Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Jul 10, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

I want to apologize, "Sel", for writing that you made goofy eyes in the first chapter. Gomenasai! -_-;;; Truth is she only very rarely makes goofy eyes! grin Don't kill me "Sel", but you do. VERY rarely... but you do. evil smirk

Guess, the readers who know me (colleagues and sis) did figure out who's who. Oh-oh, i'm in trouble! People who want to kill me instantly to death until i die, please stand on the left, people who want to torture me slowly to death, on the right, and the bodyguards i hired in the middle, please. grin Just kidding, they liked the story... giggled through most of it... but they did go 'Hey!!!' once or twice.

Well, fuck the ligament i pulled, if i'll tear it at least i won't have to write my last exam. XD Here comes chapter 3! I'm doing this for you guys! Thanks for all the feedback! I never dreamed I'd be so popular!

Thanks for reading!

Drawn In - Chapter 3 ==================== by Akashi

"Mmmm..." Smells good. Something mixed with fresh air, right after rain, and sweet scent of flowers that were baked by the caress of the rays of the sun at summer.

With that thought, or rather feeling, I woke up and opened my eyes. It had rained last night, and my room's window was open. I remember now. The sweet scent is coming from Chip. Who is still in my tight embrace. I won't let him go, but I bet he has to go to school. Should I wake him? It must be about 8 AM. The sky is still gray, from the rain, although it's not raining anymore. I love days like this. It is a bit windy, so not only the leaves, but the branches of the trees are also rocking in the wind.

Zbang! The door was brutally opened. Who else could it be, than my sis? What's she looking for now? Ahh, shit! Chip is opening his eyes. She woke him. And he slept so beautifully, like the angel that he is. Sis was looking around my desk again. Chip turned his head and blinked at me then noticed sis and blinked at her.

"Morning sis. Wadup?" I asked her, still holding tightly onto Chip.

"Ya know... different day same shit! I left my glasses on your desk yesterday. I was working on the comp." She said, searching under some papers on my desk that she left there yesterday, I suppose. "Ahh... there they are!" She said, as she pulled them out from under one of the piles of documents on my desk. She then looked at me and noticed Chip. "And what up with you? Different day different guy?" She asked with a smirk.

I raised an eyebrow at her, then I looked at Chip, who was rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.

"What does she mean?" He asked with a sleepy voice.

"Nothing." I answered and kissed his cheek. Sis looked at me with both her eyebrows raised, as in 'riiight...'.

"Whatever." She said and walked out of my room, but left the door open... again. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. But... Chip didn't jump like Danny did. I guess Danny was just scared about coming out, and maybe Chip is already out? Well, he did say he doesn't care about what people think, yesterday near the café. Heh, his face is so cute in the morning. I never saw anything so beautiful.

"Good morning, little angel." I smiled at him.

"M'nin." He mumbled, putting his hands under his face and closing his eyes.

"Don't you have to go to school?" I asked as I lay my face on his and clutched him to my chest.

"No... I don wanna... Urgh... not so tight..." He growled, so I loosened my embrace.

"Do you skip school often?"

"I never skipped school before, there was nowhere I wanted to go."

"Ok, then you can stay. A day off, won't hurt." I smiled in his cheek and kissed it. "I can write you an excuse if you want. Mom's a nurse, so I only need to come up with some medical excuse, put it on paper with an ugly handwriting and sign it with a hieroglyph. The excuses are already stamped so we don't have to worry about that."

"No need... I'll just tell my headmaster I had a headache. She'll understand and not give me a hard time about it, since I never skip." He smiled. "But thanks anyway."

"What about your parents? Aren't they worried about you?"

"No..." His face saddened. "They only yell at me when I'm home, so that's why I stay as far away as possible. They are alcoholics. I hate them. They always used to beat me up when I was a kid for no reason. I barely wait to finish high-school and go to college. I know I'll get full scholarship, since I have only 10s (As), so I won't have to worry about a place to live in. I was waiting for that day for such a long time now. I can barely wait to run away... again... but this time never go back." He confessed in a low tone, with sad eyes.

I didn't want to give him shit about letting authorities know about his abusive parents, because I knew how the system worked. They would just put him in an orphanage, and there he might be abused even more, or even worse. I just held him tight, kissed his cheek and caressed his hair. "Stay with me." I whispered in his ear.

"What?!" He jumped and turned to face me with widened eyes. "I... I don't think I can do that... I don't even know you."

He didn't trust anyone, I could understand that. But I just wanted to protect him. I didn't want anyone to lay another finger on him. This is a fucked up world we're living in, with fucking crazy people. I just don't understand how they could hurt such a beautiful and intelligent boy. Sometimes I just want to kill those kind of people.

"Confide in me. I'm not asking you to be my lover. I just want you to be safe and happy." I said with a sincere smile. "Stay here. Live here, with me."

