Harder... ahh.. do me harder..." I pleaded, taking myself in my hand, wanting to jack off, but Alex took my hand away and pinned both my hands against the wall, putting his palms over my hands.

"No. I'll torture you with giving you slow pleasure... mmnnn..." He said as he made slowly pressed in me over and over again. His every motion kept me on the edge of cuming. My dick throbbed, desiring to be touched during the slow teasing.

"Alex... ahh... please... touch me..." I begged of him, but he just pressed me against the wall. The tip of my pulsing dick was rubbing against the tiles on the wall as Alex slowly fucked me.

He nibbled on my ear and then whispered: "Does the cold tile feel good against your hot dick?"

"Y-yes.. more..."

"You promise not to touch if I let your hands go?"

"I... ahhnn.. p-promise.." I said turning my head.

"Good." Alex said and kissed me on the lips, sliding his hands down my sides. He put them around me once again, caressing my chest with his right hand and holding my waist with the left. I kissed him again and he kissed me back, pressing his tongue against mine, savoring me. I rocked my hips with his, slowly, giving in to the torture of slow pleasure.

"Ahh.. yeahh... mmnnn... Alex..." I continued moaning his name, while he was drawing circles with his tongue onto my left upper arm, biting it gently.

"Alex... I'm cuming! Aaaahh!" I moaned as I came on the tile. Alex slowly pushed in me one more time, tightening his muscles and came inside me with a loud moan. He leaned against me as I leaned against the wall, grasping for air. Alex kissed my neck and turned me to face him.

"Mmmm... Alex... that was amazing!" I said and gave him a lingering kiss.

"Are you guys doing it again?" A voice and a banging on the door interrupted us. "Well?" Aka persisted, but we just giggled. "Finish it up soon, 'cause we have to go! It's already 1 AM!" He said leaning against the door. When I opened it he almost fell to his ass. Aka was in his boxers giving us a suspicious look. Alex and I were standing in front of the door in towels.

"Don't you want to shower?" I asked Aka, then I looked at Alex, who was grinning at me at the thought of being alone with me again, for a few minutes.

"No." Aka said grabbing my arm and pulling me after him. "I already took one with Danny downstairs." Does that mean they had "make-up" sex in the shower?

"Where u goin'?" Danny asked from the top of the stairs, once we reached it.

"You are driving us home." Aka answered, stopping in front of the stairs.

Or maybe they didn't make up yet?

"No way. I'm too beat. You guys can sleep here tonight and I'll drive Chip to school in the morning." Danny offered, blocking our way with his arms.

"He needs his uniform."

"Then I'll make a quick stop by your place in the morning, wait for him to change and then take him to school." Danny persisted.

"Fine." Aka said, turning his back on Danny and walking passed Alex who was behind us, dragging me after him. "We're gonna sleep in your bed. No more sex tonight." He said shutting the door behind us. I guess sending Danny to the "couch" means they still haven't made up. Or maybe Aka just was just looking after me, like the older brother that he is, making sure I don't skip and that I have a good rest.

"Crap... it doesn't have a lock." Aka swore looking at the door. We got into bed in our usual spooning position. It was hot so we didn't use a cover. I lay there naked, on my left side, with Aka behind me, with his arm around my waist. Aka was in his boxers, breathing down my neck. I put my hands under my face and bent my right knee. By the time I was all settled, Aka already fell asleep. I knew this because both his heart beat and breath slowed down to a calm rate. He usually has such a racing heart beat, you'd think he was running all the time. I was beat so I almost fell right to sleep too, but I heard the door open. I was too lazy to open my eyes so I just listened.

"The demon and the angel... sleeping in the same bed... what a sight." Danny whispered.

"Yeah... you'd think they are both angels." Alex whispered back. "Frankly I like Aka more when he's asleep and silent." They both laughed.

"Shhh... we'll wake them up." Danny shushed Alex and from the mumbling sounds Alex made I guess he also put his hand over Alex's mouth. They crept over to the bed on the side I was sleeping, giggling like some naughty teenage girls. Hell knows what they were up to.

"Why is your demon hogging my angel? Your bed isn't THAT small." Alex asked still in a whisper.

