
By Xavier Anthony

Published on Nov 16, 2021


"We had a deal! The only one benefitting from this arrangement is you and now I find out you didn't even hold up your end of the deal! What a....."

"You dare insult me? My how my time away has proven to make you a rather bold man, but remember this and remember this well. You are nothing more than a man." The dark figure cackled with laughter releasing the man from its grip. "What will be done will be done, all within my will. Know your place or the next time I won't simply leave with an arm."

The man screamed in agony and dark tendrils enveloped his arm before disappearing as quickly as they had come.

"Your debt for your insolence has been paid, now we have other matters we must attend and it seems the perfect candidate has presented himself"

"But why use him, any others should be...."

"Silence! Do you think you have the right to command what moves I make or do you need to be reminded of how powerless you are?"

He looked down at his arm, a now foreign-looking object which he had little control of. He quickly covered it within his cloak and bowing his head in defeat.

"Now then let the new chapter begin," the figure laughed as its eyes flashed.

"Power, if I just had more power, they wouldn't dare to challenge my authority and right to rule." He tossed his weapon across the room in frustration before being startled by a disembodied voice.

"If it is power you desire, simply ask and your desires can be granted, my sire. There is always a price for power if you think you are ready to pay that price simply agree and roll the dice."

"Name your game demon, I don't have time for the likes of you."

"You hurt and misunderstand me; I am no demon but I can offer that which you seek. As for my price we can work out the details once you are satisfied with the result, how does that sound?"

"Focus on your inner core, each of you yields a special core affinity. Sune and Jin are already quite astute with their connection to their affinities but are far cry away from mastery. Once you have this foundation you will be able to expand the area of magic you can utilize."

"But master Thade why are some drakes capable of using magic that doesn't appear derived from the elements?" a young drake questioned.

"Though it may appear unrelated our core affinities can be broken down into groups of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, and Dark. As an example, Merlin is quite adept at combining the different affinities to create something new and usually quite rare."

"Our history mentions arts lost to us, are these the magics frequently used by Merlin?" the drake questioned.

"I am afraid those are outside my realm of expertise, I am aware of the foundations and what would be considered intermediate levels of magic, I myself depend more upon my blade and strength when it comes to battle."

Although bored Jin agreed with Thade's assessment, he was proficient with his flames but he preferred more hands-on confrontation. Attempting to keep his interest unnoticed he watched as Levi focused and seemingly cycled through different affinities, though he couldn't say he was surprised to see as he was Merlin's disciple he was just interested.

"You stare at him any harder I think you might qualify to be his stalker" Sune jumped on his back but barely caused the drake to move. "I was wondering why I have seen less of you it would seem you have a new plaything in your sights" he cooed and rubbed the side of Jin's face.

"I just want to know what my competition is capable of; you saw the way he dealt with that knight the other day. He may look innocent from afar but I would dare say he might even give you a challenge as he continues to grow stronger. He is Merlin's chosen apprentice after all" Jin scoffed.

"Ahh so you don't see him as any threat to you, only a slight nuisance, but I stand by what I said you look like a kid in a candy store. That's alright I can see his allure there is something about him that just pulls you to him" Jin let out a low grumble causing Sune to laugh as he slides down, back to the floor. "Don't be so uptight, I have no intention of trying to steal your prize. I will say however if he comes knocking, I won't turn him away" Sune laughed as he slapped Jin's rear with his tail.

Levi felt himself blush as tried to pretend he couldn't hear their conversation. He was very aware that Jin had been paying far more attention to him since his unexpected visit to his home, but to hear Sune talk about him like that was quite the surprise. Commotion at the front of the class brought him back to focus as Gillian and his entourage stepped forth. All eyes shifted to them even Sage and Bastion were not aware of what was going on.

"We of House Albion make claim, we seek a challenge for rights to the throne"

Thade stepped forth for clarification on what the knight was seeking. "You wish to challenge a great clan to be considered for the throne young knight?"

"No, I seek to challenge the new generation highly regarded to be to be capable of ascending, the potential candidates" he directed his gaze upon Levi. "Once defeated we will take their place in consideration to rule."

"We accept, clearly you are trying to make a mockery of us. You think we are less than you humans, but you should be leery of your bold claims." Jin descended as the others looked on "I will head the opposing clan you wish to challenge and prove you are way outside of your league" smoke rose from his nostrils, the elongated spins running down his are gleaming with power as Jin slammed his tail to the ground.

"By rights of the clan, this challenge shall commence a month from today. Young knights you must have a witness from your...clan be present. In your case, it must be someone of authority from your homeland" Thade explained.

Gillian staggered before quickly regaining his composure, upset as he expected the Levi to respond to his challenge but as of yet the drake appeared uninterested still casually experimenting with his magic. "So be it I will soon show you are all talk, it would be wise for you not to overestimate your abilities" There was a swirl of light and in a flash, the group was gone.

"It would seem another trial has been thrust upon you young drakes. It was quite bold of you to have accepted but I shall respect the wishes of the new generation. You have a month to prepare for this trial, pick your representation well as this will shift the events yet to come, you are all dismissed. Knights I suggest you return to your homeland as well I am sure this will stir up quite the commotion on your end as well."

Jin turned on his heels as Sune and a few other drakes made to follow him. Levi yelped as he found the muscular red-tailed wrapped gently but firmly around his waist.

"Let me down you brute, I have no interest in your petty squabble."

"You are coming with us; I need you, umm we will need your skills as well for this challenge" Jin didn't look at him but just held him in the air pulling him along with the group. "This isn't just about you it's about our home, and these knights are getting full of themselves."

He wouldn't dare admit it but, Levi found an odd comfort in being wrapped up and found himself embracing the red drake's tail. His life, a whirlwind of events these past few months, Levi wasn't sure he could handle any newer surprises.

Jin had to hold his composure as he enjoyed the feeling of having his tail wrapped around Levi, a sense of protection and warmth spread through him as well as a stirring in his loins. Sune chuckled beside the pair as Jin blew smoke in his face

"I can walk just fine on my own, I am not a child" Levi complained.

"Just shut up for once we have preparations to make." Levi huffed resigned to his fate to be dragged along into this mess.

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