Dr Lerners Spa for Men

By Dennis

Published on Jun 5, 2023


Dr. Lerner's Spa Part 6

Disclaimer: In this chapter Dr. Lerner demonstrates electrostimulation of the male genitals as part of his enhancement program. This form of masturbation should never be attempted without proper guidance and awareness of its potential hazards. There are several websites that provide information for those mature readers interested in this procedure. Eroticelectrostim.com is perhaps the most useful source of accurate information.

I think I can speak for all the guys when I say that I'd never had such a good night's sleep following the pool party. Sure it was an orgy - but not in a sordid way. For the six of us at the spa that week it was a ceremony celebrating our newfound maleness. We could return to our lives as single guys, husbands or gay partners with a sense of completeness. To put it bluntly our cocks had been educated, or as Doc Lerner would say - "enhanced." In Steve's case his ass had been enhanced to the stretching point after taking Tom's enormous cock, although he hadn't complained. If he was still sore, which I'm sure he was, he considered it a battle scar and badge of courage. Speaking for myself I'd fallen asleep feeling honored to have been sucked off by Dr. Lerner and to have received his "enhanced" semen. The memory of that ritual would stay with me the rest of my life.

The TV screen came on the next morning announcing the day's schedule: a morning skinny dip in the pool followed by breakfast (at which we were to wear scrubs and butt plugs).

"No way," Steve groaned as he fingered his still sensitive ass hole. "The damn thing would fall out after Tom's fucking."

The screen concluded with a training event scheduled in the lab at eleven o'clock. "For this session," it said, "you will want to douch and wear your cock ring."

Six lounge chairs were arranged in a semi-circle around a table containing some electronic equipment. A pair of wires led from the equipment to each of six boxes located on small tables beside our lounges. Jose and Manuel entered from a side door. Both were nude. Jose told us to remove our scrubs and take places in the chairs. "This will be your last training routine," he said. "I think you will enjoy it."

Dr. Lerner entered and took a seat behind the table. Dressed in khaki shorts and open neck shirt he appeared quite informal but nevertheless professorial. He began: "Some of you may have heard about, or even tried, electrostimultion. It's been around for many years and was in one form or another a favorite tool in torture chambers. Sorry to say it's still in use that way by the military."

Sitting back in his chair he continued: "While electric current applied to various body parts, especially the genitals, can cause excruciating pain, it can also cause intensely erotic sensations. Until recently such experiments were quite hazardous and conducted by individuals ignorant of the risk they were taking - often resulting in severe burns and nerve injury. Fortunately there are several electrostim units on the market that are entirely safe and quite effective. The earliest of these units was the transdermal electroneural stimulator, or 'tens'unit, still in use by physical therapists to relieve muscle strain. Many patients found, on their own I might add, that it also provided sexual relief when applied to the genitals.

The more advanced units, which I will demonstrate today, make use of computer technology and can be programmed with infinite stimulation routines that can be customized for the user. The simplest configuration consists of attaching two leads - a ground and a hot - to probes on or in the genitals through which the current will flow. The frequency and strength of the current can be adjusted from barely perceptible to painfully strong. While a good stim generator is fairly expensive the probes can be made from ordinary materials. Jose and Manuel will give us a demonstration before each of you try it."

Jose then took a six inch length of copper wire and wound it around the lip of his soft cock. "You don't want to get it too tight," he said, "because you leave room for it to grow." He then took pliers to bend a small loop at the end of the wire and attached it to an alligator clip. The other end of the clip was then attached to one of the leads that led to the control box on Dr. Lerner's desk. Using a much longer length of wire he encircled his balls and the base of his cock and connected it with alligator clips to the second lead. "Most important of all," he added, "you have to apply some lube to the parts coming in contact with the probes. Today I'm using ordinary olive oil mixed with a little baking soda to make a good contact." He then nodded to Dr. Lerner and stood with his hands behind his back that afforded an unobstructed view of his genitals - not that there was much to see other than his growing erection, since the stimulation was to his nerves. Dr. Lerner went on to explain that the power could be increased in small increments over a period of time during which the recipient could be brought to the edge of orgasm and remain there for hours instead of minutes, as in the case of manual masturbation. By turning up the frequency control a hands-free orgasm could be achieved. "I should warn you," he said, "that not every man reacts to electro stimulation in the same way. You may orgasm on the first try, or it may take several months of training before you nervous system adapts to this new form of stimulation. I'll let Manuel demonstrate another effective setup."