"I dunno... he said it's nothing sexual... but only hell knows what's going on in that demon's mind." Danny joked and they started laughing again.

"Well if it's not sexual... why is Chip naked? And why is Aka holding him? Oh... and what about his leg?" Alex was referring to Aka putting his right leg on my left one, "spooning" it to my bent right leg.

"Well... neither of them have boners." Danny confirmed and they started laughing again.

"Hey! Wait a sec! Are you looking at Chip's private parts?" Alex jumped at Danny.

"Chill man! I can't see shit from their legs put together like that!"

"Right... back to what we came here for."

Uh oh... I knew they were up to something.

"Hey... kid..." Danny whispered shaking me.

"Mmmnn.. stop it! I'm awake." I murmured with my eyes closed.

"Good. When do you want to leave in the morning?" Danny asked me. That's all they wanted? I can't believe it!

"7:30, 'cause I have classes from 8:25." I answered in a whisper.

"Ok. G'night." Danny said and went to the dresser, Alex followed him. Danny pulled out a drawer, took out two t-shirt, one in each hand. He handed one to Alex. "This ok?"

"Yep." Alex whispered taking the shirt from Danny. Danny started going towards the door as he got dressed. Alex pulled the shirt over his head, came over to me, gave me a kiss on the lips, whispering: "Good night, babe." He then headed for the door where Danny was standing, holding it open. They went out of the room, closed the door and I went right to sleep.


"Wake up. It's Monday." I heard a soft voice and felt someone giving my shoulder a gentle nudge. I rubbed my eyes, looked up and saw Aka's smiling face. It's only then I remembered where I was and what happened. I remembered the way Aka was smiling on the sofa, while doing it with Danny, the same way he was smiling when they where doing it in Aka's bed... rather... our bed... I smiled at that thought.

"What?" Aka asked still with a smile. I thought of THAT smile again. It is a lot different though than the one he had on now. THAT smile is something between an evil or rather lewd smirk and a gentle, but devious smile. If I wouldn't have met Alex... he'd probably be showing me that smile.... I blushed at my thoughts.

"Chip?" Aka asked analyzing my face with prying eyes.

"N-nothing..." I smiled at him.


"N-nothing..." Chip said with a coy smile. I wonder what he was thinking of that made him blush from ear to ear. And I thought we already got rid of his shyness.

"Ok... well... if you don't want to tell me, it's ok... but we have to get up now. It's about 7 AM." I said climbing off the bed. "I'll go get our clothes. You stay here. It might be dangerous out there with those sex-maniacs." I joked and Chip started giggling.

"Ok." He said still giggling, so I went downstairs to get our scattered clothes. Danny and Alex were sleeping on the sofas. I thought that this big house would have a guest room... I knew for sure it had a master bedroom... but why were they sleeping on the sofas? Maybe it had to do with some kinky shit again... scents or something. They both look good when they sleep.

I walked around silently, picking up Chip's and my clothes. Once I was done, I looked at the guys again, grinning at my thoughts. They were both in t-shirts and white briefs. Danny was wearing a black t-shirt, lying on his stomach, and Alex was lying on his back, wearing a white t-shirt with LEWD written on it and with a huge mouth and tongue sticking out of it drawn on it. I couldn't help but giggle at the sight, but then I looked at Danny again. The way his t-shirt was pressed against his back, I could easily make out every lines of his sexy back. That sight drove me back to my previous thoughts. They both looked so "rapeable". Danny opened his eyes and looked at me. As if he was aware even in his sleep that I was staring at him.

"Why are you grinning?" He asked with a crumpled voice.

"Mmmm.. no reason..." I said in a low tone, still grinning.

"Com'ere." Danny said so I walked over to the sofa. He sat up, grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a kiss.

"You taste funny. What were you guys doing?" I asked him, looking around. There was a large empty bowl on the coffee table and a couple empty bottles of beer. "And why didn't you guys sleep in a bedroom?"

"Ahh... we stayed up watching TV and eating popcorn." Danny said getting up and stretching. Was that t-shirt too tight or was it just me? I could see his ribs come out as he stretched... and his nipples too...