He looked at me with confused, thinking eyes. He thought things over for a minute and then answered: "Fine. If you try anything I can run away, right?" He smiled.

"Right." I smiled back at him and kissed his forehead. "Are you hungry? Shall I go make breakfast?"

"No." He replied as he put his arms around my neck and buried his face in my chest. "I wanna stay like this for a while. It feels good to sleep by your side. It feels warm and safe." He said with his eyes closed. I was happy he felt that way.

We stayed that way and fell back into sleep for about another hour, when sis came in the room again, but this time she didn't wake us up by breaking in the door. She woke us by saying, rather yelling: "Awww... how cute! You guys are so cuddly- lovey-dovey." Yeah, thanks for yelling sis! The window's open. Why don't you just make a broadcast on TV? All the neighbors must have heard that anyway. Plus, she woke us up! Chip was still holding onto my neck when he blinked at my sis.

"What the fuck, sis? Even though you got your own room now, you still come in here and wake me... us... up!" I growled at her.

"Sigh... I was just gonna get the documents from your desk." She said while piling up the documents and putting them in her bag.

"You going to work already?" I asked her. She works as an assistant manager in a jewelry company. College wasn't really for her, so she dropped out. She's a year older than me. But I'm proud of here. She makes good cash, with or without college. Chip let go of my neck and rubbed his beautiful blue eyes again, rolling onto his back.

"Yep..." Sis answered while still packing.

"Well... then go already!" I urged her.

"You are so mean to me! You don't even introduce me to your boyfriends! Or is that because you're changing them daily?" Ok, now she went too far. Chip widened his eyes and looked at my sis in shock, with a 'what does she mean?' face.

"You know better than anyone else, dear sister, that I don't just pick up fuck- buddies everyday. So stop insinuating things that could mislead other people. No wonder I don't introduce you to them. So fuck off and get out of my room!" I said with a calm voice, sticking my tongue out and licking my middle finger, as I showed her 'fuck you'.

She was just about to get out, angry, probably calling me a 'bitch' behind my back, when Chip sat up in the bed and said with a smile: "I'm Chip. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Camellia. But you can call me Cammie." She said with a smile, clutching her bag to her chest. "I wonder how an impolite son of a bitch as you ended up with such a nice kid?" She asked me without wanting an answer, as she stuck her tongue out and pulled her index finger down on her right cheek, right under her eye, in a 'got something in my eye' way, suggesting that I can't fool her.

"Yeah... so fukin what if I'm rude? And by the way, we have the same mother... Well, as far as I know. But I might have been adopted... I am so different from everyone in this family..." I said lying on my back and putting my arms under my head, looking at the ceiling.

"That's because you're an alien, "bro-therrr"!" She said, suggesting the quotes with her fingers.

"I thought you had to go to work." I dismissed her with a care-free tone.

"Freak." She said as she walked out of my room. Chip giggled.

"What?" I asked Chip.

"It's fun to see siblings quarrel." He smiled down at me. His smile was so cute and gentle, it could make me lose all my thoughts.

"Ahh... yeah... you should've seen us when we were sharing the same room. We were much more aggressive back then. As kids we fought with each other like gladiators, as if we tried to kill each other in order to survive, and be the only one left in the room. I got bored of it, so we don't fight with fists anymore. Only with words. I love to hate my sis." I grinned, as he giggled. "Besides, I'm thankful for all the fights I had with my sis. Now I can kick anyone's ass, but I don't usually resort to such things." I smiled.

"I don't think you're rude... or a jerk. I think you are a very kind person." He smiled and I sat up too.

"Thanks. Let's go eat. I'm hungry."

"Ok." He nodded, so we got out of bed, got dressed and went in the kitchen. We cooked breakfast together: toast, omelet, steak, juice. I wanted to feed my cat but sis let her go outside, it seems. So we sat down and ate. I didn't have any courses till 4PM, so we spent the day together, talking about our interests, which to my surprise were quite similar. The kid even liked playing basketball and enjoyed dancing to hip-hop. I thought it would be great for us to live together since we got along so great!

We watched some movies and talked about them, agreed that many of them were so predictable, and that it was hard to find a good movie to watch. Later we went in my room and I showed him some of my sketches, which he really liked, so I introduced him to manga and gave him some printouts to read. He lied down on the floor, on his belly, near the bed and flipped through the printouts with focused eyes. I just lied on the bed, on my back and highlighted some things from some lecture notes, basically the main ideas, for later, so when the exams would come up I would just have to look those over. I also put on some music from my PC.

It was close to noon, when it started to trickle, so I decided to bring in my cat. "I'll be right back. You stay where you are. K?" I asked Chip and he nodded, not taking his eyes of the manga I gave him.

