Downloading Grindr

By Danny Writer

Published on Aug 16, 2018


Hello everyone. I'm new to writing stories, at least ones that are read by other people, so any feedback would be appreciated. You can email me at and I've set up a tumblr as well at (I noticed a lot of people have been doing that recently so I hope you enjoy the content there too).

All the usual disclaimers stand - the characters and events of this story are entirely fictional and ever part is played by an actor over the age of 18 (or 21, whatever it is where you are). Don't read this story if you are offended by the idea of a 17-year-old boy discovering his sexuality with other teens and men. In Callum's world, bareback sex with multiple different men doesn't lead to diseases. In the real world, always be careful and take whatever precautions you need to.

Thank you so much for all the emails and messages on tumblr about the story so far. It's so motivating to hear how much you're enjoying it and it really inspires me to keep going. If you have any suggestions, please let me know and I'll try to write them in.

Chapter 10 of Downloading Grindr

Taking a man's cock inside you is nearly indescribable. When it starts, that moment when the thick mushroom head of his dick starts to apply pressure against your hole is such a conundrum. Immediately, you think that there is no way that something so big is ever going to fit inside a hole as small as yours. This is especially true when you're a tiny twink like me with a pretty little pucker. At the same time, you want it so much. Just that little bit of pressure is enough for you to override what your mind is saying, hell what some of your body is saying, and make you need to feel that cock push into you. When it does, it's an eye-rolling moment of both pain and pleasure. Feeling that first stretch of your little arse signals that it's going to happen - he's going to fit inside and you're going to take his cock into your warm little hole. It also gives you a sample of how much he is going to stretch you; how much you're going to have to accommodate inside you before he's done and that can be so scary at the same time. It doesn't stop there though: soon he's sliding every inch of his cock into you until his balls rest against your cheeks.

People often ask whether length or girth is more important. Long dicks reach places deeper inside you then you ever thought it was possible for a cock to go but thicker dicks stretch you much further than you ever imagined. I guess, it depends on what gives you the most pleasure as a bottom and how you get off. For me, all dicks are beautiful - long, short, thick, thin - every single dick has something so sexy about it and I'm certain that they all could make me shoot my load.

I love cum as well. I love how it tastes, how it feels, how it smells, everything about it. I love how it fills me up when a guy shoots his spunk inside me when he's fucking me or how it slides down my throat when I swallow a huge load from a sexy man. I think it's pretty easy to see that I've become a bit of a cumwhore and I'd so happy about that now.

In the last two days, I'd taken six pretty sizeable cocks inside me. None of the guys had been gentle; each one had given me a full and proper pounding. Don't get me wrong, I loved all the encounters and I finally understood why all of the twink bottom boys in porn moan, pant, groan and cry out so much but I was ready for a break. My hole was so sore after all of the rough fucking that I decided to give it a couple of days just to rest. After all, I hadn't even been able to sit down in my dad's car when he picked me up from work because of the throbbing pain coming from inside of me so I needed to put my love of dick to one side for a moment.

Practically, it wasn't that difficult to avoid meeting guys for sex for the few days followed my 6-cock weekend - I was busy with sixth form and it wasn't even like I ran into Drew there either. I was doing pretty well but, by Tuesday night, I was started to get that itch. All of you bottom boys out there know exactly what I'm talking about. That little itch that starts inside you that tells you that you'll need to take cock inside you soon. It starts quietly but it builds and builds until dick becomes all you can think about.

That's the situation I found myself in when I was sat in my room on Tuesday night. The need for something inside me was growing more powerful by the minute but I knew that my bum was still too sore for me to take the sort of fucking that the guys I've met had been giving me. Sat relaxing on my bed, I started to think of alternatives. If I could control the rate of the fuck then I'd probably be fine. As you can imagine, it didn't take long before I was on my laptop and looking up how to order different sized dildos from different places.

Oh my goodness - seeing the range of different things that companies have made for people to shove inside themselves was quite eye-opening. Between all of the ridiculously large toys or those shaped like fantasy creature dicks, it took me a while just to find something simple. Eventually, I stumbled across something which was called the bottom boy starter set: three dildos of growing thickness and length. This was perfect for me and exactly what I needed to take the edge of while I was refraining from getting power-fucked by dirty men. I read through the information and ordered a set on next day delivery.

