Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Jun 30, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

Well, here's chapter 2, i didn't expect so many feedbacks, but i'm glad you guys and girls ;) liked it. I hope you all liked the treat i sent you, "aka's" sketch.

Thanks for reading!

Drawn In - Chapter 2 ==================== by Akashi

Morning came with my sister. Actually it was too darn early, she came home at like 3 AM again. She usually just comes in my room without knocking or anything. Some people might think it's a bad habit, but I don't mind, because it's like we don't even perceive each other's existence. Well... sort of, since when she comes in she does it with 'attitude'. The door almost flied open! She's very loud. She woke both me and Danny up. We were still in the spooning position. Danny quickly took his hand off my waist and backed up from the tight cuddle we were in. He looked at my sis in shock. I just stretched my arms out and rubbed my eyes, then looked at my sis with a wrinkled morning face.

"Hey sis. Whacha lookin for?" I asked in a normal tone. Danny just lay there in silence and shock.

"I think I left my phone charger in here somewhere..." she said while looking around my room. "Do you know where it is?" She's always so unorganized and messy.

"Yeah..." I yawned. "It's in my desk's right drawer. You left it in the plug again." I gave her an annoyed look. "So I took it out and put it in the drawer." I said as she took it from the drawer and went for the open, or rather, busted out door.

"Oh... I see you got lucky... hehe..." She said with a smirk looking at Danny.

"Why do think he got lucky?" Danny asked, finally relaxing.

"Not my bro! You! Hehehe!" She laughed, I raised my eyebrow and she left.

"Bitch, close the door after you!" I yelled after her, but she didn't come back to close the door, so I got up, in the 'clothes' that nature gave me and walked to the door. I pushed it, ok, more like kicked it with my foot, shutting it with a loud bang. I went back to the bed and climbed in. Danny was staring at me with widened eyes.

"What?" I said with a bit of anger in my voice. He just blinked at me so I said: "Sorry if I didn't get to introduce you to my sis, Cammie."

"Ahh... it's not that... I forgot how sexy you are, but as you walked naked to the door and back, I remembered." He grinned. "You are so cute in the morning too, with that wrinkled face."

I smiled at him. "Your hair's messed up." I said fuzzing his hair up with my left hand as we lay there face to face, on our sides.

"Hmmmm..." Danny smiled as he closed his eyes and drifted off into sleep again. I lay there, looking at him breathe.


"Mmmnn..." I stretched out looking around. I guess I fell asleep with Danny's face being the last thing I remember. Ah, shit! I wonder what time it is. I got up and went to my comp, turned it on, as I got dressed. I pulled on a pair of clean white boxers, baggy black jeans and a dark green t-shirt. I looked at the PC and I saw it was 8:20 AM.

Danny was still sleeping sound on his left side, with his hands under his head and with the cover over his thigh, barely covering his crotch. I guess as I got out of bed I pulled the cover downer. Damn, what a sexy sight to wake up to in the morning. Ah shit... gotta snap out of it! Or I'll get a boner.

I turned my back to Danny and pulled out a clean pair of white briefs from my dresser, then threw it on him, saying: "Wake up sleepy head! We gotta go to lab!"

"Waah?" He replied in a low tone, grabbing the white briefs that landed on his face and pulling them off his pretty face. He studied them for a moment, blinking his lazy eyes at them, then looking at me. "Can't we just stay at your place for the rest of the day?" He complained, turned onto his back and stretched his arms, the cover slipping even lower, revealing the top of his hairless pubic symphisys. Ahh... damn. I can't take this much longer.

(( pubis symphisys = the bone right above the dick, or rather at the root of it ))

I just stared at him for the longest moment, until he ended his stretch and looked at me with hungry eyes. I forgot what I wanted to say for a moment back there. "We have to go. It is obligatory and since you're here with me I will take you to college by force. Now get dressed. You can use the clean pair of briefs I threw you."

"And how exactly are you going to force me?" He asked with a smirk as he climbed out of bed and slowly walked towards me. He stopped in front of me, still smiling. I can't take this anymore, I want to put my hands all over him!

"Well?" He asked as I just stud there with my mouth dropped, probably drooling.

"Haah..." I exhaled, getting a grip. Darn this self-control! I walked past him and went for the door. With my back to him I said: "Hurry up. I'll be in the kitchen making breakfast." And with that I exited my room and went to the bathroom to relieve myself and wash my face.

