Drawn In

By Akashi

Published on Jun 30, 2005



This is a story containing hot boysex, so if it's illegal for you to read this, tough luck, don't. I can because i'm 19! ;p

If you are against freedom of choice and feel that all homo-erotic things should be destroyed i pity you, and i tell you this: WTF are you doing here anyway? As for the rest of you: ENJOY!

This story is copyrighted to me only, so don't steal or modify it in any way. This story is half-fiction... or rather fantasy, if you catch my drift! ;)

(Some) names were changed, just to mess with some readers' heads, readers who know me. Let's see if they figure out who's who. Hehehe.

Drawn In - Chapter 1 ==================== by Akashi

Spring is here... geh... another boring lecture of 2 hours. I think I'm going to drift off into dream-land and be present only physically. I hope the professor won't notice I'm sleeping, but that's quite unlikely, since we're only 16 students in this darn section.

My name is too hard to pronounce so everyone just calls me Aka, which is a Japanese name, meaning "scarlet". The professors call me by my last name. I am 18 years-old and will turn 19 at the end of April. It is the beginning of April right now. I am also the youngest student in this college. Usually a year or more younger than the rest of my colleagues.

I am a 1st year student in a college, in the Computer Science section that was just founded last year, so there are only 16 students, all on full scholarship. Even so, very few of us actually attend the lectures, seminars and labs... about 4-5, but on labs we are like 10-14. I wanted to attend this college because there is none other like it in my country, Romania. I am glad of the choice I made, but one thing stresses me out: I can't just take some evaluation test and attend another year and finish faster. If I could, I would have finished school much faster. This is the irony of my life. I have to wait out my studies. Damn is this ever so boring! It's a torture for my curious and enthusiastic mind! I feel like I'm losing my brain-cells just from sitting around doing nothing.

Well... at least I'll still have my looks. My hair is just a bit longer than short, so that a few fine locks drop in front of my eyes. I have smooth rusty-brown hair and orange-hazel eyes, very light peach skin, a fit body, narrow waist, broad shoulders, nicely defined arms, but not muscular, or buff. I never liked that type. I am 5'7" (1.75m) and weigh 137 pounds (62kg). And I have a thing for backs and necks.

If I don't sleep during lectures, I either scribble notes on some white paper or draw. I love drawing. It's a way I can express my feelings and thoughts without talking. Sometimes words can't express what I want to say, so I'm glad I can draw. I have a bad habit of staring at anything and everything, my friends always elbow me in my side to distract me, to make me stop staring, but I only stare because I want to memorize every single detail about everything so that I can draw it when I want to. I especially stare at guys. I love the male body. It is so beautiful.

With that thought I started drifting off into dream-land. I was leaning over my bench with my hands crossed in front of me and my head turned side-ways on them. Just as I turned my head to the other side I saw one of my less-frequenting colleagues, Danny, walk in the door and sat right in front of me. There are 4 rows of benches and 6 people can sit in each row, side by side. Since the row I was sitting in (nick-named the "cool-corner") was full, he sat in front of me. Just as he sat down the professor came in. No one was paying him attention as he started the boring lecture. All I could hear was: "bla bla circuit bla bla gate bla bla".

I wasn't really interested in anything other than staring at Danny's beautiful, softly defined back, as his shirt smoothly made out every line on his back. I was still in the same position but with my chin on my hands, staring at Danny. He is about 6' (1.83m) and has broad shoulders and a narrow waist, but has a bigger build than mine. He has dark-brown hair and deep hazel eyes, beautiful lips, not thin, but not big, and a nice round nose. His face is so beautiful. I'd just love to caress it, to fell every line of his face with my finger-tips, then to draw his face. Sel, one of my good friends who was sitting on my left, elbowed me in my side. Boy do I ever hate that! I gave her an angry look.

"Aka! You're staring again!" she whispered to me.

"So?" I asked while rubbing my side. It's a very sensitive spot.

"Wadayamean "so"???? Knock it off! It's not polite! And we're in the middle of a lecture! You haven't written anything again, have you?" she started naggin at me a bit louder than a whisper.

I really don't appreciate when people feel like lecturing me. I am more mature than anyone around me, so they have no right to tell me what to do.

"Really?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Watch this..."

Now I know I started to worry her, because she started to make these big goofy eyes that would say: "Oh, no! What's he upto now?" When I have that sly smirk on my face my friends usually know it means trouble, and that they can't stop me. They say I'm shameless and impolite. I don't care about formalities or what people think about me, so I just went right ahead with my plan. I scribbled something on a paper and prodded Danny's back with my index finger. He turned, I smiled at him and gave him the paper. He scribbled something on it, then gave it back to me with a smile. We kept this going back and forth a couple of times, while Sel was staring at us ever so worried and more confused, until it was break time.

