Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Jul 17, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

The story speeds up. Sorry for not submitting this earlier, but i got caught up. Sometimes i forget about time. To make it up to you guys I made this longer and with more hot boy sex. XD~

Drawn In - Chapter 5 ==================== by Akashi



"If it wasn't for the music, everyone could hear what you guys are doing. You are so loud!"

"Ahh kid!"

"Chip?....... No... Danny, don't stop!"

Danny and I were doing it all day long. We were fucking in a spooning position when Chip came home. Danny was gripping my waist with one hand and my chest with the other. I was holding on tight to the sheets as Danny was enjoying every single minute of fucking me slowly. He was driving me crazy with every kind of sensation of pleasure you could think of. No wonder we were moaning like crazy.

Chip was standing in the doorway of my room. How long has he been watching us? When he spoke up Danny stopped doing me and almost jumped out of bed. He's always so jumpy. But this time he just stopped and looked at Chip with widened eyes. Chip was just giving us a side-smile. I was in ecstasy and I didn't want Danny to stop so I kept pushing my butt into him.

"Well I'll leave you two love-birds to your thang. I'll be in the living room if you need anything. Anything at all. Maybe some lube? Or condoms?" Chip teased us, so Danny threw a pillow at him.

"Ok ok... no condoms! Sigh..." Chip joked and went away closing the door behind him.

Once Chip left Danny turned his full concentration back onto doing me. He started rocking his hips again, together with mine that never stopped rocking. He gently bit my neck and it took only a couple of moments until we both came. This was the first time I came before him with a couple of seconds. After I came he thrusted into me a couple more times and he came into me. We rested a few minutes and then Danny got up and started dressing.

"Wait... what are you..." I was asking Danny, but he interrupted me: "We did it all day long. You still want to do it? You're restless! Plus, the kid's here!"

"Ahh... no... that's not what I wanted to say. Aren't you going to take a shower? You should..." I continued but again was interrupted.

"No. I'll take a shower when I get home." Danny said as he got fully dressed.

"Danny..." I had to make it short, so he wouldn't interrupt me again. "You smell like cum." I said in a teasing tone, smiling.

"And your point is?" He grinned at me.

So.... he didn't want to take a shower not because Chip was here, but because he liked it... he wanted to stick to it as long as he could, to keep the morning running over and over again in his head.

"I love your scent on me. And I'm not talking only about your cum." He continued biting his lower lip. "But your skin's scent. You always smell so good. Like... lavender and... something else... It drives me crazy."

"But... what about the sweat?" I tried convincing him into a shower. Carrying my scent around was a bit.... territorial of him.

"Little price I have to pay for a great treat." Danny said and winked at me. He looked at my face and then rolled his eyes down on my naked body as I was lying on my back with my left leg bent. He stopped his eyes on my left thigh. I looked down to see what he was staring at... it was a hickey he gave me. Danny was grinning when I looked back up at him and raised my eyebrow. Just because he "marked" me it doesn't mean I'm his property. He is possessive!

"I'm going to take a shower." I said as I ripped the sheets off the bed and took them with me.


"Danny, we're not animals to mark our territories. If you want to "bond" with me, or mark me, do it in another way." I said waling past him. I shoved the sheets in the washing machine, added some detergent and started it. Danny was just looking at me with a hurt face. I ignored him and went in the shower locking the door behind me.

After about 10 minutes I came out of the shower, put one a pair of shorts and went in the living room.

"Hey Chip."

"You guys done yet?" Chip grinned at me.

"No..." I said with a smile. "You hungry?"

"Nah... I'm fine... I ate out with Alex. You want me to help you with cooking?"

"No. You just keep watching you movie. Thanks anyway." I said and went in the kitchen where Danny was chewing on an apple. He looked pissed, so I went over to him and leaned over his shoulder, putting my arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry." I whispered into his ear, but he just took my hands off him, turned his back to me and went to the window. I went over to him, pushed his short hair up from between the back of his neck and head and planted a soft kiss there. It was his weak point. Kissing him there gave him goosebumps and made his knees weak. "I'm sorry." I said in a soft whisper. "Tell me how I can make it better."

"You can't. You don't like the way I smell...... and you give me bullshit about animals." Danny said with a hurt voice, looking blankly out the window.

I giggled, turned him to face me and kissed him. "You're crazy. I love everything about you. Your eyes, your voice, your scent, your touch. BUT I needed to change the sheets. They were full of cum and I'm not the only one sleeping in them."

"What?! You mean you sleep with that kid!!?!?" Danny shouted practically panicking.

"Sleep with? Danny!" I looked at him upset. "After fucking all morning you ask such stupid questions? I sleep BESIDE him."

Danny turned his head and looked through the wall enraged. Great! He was the jealous type!

"Chip is like my brother! I could never think of him in any other way! You know this!" Apparently he didn't. "I love only you!" I kept on shouting back at him. "Danny... look at me..." I lowered my voice and turned his face to me by his chin.

I knew you couldn't convince a jealous type that you weren't "cheating" on him with just promises.

