Draining Darren

By Hank Doyle

Published on Jan 31, 2022


Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback on Chapter 1. I'm terrible at checking my email, but I really do appreciate your comments :) And please consider donating to Nifty to keep this site up and running for us all to enjoy: https://donate.nifty.org

***** Draining Darren: Chapter Two *****

I sat in the small waiting room next to Elijah. I tried to pull together the open back of my hospital gown before I sat down, but I could still feel the worn fabric of the chair on my bare ass. I began to process what was happening. We'd been waiting there for about ten minutes--apparently Dr. Peters was with another patient.

I was beginning the "interview" I'd just had, and I still couldn't believe it was real. I'd stripped completely naked in front of my roommate--who I still barely knew--and a complete stranger. I'd jerked off for them. I kept returning to the look on Elijah's face when I was done shooting into the bowl he was holding. There had been a hunger there, and I didn't know how to feel about it.

And just what was this place, anyway? I'd been so caught up in the rush of events that I hadn't asked Mr. Barker any questions at all, and now that we were sitting still, I felt them bubbling up. What had I gotten myself into?

I turned to Elijah, who was scrolling on his phone. He'd been cagey about answering my questions before, but on the way out of the interview, he'd told me he would explain everything.

"Okay, what--"

"I know," Elijah said, cutting me off. "It's pretty fuckin' nuts, right? But you gotta trust the process, man. Once you've got the thumbs-up from Dr. Peters, he'll tell you everything."

I already resented that Elijah was fully clothed while I was still exposed in my hospital gown, but now he was really starting to irritate me.

"Alright, but, like, can you at least--"

Just then, the door opened. A man in his late twenties walked out, pulling a sport coat as he came toward us. His shirt was half-unbuttoned.

"Hey guys. Peters told me to send you in. He's ready for you," he said, breezing past us as his fingers reached absentmindedly for the buttons on his shirt. Elijah lightly elbowed me and jerked his head toward the door.

"All you, man!" he said cheerfully. I took a deep breath and stood up, acutely aware that Elijah would see my ass through the open back of the hospital gown. I didn't make any move to cover myself as I passed him. He could look.

Inside, a man was pulling new paper over the edge of the exam table. At a quick glance, it was a surprisingly ordinary exam room--scale, exam table, a wheeled stool, a counter with a little sink. I noticed that most of the glossy laminated anatomy posters had to do with the male reproductive system.

"Come in, come in, shut the door, shut the door," said the man. This had to be Dr. Peters. He looked to be in his early fifties, and with his unkempt white hair, labcoat, and thick glasses, I thought he looked a little like a mad scientist. Still, he had a friendly smile, and a nonthreatening roundness to his figure that made me feel a bit more comfortable. He gave me a firm, slightly-too-long handshake that pulled my whole arm up and down.

"You must be Darren! First thing's first, we'll need to get some vitals, and then we're just going to run a few tests, and then you'll be out of here in no time," he said, walking me toward the scale against the wall. He talked very quickly, and before I knew what was happening, he had weighed me, measured my height, and sat me down at the edge of the exam table.

"I just need to slip this over your--there we go." I felt the blood pressure cuff pinch my bicep as it filled with air. "After this, I'm just going to run a basic panel of tests, standard procedure for every new recruit, you know, STDs and that sort of thing...and we'll just need a few samples, alright?"

"Um--sure, yeah, that's fine," I said. I was trying to find an opportunity to ask him any of the million questions running through my mind about this place, these people, what it all meant, but every time I got close, he pulled out something new. As soon as he had ripped the velcro blood pressure cuff from my arm, he pricked my finger to take a blood sample. Once that was done, he produced a small plastic cup for a urine sample. He set it next to me on the table.

"Do you--I mean, is there a bathroom or do you want me to do it right here?"

"Don't be shy, Darren! Don't worry, I've seen it all," he said. "You can go ahead and just take that gown off, you won't be needing it for a little while."

Given my experiences in the building so far that day, I was not exactly surprised. Privacy did not seem like it was going to be something very common at this job. I stood up, untied the back of my hospital gown, and pulled it off. I dropped it awkwardly on the floor next to the exam table. Dr. Peters was the third man today who had seen me completely naked.

"Why don't you go ahead and do it over the sink there, just in case of any spills. Fill the cup up about two thirds of the way, then just finish down the drain," he said. I felt his eyes traveling up and down every inch of my body as I crossed over to the sink. There was a small stepstool, and once I stepped up onto it, my package was about level with the sink.

I unscrewed the cap and awkwardly positioned the head of my penis into it, then took a deep breath. It took me a few seconds to get a stream going--knowing he was watching me was starting to make me hard. But it did come, and pretty soon, I'd filled the cup to the line with my piss. I knew Dr. Peters was watching me as I redirected my cock to empty the rest of my bladder down the drain. I wondered if Elijah could hear the sound of my piss splashing against the metal of the sink from the waiting room.

Feeling a little bit relieved, I stepped down, screwed the cap back on, and gingerly set the cup down on the counter. He came over to stand in front of me. He was a little bit shorter than me, and he looked up to make direct eye contact.

"Darren, I'm sure you have a lot of questions. You'll get some answers when we're done with the exam, and when the test results come back, but for now, here's what you need to know. You were hired for what's in here." He reached out and cupped my balls, and I felt the cool latex of his glove gently squeeze them and start to slowly fondle them like a couple of marbles. "Your new employer wants your semen, Darren. That's what is valuable here, and most of your duties here will involve producing, for the members of this club, as much cum as these balls can pump out."