I dropped the clothes and literally jumped him, straddling him. "You are so sexy." I said shoving my tongue down his throat.

"Wait... I thought you said I taste funny." Danny said pushing me back.

"I don't care." I said kissing him again. He let in and put his arms around me, grabbing my ass. "Mmmm..." I moaned with a smile, breaking the kiss. "You taste just fine."

"I thought you were getting our clothes." Chip interrupted us. He was standing naked near the stairs.

"And I thought I told you to wait upstairs." I smirked at him.

"I was tired of waiting, so I went to the bathroom... when I came out you still weren't back, so I thought a 'sex-maniac' got you." Chip explained looking funny at Danny. He walked over to the sofa, picked up his clothes and started dressing. Danny had this confused look, which then turned into an annoyed look.

"Aka jumped me. I didn't do a thing."

"Is that so?" Chip asked in disbelief, pulling his pants up.

"Yes. It's true. I jumped him." I said getting off of Danny. I picked my clothes up and started dressing as well.

"What's with all the racket?" Alex growled, waking up. Once he saw Chip standing in the middle of the living room, only in his pants, his eyes widened and he got up. "Good morning, babe." Alex smiled at Chip and Chip smiled back at him.

Danny got up and started dressing as well. Alex walked over to Chip and planted a kiss on his lips.

"You taste funny." Chip told Alex. I started laughing with Danny.

"They both do. It's from the beer and popcorn."

(( In Romania it is legal to drink alcohol from age 18 and up. ))

"By the way, Alex... nice shirt. Fits you well." I mocked Alex and Danny started laughing again, as Alex looked at his shirt.

"What the fuck man?" Alex asked raising an eyebrow at Danny.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice until now!" Danny answered still laughing.

"Man... fuck you!" Alex said taking the shirt off and picking his clothes up from the floor and sofa, starting to dress as well. The rest of us were already fully dressed.

"Right... it's 7:30... shall we go?" Danny asked looking at his wrist watch, we nodded and headed towards the front door. "Alex, I'll be back soon." Danny said following us.

"Ok. Bye guys." Alex shouted after us as he pulled his shirt over his head.

Danny drove us home, which took about 10 minutes and then offered to drive Chip to school once he was ready, but I told him I'd call a cab and that he should come after me at 9:40. Danny agreed and then drove off. Chip and I went inside. Dad already left for work, but mom was home, getting ready for work. Chip went to get changed as I fixed up some sandwiches for him and called a cab. Chip grabbed the sandwiches, thanked me, kissing me on the cheek, ran downstairs to the cab and he was off.

I started getting ready for college, as mom followed me around asking me if Chip and I had fun yesterday and where we spent the night. I told her that we did and that we spent it at Danny's place.

"Now can you please stop following me around? You're slowing me down." I told her.

"Al right, honey. I have to finish getting ready anyway." She said and went off.

Once I was ready I still had more than an hour before Danny would come pick me up, so I started sketching, to make the time pass.

A couple minutes before 9:40 Danny showed up at my door, so I bid goodbye to my mother and left with Danny. We reached college in about 15-20 minutes, and went in together. We went in front of the classroom we had our upcoming course, and waited with a few other colleagues. In the next few minutes a couple more of our colleagues showed up, including my "girlfriends" and of course the annoying Reggie and Jack. Everyone sat down in their usual places, but since Danny didn't really come to college, he didn't have a usual place, so he sat behind Jack near the window. I guess they're close friends... never occurred to me to ask.

This time we were 9. 3 girls and 6 guys. I already sat down, but Sel was talking to her brother, so she came in later and I had to pull my chair in so she could pass and sit to my left. When she passed behind me she stopped and poked the back of my neck, in the middle, with a finger.

"Hey! What the-" I yelled putting my hand over my neck so she couldn't poke it anymore.

"Is that a hickey?" She asked with a devious smile as she sat down.

"Where? Where?" Missy jumped up from three seats to my left.

"What if it is." I said rubbing my neck.

"Well... how'd it get back there?" Sel persisted. "You said that you will tell us everything on Monday... and well... it's Monday."

"I will... later..." I said looking over to Danny, who was talking with Jack.