I went in the kitchen, fed my cat and made waffles with coconut topping. I was frying the last waffle when two hands reached around my waist and a pair of lips kissed my neck.

"You smell good." Danny said barely above a whisper, pressing his groin against my backside.

"Nghn... don't do that... or I will burn the last waffle."

"Doesn't matter, I can still have you for breakfast." He said as I flipped the last waffle onto the plate with 5 other waffles and turned off the stove.

"Danny, let me go. I don't wanna be late." I said turning to face him, since that's the only thing I could do in his unbreakable embrace.

"Mmmm... I love it when you say my name." He said planting a soft kiss on my lips and pressing his groin against mine. I could feel he was half-hard.

"Danny, knock it off!" I pushed him back escaping from his loosened embrace. "Sit and eat!" I said sitting down at the 4 person table and Danny followed me. We dug into the waffles with the coconut topping and put jam ontop of them.

"Mmm... these are really good. Really sweet, but not as sweet as you." He said with a smile.

"I'm glad you like them... and me."

"Are you kidding me? I'm mad about you!" He exclaimed and almost jumped over the table, grabbed my t-shirt and pulled me in for a kiss. I still had waffle in my mouth, but he just shoved his tongue in my mouth and worked it around like a high pressured water hose that escaped the grip of its owner.

"Nghn..." I moaned in a low tone as he backed up and swallowed. It's only then that I realized he ate the waffle out of my mouth.

"That tasted even better." He said with a smirk, just as my sis walked in the kitchen in a large t-shirt and her underwear. Thank goodness for salvation! This is the first time I'm happy to see my sis.

"Well... someone's really hungry." She said smiling at Danny. "Good mornin bro! I see ya made waffles, huh? I love waffles!" She said as she grabbed one, put jam on it and stuffed it in her mouth. "Mmmm... real good, like always... you're a really good cook..." She said chewing with her mouth full, as Danny sat back down and poked the waffle on his plate with his fork. He looked disappointed. I just continued with my waffle, finishing it a couple of minutes later. Danny wasn't poking his waffles anymore, but ate them right up.

I got up, put the dishes in the sink and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Danny followed me without a second thought. I handed Danny a new toothbrush and he started brushing his teeth, near me. It started feeling like we were a couple.

I packed my bag, pulled on a dark navy blouse and headed for the door with Danny on my side. We went outside without even saying bye to my sis and headed to the bus stop. When we reached the bus stop Danny kept shifting from one leg to the other. He looked kind of uncomfortable.

"What's wrong?"

"Well... you're briefs are a bit small for me..."

"That's why I wear boxers... much comfier!" I smiled at him, as the bus pulled in the stop. We got on and since it was kind of full, we remained standing for the 10 minute trip, not saying a word to each other on the bus. We got off at the park, went through it and reached college after about 15 minutes of walking. At the entrance a guy nodded at Danny, so he stopped.

The guy was about as tall as Danny, but I couldn't really tell, because he was leaning with his back to the wall. He had dark brown hair and hazel eyes.

"I'll catch up with you later." He said and went to that guy, they shook hands and started chatting. All I could catch was the guy's name: Alex. I went inside the lobby and headed towards the lab, where I saw some of my colleagues waiting. I was about 10 minutes early.

"Hey guys!" I greeted them.




They each greeted me and I sat down on a bench that was placed near the window, where Missy was sitting with Reggie lying in her lap, like they usually are, but they are not a couple and they won't ever be, only good friends.

"Hey knuckle head! You gonna post today's lab work on MY forum or what?" Reggie said looking up at me from Missy's lap. The only 2 people who actually do the lab works is Sel and me, and I usually post them on my forum, to help out the rest of the lazy bastards, who just play on the net during the whole lab. The professor only nags at me, and let's the rest of them play and whatever. I guess he sees that I have potential and that I'm not fully using it and that's why he nags at me and gives me extra work, because I finish the programs too fast, but I just don't give a fuck, so I always brush him off.

"Man, shut the fuck up!" Ok... I don't know why I said that... my usual response would be: 'Now now Reggie-boy, ya know it won't really help you if you just copy the progs, since you need to learn how to write one, right?" I guess, I just didn't feel like hearing the usual stupid comments... plus, my ass kinda hurt.

