Downtown Girls

By Barry Jones

Published on May 31, 2024


Downtown Girls Chapter 1

**All rights reserved by the author,****. This is a work of fiction.  All the usual laws, provisos, and rules apply.**

Downtown Girls -1-

A Day at the Office  

Elena Aguilar stepped out of the front door of her two-flat on a street off of Fullerton Ave. in Chicago and walked to the train stop three blocks away. She was chewing gum and listening to "Honey" by Kehlani from her "Love" playlist through her earbuds.

She was on a high from the morning sex with her girlfriend Penelope, and she was definitely in the mood for something sweet. Something to recall the moment that she came in her girlfriend's mouth when engaged in morning sex forty-five minutes ago.

She and Penelope had been together for a year now and the sex was a B+ in her book. Elena was twenty-five now, having come out to her Hispanic family (through her mother) five years ago as a freshman at DePaul. She was living the dream. She was on top of the world with a great job, a darling girlfriend, a new car, and a posh apartment.

She was well-turned-out for her position as a systems analyst in (white) skinny jeans and a (black) front-buttoned shirt which she purchased on Aspire.

Her company, a hip consumer services start-up, was growing quickly. She'd had a promotion to Senior System Analyst, and now had four people reporting to her. Her office was in the Merchandise Mart, a destination address in the Chicago Loop.

"Wow girl, if you keep on dressing that way I may become straight," said Lance, her gay right-hand man.

"Ha ha, sorry, I'll still be gay," said Elena. "And I'm not into those weird L.A. relationships, like some of those on The L Word. But, thanks for the compliment."

Her company was hiring two to three new people a week. Most of them are gay, and most of them are fun and quirky. Today was a Thursday, which meant she was going to lead an open house for new hires at 4:00. It was partly marketing, a way to introduce potential hires to their company's culture.

Toward the end of the day, Lance dropped by her office and asked her if she had time to meet with a candidate. Although Elena was trying to respond to an executive's email, she acquiesced.

New Hire Makes a Splash

When Jules Barton walked into her office she was not prepared for the wave of sexual excitement that washed over her. For Jules had on the same Anatomie shirt that she did, only a periwinkle purple, which, with the black skinny jeans, took her breath away. She was a twenty-two-year-old out lesbian, with thick blond hair and a side cut. Elena's gaydar was pinging loudly.

"Nice to meet you, Jules," said Elena. "Have a seat. I love your shirt, by the way. I got mine on Anatomie; they have my style of clothing and give great service." She was thinking that she would like to give "great service" to Jules.

"Same here," said Jules, in a husky voice. "And yours looks great on you, I must say."

Elena graciously took the compliment and swirled it around in her head. She was 5'8" and 125 lbs. with jet-black hair that seemed to shimmer blue highlights in the sunlight coming through her window. She was a lesbian's dream.

They nerded out on hard drives, frameworks, and Ruby on Rails and, before she knew it, it was 5:00. She walked with Jules to the bar/restaurant where the company's mid-level executives would be entertaining the new hires and the candidates just north of the Merchandise Mart.

Elena excused herself to go to the powder room, but Jules said she had to go too.

Realizing that the bathroom was empty except for the two of them, Elena turned to Jules, saying

"My god, I want to fuck you girlfriend," said Elena. "From the moment I saw you..." She could not finish the sentence as Jules stepped in to kiss her.

Elena, while still locked into the kiss with Jules, backed into the stall behind them. They closed the door and both began to reach for the other's pussy.

"Mother of god, your pussy is already leaking," said Elena, her voice quivering with lust.

"Yours too. Here, taste some," said Jules, while lifting out of Elena's panties the soaked digits. She offered them to Elena, who grabbed them and lifted them to her mouth, slowly.

"I am swampy wet. And God, I do taste good," Elena said. "Let's both swap our wetness." First, she fed Jules her pussy juice and then reached into her steaming love box to pull out a sample for her. Jules followed suit.

"I love the taste of pussy. I guess that you like it too. Yes?"

"Oh, fuck yes. Especially of a blonde that I just met."

Jules held her hand over her mouth, laughing silently at Elena's quick retort.

"Here, you sit on the toilet Elena and I'll fuck you," said Jules. Elena, her future boss, was eager to comply. Both the girls got out of their pants and panties and hung them on the hook on the door.

