Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Jul 10, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

The readers who know me lately go around me thinking: "She's gonna write something about me again. Best to avoid her." But i just go up to them and hug them. 0=(^^)=0 I know you love me guys! I love you too! evil grin (^~)v

I'm done with my exams (there goes first year of college) so now i have all the spare time to write. Here's chapter 4 and oh what a chapter! Maybe i should add an extra warning: WARNING LOTS AND LOTS OF HOT BOY-SEX! XD

Thanks for reading!

Drawn In - Chapter 4 ==================== by Akashi

"Mmm... morning..." I yawned as I noticed the room was bright. I rubbed my eyes to fully wake up. When I opened them again I noticed Chip wasn't sleeping by my side anymore. He was gone. Was it all just a dream? Sometimes I can't tell reality from dreams, but I was sure it wasn't just a dream.

I got out of bed, turned on the computer and noticed it was past 10 AM, so I was sure Chip just went to school and he didn't want to wake me in the morning. I got ready and left at 11 AM to college.

The sun didn't bring blue light as I hoped, the sky was white, there was no sun, but it was so bright it could blind me. It was like a bright vale covered the entire sky. It was a beautiful and calm day. It wasn't cold, nor warm, it was something in between. Or I was just numb. The leaves were still. It was like everything around me stood in place, and I was walking in slow-motion, dragging my feet, lacking life.

The boring algorithms lab didn't help liven me up at all. I could barely wait to get out of there. Almost everyone showed up, but to me it was as if they weren't really there, but ghosts. Danny wasn't there. Was he a dream too?

"Awww man! This is so friggin boring! Aka, tell me something interesting." Sel said, not even minding the professor who was walking around a couple of feet away. We always ignore him. I didn't reply to her... I was just staring into the monitor, not doing anything, only looking through the program I already finished. "Aka! What's wrong? You were silent since you showed up." Sel pushed on, shaking me by my shoulder. She then turned to Missy, who was sitting on her right. I was sitting on her left. They looked at each other.

"Is he zoning out again?" Missy asked Sel.

"No... this is... different. He is like a zombie." Sel answered her.

"Why? Did something happen with him and Danny?" Missy asked.

Danny! He wasn't a dream. I am not insane just yet.

"No. Aka told me there's nothing between them." Sel ranted.

"But... they make such a great couple! He's lying to you." Missy's eyes gleamed, sticking her tongue out at Sel.

"We're not a couple." I frowned at both of them. "Stop discussing my private life like I was some sort of star. You ain't no Paparazzi."

"Waaah! He snapped out of it! So... did you two do it? You don't have to be a couple to do it. Not with your personality. Hehehe..." Sel teased me, ignoring what I just told them.

"Yeah! Did you? How does it feel?" Missy asked with an enthusiastic tone, putting her hands together.

"What do you mean with 'my personality'?" There's no way in hell I am discussing with them how it feels. Not just because everyone can hear what we're talking about, but because it's not they're place to poke around.

"Sigh... don't bite! You know very well what I mean. Since you can't attach to anyone and you like to play around and to tease. It's no biggy. You told us yourself." Sel remarked.

"Yes, but I don't sleep around. It's only kissing and hugging. Ok... in some cases oral as well, but.... I'm not that into people, so I guess it's rather rare, since I don't hit it off with anyone...." I explained to them, thinking: "Well... I did hit it off with Danny."

"So you did do it with him!" Missy practically yelled. What is with everyone these days? Make a friggin broadcast and get it over with!

Wait... did I just say that out loud? Yipes...

"Why you little liar! 'Not a couple' he says, but you 'hit it off' with him, hmm? This is turning into a fun lab." Sel smirked at me.... ok, it was rather an evil grin... scary!

"Yeah... whatever... leave me alone." I said in a monotone voice and turned back to looking through the monitor, supporting my chin with my right hand. I noticed Jack had a grin from ear to ear. He was sitting in front of me and to the right with his face to me, since that's how the rows of computers are placed. Two rows 'facing' each other, in the middle of the lab, and two more rows at the walls, 'facing' the walls.

I looked back at the monitor without changing a line of my face. I was completely lacking life. I didn't care about anyone. They can think whatever they desire, it's a free country. I don't give a flying fuck.

"What's up? Why the zombie look? Is it because of Danny?" Sel pressed on with the questions, with Missy nodding at her every question, like she agreed. I wish they would stop repeating his name. "Or is just a bad mood?" She went on. I sometimes have drastic mood-swings, from frisky to practically dead (or no) mood, because of the things I think of. But this time it was different. I didn't answer her.

