Downloading Grindr

By Danny Writer

Published on Jul 16, 2018


Hello everyone. I'm new to writing stories, at least ones that are read by other people, so any feedback would be appreciated. You can email me at and I've set up a tumblr as well at (I noticed a lot of people have been doing that recently so I hope you enjoy the content there too).

All the usual disclaimers stand - the characters and events of this story are entirely fictional and ever part is played by an actor over the age of 18 (or 21, whatever it is where you are). Don't read this story if you are offended by the idea of a 17-year-old boy discovering his sexuality with other teens and men.

Thank you so much for all the emails and messages on tumblr about the first chapter. It's so motivating to hear how much you've enjoyed my first post and how you want me to continue and it definitely encouraged me to get this chapter out quicker. Please enjoy

Chapter 2 of Downloading Grindr

After my late-night adventures, I fell asleep really quickly. I was full content having sucked on my first cock and having a tummy full of his tasty teen spunk. It's as if having done that just made everything make sense. No longer was I the confused teenager who had no idea who he was and what he wanted. Now, I was definitely a gay twink who loved the taste of cock and cum. It was like the jumble of thoughts and voices in my head had quietened and left me able to think clearly for the first time in a very long time. My last thought before I fell into my dreams was of how much I wanted to do this again.

My dreams were absolutely crazy. I've had sexual dreams before but, now having done something, they were just so much more realistic. I jumped up in bed as I woke, my cock tenting the sheets away from me, with flashes in my mind of Ethan's big teen cock, of his face looking at me and of his hand on my own dick. After a few deep breaths, I relaxed back down onto my bed. I was tired - very tired - after a very detailed set of dreams and I was honestly shocked that I hadn't shot a load during the night with how sexy they had been.

I pushed back my covered and, without even thinking about it, my right hand moved down my body, gliding over my abs, and took hold of my rock hard teen cock. It was already leaking and I'd definitely left trails of precum over my covers during the night. I'd started sleeping naked about 2 years ago because it was just so much cooler and more freeing. I couldn't imagine sleeping with any small part of clothing on now.

My dick was already throbbing as I took hold of it. After years and years of self-pleasure, I'd become an expert at working my own dick and, to be fair, it seemed that Ethan agreed with me with how well I'd worked his. My right hand flew up and down my shaft with the familiar movements that it'd been doing since I first discovered wanking at 12. My left joined it with something I had just learnt recently: the fingers of my left hand took hold of my balls and started to lightly squeeze them. It wasn't enough to cause any pain or anything like that but just enough to provide a little pressure. As soon as I did that, the moans started to come thick and fast. I was glad that I was in the attic room and that, when converting it, my parents had been really worried about my music blaring down through the floor. They'd sound-proofed the floor which pretty much meant that I could be as loud as I wanted without worrying too much about whether they could hear me or not. In fairness, I still didn't go wild; the thought of my parents listening to me moan and groan while squeezing my balls was not sexy in any which way.

Bending my knees, my placed my feet on the bed and opened my legs wider. My hands had much better access like this and I could feel myself getting close. My balls were tightening and pulling away from my hand and back towards my body. It wouldn't take long now. My eyes were screwed tight, ten more seconds and I'd explode. Suddenly, a knock on my door rang through the room. Immediately, I dropped my cock and covered myself up. The knock came again.

"Come in," I called out, making sure that there was no way the outline of my throbbing cock was visible under the covers. The door slowly opened and my dad walked in. "Morning, how does it feel on your first day as a 17-year-old?" "Yeah, great dad," I groaned out, "It would have been better if I'd had more sleep." He laughed at me: "It's already 11 o'clock. I just wanted to tell you that your mum and I are going out. I'm not sure when we'll be back but if you go out just make sure to lock the door." "Jesus dad, I only left it unlocked once! And I was only 13 too." "We just like to make sure," he said as he closed the door to my room.

Sometimes they treat me like I'm such a kid. That's one of the reasons I don't want to come out to them yet; if I did, they'd want to wrap me in cotton wool and protect me from the 'big bad world'. There's no way I'd get to do anything like I did last night. I briefly thought about returning to my cock but it had softened: the moment had gone.

I went through my usually morning routine and, within 30 minutes, I was freshly showered, dressed and relaxing on the sofa in the living room. There wasn't much on TV so I was just flicking through the channels when my phone alerted me to a notification. It was the 'Grindr' app and I realised that I hadn't opened it since the night before. There were a few messages: one from Ethan just saying that we should get together again sometimes (I replied that I'd love to); a few from a couple of blank profiles who were offering me money if I wanted to get together with them (I politely told them that I wasn't interested in going down that route) and then there was Jack.

The message from Jack wasn't what caught my eye if I'm being honest. Even in the tiny thumbnail next to his message, he looked amazing. A dark-haired beauty with chiselled cheekbones and bright blue eyes. He looked to be quite young and, when I checked his profile, it confirmed that he was 18. The picture also revealed part of his chest, which appeared to be quite toned with a light dusting of dark hair. Simply put, he was hot and of course I was going to message back straight away.