Putting some toilet paper under her knees, Jules got to work right away. Suddenly, they heard two girls walk directly to the handicap stall. They both heard the quiet,

"I've got a strapon in my purse. I was especially horny this morning."

"Get it out and fuck me." There was a zipper unzipped and the other telltale signs of horny women.

Jules looked at Elena but couldn't silence her laugh.

The two women in the end stall laughed in reply.

"Oh God, it's so fucking nasty," whispered Elena. "But, we're sexy too, you dyke."

Jules took a few seconds to inspect Elena's shaven pussy and blew a warm breath across it. There was a big drop of clear nectar at the entrance to her sex which she licked, savoring the essence of her lover. Then she took a long lick from Elena's ass to the top of her clit. Everything about Elena was "as advertised," and she proceeded to devour her.

Jules put her mouth over her pussy, and then with her right thumb jilled her clit, keeping a constant beat. Her left hand went for her breasts, massaging them and playing with the nipples. Elena had opened right up to her new lover.

They were too focused on each other to hear the banging going on in the handicap stall.

"You are so wet. I love it," said Jules. "Thslurpp, thlsurpp." She loved the taste of pussy, warm, wet, sticky pussy.

"Oohhhh, God, keep it going, you lesbo whore," said Elena. "Aahhhh, you do that so well." The nasty words flowing from her future bosses were the voices of angels to Jules.

She kept her eye on her watch, as she was expected to make a short speech at 5:30. It was now 5:15. She brought her knees up to Jules' head, and squeezed them.

"Shit, there's nothing like exciting bathroom sex with a hot new lover," Elena mumbled. Jules was at it, still eating her cunt, still massaging Elena's tits.

Suddenly Elena felt a finger probing the area of her asshole. She coughed, and said to herself,

"Oh god, I just met her and she's already jilling my ass. Aahhhh, Oohhhh."

And with that, Jules dipped her middle finger in her asshole, causing Elena to explode.

"Mmyyyy, mmyyyy ass, I'm cumming". And a mixture of cum and piss erupted from her sex, spraying Jules right in the face. Elena was wasted, but not tired. She held Jules in her arms and kissed her in post-coital bliss.

"How'd we do?" said her wet dream, Jules.

"Fine, just fine. We're right on time. Let's clean up and get out of here." They were at the mirror, and Elena tilted her watch which read, 5:27. Perfect.

They were still hearing "shispow" in the last stall, that slapping together of each woman's skin. They took a second to enjoy the sound. Even though Elena just got off, she turned to Jules and said,

"If we didn't have to be somewhere, I'd go knock on the stall door, wouldn't you?"

"Fuck yes, in a heartbeat. I guess they don't have a speech to give," said Jules. "Bless them."

They left the women's bathroom and made their way to the back of the restaurant. There, a gathering of twenty people awaited Elena.

"First, let me say that I've now met all of you, and I want to welcome you to Aspire," looking around the room. But she only had eyes for Jules. Jules, Jules, Jules.

Queens of Chicago

Jules got the job and began on Elena's team. Two Fridays hence, they had their twice-monthly happy hour, this time at a hot club just over the river to the South of the Mart. After making the rounds and checking in with everyone, Elena settled at the end of the table, next to Jules. The other two lesbians on her team looked at each other and smiled, for Jules and Elena had the casual style of lesbians in love.

"I like your idea of the "rush me" button on the ordering page. After all, we're known for service," said Elena.

She truly appreciated the quick impact Jules was having in Aspire.

"I showed a mockup to the executive team and they immediately loved it. Of course, they wanted the pricing and debated if we should mark it up. But it was the shortest meeting I've ever been in with the team, and the CEO gave me a thumbs up."

"Thanks. And you're better than Senior Systems Analyst," said Jules. "I think you ought to be a VP by now."

"This is Chicago. You know, conservative Midwest. My time will come."

"Anyway, I saw that on another website and loved the idea. Do you know, on average, it costs only five dollars more for UPS to get my order the next day."

"Yes. So, what are you doing this weekend?"

"Whatever you're doing, hopefully." Elena couldn't get over how Jules presented, so professional, so polished, and so edible.

"Well, Penelope is going home for the weekend."

"Great. Let's start with dinner, and end the evening at my place. I live alone, in the Marina City apartments. How does that sound?"

