Downloading Grindr

By Danny Writer

Published on Jul 14, 2018


Hello everyone. I'm new to writing stories, at least ones that are read by other people, so any feedback would be appreciated. You can email me at and I've set up a tumblr as well at (I noticed a lot of people have been doing that recently so I hope you enjoy the content there too).

Please enjoy

Chapter 1 of Downloading Grindr

My trembling hand reached slowly up through the air. Each second felt like a lifetime as I edged closer to the very thing I'd been dreaming about for years. The world around me fell still and silent; all I could hear was the beating of my own racing heart. My mind was a flurry of fleeting thoughts - was this the right thing to do? Would anyone find out? Would this make me never want it again or want it so bad that it becomes all I can think about? In an instant, my thoughts went quiet and it happened: my shaking fingers finally made contact with his skin.

I guess I should explain what is happening but, for that, you'd have to know a little more about me. My name is Callum and today is my 17th birthday. I'm a student at sixth form in a city called Leeds in the United Kingdom. For those from other countries, a sixth form is like a college for 16 to 18 year olds but it's attached to a high school instead of being a whole separate place. In the UK, we study at a sixth form or college before heading off to University at 18. I'm a pretty decent student: I get good grades; I don't make too much trouble for the teachers and I'm pretty social with a good group of mates.

As well as studying, I have a job on the weekend. It's nothing flashy, just working in a clothes shop at the local shopping centre, but it brings in some money so I'm not relying on my parents for everything. I'm the youngest in my family; my older brother, Jake, is 20 and already living away at uni. My parents have decent jobs and, to be honest, we've never really wanted for anything but I still don't like to be too much of a burden on them. I've even started giving them a little bit of my wages every month - they didn't want to accept it at first but I insisted.

I'm told that I'm good looking. I don't necessarily agree when people say that but I'm not one of those people who tries to fish for further compliments whenever someone is nice to him. At 5ft7, I'm below the average height for my age but that doesn't really bother me. I've short to medium length brown hair which I sometimes wear up and styled but often leave down and messy. My best features, I think, are my green eyes and freckles. I'm naturally slim as well. Despite years of eating crap, I've still maintained a 6 pack and I'm happy that I seem to be developing a nice little bubble bum as well. Now, on this site, you read all the time about teens with huge 11-inch cocks - I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm quite happy with my above average 6.5 inches. Considering, I'm still growing, I'd say that's pretty good so far.

Of course, there is the most important thing: I'm gay. That'll come as no surprise to you, after all this is a gay story site, but no-one in my life knows. I don't think they even suspect. I've always been pretty laddish - hanging around with all the guys, playing football (soccer for you Americans) and generally just being 'one of the boys'. In fact, other than people in the media, I only know one other gay lad. There's a boy called Aaron in my year at sixth form. He came out a few years ago although, if I'm being truthful with you, he was never really hidden in any closet. He's very camp and, whilst I have nothing against that, it's not who I am and I think that's why none of my friends have ever really questioned it despite me never having a girlfriend.

As I said, today is my 17th birthday and my parents threw a party for me and my friends. There was food, dancing and they even got us some alcohol as well. I'm not going to say that I got drunk but I was definitely a little tipsy by the time the evening ended and my friends went home. The buzz continued as we cleared everything away and I ended up in my bed. I think that's why it happened. Sure, I was horny but the alcohol definitely played a part in what I did next - I downloaded 'Grindr'.

I'd put the app on my phone before - a couple of times in fact - but I'd never made a profile. Just looking around at whether there were any gay guys in my area and seeing if I knew any of them (I never did) was enough but this time was different. This time, I needed to do more. I was 17 now and still a virgin. More than that, I'd never even touched another cock or, other than in the showers, seen another in real life. It was about time that I corrected that mistake.

Going onto the profile, I fumbled my way through filling it out. Inputting the numerical information was easy but I had no idea what to put as a display name for my profile or in the 'About me' section. In the end, I just used my name for the display and spouted a load of rubbish into the 'About me':

"Young lad," I wrote, "who hasn't had any experience before. I guess I just want to see what I can do and whether anyone is interested."

So here I was, at a little after midnight, as a blank profile on a gay app. As you can imagine, the messages came flooding through... no... actually, they didn't. I didn't get a single message for 20 minutes. I was about to give up when my phone notified me of a message.

"Ethan" was the display name of the guy who had sent it. From his picture, he looked to be around my age and his profile said that he was just a little older at 19. He was cute: short ginger hair with a kind face and eyes. He was dressed a little chavy and that just made him even better in my eyes. My breathing quickened significantly as I started replying to his message and then to the ones that followed.