In between the 2 hours of lectures we always get a 10 minute break, except at 11, when we get a 20 minute lunch break, that lasts from 10:50 till 12:10. Now we were facing a 10 minute break. Danny got up, not saying a word and went for the door, after the professor left, but just before he went out of the class, he turned and smirked at me. I just sat there, lied back, still a bit sleepy, and smiled back at him. Just as he exited the room, Sel took, ok, rather ripped the paper out of my hand and started rolling her eyes down on it. She's a fast reader. So she read:

'Aka: You have a nice back... how come I haven't seen it around here? Danny: I was at work. Aka: What sorta work? Posing for an artist? Danny: Advertising. Aka: Advertising what? Am I bothering you? I am just so friggin bored... Danny: Me too... Aka: Supah! Cause then I'll "bother" you some more! So, where do you work? Or is it confidential? Danny: X Advertising and Media.'

(( X is not really the name, but i won't give out the real name! :p ))

When she was done she dropped her mouth and said: "You're mad!"

"Actually no, I'm quite happy." I smirked at her.

After the boring lectures and seminars ended, I slowly packed my backpack, but left my sketchbook on the table. While I was packing everyone started clearing out the classroom. We usually have like 4 or 6 hours in total daily, from Monday until Thursday. Still, I don't even attend all of the courses. Seminars and labs are obligatory so I can't miss out on them, but when it comes to courses, I slack off.

I grabbed my sketchbook under my right arm and went home. And so Monday ended.

On Tuesday Danny showed up again and he invited everyone to a concert of his and his group on Friday. So... the kid is in a rock-group. Guess I'll have to see how good he is.

The rest of the week was boring as usual, I spent it mostly scraping some sketches up on white paper, until Friday finally came. I went to the concert with Missy, another colleague of mine I usually head home with. We went to this little club and waited outside. About half an hour later Danny showed up and greeted us. He said that we came sorta early and that we'd have to wait another hour or so. We were ok with that. Almost an hour later we went in the club and waited out another youngster rock -group to finish their performance. When Danny and his group finally came up I waited standing in the back of the club with Missy. Shortly I found out he played the bass guitar and he was so good! If he kept exercising I was sure he was going to be as good as Phoenix, from Linkin Park, my favorite group. I danced along with Missy and taught her a few "gothic" moves, other than the boring "shake-your-head-until-you're -rid-of-all-your-dandruff" move. After about 40 minutes they were done with their performance and were jumped by all the kids there congratulating them. I was beat and hot so I suggested to Missy that we go home without saying goodbye or whatever.

So we "snuck" out without a word and went home, talking about Danny's excellent performance on the way home. We reached the park, slowed down and fell silent. You never know what nice surprises you might see in the darkness. Well... actually we already knew. On week ends (Thusday-Saturday) gay couples would be sitting on benches fondling and talking, maybe even kissing. Missy and I were the regular stalkers. I liked staring and she liked homo-eroticism. It's not weird for girls to like that sort of stuff, especially in Japan, where it's like a trend. That's why I like manga so much, it has a "branch" called yaoi, that contains hot boy-sex as we like to put it. We liked it and weren't afraid to admit it. Sel likes it too but she has a different rout home. Missy an I reached the bus-stop and then took separate buses home. That ending the fabulous Friday we had.

Next Monday came too fast. And lasted too long. But finally the end of the last seminar came. I started packing my backpack again slowly, taking my time and once again leaving my sketchbook on the table.

"So are, you going through the park in the center, or are you coming with me?" Sel asked with a smirk, knowing why I liked to go through the park so much.

"Through the park. Missy, are you coming with me?" I asked Missy as she was going out the door.

"Nope... see ya tomorrow!" Missy said in a singing tone. She's always so cheery and childish.

"Ok... bye." I said as they left.

Only two more guys were in the classroom with me. They are good friends as far as I know. Danny and Jack. The first time I saw Jack was at the final exams at the end of high school, named Bacalaureat. It's boring to explain the stupid educational system over here, but basically, we didn't go to the same high school, only to the same school -leaving exams. That's where I saw him first. I was so caught up by his beautiful face. He could be a model, even though he's got a little extra weight. He's as tall as Danny, with broad shoulders and beautiful skin, black hair and black eyes. But a lot changed since those exams. I lost all interest in him. Besides, he's straight. I don't know how I change "directions" so fast, but I am no longer least bit attracted to him. I don't know about Danny, but he seems so straight too, if it wasn't for his long gazes, now and then. I usually can tell who's gay from a distance, but Danny is just a mystery to me. He hardly shows up at college and even more rarely talks.

Anyway, they just stood there chatting as I took my sketchbook under my arm and started walking out of the classroom, but I stopped to stretch in front of the door. Danny was walking in a quick pace so he ran into me, and I dropped the sketches, which spilled all over the place.

