
By Xavier Anthony

Published on Oct 4, 2021


Jin quietly left the examination hall heading to the gym to burn off some frustration. He was lost in his thoughts an inner fire a turmoil raging within him. Shirtless he sat up and stared at himself in the mirror, the wound across his eye began to heal, but there would be a scar.

The boy with the cyan scales, the thought alone caused his blood to boil and his spikes began to elongate. He was going to make that boy submit to him until he was ready to throw him by the wayside. That was what he thought to himself ignoring the warm sensation filling his being as he continued to push himself through the workout routine leaving the training area in a bit of a battered state.

Feeling a bit less on edge Jin decided he owed it to himself to visit the black dragon. He let his temper get the best of him and this was not how he aimed to present himself. He knew he would have to reel that in quickly if he wanted to be considered as a true candidate to become the next ruler of the clans.

"Sorry young drake, but master Thade is currently out on business and we do not know when we can expect him to return at this time."

He politely bowed to the guard before making his way to where Merlin was said to reside. He knew at this point he wouldn't take him on as his apprentice as clearly the cyan boy had filled that role, but it wouldn't hurt to seek the gold dragon's guidance. He knocked on the door surprised to find the door ajar. Cautiously he made his way inside, fully aware the place was probably riddled with traps to prevent any unwelcome visitors.

"Merlin, I didn't think you would be back yet after you left the examination hall and your message seemed rather urgent. How do you think I will be rated on the exhibition?"

Jin paused as the cyan boy walking out into the room with and a thin towel around his waist held up by his tail and another being used to dry his long hair. He took this opportunity to scope him out, he couldn't help but admire his lean but toned physique and the way the towel was barely able to conceal his assets.

"Do you always parade around in such an indecent manner?" he growled at him.

The boy recoiled in shock and surprise draping his wings around himself to conceal nakedness, his eyes locked on the intruder.

"Is this how you got the legendary Merlin to take you under his wing? By being available to raise your tail and crawl under him every night." He sneered.

"What are you even doing here? You shouldn't even be able to come into this place let alone do so unharmed!" Levi shouted at him, ignoring his taunt.

"Oh, I'm sure the great Merlin has plenty of fail-safes in place, but they are probably less effective when you leave the door to the domain open." He openly mocked the boy as his spikes and fangs began to elongate. "I came seeking guidance, but stumbled upon nothing more than a bother." Jin continued to mock him and back him into a corner. He placed his hand on the wall Levi backed into it. The scent of this boy was driving him mad causing his nostrils to flare and his eyes glow crimson as he took a deep breath still unsure as to why he bothered him so. Jin roared in shock as he found himself flung across the room. Looking up to meet the challenging gaze, eyes that felt like they were piercing the very core of his being as energy swirled and gathered around Levi's hands.

Jin straightened up dusting himself off as if he wasn't phased in the slightest his features returning to normal, though he was not only surprised but had to admit that last blast packed more of a punch than he anticipated.

"Just tell the elder I stopped, I leave you to prance around or whatever it is you do in here." He huffed and made took his leave being sure to firmly closed the entrance door.

He was just about back to his quarters when he slumped against the wall and slid to the ground. Okay so maybe that last hit hurt way more than he thought. Jin looked up at the sky with a grin on his face, he surely underestimated the runt and that could make things quite interesting. He looked down annoyed at how aroused he was at the thought. Smashing his tail against the ground and picking himself up he decided he needed to blow off a bit more steam before turning in for the day.

"You can stop sneaking around and come out here already!" Sune called out causing Sage to jump in surprise. "You seem to be quite the peeping tom." He chuckled before making his way over to Sage.

"What did you think of the examination young knight, hmm that's not quite right should I say young Mage?" Sune asked approaching the knight using his tail to make Sage look him in the face, whose eyes widened in shock.

"It was quite the impressive feat for a drake so young and inexperienced." Of course, Sage had seen him take on the master himself and knew just how impressive the young boy could be.

"You would do well to understand age and size amount to nothing under the right tutelage, for any drake that has the aptitude and latent ability the possibilities are endless. With the throne vacant you will see plenty of young and old fighting with their very souls on the line to be the next one to lead our people." Sune sat down on the bench previously occupied by Jin, sitting in a way causing his loose garments to reveal a bit of extra skin.

Sage blushed, he needed to get ahold of himself around these drakes. He couldn't understand why he was so drawn to all of them and the older he got the worse it was becoming. Sune smiled at him and he could his face continue to heat up, he was thankful he opted for his travel cloak today helping him avoid further embarrassment.

"I have to go now I am expected back, I have already overstayed my welcome." Sage hurried to make his escape.

"Don't be a stranger, it would be in our best interest to increase positive relations with those around us, we never know what positions anyone may hold in the future." Sune once again lifted Sage's head with his tail. Making his exit the young drake made sure to show a bit more of his assets as his tailed flicked a final time before he disappeared through the doorway.

Sage let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding as Sune left the room. He smacked his face between his hands before shaking his head and leaving the hall. He knew he was late reporting back to the master.

Next: Chapter 6

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