I live on the first floor so it wasn't supposed to take long. So I went down stairs and started whistling, but stopped once I saw Danny with his hands in his pockets, looking at me with his deep gaze. We just stood there staring at each other, as the rain came pouring down. We were getting soaked. He walked over to me and said: "I didn't know you have a dog."

I got upset, so I ignored his irrelevant comment and started whistling again. My cat, Leeloo ran in the apartment building as I held the door open.

"You call after your cat like after a dog??" He asked another irrelevant thing, like nothing happened yesterday, so I ignored him. But as I wanted to go in my apartment building, Danny grabbed my arm and turned me. We were already soaked, but he was wearing a rain jacket. I was only wearing a white t-shirt and some torn up jeans, I usually wear in the house.

"What?" I asked him, giving him an upset look.

"What? What??? Who's that guy you were with yesterday? Are you fucking him too?" He asked with an upset tone.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He forgot Chip already? Guess he used Chip as a one night fuck. Now he comes to me with such an attitude. "Fuck you! Let me go!" I yelled at him and tried to escape his grip, but he grabbed my other arm too and pushed me against the wall. He pushed his lips onto mine and stuck his chest to mine. I turned my face, yelling "Let go!".

"No. Why are you sleeping around? Because you said you can't fall in love, I didn't think you meant that you are also a slut." He said with a serious face and I started laughing. He got even more upset.

"Danny. Get off of me, before I kick you in the balls." I told him with a sly smile. I could've done that before, but I don't like doing that. I know it's painful, and I didn't want to be seen as a brute.

Danny leaned in for another kiss and pressed his groin against mine. My shirt was soaked and since it's white it showed my body. I felt naked.

"You are so sexy." Danny said looking at my chest, put his finger on my nipple and started to rub it. That got me excited. He kissed me again, this time I let him. He liked my lips and then he put his tongue in my mouth. We both moaned. It's good that not many people walk around here. There was no one outside. Plus it rained. "I can't stand being mad at you." He said breaking the kiss.

Excuse me? He being mad at me? So he really did get jealous in front of the café. He must have thought Chip was just someone I picked up. WTF?

One of my hands was free, since he started playing with my nipple, so I punched him in the face and he fell on his ass. I put my hands in my pocket as he rubbed his chin. "What the fuck man?" He yelled.

"Ya know, I could call you an asshole, but that would be a compliment? How dare you come here and give me shit about being a slut, when you were the one that was all lovey-dovey with your girl yesterday at the café. What was it you told me? 'Fuck my girlfriend, I never loved her! I want you! I'll make it last longer than 1 week!'? And then after I blew you, you went right back to her. I don't know what you expected from me. Maybe you thought I've fallen for you and that I'd play along and be your lover? And that we'd fuck behind your girl's back? Or perhaps that I'd get upset and cause a scene? Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't care about you that much. I never have. Never will." With those cold words coming out of my mouth, once again, Danny stood up and looked at me with anger and disappointment. I guess, he did expect me to run back into his arms and forget all about his girl.

"So that's it? Is that the way you broke up with your x too? You really are cold hearted." He nagged at me.

"I can live with that. But didn't I tell you about the consequences of being with me? You ignored them and went back to play with your buddies. And now you give me this shit. Fuck off! Just because you fucked me, it doesn't mean you own me!" I'm sick and tired of people blaming me for breaking up with them. What am I thinking? We never were a couple to begin with.

"I was only fronting because Alex made me! I wanted to break up with my girl, but he told me that if he can pull off being gay and front with a girl, so can I, 'cause I'm bi. He told me he fucks guys behind his girl's back, so I thought I could pull it off too, but I fell for you. Oh, Alex is..."

"I know who he is." I interrupted him. "I don't care about your lame ass excuses. You're old enough to do what you want and not listen to Alex's 'suggestions'!"

"You know Alex? What? You fucked him too?" He looked at me with anger and I could see he wanted to punch me. "And you can't forgive me for just kissing a girl?"

I was pissed. He really thought I sleep around with any cute guy I meet? I didn't even know Alex, only who he was. That's what I meant. I didn't want to explain anything anymore, so I turned my back and opened the door to my apartment building. "This is the second and last time we take a 'shower' together. Frankly, I liked the first time better." I said and wanted to walk in, when Danny clenched his teeth and squeezed his fists together. He ran after me to punch me, but I pushed his punch to the side, ducked and flip-kicked his feet out from under him. He fell to his ass and on his elbows, growling.

"Leave me alone. We're not an item, never were and never will be." I said standing up from my squatting position and putting my hands back into my pockets.

"What's happening here?" Chip ran out to us.

"Chip! What are you doing here?" Shit! He might think I'm beating Danny up for him. I don't want him crying again. Will he try to protect Danny? Maybe he still has feelings for him. He was after all his first... mine too. But he doesn't know that, and for me it doesn't matter, so I will keep it from him, for his sake.