"Hahaha! You clumsy fuck!" Jack said passing us, more like stepping over us and the sketches. "See you later guys!" he said as he left, not even waiting for a response.

I was standing there pissed. Just because I flirted with the guy, doesn't mean I will forgive him for being so reckless. He looked down to me and saw my enraged face. He looked right into my orange burning eyes and just stood there with his mouth open. I broke the staring and squatted down to pick up the sketches spilled in-between him and me.

"Ah... sorry, I didn't see you there." He put on a forced smile then quickly squatted down to help me gather my sketches. He lifted one up and started looking at it, taking his time. I was still picking up my sketches from all over the place when he said: "Wow! You are REALLY good! Lemme look at the rest!"

"No." I said in a low tone but he already took the already gathered sketches from my grip and started looking at each one, admiring them with his deep gaze.

I was even more pissed. He didn't even ask for permission... well... I never do that either. He was like me in so many ways. Still, I had to get the sketches back. Some weren't just the regular manga-style (Japanese comic strips, think Final Fantasy style) portrait sketches, but more explicit ones, with naked guys, or guy on guy. So, I guess you understand if I didn't want him seeing that. I tried taking them back from his grip, but he just turned away from me as I was dancing around him, trying to grab a hold of my sketches.

"Don't worry. I'll give'em back ta ya. After I looked at them." He said grinning. "Knock it off with your pirouettes cause you're starting to make me dizzy."

So I knocked it off, squatted down and started picking up the rest of the few sketches still spread on the floor. I thought if he'll be freaked out from those sketches, it'd serve him right. Jerk. 'Pirouettes' he says. Whatever. I put the sketches I gathered just now in the sketchbook, stood up and noticed he just 'turned the page' to a sketch about two guys passionately kissing and stripping each others unbuttoned shirts down. His eyes widened, I couldn't help smiling satisfied that he'd get what he 'wanted' all along. Hehehe. He looked at me, saw me smiling, then looked back at the sketch. I was expecting him to react in some manner, but he just stood there with his mouth dropped, staring at the drawing. My smile faded. Is he gay? WTF? ((What The Fuck?)) I got angry again, lowering my eyebrows closer together. I was waiting for him to say something.

Nothing... he just flipped to the next sketch, with the same two guys in the spooning position, resting. His eyes lightened up, he put on a half-smile and increased the pace at flipping pages. Running his again widened eyes through them. Same two guys kissing, fondling, just standing in their jeans, then kissing in robes, and finally with the taller one lying on his back, supporting himself with his right elbow and the shorter guy sitting on him with his back to him and head tilted back in pleasure. Having sex.

He pushed the sketches into my chest. "My favorite one is when they are resting in the spooning position." he said smiling.

I was a bit confused so my mouth was open and I was breathing heavily, my heart racing half-confused, half-angry from his reaction. He was supposed to flip out! I looked at him with the same enraged face, ripped the sketches from his hands. I turned and started walking away from him, towards the stairs that lead to the huge lobby and then the exit. As I walked I put the sketches in the sketchbook and then into my backpack. I wouldn't want a jerk running into me and "spilling" my sketches all over the floor again.

"Hey! Wait up!" He yelled running after me and stopping by my side. I just kept on walking, looking at him with a straight face, reflecting 'whatever'.

"What's with the attitude? You haven't said a word since I ran into you... except one lousy 'no'." He said while having a slightly confused face. "Don't you like me anymore?" He said half-joking.

I didn't say one word as we started walking down the stairs.

"What's wrong?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face.

"Walk in front of me." I said with a sly smile on my face.

"Eh... why. So you can push me down the stairs?" He asked with a grin.

"No you clumsy fuck." I quoted Jack. "You might trip before I push you. Hehehe."

"Oh, sudden change of mood! Aren't you the regular rollercoaster?"

"I want to stare at your back."

"Wha... why?"

"So I can draw it later. Unless you wanna pose for me."

So he stepped in front of me, but not as I wanted him to. He stopped right in front of me with a serious look on his face. "You're gay, aren't you?"

"Now I wonder what makes you think that."

"The way you move. Like your every move is carefully planned, like a cat's. You move so silently... and still, with a rhythm."

"So... my sketches didn't act as any sort of hint?"

"Uhm... that can't be a sure thing. That's art. And you could make good money with that sorta stuff."

"I don't draw for money, but for pleasure."

"So, you are gay?"

"What's with you? Get out of my way and stop making fun of me."

I went around him and walked down the rest of the few stairs remaining. This guy is weird! What the fuck was that all about? Is he kidding me! It's obvious that I'm gay. He stood there puzzled then ran after me.

"Wait! Yo! Wait up!"

"Keep it down! It's not like I'm running. I don't think you should run unless you were chased by, or if you were chasing after someone or something. What's your excuse?"