There's also the thing about Reggie lying in Missy's lap, that reminded me of a gay couple I once saw in the Central Park, they were in the same position. It was night then. It just pisses me off that gay male couples have to hide and can't just cuddle or hug in mid-day in front of everyone, without everyone acting all stuck up. Why can't everyone just relax and see just as I do, that's it's as normal as friends hugging? And why is it ok for two girls to do that? But not two guys?

"Wow! Someone's in a bad mood today! What's wrong? Are ya in a slump and lack inspiration for drawin ur stupid manga?" Reggie kept going on with the lame comments, so I just ignored him and gazed off. I sometimes do that. Just tear away from this so called reality, block everything out, don't hear anything, don't see anything either, only what I imagine. Sometimes I do this in order to think about things, sort things out, at other times I just use that time to fantasize about things, get ideas for sketches, novels, manga, clothes, anything and everything, or just for escaping from all the things I hate.

This time I shut off the world around me in order to get away. I wanted a moment of peace. I just wanted to relax for a while. Nothing and no one can pull me back to reality, no matter how much they shake me, or yell at me, I can block out anything and everything. I still perceive everything that happens around me, so if for example a professor asks me a question I can answer. It's as if I were on autopilot, or something, I can respond, but my eyes are still empty, my mind not being there.

Missy kept waving her hand in front of me, thinking I'd snap out of my daze, but that sure doesn't work, as she already knows. I think she was just checking if I jumped to my 'alternate-reality'. Just then Danny showed up. I turned my head and looked at him. I snapped out of my daze. I couldn't believe it. His sole presence having such an affect on me. I guess Missy noticed, because she had a smile from ear to ear. I just leaned in front, placing my elbows on my knees and tilting my head down.

The professor showed up and let us in the lab. I usually walk in last and sit at the PC near the PC that the professor uses, which are the first two PCs right next to the door. But this time, as I waited for everyone to enter and noticed the hall clearing up, I saw Danny, standing there, waiting, just like I was. He was waiting for me to go in first. Everyone went inside and I just stood there staring at Danny and Danny staring back at me. He was looking me up and down.

I could feel his glare undressing me, searching under my clothes. Wait a sec! That's my habit! I clenched my teeth and looked at him with bitter eyes, catching his eyes with mine, not letting them go, to search my body. This is not the time or place for such things! He understood and stopped stripping me with his eyes, smiling at me and leaning against the door.

I didn't want to play 'who forfeits first' with him, so I went in before him. He came in right after me. I could feel his eyes run up and down my backside. He thought he got me, but what he didn't know is that I had to take only two steps till I reached my usual place and then I could strip him down with my glare. He would have known this if he'd show up at college more often.

I stopped at my usual place, he stopped for a short moment too. The smile then faded from his face. He looked around for a place and started going towards the back of the lab. Now it was my turn to stare. I'll show him what years of 'experience' are good for. I put my eyes on his neck, burying them into the hickey I gave him last night, as he sat down in the same row I was. Like this, I could freely stare at him. I was burning my glare into his neck. He rubbed his neck, where he had his hickey, parted his lips and exhaled, which sounded more like a panting. His face started getting sweaty.

Danny was sitting near Jack, who immediately noticed his heavy breathing. "Man, are you ok? You look hot. Do you have a fever?" Jack asked.

"Nah... I'm fine..." Danny answered him slowly, then looked at me and noticed I was staring. Guess, he found the source of his 'fever'. Burn baby! Burn! He looked at me with pleading eyes, asking me to stop, but I just smiled at him and kept staring. He gasped for air, then clenched his teeth and shut his eyes, hoping that when he'd open them he'd wake up from a bad dream... well, I'm not sure about the bad part. Heheh...

"So, do you know what the assignment is for today?" The professor broke my staring with his usual question. FUCK! I was so close! Argh!

"No. I'll ask Sel." I answered with a smile and got up and walked to Sel, who was sitting just behind me, on the other row, with her back to mine, if I were sitting in fron of 'my' PC.

"Hit me." I said as I reached her.

"Why don't you ever come to the course?" She asked annoyed. The course is just before the lab, starting at 8 AM.

"I already told you! I can't wake up that early! Com'on! Tell me what stupid, sorry excuse of a program must we write today?"