"Look in my eyes and analyze my feelings while I tell you the following. First time I met Chip he was destroyed. His parents are alcoholics and I am helping him out. He's my angel and you can't change that. Even when I shower together with Chip I don't think of anything sexual. Neither does he. He's in love with Alex. And you know what? You better cut the jealousy crap or this won't work out. Because I'm serious about you and if you don't even trust me, how can you love me?" I explained to him burning my serious gaze into his eyes. "You love me, right?"

Danny looked down for a second than back into my eyes, taking a moment to think about what I just said.

"Ok... you can sleep beside him, but no more showering together!" Danny told me and grabbed my waist, pulled me in and shoved his tongue into my mouth. "Of course I love you!" He answered still a bit pissed.

"Good." I replied and pushed myself into him, kissing him back, devouring his mouth.

"I guess you weren't kidding when you said you guys weren't done." Chip grinned from the door.

"How the fuck can he be an angel?" Danny asked with jealous eyes, Chip just stuck his tongue out to him and then grinned at him. "Brat!" Danny yelled at him and ran after him, Chip ran off. "Come here! I'll get you!"

"Danny! NO! Knock it off before you knock something over!" I said running after them. They were running around the living room table. Chip was pretty fast.

"Come on old man! Jealous that I'm your boyfriend's angel?" Chip said with a grin.

"Old man?! What the fuck! I'll tear your wings off when I catch you and stuff them in your foul mouth!" Danny yelled making jolts around the table, finally catching Chip by the arm and shoving him on the couch-bed. Danny was leaning over Chip putting his hands around Chip and his knee in between Chip's legs, pinning Chip down. "And he's not my boyfriend! He's my lover!"

I just stood there, waiting it out. If anything were to happen I could jump in.

"Get off of me!" Chip yelled at Danny.

"First show me your wings!"

"Why? So you can rip them off?"

"Fuck yeah!"

"What for? You want to make some erotic feather-toys out of them? You are soooo insecure!"


"It looked like Aka was satisfied... either that or he sure can pretend. So why do you need feathers?" Chip grinned at Danny.

"I got a bold parrot at home. It would make it happy! Now give'em!" Danny grinned back at Chip and turned him, pushing his blouse up. "Com'on! Push them out! Don't hide them! It won't hurt.... much..." Danny said ransacking Chip's back with his hands.

"Hahaha... quit it! That tickles! Hahaha..." Chip laughed, kicking around, but unable to get out from under Danny. "Aka! HELP! Haahaahaa!"

"I don't know... I really like animal charity... maybe just a couple of feathers? That parrot might really need them." I joked while laughing.

"No! That parrot will be insulted! Hahahaa! You can't give it white feathers! It's like giving jeans to a drag queen to wear at prom. Hahaha!" Chip screamed laughing already crying from being tickled so much.

"The parrot likes white! It's name is Whitey! Now give me you feathers!" Danny continued tickling Chip.

"Hahahahahaha." I laughed holding my stomach. I couldn't take it anymore. "Ok, kids! That's enough! Let's go make dinner."

"Fine..." Danny said and got off of Chip.

Chip turned, got up and pulled his shirt down. "Great! You wrinkled my shirt you dirty old man! And you finger-raped my back!"

"I didn't have any sexual thoughts while tickling your back." Danny said giving me a look, mocking what I said earlier. I just smiled at him. "And stop calling me old man! I'm only 20! How old are you squirt?" Danny asked Chip.

"17." Chip answered as we headed towards the kitchen.

"You look 15! I was beginning to think that Alex had a young-kid-fetish."

"Are you calling him a pedophile? Well... I don't know what fetish he has, 'cause he's holding back."

"Holding back? What do you mean?" I asked Chip as I was taking out a bag of macaroni and a can of mushrooms and placed them on the table. "Danny, fill that pot with water and add a spoon of salt." I pointed out a pot on the side of the sink and Danny got right to it.

"Well, you guys were at it all morning and all Alex did was take me out to eat. After that he kissed me good-bye and went home." Chip said frustrated and took the can opener from a drawer and started brutally opening the can of mushrooms.

"Wow! Take it easy there! The can did nothing to you!" Danny said adding a spoon of salt to the pot he just filled with water. "What now?" He looked at me.

"Light it's ass on fire!" I grinned at him and he took the match box and lit the stove, then put the pot over it. He blew out the match. How feminine... hehehe.

"Fire in the hole! None in Chip's though." Danny joked and I laughed.

"Sure! Rub it in, why don't you, "girlfriend"?" Chip replied with sarcasm while emptying the salty water from the can of mushrooms into the sink.

"Who are you calling a girl? I'm the one doing Aka! Ain't that right babe?"

"Well... you're definitely a guy, otherwise I wouldn't be interested in you. BUT you are a bit feminine. And it doesn't matter if you're on top." I smiled at him.

"Feminine? How so?" Danny raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"You blew out the match. You didn't shake it off." Chip told him.

"Big fuckin deal! I always do that. That doesn't prove shit." Danny dismissed our remark.

"What's that under your nail?" Chip asked Danny.