"Excuse... stop changing the subject! Why are you avoiding my question!"

"Wait! You mean you are serious!? Hahahah..." I stopped in the lobby and looked at him.

"Wah?! I dunno so why don't you just clear this up for me?" he asked in a low tone with a confused look on his face.

Well I guess we aren't that much alike after all. He doesn't catch on fast, does he? Or is it that he can't be certain until all the facts are shown to be true? I guess, I don't believe anything either, until all the facts are in place, but I still suspect. Fine, I'll put his mind at ease. I looked around. No one was around, no one is usually around when we get out on Monday. He was itching from curiosity waiting for me to say something. He must have thought I looked around so I won't expose to everyone the fact that I am gay. I could care less. He would soon find out why I looked around. I stepped closer to him, so that our toes would touch. I stood on tiptoes and planted a soft short kiss on his lips. When I backed away our lips slowly got "unstuck". Then I looked him in the eyes with a serious face.

"Does that answer your question?"

"Yeah... one of them."

Wait a sec. Rewind. He didn't knock me over? He didn't punch me? He doesn't even yell at me? What is with him?

"But now I have a dozen others." He continued slightly shivering. "Do you have a crush on me?" He asked in a serious tone. I could only laugh. I couldn't stop laughing so I was walking towards the exit still laughing. He stood there, frozen and confused. Then came running after me again. I just went out the door as it started closing and hit him in the forehead. He fell on his ass and started rubbing his forehead. I stopped laughing, opened the door, grabbed his hand and pulled him up to his feet. I went around him, to his back and dusted off his clothes... yes, including his pants... his tight ass... arhhhh.... the torture. He was still rubbing his forehead with his left hand as I reached under his left arm and pushed the door open and led him out, by pushing him from behind with my right hand and holding the door with my left hand.

He stopped rubbing his head and turned to me as we got outside. "You are pretty strong, for being so thin." He said looking me up and down.

"Thin? I'm not thin."

"Are you sure? You look thin."

"What the fuck dude! Are you asking for proof again? You want me to strip now? Are you gay!?"

"You talked so fast I could only catch 'proof', 'strip', and 'gay'. I hit my head man! Talk slower!"

"Fuck this shit, I'm going home." I said slowly and started off towards the Central Park.

"You're going towards the center, right? I'm going your way. So... what were you saying?"

I just kept on walking, but he kept to me like a stray puppy. Looking at me with big puppy eyes, waiting for me to repeat myself. I don't repeat myself. I hate to do that. We walked in silence for a while, with him still waiting for my response. He blinked a couple of times and then asked like lightning struck him: "Wait! Did you just ask if I was gay???"

"It's good to know that no permanent damage was done to your brain."

"Why do you always avoid my questions in such a sarcastic manner?"

"Chill." I said while giving him a cold look.

"Just because I don't think all this gay stuff is disgusting, doesn't necessarily mean I'm gay. I am not. I have a girlfriend." He said then waited for my response. Silence fell between us as we were coming closer to the Central Park. 'Nice excuse', I thought. He looked at me still waiting for a response. Looking funny at me.

"What? Are you expecting me to congratulate you for having a girlfriend?"

"You have a crush on me, don't you?"

Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with him? He must have hit his head HARD. The sun started to set, as we reached the park. We were walking in a paced up rate, but it didn't matter, because on Monday I had a very vague shot of seeing any couples. He still looked at me waiting for my answer. OK! Fine! I stopped, he stopped only after a few more steps, just noticing, then he stepped back to be face to face with me.

"I don't have a crush on you. It's impossible for me to have crushes or fall in love. I have only lust. Maybe my lust is a bit too big, but I just can't love anyone. I don't know why. Might be because my best friend left me about 7 or 8 years ago. She had to. She went to America to her parents. That broke a part of me, but we still e-mail each other weekly, if not daily. I never had a relationship lasting longer than 3-4 days. I only had one boyfriend when I was 14, and that lasted a week. The rest of the guys, about 5, I only fooled around with, kissing and hugging." I rattled it all out at once, most of these things I never told anyone, but I just wanted the questions to end. He listened to every word carefully, paying full attention. "Any other questions I haven't covered?" I asked while breaking his concentration.

"What did you do with your boyfriend? You didn't say much about him."

OK! I was expecting something else, something like 'there's no such thing as not being able to love' and all that bull. But once again he surprises me. I opened my mouth to answer him, just as I noticed to guys walking our way side by side. I could definitely tell they were gay, so I shut my mouth and just stared at them. Danny grew impatient so he turned to look at what I found so interesting to stare at. He saw them too.

"Man, answer me! Now's not the time to check guys out, they are taller and stronger, they might kick your ass if they found you staring." He said with concern in his voice.

