Dr Lerners Spa for Men

By Dennis

Published on May 9, 2023


Warning: Some of the sex techniques in this story involve invasive procedures that could result in bodily harm and are given for illustrative purposes only.

Continued: The taste of the drink lingered on my tongue as Steve and I returned to our room following lunch for a few hours of free time to spend as we saw fit until the pool party scheduled for six o'clock. Being both a little drowsy we decided to take a siesta and maybe explore some of the winding paths that surrounded the spa before getting ready for the pool party at six o'clock. As I stripped off my scrubs pants I was pleased to find that the swollen doughnut caused by the pump had diminished, leaving only a pleasingly plump cock that I was frankly proud of. Steve noticed it too.

"Lookin' good," he grinned. "In fact good enough to eat."

Even when soft the bulge in his pants would be the envy of any bullfighter. And the fact that he found me a turnon made my mouth go dry in anticipation. It seems the sexiest men are often unaware (or may pretend to be)of their physical attraction. I think this was true of Steve, while a guy like Ric - while undeniably gorgeous- had the air of a head waiter who found few patrons worthy of his attention. "Me first," I said dropping to my knees before him. He stepped closer. His swollen cockhead was inches from my mouth. I studied it in detail, taking in the dimpled slit that already evidenced a trace of precum, the thin foreskin partly retracted, and the network of veins branching down to their roots buried in his pubic forest. I probed the pee slit with my tongue and was rewarded with precious drops of its clear nectar, already tinged with the fruity flavor of the experimental drink. Such a tease couldn't satisfy me any more than an alcoholic could be content with one sip of a drink. I engulfed his cock with my mouth and pushed down until I felt the pear shaped head fill my throat... squeezing and coaxing it to release it precious milk.

Without saying a word he suddenly pulled me off and lifted me onto the bed. Side-to-side in a 69 position, with heads between legs and cocks embedded in mouths we sucked each other ferociously. Our prostates must have spasmed simultaneously, churning their juices into a froathy drink to quench our thirst. As the first globs of cum gushed into my throat I squeezed his balls to pump out every drop of the aromatic liquid. Then, pulling back slightly, I let it fill my mouth, savoring its fruity taste. Whether it was the power of suggestion or the flavorings in the drink, nothing had ever tasted so good. I became an instant addict. Steve swung around and kissed me. We exchanged mouthfuls of cum and held it before swallowing. "Holy shit!" he said as we caught our breath. "Never tasted a mixed drink like that before. Wonder what the doc put in it."

"One part you, one part me, and one part his secret elixir. I wonder if the other guys have tried it."

He stretched himself back on the bed with arms behind his head. "Wouldn't be surprised if we had a cocktail party later," he said. "Maybe every one has a different flavor. Yours reminded me of banana cream pie."

I leaned over and cleaned his still cum moist cock with my tongue. Um, I think yours is tutti fruiti and could go for a second helping."

"You'll have to wait for the next delivery," he replied tossling my hair.

"No problem," I said grinning up at him. "I'll work up an appetite."

With a few hours to kill before the pool party Steve offered to show me the rest of facilities. I suggested we invite John and Tom, who were also first timers at the spa and occupied the adjacent room. We slipped into our scrubs and went into the hallway.

John replied to my knock and opened the door with a grin on his face and a cylinder pump attached to his cock. It must have been on for some time since it was almost fully packed with both his penis and balls. "Been practicing," he said giving the pump a tug.

"A real attention-getter," Steve said. "We thought your guys might want to join us. I'm giving Dan a tour of the place."

"That's good of you," he replied, "but Tom is in the middle of a stretching exercise." He pointed to a bed similar to ours on which Tom was sitting with legs spread apart and a length of steel sound protruding from his slit. John explained that Jose had given him a larger sound to play with and that he was making progress.

"Hi guys," John said as we entered the room. His expression was more of determination than pleasure. I noticed that the sound had gone beyond the first critical inch and bulged the dorsal tube of his semi-erect cock.

"Give it a little twist," Steve offered. "Let it screw itself in, but don't push. Once your cock gets used to it it will gobble it up. The steel sounds are heavy enough to slide right down without any help." Tom worked his his fingertips along both sides of his cock, causing it to fully harden...and sure enough the sound the sound descended by itself. He gave a sigh of satisfaction as the tube swelled all the way to his balls. "God it feels good," he moaned, "like getting a blow job inside out. Never knew what I was missing."

"Don't let yourself cum," Steve continued. "Pull it out, take a break, then try it again. It's always better to insert it when you're soft...less chance of damage."

"You talk like an expert," John observed while deflating his pump. It took some twisting to remove it from his swollen ball sack and sausage-like cock.

"I learned that on my first visit here. I think we should leave you guys do some more practicing...but save your loads for later if you can. Be more fun that way."

"Okay...and thanks," Tom said holding the sound triumphantly.

We left them and made our way to a back door that opened onto a delivery area behind the spa. A van stenciled "Verduras y frutas" stood near the entrance to what was obviously the kitchen. As we approached a young Mexican guy came from the kitchen and was zipping up his fly. He grinned at us and climbed into the van.

"I wonder what he was delivering," I said.

"Probably the milkman," Steve laughed.

His remark wasn't far off target. As the van pulled away we approached the open kitchen door and heard voices from within... the unmistakable accents of Dr. Lerner and Harry Postwick.

"An excellent specimen and rather plentiful I'd say." It was Harry.

