
By Xavier Anthony

Published on Oct 3, 2021


Merlin's training regime was brutal. He pushed the young master's limits during every session, both physically and mentally.

"Too slow!" Merlin shouted as he spun in the air kicking Levi in the side followed by a swing of his tail.

The blow was felt before the words registered, Merlin pinned the boy's hands above his head, his tail wrapped tightly around the waist.

"You are capable of much more than this, I will not hold back." As he squeezed tighter and his eyes glowing with power, orbs of light now floating above his head. He released the young master before flying back and launching the orbs at him.

Merlin hovered over the dust cloud, immediately raising a solid barrier in front of him. He turned in shock, Levi was behind him faster than he could follow wings out a spear conjured from thin air. Merlin moved to raise his arm in defense when it was caught by Levi's tail. Levi brought the spear down, before it made contact a surge of electricity reverberated throughout his body as Merlin's golden scales gave off a blinding glow.

"Even in death they protect you, but that will not be enough." The elder dragon carried the young master down to the ground, a smile on his face. The potential he saw in the boy was indeed present as he was learning to access his inner power. "You will be the hope of this kingdom one day." He whispered to the exhausted Levi.

Levi awoke sore and stiff from yet another session with Merlin. He felt he was getting the hang of his abilities but he knew still had much to learn. He sat up folding his wing around him as he began to meditate and heal himself. Lost in concentration he was unaware of Merlin who watched quietly, As Levi's wings grew in size until his entire body was encircled and crystalized.

"By the ancients," Merlin whispered in awe. The young master continued to surprise him after every session, he only hoped it would be enough to compare to prepare him for what was soon to come. "Good Night young one, these next trials will be taxing."

"So, what exactly will I have to do during these exams?"

"It is a test of knowledge, skills, and ability giving the instructors a better gauge on the continuing development of the young drakes."

"Will there be active combat like the trials we've been to over the past few months? I'd like to actively avoid a full-on battle like that." Levi answered slightly concerned.

Merlin nodded before continuing, "That is a possibility you may also receive a direct challenge; however, this can come from the knights or other clans. You need not worry about that, at least not until after the base assessments."

That did not fill Levi with much more confidence however he took a deep breath as they approached the testing sight.

"This is where we part ways, I will be observing but I cannot assist or offer you any further guidance. This is the time you will begin to stand on your own." Merlin placed his hands on the young master's shoulders crouching down to eye level. "Trust in yourself and remember our lesson." He offered before pulling Levi into a hug.

"Young apprentice, we expect great things from you this day please when you are ready, we will begin."

Levi nodded and cleared his mind holding steady for whatever the proctor may challenge him with. Bolts of lightning suddenly rained down, Levi sensed they were nowhere near the caliber of Merlin's, simply raising his hands and stopping them with pure magical force. The spectators gasped in shock, the proctors did their best to conceal their surprise, while Merlin simply smirked. Levi spread his wings almost on instinct blocking a volley of enchanted arrows before turning towards his assailant freezing his weapons instantly. He eyed him warily before swiping his tail catching someone by the neck.

"We yield young drake, that was quite the impressive display." Levi breathed a sigh of relief before releasing the proctor. He retracted his wings and bowed before leaving the room.

There were low murmurs throughout the room as the first challenge ended. There were several other drakes from various clans and a few knights who came to bear witness to the newcomer's feats. Sune observed with interest, Jin looked down in disdain, and Sage peaked from the shadows.

"I dare say I am quite impressed with the youngling, but I supposed I shouldn't be surprised with you training him the past few months."

"I just wanted to make sure that he would be prepared for the trials he is going to face, and that is before anyone begins to make any real connections. Thade I am counting on you to keep an eye on him when you can, the young master could very well be the hope we need if guided down the correct path."

"I understand my friend, I think I have come to enough of a conclusion and I am sure we will see the results in due time." Thade sighed before continuing. "There has been some trouble since you have been away. About six years ago Mordred was killed and his son went missing. We tried to send word, but I am sure you had your reasons for not wanting to be found."

"It was bound to happen eventually he was growing old and consumed with power since the death of that human woman. Were there any clues on what became of the boy?"

Thade's face darkened as he leaned in, "We have the blade used to slay him in our possession, it was imbued with power the likes I haven't seen since the fall of the crown. I was going to suggest you examine it for yourself once the youngling could better look after himself."

"Take me to it, I have a hunch someone from the old world has come out from the shadows and I have my suspicions." Thade looked at him in confusion. Merlin stood conjuring an image in the palm of his hands, Thade let out a growl as his wings unfurled.


Next: Chapter 5

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