"Just magical, my love."

They stayed for another hour, making eyes at each other and holding hands under the table. When the last of the Aspire employees shuffled off for the evening, the two love birds got up and walked to the corner booth. Face to face, leg over leg, their hands in each other's hand on the table, they were recognized by all who saw them as two lesbian lovers. They had command of the entire restaurant and loved that they were lesbians in a huge city in 2023. They ordered another drink and watched the place slowly fill up for the dinner hour from their regal position.

"I wonder what that girl does. You know, the one by herself at the end of the bar. Do you think she's a hooker?"

"I don't know. Either a hooker or a lesbian, like us. Have you gotten a hooker before?"

"Yes, but just once. I wanted to get the experience. It was nothing special."

"I'd like to do that, just once like you. Just to have the experience. Maybe we could do it together some time."

"Tell me about your coming out, and I'll tell you about mine."

"Well, I'd always been touch-feely with girls, and in sixth grade I had my first girl go down on me," said Jules. "She was a neighborhood girl named Brooke, and she was really cute. I had started puberty early, but she had to, and already had C Cups. We lived in Palatine and her family had a tree fort.

"After school one day she just did it. I was pretty shocked but I loved it, and I reciprocated. I fell in love with pussy that afternoon. I'm a gold-star lesbian, for whatever that's worth. That made high school a little weird, with guys hitting on me.

"About three years later I told my mom. I don't remember. I think it was the summer between ninth and tenth grades. Of course, she had known for some time that I was into girls, so it came as no surprise to her. I came out to my dad and everyone else six months later. It was no big deal, although truly a "sweaty palms" moment for me.

"In college, I was more monogamous. You know, serial girlfriends. Then I moved to Chicago and took the job with Aspire, effectively cutting ties with my casual girlfriend in Ann Arbor. It was time to move on."

"That's so sweet, Jules, especially how things were in high school. I can totally relate. How do you like Aspire so far?"

"It's great, but my boss is a little over the top?"

"Over the top? How so?"

"I'm just kidding. I'll take her, over or under or sideways, he he. Listen, I know I'm assertive. But how did we end up together? I was ready for some greasy guy as my manager. Instead, I got you, the up-and-coming lesbian dreamboat; it must be fate. Well, how about you, darling? What's your story?"

"I was a little grabby as a kid," said Elena. "You know, always grabbing my girlfriends. But by the time I was ten, some of the girls began developing. I was mystified as to why not me. But my time came the next year, and with it came a desire to be naked with my girlfriends, to touch them, to kiss them.

"I was to find out that Latino girls develop early. There were four of us in the neighborhood, and soon we were having sleepovers and exploring one another's bodies. To make a long story a little shorter, I came out to my mom when I was thirteen. Like your mom, she knew that I loved girls. She didn't fight it but accepted me for who I am. She told me to keep it quiet for a couple of years, but go on loving the girls. I came out to my dad in the middle of high school. He was cool too, but I think we wore him down, ha ha."

"That's just so gay, my girlfriend," said Jules.

"I've been gay for 10 years; never had a man. It keeps getting better honey, doesn't it? I wouldn't trade my life for anyone's."

The two slowly paid their tab and walked to Marina City, a few blocks away. Walking hand in hand, Jules asked Elena how committed to Penelope she was. She said they had an open relationship; she knew that Penelope was promiscuous. This was good news for Jules.

"I've been waiting for a girl like you, to come into my life," said Elena. "I have to say you've swept me off my feet. Your style, your assertiveness. You've got it. You're the It Girl."

Jules squeezed Elena's hand but didn't respond right away. She brought the hand close to her face and inspected it briefly. "Such smooth skin, such healthy nails, such venous hands. You're going to live a long life. Hopefully with me."

Elena was swept up in the moment and started to weep.

"Hey, now that's OK Elena," said Jules. "Now, now."

"You too have such beautiful, healthy hands," said Elena. "I know what your pussy, your breasts look like too: they should be in paintings, so pretty. Your face is so wildly beautiful. Please say you have a bad habit or two."

"All I do is drink a little. And make love a lot. That would be all I can think of. Oh, and my assertiveness gets me into trouble sometimes. That may be why I'm still single. But I long to be tamed, by a woman. That is you, Elena. I've met you in my dreams."