I just smiled at him and covered his mouth with my hand, shutting him the fuck up. The two guys got closer to us and they kept "accidentally" bumping into each other, rubbing together their shoulders, or catching a feel of the other's ass. You know, the little things couples do, and think that people don't notice. Well, ok, they don't, but I notice everything, every single little detail. They definitely saw us, but didn't know if we were gay too so they just continued hiding the fact that their an item. I was smiling at them and they noticed, so they might've thought Danny and I were a couple, since I had my hand over his mouth. So they smiled back at me and went around us, one on each of our sides. When they passed us Danny flipped, he pushed my hand off his mouth and started yelling at me: "What the fuck are you doing?! What was that all about? You know them?"

"No." I said in a low satisfied tone as I turned to stare at them some more as they walked away. They took a hold of each others hands, but Danny was too busy yelling at me to notice.

"Then you're either overconfident or suicidal!"

"Will you just shut up and look? They are gay! They don't care if I stare at them, they actually like me staring at them. Makes them feel attractive." I said while grabbing his head and turning it to look at them. He noticed they were holding hands. "Besides, I'm not scared of anyone."

"Cut the macho shit and tell me how'd you know they were gay?"

"I just do. OK? I have a 'gay-dar'!" I said laughing, while the couple disappeared from my view. I turned and started walking again. "I pay attention to every little detail, that's how I know, ok? You on the other hand are an enigma to me. I can usually guess every move, every reaction, every word of everyone, but you surprise me. And I ain't macho." I started laughing again as he followed me.

"Whatever, man! You are crazy! And weird. And always avoiding my questions. You never answered me about your boyfriend." He reminded me. Fucking elephant.

"Yeah... that's personal. Why do you care anyway? You want to be my close and personal friend or something?" I started laughing again. My stomach started hurting already. He just looked at me with a straight face, a bit upset, so I stopped laughing and exhaled, to cool off.

"You shouldn't be asking all sorts of personal question from someone you barely know. I don't know much about you, but you don't see me prying into your life, now do you?"

"How else can I know someone, unless I ask questions? You can ask me anything, I don't mind." He said with an innocent look on his face. He's driving me crazy with all his expressions. But they're not cute, they are mostly serious, but beautiful nonetheless. He wanted questions? Let's see if he can handle me, or will he run off, as expected.

"I know you said you weren't gay, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're not bi. Were you ever attracted to guys?" I asked with a smirk on my face. He gulped. I got him cornered.

"Out of all the questions out there... you picked that one. I usually get away by telling people I'm not gay and that I have a girlfriend I fuck to prove that. But you truly don't miss any details, do you?" He asked avoiding my questions as we got closer to the exit of the park.

"I don't. So you have to answer, not change the subject. Unless you butt out of my life and then I won't ask you personal question anymore." I thought he will finally leave me alone, but once again he surprised me: "I like some guys. But I don't crave for dick." I started laughing again as we exited the park. He's killing me!

"What'd I say that's so funny?" He said in his usual naive way.

"Crave... haha... dick... bwahahaha!" I started already crying from all the laughter. Then I got myself together and said smiling: "Just because I'm gay... heh.. it doesn't mean that I crave dick... hehe... If you need to know, my favorite body-part is the back, whether male or female. I like male more, because guys have broader shoulders than girls. My other favorite is the neck and the clavicle. So don't give me shit about 'craving dick'." I left him speechless for a moment. He stopped, so I stopped too. We were just outside of the park.

"Now you have to answer my question about your boyfriend." He looked at me seriously. Fuck the elephants, they would have forgotten by now, with all the subject changing, but not Danny! Sigh...

"I don't have to answer anything I don't want to."

"Don't be a bitch! Fucking answer me!" He grabbed my arms and shook me. Uuuh... violent. Since when? I slapped his hands off of me. "You should know by now, that you can't force me to do shit." I said, while examining his expression, which now turned to an annoyed face.

"Fine. Just tell me already! Did he hurt you? Did he cheat on you or something?"

"No. I could never be drawn in by him, by his love. We blew each other, but that was as far as that relationship went. I left him after a week, because I didn't want to let him to fall even more in love with me. I didn't want to hurt him, or him to hurt me. He was the 'playboy' type. He would hit on anything cute and male that moved. And beside him being unloyal later on, I knew he would never return my love, if I showed him any. Just like Korn's 'Counting on Me' song. You know it?"

"Eh... I really like Korn, but I can't recall the song that well."

"Counting on me, always hoping I'll be there for all of your problems and then you're never there for me! You suck the life out of me! You hate everything you see! I can't take this anymore! I always stay when I should leave." I sang it to him while he listened with widened eyes and an open mouth. "What?" I asked.

"You have a great voice! Are you in a group too?"