"Maybe he has PMS." Jack said in a sarcastic tone. He doesn't talk much, but when he does he jokes around or says something sarcastic. Regular comedian.

"Nah! It's just that he has a stick up his ass. It's waaaaay too stuck up there! Ouch... you got burned... again!" Reggie tried to bicker with me again, but I wasn't in the mood.

"Why? Was the stick up my ass lit?" I looked at Reggie with a serious look, raising an eyebrow. He was sitting right in front of me. The girls giggled and Jack laughed. The professor just kept on pacing around, going on with only he knows what algorithms. We never listen since he sucks at explaining so why bother?

"Guys, lay off. I am not in the mood. And it's not PMS." I said in a low tone. They just looked at each other and stopped talking to me, seeing I was serious.

The infernal lab hour ended. At least I knew I wasn't dreaming about Danny. I got my stuff together and headed home, when Missy asked: "Uhm... Aka, are you going home through the park?"

Well... I did come through the park... I guess it is already a habit, or rather a reflex. I guess it didn't make me remember anything that happened in the past few days since my mind is always off wandering. So why not?

"Yeah... I am." I answered.

"Great! I'm coming too!" Missy said cheerfully, grabbing her bag and following me.

We reached the bridge where we could either go straight ahead towards the center or to the left, by the side of the river which lead to the park. Missy stopped as I turned left.

"Ya know what? I have to go buy a bus pass. Come with me!" She said.

I didn't have anything better to do and while I was with her I didn't think about anything other than having fun, so I nodded and we headed for the center.

The only place she could buy a bus pass was in Liberty Square that was between the center and Unirii Square. So we went through the center, bought two ice- creams and when we reached the Liberty Square she bought a pass.

"Let's go through Unirii, so we can finish the ice-creams until we reach the bus stop, since we can't go on the bus with ice-creams." I suggested since the nearest stop was only a minute away, and the other one was more like 5 minutes away, which would give us plenty of time to finish our ice-creams.

"Ok! Let's!" Missy said and we went towards Unirii Square.

A couple of minutes later we reached the square and we were about 1 minute away from the bus stop, when I saw Chip, talking to someone with his back turned to us. I stopped and so did Missy.

"What? Why'd you stop? Are you staring at some cute guy? Where is he?" She asked, looking over my shoulder.

"No. It's the kid I'm living with. He's talking to someone. Those two guys sitting on that bench over there. They're eating ice-cream too. Chip is the one wearing a white long-sleeved shirt and black pants." I explained as I pointed to where he was sitting.

"Aww... you mean the cute kid in the uniform? He goes to that school over there?" Missy asked as she pointed out a school near by. I never asked Chip which school he attended and I guess that was his uniform, since he was wearing something similar the first time we met too.

"Did you say you were living with him?" Missy just realized. "You mean you and him are together?" She smiled.

"No. It's a long story and I'll explain both you and Sel on Monday." Hopefully I will clear it up until then. It wasn't a dream was it?

I went across the street, heading towards Chip. I really wanted to know who he was sitting with. Missy followed me.

"Hey Chip." I greeted him and the guy that was with his back to me turned. It was Alex. What the hell is going on here? Alex had a bruise on his right chin.

"Aka!" They both said at the same time as they were straddling the backless bench they were sitting on.

"Hey! I wanted to thank you for yesterday." Alex jumped up.

Chip was looking at me with smiling eyes. I guess Alex confessed his love, but...

"You made me realize I was throwing my life away. I was up all night long thinking about what you said. Thanks." He said looking at me and then looking at Missy.

"I know you! You are the drummer in Danny's group!" Missy said with a smile, checking him out. "Danny's our colleague!"

"Uhm... yeah..." Alex said rubbing the back of his head, noticing that Missy was checking him out.

"Yes. And he's gay." I said brushing Missy off of Alex.

"Really?! Cool! But... what happened to you face?" Missy asked Alex.

"Oh... well... to put it short... he punched me." Alex pointed at Chip. "But I deserved it."

"Chip. Do you mind telling me what's going on? I thought you never wanted to see Alex's face again." I said a bit confused.

"Yeah, well, so did I. That's why I punched him when he showed up in front of my school, waiting for me. I wanted to run off but he grabbed my hand and explained everything." Chip explained standing up, taking another bite out of his ice-cream.