Unfortunately, in my excitement, and with clumsy fingers, I ended up making a complete hash of what I originally wanted to type. Before I had the chance to correct it, he'd sent me the crying with laughter emoji and a short message:

Jack: I'm assuming that was supposed to be asking how I am? Callum: Yeah, sorry. Silly fingers weren't doing what I told them to hehe. Jack: Oh really? So, I make you that nervous, do I?

Shit, I'd been rumbled straight away.

Callum: Erm... yeah to be honest. Jack: Why? Callum: You're just really attractive. Like, really really attractive.

He sent me another crying with laughter emoji and thanked me for saying so before asking me what I looked like.

Callum: Oh sorry! I forgot that I don't have a picture up on my profile. Here you go. Jack: Wow you're really cute! Was that at some kind of party? Callum: Yeah it was my birthday yesterday. Jack: Do you mind taking and sending another picture now? You're so cute that I just want to make sure that you're for real.

Oh wow. I hadn't even thought that people on this app not being who they presented themselves as. I quickly snapped a picture of me sat on the couch, hair still wet from the shower, and sent it to him.

Jack: Great, now take another with you holding up two fingers so I can see that it's definitely you.

I did as he asked and sent it on. I wish I could tell you that I was conscious enough to ask him to do the same or even challenge him on the idea that he hadn't proven that he was definitely real but I didn't. It was almost as if him demanding that I prove my realness made him already genuine.

Jack: Oh yes, I'm so glad you're not another fake like the other guys on here. So, what are you up to today then? Callum: Nothing much, just sat around the house at the moment, as you saw. Jack: What experience do you have then? Callum: Just hooked up with a guy last night for the first time. I sucked his dick and he played with mine. Jack: Did you enjoy it? Callum: Yes! It was amazing!

Ok calm down Callum; let's not come across as too much of an eager slut. Jack seemed to think it was funny anyway as he sent yet another crying with laughter emoji (he definitely had a bit of a fondness for those).

Jack: Do you fancy tasting another?

With the message, he sent a picture of a long uncut cock. It wasn't as thick as Ethan's had been but it was definitely longer. It looked fantastic and my mouth started to water the moment I looked at it.

Jack: Just took that now. I'm in the car if you fancy a quick meet up. Callum: That picture is awesome! Sorry but I don't want to have anyone come back to here. It's my parents' house and it just doesn't feel right having someone here. Jack: That's ok. I can pick you up and we'll drive someone secluded. Callum: Erm... yeah maybe.

I was unsure about getting in a car with someone I didn't know but the deal was sealed when he sent me another picture of his cock from underneath. His face was visible in the background and it looked as if his big uncut dick had already started to leak precum all down the shaft. It was accompanied by a simple message: "Come on, you know you want it."

10 minutes later, I had at the end of a road waiting for his car to pull up. I'd not given him my address - I had that much sense at least - and had instead walked a few streets over and told him to meet me at the end of the road there. I was nervous and my palms were sweaty so I stuffed them into the pockets of my trackies to try and at least create the illusion that I was calm, confident and knew what I was doing.

Jack's car pulled up not long after. It was a dark blue Ford Focus and he has blasting music out of it as he pulled up at the curb. The windows were down, which was unsurprising given the heat of the day, and Jack was sat shirtless in the driver's seat. His body was very toned with a strong chest, covered in a light layer of hair, and a decently defined six pack. "Get in," he called at me when I didn't move, my mouth open just staring at him.

He drove away quickly. I don't think it was that he didn't want to be seen or anything like that; his natural driving style was quite fast anyway and we were definitely speeding along the roads. His left hand moved away from the gear stick and over onto the back of my neck. "Hey sexy boy," he said as he stroked my skin. The feel of his hand sent shivers down my spine and I just blushed as I stumbled through a reply. "We're going to go somewhere quiet, ok?" his voice was soft but firm and I definitely felt that this wasn't really a question but more just telling me exactly what was going to happen.

As he needed to change gear, his hand dropped from my neck and back to the stick. "Tell you what," he began, "Why don't you start playing with me now. Just looking at you is making me really horny." "Ok..." I replied in a quiet voice, "But you're wearing..." Before I could even finish the sentence, he'd lifted his bum off the seat and pushed down his shorts and boxers. He left them just on his thighs but they were down enough that his long uncut teenage cock was exposed and sat there waiting for me to play with it.

I reached out to touch it, my fingers trembling as they had last night but not quite as much. As I wrapped my hand around it, I was surprised at how familiar yet different it felt. It had the same heat as Ethan's and the softness of the skin but the thickness and length were totally different and it also felt much harder at its core. Jack started to groan and pant slightly as I worked his cock: the skin sliding up and down on his shaft. I didn't think to question how sensible this was when he was driving but he soon got us safely to a secluded spot.