Ethan: Hey there. How you doing?

Callum: Hello. I'm alright thanks. How are you?

Normally when I use my phone, I'm not formal in my messages at all but, for whatever reason, I felt like I had to revert back to writing everything as full sentences.

Ethan: Hehe I'm good mate. Do you have a pic?

This was it. I had to show my face if I wanted this conversation to go any further (and I definitely did). After trying to take a couple of photos there and then, I realised that I wasn't going to get a decent one to send him when it was this late but that I did have a few from the party earlier on. I cropped it down so that my friends weren't in it and sent it on to him.

Ethan: Nice! You're really cute. How old are you though?

Shit. Do I lie and say 18 or should I just be honest?

Callum: It was my birthday today - I just turned 17. I hope you don't mind that.

Ethan: No, not at all. That's totally fine, I'm not long 19 myself. So, you've not done anything then?

Callum: No, I've been curious for a while but I've never done anything with anyone.

Ethan: Not even messed around with a mate on a sleepover?

Callum: Nope. I've never even seen another hard cock in real life.

There was a pause and I was deeply concerned that Ethan had decided that I was too inexperienced for him but then a picture appeared on the screen, followed quickly by a message.

Ethan: What do you think of mine?

Wow. On my phone, was a beautiful uncut cock surrounded by a lightly trimmed set of ginger pubes. It was pretty straight with a slight downwards curve and looked to be a similar sort of size to my own.

Callum: That's amazing!

I followed the message up with a collection of love heart eye emojis so that my feels really came across to him.

Ethan: Well, it's yours if you want it? It's really hard right now.

Callum: What? Now?

Ethan: Yeah, why not? It says you're really close, within a few hundred feet so let's do it.

Callum: But I can't.

Ethan: Why?

Callum: It's my parents' house.

Ethan: Hahaha, no silly. We'll meet outside. You know where Asda is?

Callum: Yeah...

Ethan: There's a ginnel (alleyway for those of you not from Yorkshire) just behind it. It's totally secluded. We can meet there.

At this point, my body was having such a strong reaction to what I was reading. I was physically shaking and could barely make out what was on the screen. I kept having to remind myself to take deep breaths and trying to steady myself. This was why I'd joined 'Grindr' in the first place so I couldn't chicken out now, could I?

I sent Ethan a message telling him that I'd be there in 10 minutes. Slipping on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I proceeded to sneak from my room down to the front door. There were a few close calls with creaky floorboards, particularly on the stairs, but my parents are both pretty sound sleepers so I wasn't too worried about getting caught. I locked the door behind me and set off.

I hadn't bothered to put on underwear and my cock was rock hard and jutting out for the entire time I was walking to Asda. It would definitely have been obvious to anyone passing by if the streets hadn't been completely empty. Despite me almost turning around twice, I made the journey in 5 minutes and was left waiting there, in the darkened ginnel, for Ethan to arrive.

At first, I only saw his shadow. He was both taller and broader than I'd thought and, for a moment, I felt like I'd definitely made the wrong choice and that this was going to lead to trouble for me but, as soon as his kind and handsome face, came into view, I relaxed. He was wearing a pair of dark trackies with a plain t-shirt, blue adidas trainers bringing the only colour to his outfit.

"Hey," he said to me, in slightly whispered tones, "You doing ok?" "Yeah..." I replied in what I can only describe as a mouse-like voice. "I know you're nervous," his smile serving to calm me further, "It's perfectly normal to feel like that and we don't have to do anything if you don't want to. "No!" I said, almost too quickly, "I mean... I do want to." He let out a chuckle: "Good, because I'm so hard just looking at you."

With that, he placed his hand on my arm and moved in closer. I stumbled back a little, not trying to move away but just not strong enough to keep my balance and ended up resting against the wall of the ginnel. I could feel his warm breath on my face as I watched his eyes flit between my eyes and my lips. He edged closer and closer.

Fireworks exploded in my head as his soft lips touched my own. I was being kissed by this sexy 19-year-old. I'm not going to pretend that it was some intense make-out session: it wasn't. There were no tongues, no roaming hands. It was just a soft and gentle introduction; exactly what I needed to put me at ease.

"I want you to play with my cock," he whispered to me, "Are you going to do that for me?" Not trusting my own voice, I just nodded and he began to apply pressure on my shoulder, indicating that I should move to my knees. I went with it and found myself on my knees, in a dirty alley, in front of a sexy teen who was pulling down his trackies to reveal his 7 inches of uncut chavy cock.

