Dr Fixit

By moc.oohay@ecnirpkapert

Published on Sep 6, 2010

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I couldn't believe it, there on the table laid the hottest male specimen that ever existed. You see I'm the school trainer and where I'm from, football is not just a sport it is a religion and there in his sweaty glory was Tom Connor. At 6'5, 215 pounds he could have any girl he wanted which from the grape vine I heard he did. He had dark black hair and his eyes were these piercing blue, his lips gave him this constant crimson pout. Tom is the star quarterback and apparently he overworked his body in practice because after an extended two a days like a dope he didn't keep his body hydrated.

So there he lay splayed out, I told his team mates to strip him to his underwear so he could be able to breathe better. Then I gave him some room temperature Gatorade so his body wouldn't go into shock if it was ice cold. As his teammates peeled away his pants, a small gasp escaped my lips. There Tom lay in this old tattered jockstrap, his ass looked like it was carved from marble; his chest was firm and succulent. It took everything in me not to rush over there and lick the sweat off his 8 pack. My cock was straining against my briefs and before any one could notice I told the players to get out of my office so Tom could breathe. As they left, Kenny pulled me to the side and made it painfully clear that I needed to do whatever it took to make sure Tom was ready for the game. Now I'm no slouch, at twenty four I stand at 6'5 myself and since I was thirteen I have been hitting the gym, I have what you would call an athletic body build. When I run around the school topless a lot of people tell me I look like a taller version of the guy from Spartacus, so in short being intimidated has never been on my agenda. So as Kenny tries to corner me I just grab the back of his neck not in a threatening way, more out of a sign of authority and I tell him I will make sure Tom is in tip top shape like any other member of the team and I sternly walk him out of my office and direct him back to practice.

Now that Tom and I were finally alone my real work could finally start. I gave him some ice chips to lower his body heat and told him I needed to take his temperature. That's when I realized may be I should have waited to take his temp first then give him ice or was that my sub conscious already scheming away to go further with this hunk. I told him I would have to take his temp another way to get a more accurate reading. He gave me this sexy look of what did he get himself into and asked how I was going to take it if by not mouth. I jokingly said luckily he was already in his jock so I wouldn't have any problems. I told him to lay on his stomach and I would go get the old thermometer well just when I turn to go get the equipment I hear this loud thud and there was Tom laid out on the floor struggling to pick himself up. As I Jumped to pick him up he explains that a rush of blood went to his head and he just got this feeling that he was being hung upside down. While I'm holding him in my arms I tell him he probably experienced a light case of vertigo and I would just personally move him so we wouldn't have to worry about a repeat tumble and a concussion to boot.

He was so docile in my arms he told me that the last person who picked him up like this was his father and that was twenty years ago. I just tell him I'm stronger than I look and roll him on his stomach. I ask him does he want lube or not, and jokes what do I think, so I tell him he might feel some pressure and I ease my fingers in and out of his ass, I use this special anal lube that I designed that gradually tingles the anal walls. The purpose is that it starts off as a minor itch and with in hours if not given the antidote the itch becomes almost unbearable. I try to make small talk by asking him he didn't buy a new jock that his looks like it is on its last day. He tells me that if was good enough for his father to win the Heisman it must be good enough for him. My cock stirred knowing that a father and son were sharing the same piece of loincloth. As I insert the thermometer Tom makes this soft moan as he begins to hump the leather chair. I ask him about his classes and he tells me there all fine except biochem, I tell him that my major is actually bioinformatics so if he needs any help I would give him my number and we can go over any trouble he may find. I lightly twist the thermometer around his ass and I notice there is something leaking from his jock, I tell him to arch his back and he seemed quite nervous. Then I realize he has one of the biggest hard ons I have ever seen. I decide to walk away before I explode in my khakis and write his temp on his physical history. He seemed disappointed, may be there is more to this king jock after all. I walk him back to his locker and he types my phone number in his iphone and takes my picture telling me that he is better with faces than with names. I tell him to go home and rest for the entire day and if he feels anything is wrong just call me.