A small metal butt plug with a lead connected to the base was set on a chair behind Manual. He first lubed his ass, then the plug, and proceeded to sit on it. He then took a three inch steel sound and attached a lead to one end. After squeezing some lube from a bottle into his pee slit he inserted the sound and secured it in place with a rubber band around the head. The electric would flow between the sound and the butt plug. Dr. Lerner may have mischievously turned up the power too quickly giving Manual's cock a sudden jolt. He spread his legs wide and humped the butt plug while groaning in ecstasy. Jose had clenched his fists and began the 'orgasmic chant' that signaled he was close to cumming. A steady flow of precum oozed from his pee slit. Dr. Lerner explained that Jose was at the very edge of a climax. He would keep him there a while longer before allowing him to cum. It was clear from the sweat on his forehead that Jose was in a state of agonized ecstasy. His balls and cock throbbed with an intense urge to ejaculate that was denied by the control box. After a few minutes longer Dr. Lerner finally took pity on him and increased the power. Jose let out a loud scream: "Ayeee!" His cock spasmed wildly and sent shot after shot of milky sperm onto his heaving chest. With the power turned off he removed the probes and sat back in a chair exhausted.

"The program used on Jose," Dr. Lerner explain, "consisted of vibrating waves, which I'm sure he found pleasurable. I've chosen a throbbing program for Manuel that is most effective with an anal probe. It not only massages the prostate but causes contractions in the anal muscles. In combination with the urethral probe the effect is quite remarkable. Are you ready?" he asked.

Manuel nodded. The frequency was turned up to direct the stimulation on his prostate. Almost immediately a flow of semen dribbled past the sound and trickled down his cock and balls.

While Jose and Manuel were recovering from the experience Harry and Dr. Lerner offered us a variety of probes to attached to our genitals. I noticed that Steve chose the setup Manual had used while I selected the one used by Jose. Harry attached a lead to his metal cockring and another to a conductive rubber ring fit around and over his glans. Dr. Lerner returned to his desk and the control panel without paying further attention to us. I admit to being somewhat apprehensive- and so was my cock, which had shriveled in retreat from the unknown assailant.

Initially the stimulation was barely perceptible. There was a tingling sensation in my balls but none in my cock. Soon it increased and seemed to spread into the shaft. My cock lost its shyness and expanded slightly, but not into a full erection. A moment later my cockhead started to itch, although we'd been warned to keep our hands off and let the electro do its work. It was a tantalizing arousal unlike anything I'd experienced. The stimulation increased with the itching giving way to vibrations that seemed to circulate around the head, down the shaft and into the balls, only to repeat the sequence in ever stronger pulses. I looked over at Steve and saw that his cock was rock hard and dripping precum. Of course this was his second visit to the spa and he may have been doing electro stim for some time. My own cock looked more like a swollen sausage though only semi-hard. Doc Lerner had said that some guys needed more practice than others to master the technique. I was in no hurry. It seemed like a dozen guys were flicking their tongues over my cock and balls from inside out.

The session lasted for well over an hour, during which several guys started to moan as if they were about to cum, only to be held at the edge by the control box and prevented from cummiing. Dr. Lerner must have choreographed the orgasms to occur simultaneously because the room filled with "orgasmic chanting" as if by a chorus of monks. Both Tom and Steve erupted like geysers shooting their sperm into the air, while me, John and Ric oozed a steady flow of cum the way Manuel had.

Jose collected the cum drenched probes, which he said would be sterilized before the next use, and handed out pamphlets describing the various stim units that could be purchased from commercial outlets. I wondered if he got a commission for it or ever went on a sales tour giving demonstrations. A fun job to be sure. We then took a swim in the pool to clean off before lunch.

It was our last full day at the spa. As Steve and I lay side by side in our bed for the afternoon siesta we quietly held hands. The overhead mirror reflected the image of two guys smiling in contentment. Perhaps even more important than the sex techniques we'd learned was the bonding that had grown between us and the other men. I thought about my lunch with Bill in New York and would be forever grateful to him for recommending the spa. I looked forward to seeing him again and swap stories about our experiences.

Later that afternoon we were given a chance to reenter the real world. A rickety bus pulled up at the entrance. The driver was Paco, still sporting a nice bulge in his jeans. He hadn't come for another milk delivery, but to pick us up for a visit to Alta Vista and spend some tourist dollars. I'm sure the arrangement was mutually beneficial. The villagers were certainly aware that the spa's guests were exclusively males and rumors may have circulated about strange goings on that took place there. At the same time they were glad to supply it with provisions and welcome the guests into their shops. Paco was clearly a popular guy there and went about strutting his machismo as he flirted with the women and doted on the children. I'm sure he kept his milk deliveries to himself. After a few beers at a café and loading up with the usual tourist souvenirs we returned to the spa. The evening would conclude with a farewell dinner and ceremony.