"No. I don't intend to be in one either. You are very good with the bass, by the way. You remind me of Phoenix, from Linkin Park." I told him smiling.

"Don't bullshit me man! Phoenix is my fucking idol!"

"I'm not bullshiting you. And as much as I'd love to stick around and chat with you I want to catch my bus, which will be here in a couple of minutes." I said as I started walking towards the bus stop, with Danny following me again.

"Are you for real about wanting to chat with me?"

"Are you a stray puppy with no home to go to?"

"You're avoiding my question again! And I have a home!"

"Fine. If you want, you can come with me. That's what you wanted all along, right?" I asked him with a smile just as we reached the empty bus stop and stopped.

"I... I don't know. Why do you think that?"

"We passed the center way back there, before entering the park."

"Oh... I was distracted."

"Am I in the category of 'some guys that you are attracted to'?" I asked him staring into his beautiful hazel eyes.

"You sure don't beat around the bush. You are like fearless or something."

"Now you're avoiding my question." I said in a low tone while moving in closer to him and sliding my right hand down his left arm. I leaned to his ear. "Am I?" I asked barely above a whisper with my right hand on his thigh, where one of his pockets were.

"Yeah... you are..." He said just before grabbing my neck with his right hand and pulling me in for a kiss. He parted my lips with his tongue and started searching around inside my mouth for only he knows what. I pushed his tongue back with mine and started playing with it in between our parted lips. Just when it was getting good, someone shouted: "Knock it off, you fuckin gross faggots!" Danny turned his head in shock, but I turned it slowly and with a furious look on my face. There were two guys standing a couple of feet from us.

"What the fuck do you retards want?" I asked in a pissed off tone.

"Who are you calling a retard, faggot?! I'll bust your disgusting face in!"

"Me? Disgusting? When did you last look in the mirror? And I called you retard for a reason!"

"Really? Why don't you enlighten me before I start kicking your ass!"

"That's exactly why. You can't kick someone's ass just because he's gay. You want to end up in prison? You will get to know a lot of faggots there, they'll be happy to fuck you in your asshole! You and I both know that you wouldn't have interrupted two girls kissing. It's always guys like you that make guys like us hide our relationship." He stood there with his mouth open. "And what about your friend? Would he go to prison for helping you beat me up? What if 'faggots' would start beating up guys for kissing girls?" I turned my head to his friend looking at him with rage.

"Let's just go man. He's right. I know I wouldn't want anyone butting in my relationship, or interrupting me as I kiss my girl." And with that they left.

Danny was just standing there staring at me with his mouth open. Then he finally spoke: "I thought you were gonna get us into a fight. I thought you'd start some macho thing. No wonder you're not afraid of anyone, you really do know how everyone reacts. You knew just what to say."

"Yeah, but still... I am tired of repeating myself. Every human has the right for their own choices and their acts. Now I'm thirsty. Here comes the bus."

So we got on the bus and headed towards my place. The bus was empty. We sat side by side and on the short way to my place I noticed Danny was a bit shook up, so I took his hand in order to calm him. He took it as a wrong sign and put his hand on my lap and started rubbing me up and down.

"Danny, don't!"

"What?! I don't care who sees us! You'll brush them off again!"

"That's not it. We're not an item. So don't touch my private parts, unless you're ready for the consequences." I said with a sly smile.

"Consequences? I thought you wanted me too, since you took my hand."

"I took your hand because I wanted to calm you down. You were shaking. And the consequences are that you'll have to leave your girlfriend in order to be with me. And even so, I can't promise you anything. It might last just 1 week."

"Fuck my girlfriend, I never loved her! I want you! I'll make it last longer than 1 week! I love the way you kiss me!"

About 10 minutes later we arrived to my place. I unlocked the door, no one was home again. Only my cat. My parents and sis are rarely home during the day, but they left for a week to visit my grandparents at the country. As for my sis, she's always out, or gone somewhere with work.

"Come in." I said dropping my bag near the door.

"Do you live alone?" Danny asked as he squatted down to pet my kitty and I locked the door behind him.

"No. Only for a week. My parents are visiting my gramps. And my sis is never home. I'm stuck with my cat. I can't believe she doesn't run away from you. She avoids everyone except my family."

"That's because I'm lovable!" He said smiling and stood up, grabbed my hand, pulled me to him and started kissing me again. We broke off the kiss with a moan. I took him by the hand and lead him in my room, shut the door and backed up a bit as he wanted to kiss me again. "Patience" I said with a smile on my face and stepped back. I took my denim jacket off and threw it on the floor. I took off my shoes and socks. Danny was just standing there watching me in awe. Then he took off his black blouse and threw it on the floor too. He took off his shoes and socks and kicked them aside.

