Dr. Don

Published on Mar 1, 2015



Dr. Don

I have always fantasized about cleaning someone's house in the nude for them. My dream was about to come true.

I was screwing around with dr. Don, a spankologist in the area. I had chickened out a number of times going to him for an good old fashioned spanking. Something kept me from taking the plunge, until I sent him a note, telling him I couldn't do it because of money. Dr. Don fired back, telling me how irresponsible I was and to budget my money, buying booze instead of saving it for the spanking. At first, I was bugged, but as time went on, I became aroused by the lecture .I decided to go for broke and told him I could clean his apartment in exchange for a spanking fee. Two weeks went by before I heard from him. My heart raced as I read his reply:

"I have decided to use you as my cleaning slave. You will make arrangements to come and spend four hours cleaning my apartment. You shall purchase all cleaning supplies. You will be totally nude during cleaning. You will be required to empty my trash to the outside trashcans located in the alley.You may come in contact with various associates of mine during this cleaning period. When you have completed each room, you will approach me and ask to critique your work. If I am not satisfied, I will spank your bare bottom several times and make you continue cleaning that room until I am satisfied. Once all cleaning is completed, we will retreat to my bedroom, where I will perform a one hour spanking session."

I was practically moaning as I read this, my heart was beating fast. I quickly replied back instantly, fearing I would once again chicken out. Almost as fast as I replied, he sent back instructions:

"7 a.m., next Tuesday"

He gave me a complete list of cleaning supplies, plus a rather odd request: a box of steel split rings. I had no idea what they were for, but would find out once I got there.

I bought the supplies that afternoon, and waited impatiently for Tuesday to arrive. I probably slept all of one hour Monday, thinking about what I was getting into. I awoke Tuesday morning around five, showered extensively, and left around six. I wanted to make sure I was there on time.

I arrived at his apartment at six thirty, and waited in my car, thinking about what I was getting into. I had never met this guy before, and I was about to become his temporary slave. Against my better judgement, I opened my car door, grabbed the bag of cleaning supplies, and proceed to the entrance of the apartment. Halfway there, I realized I was waearing my wallet, with my I.D., other photos and credit cards. I walked back, took $300.00 in cash out and stuffed in my pocket, and stuffed the wallet in my glove compartment. Knowing he wouldn't gain access to my identity, I walked across the street to his front door.

I saw his name and number on the directory and pushed the button. After about ten seconds, the buzzer rang and the front door unlocked. I walked in, beginning my journey as slave housecleaner. I could barely breathe. I got in the elevator and hit the second floor button. I suddenly remembered the instruction that I would be required to empty his trash while not wearing clothes. That would mean I would either have to take the elevator or take the stairs. I suddenly wondered what potential danger I was putting myself into. While I was more and more apprehensive about the whole idea, my cock was throbbing. Not exactly hard, but I could feel the blood rush.

I came to his apartment and saw the door was ajar. I timidly knocked, focusing more on my breathing. I heard Dr. Don tell me to come in and shut the door. I obeyed and saw him. Dr. Don was about sixty, slight in build and balding. Smiling, he told me to lock the door. I wasn't sure whether to do as he said, or drop the supplies and race the hell out of there. After what seemed to be an eternity, I decided to lock the door. Now I was his.

"Lets see if you brought the right things", he said, and took the bag from me. Fortunately, I purchased the right goods. While rifling through the materials, he asked about the split rings. I told him they were in the bottom. Reaching down, he found them, and smiled when he held them up.

"Do you know what these are for?" I shook my head. He let out a gutteral cough and said nothing. I wasn't sure what sinister plan he had for me at this point. Still time to bail, I thought, standing in front of my soon to be Master.

Dr. Don gave me instructions. "Go in the bedroom, strip and fold your clothes carefully. You will see a drawer open that is completely empty. Put all of your clothes, including your wedding band in the drawer and close it. You may wear your glasses, but nothing else. Once you are nude, come back out here and see me."

This was it, make or break. My chest was beating like a war drum. Again, against my better judgement and morals, I obeyed him and proceeded to his bedroom. His sanctuary, so to speak. Once in there, I saw the open drawer. It made me feel extremely horny. I began to undress. I almost moaned out loud thinking that he would see me nude, and I would be his property for four hours. I hadn't even thought of the spanking part. Once I had all my clothes off, I made sure to fold them perfectly, and put them in the drawer. Closing the drawer, I realized he was playing with my head. This was all psychological. With each of his requests, I was losing more and freedom.