Jules' Apartment

They reached Marina City and took the elevator to the 15th floor. On the way up Jules kissed her hard, and Elena responded by grabbing her ass and walking her into the mirror. Her tongue bathed Jules' face, her mouth. When the door opened, two gay men, Jules' next-door neighbors, laughed at the women. With their hair a mess, it was obvious what they'd been up to in the elevator shaft.

"Well, well, what do we have here," said the first one, a blond god. "Looks like Jules has found her girl."

"Yep," said Jules. "And excuse us, fellas." And they ran off laughing to her apartment. There was such beauty and sex surrounding the two girls, that the second man had a brief moment of questioning his gayness, which he struggled to suppress. Ooh la la!

Jules struggled with the keys as Elena rubbed her pussy aggressively through her pants.

"He he he, can you wait until we get inside?" said Jules.

"Fuck no, I can't wait. I want you so much darling. Let's do it in the hallway!" She broke down, laughing hysterically.

Just then the door sprang open, but not from the key. It just opened on its own and Jules and Elena tumbled inside. Elena immediately started to undress as Jules shut and locked the door.

"Fuck," she said, as she tried to keep up with Elena. A second later they were both undressing in the foyer, with Jules and Elena unbuttoning the shirts of each other, slowly.

There was no roommate to be concerned with, and the two vixens clawed at one another. Elena went down on her new girlfriend right there and the taste was as good as advertised. She could not get enough and Jules was leaking into her mouth.

Jules backed to the wall, and Elena went with her, her mouth attached to Jules' big-girl pussy, her tongue slurping the magic slit, her thumb jilling Jules' big clit.

"Oh god, I'm cumming," said Jules. "Oh, Aahhhh, Aahhhh." Her mind ached as she tried to remember a girl being so consumed with lust giving her head. It was so fucking good.

"This is why I am a lesbian," Jules thought and prayed to Jesus that she continue. "Fuck all the gay pride shit. I have what I need right here."

Elena did keep going. Sensing her friend nearing completion, she put her head down and licked and slurped until Jules had a sloppy orgasm.

"I'm done. I need to sit down," said Jules. Elena got up and guided her to a chair. Jules slouched in the chair, and for a minute, just sat silently. Elena picked up their shirts and put one around Jules' shoulders and the other on hers.

She looked at her lover. "Ah, Elena. What a beautiful name! Let's get married; I want you for my wife."

"Are you serious? I love you too, and sex is going to be great. But I barely know you, and you hardly know me. Let me at least visit your family and have you visit mine."

"That goes without saying," said Jules. "But I'd sell my soul to win you for a wife."

Elena was astonished by Jules' last words. `Sell my soul.'

"Oh man, she's so serious. But I love her too, in fact, I'm madly in love."

"How old are you, Jules?"

"Twenty-four. Just turned twenty-four. I was on the five-year plan at school."

"You seem a lot older than me. I'm twenty-five. I'll be twenty-six in a couple of months. I don't know if I can keep up with you, sexually. It scares me."

"Oh heck, I'm a pussy cat, a puppy dog."

"You're sure about that?"

"I do have one secret. I belong to a rather exclusive women's organization. It's called `Elite Femmes' and it's a lesbian hookup platform. It's pretty pricy−$1000 a year. What they offer is a dating service for girls who are traveling to New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Sydney, London, Paris et cetera. Either alone or with a companion."

"Interesting for sure," said Elena. "Do they come to your door? Or, do you meet them somewhere and bring them back here."

"Right. I usually meet them at a restaurant. We have lunch or dinner, and then we adjourn to my apartment." Jules waved her hand, indicating the apartment. Since this was the first time she'd seen Jules' digs, Elena took a second to look around. The word that came to mind was "posh." It was perfect.

"I know what it is," said Elena, referring to Jules' assertiveness. "You're just so verbal. You have a way with words that I love, but that I'm still getting used to."

"My mother laughs at me and my words, but I've been this way since I was a kid. She says I should write poetry. Ha! Little did she know when she said this I had already written some: a lot of free verse, a few sonnets, a few villanelles. All kinds of rhyming schemes. I'll let you read it if you want."

"I love poetry and I know I'll love yours. Do you have it handy?"