He was practically drooling. He wanted to take his pants off but I stepped in and pushed him to the door by his chest and kept him there, kissing him deeply. I pushed his left leg to the side with my right knee and put my left leg on the inner side of his right leg. I pressed my crotch against his, feeling his hard-on with mine. We both came up for breath, panting heavily. I wanted to back up again to admire his body and face, but he grabbed me, turned around and pinned me to the door with my hands above my head and our legs intertwined. He took my hands, crossed them at my wrists and held them above my head with his left hand. His right went down on my side then under my shirt and up my side, sliding his thumb across my nipple as he went upper to my hairless armpit and up my arm. I realized only then that he was taking my t-shirt off. He let my hands go and slid the shirt off my arms and dived into my neck. Licking the thin line between my neck and my chin, then went to my ear to nibble on it, but I pushed him back.

"Not my ears, I hate that."

"Sorry, I didn't know."

"You still won't escape without punishment." I grinned at him and he grinned back.

I pushed him onto my bed, straddling his legs. I lifted his t-shirt so I could lick his flat barely defined 6-packs. I dragged my lips across his abs, leaving a trail of heat with my breath. With my right hand I pushed his shirt over his chest. I planted kisses starting from his abs until the middle of his chest. Moving my hips higher till his groin, until I pressed my arousal against his once again, as I moved my lips up his body. I pulled his shirt over his head and then dragged my finger along his clavicle till his shoulder, where I gently bit him. He growled, thinking that was his only punishment, but he was wrong. I dragged my lips from his shoulder to his neck, breathing on him again. He panted and moaned while I planted soft and slow kisses all over his neck. When I reached the left side of his neck I bit him gently and started sucking on him, he started growling, but I diminished his 'pain' with rubbing my groin to his. He started panting again. Screaming in pain and pleasure: "You little demon! Arghh... get off of me... nghn..."

With that I stopped sucking on his neck, unzipped his pants and started tugging them down. He didn't cooperate, so I put my hand in his pants and started rubbing his dick through his briefs. "You really want me to get off of you... or get you off?" I asked with a slick smile on my face.

"Ngghn... ahhnnn... I... hnnn... mmmnn... I...." He kept moaning.

"I guess the second option then. Lift you hips." I said as I tugged at his pants, he still didn't lift his hips.

"No... leave them onhhhnn..." He panted, as he flipped me over, now he being on top and in-between my legs. He started licking my torso and gently biting me all over. I was moaning loudly, I didn't care anymore. Fuck the neighbors! He grabbed my jeans and pulled them off. I didn't even have to lift my hips. I was lying there on the bed in my black boxers and he was just staring at me.

"Mmmnnn... you're definitely my type. You're so sexy." He said biting his lip. "And you ARE thin, but in the fit way." With that he dived into my groin and pressed his lips against my boxers, breathing onto my dick through my boxers, driving me crazy, making me moan like crazy and making me wet my boxers with precum.

He backed up and pulled my boxers down to my knees, lifted my legs and pulled them down my ankles and off. He parted my legs by pushing my knees apart and started kissing on my inner thighs till he reached my 7" hairless dick and started licking on the tip.

"Mmmnn... you taste so good... salty, but good." He said biting his lips again.

"Ahh... damn... stop doing that or I'll come too soon..." I managed to blurt it out.

"Stop? You don't want me to suck you?" He asked confused with his hands on my V.

((V = the line between the thighs and hips, having it's 'tip' just above the penis))

"No... not that... stop being so sexy when you're biting your lips..." i said quivering.

He just smiled at me and started sucking on me, gently dragging his teeth from the root to the top now and then. I was panting heavily and moaned each and every moment.

"Nghn... you... ahh... are so good... hnnn... have you done this... ahhnnn... before?"

He stopped sucking on me and put his left index finger up my boy-hole.

"No, but that doesn't mean I don't know how or what feels good." He smirked at me and leaned in for a kiss as he finger-fucked my butt.

"Mmmnnn... tastes good... haahh" I moaned to him.

"Told you..." he said while putting another finger up my hole.


"Does that feel good?" He asked with a slick smile, his eyes glowing with satisfaction.

"Mhhhnnn..." I managed to moan a yes, just when he pulled out his fingers.

"I can't take it anymore... I feel like I'm going to burst!" He said and pulled out his 7" long, but thin, pulsing dick. "Can I put it in?" He asked rubbing his dick, making it nice and slippery with his own precum.

"Nhh... yessss... please!"

With that he slid it in me. "Aghhhhnn!" I panted half in pain, half in pleasure.

"Are you... ahh... ok?"

I nodded to his question and grabbed his back and pulled him close, breathing into his neck. With that reassurance, he started pushing and pulling, slowly at first, but then grew to a faster rhythm. I kissed his neck and moaned and screamed in pleasure. He panted and moaned all the way. We kissed again and again, while rocking our hips to the rhythm, sweating and panting in pleasure. His cock going in and out of my hole for about 5 minutes, when he clenched his teeth and came in me, thrusting into me a couple more times shooting about 6 loads inside me. With that warm feeling I came just as he finished shooting his 5th load and screamed at the top of my lungs: "AAAAAAAHHH!" pressing my fingers into his sweaty back.