"Do you have something to write with?"

"Ah... no... wait... lemme grab a paper and pencil from my bag." I said, walking back to my place, grabbing the stuff from my backpack and going back to Sel.

"Ok. Shoot."

"You walk funny." Sel said with a smirk on her face.

"You're not wearing your glasses again! Put them on!" I said, completely ignoring her remark. She told me and Missy to tell her to wear her glasses when she's at the computer or when she's reading, because she keeps forgetting. So she took her glasses out from her bag and put them on, then showed me the lab work. I copied it and went back to my desk. She stared at me as I walked back to my desk and smiled at me in the 'I know why you're walkin like that' sort of way.

I sat down, gave her a 'whatever' look and turned to my PC. I finished the lab work in like 30 mins. Labs, lectures and seminars all last 2 hours each, with breaks every hour, so I decided to post the lab work, so Reggie and the other lazy fucks can copy it. When the professor asked me if I was done, I lied and said no, because I didn't want any extra work.

I slacked off the rest of the hour posting on my forum and browsing the web. Break time came so I went outside to go to the restroom. Halfway to the restroom I realized Danny was following me. I went in and he came in after me, closing the door. No one was in there except the two of us.

"Man, I thought you were going to make me cum back there, in the lab. I could feel your eyes burning into me! I was at the edge. One more minute of that and I would have came in your briefs!" He ranted at me as I went into a cubicle and shut it behind me, so I could pee without him staring at me.

"You started it." I claimed while I was peeing.

"Yeah... but I was just... looking at you and remembering how you looked naked."

"You are a bad boy!"

"You are a bad boy too! Hahaha..." He laughed.

I came out and started singing: "Bad boys, bad boys, wacha gonna do, wacha gonna do when they come for you? Hahaha..."

He pushed me against the wall, pinned my hands to it by my wrists and pushed his lips against mine. I bit his lower lip and he let me go.

"Ouch! Wacha do that for?"

"You hit my head in the wall, when you pushed me back like a horny wild beast!"

"Well, you're the one that made me horny... first in the lab, then here, singing. I love your voice!" Danny said wanting to jump me again but I dodged him and went for the door.

"Wait! Where are you going?" Danny exasperated.

I ignored his whining and locked the door then went back to him with a smirk on my face. I raised my eyebrow and he grinned and bit his lip. Ahh... how I love it when he bites his lip. It's good that it's a 20 minute break we have now, at 11AM.

I pushed him against the wall so he leaned against it with his beautiful back. I leaned in to kiss him and he pulled me in, putting his hand on my neck. We played with each other's tongues as I unzipped his pants and pulled them off. I got to my knees and pulled off the white briefs I gave him. He was already half-hard. I only had to drag my tongue along the tip of his dick to get him fully erected. He already started panting when I took his dick in-between my little finger grouped with my ring finger and my middle finger grouped with my index finger. I started gently pulling on his foreskin like that, while also thumbing the tip of his dick with the same hand. I kept that up for a couple of pulls, now and then also licking the tip as he panted like crazy and put his hands in my hair.

I let his dick go for a moment, then I started draggin my middle finger along its root, liking around the tip. He clenched his teeth and I could hear him breathing through them. That was my queue to take him into my mouth, so I did, gently dragging my teeth along the root of his dick and squeezing my lips together when I reached the tip. He caressed my hair as I sucked on him, moaning softly, watching out not to be too loud.

I let him go again and started going lower with my tongue to his balls, licking them. Then I lifted his leg by his knee and put it over my shoulder. As I licked his balls I fingered that fine area between his balls and his hole.

"Ahhh... fuck... I don't know what you're doing... nghn... but keep it up!"

I lowered my tongue again, dragging it up and down that fine line between his balls and his hole a couple of times and them I attacked his hole. I thrusted into it with my tongue, rimming his hole.

"Ahhh... man... nnhhnnn... fuck... you're soooo good! HAAH!"

I started licking on his dick again, putting a finger up his hole and rubbing his prostate gland. I took his dick in my mouth and sucked on it, as he grabbed onto my hair again. I rolled my finger around inside him and nibbled on the tip of his dick, when he panted: "I'm cuming!" So I opened my mouth and pressed my tongue against his dick, fingering him faster.

