Dr Lerners Spa for Men

By Dennis

Published on Apr 14, 2023


It wasn't clear from the ad in the men's magazine whether Dr. Lerner was just another con man or a legitimate therapist specializing in what was termed "male fulfillment therapy." It further claimed to be a non-profit research facility accepting applications from mature men seeking to achieve their full sexual potential .Inquiries could be directed to a PO Box in Alta Vista, Mexico.

I didn't give it another thought until a few weeks later when an old friend who I hadn't seen in several years invited me to lunch when he arrived in New York. Bill was married with grown children, and far as I knew had always been straight. When I last saw him he was sporting a middle age paunch that strained against his shirt buttons and a well trimmed salt & pepper beard that may have concealed the inevitable wrinkles of middle age. Not being married I assumed he suspected I was gay, although I'm sure it wouldn't have mattered to him. But this time, while the beard was frankly sexy, the paunch had largely disappeared and there was a look... more of an attitude...of liveliness and self appreciation that I found attractive

"You look pretty good for an aging baby boomer," I told him after we ordered. "Spend much time at the gym?

"Maybe once every two weeks or so, but there are other ways to keep fit. Like the old saying goes - old too soon and smart too late."

As lunch was served we brought each other up to date on other things. His daughter and son were both in college - straight A students he boasted, but sighed when I asked about his wife. He said he'd give their relationship a C minus at best. "I guess it's the same no matter what your sexual persuasion,'' he said with a wink. "When the honeymoon's over things become routine. I found that out long ago."

"You may be right," I admitted. "I've been into a few relationships over the years, as I'm sure you've suspected. Being a senior citizen isn't so hard to accept, but geezerhood is something I don't look forward to."

"No reason to," he replied seriously. "I found that out not too long ago. Old age is mostly a cultural thing. We've been conditioned to accept it and sold a bill of goods on diet, exercise, prescription drugs and god knows what.."

"True," I agreed. "But what's the alternative?"

"All of those things play a part to be sure, but they're intended to keep the status quo. For every benefit of a drug there's a potential side effect, and a diet of one kind of food eliminates the nutrition of other foods. Oh God, I'm starting to sound like Dr. Lerner. Forgive me."

"Dr. Lerner?" I asked as the name rang a bell.

"You've heard of him?" he asked

"No, I saw an ad in a magazine,...something about a spa for men .Do you know him?"

He nodded."I've been to his spa in Mexico and it changed my life."

"Something like a fountain of youth?"

"Not quite," he grinned. "He's a quirky guy and believes that every man is endowed with the ability to reach his full male potential regardless of age."

"Now what the hell does that mean?"

He remained serious. I suspected he'd been converted to some line of bullshit by a snake oil salesman. "Let me put it this way," he said. "When I was fifteen I thought I knew everything about sex because I could ejaculate four times a day. When I was twenty-five I realized how little I knew at fifteen. It doesn't take long for the post honeymoon blues to make sex as routine as taking out the garbage. The only thing exciting was thinking there might be more to it that I somehow missed while raising two kids and climbing the corporate laddar.

"Yeah," I agreed. "I've felt the same way. "But what about this Dr. Lerner. You said he changed your life.

"He really did,:" he grinned. " You might say he made a man of me...or the man in me who I didn't know was there."

"Does he have some kind of cult?".

He paused to see if I was interested or just being flip. "You might call it that, but it's more of a philosophy .He taught me, and a group of guys who'd gone to the spa how to bond with each other- whether straight, bi or gay.It's not a program for everyone I have to admit, but it sure in hell has made me aware of myself as a man. Some of the guys who've been through his program have become zealots in priapic worship.

"Cock suckers anonymus?" I couldn't help but laugh. "Sounds like fun."

"Yeah," he grinned. "It was part of the training. Two years ago I would have thought that was disgusting, something only gays did."

"And you found yourself turning gay?