He collapsed on me, still inside me and we both breathed for air. I could feel his breath on my neck and hear it: "Hah... hah hah..." I must have been breathing the same way.

"That was better than anything I ever experienced or imagined till now." He confessed still gasping for air. "You're great!"

"That was amazing, but do you mind getting off of me? I am still thirsty and you are heavy." I said catching my breath. "Plus, you're still in me."

"Ok." He smiled and slid his dick out of me and rolled over dropping to his back. I got up and I could feel his cum leak out of me onto the sheets. "Aww... fuck... I'll have to clean that up when I come back."

I went to the kitchen to drink some water. Seconds later he came in the kitchen too, with his pants zipped half-way, showing his white briefs. "I'm thirsty too." I smiled at him, took some water into my mouth and went over to kiss him, passing the water from my mouth to his. He swallowed and I let him go and gasped for air. "Well, that's not what I had in mind, but now I want more!" He said with a grin.

"I have to take a shower, help yourself to the frig." I said, going around him out the kitchen and towards the bathroom.

"Ahh... you're so mean to me. I feel so used."

"Bite me! You're cum is leaking out of me. I have to take a shower!"

"I hate to see you leave, I love to see you go! Your ass is so sexy, baby! I love the way you walk! You're making me hard again!" He said coming after me.

I reached the bathroom and he was still behind me. "I want to take a shower with you!" I just shut the door in his face at first, to see his reaction. Then I opened it and just laughed at him, cause he had this sad, abandoned puppy look on his face. "Of course you can shower with me, but you have to take off your pants." I said as I pulled his pants down. He stepped out of them and I slid his briefs off. I took his hand and lead him into the shower.

I turned the water on and set it to lukewarm. He was standing under the shower, so I grabbed the soap and started wiping it against his beautiful body.

"You're making me horny again with your touch. Give me the soap!" He said, taking the soap from my hand. He turned me with my back to him and pulled me under the shower, clutching me to his chest, pressing his half-erected dick to my butt. He started soaping my torso up and down, holding me by my waist, kissing my neck. "I love your narrow waist, you're so cute! I could cuddle you to death!" He then let me go and started washing my back and my butt, putting a finger up my hole washing me out well, making me half-aroused too.

I turned, took the soap from him and washed him up and down his torso and legs. "Turn." I commanded him and he obeyed. I finally got full view of his beautiful naked back. I took my time with every line on his back, washing it slowly. I got fully erected, when I heard him moan. "Mmmn... knock it off, you got my dick up again!"

"Sorry." I replied in a totally insincere tone, grabbed his waist with my left hand and his cock with my right hand, pressing my arousal against his sexy butt. "What are you... ahnn..." He panted, while I slowly rubbed his cock and dragged my lips along his back. "I must clean you everywhere." I smirked. "Me too." He replied, again surprising me, by reaching back and grabbing my dick with his left hand, rubbing it gently. "Mmmnnn.." we both moaned, then he turned and kissed me passionately, shoving his tongue down my throat. I grabbed both of our dicks and pressed them against each other and rubbed both their tips with my thumb.

He started rocking his hips and rubbing his dick against mine, and I responded in the same way. The lukewarm shower running down our bodies, our arousals rubbing against each other and our kissing each other, for about 4 minutes was more than we could take, we were so drawn into each other, so captivated by each other, that we both came at the same time on each other abs with a loud moan.

"Wow... second time... and even sooner..." He said biting his lip.

"Your just so fucking hot, with all your little quivers and moans, I was caught up in you. Especially with your lip-biting habit." I smiled at him as we both washed off our cums.

"I know just what you mean, you little sexy beast! I love it when you scream! I love to hear your voice!" He said with a grin as we finished washing off and got out of the shower. I took a towel and gave him one too, wiping off our wet bodies and then rapping the towels around our waists.

We went back to the kitchen to drink and grab a few snacks, and afterwards went back to my room. I changed the sheet with a new one. We dropped our towels and climbed into bed naked. As soon as we were in bed, Danny spooned to me. It felt so good to feel his skin pressed against mine, his breath on my neck, his warmth. He put his right hand over my narrow waist and on my flat, barely defined abs. We fell asleep like that.

To be continued.

Sorry I had to stop here, it's late and i have an early exam tomorrow. XD College really is boring... hehehe...

Hope you liked it. This is just the beginning. ;) Tell me what you think. Please make all subject lines 'Drawn In'. Thanks. HUGS!

E-mail: akashi_kokoro@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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