"I ain't falling for that shit. Stop it, ok? It's not funny."

The day continued on pointless talk as we made macaroni bolognese. Once it was ready we all sat down and fooled around with our food, making our faces messy with red bolognese sauce.

"Aka, you know, red really brings out your eyes." Chip said half-joking.

"Well, you don't look that bad either kiddo. Like a lolly! Run or I might lick your face until it melts!" I answered in the same tone.

"You want a lolly?! I'll give you a lolly! But there's no way in hell you're going to lick the kid!" Danny scolded me.

"Ahh... chill man! I don't even like sweets." I replied.

"Well then... I'll lick you..." Danny grinned at me and leaned over to me. I was sitting on his right and Chip was sitting on my right.

Danny put his hands on my neck and started licking my face around my mouth. He was licking off all the sauce and eventually he reached my mouth and started licking my lips. I didn't hold back, I parted my lips and gave him a full tongue kiss. Chip just looked at us with a smile and Danny was giving Chip a look, suggesting 'this is all mine and will never be yours', when his cellphone rang and he broke the lingering kiss.

"Yeah, what?" Danny answered his cellphone like he already knew who was calling. The cell had it's volume turned all the way up so we could all hear what the person on the other line was saying.

"What do you mean 'what'? You were supposed to be here a half an hour ago for practice! You were totally off for the past few days! Get it together and move your ass over here!" A male voice was yelling at Danny through his phone.

"Yeah, yeah... I'll be there in 15 minutes." Danny said and hung up his phone. "Well, I gotta run guys. I loved hanging out with you. See you later." Danny said almost running out the door, but then he ran back to me and planted a kiss on my lips. "Even if you hate sweets, you sure taste sweet." He grinned at me.

"Bye!" Chip and I both said it at the same time as Danny ran out the door.

"So... wanna talk about Alex?" I asked Chip sitting down and leaning on the table with my elbows, cupping my face with my hands.

"Ehm... maybe we should first wash our faces." Chip said finishing his macaroni. "Besides, I can't really concentrate with Danny's saliva all over your face." He grinned at me.

"You're just jealous that you ain't getting none from Alex." I grinned right back at him.

"I don't know why he's not touching me... maybe he wants to prove that sex isn't all he wants from me... but... no matter how much I tell him it's ok and that I want him, he still pushes me away." Chip said getting up, going to the sink and washing his face. I gathered the dishes and put them in the sink and then washed my face also.

"I'll wash, you wipe." I told Chip giving him a cloth. "Maybe Alex is just afraid to hurt you again and is trying to keep himself as far away as possible. Besides, as long as he has you by his side, he's happy." I said while washing the dishes.

"I don't just want to be by his side! I want him completely!" Chip said with icy blue eyes, ice that 'burned' with passion, as he wiped the dishes and walked around the kitchen putting everything in place.

"Well then, my advice to you is to devise a plan where you pin him down and make him so horny he won't be able to hold back." I grinned at him.

"And in what situation could I ever pin him down? He's stronger than me! And I know for sure he won't let me tie him up to bed. Should I use some sort of sleeping pill when I'm over at his place and tie him up while his passed out?" Chip rattled on with all sorts of kooky ideas.

"No. That won't work since you'll probably have to carry him to bed, from where ever he 'took' the sleeping pill."

"You'll help me carry him." He grinned at me.

"Ah.. no... I don't wanna be involved in such a thing. There is an easier way."

"Really? What? Tell me!" Chip jumped around me like he sat on a beehive.

"You come on to him like you usually do, but knowing it won't work you're going to have a trick up your sleeve. He's going to turn your "offer" down and then you're gonna get mad at him. Tell him it's not going to work out if he doesn't give you what you need. He's gonna think about it for a sec and start with shit like "no it's not a good idea" or the sort and then you are gonna be even more upset. He's gonna be all cuddly with you with "I'm sorry"-s and you're gonna say "Fine. Let's compromise." and suggest to take a bath together." I devised the plan as Chip was all ears, paying full attention to me. I could see on his face he liked the idea with the bath, because his eyes brightened up.

"Once you're bathing together crawl over him and start kissing him. If you know his weak point it'll be a good weapon." I went on.

"Yeah... his belly." Chip said with a smile.

"Ahh... perfect. Since it's not his back or any harder to reach spot. Drag your fingers across his belly and move them up and down on it. And there you have him pinned. From there keep teasing him. If he pushes you back, just tell him all you were doing is kissing him. If he starts with "it's a bad idea" again, tell him things that would need to make him prove that he wants you, like "you don't find me attractive?" or "you don't like the way I kiss you?". Since he won't want to explain why he's holding back, he'll let you kiss him and after enough kisses and belly-rubbings, he'll get hard as a rock and won't be able to hold back anymore. He'll grab you and do you right then and there." I said finishing up the dishes. Chip was practically drooling at the idea. He could barely wait to try it out.

"You think it will work?" Chip asked with unsure eyes.

"Of course it will. If you do everything the way I told you." I winked at him.

"Thanks!" He jumped me and hugged me around my neck with his tight hug, again almost suffocating me.

