Drama at the Club

By moc.oohay@20yobxtynrh

Published on Feb 16, 2015




This is a work of fiction that contains adult themes. Any resemblance to real people is entirely coincidental. If you should not be reading this then stop. This work is set in a fantasy world that is disease free, always practice safe sex.


His caramel skin shining with sweat, Javier made his way from the small dance floor over to the corner of the bar to rejoin the rest of his friends. Most of them were fellow actors and some were in the musical with him. In spite of his small stature, he only stood 5'6", and relative youth, 24, he had managed to land the lead role in an off-Broadway musical. Ok, maybe it was an off-off-off-Broadway musical, but that was still a step in the right direction.

He'd come to New York two years ago after he graduated college with his Bachelor's in Drama. He'd struggled for a while landing chorus or small bit parts here and there until he'd worked his way up to this role. The show was small and would only run for a couple more weeks, but it was still a lead role in a New York theater, one day he would make Broadway.

Several guys openly ogled him and a couple grabbed at his ass as he made his way to the back corner of the bar. He couldn't blame them and actually relished the attention. Javier knew he was incredibly attractive, but he usually didn't flaunt it at the bar like this. All of the dancing for the show and his hours at the pool and gym had made his body tight, leanly muscled with practically no fat. Short black hair framed his round face, blue eyes popped against his caramel Latin skin. With full lips set into an ever-present large smile there weren't many guys that could resist him when he put his mind to it.

After they had wrapped the show for the night, he'd met up with some friends to hit the bars. They had hit a couple places before ending up in this place, not that he knew where here was. He was a little drunk and wasn't familiar with this place, but he liked it even though it was a bit of a dive. They were having an underwear party tonight and since all of the boys were a bit drunk they had eagerly stripped down as they walked in. Fortunately he'd been wearing one of his hotter pairs of undies. Most of it was basically just see-through mesh that barely covered his bubble butt with the only solid part displaying his junk.

Leaning against the bar he watched the crowd as he enjoyed his vodka Red Bull. Tonight was definitely a good night for people watching with a couple hundred young, at least decently inshape guys walking around and dancing in their undies.

He noticed a hot young guy watching him from across the bar. A couple minutes later he again caught this guy's eyes and gave him a slight nod in recognition. After that it didn't take long for the guy to make his way over and slide up next to him.

"Hi. I saw you in the musical earlier. You were amazing!" he said. Elation filled Javier, he'd never been recognized for his work outside of the theater. The guy placed his hand on Javier's smooth chest, his fingers soft as they glided down towards his stomach.

"I'd love to show you how much I loved the show," the guy said as his hand settled on Javier's bulge and began to massage it. Javier really didn't like guys that were this forward, but at this point he didn't really care. He just grunted his assent as he leaned back, his elbows on the bar.

The guy dropped to his knees in front of Javier and nuzzled his face against the swelling bit of fabric that covered his cock. His friends quietly moved to block any view of what was going on, hiding them from everyone except maybe the bartender.

With this guy rubbing his face against Javier's crotch it didn't take more than a couple seconds to reach his full 6.75" erection. Hands slid up the back of his thighs to cup his ass cheeks, hands that quickly slid around to his hips to tug at the waistband of his undies. They were slipped down just far enough to hook under his heavy balls. A couple fingers wrapped around the base of his dick, pulling it down from its near-vertical position, a tongue swiping back and forth over the head.

A hand fondled his naturally smooth balls as a mouth engulfed the head of his cock, a mouth that quickly swallowed more and more of him until he was buried in this guy's mouth. Javier looked down and watched a head of dark hair bob up and down his manmeat. He groaned as his cock was masterfully worked by this cocksucker, his tongue working the shaft and head in ways he hadn't felt before. A hand cupped his bare ass, kneading and pulling him deeper into the warm wet mouth.

He noticed a couple of his friends kept glancing back at him, while another watched openly as he massaged his own distended undies. All of them had smiles on their faces having seen or done similar things before. Despite loving the attention he got on stage Javier wasn't an exhibitionist by nature, but this was really turning him on. One of his friends slid him a shot that he downed, enjoying the cinammon burn. It was Fireball, his favorite shot.

The hand on his ass slid around his hip to caress his abs before working up to massage his pecs. Fingers swirled around his perky nipple before closing to give it a light twist. The feeling from his sensitive nipple shot through his body straight to his balls. He threw his head back in a moan. This guy really knew how to suck cock and Javier knew he wouldn't last much longer.

He dropped his hands and grabbed hold of the guy's head to hold it still. He took charge and began to thrust his throbbing dick in and out if the guy's mouth. Javier felt his cock swell, filling the guy's mouth even more as he face fucked him, pulling the head of his cock back to his lips then shoving it into his throat. The hand returned to his ass, pulling him deep with every thrust. A finger ran along his crack, and Javier felt the urge building deep inside.

He thrust into the mouth a few more times before pulling back, lips against the rim of his head. He looked down again into a pair of green eyes staring up at him. His tongue lapped furiously around his head and flicked back and forth across the piss slit.

He felt something splatter against his shin. He'd lost track of the guys other hand but apparently he'd been jerking himself off.

Javier exploded, painting the guy's tonsils with his cum. The first two shots hit the back of his throat, with the next four covering the guy's tongue. He gently swiped his tongue over the sensitive head, causing Javier to buck in ecstasy. The guy eased his way off the head, keeping his lips tight so he didn't lose a single drop of Javier's sweet and salty cum.

He pulled Javier's undies back into place, carefully tucking away his slowly fading erection. He stood up as Javier tried to regain his breath. Making sure that Javier was watching, he visibly swallowed before saying "Keep up the good work."

With a big smile, he turned and walked off.

One of his friends, the one who'd been working his own cock as he watched, slid his arm around Javier.

"Keep up the good work indeed," he said with a grin, "that was fuckin' hot." A large wet spot was clearly visible on his small white briefs.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Comments are always welcome at hrnytxboy02@yahoo.com

Check out my tumblr http://hornytxboy.tumblr.com

If you liked this, check out my other stories: Celebrity -> Shafted by the Arrow Celebrity -> Getting Ready for Michael Camping -> Around the Campfire College -> Frat Boy Surprise

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