"AHHHH!" He clenched his teeth as he came in my mouth and I drank every sip and licked the tip clean. I stud up and wiped my mouth, but he grabbed me and shoved his tongue down my throat wanting a taste of his own cum.

"Mmmmm... that tastes good." He said, coming up for air and liking his lips.

"Sure does." I grinned at him, then went to the sink to wash my mouth and hands. He pulled his pants up and we headed back to the lab.

I pulled out a pack of gum from one of my baggie's pockets and I put one in my mouth. "You want some?" I asked him whilst chewing. "Sure." He replied and I gave him one too. We smiled at each other as we reached the lab and went in. During the remaining hour of the lab we stole glances and smiles from each other. The lab finally came to an end, we were going to have another course after it, but there was rarely someone that attended it, including the professor.

Danny headed off, but I stayed with Sel and a few others. Another two hours of boredom, so I thought, but the professor didn't show up in the first 30 minutes, so we left.

As I was walking home, always staring at everything moving, I noticed Danny was standing on the corner of a street. I stopped and just stood there looking at him. Wondering what he was doing there, who he was waiting for. He was definitely waiting for someone. He didn't notice me so I planned to keep it that way. I don't usually spy on people, but I had a feeling. Sometimes I just get weird feelings. Sometimes I know I will run into someone I know, at others I know I shouldn't take a certain bus, or other vehicle, and it turns out that I do run into someone, or that the certain vehicle crashes. I don't know... maybe it's my sixth sense. I just know that I do not see dead people, but I am very receptive, when it comes to my senses.

I waited around the corner, looking at Danny as he waited and smoked a cigar, then a jeep pulls up next to him and stops. A girl was in the jeep. Must be his girl- friend, or rather lover, since he fucked her. Will he break up with her? Like he said he would? Or what?

Danny hopped into the jeep, jumping over the door, kissed the chick and then blew out the smoke he held in from his cigar. Nice kiss, Danny, way to go! I would punch him in the face if he'd try to kiss me with smoke in his 'mouth'. I really hate smoke.

He threw his cigar on the side of the road and they drove off. I started walking again, thinking of all possibilities. Does he usually great her like that? Will he break up with her? Is he going to keep his word? I didn't want to jump to any conclusions, since after the time we spent together I didn't think he'd go back to her and fuck her.

It was a nice cloudy day, so I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. So I went through the Central Park, my favorite place in the whole city. Of course, during mid-day I won't see anything that would excite me, but I still like it. I just love watching leaves move around in the gentle breeze. What? You thought, all I'm interested in is gay people and sex? Well, you're wrong. I sat down on a bench and tilted my head back, watching the leaves play around in the breeze, inhaling the fresh air emitted by the trees and the sweet scent of all sorts of flowers. A leaf started to gently fall down, rocking in the air, taking it's time like it had all eternity to glide, and landed on my lap. Hmm... and it's spring.

I must have spent an hour or so there. But I never know the exact time, since I don't have a watch. Not even in my room. Only on my computer. I hate clocks. Time is something invented by people, and it limits us. It binds us to something unreal and it takes from our freedom. I usually wake up just when I need to, so I don't miss seminars and labs. Besides, I'd rather fall asleep than have a clock ticking my brains out. Or even a digital one... every time I would look it's way, I'd see the time. I don't want to know what the time is. If you forget about time. The day seems longer, and better. And you feel like you spent every moment usefully.

I got up and started walking home, through the center of the town, where a lot of shops, theatres, restaurants, fast-food joints and what-not are. Then I walked through the Unirii Square, which basically translates to Union's Square. Yeah, well, kids do get 'united' here. They hang out. A lot of clubs are around here.

As I walked through the square I noticed the same jeep Danny got in parked near a café. I had to go by the jeep, so I did, also passing the café with these huge windows. I could see inside. Danny was there, sitting near that chick I saw earlier. Did I say sitting near? Rephrase that! Cuddling with her, and having his tongue down her throat. I wonder how'd she react if she'd know that I blew him earlier and then he ate his own cum out of my mouth. But I'm not like that, now am I? Heh... I guess it's kind of sad... but I don't really care. I just stood there smiling and looking at them. Just as I wanted to leave, Danny turned his head and saw me. He was sitting with his back to me, but I guess he felt me staring at him again. His eyes widened and mouth dropped, but I was still smiling. I shook my head, picked up my feet and started walking.