"Ok, ok... can't... breathe..."

"Ahh... sorry... I keep forgetting." Chip apologized letting me go.

"Are you sure you're not strong enough to pin him down? Or at least make him unconscious with a hug?" I grinned at him.

"Yeah.... hehe..." He smiled back at me with flames of anxiety burning in his eyes.

"Well... do you have Alex's number?" I asked and Chip nodded. "Well then, call him up and tell him you want to meet him tonight. When he asks where, tell him you just want to hang out with him so anywhere would be fine. If he offers his place that will be just perfect, if not, you bring it up." I winked at him.

"But if Danny's rehearsing now, so is he. I'll call him in 1 hour or so."

"No no no no no... call him NOW! Until Danny gets there they must wait, so it's perfect timing." I told him nodding my head in the phone's direction.

"Fine..." Chip said walking over to the phone and dialing Alex's number, which he obviously already knew by heart.

"I'll be in my room if you need me."

"Wait... you're not going to help me with.... ahh... Alex? Oh hey... it's me, Chip...."

Chip wanted to ask me to stay but I went to my room anyway. I wanted him to build up some confidence for the "hot-tub" night. Aren't I evil? Hehehe...

In a few minutes Chip came to my... or rather our room and he had an ear to ear smile on his face.

"So... I guess it's on tonight, huh?" I asked Chip and he could only nod. He was in dream-land as of now.

Chip walked over the bed and dropped on it hugging a pillow and fantasizing about what else than Alex and the night they're going to share. I let him to his dreams and went back to my work on the PC. It was an AI project I was working on, also involving an Open Source group on the net. I had a major problem on figuring out the way to solve a bug that would always crash the whole project, so I asked for help and got it. I was online all day chatting with people from that Open Source group on how to fix the bug. Once we would do that an innovative AI would be running on my PC. The only AI with imagination. It didn't just randomly come up with ideas, but it also analyzed the outcoming results before doing anything.

But I don't want to bore you with all that. I always get so caught up in such things that I forget about time.

"Ok... well... it's already 7:30 PM so I'll be leaving now. See ya!" Chip said from the doorway. He was dressed in a pair of dark-blue jeans and a grey long sleeved shirt. He looked so handsome that if he wasn't my "brother" I'd eat him right up.



"Oh nothing..." Oops... I said that aloud. "Have fun!" I winked at him.

"Oh... I hope so!" Chip said with dreaming eyes and went off.

After Chip left I got back to work, but at about midnight I realized the day ended and Danny didn't come back. I hope he will be at my door again in the morning. I love weekends.

This indicates that narrator's point of view is being changed. Now it's Chip's turn to speak his mind.


I did just like Aka told me. I "lured" Alex in to taking a bath with me. Tonight was just right for it. At 8 PM I showed up at his apartment. It's good that he lives alone, even if it's a run down apartment, with a the living room and the kitchen in the same room, one small bedroom and a bathroom. We had everything we needed. A big tub and hot water. Alex made it into a bubble-bath, although I would have rather preferred clear water so I could see him naked. Maybe that's exactly why he did it.

I moved over him and started kissing him and dragging my fingers along his belly, he pushed me back, like Aka said he would, but I was prepared.

"You don't like the way I kiss you?" I fronted.

"Ahh... no... I mean yes... ah... I like the way you kiss me..." Alex mumbled.

"Then why do you push me back?" I asked my devious question with an innocent face.

"Well... because... I..."

"I was only kissing you. Nothing more. If you don't like me I understand. I'll just leave." I said getting up to leave but Alex grabbed my arm.

"No... I really like you! I love you, Chip! Don't leave! You can kiss me."

Gotya! Right where I want him! Let the teasing begin.

"I love you too." I said and crawled back between his spread legs, putting my left hand near his side and my right one on his belly, as I was on my hands and knees, with my back sticking out of the water covered with bubbles. I leaned forward and started kissing him again, this time he didn't push me back. After a couple of minutes of kissing and playing with his abs I could feel his hard dick touching my stomach. I let myself on him and he slid his hands on my ass and gently caressed me, sliding his hands up and down my waist and ass.

Alex sat up and cupped my face, shoving his tongue down my throat. I had him right where I wanted him. He lifted me over him and lowered me on his dick. It's been a while since first time so it hurt like hell, but I didn't want him to slow down, because he might pull back again. I bared with the pain for the first few pushes, after which it started to diminish and become pleasure.

Alex was eating my neck and pushing into me, while he was panting. He embraced me tightly around my waist and pulled my into him. I could tell he was holding back until now, but really wanted me, from the way he was devouring me. He was so good that I was moaning so loudly that the neighbors could hear us.

Instead of telling me to keep it down Alex encouraged me: "I love to hear you scream." He grinned and looked into my eyes with a devilish look. He then attacked my mouth and continued moving his dick in and out of me. The bubbles already disappeared, so I could see him moving his lower body, bending his waist as I rocked my hips over him, with my legs around him.

Kissing wildly and fucking in the tub got us to our climax in just a matter of minutes. Alex shot his loads into me and I shot mine in the water.