Once nude, I glanced at myself in his full length mirror. Here I was, no longer who I was before, but in a moment, his nude slave. I would not be able to defend myself, or argue if I felt I was right. I was now his. The humiliation level should have higher for me, but it wasn't. I was even excited to expose my smooth crotch, shaved smooth two weeks ago, and growing much slower that I anticipated.

I slowly opened the door and walked down the hallway. I could hear him talk on his cell phone. As I walked to the front room, I saw him facing the open window, chatting with a friend. As he spoke with him, he slowly turned around and faced me. As Dr Don talked on the phone, he slowly eyed me from head to toe. At one point, he motioned for me to turn around. Placing his hand on the receiver, he ordered me to bend over and spread my legs. I did so and remained that way for another five minutes until he ended his conversation. When he hung up, he told me to stand up and turn around, facing him.

"Thank you for coming, I really appreciate it. You told me you were good at cleaning, you had better live up to it."

I quivered with instant fear, thinking of a million things he could do to me. He pulled a chair up, and put his head in front of my belly, staring at my hairless cock. "Tell me again why you shaved your bush?", he inquired. Embarrassed, I told him it turned me on to shave myself. "It's a symbol of submission", he explained. "you look so normal with no pubes". Dr. Don had told me had no interest in my having no pubic hair, but suddenly he was quite interested. He stared for a moment, then barked, "Go get the box of split rings". Iwent to the kitchen table and returned with the box. While I held the box, he reached in, grabbed one, and took the tip of my penis, slipped it over the head. Once past my cockhead, he slid the ring up to the end of the shaft. "Perfect fit!",he proudly proclaimed, and repeated the action five more time. I dick looked like some tribal ritual had been performed. "Each time you have successfully cleaned a room, you will receive five more rings. There are six rooms in this apartment. You will eventually have thirty rings on that puny thing you proudly call a dick".

He gave me instructions on cleaning the front room, dust and vacuum. I began my chores and tried to pace myself. I carefully removed all knicknacks from his shelves and dusted everything. I vacuumed every square inch of his carpet and entryway. He watched me the whole time, as I thought he would. this wasn't so bad, and I was really turned on at this point. He toldmeto take the vacuum nozzle and clean under the couch. I got on my hands and knees and put my face to the floor to see under the couch. I realized this exposed my asshole to him for the first time. I wanted him to see it, and playfully and delicately waved by bottomto him while I pretended to scour the underside of the carpet. After cleaning the entire front room, I approached him, thinking I had done a decent job.

He grinned. "oh no, dear boy, you need to clean the window." The window faced the adjoining apartment, and there were windows facing it. the window was about four feet off the floor, but if I cleaned the top of the window, I would be exposed. facing a possible spanking, I took the window cleaner and paper towel, and began to wash the window.

Now someone might be able to see me, someone who didn't understand the scenario. I fumbled at the glass, and dropped the towel. I cleaned from the bottom, working my way up. I finally summoned all the courage I had, and on my tip toes, reached up and washed the top section. I was totally vulnerable, and was loving every moment of it. I felt like a piece of cheap goods.

When I was finished, I looked at him for approval. He motioned me over with his finger and sat on the chair again. He gave me the box of split rings and took five more out, sliding them up. I now was wearing ten rings. It was a surreal feeling. He looked up at me and smiled, saying I did a good job and would not be spanked. Instead, he took his hand and caressed my left butt cheek. I knew I was being hypnotized by his power. I did nothing but allow him to touch me.

Dr. Don stopped and told me it was time for the hallway. That took hardly any time, except for cleaning the ceiling light. I did a good job, however and was rewarded five more rings. My cock was almost half covered, and longer than normal, due to the stretching.

Next was the kitchen. I had a feeling Dr. Don left it messy on purpose, for the dishes were not done, food was left out, and the trash was overflowing. The counters and sink were not a problem, but the trash meant that I would have to empty it, and that meant going outside. I soon made everything sparkle, and show Dr. my progress. He noticed my work, and glanced at the trash. "What about that?",he asked, pointing to it. I nodded, picked up the canister, and walked to the door. I could not believe I was actually going to walk outside, possibly having someone see me stark naked. I just hoped traffic would be light. He opened the door for me, and I went outside. Dr. Don laughed, shut the door, and even locked it. I was stuck. I was so nervous that I shook. I decided to get it over with as soon as I could, and walked away. Luckily, no one was in the apartment courtyard, and I easily made my way to the garbage bin. I emptied the trash, and hurridly made my way back, using the canister to cover me. When I opened the gate to get back in the courtyard, I was shocked to see two men coming out. I had nowhere to run or hide and I just froze there. After their initial shock, they both got devilish grins on their faces. "Friend of Dr Don's?", one asked. I nodded my head. The other said, "Let's see your rings". I then realized the rings were his little gimmick, his way of marking his property. I removed the can and exposed my genitals. "Whoa, look how many rings he has" One crouched down and counted them. "Dr. Don must like you!". Then he asked, "I didn't know he shaved them first. Did he shave you?" I felt flushed with arousal when I told them I shaved myself. I was telling these total strangers my deepest secrets. They began to walk away when one glanced back and told me, "You'll love his spankings. Have fun faggot!"