"I always thought it was easier to run, to hide. But you made me realize how wrong I was. I wanted to find a place where I belong, but I was looking in all the wrong places, until I found Chip. I love him and I am willing to sacrifice everything for him." Alex said as if he was seeking my approval.

"He came out." Chip said. "He confessed to me and we made up. So now we were just talking about things over an ice-cream." He said, smiling with his innocence shining in his blue, smiling eyes, biting his ice-cream.

I can see Chip is really happy, but what if this creep will hurt him again?

"That is so cute! You guys are in love?" Missy asked with a smile, putting her hands together.

"Yes. We are." Chip said smiling and Alex took his hand and kissed his cheek in public, to prove he wasn't lying about coming out and wanting to be with him.

"Ok. Fine." I sighed and closed my eyes. "But, Alex, if you ever hurt Chip again I will be the one who will come after you. And it won't be pleasant." I threatened Alex, gazing straight into his eyes and it seemed to work since he gulped. I leaned over to Chip and kissed his forehead. "Be happy." I smiled at him.

Missy was freaking out from the 'love-scene' she just witnessed, clapping her hands. "KYAA! I love happy endings!" She said.

"This is just the beginning, I hope." I continued and gave Alex a look.

"Yes, yes. Of course it is." He said waving his hand in front of me, in a sort of dismissal, like it was only natural. I guess, it was in a way, since once he's come out there's no point in dumping such a wonderful kid as Chip. It wouldn't benefit him in any way. And if he wanted to just screw someone, he could do that with plenty other guys.

"Well, I was heading home. Do you want to come with me Chip or do you want to hang out with Alex a bit longer?" I looked at Chip knowing what his answer would be.

"I think I'll hang out with Alex." Chip said grabbing onto Alex's right arm.

"Ah... that reminds me. I gotta make you a copy of the keys. There should be a place around here somewhere." I said looking around.

"Yeah... there is... on that street on the first corner." Chip pointed to a street near by.

"Great! Then come with me to make you a copy of the keys and then you can go hang out with Alex. Ok?" I asked Chip and his smile widened.

"You're making him a copy? How cute!" Missy kept on with the 'cute'. I could tell she was enjoying all of this.

We all went to make Chip a copy of the keys and after a few minutes they were ready. I handed it to him and he jumped me, hugging my neck, almost chocking me.

"Thanks a lot! This day is the happiest day of my life!" Chip yelled.

"It will be my doom-day if you don't loosen your hug." I said barely breathing.

"Oh sorry." Chip said and let me go, still smiling.

"Ok, guys! Have fun!" I said as we bid our goodbyes.

"Thanks! Bye!" They said and went off.

"Baaaaay-bye!" Missy yelled after them.

I went to the bus stop with Missy and told her how I met Chip and how I found out about Alex, as we waited for the bus to come. I left out the part about me and Danny doing it.

"So you thought it was Danny instead of Alex? Is that why you've been so cold to him? Why don't you give him a chance? Chip gave Alex ANOTHER chance. I think Danny deserves at least 3!" Although she's all glittering when it comes to cute guys and love, she does sometimes say things that are just so natural and simple, solving your problems that for you seem so complicated.

My bus arrived so I said "thanks" with a smile and got on it as Missy stood there confused wondering what I was thanking her for. We waved each other goodbye.

I guess I should give Danny a shot, huh?


When I got home I noticed Danny was leaning against the door of my apartment building. Thinking of the devil! He saw me and walked over to me with caution, like he didn't want to scare me off or get bitten or something.

"Hey. Can we talk?" Danny asked with a cold tone. He had his hands behind his back as he got closer, moving them around like he was putting something on something.

"Uhm... yeah..." I answered a bit puzzled about what he was up to.

"Well... you see..." he said as he grabbed me and put a cloth on my mouth and nose. I widened my eyes in shock. What was he doing? "You do belong to me. No matter what you say." He continued and I felt dizzy and sleepy. In a matter of seconds I lost consciousness.


"Where am I? I can't move." I thought as I lifted my head to look around. I was in a room, with my hands tied to a bed. Danny was standing near a window rubbing his chin, thinking, when he looked over to me.

"Good. You're awake." He said and started walking over to me. "I can't stand you avoiding me. I want you by my side. I dumped my 'girlfriend' yesterday and I wanted to talk to you, but you went off with that kid. You are mine, Aka! One way or the other. I couldn't stand being without you for another minute!" He said and climbed on the bed, straddling me. I wanted to tell him everything and that he was wrong, but I couldn't speak, since he taped my mouth.