I felt his knee touch my leg. I didn't move but the look on my face suggested I didn't mind in the least. "Does that surprise you?" he asked.

"Life is full of surprises," I replied pressing my leg ever so slightly against him. "Maybe this Dr. Lerner taught you to accept another part of your self you hadn't know existed. Have you told your wife about it?"

"No reason to," he said. "I still love her as a wife and mother. If anything I think I'm a better husband and father now than when I was younger. When we have sex it's now my turn to be the one who is doing a favor, although that doesn't happen very often these days...which is ok for both of us."

"Then I assume you have a male lover to take care of your needs?"

"No really," he said trying to explain. "I've discovered what they call man-to-man sex, which is more of a bonding ...sort of like a fraternity of older guys discovering the excitement of sex they never knew existed."

The waiter arrived with the bill. After paying it we stopped at the mens room and stood at adjacent urinals. My mouth was dry with excitement as he unzipped and fished out his cock, which was semi-hard and partly covered with a foreskin. He pulled on it twice before releasing a stream of golden piss. I did the same without averting my eyes from his dick.

He looked at me and grinned saying: "We could take this a bit further if you want...maybe when I get back. I'll be out of town for a month."

"What a tease," I said. "Just when things were getting interesting."

He reached over and squeezed my hardening cock. "Real nice. We should have lunch more often." As we zipped up he added: "In the meantime I think you should contact Dr. Lerner and tell him you met one of his alumni. Two weeks at his spa will make a new man of you."

"I'll think about it," I said as we were leaving. "Is it expensive?"

"He gives senior discount," he grinned. His graduates...as we like to call ourselves, have get togethers and bone up on the latest techniques."

He'd aroused more than my dick with his talk about the graduates and their mysterious techniques. I promised to look into the spa and maybe sign up for a session. After exchanging phone numbers we agreed to have lunch again when he got back.

In response to my inquiry Dr. Lerner sent a glossy brochure showing all the usual amenities...pool, sauna, gym, guest rooms, etc. In a separate note he'd written that since I'd been recommended by a former graduate he assumed I'd like to enroll in his treatment program and included a rather lengthy questionnaire detailing medical and sexual history. He also requested a nude photo and release statement for participating in the research program. Not knowing what kind of research he was doing, I was naturally reluctant but nonetheless curious. Since Bill had been so excited about it I signed the release and sent a deposit for a 2 week session that coincided with my vacation the following month.

The last leg of the trip was made in a small plane from Vera Cruz to Alta Vista. As luck would have it my seat neighbor was also going to Dr. Lerner's spa. "I'm Dan Norton from New York," I said introducing myself.

"Steve Michaels" he said with a firm handshake. "Your first visit to the spa?"

"Yes," I replied. "Don't know what I'm getting myself into, but a friend highly recommended it. What about you?

"Second trip," he said. "I'm a farmer in Idaho, way out in the boondocks and don't get to attend many of the get-togethers. I want to recharge my batteries, if you know what I mean."

"Er...not exactly," I said. "My friend was kinda mysterious about it and quite frankly I hesitated signing the release for the research project. What's that all about?"

He put a hairy hand on my leg and gave it a squeeze. Then, looking at me with a grin, said: "Don't worry, Dan. No pain, no gain, as they say. Some of the procedures can be a little uncomfortable at first, but after that you'll agree that it was worth it."

As the plane banked to the right I was caught off balance and almost landed in his lap. I grabbed his arm and felt the firm muscles. From the salt & pepper hair creeping from his open shirt I knew he had to be at least in his fifties and with the body of an in-shape younger man. I straightened up in my seat feeling rather awkward.

"For a New Yorker you seem a bit shy," he chuckled. "You'll get over that in a few days. "We may even be roommates...if you wouldn't mind.

"Hell no, Steve," I grinned. "I think I'd like that. Being with a guy who's been through the program before would be a big help."

"The doc will assign you a personal trainer. He can answer your questions better than me. Just do what he tells you and you'll do fine."