What seemed like an eternity was finally over. I got back inside the hallway, up the stairs (I didn't dare take the elevator) and back to his door. I tried the handle and did find out he really did lock the door. I knocked and didn't hear anything. I knocked again and thought the worst; he either went out, or he has decided to leave me outside. I knocked again, harder. Finally, he spoke.

"Who is it?"

"It's me, can you please let me in?"


I suddenly realized he was playing games. "It's your housecleaner, Sir"

"Which housecleaner? I have several"

I could actually visualize his sadistic grin. I knew I was finished. I gave in and declared, "Your nude housecleaner, Sir"

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you"


With that, the next door opened and an older woman peeked her head out, and saw me. She started for a while, gave me a little smile, then licked her lips. The level of humiliation was overwhelming. I prayed I would never see her again.

As her door shut, Dr. Don's opened, and I quickly ran in. As embarrassing that experience was, it was also exhilarating. I looked down and was surprised to find I had a full erection. I hadn't even noticed, but now that I saw it, I could feel the split rings felling tight around my swollen shaft. He saw it too.

"Like that, did you?", he pondered. "yes, Sir, I guess I did", I answered. His smile left his face. "I heard you talking to someone, who was it?', he demanded. I told him I didn't know who they were, but they knew him. "I didn't want you to chat, you had work to do", he lectured.i stood there as he berated me, but my hard on didn't subside. In fact, it got harder. "You like this? Maybe you would like to be punished for this" I just stood there, frozen, wondering what he would do next. What he did do next was to grab my arm, and walk me over to the dining room table. "Lean over and grab the sides of the table. Spread your legs". I obeyed and did so. With that, he gave me ten sharp, fast whacks across each butt cheek. It hurt like hell, and made me moan out loud. He enjoyed my whimpering, and stood behind me, silent, while my whimpering segued to heavy breathing. The feeling turned from pain to pleasure, and he knew I was his. I knew he could also see my exposed asshole. I was so turned on at this point, I thought I was going to cum. With my ass still stinging, he ordered me to put the canister back in the kitchen, put a new bag in, and proceed to the bathroom.

At that point, I became conscious that Dr. Don had turned up the heat in his place. As I walked past the thermostat, I saw the temperature was 95 degrees. No wonder I was sweating. Dr. Don's shirt was soaking wet. It felt good on my naked body, especially after being out in the cold exterior. The bathroom was bigger than I expected for an apartment. Being an older establishment, all the rooms except the kitchen were larger than normal. The bathroom had a shower, and a tub, with a long counter and two sinks beside the toilet. I was given instructions for cleaning the bathroom: First the sinks, then the counter, the tub, shower and finally the toilet. I obeyed and went to work. Cleaning the front room, the hallway and the kitchen was stimulating enough, but there was something really provoking about the bathroom. This was where Dr. Don groomed himself. It was his personal sanctuary and here I was, nude in the same room with him. He sat himself down on the toilet while I worked. I loved cleaning for him. I felt so slutty performing for him. It felt like months since I took my clothes off and put them in his drawer. I never wanted to wear anything ever again. I'm pretty sure he detected it as well.

When I got to the toilet, I had a raging erection. This was the most personal piece of furniture of his, and I was about to become intimate with it. I knelt, and taking the brush and cleaner, began to scour it. What made it even more arousing was he had not been very tidy, and had left some yellow spots on it. The pig in me wanted to ditch the brush and clean it with my tongue., but I figured since he had said no sexual activity would take place, he would not allow it, and I would certainly abide.