"I want you. I think about you every minute." He said unzipping my pants and taking them off. He climbed back on me and took his shirt off, pushed my shirt up and started licking my abs. I was making as much noise as I could, so that he'd untape my mouth, but he got the wrong hint.

"I don't care if you don't want this. I'm going to have you whether you like it or not." He said and got off me. He put on some music as loud as he could to camouflage my mumbling and he came back over to me. He stripped my white boxers and parted my legs. He kissed my thighs from my knee down to my crotch. I was tingling all over, he was making me hard so fast. He looked at my swelling dick and then at me.

"You still like my touch, huh? Or do you like Morissette's Uninvited so much?" He grinned, since he knew a song couldn't be the reason of my hard-on.

I looked at him with teary, confused eyes, wondering if this was still a dream or did he really love me this much that it made him selfish when it came to having me?

He kept looking at me, smiling and licking the tip of my dick. He was enjoying the look of pleasure and confusion in my eyes, and the taste of my skin. He broke the eye-contact when he took me in his mouth and started sucking on me like he was starving for me. I didn't know how long I could hold back from cuming into his warm mouth. The feeling of his wet lips around my dick was unbelievable, plus there was the fact that I was tied down that got me even more excited. I was dripping pre-cum into his mouth and moaned as loud as I could. He lifted his head and looked at my red face and teary eyes, as I was lying there practically naked, breathing hard.

"You look and taste so good, I can never have enough of you." He said as he took his pants off. His briefs were below his hip-bones, revealing his sexy V. I would honestly drool if I wasn't gagged. I wanted to touch him, but I couldn't. He didn't realize it, but he wasn't holding me against my will, he wasn't abusing me but TEASING me. I wanted to rip my binds, but as much as I pulled I couldn't. I wanted to put my arm around him. "I can't take it anymore!" I thought and shut my eyes, tears escaping the corners of my eyes and sliding down my cheeks. When I opened my eyes again he was taking his briefs off, revealing his hard-on. He slid in between my legs and pushed my shirt up as much as he could. He started kissing my pecks and licking my nipples. While he was doing that he also put some lube on his dick, that was on the side of the bed. He was gently biting my neck when he put a finger inside me and started rubbing my hole with the lube.

He started to whisper in my ears while finger-fucking me: "I won't ever let you go. Even if I have to keep you here forever tied to my bed."

"So, we are in his room? This is Danny's bed..." That thought only got me more excited and I moaned in pleasure as my dick was rubbing against his.

He pulled his finger out and slid his dick in me. I shut my eyes. It hurt, but less than first time. He started making slow rocking motions at first and after a bit he increased speed. He was pushing himself into me, breathing heavily into my neck, moaning like crazy. I rocked my hips in rhythm with his, moaning and breathing through my nose. He lifted his head and gazed into my teary eyes. He kept pushing into me as he kept eye-contact, smiling and moaning. In a matter of minutes he parted his lips and let out a loud moan from the back of his throat, tilting his head back. He came inside me and I came on his belly, letting out a low moan.

"Haaah haah..." Danny breathed into my neck, letting all his weight onto me. "I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore." He said, lifted his head and took the tape off my mouth. He pressed his lips against mine, closing his eyes. He really wanted to kiss me.

I parted my lips and licked his lips. He opened his eyes in shock, but he then played along and let me tongue-kiss him. He broke the kiss off, gazed into my eyes with his gorgeous hazel eyes and told me: "I'm sorry. I wanted you real bad. It was killing me that I couldn't kiss you, while I was making love to you."

"I love you." I whispered to him. It was true. This is what love must feel like. Wanting his touch every single minute. Wanting every part of him. Starving for him and his touch.

His yes widened in disbelief. He slid his dick out of me and got off me, sitting on the edge of the bed, with his back to me, putting his hand to his mouth. He got up and turned off the music. He turned to me and I could see he had tears welling up in his eyes.

"You don't have to lie for me to untie you. I will let you go. But don't just say things like that. Don't jerk around! Don't play with my heart!" He yelled at me.

"I'm not lying! I love you! I don't care if you don't untie me." I replied.

"Liar! You said it yourself: you can't love! And you moved on so easily to that kid. And you were crying when I was doing you just now. You were trying to rip your binds. You're lying!" He claimed.

"I was trying to rip the binds because I wanted to touch you so bad! To hold you! I was crying because I couldn't believe it. I was happy! I am happy because I can love. I can love you! And I live with that kid, but I'm not fucking him! He's like my little brother. I never thought of him in a sexual way! You're the only one I ever had sex with!"