"Aahhh... I held back for so long... and I was doing a good job too... but now you came onto me and I couldn't hold back anymore." Alex said catching his breath. "And the way you moan drives me crazy! Now I can't have enough of you." He said pulling out of me and climbing out of the tub. Once he was out he took me in his arms and carried my to his bed. He laid me down as I was dripping wet and climbed on top of me. The morning might have been Aka's but the night is mine!

I put my arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. He slid his hands up and down my sides and lowered his head to kiss my neck.

"Mmmm... you taste so good..." Alex said with a low moan, lowering his head and licking every bit of my wet torso, taking his time with my navel.

"Mmmnnn... that feels good" I moaned as he was licking around my navel.

"You have such a sexy navel. But there is something else I also want." He said with a smirk, lowering his head again, in between my legs.

"Mmmm... you taste good..." Alex moaned from the back of his throat licking the tip of my hard dick. That's the first time he, or anyone else did that. The sensation was overwhelming. I tilted my head back and moaned to his every move, as he sucked on me like I was a lolly or something, ruthlessly devouring me.


"You like that?" Alex teased me raising his head and smirking at me.

"Mmmyeaahhh... gooood..." I spoke in ecstasy.

"Your face is red. Has no one ever done this to you before?"

"No... don't stop.... Alex..." I begged him but he just kept smiling.

"Tell me what you want." Alex smirked at me, teasing me.

"Alex... please... suck me..." I begged him again. Although wet I still felt so hot. Alex got right back to sucking me, with his right hand around my thigh and his left hand holding my dick. His warm, wet mouth felt so good. I could feel my heart racing. I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Nhhhn.... I'm cuming.... ahhh!" I warned Alex but he didn't back up, he savored every bit of me.

"Have you quenched your thirst of me yet?" I asked Alex as he crawled over me and leaned in for a lengthy kiss.

"Mmmmm... no... never..." He answered licking his lip. "Turn over" He said turning me to my belly by my waist. He kept his hands on my waist and slid them up and down my sides, kissing my neck and shoulders and nibbling on my ears. He let his weight on me, pressing his hard dick against my ass, rubbing it in between my cheeks. I moaned in a low voice.

"Amazing... are you hard again?" Alex asked sliding his hand under me, reaching for my dick. "Teenagers.... hehe" He said with a pleased tone and without waiting any further he pushed his dick inside me again. The feeling this time was more of pleasure than pain. I responded immediately lifting my butt and pushing it into him. He slid his hands down to my hips and held me pressed to him. He loosened his grip on my hips and started moving in and out of me. I grabbed the sheets over my head and moaned subtly. Alex put his right hand on my grasping hand and intertwined his fingers with mine.

"Ahhh... Alex..." I moaned his name, feeling his breath on my neck and the warmth of his wet, pressing body on my back. "Alex.... hhaaah" I kept moaning his name as he kept pushing into me, giving me unimaginable pleasure, and dripping from his chin onto my back. We were making his bed wet with water, sweat and cum as we both sank into ecstasy and came in a matter of minutes.


"Mmmmm.... smells like Alex..." I said as I woke up in the morning. I opened my eyes and I remembered I slept over at Alex. Slept over is little said. I woke up in his arms with my head on his shoulder and my left hand on his chest. I fell asleep in his embrace. It felt so warm and so safe that I didn't want to ever leave it. It was different from Aka's safe embrace. Aka gave me a sense of security and of brotherly love. Alex on the other hand gives me a love sanctuary.

"You're awake?" Alex asked me in a soft whisper.

"Mhhhmm..." I replied with a lazy tone.

"You look like an angel when you sleep. So still... just breathing..." Alex said and kissed my forehead. I raised my face to look in his warm hazel eyes and he planted a short soft kiss on my lips. I stretched and climbed out of bed.

"Leaving already?" Alex asked with disappointment.

"No... I have to pee." I said with a soft smile.

"Oh... ok..."

"Do you have any mouth wash?"

"Yeah.. it's in the medicine cabinet above the sink."

I went to the bathroom too pee and to freshen up. Alex came in after only a few minutes, freshening up as well. Once he was done he grabbed me by the waist and shoved his tongue in my mouth. Our bodies touched and we got hard again.

"Mmm... now there's a morning kiss for ya." He grinned and I smiled at him. He gazed with desire into my eyes for the longest time. His warm hazel eyes were drawing me into him and then he kissed me again. He sucked the life out of me, leaving me breathless when he broke off the kiss. We both breathed for air after that hungry kiss.

"I want to do you right here, right now." Alex said pining me against the wall. I was surprised of how hungry he was to touch me. A couple days ago he would barely lay a finger on me and now he can't keep his hands off of me.

"What's with that scary face? Do you scare you?" Alex asked me, backing off and analyzing my shocked face.

"No." My shock turned into a smile. "You just can't keep your hands off of me, when a couple of days back you would barely let me touch you."