"Yes indeed," replied Dr. Lerner. "Paco has the sperm capacity of a well-bred bull and has been most generous in sharing his production."

The image of the delivery boy zipping his fly flashed in my mind. I'm sure Steve had the same thought as our curiosity got the better of us. We entered the kitchen and found Dr. Lerner holding up a test tube half filled with a white liquid. He turned around and saw us. Whether or not he was surprised at seeing us was hard to tell. He did, however, seem to welcome an audience.

"Come in," he said. "We've been refining an experiment I've worked on for some time. Harry has agreed to be the first test subject. If he has no objection you may watch the procedure."

Harry looked at us and with a wink said: "No objection. Always good to have witnesses in case something goes wrong."

Ignoring the remark Dr. Lerner placed the test tube in a pot of water on the stove. "I want to keep the specimen just above body temperature," he said. "Then I'll infuse it with essence of orchid obtained from a colleague in Jalapa who is a specialist in orchid culture." He then took a hypodermic syringe, withdrew some fluid from an ampule, and injected into the warm test tube. "This is a sperm sample donated by Paco, the young man you may have seen leaving here a few minutes ago," he explained.

"You're gonna flavor his cum with orchids?" Steve asked rather bluntly.

"Infusion is the word," Dr. Lerner replied. "But in this case instead of mixing it into a drink I will inject it directly into the prostate to see if its chemical components can be directly absorbed into prostatic tissue, thus leaving a marker for future sperm production." He then withdrew the test tube and emptied its contents into a syringe equipped with a clear plastic nozzle about six inches long. Harry lowered his pants and sat on a butcher block table. With a few tugs he retracted his foreskin to expose a plum shaped head that already drooled a few drops of precum.

"Just relax," Dr.Lerner instructed as he inserted the nozzle into his pee slit. He then pushed the plunger, forcing Paco's orchid infused sperm into his urethra. We watched in fascination as the white fluid emptied from the syringe. Harry winced for a moment as the concoction pushed through his balls and entered his prostate. Then a sigh of relief as Lerner withdrew the empty nozzle and said: "Now you and our friend Paco have truly bonded. Tonight he will have a chance to retrieve your infused sperms and taste the rewards of what I hope will be a successful experiment." Then, seeing the dreamy expression on Harry's face he asked: "Are you feeling any discomfort Harry?"

"Just a mild tingling in the prostate," he said getting off the table. "I feel like a have to pee."

"Do a few kegels," Dr. Lerner advised. "By squeezing your muscles you'll increase the absorbtion. I'll give you some argenine tablets to accelerate your sperm production and in a few hours will take a sample by mouth."

We thanked them for letting us watch the experiment and took our leave. Once outside Steve asked me: "What the hell do you think he meant by taking a sample by mouth?"

"That's Lerner's way of saying he was going to give Harry a blow job."

"I wonder if it will taste like orchids. Me...I'll go for the banana cream pie any time."

"Thanks," I said. "I don't think I like the idea of a direct transfusion, especially when the drink seems to work fine. Maybe I'll add a little chocolate syrup to go with your banana cream pie."

We spent the next hour exploring the meandering paths behind the spa complex. At several places we found small clearings surrounding erotic sculptures highlighted by streams of sunlight that filtered through the canopy of trees. I thought about Harry's slide show of primitive cultures and phallic worship, wondering if Dr. Lerner might be a reincarnation of an ancient shaman. If his orchid concoction were to prove successful he'd certainly make a fortune selling it, yet I don't think that was his motivation. He'd said that sexual enhancement was as much psychological as physiological. In only two days at the spa I'd become aware not only of my own maleness but of the other guys, finding beauty in an intricate pattern of chest hair, the play of shadow and light on a smooth torso, the hidden treasure enrobed in a foreskin, the naked bulb of a circumsized penis and the tantalizing bulge in a thong or pants.

"Penny for your thoughts," Steve said interrupting my reverie as we reached a clearing.

A nude sculpture stood in the center. It displayed a rather small penis and an enormous pair of balls, but what caught my attention was its eyes...half open as if in meditation. "I was just thinking," I answered. "Do you get the feeling we're in some kind of religious shrine?"

"Maybe this guy's praying for a larger cock," he replied, more serious than in jest I think. He reached out and touched the stone cock. "St. Prick," he added. "Got balls though. Can't have everything."

I stood behind him putting my arms around him while pressing against his firm butt. "This is more than enough," I crooned into his ear.

Taking hold of my hands he said in a half whisper: "Yeah it is for me too."

When we got back to our room the TV screen came to life announcing a Twilight Pool Party at which we were to wear white hooded robes that had been set out on the bed along with silver cock rings inscribed "Dr. Lerner's Spa."

"On your third visit you get a gold one," Steve informed me.

I picked up the ring and studied it. "I have one at some," I said, "but it snaps on. How in hell do you get it on?"

That's easy," he said. "You have to put it on before your get hard. First you pull some scrotal skin into the ring and push a ball through it; then the other. The tricky part is to slide your cock through while still soft. You'll stay harder longer."

"How do I get it off?" I asked.

"Same way you got it on. You have to wait until your dick is soft, then push it under the ring followed by the balls."

"Too late," I said,observing my hardening cock.

"A cold shower will take care of that," he replied.

He was right about the shower. The ring went on easily and pushed my basket forward. Beneath a pair of boxer shorts it would create a nice bulge in my pants. But that could wait for my return to New York. We took turns on the bidet and were squeeky clean inside and out when we put on our robes and headed for the pool party.

Next: Chapter 5

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