"It's not true... tell me it's not true..." He repeated pacing around his room, covering his mouth with his left hand.

I could think of only one thing to calm him. I started singing:

"I thought you'd be out of my mind And I'd finally found a way to learn to live without you I thought it was just a matter of time Till I had a hundred reasons not to think about you

But it's just not so And after all this time, I still can't let go

I've still got your face Painted on my heart Scrawled upon my soul Etched upon my memory, baby

I've got your kiss Still burning on my lips The touch of my fingertips This love so deep inside of me, baby

I've tried everything that I can To get my heart to forget you But it just can't seem to

I guess it's just no use In every part of me Is still a part of you ...."

He fell to his knees, crying, holding his mouth with his hands.

"I love you too..." He whispered with a shaky voice. He looked up to me with wide eyes and continued: "Am I really your first?"

I nodded with a smile. "And you'll be my last too."

He got up to his feet and jumped me, hugging and kissing me. "I thought I lost you to someone else. I'm so happy! Let's do it again!"

"Ok... but first untie me. I want to touch too." I smirked at him.

"Yeah... ok... sorry..." Danny apologized, leaning in to untie me.

"It's ok. I liked it. It was kinky." I smiled and he laughed as he untied my right hand.

"Mmmm..." He moaned as he started untying my other hand. "You smell so good. I want to eat you all up!" He said and untied my left hand, both my hands becoming free, so I put them around him and pulled him into a kiss. He gladly kissed me back. We broke it off with a small moan.

"Yes... but I'm starving for you!" I said with a smirk and we rolled over in bed in each other's arms, so that I was on top, straddling him. "I want you in me." I said and pinned his hands down near his head. He got hard almost instantly. I didn't wait another moment. I lifted my hips and slowly lowered myself onto him, so he was inside me again. I started rocking my hips on his and he did the same.

"Mmnnn... you're so good... and so sexy like that." Danny moaned, looking me up and down while I was 'riding' him.

"And you feel so good... nghn... haah..." I replied in a low moan, fully erect.

"Ahhh... you're fucking my brains out!" Danny said grabbing my thighs and tilting his head back. "Ahh... mnnn... don't stop... fuck... haaahhh... so good!"

I didn't intend to stop. I kept rocking my hips on top of him, with my dick pointing at him. The sight of Danny moaning like crazy, craving for more and biting his lips was driving me mad and horny! Ahh! Biting his lips! So sexy! I leaned into him and shoved my tongue in his mouth, parting his sexy lips. He kissed me back passionately, putting his hand on my neck, trying to pull me even closer. He slid his other hand up my thigh and to my ass, squeezing it. Shit! That feels so good! I'm gonna cum soon if he keeps doing that.

"Nghnnnn... Mmnnn..." I moaned loudly into Danny's mouth and broke the kiss. "Haaah... if you keep feeling my ass up... mmmnn... I'm gonna cum..."

"So what's bad in that?" He asked with a smirk and flipped me over. He pushed my legs up, placing them over his shoulders, getting full access to my hole. "Ahhh... fuck... I love you're sexy ass... Ahh..." He moaned looking between us. But what he meant was: 'I love to see my cock move in and out of your sexy ass'. I was envious, he was getting such a good 'view', while he was fucking me like crazy. He put his hands on my waist pulling me into him, wanting more, breathing fast, mixing his breath with his moans: "Haaaah haaah haahhh...".

"Mnnn... Ahhh... so good.. ahhnnn..." I moaned.

"Aww... fuck... I'm cuming..." He warned me.

"Ahh... me toooh..." I replied in ecstasy.

"AAAHHH!" We both moaned loudly and he came into me again and I came onto his belly and chest. He dropped onto me once again.

"Fuck that was great!" Danny claimed out of breath.

"Just when I thought... it couldn't get any better." I said trying to catch my breath.

"Make-up sex is great!" He said, reminding me of Chip. I bet that's what he was doing right now with Alex. I giggled.

"Do that again. You sounded so cute." Danny said hugging me and planting a kiss on my lips.

"Only if you slide out of me." I smiled at him.

"No! I like being connected to you." He grinned.

"Com'on! Before you get stuck."

"Well... that could happen... since you're so tight!" He smiled and pulled out, rolling onto his side to my right. I turned onto my side to face him.

"We can still be connected." I smiled, took his left hand and intertwined my fingers with his. "See?"