"I heard Leeloo mewing in the apartment building, so I let her in, but since you weren't with here, I got worried and came down stairs to check on you." Chip said. He looked really worried. "What were you doing anyway?!" He snapped at me. Danny was still on his ass, shifting his eyes from me to Chip and back again. He got up and looked at Chip with eyes burning with jealousy and anger.

"Nothing. Forget him. Let's go." I said and took Chip by the hand and dragged him inside, leaving Danny out to soak in his 'grief'. I looked at Danny one last time and noticed his eyes were wet. Was he crying or was it just the rain?


"You didn't have to beat him up, you know." Chip said, sitting on my king-size bed with his legs apart and with his hands in between them, holding onto the sheets.

"I didn't. I was just defending myself. He wanted to hit me." I said, taking my shirt off and dropping it on the floor. I unzipped my pants and wanted to take them off, but Chip was upset, looking at the floor, so I stopped. "I told you I don't resort to violence and I mean it. But I had to defend myself. I'm not the jealous type. Or the angry type. I have a very calm personality. Once you get to know me, you'll believe it." I reassured him, but he kept looking at the floor.

He must still have feelings for Danny. I don't usually apologize when I have no fault, but... "I'm sorry. I won't touch him again. Not even if he hits me. I'll bare a swollen face if I have to. You happy now?" I asked him as I lifted his chin. His eyes were wet and he was about to cry. I guess, seeing Danny again, stirred up Chip's feelings again. He still cares about him. How can I make his pain go away? He must hate me for hitting Danny, even though Danny was so mean to him. Love truly is blind. I'm starting to think that it's not a curse not being able to love, but a gift. But how can I stop him from crying? How can I make him happy?

"I'm sorry." I dropped to my knees in between his legs and grabbed him around the waist, burying my face in his chest. "Please don't cry. I'm sorry!" I pressed on. I was hoping he would at least forgive me. Just then, he put his hands around me and leaned into me. We just sat there for the longest moment. He didn't cry, nor say a word. He just cupped my head in his hands. My skin was all wet. I was soaked to the bone, but he just held me tightly.

"It's ok. You really are kind." He said and I looked up into his blue eyes. He was smiling. "Now change before you catch a cold."

What's this? He cares about my health? Does he care about me too? Is that why he was crying? Because he was worried? About me? Or Danny?

I stood up, dropped my clothes. He just sat on the bed, smiling at me and wiggling his legs, as I changed. "I have to go to college soon. I have a lecture starting at 4PM, but I won't attend that. It's not obligatory and I don't feel like writing 8 pages of calculus right now. The professor is so fast. I wonder why she doesn't get tired. For 4 fucking hours she writes non-stop. She's ok though. Anyway, I won't leave until 5PM. At 6 the calculus seminar starts and after that, at 8 I have karate. I'll be back before 11 PM. Until then I want you to go home, pack up, come back here and never go back there again. Understood?" I asked Chip as I pulled on a black stretch shirt. He was still wiggling his legs and smiling.

"I think she has too much energy because she doesn't get laid." He grinned.

"What? The calculus professor? Hey! I'm serious and you are joking around care- free?" I gave him a serious look and his grin faded.

"Sorry... I'm just happy I can stay with you."

"Ah..." He left me speechless. I shook my head and pulled out my keys from my bag. "Here. My keys. Don't loose them! After I leave I want you to lock the door. And when you leave too. Be back here before 11 PM or else I will be locked out. I'll make copies of the keys for you tomorrow, but until then, don't lose them!" I said as I leaned over and handed him the keys. He nodded as I wanted to back up, but he grabbed my hand, pulled me back down and kissed me on the lips.

He let me go and smiled: "Thanks. You look really good in black."

Is he flirting with me? "Thanks." I replied. "You're cute." I smiled back at him. "Ya know what? If you go grab your stuff early, you can meet me at college and I'll show you around. I know how much you want to see the section that I'm in. How's that sound?" I asked him as his eyes widened.

"Really??" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah. And here." I handed him some cash. "That's for a taxi to take you to your place and then to my college. Just tell the cab driver to take you to the West University once you're done packing. I'll wait for you outside at 7 PM. Okay?"

"Yes! OK!" He smiled from ear to ear. He jumped me, threw his hands around my neck and hugged me almost to death.

"Ahhh... ok, ok! Let go! You're choking me!" I struggled for breath. He let me go and I could finally breathe again.

The rest of the day went by with us having fun and cooking dinner together again. After we ate, after 4 PM, we washed the dishes and the watch drew near 5 PM. So we got ready to leave. I called a cab for him and we both exited my apartment. I showed him which key to use where, so he locked the door. We went downstairs and I waited with him for his cab to arrive. A minute or two later the cab arrived. I opened the door and he got in.