I'd not been looking where we were going as I'd been so focused on his cock and, as I looked through the windows when the car stopped, I realised that I had no idea where I was. The panic must have shown through on my face because Jack, again, placed a comforting hand on my neck and started to rub it gently. "Hey," he said, "You're alright. We're just having some fun and then I'll take you home, ok?" "Yeah... sorry... I'm just being silly." He smiled at me: "No, it's ok. If it helps, we're just outside the west side of Leeds. No-one comes into this car park anymore so it's pretty safe to use." I smiled and, after having stopped a few moment ago, started to wank his cock again.

"Mmm," he groaned out as he sat back in his seat, "You like that cock, don't you?" Well I just started gushing over him: "It's beautiful Jack. You're so sexy. I can't believe how fit you are. It's so big too." He laughed: "Ok, calm down. Tell you what, let's see what you have to offer, yeah?"

I lifted up my body from the seat and he pulled my trackies down to reveal my cock 6.5-inch teen cock, which had been hard the entire car ride. He took it in his hand and started to stroke it. "Just sit back," he told me, "Enjoy this."

I relaxed into the seat as I leaned over. I could feel his hot breath on my cock as he moved his lips to within an inch of it. My head rolled back and I closed my eyes as his tongue snaked out of his mouth and licked the end of my cock. "Oh fuck," I whispered out as his soft red lips slowly opened over my exposed glands and edged, millimetre by millimetre, until the whole of my head was inside his warm, wet mouth.

My body immediately tensed; my legs trying to stand me up to push more of my cock into his mouth but Jack was strong and, with a single hand, pushed me back down. He was teasing me. He knew that I'd never experienced this before and he was determined to make sure that every single aspect of it was new and exciting. That first feeling of his tongue encircling my cock was simply divine.

As a result of my inexperience, and Jack's significant talents, I didn't last long. After what was probably less than a minute of this kind of treatment, I was already at the edge and, before I even realised what was happening, I was unloading into Jack's willing mouth. He moaned as he swallowed down every last drop that came out of me and was panting as he finally pulled off my softening cock.

"Wow," he said. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do it that quickly. It's just... I'd never done... I'm so sorry!" I felt so embarrassed by how long I'd lasted and figured that he must have been thinking I was just a dumb virgin that he was wasting his time with but nothing could have been further from the truth. "It's ok," he said, "It just means more time for you to focus on me. Besides, that was a huge load and really fucking delicious." I laughed, more out of relief than because I thought anything was funny. Jack sat back in his chair and took hold of the base of his still hard cock. He looked at me right in the eyes as his left hand returned to my neck and started to push me down towards it.

With Ethan, I'd struggled to take more than the head into my mouth and I was determined to do better this time. Jack had made me feel so amazing and I needed to make sure he really enjoyed this too. My eagerness showed and, no sooner than making contact with his cock, I was already pushing to get a few inches into my mouth.

"Fuck, you really love that cock, don't you?" he groaned from above my head as I pushed the head right to the back of my throat. I started to gag but, instead of pulling off, I just tried to relax my throat and swallow. It worked and the head of Jack's long dick pushed into my throat for the very first time.

Of course, I took to it like a duck to water and now because the best deepthroating expert that there has ever seen. No. Back here in reality, I pulled off pretty much straight away when that happened and started to cough and splutter. He told me that it was ok and to just suck the head but I was stubborn and tried again, and again, and again until I was able to take the head of his cock into my throat without gagging. Or, at least, without having to pull off because of the gagging.

As I became better at doing it, Jack was getting louder and louder and telling me how much he was loving what I was doing. His was very verbal and quite dirty in the way he spoke to me. He told me what a good little cocksucker I was and that I had been born to suck dick. He called me a slut and a faggot. And I loved it all. Every bit of nasty dirty talk turned me on so much more and made me want to work so much harder to please him.

I could tell he was getting close. His panting was now very shallow and his moans so loud that I'm sure they would have echoed around the countryside around us. The entire time, his hand had been on my neck, stroking it and using it to guide me up and down his cock. As his orgasm approached, he took this even further. His hand slipped up to the back of my head and, as his teen dick started to spasm, he forced me all the way down until he was balls deep in my throat.

As you can imagine, I started gagging a lot and trying to pull off but he wouldn't let me. He held me there as he shot his load directly down my throat and into my tummy. The only taste of it I got was when relaxed his hand and I was able to lap up the last few drops from his shaft and cock head.

I sat there panting and trying to get my breath back as he told me how good I'd done and how much he wanted to do this again sometime. I agreed, despite the roughness of his final actions, I'd enjoyed myself. My only regret was that I hadn't been able to taste the hot teen spunk that he'd shot into me but I did get to experience how much his cock expanded and throbbed within the tight confines of my throat - that had been hot enough.

Jack dropped me off at the same place that he'd picked me up and I walked back home. My parents still weren't in so I just unlocked the door and headed for another shower; the scent of sex and spunk all over me.

Thank you for reading my story. I'd really love to hear any feedback or ideas that you have so please send me an email at

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Next: Chapter 3

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