Dr. Peters released my balls, and his big friendly smile looked a little sharper. He hadn't looked down, but I knew he knew I was rock hard.

"I'll need a sperm sample," he said.

"But--I mean," I started, then stopped. I tried to compose myself as I continued, "I already--I mean, earlier today, with Mr. Barker, during my interview? I already, ah--produced a sample?"

Dr. Peters chuckled. I heard an electric whirr and a few clunks as he adjusted the exam table, and now the back was angled up to form more of a chair.

"That was just the interview, Darren. That sample was for Mr. Barker. This one's for me." He sat down heavily on his stool, and patted the edge of the exam table. "Why don't you sit back down, hmm? All the way back, that's good."

Slowly, I settled back onto the crinkling paper on the exam table. Just as my head hit the back of the makeshift reclined chair, I heard a sound like a drawer opening. With alarm, I saw that the doctor was pulling out stirrups. Before I could say anything, he pulled at my shins and placed my feet in them, securing them with straps. My legs were spread open wide before him, my still semi-erect cock and balls dangling over my exposed asshole.

"While we're here, I'll do a quick prostate check, too," he said. I couldn't see his head anymore. He had bent down to rummage around in the drawers beneath the table again. He came up with a bottle that I recognized as the same brand of lube that Mr. Barker had pulled out of his desk earlier.

I was back up to a throbbing erection. I had just shot an enormous load less than two hours earlier in Barker's office, but I was ready to cum again.

To "produce," as Dr. Peters had said.

I heard the cap of the lube open and watched as the doctor squeezed out some of the liquid onto his fingertips, rubbing it around between his thumb and his middle and index fingers.

"Ready?" he said. I nodded, but he wasn't looking up.

I gasped as I felt the cold, wet tip of his gloved finger come into contact with my asshole. He rubbed up and down, gently, slowly, then around in a circle. I was craning my neck to see, and I watched as a huge drop of precum fell from my pulsating cock onto the trail of hair between my stomach and my pubes. The doctor applied more lube to his fingertips, and when he resumed, he stuck one inside me.

I moaned, quietly at first, and then a full yelp when he hit my prostate. I tried to control myself, but the thought of Elijah hearing made me even hornier, and I let myself make all the noises that came naturally to me.

"Seems like your prostate's healthy," said Dr. Peters. He was stroking it now, twisting and twirling his finger inside me while he rubbed my taint with his thumb. "Why don't we collect that sample now?"

I heard the cap of the lube open again, and let out a quick breath of air as I felt him drizzle some of the liquid onto my cock and balls. He reached up with his other gloved hand and began to slowly stroke me with one hand while he fingered and teased my prostate with the other. My eyes rolled into the back of my head with pleasure.

"Go ahead and ejaculate whenever you're ready--we'll just collect it from wherever it lands."

I knew I was about to cum so hard that I thought "wherever it lands" might just be the ceiling, but I nodded, my breath still catching in my throat when he tickled my cockhead or pressed into my prostate. I was very, very close.

"Doctor--doctor, I'm gonna, I'm going to--" As my orgasm began, I let out a noise beyond my control, a sound of pure pleasure halfway between a moan and a scream. My first jet of cum was so powerful that it hit me in the cheek, and I continued to shoot rope after rope of hot semen onto my stomach and chest. The doctor kept stroking as I convulsed, finally stopping after he was satisfied that he had squeezed out every drop. As I felt his finger pull slowly out of my asshole, I stared at the ceiling, panting and exhausted.

I was pulled out of my blissful haze by the sound of the door opening. I turned to see the doctor poking his head out into the waiting room.

"Elijah, could you come in here for a moment? I could use your assistance with something," he said.

Oh, fuck.

I saw Elijah's smug grin as he surveyed the scene before him in the exam room. Me, naked, strapped in, legs open, lube dripping from my exposed asshole--not to mention my stomach, chest, and even my face covered in my own cum. I watched, helpless, as the doctor brought Elijah over to my side and handed him a small sample cup.

"Elijah, go ahead and collect as much of the sample as you can on there, okay? I'll run it to the lab for tests."

Elijah was right next to me now, and he took his time looking me up and down. I shuddered as he slowly ran the rim of the plastic cup along my stomach and chest, scraping as much of my cum as he could into it. I thought about him in my position when he was first hired. I thought about him now, "producing" for members. My cock twitched again.

"That ought to be enough," said the doctor, delicately taking the sample cup from Elijah and screwing a lid on to it. He unstrapped my feet and patted me on the knee. "Darren, I think you're going to be very successful here. Elijah, why don't you take him down to the employee showers?"

I sat up, swung my legs off the table, and stood up. I was a little shaky on my feet after cumming so hard, but I steadied myself. I started to reach for my hospital gown, still crumpled on the floor.

"Oh, you don't need that," said Elijah. "Upstairs, when you're working, you're gonna be naked most of the time anyway. Might as well get used to it, dude." He hit me on the shoulder, and I followed him uneasily. The doctor was busy assembling the samples into a small carrier, and waved vaguely at us as we walked out the door.

I stopped in the doorway when I saw there were two new men sitting in the waiting room, one about college-age, one easily in his forties. Both were well-dressed. They looked up briefly at us, then back at their phones. It turned out Elijah was right--the sight of a completely nude man still partially covered in his own cum was nothing out of the ordinary around here.

"Come on," said Elijah, "your clothes are in the locker room, you can change after your shower and then we can get out of here. Once you get the all-clear, you can probably work a shift next weekend."

I followed him out of the waiting room. No turning back now.


Next: Chapter 3

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