We were met at the airstrip by a goodlooking latino guy, late thirties maybe, dark hair and stache, wearing faded jeans, tank top and sombrero. He recognized Steve and greeted him with a hug. Turning to me he extended his hand. "You must be Dan," he said with a smile that revealed the whitest of teeth. "Bienvenidos! I'm Jose, Dr. Lerner's assistant.

"Gracias," I said as he piled our luggage in the back of a pickup.

We climbed into the front seat three abreast for the drive to the spa, most of which was through arid desert. A half hour later he turned onto a side road that led to higher elevation and welcome greenery. I'd sat between them and had dozed off after the long flight. The squeeze of a hand on my left knee brought me awake as Jose pointed to a road sign "Alta Vista." Almost there,"he announced. I'll get you guys settled in the room you'll be sharing. You can shower, do the first preparation, and rest before meeting Dr. Lerner and the other guests."

"How many you got for this session?" Steve asked.

"Six, at last count," he said. "Two others from the States, one from Venezuela, and an Englishman who'll arrive tomorrow."

"Sounds like a good group. Any of 'em repeaters?"

"Harry, the English guy, was here two years ago. The rest are first-timers like you, Dan."

"I'm glad I'm rooming with an upperclassman who can show me the ropes," I said grinning at Steve.

"Ah, you into ropes?" Jose chuckled. "That can be arranged."

"Come on," Steve argued. "Don't go scarin' our freshman. "Everything is voluntary."

"With a little persuasion at times," Jose replied still with a mischievous grin. "I remember you were scared shitless the first time in the examining room."

"Maybe just a little," he admitted. "But after a few sessions I couldn't get enough. I'm ready for some advanced training this time."

"That's what I'm here for," Jose said more seriously this time. "You're probably ready for Dr. Lerner's new infusion technique. I've tried it myself. It's terrific."

A palm shaded drive led to a sprawling one-story hacienda. Jose parked at the entrance as a young guy, no more than twenty, came out and picked up our luggage.

"Vengan senores," he said nodding that we should follow him.

Our room was comfortably air conditioned, had a king size bed, clothes armoire, a pair of reclining chairs and a dresser with cabinets over which was a large mirror. Another mirror was fixed to the ceiling over the bed. A wall mounted large screen TV hung next to a door leading to the bathroom. What caught my eye in the bathroom was a large walkin shower that had water jets at several levels on each of the walls. Two of the fawcets were dildo shaped with openings at the tip that obviously emitted jets of water. There were also two toilets with adjacent bides (which I'd seen before in European hotels but hadn't the foggiest notion of how they were used and too timid to ask). These, however, were also fitted with a short length of plastic tubing from which was attached an enema-like nozzle.

Manuel, the porter, set our luggage down and left. Steve had already started to undress. Shirtless he afforded me a view of a hairy chest of more pepper than salt with an hour glass trail that led to his navel and broadened into his yet unseen pubic bush. I followed his example and was stepping out of my pants when there was a tap at the door and Jose entered carrying a tray with two glasses and a decanter.

"A welcome drink," he announced setting the tray on the dresser.

"What is it?" I asked out of a curiosity that half scared-half intrigued me.

"Something refreshing and very relaxing" he assured me while pouring our drinks.

"Um," Steve sighed smacking his lips after taking a sip. "I haven't had one of these in a long time."

I followed his example and found the drink, which tasted of rum, lemon and something I didn't recognize, as refreshing as Jose claimed.

"While you gentlemen get naked I'll start the shower," Jose said heading for the bathroom.

"Nice to be appreciated," Steve said finally naked and obviously enjoying the way I was gawking at him. "I like what I see too," he winked.

His cock was already semi-hard in anticipation of what was to come, of which I knew zero. Besides sporting a nice bush he had an uncut cock that was already a good six inches and not fully hard. "There's more," he said giving it a tug. "I'm what they call a 'grower.' The harder it gets, the longer it gets. But you'll see the rest later. Let's hit the shower."