Jules went to the bookshelves above her desk and pulled out a leather notebook from the leftmost place. It said, "Poems, Prayers, and Promises" on the title page, and she gave it to Elena. Then she went to the bathroom and the kitchen while Elena read. She was gone, maybe ten minutes, when Elena called out to her:

"I think I understand `I want to marry you' now," said Elena. "I thought for a minute there you were some kind of flighty lesbian. Now I know you a lot better after reading the poems, especially, `The Wife.' There is a lot of depth to your soul. And the prayers. I felt like I was in a beautiful church on a retreat."

"Thank you," said Jules. "We all have poetry in us; some of us write it down. Anyway, there's a lot of vetting of the girls and a lot of security around the website," said Jules. "It's a chance to meet delicious women from all points of the globe. I've had several here, and I've travelled around the world, meeting people. It's been nothing short of fabulous so far. It's really about the women−they are out of this world. All of them are winners. Here, I'll show the app."

Jules got on her iPad and brought up the service. Then she handed the iPad to Elena and went back to the kitchen and made some coffee for her and Elena. She got a few things for their breakfast, knowing that Elena loved fruit and nuts for breakfast.

"They're beautiful," said Elena, loud enough for Jules to hear. "85% of them, and the rest are, well, good-looking. You know the type. You wouldn't kick them out of bed for eating crackers, ha ha."

"That's right," said Jules from the kitchen. "I've sampled a couple of the plainer girls. They both looked better in person and they have killer bods. And they were such good fucks. I met them in Australia."

Elena had looked at girls from the U.S., and girls from her native Mexico. She wondered where they were hiding, the American women. Page after page of the sweetest of honeys. She was getting worked up over them, and she went to her Michael Kors clutch purse and got her phone out. She brought up a steamy headshot of herself and laid it side by side with the girls, presumably rich girls, from Mexico. She scrolled, feeling better about herself. She was in their league. "God dammit, so fine, so thoroughly fuckable these women," she thought.

Jules brought the coffee pot and two mugs to the bedroom and went to retrieve the breakfast. "I said I would use the service until I tired of it. But, I'm hooked, and I believe you will be too. I've promised some of the couples that I would have a wife the next time."

Elena felt the world was opening up to her, with a beautiful jet-setting girlfriend. London, Paris, Sydney. Damn.

"I'm not going to marry anyone on the spur of the moment," said Elena. "What I will do is move in with you, if you'll have me. And I do want to get married, too."

"100% I'll have you," Jules said. "We're sort of pre-engaged then. What is that called, betrothal?"

"I don't think it's called anything, but we can name it. Let's think about it and come up with a name. It should be a verb though. Like `fuck'," she giggled. "In a month or two I'll, er, we'll know, about whether or not we'll get married. My gut is telling me you're the one for me. But it's saying to slow you down. Just a bit. He he."

"You're right, just a bit," said Jules. "And oh, I love the `one for me.' You're the one for me, little old me. I just want you to know that." She was now sitting in Elena's chair, one arm around her shoulders, the other holding her face. Kissing her with little busses. Face, eyes, lips, nose, and ears. Elena had never felt anything like it.

"Ha, that's a pile of bull. `Little old me.' You have the biggest and strongest ego I've ever seen in a girl without being a narcissist. Come here and take a pick with me," said Elena.

"But we're naked!" said Elena.

"I'll just take an upper body shot, no boobies. Or just upper boobies. They can read into it what they like."

The two precious ladies stood before the freestanding full-length mirror. The iPhone 14 showed the women from the top of the boobs up, smiling, happy, with bedroom hair. Anyone would guess that we had just had sex.

"Send me those. They're precious," said Elena. "Also, one or two of your favorites. Jules in Paris. Jules in Rome, but without the girlfriends. Just you."

Elena still had the picture of herself that she was comparing to the Mexican babes from the website. She texted it to Jules. And waited. It was done at a studio, with a full makeover.

"OMG honey, you're so beautiful. You should be in modeling in New York. Or in the movies."

Elena craned her neck around and kissed Jules. She smelled her hair too. "Ahh, so fragrant, so nice."

"When do you want to talk to Penelope and get it done," said Jules.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow morning, and then get my stuff in two or three carloads. Saturday night we can P-A-R-T-Y."

They moved to the bedroom and proceeded to fuck. Fuck hard, like beautiful girls in their twenties do.

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Next: Chapter 2

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