"I didn't want you to think that all I wanted from you was sex." Alex said with a gentle smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied and I got on my tiptoes to kiss him. He put his arms around me and leaned in for the kiss. Even if he's a neck taller, we don't let that get in the way. Alex turned me around and pulled me into him. He started kissing my neck on the right side. I locked his head with my right hand, turning my head to kiss him. He kissed me back and put his right hand on my upper arm, holding it to his head. He turned my head away, by my chin with his left hand and started kissing my neck again, biting it.

I clenched my teeth and let out a soft moan. "Nghnnn".

Alex went on with eating my neck, while dragging his right hand down my arm, my armpit and then my side. He took his dripping dick and started rubbing it against my hole. I responded almost in a reflex and pushed my butt back, into him. He saw I was ready and he slid his dick in my pink boy hole. Because of the slight height difference, he couldn't put it in all the way, so he stopped eating my neck and let go of my chin. He grabbed me by my waist with his left hand and slowly lowered himself and me, sitting down on the bathroom floor. He sat down with his legs spread and with my legs spread over his. He put his right hand on my chest and started caressing it, until he got to my nipple. He breathed in my neck, pushing into me, as I moaned loudly. He started rubbing my nipple with his index finger and got back to eating my neck, devouring it with his tongue and gently pressing his teeth in my skin. He reached down with his left hand and took my hard dripping dick in his hand, rubbing it with the same speed he was fucking me. I could feel his touch everywhere, all around me, his right hand searching my torso, pinching my nipple, his chest pressing against my back, his left hand moving up and down my dick, and I could feel him inside me, pulling out and pushing back in again, rubbing that pleasure point deep inside me. I could feel his breath on my neck, I could feel my legs being spread by his, our sweat mixing, all the overwhelming sensations mixing into one, as I kept moaning Alex's name.

"Mmmmnn.. Alex... no more..."

"No? Why?" Alex breathed into my ear.

"Ahhh... I'm gonna cum too soon..."

"Me too..."

It took only a couple of seconds after he spoke those words in my ear with his warm breath, and we both came.


"Shit..." I jumped up. It was already noon. The sun was shining brightly through my window as I woke up from a nightmare, breathing heavily all sweaty. It was a terrible nightmare. I put my hand to my mouth to try to calm down and slow down my breathing. No matter how much I tried, my heart was reaching and my breathing lost all rhythm, I was almost hyperventilating. My widened eyes were red and teary.

"Aka! Are you alright?" Chip ran to me, with worry swirling in his eyes. He must have just arrived. He embraced me and started to comfort me by caressing my back. "What happened?! You look like you've seen a ghost.. or rather the devil himself."

"I..." I tried answering him, but my throat felt so narrow I couldn't get a word out. I could barely catch my breath.

"Calm down! Don't do this to me! You're scaring the shit out of me!" Chip yelled at me trying to snap me out of it. "Wait here, I'll get you some water." He said getting up and running out of our room.

A couple seconds later he was back with a tall glass of water. He sat down by my side again and handed me the glass, holding it for me to drink. I put my hands around his to coordinate his moves. As I drank from the glass my hands were shaking and I couldn't stop shivering, so half of what I drank ran down the sides of my mouth and onto my naked torso. I pushed his hands back, indicating him to stop. I had enough water. I put my elbow on my bent knee and put my hand on my forehead, pushing my hair back. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath.

"I dreamed Danny died." I said in a scratched whisper and silence fell between us for a couple of minutes. I looked up and Chip had a shocked face with a dropped mouth and widened eyes.

"H... how?" Chip managed to ask.

"In a fire. Some kind of a broken-down club burned down." I said still shivering.

"It's ok, Aka. It was just a bad dream. I'm sure he's fine." Chip comforted me.

"Yeah... I guess you're right. But... it was a bloody nightmare! Not a bad dream! I gotta call Danny!" I said jumping out of bed. I was only wearing a pair of grey briefs. I ran in the kitchen, picked up the phone and punched in Danny's number.

'Yeah? Hello?' I heard Danny's voice over the phone. I was immediately relieved, but still shaky. "Danny" I exhaled with relief.

'Aka? What's wrong? You're voice is shaky...'

"No... nothing... I just had a bad dream."

'I was just on my way over to your place. I'll be there in about 10 minutes, ok?'

"Yeah..." I sighed and hung up. Chip was standing in the doorway, listening in on my conversation with Danny.

"See? I told you he was fine." He said with a relieved smile. I must have really scared the crap out of him. "Let me fix you something to eat. You look terrible." He continued and went directly to the fridge and started taking all sorts of things out of it. "Here." He poured me some orange-juice into a glass. "Drink this until I make you something to eat."

He was so caring and so attentive. It seemed like he knew what to do at every moment. I drank my juice as I watched him move around the kitchen. My hands were still shaking, but my heart and my breathing soothed down.

"What are you grinning at! I thought you are in shock!" Chip turned and noticed me looking and grinning at him.

"You walk funny." I told him, so he got upset and turned the other way. "I take it you had fun with Alex?" I pressed on.

"Feeling better already, I see..." Chip replied with his back turned chopping some things up.


