Dr Lerners Spa for Men

By Dennis

Published on May 16, 2023


The setting sun had filtered through the trees in crimson hues as the white robed guests processed to the pool area like monks in some ancient ritual. Kerosene torches placed around the pool gave off an odor that blended with the fragrance of gardenias in the adjacent garden...a bonding of acrid and sweetness in keeping with the spa's philosophy. Not so subtle was the hors d'oeuvres table on which stood a large silver urn in the shape of a phallus. It dispensed, as I would shortly find out, drinks from the phallic head by pulling a lever shaped like a pair of balls below. There was a generous assortment of finger food including 'pigs-in-blanket' canapes from which protruded cocklike heads to be nibbled as desired. Several loaves of crusty bread had been ingeniously baked into phallic shapes with balls shaped rolls attached. Dr. Lerner, or his chef, had left no detail from the erotic presentation. Paco, the guy we'd seen leaving the kitchen earlier, was at the far side of the pool wearing a large sombrero (and a very small orange thong) and playing Mexican folk songs on the guitar. An altar-like platform had been set up beyond the food area. Two steps led to a fanback wicker chair. A padded kneeler stood in front of it. On either side were kerosene torches. The setting was undeniably church-like. Dr. Lerner and Harry, also in white robes, were the last to arrive.

"Let's form a circle and join hands," Dr. Lerner said.

When the circle was complete he continued: "Tonight is our most important bonding ritual, for we shall all become brothers in sharing the very essence of our manhood. Let us toast to that by drinking from the fountain of phallus to quench our thirst and stimulate our appetite." He gestured toward the fountain as Jose pulled its silver balls to release the drink into goblets that were given to each man.

The drink was similar to the one I'd had on arrival but had a slightly floral flavor that was most pleasing and an aroma as enticing as the finest brandy. It would take a half hour before reaching its full effect. In the meantime we indulged in the food and refilled our glasses several times in the relaxed atmosphere of a backyard barbeque. It was almost dark when Paco strummed a fanfare to get our attention. Dr. Lerner and Harry went to the platform. Harry removed his robe and sat in the chair. Light from the torches played over his naked body. As he spread his legs his gold cock ring seemed to glow in its dark bed of pubic hair.

Dr. Lerner stood next to him and explained what was to take place. "I think we're all fully prepared, myself included, to take part in the fellatio ritual in which we receive and give our most precious essence to each other. Harry was good enough to ingest the enhanced elixir I've developed which, I might add, seems to work as intended. By tradition here at the spa the eldest brother is given the honor of being the first recipient. He will remove his robe, come forward and kneel between the legs of the donor. Then he will bow his head and receive the donor's penis into his mouth. As he sucks the precious instrument he becomes increasingly intent on but one thing...receiving the live-giving sperm that will quench his thirst and fill his mouth with the male elixir." He then nodded to John.

Slipping off his robe, which Jose took and placed on one of the poolside lounge chairs, John took his place on the kneeler and lowered his head onto Harry's cock. Paco again played the guitar, strumming a rhythm that seemed to increase in sync with John's bobbing head that sought Harry's load of cum. It wasn't long before Harry gripped the arms of the chair and arched his hips. A moment later John got to his feet and faced us with a happy smile even as he licked a dribble of sperm from his lips. Harry stood up and embraced him warmly before descending the steps. His half hard cock swayed proudly as he went to the pool and plunged in.

John took his place in the chair and spread his legs to receive the next recipient. I estimated his cock to be less than six inches, although it was rather thick and appeared like a treestump in a frost covered forest of hair that climbed as high as his throat. Jose motioned to Steve and took his robe. The flicker of torchlight danced across his muscled buns as he took his place on the kneeler.

John took longer to cum than Harry and for a moment I wondered if he'd be able to give up his load on schedule. They say a farmer learns more about sex in the barnyard than at school. Steve had proven that point with me and seemed about to apply it to John. Although his back was facing us and we were some distance away he seemed to briefly interrupt his sucking and place his hand to his mouth. He then slipped it between John's spread legs. John made an audible moan as Steve went back to work on his cock, all the while keeping one hand under his balls. John gripped Steve's thighs with his legs and let out what the good doctor would call "an orgasmic chant." Steve helped him to his feet and took his place in the chair as John joined Harry in the pool.