"What happened to your lip?" Jack asked Danny, but Danny just smiled and looked over to me. Our eyes met and we smirked at each other.

"Uh! Is that a hickey?" Jack asked Danny seeing the hickey I gave Danny. "Oh... I see... You got one of'em wild thangs. Right?"

"Definitely wild." Danny answered, looking at Jack again. All the guys turned their attention to Danny once they heard Danny had a wild lover. They gathered around him like flies around shit. Ok... not a good comparison... Danny doesn't even come close to shit.

"Do I know her?" Jack asked Danny, little did he know it was the wrong question. I grinned at that thought.

"Hey! I'm talkin to you here!" Sel snapped at me, so I turned my face to her. "I can't wait till later. So tell me now! At least tell me what guy did that to you!" She yelled. Now all the guys' attention turned to me.

"Wadayamean guy?" Reggie asked with a confused look on his face. I knew he was stupid, but... I mean com'on! It's obvious I'm gay... or maybe my colleagues didn't want to think about it, so they just shut that thought out of their narrow minds.

"You're kidding me right? Aka's gay! You didn't know that?" Sel snapped at Reggie with an as-a-matter-of-fact attitude.

"Yeah right." Reggie denied what his ears just picked up, but the rest of the guys weren't surprised. I looked at Reggie with a yeah-that's-right smile and he backed up. Although he was already two seats to my left, he acted like I had a contagious disease or something.

"Don't worry, I don't bite. And I don't find you attractive... even if I didn't already have someone." I told Reggie in a calm tone.

"Who? WHO?!" Missy jumped around behind Reggie. She was sitting between Reggie and Jack.

"You really have someone you love? That's wonderful!" Carmine said with a smile. She was another good friend of mine, but she is so busy that she doesn't always hang out with us. She was sitting between Reggie and Sel.

"So... who is it?" Sel asked with curiosity. I just looked at Danny, analyzing his expression, but he just acted normal, with a light smile on his face. "Is it Chip?" Sel persisted.

"Right... Back to my question." Jack got Danny's attention again. "So who is she?"

Ok... that's the second time Jack asked that stupid question... and I'm going to make sure it's the last time.

I got up, walked over to Danny with no problem, since no one was sitting in the last row, except him. I leaned over putting my hand on the window, around Danny's head and pressed my lips against his, as our colleagues followed my every move with dropped mouths and widened eyes. I parted Danny's lips with my tongue and kissed him passionately in front of everyone. I then backed up. Reggie looked at me like he would be looking at a rapist or something, the rest of my colleagues were just waiting for an explanation.

"Private property." I said pointing at Danny, who was looking at me with hungry eyes, as if he wanted to continue kissing me. "Mine. No touch." I said, mocking my colleagues, since I couldn't say it any simpler. If they didn't understand now either, it couldn't be helped.

"HAH! I told you they were together!" Missy jumped up and pointed at Sel, who just raised an eyebrow at her, suggesting 'whatever'.

The guys had an "oh... I see now" look on their faces, except for Reggie who was still in shock. The guys got back to their small talk and I started going back to my seat, but Danny reached after my hand, took it in his and as I walked away slid his fingers across my palm, until only our fingertips were touching.

"I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave." Danny said with a smirk.

"I love you too." I said and Danny let out a dreamy sigh.

"At first I thought you were joking... but now I can see you're in love." Jack told Danny, but Danny didn't move his eyes from me.

"Or at least lusting after that sexy ass of his." Danny said with the same dreamy look and a side-smile, as I sat down.

"Ok... waaaay too much information for me!" Reggie said finally snapping out of the shock.

"Oh, shuddup! I'm surprised you can even say the word 'information'." Sel jumped in our 'defense', I bet she would have wanted us to continue flirting.

"So then... he is the wild thing?" Jack asked Danny.

Danny looked at Jack and said with a sigh: "Wild is little said."

"Why? What'd he do to you?" Missy butted in.

"What she means is: where else do you have lo-lo-lo-love bites?" Sel teased with an evil grin.

Great! We are now the daily topic. This is why couples, straight or gay, usually keep their relationship private, so nosy people don't bother them.