The adventure was drawing to a close. As the bus rumbled back to the spa the general mood was on the somber side. We'd been given a new lease on life - actually a new perspective. A line from Shakespeare came to mind - 'to thine own self be true'. I'd known that the bard was thought to have been homosexual and thought that his words poignantly referred to his own coming to grips with his sexuality. God, if he'd only lived long enough to write a play about the spa! At that moment I felt a tremendous bonding with Shakespeare, Whitman, Michelangelo and all the other gay artists who bestowed their blessings upon mankind. I'd never know the loneliness of a single gay man again. I could take pity on the young studs who preyed on older gays for money at the loss of their self identity. For them semen would always be considered as so much cock snot instead of the precious source of life...fast food junkies when it came to sex who'd never know the joys of male bonding. I hadn't know the other guys as well as Steve and knew I'd miss him, not that we were in love - but something close to it. I also felt a closeness to Tom, maybe because he was such a superstud without ever realizing it. Ric, on the other hand, considered himself to be god's gift to man, or at least pretended to be. John was a sweet guy as mellow as a fine wine. I wish I'd had the change to be alone with him. I'm not sure how I felt about Harry, who seemed to be somewhat aloof from the rest of us -except Dr. Lerner, of course, and suspected they were once, or maybe still were, lovers. What impressed me the most is the fact that none of the rivalries and petty jealousies usually found in a group of gay men hadn't occurred. In that sense Dr. Lerner's program had been a tremendous success. What I first considered mumbo-jumbo in all the rituals was really an initiation into the spiritual realm of male bonding.

We put on our spa uniforms for the last time that night. Once again we joined hands around the table and came under the spell of the phallic candle. I was sure I could find a similar one in New York. The dinner was first class with wine to match. Afterwards coffee and liquour were served on the patio where small tables had been arranged in a more intimate setting. A lantern glowed softly on each table. There was a crescent moon overhead and stars that seemed to cluster wordlike in a strange language. We were serenaded by a strange looking trio, naked and wearing sombreros - Manuel at the marimba, Paco on his guitar, and Jose playing the maracas. "Vamos a bailar," Jose called out in his rich baritone voice inviting us to dance. While some of us were all left feet when it came to dancing, the mood was too enticing to ignore. Harry and Ric were the first to dance and seemed pretty good at it. John pulled Tom to his feet and began some slow movements that picked up in a rhythm of their own. Steve and I joined in, our bodies pressed close together and eyes holding each other in a romantic gaze. I'd thought such scenes only took place in old movies and always with a sad ending that made you want to cry. I felt his hardness against me and pressed even closer as he breathed into my ear words I'll never forget: "Hey, you know somethin'?"

"What?" I whispered back.

"I think I love you."

I didn't reply...couldn't reply at that moment. I was too choked up and didn't want to make a fool of myself, but in my heart I knew that I loved him too.

The music ended. After a pause we all returned to our tables. The trio played a flourish as Dr. Lerner came forward.

"Gentlemen," he began somewhat formally, "this has been a glorious evening for me as much as I'm sure it's been for you. You're days at the spa have been most productive and I hope you'll visit us again to renew and refresh your god-given masculinity. Since you are but one of many groups that have come here from far and wide it's been suggested that we share our bonding with each other through an alumni association. Harry has agreed to coordinate their activities from the field while I shall continue to conduct further research and run the programs here at the spa."

A round of applause endorsed the idea and I think lightened the mood that most of us felt in leaving this sexual paradise.

While the training programs may have depleted your sexual energies," he continued, "I assure you that at this very moment they are being replenished and enhanced by the orchid preparation served earlier. It's aphrodisiac effect should be at its fullest within the hour. I think we can make good use of it at a farewell ceremony in the phallic garden. You may return to your rooms now and assemble here at midnight for a procession into the garden."

Steve grinned at me and said: "You think he slipped us another of his mickies?"

"Don't think I'll need any help tonight," I replied running my fingers over his firm buttocks.

The TV screen greeted us when we returned to our room, instructing us to shower, douch and put on the white robes set out on the bed. I asked Steve if he knew what the ceremony was about. He said it must be something new and was as curious as me to find out.

At midnight we assembled in the courtyard with the other men. Jose, who also wore a white robe, gave each of us a candle lantern and told us to follow him to the garden in single file. The path we took was the one Steve and I had taken that led to the erotic sculptures, except at night it seemed like the yellow brick road leading into an enchanted forest. (Not brick of course; more like cedar shavings that were soft on our naked feet.) The smell of cedar blended with the fragrance of night blooming jasmine. In the distance came the sound of chanting as from an ancient monastery. The lanterns played on white robes and jungle darkness as we followed the path to a clearing. There were stone benches arranged in a semi-circle in front of a wooden platform, obscured in darkness,that might have been about two feet high. Manuel, who had taken up the rear of the procession, went to what must have been a tape recorder and turned it off. The chanting stopped. He then took a taper and lit it from one of the lanterns and ignited a pole torch on the platform. Jose did the same to light another torch. It was a surprising revelation.