As I pace around the room, I worry if may be I should have given him more lube that I should be getting a frantic call by now. Six o'clock rolls by and my shift ends, and less than five minutes later Tom's number appears on my blackberry. He's telling me how he is sitting in the tub of cold water and that his lower region is really irritated. I ask him what he means by irritated and he tells me that is asshole feels like it is on fire.

He was telling me how he tried to soothe it with ice and he even tried to stick a frozen carrot up his hole. My cock spilled a little precum just thinking of him trying to fuck himself with a carrot, I tell him try a cucumber and that I was on my way to his dorm.

I knock on the door and he yells that the door was open, he says he is in the bathroom and to my amusement he was actually trying to stick a cucumber up his chute. I broke out in this boisterous laugh, telling him I was just joking about the cucumber, his eyes begin to well and he looks genuinely hurt. I immediately sober up and apologize saying I shouldn't have laughed at his expense. I decide to dry him of and carry him to his bed, I told him he might have had an allergic reaction to the lube and I was just going to put some salve on it to relieve the itch. I didn't bother wearing any gloves, I felt like a more personal appeal was needed when handling Tom. I dipped a finger in the cream and slowly inserted it in his ass; I would gently push it all the way in and extend out only leaving the tip of my finger at the opening of his hole. This continued for the next five minutes and then I added another finger, that's when I looked into his eyes as they bulged out not being able to comprehend what was taking place.

I asked him how he felt and only gargled sentences came out of his mouth; I took that as a sign to keep doing whatever I was doing. I reached for his dick and slowly pulled back his foreskin so his precum could drip down to his ball sack. A look of confusion flooded his face, he was telling me that he wasn't gay and that I should stop what I was doing. I ignored his pleas and added another finger to the mix and tightened my grip on his dick. His mind was saying no but his dick would win the fight, I told him to relax that my buddies and I do this all the time when there are no chicks around, that I was just giving him a helping hand.

When I felt like he was about to come, I would slow down the pace of my strokes. I didn't know if I would ever get a chance like this ever again, so I was going to make the best out of it. For thirty minutes I would bring Tom to the brink of orgasm and then clench his balls to deflate his dick. By the forty fifth minute he was warm pudding, he began to beg me to finish him off, I asked him how he felt. He was in another world, I decided to add just one more finger just to see if he could take it, evidently that was too much for his body to take and rope after rope of cum erupted from his cock. He was trying to escape my clutch, his sensitive head was in over drive. I scooped up some of his come from his eight pack and fed it to him; he willingly opened his mouth and began sucking my fingers as if they were two cocks. Every drop of come that landed from his abdomen, chest, even forehead I shoveled in his mouth. That is when I heard Oh MY GODD!! It was fucking Kenny, I had no clue how long he had been standing there but evidently he had seen enough and like a bat out of hell Tom darted for the bathroom. Kenny on he other hand was calling me ever derogatory name under the book from faggot to fucking pedophile; he had this look like he wanted me dead. I just ignored him grabbed my stuff and left thinking what a way to end such a great day. I yelled for Tom saying he could just call me if he needed anything and I told Kenny if he had such a problem he knew where he could find me.

To blow off steam I walked back to my apartment. I couldn't believe what had just happened, that the inspiration of my masturbatory fantasies was able to get off by my hands and that he liked the taste of his own cum wondering if he would like the taste of my own batter . As I unlocked the door to my flat, I felt this sudden push from behind. Kenny had tackled me to the ground and was really wailing on me, that is when myself defense mechanism caved in and I got Kenny in this scissor hold. We wrestled on the ground almost evenly match, but I had the height advantage. I grabbed him by the legs and that's when my hand slipped into his shorts. There homophobic Kenny was sporting a hard on that could cut glass, I laughed and said it looked like I wasn't the only faggot in town. He spat in my face and that only turned me more on, so I grabbed his cock and forced my tongue in his mouth. It was at that moment he melted in my arms, I picked his little ass up carried him to my room and told him I was going to fuck some sense into him. The Italian Stallion had this terrified look in his eyes but I knew what was going to happen next...

To Be Continued...

Email me to let me know if I should continue the love interest with either Kenny or Tom at trepakprince@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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