"PLEASE! SHUT UP! I don't wanna hear about THAT kinda stuff! IT'S GROSS!" Reggie yelled putting his hands to his ears.

"Don't mind him! Tell us! Tell us!" Missy encouraged me.

I was hoping the professor would walk in any minute now, so they'd stop bugging us. I was staring at the door wishing it to open and for the professor to come in.

"Start with the beginning, because obviously I missed out on a lot." Carmine said.

"NO! MIND ME! MIND ME!" Reggie screamed in agony.

"Shuddup, baka!" Sel yelled at Reggie and started strangling him, somehow managing to avoid touching Carmine, who was in between them, leaning on the table, trying to get out of the way.

(( Baka means 'idiot' in Japanese. Sel, Missy and I often use Japanese words in our conversations. Makes life feel like a silly shoujo manga. Maybe that's why we draw our college life as such. ;) ))

"Yes, yes, tell us all 'bout your 'girlfriend'!" Jack was mocking Danny, smooching the air and grabbing Danny's shoulders, being all 'lovey-dovey', acting 'queer', but it didn't really work for him. He was a straight as they can get. Missy turned her head from Jack to Reggie, and back, giggling, unable to decide which was more 'interesting'.

"Stop being a dick." Danny said trying to push Jack away, but Jack was insistent.

The other two guys were just laughing their asses off and tried to be as funny as the others. "Look Reggie!" They said as they grabbed hands, intertwining their fingers, and smooching the air in between their faces, making "muaw muaw" noises.

I kept watching the door, with an insistent look, hoping all this madness would soon end, when it finally opened and the professor stepped in the madness. He saw us do freaky shit before, so he just 'cleared' his throat, trying to catch everyone's attention. Like that would work.

"Com'on! Just one lil peck!" Jack joked still pushing himself on Danny, but the other two guys knocked off acting 'queer'. Sel stopped strangling Reggie, simpered at the professor, but still didn't let go of Reggie's neck. Missy kept giggling and Carmine just sighed with a coy smile. I was the only one who was at least PRETENDING to pay attention.

"Please stop playing and pay attention for just one minute. I just came in to say that something urgent came up I have to attend to it, so you are free to leave. The seminar won't be kept either." The professor said and left, not caring if anyone heard him or not. Once he exited everyone looked at each other with a 'WTF did he want?' look on their face.

(( WTF = What The Fuck ))

"He said we can LEAVE and that the seminar is off too." I explained as loud as I could.

"LEAVE?! We can't leave!" Sel snapped at me, like I was at fault or something. "We'd have to be back here in an hour and a half. I can't get home and back till then!" We had another course between this lecture and the seminar, and many of us walked home, or took the bus so it would take 1 hour to get home and 1 to get back. In these situations we usually go hang out in the student square, which is like 10 minutes away. There are lots of diners, fast-food joints, restaurants, pizza-joints, clubs, pools, living quarters, parks, a theatre, a bank, amongst other shops and buildings, even fitness centers.

"Yes, yes, I know... let's go grab something to eat." I said getting out of my seat. Everyone followed my 'lead' and started packing.

"I think I'm gonna go home and not come back." Carmine said, although she lived like 10 minutes away.

"Oh no you don't! You gotta catch up with us. Plus, Aka's gonna tell us everythin that happened last week." Sel grinned at me.

"Okay! I'm definitely going home!" Reggie said almost running off. He always hangs out with us, so this would be the first. I knew he was narrow-minded, but being a homophobe, even after you're friends or were friends with a gay person is just plain stupid. Sel and Missy clung onto his arms, one on each side and held him back.

"OK! OK! I'll come with you guys! ONLY if Aka leaves out the gross parts!" Reggie shrugged.

"Why? You could handle it until now, when we always talked about gay stuff." Missy said as we all walked towards the door and out the class room.

"Oh... that stupid manga thing... yaoi or something." Reggie remembered. At first he would always get the names wrong, but eventually he 'learned' them. That was expected, after all we talked non-stop about manga and yaoi (manga involving erotic relationships between guys... or to put it plainly... gay Japanese comic strips).