To my surprise and delight Jose was standing naked in the shower as he adjusted the water temperature of the four jets we'd be using. Like Mike he was uncut and had a long foreskin with a bulge that hinted of the knob within. His body was well defined but with just a pencil line of hair from his bush running toward his navel. "I'll do you first," he said to me working some soap lather in his hands. "Just relax while I soap your torso."

It felt incredible, especially as he worked his hands to my abdomen, then turned me around to do the shoulders and back, and finally my buttocks. All the while I'd describe him as being professional, even as he turned me around again and lathered my cock and balls. Steve had been soaping himself while enjoying my initiation.

Jose then turned up the pressure and took a shower hose to rinse us both off. After we toweled off he told us to bend over for inspection...."like you did in the Army," he said. A moment later I felt a lubed finger tickling my ass. He inserted it and made several strokes before saying: "OK you'll do fine." He then repeated the lubing of Steve's asshole and told us to sit on the bidets by easing ourselves down onto the nozzles.

"What's the purpose of that?" I asked suspiciously.

"Didn't your Mama ever give you an enema when you had a belly ache?"he asked jokingly.

"Um, don't think I remember if she did," I said.

"Well a good douching cleans out the shit...leaves your rosebud smelling...like a rose." He laughed and Steve joined him.

I awkwardly lowered myself onto the bidet .

"That's the boy," Steve encouraged. "Now grab hold of the nozzle and stick it in your ass. From the way you're squatting it won't hurt. Got mine in already."

I did as he suggested. A moment later I saw Jose open a fawcet above the bidet and heard a whoosh as my bowel filled with warm water. It was a comfortable feeling at first and I could feel the water pushing against my prostate. But as my bowels filled I felt more pressure and winced in discomfort.

"OK," he said turning off the fawcet. "Think you've had enough for the first time. "You can ease off the nozzle, but don't expel the solution yet. Hold it as long as you can."

"What solution?" I asked. "I thought it was just water."

"It's got a few herbs in it that will leave you with a nice clean feeling."

I stood up and clenched my buttocks to keep the damn solution in, but the urge was too strong. "I got to go," I gasped.

"OK take a seat," he said pointing to the toilet.

I just about made it as a torrent poured out of me. He told me to stay there since I'd be expelling more in a minute or so. In the meantime I heard a forceful explosion from Steve's ass. When we'd finished expelling Jose told us to flush the toilets and go into the bedroom.

"Now that wasn't so bad," Steve said as he handed me my drink. "The rest is going to be fine."

"Hope so," I said smiling back at him, for already I felt a sense of bonding with this redneck farmer from Idaho. We touched glasses and swallowed the rest of the drink.

Jose returned, now wearing a white bikini and tank top. He opened a drawer in the dressing table and said:. "One more item of preparation and I'll let you guys rest till dinner time, which is at eight, casual dress. "Lie on your backs and raise you legs," he instructed as he took a jar of lube and two butt plugs from the drawer. One was larger than the other. "Steve first this time," he said while lubing the larger plug before inserting it in Steve's ass.

"Oh man," Steve groaned. "That sure feels good."

""Squeeze down, big guy. You don't want to lose it till tomorrow."

He then repeated the procedure on me. The plug went in effortlessly and I squeezed my anus muscle around it so that only the flat base end nuzzled comfortably against my ass hole. I'd watched it all in the overhead mirror. Whether it was the butt plug or the enema solution working on my insides, I felt a pleasant tingling, sort of erotic but not enough to cause an erection. I don't remember Jose leaving but we turned on our sides facing each other . Relaxed by the drink we gave each other a lazy smile and entwined our arms as we drifted off to sleep.