The café was on the corner of the street I was walking down on. As I reached the middle of the street I could here some running steps behind me. I knew who it was, so I stopped. He ran into me and knocked me over. Guess he didn't expect me to suddenly stop. Maybe he thought I would run away? With tears in my eyes? Not a chance.

I fell on my knees and palms. You must be thinking by now, that I'm pretty easy to knock over, huh? Well... maybe... but that was honestly the second time in my entire life that I got knocked over. Anyway, he landed on top of me, so I turned to sit on my ass, with him still over me.

It's not Danny. He's crying. He has such a beautiful face.

"S... sorry..." He sniffled. "I just... I..."

"It's ok. I'm not hurt. But you are..."

"No... I just have something in my eyes... and that's why I'm crying."

"Heheh..." I smiled at him.

"What's so funny?" He looked at me with big goofy eyes, full of tears.

Well... I guess I was right about one thing. Danny was definitely behind me. He did come out of the café. He saw me on the ground with this guy over me. I wonder what he thought.

"Not that, silly! You're hurt here..." I took his arm were he had a cut right under his right elbow. He was bleeding. I crawled out from under him, stood up and then stood him up too. Danny carefully followed my every move with his eyes. I dusted off my clothes, took the crying guy's arm and licked off his blood. His sniffling turned into surprise, but not shock.

"Wha... what are you doing?" He asked pulling his arm away from me.

"Saliva is good for wounds. Didn't you know that?" I smirked at him. Danny looked at me with envious eyes. Was I making him jealous? Why? If he would have cared a little about me, he wouldn't be shoving his tongue down that chick's throat. So why those eyes? I'm just looking for someone new. If he doesn't want me, no big deal. There are after all about 7 milliard people on this planet and 49% of them are male. And this one male, standing in front of me, was the perfect candidate. He was a bit shorter than me, with black hair, that reached down to his neck and crystal blue eyes, and such a smooth oval face, you could mistake him for a girl. He was after all gay. I knew that for sure.

Danny must've thought he had me wrapped around his little finger after fucking me. Well, he was wrong. I guess he'll believe me now, when I told him I don't fall in love or have any crushes.

"Yeah... I knew that... but you can't just go around licking a guy's arm on the street, whether you know him or not." He whined.

"Why not? Afraid of what people might think?" I smiled at him and wiped his tears off dragging the backside of my fingers along his cheeks. Danny looked at me with fierce eyes, clenching his teeth together.

"N.. no... that's just it. I don't care about what people think."

"Good. Neither do I." I said as I pulled him in by his neck and planted an ever so soft kiss on his even softer lips. When I broke it off he stood there with widened eyes. At least he wasn't crying anymore. I just smiled at him, then looked over to Danny. He was just about to run to us and break us up, but one of his friends caught his arm and told him: "Com'on man. What are you doing out here? The girls are waiting for us." Good that I can lip-read. It was the same guy he greeted outside our college this morning. What was his name? Alex? He looks familiar. Maybe I saw him somewhere else too? Not just at college?

Danny was burning with anger, but let his friend pull him back in the café. I was still looking at him, smirking, so the kid that ran me over turned to look what I was smirking at. When he saw Danny, he put on the goofy eyes again and crashed into my chest crying. Now I knew... Danny... you are a little slut, aren't you? Even with this thought, I couldn't stop smiling.

I cupped his head with my hands and caressed his hair to calm him down, as he pouted on my favorite blouse.

"Com'on kid. I'll take you to a place where you can unwind." I lifted his head by his chin and looked into his teary eyes with a sincere face. He sniffed a couple of times and then he nodded. We walked down the street and at the end of it there was a cab station. So I sat him in one and I sat down near him, told the cabdriver my address and we were on our way. I couldn't leave him on the streets like that. Someone could easily take advantage of him.

It took about 6 minutes to get to my place, we could have walked, but he was in no condition to walk. In the cab he clenched to me tightly, pouting on my shoulder. I just looked out the window with my arm around his shoulder, again drifting off to my alternate-reality. Thinking about all the possible things Danny could have done to him. He didn't look older than 16. Why would Danny go around playing kids like that? If he didn't want to come out that he was bi, he shouldn't promise anything to kids. Does he get thrills out of picking up virgins, promising them to come out and then going back to his every day life, pretending nothing happened? Well, I got to hand it to him. He sure knows how to play his cards. He played the naive, stupid kid with me. I bet he played the cool, rock-star with this kid. That's right!