We all went to the student square, to a fast-food joint, went inside and back to the deck, where we pulled two tables together and sat around them, guys on one side and girls on the other. Missy sat to my left, Sel to her left, facing me, Carmine to Sel's left, but still in front of me. Reggie sat to Carmine's left and one of the guys that came along, Jhonny, sat to his left, facing Missy. Danny sat right near me, and Jack sat to his right, and Jhonny's left, facing Reggie.

Glad I got that cleared out! :p

When the waitress came over to our table(s), we each took turns in making our orders. The waitress noted everything down and went off to get us our orders. The guys mostly ordered beer for drinks and each one a different type of small pizza. The girls ordered ice-coffee and I offered to buy two large pizzas for the four of us, since Danny already ordered with the guys. They gladly accepted. I ordered the usual drink, my favorite: Sprite. Now that's a drink with ATTITUDE! Once our orders arrived two by two everyone dug in.

As we ate and drank, I started telling everything that happened the past week, as the girls listened with utmost attention. The guys listened in now and then, but Reggie kept fighting with Jack over football teams. Danny was preoccupied with staring at me. I got a little ketchup on the corner of my mouth and he immediately nibbled it off my lip.

Reggie widened his eyes in shock, yelling: "I said NO gross stuff!", but everyone just laughed. The people around us who saw the little 'clean-up process' either were like 'whatever', or shocked like Reggie, but there were also girls, other than Missy, Sel and Carmine, who giggled at the sight.

"You've got a lot of balls doing that in public, you stupid fuck." Jack joked again, nudging Danny's shoulder.

"Actually he has only 2 balls." I said with a serious tone.

"Yeah... I guess, you would know, wouldn't you?" Jack asked me with a sarcastic tone, but I just smirked at him.

"Damn! That's such a devious smile!" Sel remarked.

"Makes me wanna kiss it!" Danny grinned at me.

"NO! DO NOT DO THAT!" Reggie yelled at us.

"Chill man! Lay back. Relax. Enjoy the scenery or something." Sel soothed Reggie down. I guess she hoped that Danny would kiss me.

"Don't worry, we won't start fucking on the table." I joked around, and everyone started laughing except Danny who just grinned at me, probably thinking of the time we DID fuck on the table. Of course when I told the girls what happened I left out the details of the sex scenes, I did tell them when we did it though. I was keeping back the details for Reggie's sake.

"I wanna fok on the table!" Jack said with an Italian accent, quoting 'the Italian man who went to Malta'. (( By 'fok' he meant fork, but it sounds like 'fuck'. ))

"I fucked him on a table once." Danny said biting his lower lip and silence kicked in.

"Oh... so you're the seme? Honestly, Aka! I never thought you'd be the uke." Sel grinned at me.

"Bite me!" I told her. The guys had a puzzled look on their faces, wondering what the fuck Sel meant, so I tried explaining: "Seme is the top, the dominant one and uke is the bottom, or dominated one. Terms often used in yaoi."

"Well... ok... now that IS was too much information." Jhonny said. "I mean, I don't mind finding out new things and getting acquainted with unknown things, such as the gay world, but... some things should stay unsaid."

"What? You didn't know there's a top and a bottom at gay couples?" Jacked asked. "I mean, you DO know that one guy fucks the other in the ass, right?"

"OKAY! Enough! If you want a documentary about the 'gay world' watch discovery channel or something. Leave us out of it!" I said with a serious tone, but they just started laughing again.

The rest of our 'get-together' went by with fights over football, talk about manga and of course, they couldn't leave out the 'gay-jokes' or remarks. I can't say we didn't have fun, because they did know the limit to things so all the jokes and remarks were reasonable, besides, most of them were made by Danny and Jack. I also found out why Danny and Jack were on such close terms. They went to high-school together. That's why Jack asked who the wild GIRL was, since Danny had many girlfriends.

15 minutes before the course would start we all went back to college and endured the 2 boring lecture hours. Of course, we kept 'chatting' on paper, Sel and me also drawing chibi manga characters, describing our expressions.

(( Chibi means 'small' in Japanese and it signifies a deformed character, a

caricature. ))

Once the course ended everyone headed home. Danny offered me a ride and I gladly accepted. Once we reached my place we stayed in the car, making out, fondling and caressing each other.