He smiled back at me, gave me a lengthy kiss and pulled my leg between his with his right leg. "Yeah... I see... but I still miss your warm and tight ass!" He said and grabbed my ass with his right hand.

"Danny, knock it off! You're making me horny again!"

"Mmmm... Say my name again." He whispered in my ear.

He's ignoring me! Grrr!

I bit his left ear and he pulled his head back putting his right hand over his ear. "Shit! Whacha do that for?"

"Don't ignore me! I'm tired and I'm hungry. I don't have enough energy for another round. Don't make me butt-fuck you!" I grinned at him.

"That would be my punishment?" He slyly smiled back at me.

"You'd like that?" I asked putting my hand around his waist and placing my head on his shoulder.

"Well... actually... I tried that and it's not really my thing. I like to give. We could try it, if you want to..." He went on, but I interrupted him with a kiss.

"It's ok. I like to receive." I giggled and kissed his neck, afterwards staying like that with my face buried in his neck.

We rested in each others arms for a couple of hours and after that took a shower together. We couldn't get enough of each other, so in the shower we pressed our bodies against one another and sucked the life out of each other with our kisses. Just rubbing our skin together under the water got us off. After the shower we got dressed and Danny showed me around his house. He lived in a large two-story house. You could say he was rather wealthy. His dad being a lawyer and his mom a doctor, that wouldn't surprise me, but you couldn't tell that from the way he dressed in baggy and sometimes raggy clothes. Even so he looked sexy.

"My parents are almost never home. But in some cases that's good." He grinned at me. I took his hint.

We went in the kitchen and ate some cold food. He asked me what I'd like to drink and I answered "water". He gave me a tall glass of water. He drank some orange juice. I practically drank the whole glass of water in one big gulp.

"Damn. You must have been really thirsty." Danny looked at me with widened eyes.

"I still am." I said as I poured myself another glass of water and drinking that too. Danny's face froze to shock.

"What? My mom says I'll turn into a fish, but... I just love to drink water. I hate being in it. But I love drinking it!" I explained and the shock faded from his beautiful face.

"Well... I hope you don't turn into a fish. I don't want to lose you." He said with uncertainty in his voice.

I walked over to him and planted a soft kiss on his lips. "You won't ever lose me. Not even after death. I'll follow you where ever you go." I smiled at him.

He just held me in a tight embrace for the longest time. We broke it off and I asked him to call me a cab. He refused and said he'd drive me home. I guess, that's how he got me here in the first place. I nodded and he grabbed his keys. We walked out of his house, he locked the door and unlocked the car. We got in and he drove me home.

"I really like the way you drive. So sure of yourself and with such ease." I told Danny as he pulled up to my place.

"Yeah? I'm glad." He said, leaned over and kissed me.

I got out and went around the car to the driver's side.

"See ya!" I told Danny.

"Tomorrow?" He asked with a grin.

"Yeah... ok." I grinned back. Tomorrow was Friday. We didn't have any courses on Friday. Danny drove off and I went inside my apartment building. I went upstairs to the first floor and pulled my keys out to unlock the door, but it was already unlocked. So I went inside and heard some noises coming from my bedroom. Not those sort of noises! What are you thinking? Really!

I went towards my bedroom. The door was open so I prodded myself in the doorway. Chip was playing a game on the PC.

"Heya kiddo!" I said and he turned in shock almost falling off the chair.

"Shit! You scared the shit out of me! Next time you come home make some noise!" Chip scolded me. I'm glad he was feeling right at home.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah... my mom always tells me that. What can I do if I walk around silently? It's just the way I am!" I smiled at him.

"Well... ok. Where were you all this time anyway? I thought you said you were heading straight home!"

"I was having make-up sex with Danny. What about you? How'd it go with Alex?" I smirked at him.

"It was great! We went for a walk in the park and he held my hand the whole time! What was weird, was that no one looked at us weird, or picked on us. So... is Danny the guy you punched that time and the one who yelled at me?" Chip asked me.

"Yeah, but he's ok once you get to know him."

"Yeah... I bet he is... you look so happy. I bet he was just angry out of envy."

"He was. But I explained all about you."

"Really? What did you tell him?"

"That you were living with me and that I considered you to be my brother and that there was nothing sexual going on with you and me."

"That's true. You're one cool brother to have. I'm glad I can stay with you." He smiled from ear to ear and hugged me by my neck, again almost chocking me.

"Ok.. ok... let go... can't breathe."