Ric was next in line. Aware that all eyes were on him he flexed his muscles as he slipped off his robe. I suppose it was his allotted fifteen minutes of fame. He even genuflected before getting down to business on Steve's rigid cock. Recalling the taste of Steve's delicious sperm I couldn't help the twinge of jealousy I had knowing that in a very few minutes the Argentinian would be getting a portion of it. He must have known when Steve was ready to shoot because he deep throated Steve all the way to his bush and held his mouth there. Steve's legs started to quiver and I knew he was cumming. Ric released the cock from his mouth and seemed to gulp for air. Maybe Steve shot right down his throat and Ric never got a chance to taste it after all.

Tom seemed rather apprehensive when Jose pointed at him. He removed his robe like a fighter who'd just entered the ring and faced a cock sure opponent. Jose had to tap him on the shoulder before he climbed the platform and took his place on the kneeler. Ric leaned forward and pushed Tom's head onto his cock. The feel of it must have released his inhibitions. After a few cautious laps he went down on it with a vengeance, holding the base with one hand, the balls with his other as he worked on the pole with a speed that made Ric wince. He tried to push Tom's head away. It was useless. Tom was determined to drain his balls and declare victory. Only when Ric gave an agonizing cry of relief did he let up his strangle hold. He got to his feet and wiped his mouth with a broad grin on his face. Ric gave him a sour look as he went to the pool and dove in.

Tom's body glistened with sweat in the flickering torchlight as he took his seat. The awesome cock that had once been a source of embarrassment now stood proudly erect between his outspread legs. It was my turn to suck its essence, not in challenge but in hommage to the generous endowment bestowed on this gentle guy from California. It's mushroom head, long since deprived of its foreskin, drooled a bead of precum as I approached. I looked up at him and said: "That's beautiful, Tom. I've been looking forward to this."

Placing his hands on my shoulders he gave a squeeze and replied: "I'm glad you're the one to do me. You can just jerk me off if it's too much for you. No one will notice."

"No way," I said. I began by tonguing his pee slit and the delicious drops that oozed from it, then licked the mushroom head. A flick of my tongue on his sensitive frenulum brought forth more precum and a sigh. We were both enjoying it. I kissed and licked the shaft until it was slick with my saliva and his precum which, taking a cue from Steve, I lubed up a middle finger. Each time I went down on him I was able to go further, inch by inch until the head reached the back of my throat. I doubt that a giraffe could take the whole thing, but I was getting close. My lubed finger found his anal pucker and rubbed it gently as if asking for admission. He squirmed slightly as if in answer. As his sphincter muscle relaxed I slipped my finger into his moist rectum. I withdrew and reentered several times to loosen him up. Before long he tightened his muscle as if to keep it there. When he relaxed again my index finger joined the probe until I reached the prostate. He clenched my fingers tightly and squirmed in the chair. I felt the gland harden and knew it was ready to release its sperm. The first gush of cum hit the back of my throat. I pulled back so that only the mushroom head was in my mouth. Another spasm delivered what tasted like strawberry cream. I sucked out every last drop and wished it would never end. But then I didn't want to be greedy, at least in the presence of so many onlookers. When I was through I looked up at him. He had the most beautiful smile on his face.

Since I was the last to be fellated I thought maybe Jose would dutifully complete the ceremony. To my surprise Dr. Lerner himself came forward. An imposing figure when dressed he was even more so in the nude. According to his background he had to be in his late sixties, although his physique was that of a much younger man. He still had a full head of hair, mostly silver, and a closely trimmed vandyke beard. A darker patch of body hair formed a cross across his chest with a trail that led to a generous pubic bush. He wore a cock ring embedded with precious gemstones that flashed like electric sparks in the torchlight. An overhang of foreskin, which I later found out was the result of years of stretching, revealed the outline of a plumb shaped glans within. His skin was as white as alabaster with no sign of tan line. He may have avoided sun exposure as a prevention against skin cancer. In any case his skin was remarkably wrinkle free and well toned. As he knelt before me I couldn't help but think of Jesus washing the feet of his apostles at the last supper. I spread my legs to accept him.

He began by licking my inner thighs, which brought on an erection. He then took each of my balls into his mouth, caressing them with his tongue. His beard created the most erotic sensation as it brushed against my thighs. He worked his way up the shaft of my cock circling the underside with a series of kisses. I watched my penis disappear into his mouth until his nose was buried in my pubes. He held it there for I don't know how long. I felt his throat muscles squeezing the head as if to swallow it. Finally he came up for air, only to go down again - this time in a slow rhythm that increased with each thrust of his head. As I neared my climax I squeezed my legs over his shoulders. His beard stubble intensified the buildup and suddenly I felt my semen explode into his mouth. The rhythm decreased until there was only the action of his throat muscles extracting the last drops of cum. He got to his feet and took my hands, saying: "Thank you, Don. Now we will exchange places and you may receive my sperm."