"I'm getting hard." I said in a low tone.

"Yeah? I'm already hard!" Danny replied in the same manner and then grinned at me.

"Oh no! I'm not doing it in the car! It's like 4:30 PM! Even if it is a quiet neighborhood, people might still see us!" I complained.

"So?" Danny kept grinning at me.

"Well... at least let's drive off to a more restricted area." I suggested. Danny immediately started the car and drove to a near by construction site. They were building a hospital but they ran out of funds so they stopped, so it was more like a temporarily abandoned place. Once behind the fences, he parked the car and almost immediately jumped me. We undressed with effort, he climbed over me, then we switched so I could straddle him.

We shared hungry kisses and touches, as I rubbed my ass against his crotch. Danny grabbed my ass, lifted me, bumped my head against the top of the car and we both started laughing.

"Sorry... this is my first time in a car." Danny smiled at me. "I had a lot of firsts with you." He said slowly lifting me again and lowering me on his hard dick. It felt so good to feel him inside me again.

"Really? Mmmm... which ones?" I asked him with soft voice, leaning into him and putting my arms around his neck, clutching him. His face was next to mine, and his arms were around me, one caressing my back and the other my ass, while we slowly did it in the passenger seat.

"Well.. ahh.. in the shower and restroom... nghhnnn... on the table, tied to my bed... ahh..." He stopped for a moment. "Sorry..."

"I said it was ok, didn't I?" I comforted him, so he went back to rocking his hips and I rocked mine along with his. "Mmmm..."

"My first 'groupie'... heh... and the bites..." He paused for a moment, panting. "Those hurt." He continued. "You were also the first to knock me off my feet... literally... mmnnn.. also the first to introduce me to his parents... and to introduce to my friends, I mean... ahhh... to come out with... and to kiss in public... mmnnn... my first love..." Danny said giving me a lingering kiss.

"Mmnnn... you had all my firsts... ahh... except oral sex." I confessed. "I love you, Danny." I said kissing him.

"I love you too....... what is your real name?"


(( 'Farkas' is pronounced with the Hungarian 'a', like the 'a' in 'tall', and 's' is pronounced like 'sh' from 'shine'. ))

"Hungarian, right?"


"Foarkash?" Danny tried pronouncing my name, but didn't manage, so I shook my head and said it again: "Farkas...".

He kept pronouncing it wrong, but I intended to teach him to say it right, so we kept 'practicing' as we did it. Just as we reached our climaxes he moaned my name right: "AAAHH FARKAS!"

We just sat there, holding each other, trying to catch our breaths in the steamed up car. We got out of the car, naked, pulled on our underwear and pants, and sat down on the hood. I clasped my hands together and put them between my legs. Danny put his hand in his pockets and then his eyes widened. He pulled his right hand out, holding a pack of cigarettes.

"I haven't smoked since Thursday!" He looked at the pack then at me.

"Oh? I didn't know you smoked."

"Well... I've been trying to quit... but couldn't... and since I'm with you... I completely forgot!" He said and threw the pack on the ground and stepped on them.

"Well it's good you quit, because I don't date smokers." I joked, but it was true. "But... in your case I would definitely make an exception." I looked at him with a sincere smile. He smiled back and kissed me.

"I couldn't bare to make you suffer the smoke I blow out... or the taste of it when we kiss. I know it's a disgusting habit."

"Nothing disgusts me about you." I looked at him with loving eyes and he returned my look.

The clock was drawing near 6 PM. The sun would set at around 7, so we decided to wait it out, since the view was lovely: an endless field, with an unfinished building around us that looked like ruins. I leaned my head on his shoulder as we sat side by side waiting for the sun to go down.

"Farkas..." Danny repeated my name with a soft voice. I love the way he says my name! "Does it mean anything?"



"I'll tell you if you say it again."

"Loved too! Farkas."

"It means 'wolf'."

"Oh! So THAT'S why you're so wild." Danny laughed.

I put my arm around his waist and he put his around my shoulder. We waited till sunset and watched the sun go down. Once it did he drove me home, we kissed good-bye and parted.


To be continued.

Visit my site: http://nhjm.net/~onetouch

Say hi! Write me! E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 7

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