Now, I'd expected that these sorts of things - you know, items of a sensitive nature - would be delivered in non-descript packages. I mean, even just random items that you order from Amazon don't have anything on their packaging that suggests what's inside. This was where I'd made my first mistake.

It was Wednesday morning and my parents had already set off from work. I'd just finished drying myself after a nice long shower and I had come down to the kitchen to get breakfast wearing only a pair of tight black CK boxer-briefs. That was when the doorbell rang. I didn't have time to get anything else to put on; the delivery guy was already knocking on the door and shouting through to see if someone was home - he clearly wasn't a very patient man. I ran to the door and just made sure to hide my body behind it as I opened it.

"Good morning," the man stood on my doorstep said as he smiled at me. Fuck. I froze and ended up letting the door swing passed me, exposing my semi-naked body to this man. He was absolutely stunning and I don't use that lightly. His dark hair was styled backwards and he had a couple of days' stubble across his square jaw. He stood at around 6ft4 and he was wearing the UPS uniform that was clearly too small for his muscled frame: he looked as if he was going to burst out of it if he just flexed his muscles a little. The top few buttons were undone - probably because his pecs were too big to allow him to fasten them in the first place - exposing his chest to me. His arms looked strong and powerful with big veins running through them over his very well-developed muscles. His uniform shorts were straining too - the bulge at the front of them was pulling all of the fabric forward and my eyes were immediately drawn to it.

After a few moments of me silently starting at the beauty of this stud, he repeated his greeting although this time with a short laugh. That shook me out of my state and I replied: "Hi... erm... you have got something for me?" Now I asked that question innocently (though I know you don't believe me) but his reply definitely didn't sound innocent to me. "Oh yes," he said while looking right at me, "I've got a big package for you." I felt myself lick my lips involuntarily as he bent down to pick up the box at his feet. He handed it to me and I could see the branded logo of the company I'd bought the dildos from displayed all over the side of the box. I completely froze; there was no way this delivery man hadn't seen where the package was from and it wasn't even like it was some kind of subtle company name either. Completely panicking, I took the box from him and immediately turned around to find somewhere to put it; ultimately placing it on the sideboard a few paces into the hall. Then I heard the door shut behind me.

He was stood there. This stud was stood there inside my house with the door closed behind him. He was just looking at me and he didn't break eye contact once, not even when he reached down and locked the door behind him. "Erm... I... I'm fine... erm... with it now..." I stuttered out, still in my panicked state but the delivery man didn't move - he just smiled at me. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said with his voice low and steady. "What? Hurt me? Why... why would you say that?" the noise coming from my own mouth was shaky and my panic was glaringly obvious. He smiled though, with the way his eyes looked at me, it did nothing to soften his face. "I know," he began, "I know what's in that box." With that, the pieces began to fall into place: he knew that the items in the package were sex toys; he had probably worked out that that meant that I was gay and he had walked into my house and locked the door behind him. So, we had two options here. Either he hated gay people and was going to try and attack me or, the more likely given the way he was staring at me, he wanted... me.

My suspicions were confirmed as he started to walk towards me, unbuttoning his UPS uniform shirt with each step until it was wide open and his muscled chest and abs exposed. My mouth dropped open and I swear that drool started to leak out. My realisation must have been written across my face as he started to laugh: "Oh yeah, now you get it, don't you boy?" I gulped: he'd found my trigger word.

The delivery guy didn't waste a moment of time. Within seconds, he'd taken hold of my collar and pulled me towards him. Given my small stature, I wasn't even tall enough to reach his lips but that didn't matter; he just lifted me up. I'm not kidding - he literally placed his strong arms around my little body and lifted me off the floor so that he could bring my lips to his. His kissing style was aggressive and it became even more so after he'd pushed me against the wall to support him holding me up in the air. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. Our tongues danced together to a song of submission - it was clear who was in charge here and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