"Kid. What's your name?"

"Chi... Chip." He pouted.

"Chi... hehe... from Chobits? Well, Chip, I'm Aka." I smiled at him and he looked up at me with those big goofy eyes, as if he were mesmerized by my face.

We reached my place, so I paid the cab driver and we got out. The cab took off and I took his hand and lead him to my apartment. I unlocked the door stepped in, but he let go of my hand and stopped outside, a bit scared.

"You... you want to... to... do it with me?"

"Hahaha... you're so cute. Don't worry. I won't touch you, unless you ask me to. Well... I don't think I'll touch you, even if you ask me to, since you're messed up and you don't really know what you want." I told him with a sincere tone. He blinked at me, stepped inside and closed the door behind him.

"Do you live alone?"

"Only for about a week. Is there anyone I should call and let them know where you are?" I asked him and he shook his head, answering 'no'.

"Come on. I'll get you some water. You must be thirsty from all that crying."


I got him a tall glass of water from the kitchen and gave it to him. He drank it all at once. Damn!

"Thanks." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and handed me the glass that I took back into the kitchen. He was wearing a white short sleeved shirt and straight black pants. Looked like a uniform, but with more style than just that.

"Come with me." I took his hand and lead him to the bathroom. I wet a clean white towel with cold water and gently pressed it against his eyes and face. "Your face is all red. This will help cool it down." I said as I continued pressing the wet towel against his face, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me.

"Why are you doing this?" He finally got on thinking-mode again.

"Because I want to. I truly don't have any other motive. You are hurt and I didn't want you to fall in the wrong hands and get even more hurt."

"I don't think anyone could hurt me any worse than..." He started crying again.

"Don't cry. Let's talk about it and get if off your chest. It's not worth a red face. Trust me." With those words he started sobbing. I shouldn't have said 'trust me'. I bet those are the words Danny used to get to him. "I mean, don't trust me. Don't trust anyone. Let it all out. Pretend I'm a teddy bear or something and let it all out." That seemed to calm him down, because he stopped crying and looked up in my eyes. I felt he was ready to talk, so I led him by the hand to my room and set him on my bed, with me sitting near him on his left side with my arm around his shoulders.

"He told me to trust him too... It all started with a concert of his. I saw him there and I really liked the way he performed. I thought he was cool. He always stood laid back and with a cool attitude and I guess, I always stared at him out of admiration. After the concert I went outside to get some air and I got caught up by the stars. I was staring at them and before I knew it, everyone cleared the club out. The bands packed up their vans. I was sitting in the grass near the club and I heard the vans drive off. Then he showed up and sat near me. I could feel my heart racing and couldn't say a word. He said he saw me always staring at him. He also said that the starts are beautiful, but not as beautiful as my eyes. And all sorts of stuff. He told me to go with him to his place, to trust him, cause he's going to take me to Heaven. I followed him like a fool. I saw his girl at the concert, but he told me he was breaking up with her. I trusted him. I was such a fool. He took me to his place and he... we... we did it. In the morning he acted all cool with me, he asked where to drop me off. When we parted he said he'd meet me today at the movie theatre in the center. I was so excited I left home early and on my way towards the center I saw him in that café on the corner... with his girl. He lied to me! He didn't break up with her. He was there shoving his tongue down her throat! That slut!" He blurted it all out in the fastest possible way. I don't think I ever heard anyone speak as fast as he just did. At times like this I'm glad I can't fall in love.

"Yeah... he is a slut. And you're not a fool. You followed your heart... your desires. And you don't need to feel used. Think of it as a good experience. I know he played with your heart too, but at least you had sex. Think of it like he's missing out. He lost you, not the other way around. He doesn't deserve someone like you." I said as I kissed his forehead. "You really do have beautiful eyes. I don't think he lied about that. And he must have liked something about you in order to sleep with you. Don't worry. You'll find someone who is just right for you. You're still young. Now. Didn't it feel good to spill it all out?"

"Yes. It did. To someone who actually listened." He said and hugged me. "Thanks."

"How old are you?" I continued with the conversation. Wouldn't want silence to fall between us, who knows, he might try to kiss me. And he doesn't need rejection right now.