Some hours later...it must have been close to eight o'clock because the fading twilight spilled through the shuttered window...the TV screen went on showing us the message: "Welcome gentlemen. I await your presence in the dining room and trust you enjoyed your siesta and preparations for tomorrow's program.....Igor Lerner." As I sleepily stretched my arms I felt the subtle pressure of the butt plug against my prostate. It was a pleasant feeling that made me aware of my maleness. I ran my hand over Steve's hairy chest and said: "Guess it's time to meet the good doctor. Are we dressing for dinner?

He yawned and sat at the edge of the bed rubbing his hand over my back. "Regulation uniform," he said. "There're some hospital type scrubs in the closet and sandals. You get the blue one as a new recruit. I get the green one us veterans get to wear."

"You're pulling rank on me," I quipped.

"I'll pull more than that on you later," he said going to the armoire.

"I can hardly wait," I said savoring his bubble buns.

The dining room was aglow in candlelight. Manuel greeted us at the entrance and showed us to a large round table set with a floral centerpiece, linen napkins and fine china. Several men were at the bar off to one side - two wearing blue scrubs and one wearing green. I assumed the blue scrubs were my fellow Americans and the blue one the Venezuelan. One of the blues was tall and thin, bald on top with a fringe of cropped white hair. The other was of average height and build, slightly chubby and blond. The greenie was of classic latin good looks, van dyke beard flecked with gray and hairy arms.

"Good evening gentlemen," a voice called from the entrance as a man in white scrubs briskly strode forward. Jose and Manuel followed him to the table as the others left the bar and took their places.

Dr. Lerner was remarkably good looking for a man I assumed to be in his late fifties (but was later to learn was pushing eighty). He wore a closely trimmed white beard that framed his tan face and blue eyes. His body was trim, perhaps a bit too lean for my tastes, and radiated good health and vigor. In short he was a good advertisement for his mysterious treatment program. It was at that moment that I was thankful to Bill for suggesting it and resolved to be a good student through it all. We took seats and introduced ourselves while Manuel removed the floral centerpiece and replaced it a moment later with a large phallic candle centered in a hurricane lamp. Manuel removed the glass lid as Dr.Lerner took a taper and lit the wick protruding from the rather large pee slit. All watched intently as a stream of white wax oozed from the opening and dribbled down the shaft. "Ah-men!" Dr. Lerner intoned with an appreciative chuckle while Manuel replaced the glass globe. "This is man's greatest gift from God. May you all come to use it wisely and receive it's blessings. Now let's enjoy our dinner and get to know each other. Afterwards we shall have the pleasure of a unity dance performed by Jose and his cousin Manuel.

I leaned toward Steve and asked: "What the hell is a unity dance?"

"Beats me," he said. Doc Lerner is full of surprises. I didn't know Jose and Manuel were cousins...kissin' cousins I bet. But don't expect an orgy....at least not on the first night here. The Doc's got a way of building up what he calls increased 'awareness'."

Squirming in my chair I grinned and said: "The only thing I'm aware of right now is that butt plug in my ass. Do all the guys have them in?"

"Regulation equipment. You only take it out when you have to shit."

We were served a first course of raw oysters topped with a firey hot sauce. Along side of each plate was a small loaf of bread baked into a phallus shape complete with a realistic set of balls. Ricardo, the Venezuelan guy, picked his loaf up, broke off one of the balls and licked it erotically before biting into it. This seemed to break the ice as the rest of us followed his example. Dr. Lerner Beamed in approval, for it was clear that his disciples were bonding in a fellowship that would intensify during the next days.

After dessert and coffee he instructed us to hold hands with our neighbors in an unbroken chain. "Inhale slowly," he said, "and feel the energy of touch pass through your body from one man to the next." Closing his eyes while holding the hands of the guys next to him he added: "Ah yes I feel the energy of each of you and all of you flowing into my body, receiving and being received by you through tantric force. Look at the phallic candle, my sons, and know that it burns with the flame of creation stored in your groin. To give and receive the fruits of that flame is a truly a blessing."