"Be safe." I told him, he nodded and smiled, so I closed the door. He told the cab driver his address and I watched the cab drive off. I headed for the bus stop and went to college. I dozed off on the way to college, escaping in my alternate-reality again, thinking things over, hoping Chip will be ok.

I reached college in about 40 minutes, so I still had about 20 minutes till the seminar would start. I had to wait till the professor came out of the class room, till the lecture was over. So I leaned against the column, on the first floor, looking over the lobby and waited. I usually like standing around, doing 'nothin', just thinking, but my thoughts were interrupted by Missy.

"Heya Aka!" She smiled at me cheerfully, waving as she came my way, then stopped in front of me.

"Hey." I replied in a low tone.

"Ah... what's wrong? You seem distracted."

"Nah... I'm ok. How are you?" I knew that would get her talking and not asking questions about me.

"Ah! Man! I gotta tell you! I met this cute dude! He is so awesome! He is a skaterboy! And he's so cute! He's my boyfriend now." She went on and on about her new boyfriend. She's always so care-free and changes boyfriends a lot, having a lot of crushes. But don't get me wrong. She's not a slut. It's more like she's hanging out with them rather than doing anything naughty with them. She's a nice girl, still a virgin, but that doesn't take from her cute attitude. She's not an saint either. She likes having fun, flirting around, breaking a bone or two if it means she'll meet a skaterguy. Well, she didn't actually break any bones when I was in Skate Park with her, and Sel.

We went to skateboard one night, we do that now and then. I thought her and Sel how to skateboard. But that wasn't the only reason we went. We also went to 'stalk' gay couples, because the Skate Park is in the Central Park. Usually, no one's in Skate Park at night, but one night we ran into this guy with a customized bike. A very good one. You couldn't find anything like that in the whole country. It's parts where from foreign countries. And it had hydraulic brakes. Missy was all flirty with him and asked him to give her his bike for a ride. He did, while he went across the road to buy a beer. Missy used the front breaks and the bike flipped right over. She fell on her face with the bike over her. I was talking to Sel at that moment about what powerful breaks the bike had, when we noticed Missy was spread on the cement in front of us. We blinked a couple of times and then it came to us, so we quickly got up and asked her: "Are you alright?" Missy was all 'ow ow, it hurts'. She didn't break anything, but she sprinted her right wrist and bruised her ribs.

"And did I mention how cute he is? Aka? Aka! What are you smiling at? Are you even listening to what I'm telling you?" Missy yelled at me.

"Wha...? Oh yeah... nothing, nothing." I waved my hand in her face. "I'm all good. I just remembered when you sprinted your wrist." I smiled.

"Ah... my ribs still hurt." She says with a sad puppy look.

She's so gullible and cute. "Awww... it's ok... it'll pass." Thanks, for taking my mind of Chip and my worries, Missy.

The professor came out of the class room so we went in. I sat down in my usual place, near Sel.

"Aka, you demon! I can't believe you left me alone here for two whole friggen hours! I was bored out of my skull! My hand hurts from all the writing! You better have a good excuse for not showing up!" She started nagging at me.

"Well, hello to you too, Sel! You staying for karate today, right?" I asked her as I flipped through the pages she wrote during the lecture. "Ahh... 10 pages? You guys wrote this much?"

"Yeah. I'm coming to karate. Anyway what were you doing? You always attend the calculus lectures."

Shit! I thought I changed the subject pretty well. Ahh... who am I trying to kid? She's a very smart girl. That shit don't work with her. But I still know how to get her off my heals. "I had business..." I said with a smirk, wiping the corner of my mouth.

"Ahhh... heheh..." She grinned. "With Danny?" She raised her eyebrows twice.

Damn. Danny... I forgot. I hope he won't show up today, like he usually doesn't.

"No. There's nothing going on with me and Danny." I told her with a straight face.

"Sure there isn't." She said in a sarcastic tone.

"Whatever." I replied and dropped my head on the bench, on my stretchted out arms.

"Speaking of the devil!" Sel mocked and I lifted my head almost in reflex, but rather in shock. Danny just came in the door locking at me with emotionless eyes and a sad expression. He went back in the last row, which was the row behind me and sat down near the window, behind Jack. I was sitting at the other end of the row in front of him. I looked at him with wondering eyes, but he gave me the same hollow look. He then turned away and greeted the guys.

"Guess I was wrong." Sel said. "I shouldn't have listened to Missy when she told me she saw you and Danny flirting with each other yesterday before the lab."

So that's why she asked about Danny! "You girls are gossiping behind my back?"

"Ahh... well... I only asked her if she thought you were walking funny. And she said 'yeah' and started telling me about Danny and what a great couple she thought you guys would make, because you two are so much alike. Plus he had a hickey..." Sel went on.