My trembling hand reached slowly up through the air. Each second felt like a lifetime as I edged closer to the very thing I'd been dreaming about for years. The world around me fell still and silent; all I could hear was the beating of my own racing heart. My mind was a flurry of fleeting thoughts - was this the right thing to do? Would anyone find out? Would this make me never want it again or want it so bad that it becomes all I can think about? In an instant, my thoughts went quiet and it happened: my shaking fingers finally made contact with his skin.

The first thing I noticed was how soft and hard it felt at the same time. The second thing was the heat and this only become more noticeable as I wrapped my fingers around his uncut teenage cock. He moaned as I took hold of him. I didn't do anything at first - just feeling it throb against my palm was enough to overload my senses. Ethan reached down and placed his hand over mine; he started to slide it up and down his shaft, moving the foreskin over the exposed, wet glands at the head of his cock.

"Yeah," he groaned, "Just like that. That's perfect. Keep going." My hand glided over his rock-hard shaft. It pulsed with every stroke and the head of his cock glistened more and more every time his foreskin rolled back and forth over it. It was too tempted; it just looked too good and it was right there!

"Oh fuck, yes!" Ethan cried out as my virgin lips opened around an exposed cock head for the first time. His warmth filled my mouth and, after just the head, I already felt my lips stretched as far as I thought they could go.

This is definitely where my inexperience showed. I didn't know what to do so I just held the head in my mouth and tried to move my tongue around it. I couldn't get it to do much with how full my mouth was but the teen chav in front of me seemed to be enjoying it because his moans continued to grow. My hand was still working on his shaft and, as I pumped faster, I could feel little droplets leaving his dick and sliding onto my tongue.

The taste was amazing; an intense blend of sweet and salty that I had never tasted before. It was only weak - I assumed that that was because that must have been his precum - but I loved it anyway. I started to lap my tongue over the slit again and again, searching out more of the stuff. He suddenly groaned really loudly and took hold of my head.

"Keep going that, lick my slit, fucking do it," he groaned at me. But it became clear that he wanted more than that. His hips started to push towards me and, with his hands holding me in place, I couldn't move back. He was forcing his cock head towards the back of my throat and more of his shaft into my mouth.

I wish I could tell you that I managed to take every last inch into me, like some of the stories on here do, but you and I both know that that isn't realistic. I started choking on his cock as soon as it touched the back of my throat and Ethan let me go so I could pull off. He giggled at me while I was coughing and told me that, as a gay lad, I'd get used to that pretty quickly. Although I had no desire to try to take him into my throat, I wasn't giving up on his cock just yet and I returned to sucking on the head and wanking the shaft.

His moans and groans were turning me on so much. I had already unfastened my shorts and pulled out my own uncut cock and was now sliding my own skin over my cock head and groaning around Ethan's cock as a result.

"Oh fuck, I'm getting close," he warned me and I just carried on sucking on his head. "No, seriously, pull off if you don't want a mouthful."

Of course, I didn't pull off and, within a few seconds, Ethan let out a huge groan and his cock started to throb harder in my hand - the muscles at the base contracting and expanded. My mouth was flooded, and I mean flooded, with shot after shot of his teen spunk. If I'd thought his precum was amazing then to take his actual spunk whilst it was hot from the source was just phenomenal. I did panic as my mouth was beginning to fill out but I reminded myself to swallow and started to gulp his teen cum down.

As his cock started to soften, he pulled away from me, telling me how sensitive it was now. After a few seconds, he pulled me to my feet and pushed my hand away from my own throbbing cock. With his left arm, he pinned me against the wall and started to work my cock with his right hand. My moans quickly grew so he placed his left hand over my mouth to keep me quiet.

The feeling of someone else touching my dick was extreme and it didn't take very long before I was ready to spunk all over him. With my mouth covered, however, I couldn't warn him and I ended up decorating his hand and arm with my teen seed. I was ready for him to go off at me but he didn't. Actually, he smiled, brought his arm to his lips and licked my cum from his body.

"Mmm," he groaned as the spunk slid down his throat, "There's nothing like teen cum." To be honest, I agreed with him.

Neither of us wanted to hang around for long. I was worried that my parents might wake up and notice me missing in the early hours of the morning but I needn't have stressed about it - they were sound asleep in their room and I made it back into mine without waking them.

Laying there in my bed, with my stomach full of hot cum, was such a wonderful feeling. I knew that I needed more of this and I needed it soon.

Thank you for reading my story. I'd really love to hear any feedback or ideas that you have so please send me an email at

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Next: Chapter 2

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