His cock was already hard as I took my place between his legs, the foreskin still covering the treasure within. I slowly peeled it back until the head started to emerge, a deep rosy color moist with dew. I inserted my tongue under the hood and worked it around the head several times before probing the generous slit, no doubt enlarged from sounds. A firm pull on the shaft retracted the foreskin completely to reveal his cock in all its proud glory. The head and about two inches below glistened cherry pink before changing into a darker color below what had been a circ scar. It was hard to believe that a circumcised cock could ever regain its foreskin without surgical intervention. As much as I was tempted to go down on all seven inches of his pole I decided to "do unto others" by repeating the technique he'd done on me and started on his balls. They were low hangers and easy to get at individually in their loose sack. I teased them one at a time hoping to prime them to release their juices.

..juices that may have already been enriched, as Steve implied earlier, with the orchid infusion taken by Harry. I'd already savored the sweetness of Dr. Lerner's precum and hungered for what was to follow. If the infused semen were to be addictive, so be it. It was what I wanted...what I needed. Somehow my throat muscles cooperated by relaxing without any sign of gag reflex and I was able to consume the plum size knob without difficulty. "That's good," he said with a sigh as I made swallowing contractions. I came up for a gulp of air before descending again, this time rapidly working the entire shaft. His leg muscles tensed. His hips lurched upward as his cock went rigid in my mouth. His semen was released in a steady flow that filled my mouth with an incredible taste - not so much of orchids but as manna from heaven. I swallowed the first mouthful and continued sucking. The flow diminished but was enough to bathe my tongue with its delicious essence. It had the consistency of warm yogurt uniquely flavored. I reluctantly let the softening cock slip from my mouth while swallowing the last drops it had to offer. Then the cock head retreated into its inner sanctum of foreskin. The ceremony being over, we joined the others in the pool.

Paco had removed his orange thong, taken his guitar, and sat at the edge of the pool with his legs dangling in the water. He sang a lively song having to do with "somos hermanos" as the men swam and cavorted like schoolboys. Manuel had been swimming under water and surfaced between Paco's legs. He must have grabbed hold of Paco's balls because Paco let out a loud "Ay!" and put his guitar aside. As he did so Manuel began sucking his cock. This seemed to cue the other guys that it was now fun time. No more monks' robes and solemn rituals. It was time to try out our newfound enhancements.

Dr. Lerner and Harry had climbed from the pool. After drying each other with towels they embraced and kissed. Jose and Ric had poured themselves drinks from the table and set them down beside an unfolded lounge chair. Jose squeezed some lube from a bottle next to the chair and worked it into his ass while Ric stretched out on the lounge. He then took the bottle and lubed his cock to full erection. Jose straddled him, easing down on the rigid prick while massaging Ric's's chest. As he leaned forward to kiss him I could see Ric's cock pumping Jose's ass in a wild ride.

Paco was stretched out on a mat, arms behind head and enjoying the goings on. When John climbed out of the pool Paco signaled him. "Hola Papi," he called using a Mexican term of endearment. John went over and stood above him in a way that gave the young man a look at his balls. Paco reached up and tickled them with his finger. "Um, grandes cojones," he said feeling them in the palm of his hand.

"Thank you," John replied seeing Paco's growing erection. Paco tugged on his balls in invitation, which John promptly responded to by getting to his knees so they were in a 69 position. The feel of Paco's tongue on his ball sack sent shivers of delight through the older man. Taking hold of Paco's cock John pulled back the foreskin and began licking the swollen head. Paco tried to shove his cock all the way in, but John insisted on taking his time and would only allow an inch at a time into his mouth. Straddling Paco doggie style and intent on what he was doing John was unaware that Manuel had been watching them with interest. After a few minutes he was inspired to join them. On feeling a lubed finger tickling his anus John interrupted his task and caught sight of Manuel kneeling behind him. He tightened and relaxed his anal muscle to welcome the intruding finger before getting back to work on Paco's cock. A moment later there were two fingers in his ass twisting their way to his prostate. A third was introduced as Manuel lubed his cock with his free hand. John rotated his hips to take advantage of the massage. They didn't stay for long however. He was prepped for the real thing.