I was wrong. When I finished, I stood up, say I was finished. Instead, he stared at me, then looked down at the toilet. "You think it's clean?". I nodded my head. He looked back at me, then back down. "If you think it's clean, then you wouldn't mind giving it the tongue test". I thought my mind was playing tricks on me. It was as if he knew my sinful thoughts. With that, I got back down on my knees, wrapped my arms around the bowl, and put my head down. I then stuck out my tongue, and began to lick the porcelain. I stuck my ass out and spread my legs, so he had a full view of my quivering asshole. I licked the commode, praying I would find dried piss. When I bent down to lick the base of the bowl, I found a spot. I went after I like I hadn't eaten in days. Then it happened. Not able to control myself, I came. My load shot out about two feet and splat on the tile. The ejaculation seemed to last forever. I just kept cumming. When I finished, I looked up at him, to see him shake his head, and express deep disgust.

"Oh, now what did I say? I said there would be no sexual activity. What you just did is strictly prohibited. You do know what will happen, don't you?". I nodded my head, stood up, grabbed the counter and spread my legs. He picked up the toilet brush, and began to paddle me with it. He didn't just restrict the paddling to my ass, he gave my thighs the same treatment. I felt like my skin was falling off. The pain was excruciating. For the first time, I began to cry, and began to feel euphoric. The spanking no longer was painful, but was now delightful. I was actually miserable when he stopped.

Now, you won't do that again", he ordered. I wanted to shake my head and tell him I would a million more times in front of him, but didn't dare. Instead, I nodded my head, and plead eternal loyalty. I even bowed my head. He smiled a little, then muttered, "Clean up your mess". I knew what he meant. No tissues would I be using. Instead, I got on my hands and knees, and put my face to the floor. In my entire life, I have always had a desire to eat my own jizz, but when it came right down to it, I always turned coward. This made it even more arousing. I bent down, stared at it for a second, then began to lap it up. It was indeed salty like I thought, but since I had been juicing for a few days, it had a real sweet flavor as well. Plus the fact I was committing this wanton act in front of Dr. Don was all the more exciting. I made sure I licked every ounce. The thought of cleaning his tile floor with my tongue was the cherry on the sundae. I was in slave heaven.

When he was satisfied, he led me into his bedroom. I was ordered to change the sheets on his bed. Knowing the landscape of his apartment, I knew he didn't have a washer and dryer inside, which meant I probably would have to make another trip outside. Howver, this time, I was not nearly as nervous as before. "Down the hall, first door on your left, you'll see the sign. Warm wash, warm rinse" Handing me the detergent, I left the bedroom through the hallway and front room, and out the door again. I was hoping I would run into someone this time, but to no avail. I did as instructed, and walked back, slowly. This time, Dr. Don had left the door open.

I walked back in to find him waiting in the front room, like he was going totell me something. I walked past him, back into the bedroom, almost like I lived there. Being nude in front of him suddenly seemed so normal. When I came back into the bedroom, I saw the drawer where my clothes were was open, and empty, except for my keys and the money I was going to give him. My jaw opened and I stared at him. He chuckled and said, "They're safe, don't worry." For some reason, his words calmed me. I then continued to clean his bedroom. Dusting, vacuuming, tidying. I noticed on his nightstand he had several pictures of nude men, full frontal, with bar code tattoos above their penises. I looked at him, puzzled, and he stated, "Just friends". I shrugged, and finished cleaning. I waved my hand around the room to see if he was happy with my work, and was relieved to see him nod his head. "I think you're ready for your spanking. Once you make my bed, we'll get started.

I couldn't have made a bed any faster than I did, but I made sure i made a military quality slumber pad for him. I was ready for his spanking, so hungry for it I could barely stand it. While I made the bed, he changed clothes. He completely stripped nude in front of me, so casually it stunned me. He then put on leather pants, a black tank top, and flip flops. He looked so butch. I stood there, waiting for his command. Once he was dressed, and the bed was made, he leaned over it, propped up the pillows and sat down on it, leaning back on the pillows and the headboard. He patted his leg, and motioned me over. This was it, the spanking I dreamed about for six months. I knelt on the bed, crawled over his lap and laid down, straddling the bed sideways. His leather pants against my bare skin made it seem like we were one.

He rubbed my buttocks and began to talk. "When was the last time you had an over the knee spanking?" I answered, "when I was nine, Sir". He responded, caressing me, "What did you do to deserve that spanking?". I told him I didn't remember. He then lifted his hand up, and brought it down with great force. The slap was a total shock, and caused me to gasp. "Try to remember, you little shit". I didn't say anything, and got two more licks. Desperate, I tried to make something up. "I stole a cookie, Sir!", humiliated of my crime. He rubbed my cheeks again, and told me I deserved a good long spanking for all the sins I had committed since my last spanking. As I laid on his lap, I thought I truly was sinful, and thanked him for spanking me. I actually wanted to be spanked from him.