Had Bill told me about this mystic ritual at our lunch in New York, I would have thought Dr. Lerner some kind of religious lunatic. But here and now I felt like an altar boy being initiated into a sacred ritual. As I watched the white gobs of wax oozing from the pee slit I was aware of a growing hardon. It must have the same effect on the other guys. As if we'd all become hypnotized ,hands that a moment ago had been joined in an unbroken circle were now placed in their neighbors' crotches. Steve and Ric's hands felt warm on my basket as I reached theirs and touched the hands of their neighbors. Not a word was spoken for several minutes until Dr. Lerner looked up with a grin on his face and said: "Ah-men! Now gentlemen we shall adjoin to the meeting room where Jose and Manuel will perform a unity dance adapted from a masturbatory technique practiced by some American medics stationed in the South Pacific during World War II. They claimed it relieved boredom during periods of inactivity. I think you will find the dance anything but boring."

Part 2

We took seats in five lounge chairs at the foot of a raised platform. The room was dark except for a dim spotlight above the platform. Guitar music played through speakers somewhere...softly but with occasional flamenco rhythms that surfaced and retreated. Dr. Lerner took a seat at the back of the platform next to a small desk on which stood a large pitcher of water, a drinking glass, and a long necked oil bottle. After giving a nod to someone off stage the spotlight brightened and the music became louder. A side door opened. Manuel entered wearing nothing more than a green thong. His slender but well muscled physique was smooth save for a trail of hair that led from the thong to his navel. Although my first impression of him had been that of a rather servile young man, he now exuded the confidence of a trained athlete as he strode to the table and poured a glass of water.

He held up the glass in a toast to the audience and before drinking it. After wiping his mouth he refilled the glass and again drained it. I'm sure we all thought it an odd way to begin a dance, but then everything at the spa had been odd. We watched in anticipation.

A moment later his dance partner Jose appeared - also in a well-packed green thong. Taller than Manual by several inches his physique was well defined rather than heavily muscled and stenciled with an hourglass pattern of dark chest hair. Manual held up the glass and offered to pour him a drink. Jose shook his head "no" with a mischievous grin and slowly ground his hips in rhythm to the music. Manuel returned the grin and began to gyrate his hips as he approached him .

Without any other body contact they stood facing each other, arching their backs slightly until their crotches met. This afforded the audience with an unobstructed view of their thickening bulges. Jose then took Manuel's arms and turned him so that his back was toward the viewers. He slowly pulled the thong down and tossed it aside.

On seeing the naked globes aglow in the spotlight like a pair of moons the audience clapped their approval. Manuel then stretched his arms overhead and spread his legs, holding the pose while Jose removed his own thong and knelt behind him. He pushed his head between Manuel's legs while taking hold of his thighs. With Manuel riding his neck and shoulders Jose stood up - a feat attesting to his strength. With equal agility Manuel lowered himself backward, secured only by his knee grip on his partner's shoulders. Jose then turned sideways to the audience showing a profile of their hardening cocks and back-to-back unity. In an adagio movement Jose got to his knees as Manuel released himself from the pose. Getting to their feet they joined hands and bowed to the audience.

The second example of unity consisted of docking . After rubbing each others' cocks to full hardness Jose rolled his foreskin back. With cockheads touching Manuel pulled Jose's foreskin forward until it covered his own mushroom knob. Thus joined they reached their arms overhead and touched palms. Their hips swiveled in rhythm with the music without breaking the penile connection. More applause. I noticed there wasn't a single crotch in the audience that wasn't tented. We couldn't help but squirm in our seats - ass muscles working the butt plugs - and I was certain that several of us would try the docking procedure later.