Manual inserted his knob just past the sphincter ring and let John have the pleasure of pushing back on it until it found its mark. John tightened his muscles to imprison the intruder but Manuel's cock slipped back and paused at the entrance. He repeated this game several times, teasing John's ass until its nerve endings were alive and begging for the ultimate stimulation. Manuel held him by the hips and began a slow fuck, feeding him his cock with deeper and faster thrusts that built up the approaching orgasm in both men. Paco watched his friend's cock thrusting back and forth from John's ass and was getting close himself...hoping to time it so that the three of them would cum in sync. It almost happened that way. He felt John's sweet tasting sperm fill his mouth and was gulping it down as Manuel grunted - his balls pressed tightly against John's ass hole as he shot his load. As he withdrew his cock from John's ass a stream of white cum leaked out and dribbled onto his forehead. This was enough to make him climax. John greedily sucked up his sperm before rolling onto his side exhausted and content.

It was quite an exciting show and I was glad that John, exhausted as he was, had enjoyed it. Manuel and Paco would no doubt be ready to go, or I should say cum, again in a few minutes. I saw Steve and Tom at the buffet table and decided to join them. I felt a bond with both of them and hoped we'd continue our friendship after leaving the spa. Tom was eating a taco with one hand while the other was caressing Steve's buttocks (casually I might add and more platonic than erotic). Steve pushed the "ball" lever on the drink fountain and was refilling his glass as I joined them. "Hey Don," he said. "Lots of three-way action going on." Tom finished his taco and placed his free hand on by buttocks. It felt good and I was glad he seemed more self assured now. Steve poured us each a drink and suggested we make it a threesome.

"I'll drink to that," I said raising my glass.

Tom gulped down his drink and added: "Me too." Steve and I finished our drinks. The three of us embraced. I tasted the fruity elixir on both their tongues as hardened cocks rubbed against bellies. Steve pulled back and admired Tom's gigantic cock. "Sure is a beauty," he said.

"I can attest to that," I agreed. "A real jaw breaker."

"I'm sorry," Tom said.

"Don't be," I told him. "I enjoyed every inch of it."

"Then it's my turn," Steve said. "I want to ride that big mother for all it's worth."

"Think you can handle it?" Tom asked.

"I'm sure gonna try. A few fingers and lots of lube should make it easy enough. Maybe Dan here will give you a taste of Boston cream pie while we're at it."

"Huh?" Tom asked sort of bewildered.

"Private joke," I said. "One of Doc Lerner's recipes."

We pulled one of the lounge mats to the far end of the pool. Steve stretched out on his belly and spread his legs. John poured a generous amount of lube onto his back, then knelt between his legs and began massaging Steve from shoulders to buttocks. The lube made his muscles stand out in relief and my cock stand up in attention. Tom then scrunched down and began rimming him while massaging his ass cheeks. I knelt facing Steve's head and raised it enough for him to take my cock into his mouth. After a few minutes Tom sat up, lubed his fingers and began working them into Steve's ass. Finally Steve released my cock and said he was ready. He got up and let Tom lie on the mat. Tom lubed his cock and held it perpendicular to his body. The cock ring must have added to its awesome dimension and engorged its veiny network to the max. Steve straddled his hips and reached back to guide the plum size head to the target area, knowing that once it got past the sphincter the rest would slide in easily. He closed his eyes and winced as he tried to sit back on it. He could take no more than an inch before feeling the pain of his ring stretched to its limit. Beads of sweat formed on his brow as he tried to grind his ass onto the gigantic cock. Tom put his hands on Steve's thighs and said: "It's ok if you can't take it. I can fuck between your legs like I do with my partner."

But Steve wasn't about to give up. "Hell no," he grimmaced. "I don't get a chance to ride a big one like this every day. Here goes...." With that he seemed to screw himself down and let out a gasp as the head pushed past the ring. He remained frozen until the pain subsided, then lowered himself down as the shaft disappeared into his ass. He leaned forward and kissed Tom, who by then had tears in his eyes.

"Hey, I'm the one who's supposed to be crying," Steve said with a triumphal grin. "I'm ready for one hell of a ride." Then, turning to me he said: "Come on Dan, room for one more in the saddle," indicating that I should mount facing Tom. I got into position and raised Tom's head enough so he could suck my cock while Steve held onto my shoulders for leverage as he rode up and down on his cock. The feeling was incredible as Steve's penis rubbed against my back while Tom worked magic on my cock. Suddenly there was a warm burst of semen on my lower back. I then felt Tom's hips arch upward in spite of all the weight on his body and knew he was cumming. I slipped my cock from his mouth and finished off by hand, spurting my jism onto his face. I scooped some on my finger and placed it in his mouth, which he sucked greedily.

Everyone cleaned off with a final swim before Dr. Lerner suggested we all get a good night's sleep before tomorrow's final training session. At the time I didn't think there could be anything more to be learned about male sexual enhancement - but I was wrong.

Next: Chapter 6

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