Partway through our passionate exchange, his hands dropped from my torso and moved down towards my bum. He groaned out as he took hold of my cheeks - one in each hand. "Aw fuck," he growled between kisses, "Perfect little bubble bum. I bet you like that little arse fucked, don't you boy? That why you've ordered those toys, yeah?" "Uh-huh," I moaned as his lips moved to my neck - his stubble tickling and scratching against my soft skin. "Yeah, I thought so - you're a slut, aren't you?" "Oh fuck," Hearing a man call me a slut had this effect on me every single time. It was like there was a switch deep inside me and, at the first hint of dominant dirty talk, it flicked over and unleashed the inner slut I'd been hiding all these years. "Yes!" I told him, "I'm a nasty boy and I need men like you." "That's why you've bought all these toys, eh? You need your boy pussy filled when men aren't around." He was getting louder and louder with everything he said. "Yes!" I shouted back at him as he slid one of his hands into the bottom of my boxers - his fingers searching as they stretched the fabric, "I needed it - my hole's been so empty." "When did you last get fucked, boy?" "Too long ago..." I gasped as I felt him nibble my ear, "Like... a few days ago." He laughed: "Oh, you really are a slut, aren't you? A few days and you're desperate for more inside your little boy pussy. What a fucking whore." His words should have embarrassed me; they should have made me feel shame for what I had become. But they didn't. Instead, each thing he said just turned me on more and unleashed more of the inner slut that I truly was. "I need it... please!" My voice didn't even sound like my own anymore. "Oh I know exactly what you need; don't worry about that."

With that, he let me drop from my raised position between him and the wall but he didn't allow me to go free - one hand took hold of me by the back of the neck and the other reached out to pick up the package he'd just delivered to me. He didn't say a word to me as he pushed me into the living room and down onto the large couch in there. I didn't fight him - not even a little bit - and just looked up at him in my semi-naked state and waited for his next instruction.

The package he'd brought with him was placed down next to me and, with a quick movement, he ripped open the box, exposing the private and sexual contents. There were three toys with each growing in length and thickness and each with a slightly different look. One was black with realistic looking veins running all the way down it. The second was red and it got really thick in the middle but thinner afterwards. The final dildo was clear and looked as if it was made from a series of small bubbles joined together which gave it a very ridged shaft - even looking at it I could tell that you'd feel every little change in thickness from that toy.

He picked up the red one and walked up to me. He didn't sit down and the difference in our positions was just further heightened by the dominating nature of his physical presence. His empty hand took hold of my chin and pulled my face upwards. "Open your mouth," he commanded. I didn't respond straight away and he didn't like that, "Open your slutty fucking mouth you stupid whore!" His voice seemed to echo around my living room and I immediately complied with his instruction. Straight away, the toy was placed against my open lips and he started to push it into my mouth.

The feeling was so unusual - the shape was now familiar given the number of cocks I'd had inside my mouth but the texture was completely alien. It wasn't unpleasant but there was no way that toys like this could ever replace the feel of a real dick on your tongue. The delivery man started to push the red toy in and out of my mouth - he wasn't getting deep enough to hit my throat or make me gag. It was almost as if he was just doing it to show me that he could. "Stick your tongue out," he growled down at me. Of course, I did so and he started to slap the fake dick on my tongue. "Yeah! That's how real slut boys should look." He decided to see how far he could push it into my throat and he placed his hand around the outside as he pushed the toy in as far as it would go. "Fuck - your throat is bulging with this big dick inside you." He sounded both surprised and impressed as I took the toy without any problems. I guess lots of sucking dick eventually pays off in removing most of your gag reflex.

Suddenly, the toy was pulled away and he practically threw it across the room. He pushed me back and lifted my legs up into the air. Picking up the black dildo, he started to rub it along my bum. Even through my boxers, I could feel the veins across the surface as he dragged it up and down my little crack. He began to push it against me, zeroing in on exactly where my little pucker was and I moaned as I felt the head push on my hole for the first time.

He put the toy to one side and his face moved towards my boxer-covered bum. I thought that he was going to push his face into my arse but he didn't. He took hold of the fabric of my boxer with his teeth and, using them along with his hands, ripped open a hole in the middle of the seat of my pants. He literally tore open my boxers so that he could get at my hole and it turned me on so much that I started begging for him to place with it.

He wasn't interested in playing. The black toy was brought up to my mouth and he told me to make it as wet as possible. I tried my best and, after about 10 seconds, he'd decided that he wasn't waiting any longer and the toy left my mouth and was placed straight through the hole in my boxers.

I moaned out loudly as I felt it against my hole - I was craving something inside me so badly and I made sure that the delivery man knew exactly how much I wanted this: "Please! Pushed it inside me! I fucking need it!" He didn't disappoint and I felt every single vein on that big black toy as he pushed it into my hole, stretching my little pucker around it for the first time.