"Oops... sorry..."

"Tell me. What else did you do with Alex?"

"Do? Oh nothing. He just kissed me and walked me home. We didn't do anything. I guess he's trying to show me that he doesn't just want to have sex with me." Chip said with a smile. I could tell by the look in his sparkling blue eyes that he was head over heals in love with Alex. I was happy for him.

"So... no one looked funny at you guys in the park?" I asked Chip.

"Nope... Well, actually there were a couple of girls smiling at us, like they actually liked what they saw." He said with a smile.

"I guess it's a gay world." I winked at Chip, knowing he'd get the double meaning. He just giggled.

It was already after 5 PM and since we didn't have anything better to do I taught Chip a few kick-boxing moves, the basics, and afterwards we made some popcorn and watched a few movies. After the movies we ate supper and took showers separately, but brushed our teeth together. We headed for bed, but since we were in such a good mood we started a pillow-fight. We were so tired afterwards that we fell on the bed and fell asleep almost instantly, having just enough energy to cover our half naked bodies. We were wearing only underwear and we fell asleep in our 'usual' position, with me spooning to him, putting my hand over his narrow waist.


I could hear some beeping sounds and the next thing I noticed was Chip moving around, slipping out from under my embrace. He got out of bed and started getting dressed in a white shirt and black pants. He was getting ready to go to school. It was only about 6 AM. He saw me looking at him.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." He whispered with a smile.

"You didn't. That beeping noise did." I said rolling over onto my back and putting my hands under my head.

"That's my wrist watch. I have to go to school. It starts at 7:30." He said, grabbing his backpack.

"Your school and my old school are the only schools that start at that infernal hour." I said with closed eyes and then opened them to look at Chip's slender figure. "That's your uniform?"

"Mhhm... pretty boring, but it's compulsory."

"We didn't have any uniforms. But I think it's kinda cute. You look real good in it." I winked at him and then yawned and stretched.

"Thanks." Chip replied with his blue eyes glowing with a smile. "You go back to sleep, sleepy-head. I'm going to eat breakfast and then leave for school. See you later." He said and went out of the room, closing the door behind him. I fell right back to sleep.


The door practically flew open and I jumped up. Ahh... it's sis.

"Yo bro! Wake up! One of your boyfriends is looking for you. He's at the door." She said sticking her head in my room and then disappeared. Some things never change. Sigh...

Must be around 9 AM.

I got up and put on a pair of black shorts, its length reaching just above my knees, and went to the door. It was Danny.

"Sorry if I woke you up but I couldn't stop thinking about you. I wanted to be near you." He said with glittering hazel eyes, like the ground after rain. I could only smile at his glittering silhouette.

"When you're done staring at him, you might want to let him in." My sis said, passing us, going in the kitchen.

"Ahh.. yeah... sorry... come in." I said rubbing the back of my head.

"I forgot how good you look in the morning." Danny said with a smile as he came in.

"Good morning to you too." I said, as I put my arms around him and kissed him on the cheek. "Make yourself at home. I'll be right with you." I said and let him go, backing off to go to the bathroom. Danny just smiled and watched me as I turned and kept staring at me as I walked off. He was making me horny with just looking at me.

In the bathroom I washed my face and brushed my teeth. I relieved myself and calmed my hair, and then went back to Danny, who was in the kitchen talking to my sis. I hope she isn't giving him shit about me and my 'many boyfriends'.

"You're really cute. Too bad you're gay. Well... I have to go to work now. Don't have too much fun now." Sis said with a grin and left.

"Where's the kid you're living with?" Danny asked from the chair he was sitting on.

"Chip is at school." I said searching the fridge for food, but I took out only the milk carton. I went to a counter and took out a box of cereals, two bowls and two spoons. I placed everything on the table. "Have some." I told Danny as I sat down near him and poured myself some cereals and milk. He only looked at me smiling as I wanted to take a bite, but he jumped me and shoved his tongue in my mouth, kissing me as if he was starving for a kiss, devouring my tongue and my mouth.

"I will." He said with a smirk, breaking the kiss off. "You sure are delicious." He said licking my lips like a cat. I just sat there lighting struck, when I realized Danny spilled my bowl of cereals all over my torso.

"Sorry." He apologized with a smirk, not really meaning it. "Let me clean it up." Danny turned me from the table towards him by my waist and kneeled in between my legs, pulling me by my waist, making me arch my back. He started licking the milk off my belly and then headed upwards making sure to lick every bit of my torso.