"Here." He said turning over to me and putting in front of me a plate with a few sandwiches on it. His face was all red, but I decided not to tease him about it anymore.

"Thank you, Chip. You are a very kind person." I smiled at him and started to chew on a sandwich. He smiled back at me and sat down by my side, looking at me.

"That's the first time you call me a person." Chip said in a soft tone.

"Is it? Why? What do I call you? You want one?" I pointed a sandwich in his face, but he shook his head in 'no'.

"I ate at Alex. You either call me kiddo or angel."

"Yeah... I guess that's true..." I wasn't really hungry, so I couldn't eat, I only slowly nibbled on the sandwich. "So... is that what took you? Did you have a long breakfast?" I asked him with a smile and his face turned red again. I like teasing people, but I didn't want to do it to him. "Sorry... none of my business." I said dropping my head, looking at my sandwich, moving it around in my still trembling hands.

"No... it's great that I have someone to talk about it." Chip said, putting his hands on mine, smiling at me.

From that moment on I stopped trembling, but I still couldn't eat anything. I just listened to Chip go on about his night. A few minutes later the doorbell rang. I got up and went to the door. I didn't even bother to look through the visor, although one day that could be a life saver. I opened the door. It was Danny.

"Hey sexy! Do you always answer the door like this? You're so rapeable." Danny grinned at me. I rushed at embracing him. I threw my hands around his neck and leaned into him. I started crying onto his chest, making him the second person today whom I sacred the shit out of.

"What's wrong? Did something bad happen?" He said cupping my face with his hands, lifting it, and he looked in my teary eyes with his widened eyes full of worry.

"No. Nothing bad happened." I sniffed.

"Ok... Then... can I come in?" Danny asked with no reason, since he lifted me up so my feet wouldn't touch the ground and stepped inside, then let me back down on my feet again. He closed the door with his foot. I still didn't let him go, so he put his hands on mine and took them off his neck, still holding them.

"You're trembling..." Danny looked at me with worried eyes again, pulling my hands into his chest.

'Shit! I'm still trembling?' I thought as I looked at my hands.

"And why are you wet?" He asked, lifting my head again by my chin, since he noticed my chest was still wet from the water I spilled over me in bed. I couldn't think of what to tell him, so I ignored his question.

"You can hang out with Chip until I take a shower. He's in the kitchen." I told Danny and I started slumping towards the bathroom. I climbed in the tub and let the water run down my face. After my shower I went in my room, got dressed and went in the kitchen. When I entered both Danny and Chip looked at me with widened eyes, like I interrupted some sort of secret conversation. I guess, Chip must have told Danny what happened. I looked at them suspiciously. Danny got up, took me in his arms and kissed me deeply.

"Reality check." Danny smiled. "Feeling better?" I could only nod. "Good. Then dry your hair." Danny ordered me, fuzzing my hair up with his right hand.

"No. I let it dry naturally." I said with a smile and Danny smiled back, Chip was fluttering around the kitchen doing nothing.

Even this dreadful Saturday morning turned into a good day. We invited Alex over as well and hung out, watching movies and cuddling, Chip with Alex and Danny with me, of course. We got to know each other better, and I got to realize Alex wasn't such a bad guy after all. He and Danny got along like brothers, they grew up together, so they knew what the other would say before saying it. They even bickered over trivial things and tried to annoy each other. Danny pinned Chip down and tickled him again to piss Alex off.

"Hey! Get off him! He's mine!" Alex yelled at Danny, pulling him by his waist, but he didn't manage to move him much. "Tell your man to keep his hands off other people's property!" Alex turned to me.

"Property? Hahahaha" Chip laughed, although he wanted the question to be serious, but couldn't since Danny kept tickling him.

"He can do whatever he likes. I don't keep him on a leash and besides... your 'property' likes to be tickled." I grinned at Alex and he got pissed and jumped me, pinning me to the other couch.

(( Now don't think nasty stuff, there is no groupie coming up. :P ))

I put my right leg between his and bent it over his left knee, pulling it down, bending it and turning him over. Danny already stopped tickling Chip when he saw Alex pinning me down. Both Danny and Chip were just staring at me and Alex, wondering what will happen next. Once I got Alex pinned I bit his right ear.

"Ouuu! Shit! Danny get your mad dog off of me!" Alex yelled for help. I got off of him since I already got my message through. Danny got off Chip and came near me.

"Got you fooled too, huh, Alex? He looks so thin and fragile and yet he's so strong." Danny told Alex and then looked at me with a grin.

"Yeah... yeah... but why the fuck did you bite my EAR?" Alex asked me, sitting up and holding his right ear.

"He bit my ear once too...." Danny looked at me with suspicion, then they both looked at Chip.

"What? Don't look at me. He never bit me in any way." Chip said pulling his shoulders back, so they all looked at me waiting for an explanation.

"I only bite people who deserve it." I said with a grin.

"You're wild!" Danny grinned at me, grabbed my hand and pulled me to him. He then shoved his tongue down my throat and grabbed my ass, squeezing it tightly.