Automatically, I arched my back as he forced it inside me. Normally, that's a good thing but I was laid on my back with my legs in the air and it caused my legs to start to fall. The delivery man didn't miss a beat; he caught both of my ankles in one hand and pushed them high into the air as the other hand started to push the dildo further into me until there was only a little left for him to hold on to.

Then he stopped. He held the toy buried inside me and didn't move another inch. "I want to hear you beg," he told me, looking down on me as he started to twist the toy inside me. "Oh my fucking god yes! Please! Just fuck me with it. Please, I need it so bad!" He smiled and immediately followed what I'd begged him to do. I was there, on the couch in my living room, getting my arse fucked by a fake cock which was being forced into me by the man who had delivered it. My own cock was straining against what was left of my boxers as he began to move faster and faster; telling me what a slut I was with every single inward thrust.

I took hold of my ankles, pulling them from his grip, and pulled my legs back as far as they would go. Those childhood gymnastics classes were starting to pay off and I was able to get them pretty far back. He sat back a little and started to watch what he was doing to my hole given his, now, clearer view. He pulled the toy all the way out and watched as my open hole started to close. "You get tight again straight away," he told me, sounding fascinated and turned on in equal parts, "Such a natural born slut."

Pulling away from me, he stood up, toy in hand, and told me to flip myself over and arch my back. I did as he instructed and placed my knees on the couch with my head down as far as it would go and my tight twink bum up towards him. I felt something big being pressed against my hole and it took me a moment to register how different the feeling really was. This wasn't him pushing the toy back inside me, as I'd expected him to. No, what was against my hole now felt completely different - softer and harder at the same time. This wasn't a toy: this was his real dick! Before I had time to say anything, he pushed inside me and I felt the head of his cock forced its way passed my pucker and a few inches into my hole. He'd just unzipped the front of his shorts and pulled it out - I'd not even seen it and so had no idea how big we were talking about here. He didn't give me any rest time though and just kept pushing and pushing.

Inch after inch sank into me and there was still no sign that we were getting close to the end. This guy must have had at least 8 inches inside me by the time I felt his pubes against my cheeks. "Oh damn... you're so big... so fucking big!" I panted as I tried to get used to the monster that had invaded me. "And you're so bloody tight!" he called out as he started to fuck his cock in and out of me. They were short bursts at first but they started to get longer and longer as time went on. Each thrust was forcing more of me open, stretching me wider and I realised there and then that I should never deny myself cock at all even for a few days.

I'd been expecting this delivery man to have a big cock given how huge his bulge was and I'd been expecting him to fuck me roughly. What I hadn't expected was to have the dildo, which had just been inside my hole, pushed towards my face and to be given the order to lick it clean.

I'm not going to pretend to you that I was somehow shocked or appalled. I wasn't disgusted or even put off at all by the knowledge of where it had just been. No, with how this man had dominated me and was now fucking the hell out of me, I was fully prepared to do anything he asked and I lapped at the toy with my tongue as if my life depended on it. I even accepted it when he placed it against the back of the couch and pushed my head down onto it, forcing as much as possible into my throat at the same time as thrusting his dick deep inside me.

He used me like that for a while: his big dick wrecking my hole while he enjoyed forcing the toy that had just been all the way inside my slutty arse all the way into my throat. After a short while, his grunts became quicker and louder and his thrusts begun to match this. He power-fucked my twink hole at the most amazing speed and then cried out like a wild bear as he dumped his load of spunk so far inside me that I knew I was going to feel it for days. "Take it! Fucking take my load you disgusting little cumwhore!"

He was right. I was a nasty little cum-loving slut and I laid there just enjoying the feeling of having been used as he pulled out, zipped up and left. His cum was so far inside me that it wasn't leaking out just yet and I just lay there in my post-fuck bliss. I was only shaken out of it by the sound of a car approaching my house. I jumped up, grabbed the box and the black toy that had been near my face and ran towards the stairs. Well... as well as I could run after the pounding I'd just taken. It wasn't until I reached the top of the stairs that I realised that I only had two of the dildos; the red one that the delivery man had thrown must have been laid in the living room somewhere. Unfortunately, it was too late to go down and get it as the sound of the door closing reached my ears, followed by a familiar voice - my brother was home from uni.

Thank you for reading my story. I'd really love to hear any feedback or ideas that you have so please send me an email at

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Next: Chapter 11

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