"17. And you?"

"17? You look younger. I am gonna turn 19 at the end of April."

"You look younger too." He smiled at me. The first time he smiled. He has such a lovely smile too. Why would anyone ever want to hurt this angel? When he smiles the room lightens up!

"What profile do you go to in high-school? And what grade?"

"Computer Science, 12th grade. And you?"

"Oh, so you are finishing school. I finished school at the same age. I am in college, finishing 1st year this summer. I'm also in Computer Science."

"Wow! Really? How is it? I wanna go there too!"

"It is really cool! Actually what I mean, is that it's really easy... and boring. The professors are all good too. There are a couple of exceptions, but you have to take in the good with the bad."

"Yeah... I know just what you mean... like with what got me here..." His face saddened again, but then he smiled up at me again. Still hugging me.

"Are you hungry? I could make dinner." I asked him.

"Yes, but only if I can help. I really like cooking."

"Well, it seems we have more in common than either of us could have imagined."

We smiled at each other, I fuzzed up his hair and we got up. We went to the kitchen and prepared everything we needed to make a full dish. We decided we will make Fish Fillets a la Creole. I chopped up the fish and pulled their guts and spines out and then made them into fillets. He cleaned the vegetables, opened the mushroom cans, chopped them up along with the veggies and prepared the tray that we'd put the fish in and then in the oven. When I finished with the fish, he already had everything prepared, he simmered the veggies and preheated the oven. We set everything in the tray, that was 'full' with our hands moving around and colliding as we set everything in place. We then put it in the oven and in about 40 mins it was all done. During those 40 minutes we cleaned the kitchen up and then we ate. It was delicious. My cat, Leeloo, also liked it. We fed her before we ate.

"Good teamwork!" I said.

"Yeah! I'm so glad I finally have someone to cook with." He smiled. I'm glad that slowly he's getting Danny off of his mind.

After dinner I showed him all my programming developments, game designs, AI ideas and he told me about his ideas. We played a game, watched a movie he picked out of my collection, ate popcorn and fries for supper and decided it was time to shower and go to bed.

"Let's shower together!" Chip suggested.

"I still won't touch you!" I teased him sticking my tongue out.

"Hahah.... ok."

I got him a large towel and we went in the bathroom. We both stripped off our clothes and climbed in the shower. He had the most beautiful, thin and fragile body I ever saw. His muscles were barely defined. His tummy was all flat with only two lines on each side, no six packs. He had a cute round, bubble butt, and either he didn't have any hair anywhere, or it was too light to be seen. I was beginning to doubt he was 17, until I saw his 6 and a half inch dick. He looked me up and down too. I started the water and we washed each other from head to toes. I loved sliding my hand and soap down his smooth skin. He was ticklish, so he giggled when I washed his sides and his thighs. We washed our own private parts, respecting our agreement. His thin hands with feminine, long fingers felt so good as they traced my body-lines up and down, but it was all more like a play. Neither of us got hard. We washed each other's hair at the same time so sometimes shampoo dripped in our eyes and then we had to wash it out. Lucky, it was baby shampoo, since that's the only sort I use, so it didn't hurt our eyes.

Once we were done, we wiped ourselves in our towels and I dried his medium length hair with another shorter towel. We brushed our teeth and went to my room. We cuddled up in bed and went to sleep, naked, me spooning to him. I was on his left side, if we would lie on our backs. I put my left hand over his thin waist and my right one under him and over his chest, embracing him tightly, wanting to protect my little angel from all harm. I slid his hair off of his neck and buried my face in his beautiful long neck. We both had our hair still moist. We wanted to let it dry in our sleep, since both of us liked to let it dry naturally. And so we drifted off to sleep, without worrying what the next day would bring, but living every moment to the maximum. This angel fell in my arms like the leaf did in the park, but this time I was the one who thought I had all eternity to embrace him. Spring truly is my favorite season.

To be continued.

Hope you liked chapter 2 with the turn-around! ;) Shit, man! I even tore a ligament in my arm. You better like it! You think you know what's going to happen next? But you have no idea! evil grin You'll have to wait out chapter 3. I want to apologize for the first chapter's sloppiness. Gomenasai! -_-;;;

Tell me what you think. Please make all subject lines 'Drawn In'. Thanks. HUGS!

E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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