"We are nothing alike." I interrupted her, but then the professor came in and started the seminar. The first hour went by fast, but I couldn't concentrate. I kept thinking about Chip. I was worried that his parents might beat him up or something even worse. When the break came I practically ran outside, waiting nervously for Chip to show up, but he was already outside, sitting on a stair, wiggling his legs. When he saw me he smiled and waved. I was relieved. There wasn't a scratch on him. He had a big bag with him. He got up and walked towards me in a hurry, he then jumped me and hugged me, like his nightmare finally came to an end.

"I was waiting for you for like half an hour." Chip said a bit frustrated.

"Heya kiddo!" I smiled at him and fuzzed up his hair. "You didn't have any probs at home?" I asked with my heart pounding it's way out of my chest.

"No. My parents weren't home today. They had to meet a client. They are computer programmers. But I don't want to ever think of them again. So please, don't ever mention them to me." He said with a sad face again. "Now show me around!" He put the smile back on his face.

I sighed in relief and my heart calmed down. "Follow me." I smiled back at him.

I showed him around, explaining where the cafeteria is, and where the restrooms and labs are, and how are the class rooms and aulas numbered, but I had only 10 minutes so I had to rush him through it all.

"Well. I have to go back to the seminar now, but I'll tell you what! You go down to the cafeteria and grab a table. Here's some more cash. Buy whatever you want. If you need to use the restroom, you know where the nearest one is. Wait for me. It'll take max 30 mins for the seminar to finish. We usually don't take breaks at calculus seminars, just go on for like 1 and a half hour, instead of two and then she lets us leave. But today she had an errand to run, so she told us to take a 10 minute break. Wait for me here. I'll be out shortly and then you can come with me to karate, if you want to. You can watch." I explained to him as he was all ears.

"Ok. I want to come see you at karate." He smiled. "See you later!"

"Later!" I said as we parted and I went back to the seminar.

We finished in about 20 minutes and everyone cleared out, except Sel, since we always go to karate together. Danny left without a word only an angry look. I packed my bag and went for the stairs with Sel walking by my side.

"Let's go to the restroom first." She said.

We usually go to the restroom before karate, but I had to meet up with Chip. "You go on ahead. I'll wait for you in the lobby." I told her.

"Ok." She smiled and went off. I rushed downstairs, but I noticed Chip was heading for the downstairs restroom... where I blew Danny the other day. So I went after him, but I noticed that Danny just came out of there and they both stopped. Staring at each other, at only a step away from each other. I could have just rushed in there and brushed Danny off, but I decided to wait a little, since they didn't notice me. Danny started talking to him. It's good that I can lip-read, but Chip kept shifting from one leg to the other, so I kept missing some words. He must have been nervous. I could only see what Danny was saying, since Chip was standing with his back to me.

He said: "You again! You know, at first I didn't recognize you. But now I recall. .... You're that kid from that night, after the concert... You went home with .... and .... fucked .... " I guess he means 'You went home with me and I fucked you' or 'we fucked'. Chip, stop fidgeting so much! He was telling Danny something and wanted to go around him, but Danny stopped him and grabbed his arm. Danny went on saying: "And now you're screwing Aka! Aren't you? You are a little .... changing partners so fast!" I could see Chip struggling to get away, so I decided to step in. Danny then asked him: "What are you doing here anyway? Stalking...."

I reached them so I said in a calm voice: "He came to meet up with me. Now let him go." I looked at Danny's enraged hazel eyes with a piercing look, my eyes burning in an orange reflection. Chip looked at me with teary eyes, but a bit of relief. Danny let him go and as quickly as he could, Chip stepped back and jumped onto my right side, putting his right hand on my chest and his head on my shoulder. I noticed his wrist was red, from Danny's grip, so I took his hand and started looking at it with concern.

"Danny, why are you acting like this?" I looked at him with anger.

"Because this little slut is stealing you from me! You're mine, Aka!" He yelled.

People were walking around and they saw we were fighting, but made nothing of it. They might have thought something like I was protecting my little brother from Danny. No one interfered, they just went around us, pretending nothing's wrong.

"I already told you. I don't belong to anyone. And are you hearing yourself? How can you call such an innocent boy a slut, when you're the slut? You are not to lay another finger on him. You hear?" I asked in a low, fervent voice, making him understand that I meant it.

"I... I..." Danny clenched his teeth and looked at the floor, tightening his fists. I noticed tears started to drip onto the ground. He was crying. "I love you..." He said with a shaking voice. "I'll do anything you ask, but please... please don't ask me to stay away from you! Please!" He yelled as he lifted his head with his hazel eyes drowned in tears, making them look black and hurt. How could he say such thing? And to make it worse, in front of Chip!