"Mmmm... Danny... com'on... Mmnnn... I'm hungry..." I moaned in a low tone.

"So am I. Excuse my selfishness, but I'll eat you first and then you can eat whatever you desire." He said and went back to licking my pecks and my nipples, one after the other. I was getting hard as a rock. Fuck food! This is too good!

Danny stood up and pulled me to my feet by my hand. He pulled my shorts off together with my boxers, leaving me standing naked in the middle of the kitchen. He grabbed my waist again and lifted me, sitting me on the table, with my legs parted and him in between them. He dived into my neck, dragging his lips and tongue along it till he reached my chin, finishing it off with a deep kiss. He was devouring my mouth again as he slid his hands from my waist to my ass, pulling me closer to him. I grabbed his blouse and pulled it over his head and off. He unzipped his pants and let them slide off to his ankles. We were both hard as rocks. He pressed his dick against mine, still kissing me and squeezing my ass. I put my hands on his back, pulling him closer, tighter.

"Put it in me... Ahhnn... I want you in me." I whispered in his left ear and then gently bit his ear. Our dicks were already wet with precum so he slid it in me with ease. I was so horny I couldn't feel anything but pleasure when I finally felt him in me. It felt so natural. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him into me. He moaned loudly and started rocking his hips, holding onto my ass tightly. I rocked my hips along with his, holding onto Danny's neck, stretching my hands out and cuffing my wrists together at the back of his neck, leaning back so he could get full access. I tilted my head back while Danny was fucking me like crazy on the kitchen table. We were both moaning so loudly it wouldn't surprise me if someone overheard us. But I didn't care about that. All I cared was about Danny being inside me. I lifted my head to look at him. He was biting his lower lip again, driving me crazy. His nipples were so hard and his torso was all sweaty, shining in the morning light. The sight of him moving in and out of me was so sexy I thought I was dreaming.

"Mmmmm.. you're so sexy..." I moaned to him.

"Haaaah... me?... you should see.. ahnn.. yourself... ahhh" He moaned with a smile, biting his lip again. "The way you're.. ahh.. twisting and bending your waist... mmmnn.. and when you... haaah... tilt your head back... your neck... ahhh... and your skin is all sweaty and shiny...ngghnn..." Danny clenched his teeth together. We were only seconds away from cuming. He pushed me to my back and leaned over me, kissing me deeply, holding my lower legs to his side. We broke the kiss with a loud moan as he came in me and I came in between us, on our torsos. Danny just laid on top of me, breathing into my neck and I was breathing into his, still holding his neck, and caressing the back of his neck.

"Ok. You can eat whatever you like now." Danny said catching his breath and getting off of me.

I got off the table and started going down on Danny's torso with my tongue, cleaning my cum off of him. When I was done I stood up and dragged my fingers along my torso, wiping off my cum, and licking my fingers off. Danny let out a low moan from the back of his throat.

"Mmm... you sexy devil... do you want to get me hard again?" Danny asked with a grin, looking me up and down and meeting my eyes, gazing into them with desire.

"I want to eat real food before the next round. Join me?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"No thanks, I already ate at home. I was only hungry for you." He grinned at me, biting his lip.

"Stop biting your lip. You drive me crazy when you do that! I have to eat to have energy. Wait for me in my bedroom. I'll be done in a couple of minutes." I ordered him and he stepped out of his pants and briefs, grabbed his clothes and went to my room. I wiped the table clean and poured a new bowl of cereals. After I ate them I headed towards my room. I could hear that Danny put on some R&B from my PC as I was walking towards my room with my shorts and boxers in my hand. When I reached my room I dropped my mouth and my clothes on the floor from the sight of Danny lying naked on my bed. He was on his back with his hands under his head and his legs crossed, half-hard, smiling at me and gazing into my eyes with a hungry look. I didn't want to make him wait anymore, because I was as hungry as he was. I walked over to the bed's end, where Danny's feet were. I put my knees on the bed around his feet and got to my hands and knees, climbing over him like a cat and straddling him as I reached his hips.

The day was young. We had all the time in the world. I was moving over him slowly, memorizing every little detail. I knew this day, although cool outside, would be pretty hot in my room.

To be continued.

Aren't I a fucking tease? How can I end it like that? evil grin

Tell me what you think. That's if you do think anything... this story was full of erotic scenes, so I guess you're not really thinking much. Teeheehee. Please make all subject lines 'Drawn In'. Thanks. HUGS!

E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 5

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