
By Xavier Anthony

Published on Feb 7, 2021


Hey everyone it has been awhile since I have posted anything new, so I hope you guys like this. If you can please consider donating to Nifty as this allows us to keep bringing you great stories. As always I love to hear from you the readers so any feedback at all is welcome at xfighter1984@gmail.com. Please do not post this anywhere else without my permission, enjoy

Prologue --

I'm surrounded by fire, everything around is burning and heat I feel no fear, I feel no sadness, but most of all I feel no heat. I reached my hand into a pile of wood from a destroyed cart vendor, I pull my hand back turning it over and see no injury. Looking down at myself I gasp, watching my clothing burn away until there is nothing left.

"Hey you there it's dangerous we need to get out of here before they come back." A soldier runs over to me shaking me out of my daze. Another soldier comes up to us and gawks at me,

"This can not be, is he all that is left?" He says quietly before turning and whispering to the first soldier

"Can you tell me your name?" He asks as he kneels in front of me

I look up at him confused before images I can decipher flash before my eyes. "I don't know," I answer weakly before the images flash again. I grab the sides of my head in pain before finally succumbing to darkness.

*** Five Years Later

"Levi you are going to be late for school."

"Oh come on mom do I really have too, I'm all but done at this point. I don't even know why I still go at this point." I pouted as I came down the stairs dressed for school.

"Humor me please, it's not for much longer." My mom said as she placed a kiss on my head before handing me my lunch and car keys. "Home by 5 young man."

I waved to my mom as I ran out the door and jumped into my car. "Young master! I've found you at last." I dropped my keys and looked around as a voice spoke in my head. I grabbed my keys started my car and headed out to school.

Nothing else like that happened for most of the day however I couldn't get over the feeling that I was being watched.

"Earth to Levi are you still in there?" I gasped in surprise as my best friend Roy waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry Roy I've had a weird day and I can't shake the feeling that someone is watching me," I told him while looking around.

Roy raised his eyebrows at me while looking around. "I mean even after all this time you do still stand out a bit, don't you think?"

I rolled my eyes and ignored him, though he wasn't wrong. My caramel skin and silver hair didn't help, I've tried to dye it several times but no colors would ever set and I finally just accepted it. I went to take a bite of my sandwich when I noticed not one but two people I have never noticed before staring at me. When I caught eyes with the dark-haired boy he quickly averted his eyes, but when I locked eyes with the redhead he gave me a glare that sent chills down my spine.

"Roy, who are those two? I don't think I have ever seen them before and at the end of the year no less that is super strange."

"Dude you must not pay attention much, they are both juniors and they have been here for months." I looked at him like he had lost his mind. Our school wasn't that big and we lived in a fairly small town, I would have known if someone new let along two came into town. I looked up again and they were both gone.

"Young master you must flee!" I was shocked, it was that voice again. The sense of dread and urgency in the voice deeply concerned me. I looked up to Roy and notice he wasn't moving. In fact, none of the students were and not I was freaked out.

I ran through the halls making my way to the exit, noticing that it wasn't just the kids in the cafeteria that were not moving it was everyone. I was almost to my car when I felt a force throw me to the ground.

"It's time to finish what should have ended years ago." I looked up and it was the redhead I had seen before. His hand was outstretched and giving off a faint glow as I found myself unable to get up from the ground. "Now you will perish." He lifted his other hand that was now engulfed it was looked like flames and hurled it towards me.

I opened my eyes and found myself in a giant crater the remnants of flames surrounding me. I got to my feet unharmed. "So he was right you are indeed a dragonborne, and now that I know the truth I can slay you without hesitation."

I looked up at the red-haired boy and he pulled a glowing blue blade from almost out of thin air. "As a knight of the realm, you shall be struck down by forces of nature." He leapt into the air his sword now crackling with lightning and swung down at me.

I screamed out in fear and raised by hands by instinct with my eyes closed. Instead of pain, I felt a dull force and a clang of metal hitting metal.

"Impossible, the Dragonborne only have mastery and defence of one element!" The boy yelled in surprised.

I opened my eyes and was even more shocked. My arms were covered in vibrant cyan colored what I could only describe as scales.

"You step away from him this instant!" That voice I knew that voice. I turned to see a regal looking man who stood about six feet tall his long black coat tails blowing in the wind and...wings?

"Merlin! You will not interfere again I will do away with you both and end this once and for all." The boy bellowed before sending streams of fire and lightning hurling towards Merlin.

He spread his wings covered in shimmering gold before a massive force caused the boys attack to fizzle out. "You petulant child, you know not who you deal with and the power I wield."

In a flash the boy was lifted in the air his shimmering blade lay at his feet gasping for breath. Merlin had a tail was wrapped around the boy's neck as he placed a hand on the boy's chest.

"That will be quite enough!"

Next: Chapter 2

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