"I don't love you. Let's go Chip. Sel is waiting for me." I said and turned my back on Danny. Chip wasn't crying and his eyes weren't teary anymore, but he didn't move, so I took his hand and pulled him after me. He let me pull him, walking behind me, but still looking back at Danny's crying face.

We reached the lobby and I saw Sel standing there looking around. When she saw me dragging Chip behind me she looked at me with a confused faced, expressing 'what the fuck?".

"Where the hell have you been? Picking up your kitten?" Sel smirked at me.

I raised an eyebrow at her and shook my head. "This is Chip. He's staying with me so he's coming to karate with us. Chip, this is my colleague and good friend Sel. I usually sit near her during courses."

"Hi." Chip greeted her in a timid voice.

"Hey, kid. Ok... then let's go... we have to change clothes." Sel said and we were off.

We changed clothes in the locker rooms and then waited for karate to begin. Sel is a blue belt so she was with the advanced group. I just joined the karate class, because I needed to pick a sport so I chose karate, because it was ok with my schedule and Sel went to it too. We went in the gym and Chip sat down in a corner where we left our bags. The hour consisted of warm-up, during which I was near Sel. Then we broke up into beginner and advanced groups and started performing the moves the sensei showed us. I was doing pretty basic stuff, easy stuff. I don't know what Sel was doing, because she was in the other end of the large gym. I was the only one in the beginners group that did the moves right. I honestly laughed my ass off watching the rest of the students trying to figure out how on earth to do a simple move. After karate ended, our names were called by section so that we would be put present. We then grabbed our bags and headed to the locker rooms to change clothes. We don't take showers at college. Only when we get home. There are no showers in these locker rooms, they're more like dressing cabinets, only bigger, like little rooms with benches and hangers.

Sel headed home with her brother, so we bid our goodbyes and I headed home with Chip. We headed in the direction of the Central Park.

"Wow, you were really good! You were the only one that did all the moves right!" Chip was talking in an excited tone.

"Well... they were pretty simple moves." I told him with a smile.

"Yeah, but I don't think you should be with the beginners. You are better than those silly students." He claimed.

"Thanks, but I don't really care."

"Can you teach me some of those moves so I can defend myself?" He asked with curious, excited eyes, filled with hope.

"No." I said and he looked down. "But I can teach you other moves. More helpful ones. I don't really like karate. I know it's a defensive sport, but sometimes you need more than defense. I'll teach you kick-boxing... street-style." I winked at him and his face brightened up.

"Great! I can barely wait to get home!" He said with yet again an excited tone.

"Ahh... but not today... I'm beat. I want to eat, take a shower and go to bed."

"Ok... then tomorrow afternoon?" He asked with widened, hopeful eyes. "'Cause that's when I get out of school. At 1 PM."

"Well... I have courses from 10 AM till 2 PM, but I never go to the lecture, only the lab, which starts at noon. So is it ok after 3 PM?" I asked him.

"It's perfect." He said with a grin.

Silence fell between us as we reached the park. I slowed down because I wanted to see some action. Chip slowed down too, but only because I did. I noticed two guys were sitting on a bench we were going to have to pass. They were moving around, but I couldn't make out what they were doing, because it was a dark area. Chip noticed them too and he started to quiver, so I took his hand to calm him down.

As we got closer, I realized they were making out... passionately... they could not take their hands off of each other. They were the same age as I was, I guess. When we reached them, they broke off their kiss and looked at us. I saw both their faces in the dim light and realized one of them was Danny's friend, Alex. He recognized me too. I kept walking, but Chip stopped, no matter that I pulled his hand. He froze to the spot. He was shocked. Why? They were just kissing... like horny teenagers, but still...

"A... Alex..." Chip mumbled. How did he know him? Maybe Danny introduced them? Chip's eyes started to get teary again. "Wh... why..." He sniffled.

"Chip! What are you doing here?" Alex jumped up.

"Ya know him? Is he like your boyfriend?" The guy Alex was with asked and Chip started crying.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

"Fuck this... I'm outa'ere! I don't like crowds or quarrels." The guy said and left. Chip just kept crying and Alex was just standing there with his mouth dropped. He then looked at me.

"Are you two together?" Alex asked me. "I thought you were with Danny."

"And I thought you told him to lie about being with me and fake to be with girls instead. I know you fake that. Let me guess..." It just came to me. "You are the one who fucked Chip and then broke his heart?" It was obvious. I was wrong. Danny didn't fuck Chip. Alex did. Now I recall where I know Alex from. He is the drummer in Danny's rock group. When Chip ran into me at the café Alex was there, shoving his tongue down a girl's throat too, just like Danny was. And when Chip turned and saw Alex, he started crying. Not because he saw Danny. And when Chip told me about the guy he admired so much from the band, he never mentioned what instrument he plaid, or his name. That's why he was so distant from Danny when he saw him at my place. And since I didn't catch all the words Danny told Chip in front of the restroom, I made the wrong assumptions. He must have said something like 'You went home with Alex and he fucked you.' That's why Danny didn't recognize Chip and always looked at him like he didn't know him... and called my angel a slut.