"Fuck... don't do that guys! You're giving me a hard-on." Alex said so we broke it off. "Hey... ya know what? It's late, so I think I'm gonna go home. Chip, do you want to spend the night with me?" Alex asked Chip and Chip's face turned red. He could only nod. Alex was thrilled so he lifted Chip's head and kissed him.

"Trying to outdo us?" Danny grinned at Alex and Alex grinned back. It's like they were plotting a competition just with their looks. Chip looked at me with widened eyes and I looked at Chip in the same manner, like: 'what the fuck are they up to?'

"It's on!" Both Alex and Danny said it in the same time. Alex grabbed Chip by the waist climbing over him on the couch-bed. Danny grabbed my ass and lifted me over him as he sat down on the other couch-bed. He pulled me in a kiss by putting his right hand on my back and pulling. Alex was kissing Chip at the same time. It's as if Alex and Danny were in a "who can make their pair come faster" competition. Danny reached in my pants and started rubbing my dick, making me hard at his first warm touch. Alex also unzipped Chip's pants and rubbed him the same way, kissing Chip's neck while at it. Danny on the other hand was kissing me on the lips.

(( Ok... so I changed my mind... Well... it's past 1 AM and i'm horny! So fucking sue me! ))

"Wait... aahhnnn... Alex... stop..." Chip said with a shaking voice.

"Why? You don't like my touch?" Alex asked without stopping.

"N.. no... it's... it's embarrassing..." Chip said in a shy whisper.

"Well... no one seems to mind." Alex pointed out me and Danny going at it like horny beasts. Danny was already laid back and I pinned his hands near his head, still kissing him. I grabbed my pants and briefs and pushed them down to my knees and then kicked them off. Afterwards I got back on top of Danny, straddling him. I unzipped him and pulled his hard dick out and started rubbing it against mine. I looked over at Chip with an evil smile as I liked Danny's lips and pressed my hips against Danny's.

"Someone in this room has decency..." I teased Chip. He got pissed, so he pulled Alex by his neck in for a kiss. I knew that would break the ice. It's no big deal. We discussed sex, we saw each other naked, so why not do our lovers in the same room? Sounded like a hot idea. Alex started tugging at Chip's pants and pulled them off, along with his briefs. Alex took his shirt off, but that's the last thing I noticed when Danny turned my face back to him and kissed me. I pushed Danny's shirt up and started licking his pecks. Danny pulled my shirt off too. I was the first one to be fully naked. I glimpsed over to Alex and Chip again and I noticed Alex was helping Chip take his shirt off. He then unzipped his pants and pushed Chip's legs back and without waiting or using a lube he pushed into Chip. Chip was moaning like crazy, it seemed like it didn't even hurt. In the meantime Danny was rubbing his leaking dick against my hole. I was moving my hips up and down, creating a greater rubbing motion. Danny grabbed my ass and stopped me. He then slid his dick in me. Oh fuck did I ever miss him! It felt sooo good that I let out a soft moan from the back of my throat and tilted my head back. Danny grinned at the sight of my pleasure. I was so caught up for the first few minutes that I forgot about Alex and Chip... except for Chip's loud moaning. He was repeating Alex's name over and over again. Alex was moving in and out of him, last time I glimpsed over, and Chip had his arms around Alex's neck pulling Alex into him. Alex had his hands under Chips legs, pushing them back to get full access. From that point on I lost all rational thinking and sank into the indescribable, pleasurable feelings Danny gave me. He held my ass while I was riding him, with my hands on his belly. We were all breathing heavily for several minutes, lost in the heavenly sensations, when I heard Alex and Chip let out a loud moan together. They reached their climax with a few seconds before Danny and me. Danny arched his back and came into me as I tilted my head back, clenched my teeth and came on his torso. I then leaned over him, lifting my ass, letting him slide out of me and then let my ass back on him. I was beat. We were both trying to catch our breaths. Once we did I pressed my lips against Danny's.

This night was amazing! Nothing I could have ever imagined happening to me. Alex and Chip already got up. Chip was leading Alex by the hand towards the bathroom. As they passed us Alex grinned at Danny in an 'I won' manner. But Danny could care less. We all had fun.

After Alex and Chip came out of the shower, I went in with Danny. We quickly washed off all the sweat and cum and got out. When we went back into the living room, Alex and Chip were already dressed, so we got dressed too.

"That was fun!" Chip said and broke the silence. It seems like we corrupted his shyness. Aren't we evil? We all just started laughing. The night ended in a light atmosphere. Alex and Danny both went home alone. Tomorrow my parents would be arriving, so I cleaned everything up with Chip after our lovers left and went to bed, falling asleep instantly. We were both exhausted. We didn't even think of what tomorrow would bring.

To be continued.

I have new ideas and i want to finish this story so i can start one with this guy: http://nhjm.net/~onetouch/scans/akashi/Chris.jpg .

Visit my site: http://nhjm.net/~onetouch and check out more yummy works of mine: http://nhjm.net/~onetouch/akashi/works.html (look at the Rest In Peace series).

Tell me what you think. Please make all subject lines 'Drawn In'. Thanks. HUGS!

E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 6

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