His spanks were quick and forceful. He would spank five times in a row, fast and furious. Inbetween, he would gently rub and tell me how guilty I was. He told me I could never have alcohol again. I swore to him I would never touch it, and believed myself. I was surprised his endurance, that he never showed any fatigue in spanking me. After a half hour of punishment, he told me to stand up and go stand in the corner of his bedroom, while he took a break. He took a photo of my red bottom with his cell phone and showed it to me. He said he was going to post it on his website. The idea of my nude crimson bottom shown to the universe aroused me greatly.

He left the room and came back ten minutes later and told me to get back on the bed, on my hands and knees, my knees close to the foot of the bed. He spread my legs apart so my hole was in full view. Dr. Don placed his forefinger and thumb to form a circle around the top of my scrotum, and closed up, squeezing my balls. I was literally in his hands at this point. I knew his punishment would be severe. What I hadn't realized until up to this point, that he had hypnotized me slowly from the time I go there until now. I was under his control and power by now.

He not only spanked my butt, but the back of my legs too. The stinging felt like hot water was poured on me. Everyso often, I started down at my penis, which still had the rings on, dangling with every belt he administered. At one point, I really didn't want the thrashing to ever end. It had such a sexual feeling. I hoped to cum again, so he would punish me even more, but that didn't happen. Dr. Don had to have realized I was turned, due to the fact I once again had a full raging hard on.

Finally, he stopped spanking me and said I was finished. He massaged my back, and buttocks while I stayed on my hands and knees. The throbbing was unbelievable. I was not in any pain at all. In fact, I felt like I was cumming, it felt so good. Dr. Don asked how I felt, and I told him. He smiled, and said I would be back, that he hooked me on a new drug, the drug of endomorphines. I thanked him and got up.

Looking at the empty drawer where my clothes once was brought me back to reality. I asked Dr. Don where they were. He smiled, then laughed and said they were at a neighbor's apartment next door and if I wanted them, we wouldwalk over and get them. Half scared, half turned on, I nodded my head. I wasn't in any hurry to get dressed anyway. Then he asked me a question that I was not prepared to answer.

Pointing at the pictures of the nude men with the bar codes, he told me, "Those aren't really friends of mine. Those are my slaves. Men who answered my ad for spanking, fell in love with my punishing them, and willfully becoming my slaves. They lead their own lives, but when I summon them for punishment, they come running to me. Would you have any desire to become my slave? You definitely seem like slave material. If so,you may reply by saying nothing, but kneel in front of me, to show eternal obedience."

My ass was still on fire, but I felt drunk from the discipline he gave me. I wasn't sure of what I was even doing at this point, but something in me wanted to be his slave. Without realizing it, I knelt in front of him. I looked down at my ring laden penis, saw precum oozing out. That had never happened before.

Dr. Don walked over to me, and took a leash out of his pocket. He placed it around my neck and buckled it. I was slave material. He ordered me to stand and told me to follow him. I quickly obeyed, the wave of submission overwhelming. He went to the kitchen counter and gave me a contract to sign. Without reading it, I signed it and gave it back. Dr. Don hugged me and welcomed me into his new family. I felt warm and protected. He then told me to lay on the kitchen table. As I laid there, I heard him make a phone call.

"Hi, it's me. Good news! We have a new slave. I'm going to prep him, then we'll be over".

My mind was racing at this point. Who was he talking to, and where were we going? What have I done? My brain didn't have time to calculate anything when he came back into the room with a jug of liquid. He held the back of my neck and told me to drink. I obeyed, and must have had a full gallon of whatever I was drinking. It was bland and room temperature. "this will take effect in about fifteen minutes. We'll shave you in the meantime." With a new razor, noshaving cream, my body was quickly smooth in minutes. I touched my body and it was slippery. "you will shave yourself daily", ha announced. Then, he took a stamp out of the drawer, inked it, and stamped the area direcly above my shaved cock, where my bush once was. While the ink was still wet, he aimed an ultra violet light at it, until it dried. "This will last a year". It was official. I was now catalogued.

Dr. Don opened the door, and motioned for me to follow. I walked out just in time for another neighbor to walk past us. "Hi Don, new slave?" I felt like a piece of property, or like a pet.

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