"He told you I broke his heart?" Alex asked me with a surprised face.

"He didn't have to. I could see it in his hurt eyes. He still cares for you. You two got me confused at first. Chip... I thought you were talking about Danny at first. Because he was there at the café too and he is in the group too." I explained to him as he was sniffling.

"I'm sorry I got you two separated. But he loves you. So it's not too late..." Chip said to me with a shaking voice.

"It wasn't your fault. He was shoving his tongue down his girl's throat too, you know? Besides, I don't love him. I don't love anyone. I can't. I don't know why."

"Well... at least Danny loves you... not like Alex... he just used me, like he was going to use that guy that left, too." He pouted.

"I... I... " Alex mumbled. He was shaking. He didn't know what to say. I think he was afraid to confess his feelings to Chip, because that would mean he'd have to come out. I could see it in his eyes. I can read people's eyes so easily.

"Haaah..." I exhaled. "Enough with the fronting already! Tell him what you really feel, man! Don't play around with his heart! Don't be afraid! It's not the end if you come out. It's really not that bad." I tried to make Alex see that he was paying a greater price for hiding than he realized. But he just tightened his fists and looked at the ground.

"Look man! Don't be such a fucking coward and tell him how you feel! If you lose him you'll pay a bigger price than you think. Love is not a game. You don't find it at every corner, like you just tried to. And Chip is a really great kid! And stop imposing your 'hiding techniques' on other people, like Danny! If you want to make yourself miserable by hiding and one day waking up old and alone, fine. But don't do it to other people too. You think you had planned out your life so good, didn't you? Having a girl to hide behind and fucking guys randomly behind her back. But you've fallen for one of your 'conquests' & you wanted to pretend like it isn't true. But I know the dread of not being near the one you love is eating you up! Even though I can't love, I know love when I see it!" I rushed my words at him, which came out as quick as lightning. He was processing all the words I just said when Chip stopped crying, lifted his head and looked at Alex with empty eyes.

"I cried enough for you." Chip said in a low tone. "Forget him, Aka. He doesn't love me. All you said would be true if he could love, but he can't... like you. Let's go." Chip grabbed my had and almost ran off, draggin me after him, in a quick pace. Alex just stood there still mumbling "I... I..." as we distanced from him and he faded in the darkness, being left alone with his cold heart.

We went home and Chip didn't say a word on the way or at home. I made supper, but Chip barely touched his food. I took a shower, but Chip went straight to bed. He didn't even take his clothes of, just lied down on the bed and fell asleep. I guess he was exhausted, or just wanted to wake up the next day and forget about everything and start off new again. After my shower, I took off his pants and socks. He was lying on bed only in his white t-shirt and briefs. I covered him, climbed in bed next to him, wearing only a pair of white boxers. I spooned to him and fell asleep with my thoughts. Why couldn't Alex just confess his love? His love was obvious. And he can love! Unlike me... Danny... Should I give him a chance? Why couldn't I read his thoughts? His eyes? Why didn't I realize Chip wasn't talking about Danny? Why is Danny such and enigma to me?

The sky that night was red with gray clouds. Just like Alex's heart. Afraid, but full of desire. And just like Danny. Angry, but unpredictable. An enigma to me. And just like Chip's tears, red, coming straight from his grieving heart. And just like my burning eyes. Burning into everyone's eyes. Reading them clearly, but hiding my own behind clouds. Not allowing people to read them. I wanted this night to end, I wanted to see the morning sun bring blue light and clear up the sky... and our hearts. But I knew that couldn't possibly happen to all of us. Especially not me.

My eyes started welling up with tears. I shut them, so the tears wouldn't come out, but they escaped through the corners of my eyes and ran down my cheecks. I'm not old. But I already feel the loneliness pressing my heart. I felt like I couldn't breathe, even though fresh air was comming in through the open window. Something else came in with the fresh air through my window. I song I knew... a sad song...... what is it? It makes my tears well up even more.

Who the fuck is watching Titanic at this hour? Or playin the 'hymn to the sea'? What the fuck man! I feel like I'm in a crappy movie with background music. Is someone mocking my sadness? I don't care anymore.. it's good to let go sometimes.

So I fell asleep crying, with that sad tune ringing in my ears... and in the fathom of my heart.

To be continued.

Damn. My ass went totally numb.

Tell me what you think. Not about my ass! Although I don't mind any advice, other than "don't sit on it". Please make all subject lines 'Drawn In'. Thanks. HUGS!

E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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