A huge sculpture of a male deity in sitting position appeared in the torchlight. Dr. Lerner was sitting in its lap, the head towering over him. It's arms were shaped as hand rails. Dr. Lerner had placed his own hands over those of the sculpture, as if to suggest that he had control over it. I noticed that the tip of his erect penis reached his navel in the hardest of hardons. He addressed us not as a mentor but more like a high priest in the throes of a religious ecstasy.

"My brothers," he began, "you have learned much in your stay here and have acquired a wisdom rare among your fellows in the outer world. I have bestowed upon you the fruits of my research and experience. It is only fitting that you bestow upon me the holy seed of your existence. Each of you will in turn occupy this sacred chair. I will kneel in front of you to receive your blessed sperm." He then got up, and reluctantly it seemed. As he did I realized he'd been impaled on the sculpture's phallus! It was the only non-metal part of the sculpture and seemed to be an ordinary latex dildo except there must have been a hollow tube in it that exuded a lube of some kind that glistened in the torchlight.

Once again John was chosen to occupy the "seat" and approached it with a raging hardon that dripped more precum than it had in years. The aphrodisiac must have taken full effect since I noticed that most of the men had a hand tucked into their robes and were masturbating. John eased himself down onto the drooling dildo until it was fully inserted in his rectum. He spread his legs and gripped the arms of the handrails as if he were receiving some internal stimulation that was driving him to the brink of orgasm. It was then that Dr. Lerner bowed reverently and knelt between his legs, taking John's penis into his mouth. He sucked on the shaft for no more than a minute before John grunted loudly and evidently shot his semen into the good doctor's mouth. Jose then helped him back to the bench as the next man took his place on the dildo. When my turn came I was so worked up that I took it all the way without the least difficulty. As good as it felt it got even better when it began to vibrate against my prostate. Whatever was in the lube caused a tingling sensation that made me spread my legs and grip the handrails, as John had done, while my anal muscles contracted in spasms. Dr. Lerner's lips were moist with cum as he took my cock into his mouth. I shot a tremendous load that he took in one gulp and felt his throat muscles working to swallow it.

By then Dr. Lerner had a bellyfull of semen donated by his disciples. The only guys, besides Doc Lerner, that hadn't cum were his assistants Jose and Manuel. Since they were not part of the group he received their sperm by injaculation. They first masturbated into test tubes, that were then emptied into a plastic syringe. Dr. Lerner stood at the foot of the platform and held his rigid penis perpendicular to his body. Jose grasped it at the base as Manuel inserted the wide tipped needle end. As he pushed on the plunger their mixed sperm was forced into his urethra. Jose worked his fingers along the bulging dorsal tube to squeeze the sperm past the balls and into his prostate. Manuel withdrew the empty syringe. Jose released the penis. Not one drop escaped. Dr. Lerner's cock was at half mast and he put on his robe and led the procession back to the spa. With all that unspent cum in him I suspected he and his friend Harry were going to have one hell of a night!

I awoke the next morning feeling slightly woozy, and I might mention somewhat sore in the ass. Guess I must have clenched my muscles too tightly on the sculpture's dildo, but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go the whole distance. Steve and I showered together and didn't talk much as we lathered each other. I concentrated on the feel of his body pressing against me as we kissed for what we knew might be the last time. Of course we'd promise to keep in touch as vacation friends always do, but as someone once said: absence makes the heart grow fonder...of someone else. We dressed in our civilian clothes and went down to breakfast. Paco's bus was parked outside. Jose had arranged for a five passenger Cessna to fly us to the main airport at Mexico City. Harry had evidently chosen, or perhaps invited, to stay on longer. At breakfast we exchanged email addresses and were given membership cards in Dr. Lerner's Alumni Association. There was no time to linger over a second cup of coffee and cigarette since Manuel had already loaded our luggage into the bus and Paco was tooting the horn impatiently. Dr. Lerner shook hands with each of us as we boarded. I think it was as much an emotional experience for him as it was for us with the teacher bidding farewell to his graduates.

As the bus pulled out of the courtyard I looked back for a last look at the spa. Its tail pipe sent up a cloud of exhaust, enshrouding the view like Camelot disappearing in the mists of time.

The End.

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