The dancers finally broke apart. I noticed that Manuel's cock was shiny with Jose's precum but no evidence of an ejaculation. They then moved a large padded wrestling mat to center stage. Dr. Lerner came forward with the oil bottle. The dancers held out their cupped hands as he poured oil into them, then rubbed their bodies until they glistened, the spotlight defining every muscle in relief. The tenderness of the docking episode now became one of man-to-man confrontation. Jose spun around and placed a headlock on Manuel forcing him to his knees. The agile younger man slipped free by grabbing Jose's legs and flipping him on his back. They squirmed face to face as Manuel's now hard cock disappeared between Jose's legs. This continued for some time until reaching a draw in an erotic 69, which both evidently enjoyed as hands caressed thighs and mouths probed cocks. I suspected they had orgasmed, since when they got to their feet their cocks were softening and both were grinning with obvious affection toward each other.

Dr. Lerner again came forward, this time wearing latex surgical gloves and holding lengths of clear plastic tubing. Manuel got up, went to the table, poured more water and drank it. He then returned to the mat and laid down next to Jose. Dr. Lerner explained what was to come next: "Now for the bonding procedure I mentioned earlier," he said. "Some of you may have had a catheter inserted through your penis into the bladder during or following surgery. In the days before antibiotics metal sounds were often inserted into the urethra and down into the bladder to relieve pressure caused by venereal disease. But men also discovered that urethral insertion can be an intensely erotic form of masturbation...often described by practitioners as a blow job from within. I should mention that the procedure is not without risks, which are minimal when done in sterile conditions. Both Jose and Manuel have been on a course antibiotics for several days to guard against any possible infection. Manuel's bladder is evidently full from the quantity of water he drank...and I suspect he has a strong urge to expel it."

Manual looked up and nodded as Dr. Lerner applied lube to a catheter before inserting it into his pee slit. Almost a foot length of it disappeared into his urethra. He repeated the procedure on Jose and attached both catheters to a larger plastic tube containing a stop cock that released or stopped the flow of urine. The music had ended and everyone looked on in anticipation. "Ready to receive?" Dr. Lerner asked Jose. He nodded. Then to Manuel he said: "Okay my good man, let it go."

Manuel winced as the built up pressed sought release. "Arrgh!" he groaned as a wave of urine spilled into the plastic tubing, only to be stopped by the close cock valve...causing a painful buildup of pressure in his swollen urethra. "Please!" he gasped arching his hips seeking relief.

As Dr. Lerner opened the valve a river of amber liquid surged into the tube and continued its path into Jose's catheter. "Ooh," Jose groaned as his partner's warm fluid filled his bladder.

Manuel grinned in relief and said: "What was mine is now yours."

"Indeed so," Dr. Lerner remarked. "But it is more blessed to give than to receive...which is the purpose of unity."

As if on cue both men got to their feet and faced each other, united by the catheters. Jose's urine flowed into the connecting tube and continued into Manuel's urethra. Dr. Lerner interrupted the exchange by closing the stop valve at the point where both bladders were only partly filled, creating in each a feeling of pressure that was far more erotic than painful. He then went to the table and returned with the near empty pitcher, set it on the floor between them and disconnected the tube connecting their catheters. The tubes cleared as its contents spilled into the pitcher. "Hold on," he said while withdrawing both catheters. Jose and Manuel held each other's cocks as they faced the audience and proceeded to expel their remaining urine into the pitcher.

Dr. Lerner stood between them and placed his arms around their shoulders.

"I think these men deserve a round of applause," he said as they took their bows and received whistles and hoots of approval. "The hour being late I think it's time for you gentlemen to retire and enjoy some private time as you see fit. After breakfast I'll give each of you a thorough examination before handing you over to Jose for further training. I expect our last member to arrive before lunch and trust you will fill him in on this evening's event."

In spite of his formality it was clear that the men liked him... partly as father figure (or more likely grandfather figure considering our ages) and certainly role model for young and old alike. We paired off with our roommates, except for Ric, who would most likely room with the British guy coming tomorrow. From the way he looked at Jose, and considering they were both latinos, I'm certain he wouldn't be sleeping alone.

Next: Chapter 2

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